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Aug 27, 2022 8:29 AM

Nov 2011
Tbh, in some sense, I don't think this show will ever have an everlasting peace even with a plan to unify China.

Then again, I find the talk about humanity rather interesting in their timeline.
Aug 27, 2022 11:59 AM

Nov 2012
What an episode, specially the music during Sei’s speech.
Aug 27, 2022 12:32 PM

Jun 2017
Kingdom never fails to deliver. Another 10/10 episode

Zheng really has the power to move people with words, just like Yamamoto Kohta can with his incredible OSTs... I found myself agreeing with Lu Buwei for most of the episode, but Zheng at the end brought me back to his side... only 5 episodes left, please Studio Signpost and Pierrot, announce season 5... please....
Aug 27, 2022 12:44 PM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
The pacing felt a little slow during this episode, and probably could have been done in half an episode instead of a full one, but the different ideologies were interesting to see debated and explored.
Aug 27, 2022 1:45 PM
Mar 2015
The king makes his case fortified by the spirits of the dead
Aug 27, 2022 4:06 PM
Jun 2021
this season is awesome ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Aug 27, 2022 4:39 PM

Sep 2018
Bro, this anime makes more excited about the dialogue instead of the action.

This Zheng vs Lu Buwei is just incredible
I keep moving forward
Aug 27, 2022 4:51 PM
Jun 2019
Lu Buwei's soldiers are ruthless, I hope we will see the end of this battle this season.
Aug 27, 2022 5:32 PM
Jan 2019
fire speech, hot hot hot hot hot
Aug 27, 2022 6:17 PM

Apr 2018
Caught up with the manga. Time to head back to the anime where the fierceful debate is going on between Sei and Ryo Fui. Pacing was a bit slow but nontheless, a great fucking episode. It definitly felt like Ryo Fui was right but Sei's just overwhelmed him.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 27, 2022 8:05 PM
Sep 2009
This episode was incredible. Zheng's plight is very moving.
Aug 27, 2022 8:56 PM
Oct 2016
Only with Kingdom I could enjoy an episode of just 2 ppl talking
Aug 27, 2022 10:46 PM
May 2021
Im not a china history expert but i feel like the speech debate between Ryo Fui and Sei illustrate exactly the modern china. Ryofui's ideology is exactly why the modern China is such a powerhouse, with its economic influence, many countries has to rely on china and can't decouple with them like Modern Japan. Sei's ideology is also well representing the current PRC wants to unify the Chinese territory like Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. China has a lot of different dialects but everyone has a unified dialect which is the Mandarin. In a way Sei's ideology makes you want to understand why modern china's government, the CCP, wants to be the tyrant but ultimately wants the best for its people to grow prosperous and happy in their own metric.

Excellent episode, it might not be an action packed episode like most shounen animes, but it kept me on my chair the whole time. The episode ended too quickly.

On a side note, even thought it only lasted a few seconds, when Ou ki's name was mentioned, my heart skipped a bit. Ouki is my favorite kingdom character and I wish they can give us more of his backstory, like his childhood experience and his POV from his wartime serving the previous Qin king
Aug 27, 2022 11:17 PM

Jun 2021
Those ghostly hands Ying Zheng saw, I believe they are the... victims of war.
It was from back then when the leader of Former 6 Great Qin Generals ordered his men to... commit a genocide upon Zhao people. Surrendered soldiers, their families, innocent people, those who failed to flee from the battlefield when it begins... old folks, man, women, children, babies... they were all BURIED ALIVE

That was the greatest war crime Qin has ever committed in that past. Their darkest history before arisen of Qin Shi Huang. It was also the source of hatred with no boundary that Zhao holds against Qin. I have already forgotten the total number of people became victims of that event back then. But, only very few of them managed to crawl their way out. Man Go Ku was one of them, his hatred for Qin became his strength to destroy the kingdom. His family are all buried alive with him. On that day, he was just a small kid, witnessing the Qin soldiers kicked them down the deep pit and bury them with soils, slowly suffocating them to death.

I don't know how few of them managed to crawl out, but I believe their loved ones bite their ropes before they die, releasing them from being tied. ManGoKu and his men are the closest and the actual victims from that event that witnessed and experienced the horror.
Aug 27, 2022 11:38 PM

Jun 2022
This was a little boring episode hope they end this king drama in this season only.
Aug 28, 2022 9:47 AM
Apr 2018
As an "asian history" nerd, I was kinda disappointed by this episode. Until now, the series had followed history to a tee. Even though it was unclear how qin shi huang (eisei) behaviour was (kind like anime or ruthless like what the next dynasty portrayed him to be), it was clearly stated that eisei (in history) was a believer of legalism. A teaching where they believed that human nature was evil. What eisei stated in this episode was basically confusianism teaching, a total opposite of legalism.

In the end, it was still fiction so let us continue this journey.
Aug 28, 2022 11:34 AM
Feb 2021
As an "asian history" nerd, I was kinda disappointed by this episode. Until now, the series had followed history to a tee. Even though it was unclear how qin shi huang (eisei) behaviour was (kind like anime or ruthless like what the next dynasty portrayed him to be), it was clearly stated that eisei (in history) was a believer of legalism. A teaching where they believed that human nature was evil. What eisei stated in this episode was basically confusianism teaching, a total opposite of legalism.

In the end, it was still fiction so let us continue this journey.

it will get there trust me.
Aug 28, 2022 2:25 PM

Jul 2022
ig ei sei and rui are stand users
also lu buwei's men suck
Aug 28, 2022 4:48 PM
Sep 2017
The episode I waited to be animated since I'm a manga reader
Aug 28, 2022 10:10 PM
Jun 2021
This episode was majestic! I would love to see LeBuWei and Zheng debating on how to develop the country. This is much more than reading a huge history book. Words, screen, and sounds conveying all powerful sentiments made I felt the greatest of the king. Zheng is of visionary. He also claimed he must do it even if he will become a tyranny. How can any other one says that than the one who deserves to be a great. I am anticipating to seeing what will happen next in the following episode. The expectation would be higher definitely. ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘
Aug 28, 2022 11:16 PM
Jul 2019
Sei's speech was amazing seeing shi ka again made me both happy and sad
Aug 29, 2022 12:14 AM
Mar 2019
This episode asks a moral question- what do you choose..
a) To let the other nations wage war between them while you make profits off of them and use that to make your country prosperous, waiting for others to turn on you when they are finished.
b) To take matter in your own hands and END this cycle of war by taking part in that war killing thousands of your soldiers.

My take- No matter what you choose people will die, one is a way of prolonging the problem and one is filled with sacrifice of your brethren to possibly solve the problem once and for all.
Aug 29, 2022 2:14 AM
Mar 2017
Jusr a beautiful episode!
Aug 29, 2022 7:44 AM

Feb 2012
That's Saitaku the Qin's highest ranking diplomat.

Great episode with the clash or dreams.
Aug 30, 2022 5:36 AM
Aug 2014
Aug 30, 2022 10:06 AM
May 2021
Great episode cried a little, but cant wait to read the manga once the season is over.
Aug 30, 2022 7:53 PM
Sep 2019
Silent_Shadow05 said:
Those ghostly hands Ying Zheng saw, I believe they are the... victims of war.
It was from back then when the leader of Former 6 Great Qin Generals ordered his men to... commit a genocide upon Zhao people. Surrendered soldiers, their families, innocent people, those who failed to flee from the battlefield when it begins... old folks, man, women, children, babies... they were all BURIED ALIVE

That was the greatest war crime Qin has ever committed in that past. Their darkest history before arisen of Qin Shi Huang. It was also the source of hatred with no boundary that Zhao holds against Qin. I have already forgotten the total number of people became victims of that event back then. But, only very few of them managed to crawl their way out. Man Go Ku was one of them, his hatred for Qin became his strength to destroy the kingdom. His family are all buried alive with him. On that day, he was just a small kid, witnessing the Qin soldiers kicked them down the deep pit and bury them with soils, slowly suffocating them to death.

I don't know how few of them managed to crawl out, but I believe their loved ones bite their ropes before they die, releasing them from being tied. ManGoKu and his men are the closest and the actual victims from that event that witnessed and experienced the horror.

I thought it was only the 200k soliders that were buried alive.
Aug 30, 2022 9:53 PM
Jan 2021
depiction of ideological reasoning behind a leader/ruler's
justification for his action is interesting
Aug 31, 2022 1:24 AM
Sep 2020
the embodiment of perfection
Aug 31, 2022 3:22 PM
Aug 2021
Sep 1, 2022 8:46 AM

May 2012
"Dang! Lu Buwei has a point; his ideals are pretty impressive," that's what I initially thought. But good thing Sei countered with a much better argument. And that awesome background music was just so intense and fitting to the atmosphere while he was providing his viewpoints. On the other hand, whenever Sei mentions "unification" in the Middle Kingdom, it somehow reminds me of China's current efforts to "reunify" and "reclaim" its "lost" territories. I'm not particularly interested in history, but I'm currently intrigued by the history of the old Middle Kingdom.
Sep 1, 2022 1:37 PM
Jan 2016
Topzera, bem bom!!
Sep 1, 2022 8:29 PM

Apr 2008
Talk, talk, talk. Lmao, who cares? Give us a beach episode already.
Sep 3, 2022 4:14 PM

Mar 2010
Intense asf, and damn I couldn't help but want them to survive but it still seems a bit bleak.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 5, 2022 11:51 PM

Jun 2016
I was so hyped on the entirety of the episode. I just fucking love kingdom. No need to explain why this episode's a 5/5.
I am not a friend of justice. I am an enemy of evil.

Sep 10, 2022 8:39 AM
Jul 2019
rektatron said:
Im not a china history expert but i feel like the speech debate between Ryo Fui and Sei illustrate exactly the modern china. Ryofui's ideology is exactly why the modern China is such a powerhouse, with its economic influence, many countries has to rely on china and can't decouple with them like Modern Japan. Sei's ideology is also well representing the current PRC wants to unify the Chinese territory like Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. China has a lot of different dialects but everyone has a unified dialect which is the Mandarin. In a way Sei's ideology makes you want to understand why modern china's government, the CCP, wants to be the tyrant but ultimately wants the best for its people to grow prosperous and happy in their own metric.

Excellent episode, it might not be an action packed episode like most shounen animes, but it kept me on my chair the whole time. The episode ended too quickly.

On a side note, even thought it only lasted a few seconds, when Ou ki's name was mentioned, my heart skipped a bit. Ouki is my favorite kingdom character and I wish they can give us more of his backstory, like his childhood experience and his POV from his wartime serving the previous Qin king
No you can not compare the filthy ccp to sei,as there is total peace now and china don't have any excuses to become a tyrant country or terrorize their own ppl with the threat of war,they are literaly opposite to the sei.
Sep 10, 2022 8:43 AM
Jul 2019
DarkSageRK said:
Talk, talk, talk. Lmao, who cares? Give us a beach episode already.
You can find a lot more things in different website,so stop wasting your time here or ty to end your life,if you are trolling.
Sep 14, 2022 9:00 PM

Jul 2008
Everyone got pretty idealistic here, but can it really be achieved? Idk...
Oct 4, 2022 1:09 AM
Nov 2019
idiyiuyfdf dwsfsf
Oct 19, 2022 10:28 PM
Oct 2022
GalacticSamurai said:
rektatron said:
Im not a china history expert but i feel like the speech debate between Ryo Fui and Sei illustrate exactly the modern china. Ryofui's ideology is exactly why the modern China is such a powerhouse, with its economic influence, many countries has to rely on china and can't decouple with them like Modern Japan. Sei's ideology is also well representing the current PRC wants to unify the Chinese territory like Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. China has a lot of different dialects but everyone has a unified dialect which is the Mandarin. In a way Sei's ideology makes you want to understand why modern china's government, the CCP, wants to be the tyrant but ultimately wants the best for its people to grow prosperous and happy in their own metric.

Excellent episode, it might not be an action packed episode like most shounen animes, but it kept me on my chair the whole time. The episode ended too quickly.

On a side note, even thought it only lasted a few seconds, when Ou ki's name was mentioned, my heart skipped a bit. Ouki is my favorite kingdom character and I wish they can give us more of his backstory, like his childhood experience and his POV from his wartime serving the previous Qin king
No you can not compare the filthy ccp to sei,as there is total peace now and china don't have any excuses to become a tyrant country or terrorize their own ppl with the threat of war,they are literaly opposite to the sei.

True, I don’t think the CCP is comparable to this at all. Different era you know…

As an "asian history" nerd, I was kinda disappointed by this episode. Until now, the series had followed history to a tee. Even though it was unclear how qin shi huang (eisei) behaviour was (kind like anime or ruthless like what the next dynasty portrayed him to be), it was clearly stated that eisei (in history) was a believer of legalism. A teaching where they believed that human nature was evil. What eisei stated in this episode was basically confusianism teaching, a total opposite of legalism.

In the end, it was still fiction so let us continue this journey.

Xunzi was a Confucian and he believed human nature to be evil, so thinking that human nature is good, especially back then when Confucianism still had yet to be consolidated into the mainstream strands that we know of today (several different ‘Confucian’ scholars at the time exporting their own different philosophies), does little to qualify one as a Confucian.

Legalism, too, at least the Shang Yang strand, was at its core a philosophy of governance independent from moral philosophies (although the two could be applied in tandem, depending on the Legalist). Don’t just think of Legalism as being ‘everyone must be subordinate to me’ — another scholarly interpretation is ‘government ought to be impartial and the law must apply to everyone regardless of socioeconomic status’. Thus many Confucians then were heavily in favour of a strictly regimented, caste-based society, where the subject respected his superior and stayed in his lane and said superior respected his superior, etc. etc. Legalists were actually in favour of greater social mobility and dismantling the societal structures that Confucians thought necessary to keep the world in order — where Confucians sought to implement social structures, Legalists sought to use law. Of course this leads to questions about ‘how does one ensure that the arbiter of the law is truly impartial’ and whatnot, which is certainly one of the points that Legalists sought to refine, but all philosophies have such weak points; none of them are perfect.

So in essence, Hara’s portrayal of Sei isn’t necessarily that off the mark. He’s an egalitarian-minded king (doesn’t execute Shin for calling him Sei) who seeks to replace dated social barriers with legal ones — that certainly fits at least one definition of a Legalist.
Oct 23, 2022 10:47 AM
Jul 2019
Loved how Sei didn't deny that the way he'll unify the middle kingdom is through force since he is a king during the warring states. He's okay with being known as a tyrant if it will end the war and if it will bring peace in the generations to come. Hope they'll treat citizens of conquered nations equally as they become their citizens too.
Oct 28, 2022 11:21 AM

Jul 2010
I hate to say this but I kind of agree with Lu Buwei. And Rong is exactly what Lu Buwei said. Even after 100 years, they didn't forget the crime Qin committed and came for revenge despite that they're part of Qin. And Duke Rongdi told his companions to survive and keep this cycle of hatred/revenge even if it takes another 100 years. What Zheng said about the essence of humanity doesn't make sense when you're trying to get everything with force and drench your hands with so much blood. Force is certainly required to some extent if you want to conquer other countries but certainly, its requires lots of other elements which can keep hatred and revenge to as minimum as possible.

Cheng Jiao told Xin before dying that Zheng's dream will make the Changping incident a child's play. And he's right. Let's say, Huan Yi becomes a great general like Ba Qi (which I think will happen soon) and burry another 400k troops alive. Does Zheng think they will simply forget yet another incident just because he provides them with a better life, treats them as equals, and give them some kind of light, kindness, and respect? At least you need some kind of moral code, a plan to keep the damage as minimal as possible but so far Zheng is only thinking about how to conquer other countries with force without giving a second thought to what will happen next.
Han-yuuOct 28, 2022 11:25 AM
Nov 15, 2022 6:35 AM

Jul 2013
At first I was like "light?" wtf is Zheng going on about and then he expounded it more and it made total sense. Lu Buwei himself acknowledged that with his way, there will still be war cause it's human nature. Basically his is temporary band-aid solution. While Zheng's way is more long term and/or permanent.
Nov 22, 2022 9:19 AM

Apr 2016
The Light?! Yeah, it was a great answer!!! kekeke
Jun 4, 2023 1:06 PM
Nov 2010
Interesting exchange of views and beliefs. Unfortunately, human nature is always doomed to corruption. Even a good person with all the best intentions will eventually be corrupted by power & wealth, and such is the fate of Zheng. It's ironic to hear him say all those words knowing what he'll become in the future.
War never changes, is all I can say. Humans are their own worst enemy. Transhumanism is the way to go for eternal peace!
Aug 22, 2023 6:12 AM

Dec 2007
what a way to presents ideology. indeed, the whole capitalism and money ruling is bringing power and corrupted people, just longing to "not fighting". while a peace that achieved through war, is aimed to end war, and not just bypass it. true, that blood need to be shed for it, but it's the struggle to get there that make it worth.

if only reinhard from LOGTH would think of that. lol

i can't believe i didn't remembered zheng's past 'till now lol
User-NameAug 22, 2023 6:16 AM
Nov 1, 2023 2:58 AM
Feb 2023
The way leaders view the world is shown in this episode. The discussion is so captivating and the debate between each other’s views was great!
Dec 13, 2023 1:13 PM

Jul 2014
The whole speech of Sei moved me man, such a great king
Aug 1, 2024 4:01 PM
Mar 2019
Sei had a rough time early on.

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