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Aug 14, 2022 11:47 AM
Aug 2021
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

The quality of this show is slightly above average for romcoms in terms of quality. It would warrant a 7-7.5 normally. A show such as My Mom's Stepdaughter Is My Ex would be average. However, many would rate RAG a 1 because Kazuya is a "horny simp", which actually has nothing to do with quality.

It's actually below average. The VA'ing and animation is good. VA'ing is usually good and animation is above average, but everything else is below average.
In an average romcom you can see why the female character(s) like the MC. It is important because that makes the show believable. While in KanoKari being horny is not the only problem with Kazuya. If you were right, then Mushoku Tensei would be low rated too. Being horny doesn't really matter.
The problem is there are no good qualities in Kazuya, so there are actually no plausible reason to believe 3 girls would like him.

I really recommend to watch the video that I linked earlier.

As for TsureKano, yes, that's around average currently. It could have been better with a different route.

I-IentaiLover said:

Everyone looks at quality differently bro. Your probably some Shonen fan who only likes action and so you rate that the highest. Everyone likes their own thing, there is no "universal rating" where everyone can agree that one thing is good or one thing is bad. You seem to really not understand why people watch anime or what makes this one good in our eyes. Abyss just wanted to see who agreed and liked Rg not find some Ass hole who doesn't understand entertainment

Yes, exactly I'm a big shounen fan that's why there are no shounen in my favorites. Perfect logic.
Look, even if you check out my ratings, you can hardly guess what my favorite genre is, because I rate the shows mostly objectively. Which means my favorites shows are not really in the highest rated shows in my list.

And I actually have questions about this. If there are no universal rating, how it is possible that there are universally hated or low rated shows? For example, you can't find a person on the whole planet who would defend Ex-Arm, because it is recognized by everyone that it is bad.
The reason behind this is we do have a concept about universal rating, but you can't perfectly translate it into numbers. So, you won't be able to tell which anime has better animation if both of them are high tier. But between tiers you can. That's how you will know the answer if I ask, let's say JJK or Ex-Arm has better animation.

And lastly, no, the OP's phrasing obviously implied that he is unaware of the shows certain aspects. So you assh... I mean you as someone who doesn't understand entertainment, shouldn't comment if you just want to attack others without any argument, because that's just childish. :)
If you can't argue, just don't answer, because it's already pathetic.

Wow I would have never though someone like you actually existed wow. You like emit text book reditor vibes, this is what people must imagine when they see reditor damn. It is so silly that you believe there is some universal good and bad way to rate something. Look bro there is going to be a group of people that rate something bad and a group that rate something good, I don't mean to like pop your vision of my anime list, but it isn't really the best representation of how everyone feels, it is only a small group of people. The only reason I'm on here is to talk about the anime that I love with people who feel the same. I never say that this anime is bad if I don't like it, I just say that I dont prefer it because I know that there is a large group of people who do like it and I want to respect how they feel about it because they see it as great and that is cool. I try to avoid these forums because it always feels like there is these prestigious guys like you who rate based off of their own opinion and call it the general way to rate. I never take the ratings on my anime list seriously, because they are filled with people who rate certain anime badly, because they don't get it, or it isn't apart of the genre they like, or it is not for them, so therefor it is just not good. Like I said earlier, hard core Shonen fans who only like Shonen have no right to criticize slice of life because it isn't Shonen, you aren't going to like it. You need to grow up bro not everyone thinks like you
Aug 14, 2022 12:38 PM

Aug 2018
MonkeeDan said:
It most definitely deserves all the hate it gets but if you're able to enjoy it nonetheless then that's good :> No need to listen to grumpy opinions and people voicing their dislike for this show

That's only true if the audience is very stupid and cannot comprehend the point of the story even if it was explicitly told to them via dialog, which the majority of watchers are I suppose.
Aug 14, 2022 1:22 PM
May 2022
Season 1 was actually enjoyable and that made me start the manga but OH MY GOD the manga was HORIBLE. This definitely deserves all the hate it gets and I am surprised this even got a second season. Shit should have never even gotten a season 1 in the first place. All the people who genuinly like this probably never had a girlfriend in their entire life or are literally retarded because there is NO WAY someone actually enjoys this and waits weekly for this.
Aug 14, 2022 3:19 PM
May 2016
Opticflash said:
ktg said:

It's actually below average. The VA'ing and animation is good. VA'ing is usually good and animation is above average, but everything else is below average.
In an average romcom you can see why the female character(s) like the MC. It is important because that makes the show believable. While in KanoKari being horny is not the only problem with Kazuya. If you were right, then Mushoku Tensei would be low rated too. Being horny doesn't really matter.
The problem is there are no good qualities in Kazuya, so there are actually no plausible reason to believe 3 girls would like him.

I really recommend to watch the video that I linked earlier.

As for TsureKano, yes, that's around average currently. It could have been better with a different route.

Yes, exactly I'm a big shounen fan that's why there are no shounen in my favorites. Perfect logic.
Look, even if you check out my ratings, you can hardly guess what my favorite genre is, because I rate the shows mostly objectively. Which means my favorites shows are not really in the highest rated shows in my list.

And I actually have questions about this. If there are no universal rating, how it is possible that there are universally hated or low rated shows? For example, you can't find a person on the whole planet who would defend Ex-Arm, because it is recognized by everyone that it is bad.
The reason behind this is we do have a concept about universal rating, but you can't perfectly translate it into numbers. So, you won't be able to tell which anime has better animation if both of them are high tier. But between tiers you can. That's how you will know the answer if I ask, let's say JJK or Ex-Arm has better animation.

And lastly, no, the OP's phrasing obviously implied that he is unaware of the shows certain aspects. So you assh... I mean you as someone who doesn't understand entertainment, shouldn't comment if you just want to attack others without any argument, because that's just childish. :)
If you can't argue, just don't answer, because it's already pathetic.

It's slightly above because of the portrayal.

A show does not necessarily have to be believable to be of good quality. That condition as a criterion actually depends more on the theme and tone of the story. The proof is that in comedy (as an example) the characters most often behave in very strange ways bordering irrationality and incomprehensibility, which is precisely the point of comedy.

The problem with a reviewer's statement that a character's thoughts do not make sense (e.g. why would girl X like Kazuya?), it that it's easy to come up with a reason based on each characters' personalities or actions, and it primarily comes down to a reviewer not thinking hard enough or not understanding the plot of the story and tropes involved. In RAG, it's very, very obvious why Ruka (and the other girls) likes Kazuya and the reason is a trope in romcoms. There's even a dialog explaining it to the audience.

Portrayal of what exactly? Even the rental girlfriend aspect is unrealistic.

It needs to be believable in its own universe. When you create a story, you build a universe, a new world. In that world there are rules. The rules can be created by you, for example in Death Note, the rules about Death Note was created by the author and rules can be inherited from reality, like in KanoKari, we are in the present and the casts are humans, so expect them to look like humans and dress like nowadays.
And even comedy follows these rules. The exaggerations are still inside the rules that are created by the author. While my problem is that if we talking about humans then we expect human logic too and that's missing.

As for the not understanding part, let me create a short story for you.
"X is hungry. X go to his neighbor and says to him 'his house is nice'. X is not hungry anymore"
The question is: Are too dumb to understand why X is not hungry anymore or there are some mistakes in my story?

In KanoKari, the problem is the reason aren't the MC's personality, even if that's his personality, then girls with human logic, wouldn't fall for him.
We can go girl by girl.
Chizuru; only reason is that Kazuya saved him. But what other stuff did he do to her? Lied about her, lied to her, stalked her (this is actually a crime), violated the rental girlfriend rules multiple times. How should someone believe Chizuru's feeling?
Ruka; her own personal medical condition is the only reason, which is stupid as hell. But again, there is nothing where we can actually see that she likes Kazuya because of his personality. And the lying part is true in this case too.
Sumi, this is actually the most acceptable, because they had limited encounter. For example, Kazuya "saved" Sumi but Kazuya's only reason was that it would give him a chance with Chizuru. Not because he is a good guy or he wanted to help Sumi.

We could talk about Mami, actually she is the most logical being in the show, but without her backstory I wouldn't like to guess. I read about her from others and if those things are true, then Mami is a joke too.

It's not that I didn't think about it, the problem is that I did think about it and that made pretty clear that this doesn't work.

I-IentaiLover said:
ktg said:

It's actually below average. The VA'ing and animation is good. VA'ing is usually good and animation is above average, but everything else is below average.
In an average romcom you can see why the female character(s) like the MC. It is important because that makes the show believable. While in KanoKari being horny is not the only problem with Kazuya. If you were right, then Mushoku Tensei would be low rated too. Being horny doesn't really matter.
The problem is there are no good qualities in Kazuya, so there are actually no plausible reason to believe 3 girls would like him.

I really recommend to watch the video that I linked earlier.

As for TsureKano, yes, that's around average currently. It could have been better with a different route.

Yes, exactly I'm a big shounen fan that's why there are no shounen in my favorites. Perfect logic.
Look, even if you check out my ratings, you can hardly guess what my favorite genre is, because I rate the shows mostly objectively. Which means my favorites shows are not really in the highest rated shows in my list.

And I actually have questions about this. If there are no universal rating, how it is possible that there are universally hated or low rated shows? For example, you can't find a person on the whole planet who would defend Ex-Arm, because it is recognized by everyone that it is bad.
The reason behind this is we do have a concept about universal rating, but you can't perfectly translate it into numbers. So, you won't be able to tell which anime has better animation if both of them are high tier. But between tiers you can. That's how you will know the answer if I ask, let's say JJK or Ex-Arm has better animation.

And lastly, no, the OP's phrasing obviously implied that he is unaware of the shows certain aspects. So you assh... I mean you as someone who doesn't understand entertainment, shouldn't comment if you just want to attack others without any argument, because that's just childish. :)
If you can't argue, just don't answer, because it's already pathetic.

Wow I would have never though someone like you actually existed wow. You like emit text book reditor vibes, this is what people must imagine when they see reditor damn. It is so silly that you believe there is some universal good and bad way to rate something. Look bro there is going to be a group of people that rate something bad and a group that rate something good, I don't mean to like pop your vision of my anime list, but it isn't really the best representation of how everyone feels, it is only a small group of people. The only reason I'm on here is to talk about the anime that I love with people who feel the same. I never say that this anime is bad if I don't like it, I just say that I dont prefer it because I know that there is a large group of people who do like it and I want to respect how they feel about it because they see it as great and that is cool. I try to avoid these forums because it always feels like there is these prestigious guys like you who rate based off of their own opinion and call it the general way to rate. I never take the ratings on my anime list seriously, because they are filled with people who rate certain anime badly, because they don't get it, or it isn't apart of the genre they like, or it is not for them, so therefor it is just not good. Like I said earlier, hard core Shonen fans who only like Shonen have no right to criticize slice of life because it isn't Shonen, you aren't going to like it. You need to grow up bro not everyone thinks like you

It's one thing that you repeating the same bs that I already refuted, but you are so lost that you contradict yourself.
First, you said you would have never though someone like me existed, while you were talking about "text book reditor". The "text book reditor" implies that you aware of a type of person that already exist. Which means, you first sentence doesn't make any sense.
Second, you can only be aware of "text book reditor" if you are a "reditor" yourself. Which makes you closer to this type than me, because I actually haven't even registered on "redit".
Third, you can't even read. My previous point was exactly the opposite that you're trying to put in my mouth. My point was I don't rate shows based on opinion or enjoyment. I have shows that I liked and are lower rated than shows that I disliked. It's not hard to understand. For example, I gave Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru a 7 and liked better than ToraDora which I gave it an 8.
Fourth, you point means that a show's quality depends on you. For instance, JJK's animation would change if you didn't like it compared to if you did. Which is pretty stupid. The show's quality doesn't depends on you, it doesn't depends on me. The animation would be the same even if you dislike or like something.
Lastly, I know now that you are stupid and you can't understand what I write, but I try it again. I'm not a shounen fan and anyone can see that from my favorites.

So no, I didn't talk about liking, disliking or even about popularity. What you are doing is actually called "attacking a straw man". Here's a wiki page to understand why you are wrong:
Aug 14, 2022 3:21 PM
Oct 2019
Understandable, I have a love-hate relationship with it, I just want them to succeed but I also want to strangle them 😆
Aug 14, 2022 3:22 PM

Sep 2020
I also like rent a girlfriend
I don't know why but it's entertaining to me
Aug 14, 2022 5:41 PM
Aug 2021
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

It's slightly above because of the portrayal.

A show does not necessarily have to be believable to be of good quality. That condition as a criterion actually depends more on the theme and tone of the story. The proof is that in comedy (as an example) the characters most often behave in very strange ways bordering irrationality and incomprehensibility, which is precisely the point of comedy.

The problem with a reviewer's statement that a character's thoughts do not make sense (e.g. why would girl X like Kazuya?), it that it's easy to come up with a reason based on each characters' personalities or actions, and it primarily comes down to a reviewer not thinking hard enough or not understanding the plot of the story and tropes involved. In RAG, it's very, very obvious why Ruka (and the other girls) likes Kazuya and the reason is a trope in romcoms. There's even a dialog explaining it to the audience.

Portrayal of what exactly? Even the rental girlfriend aspect is unrealistic.

It needs to be believable in its own universe. When you create a story, you build a universe, a new world. In that world there are rules. The rules can be created by you, for example in Death Note, the rules about Death Note was created by the author and rules can be inherited from reality, like in KanoKari, we are in the present and the casts are humans, so expect them to look like humans and dress like nowadays.
And even comedy follows these rules. The exaggerations are still inside the rules that are created by the author. While my problem is that if we talking about humans then we expect human logic too and that's missing.

As for the not understanding part, let me create a short story for you.
"X is hungry. X go to his neighbor and says to him 'his house is nice'. X is not hungry anymore"
The question is: Are too dumb to understand why X is not hungry anymore or there are some mistakes in my story?

In KanoKari, the problem is the reason aren't the MC's personality, even if that's his personality, then girls with human logic, wouldn't fall for him.
We can go girl by girl.
Chizuru; only reason is that Kazuya saved him. But what other stuff did he do to her? Lied about her, lied to her, stalked her (this is actually a crime), violated the rental girlfriend rules multiple times. How should someone believe Chizuru's feeling?
Ruka; her own personal medical condition is the only reason, which is stupid as hell. But again, there is nothing where we can actually see that she likes Kazuya because of his personality. And the lying part is true in this case too.
Sumi, this is actually the most acceptable, because they had limited encounter. For example, Kazuya "saved" Sumi but Kazuya's only reason was that it would give him a chance with Chizuru. Not because he is a good guy or he wanted to help Sumi.

We could talk about Mami, actually she is the most logical being in the show, but without her backstory I wouldn't like to guess. I read about her from others and if those things are true, then Mami is a joke too.

It's not that I didn't think about it, the problem is that I did think about it and that made pretty clear that this doesn't work.

I-IentaiLover said:

Wow I would have never though someone like you actually existed wow. You like emit text book reditor vibes, this is what people must imagine when they see reditor damn. It is so silly that you believe there is some universal good and bad way to rate something. Look bro there is going to be a group of people that rate something bad and a group that rate something good, I don't mean to like pop your vision of my anime list, but it isn't really the best representation of how everyone feels, it is only a small group of people. The only reason I'm on here is to talk about the anime that I love with people who feel the same. I never say that this anime is bad if I don't like it, I just say that I dont prefer it because I know that there is a large group of people who do like it and I want to respect how they feel about it because they see it as great and that is cool. I try to avoid these forums because it always feels like there is these prestigious guys like you who rate based off of their own opinion and call it the general way to rate. I never take the ratings on my anime list seriously, because they are filled with people who rate certain anime badly, because they don't get it, or it isn't apart of the genre they like, or it is not for them, so therefor it is just not good. Like I said earlier, hard core Shonen fans who only like Shonen have no right to criticize slice of life because it isn't Shonen, you aren't going to like it. You need to grow up bro not everyone thinks like you

It's one thing that you repeating the same bs that I already refuted, but you are so lost that you contradict yourself.
First, you said you would have never though someone like me existed, while you were talking about "text book reditor". The "text book reditor" implies that you aware of a type of person that already exist. Which means, you first sentence doesn't make any sense.
Second, you can only be aware of "text book reditor" if you are a "reditor" yourself. Which makes you closer to this type than me, because I actually haven't even registered on "redit".
Third, you can't even read. My previous point was exactly the opposite that you're trying to put in my mouth. My point was I don't rate shows based on opinion or enjoyment. I have shows that I liked and are lower rated than shows that I disliked. It's not hard to understand. For example, I gave Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru a 7 and liked better than ToraDora which I gave it an 8.
Fourth, you point means that a show's quality depends on you. For instance, JJK's animation would change if you didn't like it compared to if you did. Which is pretty stupid. The show's quality doesn't depends on you, it doesn't depends on me. The animation would be the same even if you dislike or like something.
Lastly, I know now that you are stupid and you can't understand what I write, but I try it again. I'm not a shounen fan and anyone can see that from my favorites.

So no, I didn't talk about liking, disliking or even about popularity. What you are doing is actually called "attacking a straw man". Here's a wiki page to understand why you are wrong:

BTW does anybody else in this thread find this guys a complete joke because I sure do. Yo mister keyboard warrior, the reason your a reditor is because you make everything more complicated than it needs to be and try to use odd logic to make your points better. Also the way you type in casual chat rooms is super silly, take you senior persuasive thesis back to your college, nobody wants to read that shit: talking about how "I never disproved your claims and shit like that" it is just super cringe and makes you look like an idiot trying to sound smart. If you say that quality isn't based by the observer, than explain how some people find the mummy to be quality when alot of others don't. It just based on what people like, art is the same way, some people like modern art while others like different types, you can't say that modern art is objectively shit, because some people like it. it is the same with entertainment everyone likes their own taste stop trying to make this way deeper than it is, please just go to a different forum, abyss never asked for your opinion and neither did I, we just wanted to talk to people who also like RG, not have cringy weirdos like you coming in and talking about how quality is based off of all this other shit and not the observer
Aug 14, 2022 5:44 PM

Aug 2018
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

It's slightly above because of the portrayal.

A show does not necessarily have to be believable to be of good quality. That condition as a criterion actually depends more on the theme and tone of the story. The proof is that in comedy (as an example) the characters most often behave in very strange ways bordering irrationality and incomprehensibility, which is precisely the point of comedy.

The problem with a reviewer's statement that a character's thoughts do not make sense (e.g. why would girl X like Kazuya?), it that it's easy to come up with a reason based on each characters' personalities or actions, and it primarily comes down to a reviewer not thinking hard enough or not understanding the plot of the story and tropes involved. In RAG, it's very, very obvious why Ruka (and the other girls) likes Kazuya and the reason is a trope in romcoms. There's even a dialog explaining it to the audience.

Portrayal of what exactly? Even the rental girlfriend aspect is unrealistic.

It needs to be believable in its own universe. When you create a story, you build a universe, a new world. In that world there are rules. The rules can be created by you, for example in Death Note, the rules about Death Note was created by the author and rules can be inherited from reality, like in KanoKari, we are in the present and the casts are humans, so expect them to look like humans and dress like nowadays.
And even comedy follows these rules. The exaggerations are still inside the rules that are created by the author. While my problem is that if we talking about humans then we expect human logic too and that's missing.

As for the not understanding part, let me create a short story for you.
"X is hungry. X go to his neighbor and says to him 'his house is nice'. X is not hungry anymore"
The question is: Are too dumb to understand why X is not hungry anymore or there are some mistakes in my story?

In KanoKari, the problem is the reason aren't the MC's personality, even if that's his personality, then girls with human logic, wouldn't fall for him.
We can go girl by girl.
Chizuru; only reason is that Kazuya saved him. But what other stuff did he do to her? Lied about her, lied to her, stalked her (this is actually a crime), violated the rental girlfriend rules multiple times. How should someone believe Chizuru's feeling?
Ruka; her own personal medical condition is the only reason, which is stupid as hell. But again, there is nothing where we can actually see that she likes Kazuya because of his personality. And the lying part is true in this case too.
Sumi, this is actually the most acceptable, because they had limited encounter. For example, Kazuya "saved" Sumi but Kazuya's only reason was that it would give him a chance with Chizuru. Not because he is a good guy or he wanted to help Sumi.

We could talk about Mami, actually she is the most logical being in the show, but without her backstory I wouldn't like to guess. I read about her from others and if those things are true, then Mami is a joke too.

It's not that I didn't think about it, the problem is that I did think about it and that made pretty clear that this doesn't work.

Portrayal of what exactly? Even the rental girlfriend aspect is unrealistic.

Quality is about the manner in which an author expresses his or her thoughts through a fictional representation. It is an analysis of the goals and mindset of the author, what exactly they want to present, and the feelings they try to invoke in the audience through the techniques they use. The analysis attempts to answer questions about the aspects of the story such as "why does this character exist? what is their purpose? what did the author envision when they wrote this character or story?" The overarching theme of RAG is "MC is silly and does irrational stuff that causes drama and stressful situations, that continuously keeps the audience in fearful anticipation". It's presentation is slightly above average simply because it achieves this quite effectively. Chizuru is portrayed quite well because through her character we have an idea of who she is fundamentally (the author breathes 'life' to the character to tell us about her).

It needs to be believable in its own universe. When you create a story, you build a universe, a new world. In that world there are rules. The rules can be created by you, for example in Death Note, the rules about Death Note was created by the author and rules can be inherited from reality, like in KanoKari, we are in the present and the casts are humans, so expect them to look like humans and dress like nowadays.
And even comedy follows these rules. The exaggerations are still inside the rules that are created by the author. While my problem is that if we talking about humans then we expect human logic too and that's missing.

To be more precise, it needs to be believable only when it pertains to the specific goals of the author and the nuances of a theme. It does not need to be believable simply because of the setting or "rules" of the story (these are called contradictions rather than "character X's actions make no sense to me").
Proof: Comedy such as Family Guy often have characters act in strange ways, despite its modern setting, because absurdity is the basis for comedy. The goal of the producers of Family Guy is not to create anything that is believable, but precisely the exact opposite of believability for laughs.

In Kaguya Sama, the question is never "why does Kaguya like Shirogane and why don't they just confess to each other instead of doing all these silly little stunts?" because that's not the author's goal of answering the question in a rational manner. The author's goal is to make the characters absurd and behave in ways that one would never expect in real life. In another example, in Tonikaku Kawaii the author's goal is for the audience to feel the romance between the main characters, but the author hastily introduced the characters' love through a one-time interaction (thus making their love 'unbelievable'). The problem with this is that it is in stark contrast to their goal as an author, not that lack of believability is inherently a problem.

As for the not understanding part, let me create a short story for you.
"X is hungry. X go to his neighbor and says to him 'his house is nice'. X is not hungry anymore"
The question is: Are too dumb to understand why X is not hungry anymore or there are some mistakes in my story?

It depends on the specificity of the scene. If the hungry person went inside the neighbor's house and the reviewer could not comprehend for the life of them how X is no longer hungry after watching them walk out of the house, they have no business reviewing or critiquing fiction. If we know that character X has eaten nothing during that time, then it is unbelievable.

In KanoKari, the problem is the reason aren't the MC's personality, even if that's his personality, then girls with human logic, wouldn't fall for him.
We can go girl by girl.
Chizuru; only reason is that Kazuya saved him. But what other stuff did he do to her? Lied about her, lied to her, stalked her (this is actually a crime), violated the rental girlfriend rules multiple times. How should someone believe Chizuru's feeling?
Ruka; her own personal medical condition is the only reason, which is stupid as hell. But again, there is nothing where we can actually see that she likes Kazuya because of his personality. And the lying part is true in this case too.
Sumi, this is actually the most acceptable, because they had limited encounter. For example, Kazuya "saved" Sumi but Kazuya's only reason was that it would give him a chance with Chizuru. Not because he is a good guy or he wanted to help Sumi.

We could talk about Mami, actually she is the most logical being in the show, but without her backstory I wouldn't like to guess. I read about her from others and if those things are true, then Mami is a joke too.

In anime, there is one main trope in the romcom genre: that a woman will fall in love with a man if he has a 'good heart' - they will typically be kind, caring, selfless, etc. despite other flaws they may have. They will often act to 'save' the woman from some situation; he is her 'knight in shining armor' who will care for her. Why is this a trope? It is because in real life, typically people want partners with such traits for long term relationships.

Let's talk about Ruka first because her character is very obvious. Ruka knows that Kazuya does a lot for Chizuru despite her only being a rental, and Kazuya's friend Kuri explains this to her. She then goes on to experience this; in season 1 episode 7 she trips from the stairs and Kazuya jumps to save her. What does this tell Ruka? It tells her that Kazuya's a caring person who will act to make sure another person is okay at the expense of his own safety and inconvenience. In addition, Kazuya does this despite Ruka being a nobody to him. Prior, he even pleads with Ruka to not expose Chizuru demonstrating that he cares deeply about others' feelings. Kazuya demonstrates that he is kind and caring at heart to Ruka? Check. Kazyua saves Ruka? Check. These are very, very obvious in-your-face tropes in romcom that serve as reasons to why a woman falls in love with a man. In some YouTube videos, the reviewers are completely oblivious as to why Ruka likes Kazuya, that it's baffling that they cannot even grasp or do not even know of basic romcom tropes. It's akin to not making a connection between "X enters house, X exits house" and "X is no longer hungry"; it is literally the reviewers being 'too dumb' to understand a story. The author even writes through dialog (Ruka: "if you care this much about a rental, you'll surely treat a real girlfriend much better!"), yet the reviewers still could not comprehend this. I am not suggesting that it is good writing to use such tropes, but it was obvious the direction the story was going from the moment Ruka fell from the stairs. If the reviewers cannot even comprehend this much, how exactly would they grasp and critique any other part of the story?

Chizuru's case is a bit more complicated. You are right that the main reason Chizuru has some feelings for Kazuya is because he saves her (again the "kind, caring man who will jump in to save a woman in distress" trope). To understand why Chizuru acts the way she does, we have to understand a bit about her character. Chizuru is very stoic by nature, and is more accepting of others' odd behaviors and personalities. How do we know this? Because she's a top amateur rental and understands well the type of people who use the rental service (people with Kazuya's mindset). She aspires to be an actress, so she gains a lot of perspective of others' struggles through the service. She states that the purpose of the rental service is to "stop the bleeding"; it's a form of therapy for clients to help them develop confidence and social skills to function in the real world. Moreover, she is insecure and somewhat relates to her clients, and puts herself in their shoes ("after a year of doing rentals, I know how hard it is for these people!" or something along those lines). Why wasn't Chizuru bothered by Kazuya's stalking? Because she understands what Kazyua's like, i.e. he's insecure, paranoid and obsessed, but ultimately has no malicious intent. In fact, his intent was to make sure she was safe and Chizuru knows this (again, the "I care a lot about you" trope, but Kazuya is just very irrational with his approach). Her reaction is quite expected for her as a character, but obviously a character such as Mami would have a completely different reaction ("you are a loser, and I'm going to tell everyone about it").

I thought Sumi's case was least well written, because we have not explored her character in any depth.
Aug 14, 2022 6:08 PM
Mar 2017
Each their own people can like/hate what they like. I laugh with the series not at it. I'm fine watching it week to week like i did Tawawa on Monday/Douki-chan every Monday at lunch time for my 6 minute breaks no matter how particular or generic they were.

I know the MC is eh but I mean not everyone is an extrovert with confidence or a sleaze either and is outgoing. I know Incels are eh characters common in anime but to me he is better than most harem protagonists you want to ignore and I think most are much worse.

I mean shows like these or people on the Internet are more I can stand than most people IRL so it has something going for it.

Whether anybody with a talking problem when it comes to just general things or just the opposite gender I can predict the events sure (sometimes not though like the part in the house I was expecting the balcony not the Kitchen but whatever maybe I think differently in that situation) but I still enjoy it every week just as much as I binged the episodes of S1 to catch up.

I find the moments in it not as bad as others where you are bashing your head against the wall/annoyed at the typical situations so copy paste while they aren't as much here I find at least unless I'm just numb to it.

3D Kanojo and Jaku-chara was so boring in comparison I had more issues with both of them with no care for the drama as dry or realistic as it was in comparison and I gave it a second chance just to get it over with.

While with Rent A Girlfriend I haven't once had to stop watching nor have I not laughed at certain scenes technically when I rewatched S1 in prep for 2 in dub and laughed at it just like others covering certain topics moments to take serious or actually take in what happens to the character for drama. Other shows I may be sitting their silent waiting for it to just move on.

It doesn't drag scenes out when most anime are so painless terrible for pacing on scenes or backgrounds or situations in said scenes.

I do mostly hate the girls more. Ruka is eh at times, a fine character but her decisions are harem worthy of 'ok sure we get it', Chizuru is a fair character as she isn't an annoyance to watch I can actually go oh ok she is a respectable person or knows her clients/the nonsensical nature even if she does get annoyed I don't disagree with her actions it makes sense after so many clients or the extent Kazuya goes to being a different cases than the average client and someone I can agree to watch the show for regardless of the type of show she is in.

Sumi doesn't appear much but she gets her own manga so I'm ok with that besides her moments being great even if brief. But not like everyone reads the manga or cares as they won't put those in their reviews unless they are the manga reader percentage and not anime only watchers. I am for the main series but I have read a few chapters and am catching up with the Sumi one every so often. She slowly gets character development whether with Kazuya or certain clients something we know Chizuru is already skilled at but instead we read what Sumi goes through.

Mami is the back and forth I can't stand or think is fine that I just give up caring about anything she says on screen even if her character is a fine one for the whole 'working out the nonsense he goes through' (not that it's a mystery it's typical drama but still) it does just get 'ok ok I get it'.

Besides Devil Is A Part Timer S2/Hataraku Maou-sama S2 and the Takagi reverse anime this season Rent A Girlfriend S2 is a show I wasn't passing up on.

Most drama or romance anime or shows in general are usually pretty eh for me that I really don't care but for me this one just does it for me.

I hate the music though it does not work with the show it feels like a way to add more to the show or be cool but to me it takes out of the show and feels like it is in the wrong show. It makes me not miss watching without audio for sub as I can't stand it. It isn't even appealing, some intros/OSTs work it doesn't for this type of show at least.
Suntanned_Duck2Aug 14, 2022 6:13 PM
Aug 14, 2022 7:55 PM
Dec 2021
A6yss said:
I don't think this anime deserves all the hate that it gets yeah it doesn't have the best story yeah the Mc is a wuss but it is still so very enjoyable to watch so idc , I keep looking forward to Friday every week for the new episode to drop not enough animes make me feel this excited for the new episode .
So yeah that's what I wanted to say ik many people will disagree with me but that's OK that just means this anime isn't for you

It's so addictively stupid, but enjoyable!
Aug 14, 2022 8:18 PM
Mar 2021
RT_Gabe said:
Season 1 was actually enjoyable and that made me start the manga but OH MY GOD the manga was HORIBLE. This definitely deserves all the hate it gets and I am surprised this even got a second season. Shit should have never even gotten a season 1 in the first place. All the people who genuinly like this probably never had a girlfriend in their entire life or are literally retarded because there is NO WAY someone actually enjoys this and waits weekly for this.
What does having a girlfriend in real life has to do with anything if your point is that it's not realistic then news flash almost all romcoms are not realistic so idk what your point is and secondly you not liking an anime doesn't mean that it's bad for example I fucking hate ToraDora and a lot of people will disagree but does me not liking it mean that it is bad ? No it just wasn't for me , so you calling all people who like this anime retards just shows how childish and immature you are me personally I love this anime and wait for it every week and so does a lot of other people
Aug 15, 2022 3:25 AM
Aug 2022
I like it too. And I'm not happy at all with it's rating. There are many people who likes the show but won't admit it because many people hate on it.
Aug 15, 2022 8:01 AM

Jan 2021
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, the anime itself is good and it has its own unique style to it but i only hate the mc for being such an wuss, sometimes you don't even understand what he's trying to do, but everyone gotta watch what they like obviously
Aug 15, 2022 9:07 AM
Jun 2022
I watch this anime with my fiancée ( not the one I love , but forced by parents yet I gonna leave the marriage in half way ) just to remove her from my life and to show hate towards my interest in anime
Aug 15, 2022 6:59 PM
Jul 2021
I understand why people hate it, but yeah totally love the show. Respect to u for posting this
Aug 15, 2022 7:18 PM

Aug 2014
I dont know why many hate this show. I feel like they do it because its the popular thing to do.

Yes, in season 1, it could get a bit cringy every now and then, with the male MC's pervyness and how weak he with with the brown hair female MC. But that wont change the fact that R-A-G has been one of the most entertaining comedy anime I have seen in years.
Aug 16, 2022 1:22 AM
Jul 2022
This show is absolutely terrible in the best way. Basically nothing about the story is actually good, but it's all extremely entertaining. Just the fact that the Mc is stupid asf all the time and basically blueballs himself every episode, it's peak fiction. This show is my guilty pleasure.
Sep 9, 2022 1:08 AM
May 2016
I-IentaiLover said:
ktg said:

Portrayal of what exactly? Even the rental girlfriend aspect is unrealistic.

It needs to be believable in its own universe. When you create a story, you build a universe, a new world. In that world there are rules. The rules can be created by you, for example in Death Note, the rules about Death Note was created by the author and rules can be inherited from reality, like in KanoKari, we are in the present and the casts are humans, so expect them to look like humans and dress like nowadays.
And even comedy follows these rules. The exaggerations are still inside the rules that are created by the author. While my problem is that if we talking about humans then we expect human logic too and that's missing.

As for the not understanding part, let me create a short story for you.
"X is hungry. X go to his neighbor and says to him 'his house is nice'. X is not hungry anymore"
The question is: Are too dumb to understand why X is not hungry anymore or there are some mistakes in my story?

In KanoKari, the problem is the reason aren't the MC's personality, even if that's his personality, then girls with human logic, wouldn't fall for him.
We can go girl by girl.
Chizuru; only reason is that Kazuya saved him. But what other stuff did he do to her? Lied about her, lied to her, stalked her (this is actually a crime), violated the rental girlfriend rules multiple times. How should someone believe Chizuru's feeling?
Ruka; her own personal medical condition is the only reason, which is stupid as hell. But again, there is nothing where we can actually see that she likes Kazuya because of his personality. And the lying part is true in this case too.
Sumi, this is actually the most acceptable, because they had limited encounter. For example, Kazuya "saved" Sumi but Kazuya's only reason was that it would give him a chance with Chizuru. Not because he is a good guy or he wanted to help Sumi.

We could talk about Mami, actually she is the most logical being in the show, but without her backstory I wouldn't like to guess. I read about her from others and if those things are true, then Mami is a joke too.

It's not that I didn't think about it, the problem is that I did think about it and that made pretty clear that this doesn't work.

It's one thing that you repeating the same bs that I already refuted, but you are so lost that you contradict yourself.
First, you said you would have never though someone like me existed, while you were talking about "text book reditor". The "text book reditor" implies that you aware of a type of person that already exist. Which means, you first sentence doesn't make any sense.
Second, you can only be aware of "text book reditor" if you are a "reditor" yourself. Which makes you closer to this type than me, because I actually haven't even registered on "redit".
Third, you can't even read. My previous point was exactly the opposite that you're trying to put in my mouth. My point was I don't rate shows based on opinion or enjoyment. I have shows that I liked and are lower rated than shows that I disliked. It's not hard to understand. For example, I gave Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru a 7 and liked better than ToraDora which I gave it an 8.
Fourth, you point means that a show's quality depends on you. For instance, JJK's animation would change if you didn't like it compared to if you did. Which is pretty stupid. The show's quality doesn't depends on you, it doesn't depends on me. The animation would be the same even if you dislike or like something.
Lastly, I know now that you are stupid and you can't understand what I write, but I try it again. I'm not a shounen fan and anyone can see that from my favorites.

So no, I didn't talk about liking, disliking or even about popularity. What you are doing is actually called "attacking a straw man". Here's a wiki page to understand why you are wrong:

BTW does anybody else in this thread find this guys a complete joke because I sure do. Yo mister keyboard warrior, the reason your a reditor is because you make everything more complicated than it needs to be and try to use odd logic to make your points better. Also the way you type in casual chat rooms is super silly, take you senior persuasive thesis back to your college, nobody wants to read that shit: talking about how "I never disproved your claims and shit like that" it is just super cringe and makes you look like an idiot trying to sound smart. If you say that quality isn't based by the observer, than explain how some people find the mummy to be quality when alot of others don't. It just based on what people like, art is the same way, some people like modern art while others like different types, you can't say that modern art is objectively shit, because some people like it. it is the same with entertainment everyone likes their own taste stop trying to make this way deeper than it is, please just go to a different forum, abyss never asked for your opinion and neither did I, we just wanted to talk to people who also like RG, not have cringy weirdos like you coming in and talking about how quality is based off of all this other shit and not the observer

LOL, again, a kid...
It's not odd logic. It's logic. I know in many countries the education system is pretty bad.
So, just for you, forget everything and we will focus on you main lies.

You said this:
I-IentaiLover said:
Your probably some Shonen fan who only likes action and so you rate that the highest.

I replied and refuted you with this. Even provided proof:
ktg said:
Yes, exactly I'm a big shounen fan that's why there are no shounen in my favorites. Perfect logic.

Then you repeated your already refuted point which is it's true that you are keep repeating the same bs like a child:
I-IentaiLover said:
Like I said earlier, hard core Shonen fans who only like Shonen have no right to criticize slice of life because it isn't Shonen, you aren't going to like it. You need to grow up bro not everyone thinks like you

You even mentioned that "like I said earlier".
So yes, you are lying.

I-IentaiLover said:
talking about how "I never disproved your claims and shit like that" it is just super cringe and makes you look like an idiot trying to sound smart

And you pointing out stuff like this and still not refuting me, proves that I'm right and you are a 5 years old child.

I-IentaiLover said:
If you say that quality isn't based by the observer, than explain how some people find the mummy to be quality when alot of others don't

The enjoyment is subjective and many people vote it accordingly. But you really need to stupid to not understand it.

I-IentaiLover said:
It just based on what people like

Yes, but that's the point. We are not talking about liking. How is it possible that many people call KnY mid and find it boring, but accept it as a show with one of the best animation? Because animation has nothing to with the audience. That's the point.

I-IentaiLover said:
abyss never asked for your opinion and neither did I

I thought you cannot be more stupid. His post was directed towards everyone, so yes, he wanted to talk to everyone.

I-IentaiLover said:
not have cringy weirdos like you

Says the lying kid. :D
Sep 9, 2022 1:26 AM
May 2016
Opticflash said:
ktg said:

Portrayal of what exactly? Even the rental girlfriend aspect is unrealistic.

It needs to be believable in its own universe. When you create a story, you build a universe, a new world. In that world there are rules. The rules can be created by you, for example in Death Note, the rules about Death Note was created by the author and rules can be inherited from reality, like in KanoKari, we are in the present and the casts are humans, so expect them to look like humans and dress like nowadays.
And even comedy follows these rules. The exaggerations are still inside the rules that are created by the author. While my problem is that if we talking about humans then we expect human logic too and that's missing.

As for the not understanding part, let me create a short story for you.
"X is hungry. X go to his neighbor and says to him 'his house is nice'. X is not hungry anymore"
The question is: Are too dumb to understand why X is not hungry anymore or there are some mistakes in my story?

In KanoKari, the problem is the reason aren't the MC's personality, even if that's his personality, then girls with human logic, wouldn't fall for him.
We can go girl by girl.
Chizuru; only reason is that Kazuya saved him. But what other stuff did he do to her? Lied about her, lied to her, stalked her (this is actually a crime), violated the rental girlfriend rules multiple times. How should someone believe Chizuru's feeling?
Ruka; her own personal medical condition is the only reason, which is stupid as hell. But again, there is nothing where we can actually see that she likes Kazuya because of his personality. And the lying part is true in this case too.
Sumi, this is actually the most acceptable, because they had limited encounter. For example, Kazuya "saved" Sumi but Kazuya's only reason was that it would give him a chance with Chizuru. Not because he is a good guy or he wanted to help Sumi.

We could talk about Mami, actually she is the most logical being in the show, but without her backstory I wouldn't like to guess. I read about her from others and if those things are true, then Mami is a joke too.

It's not that I didn't think about it, the problem is that I did think about it and that made pretty clear that this doesn't work.

Portrayal of what exactly? Even the rental girlfriend aspect is unrealistic.

Quality is about the manner in which an author expresses his or her thoughts through a fictional representation. It is an analysis of the goals and mindset of the author, what exactly they want to present, and the feelings they try to invoke in the audience through the techniques they use. The analysis attempts to answer questions about the aspects of the story such as "why does this character exist? what is their purpose? what did the author envision when they wrote this character or story?" The overarching theme of RAG is "MC is silly and does irrational stuff that causes drama and stressful situations, that continuously keeps the audience in fearful anticipation". It's presentation is slightly above average simply because it achieves this quite effectively. Chizuru is portrayed quite well because through her character we have an idea of who she is fundamentally (the author breathes 'life' to the character to tell us about her).

It needs to be believable in its own universe. When you create a story, you build a universe, a new world. In that world there are rules. The rules can be created by you, for example in Death Note, the rules about Death Note was created by the author and rules can be inherited from reality, like in KanoKari, we are in the present and the casts are humans, so expect them to look like humans and dress like nowadays.
And even comedy follows these rules. The exaggerations are still inside the rules that are created by the author. While my problem is that if we talking about humans then we expect human logic too and that's missing.

To be more precise, it needs to be believable only when it pertains to the specific goals of the author and the nuances of a theme. It does not need to be believable simply because of the setting or "rules" of the story (these are called contradictions rather than "character X's actions make no sense to me").
Proof: Comedy such as Family Guy often have characters act in strange ways, despite its modern setting, because absurdity is the basis for comedy. The goal of the producers of Family Guy is not to create anything that is believable, but precisely the exact opposite of believability for laughs.

In Kaguya Sama, the question is never "why does Kaguya like Shirogane and why don't they just confess to each other instead of doing all these silly little stunts?" because that's not the author's goal of answering the question in a rational manner. The author's goal is to make the characters absurd and behave in ways that one would never expect in real life. In another example, in Tonikaku Kawaii the author's goal is for the audience to feel the romance between the main characters, but the author hastily introduced the characters' love through a one-time interaction (thus making their love 'unbelievable'). The problem with this is that it is in stark contrast to their goal as an author, not that lack of believability is inherently a problem.

As for the not understanding part, let me create a short story for you.
"X is hungry. X go to his neighbor and says to him 'his house is nice'. X is not hungry anymore"
The question is: Are too dumb to understand why X is not hungry anymore or there are some mistakes in my story?

It depends on the specificity of the scene. If the hungry person went inside the neighbor's house and the reviewer could not comprehend for the life of them how X is no longer hungry after watching them walk out of the house, they have no business reviewing or critiquing fiction. If we know that character X has eaten nothing during that time, then it is unbelievable.

In KanoKari, the problem is the reason aren't the MC's personality, even if that's his personality, then girls with human logic, wouldn't fall for him.
We can go girl by girl.
Chizuru; only reason is that Kazuya saved him. But what other stuff did he do to her? Lied about her, lied to her, stalked her (this is actually a crime), violated the rental girlfriend rules multiple times. How should someone believe Chizuru's feeling?
Ruka; her own personal medical condition is the only reason, which is stupid as hell. But again, there is nothing where we can actually see that she likes Kazuya because of his personality. And the lying part is true in this case too.
Sumi, this is actually the most acceptable, because they had limited encounter. For example, Kazuya "saved" Sumi but Kazuya's only reason was that it would give him a chance with Chizuru. Not because he is a good guy or he wanted to help Sumi.

We could talk about Mami, actually she is the most logical being in the show, but without her backstory I wouldn't like to guess. I read about her from others and if those things are true, then Mami is a joke too.

In anime, there is one main trope in the romcom genre: that a woman will fall in love with a man if he has a 'good heart' - they will typically be kind, caring, selfless, etc. despite other flaws they may have. They will often act to 'save' the woman from some situation; he is her 'knight in shining armor' who will care for her. Why is this a trope? It is because in real life, typically people want partners with such traits for long term relationships.

Let's talk about Ruka first because her character is very obvious. Ruka knows that Kazuya does a lot for Chizuru despite her only being a rental, and Kazuya's friend Kuri explains this to her. She then goes on to experience this; in season 1 episode 7 she trips from the stairs and Kazuya jumps to save her. What does this tell Ruka? It tells her that Kazuya's a caring person who will act to make sure another person is okay at the expense of his own safety and inconvenience. In addition, Kazuya does this despite Ruka being a nobody to him. Prior, he even pleads with Ruka to not expose Chizuru demonstrating that he cares deeply about others' feelings. Kazuya demonstrates that he is kind and caring at heart to Ruka? Check. Kazyua saves Ruka? Check. These are very, very obvious in-your-face tropes in romcom that serve as reasons to why a woman falls in love with a man. In some YouTube videos, the reviewers are completely oblivious as to why Ruka likes Kazuya, that it's baffling that they cannot even grasp or do not even know of basic romcom tropes. It's akin to not making a connection between "X enters house, X exits house" and "X is no longer hungry"; it is literally the reviewers being 'too dumb' to understand a story. The author even writes through dialog (Ruka: "if you care this much about a rental, you'll surely treat a real girlfriend much better!"), yet the reviewers still could not comprehend this. I am not suggesting that it is good writing to use such tropes, but it was obvious the direction the story was going from the moment Ruka fell from the stairs. If the reviewers cannot even comprehend this much, how exactly would they grasp and critique any other part of the story?

Chizuru's case is a bit more complicated. You are right that the main reason Chizuru has some feelings for Kazuya is because he saves her (again the "kind, caring man who will jump in to save a woman in distress" trope). To understand why Chizuru acts the way she does, we have to understand a bit about her character. Chizuru is very stoic by nature, and is more accepting of others' odd behaviors and personalities. How do we know this? Because she's a top amateur rental and understands well the type of people who use the rental service (people with Kazuya's mindset). She aspires to be an actress, so she gains a lot of perspective of others' struggles through the service. She states that the purpose of the rental service is to "stop the bleeding"; it's a form of therapy for clients to help them develop confidence and social skills to function in the real world. Moreover, she is insecure and somewhat relates to her clients, and puts herself in their shoes ("after a year of doing rentals, I know how hard it is for these people!" or something along those lines). Why wasn't Chizuru bothered by Kazuya's stalking? Because she understands what Kazyua's like, i.e. he's insecure, paranoid and obsessed, but ultimately has no malicious intent. In fact, his intent was to make sure she was safe and Chizuru knows this (again, the "I care a lot about you" trope, but Kazuya is just very irrational with his approach). Her reaction is quite expected for her as a character, but obviously a character such as Mami would have a completely different reaction ("you are a loser, and I'm going to tell everyone about it").

I thought Sumi's case was least well written, because we have not explored her character in any depth.

1. The analysis about the characters' purpose only works if they have purpose. And that's a big problem, because in many shows they doesn't have.
Just because of the main aspect is above average that doesn't make the whole show above average.
And no, even that aspect doesn't work, because as we know, people are not really in fear.

2. It have to follow rules and Family Guy is pretty bad example, because it does follow the rules. Just the show doesn't have many rules. That's the point.
And yes, the absurdity makes it funny, but that's absurdity is not ruled out by the rules. The absurdity is within the rules.

And you are wrong about Kaguya-sama, because that's actually was a question and actually got answered.

3. And you are wrong about harem too. When the MC saves or tries to save a girl, then we already know about the MC's positive side. He can be clever, strong, funny, dependable. While in this case the way to be slightly believable their feelings, he needed to save the girl.
But even fkn iCarly knows that you can't base a relationships on a save, because that's not how relationships work.

4. You are wrong about Ruka, because she didn't fall in love when Kazuya saved her. She only fell in love when she saw a number on her phone. That's all.
Ruka NEVER considered Kazuya's personality or anything he did. And that's true even for now. She does understand that Kazuya loves Chizuru, I mean "loves", but she doesn't really care and keep pushing even if it ruins their relationship.
Kazuya is not a caring person. If you lie to make your life easier, but makes your loved one's life harder, then you are not a caring person.

The basic romcom never uses only the saves as a base.

5. Chizuru's understanding Kazuya makes much more obvious why she shouldn't or wouldn't fall in love with him. You just proved me right.
Sep 9, 2022 1:31 AM
Aug 2021
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

Quality is about the manner in which an author expresses his or her thoughts through a fictional representation. It is an analysis of the goals and mindset of the author, what exactly they want to present, and the feelings they try to invoke in the audience through the techniques they use. The analysis attempts to answer questions about the aspects of the story such as "why does this character exist? what is their purpose? what did the author envision when they wrote this character or story?" The overarching theme of RAG is "MC is silly and does irrational stuff that causes drama and stressful situations, that continuously keeps the audience in fearful anticipation". It's presentation is slightly above average simply because it achieves this quite effectively. Chizuru is portrayed quite well because through her character we have an idea of who she is fundamentally (the author breathes 'life' to the character to tell us about her).

To be more precise, it needs to be believable only when it pertains to the specific goals of the author and the nuances of a theme. It does not need to be believable simply because of the setting or "rules" of the story (these are called contradictions rather than "character X's actions make no sense to me").
Proof: Comedy such as Family Guy often have characters act in strange ways, despite its modern setting, because absurdity is the basis for comedy. The goal of the producers of Family Guy is not to create anything that is believable, but precisely the exact opposite of believability for laughs.

In Kaguya Sama, the question is never "why does Kaguya like Shirogane and why don't they just confess to each other instead of doing all these silly little stunts?" because that's not the author's goal of answering the question in a rational manner. The author's goal is to make the characters absurd and behave in ways that one would never expect in real life. In another example, in Tonikaku Kawaii the author's goal is for the audience to feel the romance between the main characters, but the author hastily introduced the characters' love through a one-time interaction (thus making their love 'unbelievable'). The problem with this is that it is in stark contrast to their goal as an author, not that lack of believability is inherently a problem.

It depends on the specificity of the scene. If the hungry person went inside the neighbor's house and the reviewer could not comprehend for the life of them how X is no longer hungry after watching them walk out of the house, they have no business reviewing or critiquing fiction. If we know that character X has eaten nothing during that time, then it is unbelievable.

In anime, there is one main trope in the romcom genre: that a woman will fall in love with a man if he has a 'good heart' - they will typically be kind, caring, selfless, etc. despite other flaws they may have. They will often act to 'save' the woman from some situation; he is her 'knight in shining armor' who will care for her. Why is this a trope? It is because in real life, typically people want partners with such traits for long term relationships.

Let's talk about Ruka first because her character is very obvious. Ruka knows that Kazuya does a lot for Chizuru despite her only being a rental, and Kazuya's friend Kuri explains this to her. She then goes on to experience this; in season 1 episode 7 she trips from the stairs and Kazuya jumps to save her. What does this tell Ruka? It tells her that Kazuya's a caring person who will act to make sure another person is okay at the expense of his own safety and inconvenience. In addition, Kazuya does this despite Ruka being a nobody to him. Prior, he even pleads with Ruka to not expose Chizuru demonstrating that he cares deeply about others' feelings. Kazuya demonstrates that he is kind and caring at heart to Ruka? Check. Kazyua saves Ruka? Check. These are very, very obvious in-your-face tropes in romcom that serve as reasons to why a woman falls in love with a man. In some YouTube videos, the reviewers are completely oblivious as to why Ruka likes Kazuya, that it's baffling that they cannot even grasp or do not even know of basic romcom tropes. It's akin to not making a connection between "X enters house, X exits house" and "X is no longer hungry"; it is literally the reviewers being 'too dumb' to understand a story. The author even writes through dialog (Ruka: "if you care this much about a rental, you'll surely treat a real girlfriend much better!"), yet the reviewers still could not comprehend this. I am not suggesting that it is good writing to use such tropes, but it was obvious the direction the story was going from the moment Ruka fell from the stairs. If the reviewers cannot even comprehend this much, how exactly would they grasp and critique any other part of the story?

Chizuru's case is a bit more complicated. You are right that the main reason Chizuru has some feelings for Kazuya is because he saves her (again the "kind, caring man who will jump in to save a woman in distress" trope). To understand why Chizuru acts the way she does, we have to understand a bit about her character. Chizuru is very stoic by nature, and is more accepting of others' odd behaviors and personalities. How do we know this? Because she's a top amateur rental and understands well the type of people who use the rental service (people with Kazuya's mindset). She aspires to be an actress, so she gains a lot of perspective of others' struggles through the service. She states that the purpose of the rental service is to "stop the bleeding"; it's a form of therapy for clients to help them develop confidence and social skills to function in the real world. Moreover, she is insecure and somewhat relates to her clients, and puts herself in their shoes ("after a year of doing rentals, I know how hard it is for these people!" or something along those lines). Why wasn't Chizuru bothered by Kazuya's stalking? Because she understands what Kazyua's like, i.e. he's insecure, paranoid and obsessed, but ultimately has no malicious intent. In fact, his intent was to make sure she was safe and Chizuru knows this (again, the "I care a lot about you" trope, but Kazuya is just very irrational with his approach). Her reaction is quite expected for her as a character, but obviously a character such as Mami would have a completely different reaction ("you are a loser, and I'm going to tell everyone about it").

I thought Sumi's case was least well written, because we have not explored her character in any depth.

1. The analysis about the characters' purpose only works if they have purpose. And that's a big problem, because in many shows they doesn't have.
Just because of the main aspect is above average that doesn't make the whole show above average.
And no, even that aspect doesn't work, because as we know, people are not really in fear.

2. It have to follow rules and Family Guy is pretty bad example, because it does follow the rules. Just the show doesn't have many rules. That's the point.
And yes, the absurdity makes it funny, but that's absurdity is not ruled out by the rules. The absurdity is within the rules.

And you are wrong about Kaguya-sama, because that's actually was a question and actually got answered.

3. And you are wrong about harem too. When the MC saves or tries to save a girl, then we already know about the MC's positive side. He can be clever, strong, funny, dependable. While in this case the way to be slightly believable their feelings, he needed to save the girl.
But even fkn iCarly knows that you can't base a relationships on a save, because that's not how relationships work.

4. You are wrong about Ruka, because she didn't fall in love when Kazuya saved her. She only fell in love when she saw a number on her phone. That's all.
Ruka NEVER considered Kazuya's personality or anything he did. And that's true even for now. She does understand that Kazuya loves Chizuru, I mean "loves", but she doesn't really care and keep pushing even if it ruins their relationship.
Kazuya is not a caring person. If you lie to make your life easier, but makes your loved one's life harder, then you are not a caring person.

The basic romcom never uses only the saves as a base.

5. Chizuru's understanding Kazuya makes much more obvious why she shouldn't or wouldn't fall in love with him. You just proved me right.

I never thought there would be a day when I spent even a small portion of time arguing with goobers online. Look bro I'm done with this argument I don't give a fuck about you opinion. I love the show and I think the quality is fucking great; so go cry to your mom about it. I know opinions can be scary sometimes, because they could differ from you own but you can try I believe in you anyway I'm out chow
Sep 9, 2022 11:13 PM

Aug 2018
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

Quality is about the manner in which an author expresses his or her thoughts through a fictional representation. It is an analysis of the goals and mindset of the author, what exactly they want to present, and the feelings they try to invoke in the audience through the techniques they use. The analysis attempts to answer questions about the aspects of the story such as "why does this character exist? what is their purpose? what did the author envision when they wrote this character or story?" The overarching theme of RAG is "MC is silly and does irrational stuff that causes drama and stressful situations, that continuously keeps the audience in fearful anticipation". It's presentation is slightly above average simply because it achieves this quite effectively. Chizuru is portrayed quite well because through her character we have an idea of who she is fundamentally (the author breathes 'life' to the character to tell us about her).

To be more precise, it needs to be believable only when it pertains to the specific goals of the author and the nuances of a theme. It does not need to be believable simply because of the setting or "rules" of the story (these are called contradictions rather than "character X's actions make no sense to me").
Proof: Comedy such as Family Guy often have characters act in strange ways, despite its modern setting, because absurdity is the basis for comedy. The goal of the producers of Family Guy is not to create anything that is believable, but precisely the exact opposite of believability for laughs.

In Kaguya Sama, the question is never "why does Kaguya like Shirogane and why don't they just confess to each other instead of doing all these silly little stunts?" because that's not the author's goal of answering the question in a rational manner. The author's goal is to make the characters absurd and behave in ways that one would never expect in real life. In another example, in Tonikaku Kawaii the author's goal is for the audience to feel the romance between the main characters, but the author hastily introduced the characters' love through a one-time interaction (thus making their love 'unbelievable'). The problem with this is that it is in stark contrast to their goal as an author, not that lack of believability is inherently a problem.

It depends on the specificity of the scene. If the hungry person went inside the neighbor's house and the reviewer could not comprehend for the life of them how X is no longer hungry after watching them walk out of the house, they have no business reviewing or critiquing fiction. If we know that character X has eaten nothing during that time, then it is unbelievable.

In anime, there is one main trope in the romcom genre: that a woman will fall in love with a man if he has a 'good heart' - they will typically be kind, caring, selfless, etc. despite other flaws they may have. They will often act to 'save' the woman from some situation; he is her 'knight in shining armor' who will care for her. Why is this a trope? It is because in real life, typically people want partners with such traits for long term relationships.

Let's talk about Ruka first because her character is very obvious. Ruka knows that Kazuya does a lot for Chizuru despite her only being a rental, and Kazuya's friend Kuri explains this to her. She then goes on to experience this; in season 1 episode 7 she trips from the stairs and Kazuya jumps to save her. What does this tell Ruka? It tells her that Kazuya's a caring person who will act to make sure another person is okay at the expense of his own safety and inconvenience. In addition, Kazuya does this despite Ruka being a nobody to him. Prior, he even pleads with Ruka to not expose Chizuru demonstrating that he cares deeply about others' feelings. Kazuya demonstrates that he is kind and caring at heart to Ruka? Check. Kazyua saves Ruka? Check. These are very, very obvious in-your-face tropes in romcom that serve as reasons to why a woman falls in love with a man. In some YouTube videos, the reviewers are completely oblivious as to why Ruka likes Kazuya, that it's baffling that they cannot even grasp or do not even know of basic romcom tropes. It's akin to not making a connection between "X enters house, X exits house" and "X is no longer hungry"; it is literally the reviewers being 'too dumb' to understand a story. The author even writes through dialog (Ruka: "if you care this much about a rental, you'll surely treat a real girlfriend much better!"), yet the reviewers still could not comprehend this. I am not suggesting that it is good writing to use such tropes, but it was obvious the direction the story was going from the moment Ruka fell from the stairs. If the reviewers cannot even comprehend this much, how exactly would they grasp and critique any other part of the story?

Chizuru's case is a bit more complicated. You are right that the main reason Chizuru has some feelings for Kazuya is because he saves her (again the "kind, caring man who will jump in to save a woman in distress" trope). To understand why Chizuru acts the way she does, we have to understand a bit about her character. Chizuru is very stoic by nature, and is more accepting of others' odd behaviors and personalities. How do we know this? Because she's a top amateur rental and understands well the type of people who use the rental service (people with Kazuya's mindset). She aspires to be an actress, so she gains a lot of perspective of others' struggles through the service. She states that the purpose of the rental service is to "stop the bleeding"; it's a form of therapy for clients to help them develop confidence and social skills to function in the real world. Moreover, she is insecure and somewhat relates to her clients, and puts herself in their shoes ("after a year of doing rentals, I know how hard it is for these people!" or something along those lines). Why wasn't Chizuru bothered by Kazuya's stalking? Because she understands what Kazyua's like, i.e. he's insecure, paranoid and obsessed, but ultimately has no malicious intent. In fact, his intent was to make sure she was safe and Chizuru knows this (again, the "I care a lot about you" trope, but Kazuya is just very irrational with his approach). Her reaction is quite expected for her as a character, but obviously a character such as Mami would have a completely different reaction ("you are a loser, and I'm going to tell everyone about it").

I thought Sumi's case was least well written, because we have not explored her character in any depth.

1. The analysis about the characters' purpose only works if they have purpose. And that's a big problem, because in many shows they doesn't have.
Just because of the main aspect is above average that doesn't make the whole show above average.
And no, even that aspect doesn't work, because as we know, people are not really in fear.

2. It have to follow rules and Family Guy is pretty bad example, because it does follow the rules. Just the show doesn't have many rules. That's the point.
And yes, the absurdity makes it funny, but that's absurdity is not ruled out by the rules. The absurdity is within the rules.

And you are wrong about Kaguya-sama, because that's actually was a question and actually got answered.

3. And you are wrong about harem too. When the MC saves or tries to save a girl, then we already know about the MC's positive side. He can be clever, strong, funny, dependable. While in this case the way to be slightly believable their feelings, he needed to save the girl.
But even fkn iCarly knows that you can't base a relationships on a save, because that's not how relationships work.

4. You are wrong about Ruka, because she didn't fall in love when Kazuya saved her. She only fell in love when she saw a number on her phone. That's all.
Ruka NEVER considered Kazuya's personality or anything he did. And that's true even for now. She does understand that Kazuya loves Chizuru, I mean "loves", but she doesn't really care and keep pushing even if it ruins their relationship.
Kazuya is not a caring person. If you lie to make your life easier, but makes your loved one's life harder, then you are not a caring person.

The basic romcom never uses only the saves as a base.

5. Chizuru's understanding Kazuya makes much more obvious why she shouldn't or wouldn't fall in love with him. You just proved me right.

1. The analysis about the characters' purpose only works if they have purpose. And that's a big problem, because in many shows they doesn't have.
Just because of the main aspect is above average that doesn't make the whole show above average.
And no, even that aspect doesn't work, because as we know, people are not really in fear.

Every character has a purpose, and that purpose is dictated by the author.

2. It have to follow rules and Family Guy is pretty bad example, because it does follow the rules. Just the show doesn't have many rules. That's the point.
And yes, the absurdity makes it funny, but that's absurdity is not ruled out by the rules. The absurdity is within the rules.

RAG's story does not break any of its own 'rules'.

And you are wrong about Kaguya-sama, because that's actually was a question and actually got answered.

It does not answer the question "why don't they just confess rather than act juvenile?", because the author is not interested in answering such question. It's not the author's purpose for the story; the point is not to be believable.

3. And you are wrong about harem too. When the MC saves or tries to save a girl, then we already know about the MC's positive side. He can be clever, strong, funny, dependable. While in this case the way to be slightly believable their feelings, he needed to save the girl.
But even fkn iCarly knows that you can't base a relationships on a save, because that's not how relationships work.

The basic romcom never uses only the saves as a base.

The quality of a story doesn't depend on what other harems usually do, thus the MC being clever, strong, etc. is completely irrelevant when judging any specific show's content. The quality depends on the purpose set by the author, and how the author conveyed his or her thoughts. "While in this case the way to be slightly believable their feelings" - that's the entire purpose of the highlight of Ruka's relationship. Ruka's purpose is to be a parody of real relationships, and her role within the story is to act as the crazy girlfriend to create drama, i.e., the exact opposite of 'believability'. Her purpose is not to emphasize any realistic behavior or represent any romantic relationship that the audience can experience vicariously through, or one that can pull their heartstrings. Her character functions on the basis of comedy alone, specifically one that parodies normal behavior.

4. You are wrong about Ruka, because she didn't fall in love when Kazuya saved her. She only fell in love when she saw a number on her phone. That's all.
Ruka NEVER considered Kazuya's personality or anything he did. And that's true even for now. She does understand that Kazuya loves Chizuru, I mean "loves", but she doesn't really care and keep pushing even if it ruins their relationship.

You missed the entire point of the story that I have to repeat it to you again. Kuri explains to Ruka how heroic Kazuya is. Kazuya saves Ruka despite hardly knowing her. Ruka says "If you care so much about a rental, you'll surely treat a real girlfriend much better!" It's so incredibly obvious that these are reasons why Ruka likes Kazuya, because it tells her that Kazuya has a "good heart". Ruka ABSOLUTELY DID consider Kazuya's personality, and the author even had to write it through the characters' dialog for the masses. These are clear tropes in anime and romance shows, and in this case the author does not even try to hide it.

A reasoning was provided. Whether you agree to the reasoning is irrelevant; these are tropes used over and over in romance stories.

5. Chizuru's understanding Kazuya makes much more obvious why she shouldn't or wouldn't fall in love with him. You just proved me right.

In other words, "I can't provide any legitimate argument to refute your points, but I'm right."

You clearly don't understand the story, nor my previous post.
OpticflashSep 9, 2022 11:17 PM
Sep 10, 2022 7:15 PM

Aug 2020
I-IentaiLover said:
ktg said:

1. The analysis about the characters' purpose only works if they have purpose. And that's a big problem, because in many shows they doesn't have.
Just because of the main aspect is above average that doesn't make the whole show above average.
And no, even that aspect doesn't work, because as we know, people are not really in fear.

2. It have to follow rules and Family Guy is pretty bad example, because it does follow the rules. Just the show doesn't have many rules. That's the point.
And yes, the absurdity makes it funny, but that's absurdity is not ruled out by the rules. The absurdity is within the rules.

And you are wrong about Kaguya-sama, because that's actually was a question and actually got answered.

3. And you are wrong about harem too. When the MC saves or tries to save a girl, then we already know about the MC's positive side. He can be clever, strong, funny, dependable. While in this case the way to be slightly believable their feelings, he needed to save the girl.
But even fkn iCarly knows that you can't base a relationships on a save, because that's not how relationships work.

4. You are wrong about Ruka, because she didn't fall in love when Kazuya saved her. She only fell in love when she saw a number on her phone. That's all.
Ruka NEVER considered Kazuya's personality or anything he did. And that's true even for now. She does understand that Kazuya loves Chizuru, I mean "loves", but she doesn't really care and keep pushing even if it ruins their relationship.
Kazuya is not a caring person. If you lie to make your life easier, but makes your loved one's life harder, then you are not a caring person.

The basic romcom never uses only the saves as a base.

5. Chizuru's understanding Kazuya makes much more obvious why she shouldn't or wouldn't fall in love with him. You just proved me right.

I never thought there would be a day when I spent even a small portion of time arguing with goobers online. Look bro I'm done with this argument I don't give a fuck about you opinion. I love the show and I think the quality is fucking great; so go cry to your mom about it. I know opinions can be scary sometimes, because they could differ from you own but you can try I believe in you anyway I'm out chow

Its quite evident when you've abandoned your own pity party thread and couldnt hold a conversation without lashing out that you were done arguing. You had no argument to begin with.
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