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Jul 20, 2022 9:51 PM

Jul 2020
Today's guest on Holo Interviews is 3miL!

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I'm a semi-casual fan of a lot of things, not really a hardcore fan of anything. I have also developed a bit of an obscure taste and preference from trying out a lot of other things. Generic details are on my profile but social-wise I don't think I'm that hard to approach or get along with lol, unless we're really incompatible
How did you get into anime and manga, and what are some of your favorites, along with favorite characters/waifus?
I started with mainstream anime as a kid and through the years when the distinction was made, I went back when it was being re-popularized by things such as local channels and merch like anime posters and magazines, which eventually led me to learn about anime databases, like MAL. MAL is not the first site I've been on though.

I joined this site on the notorious doomsday date, not intentionally, as a result when the site I was in had to close due to poor financial support and the owner made a site-wide announcement about it, leading a few friends and me to move here.

Most of my faves are displayed on the profile but let's name 3 of each at least

  1. Macross Frontier - Idol Mecha with a good character development and music
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains - The most serious, yet apparently controversial season of the children's card game franchise
  3. Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai - Best Harem with unique characters

  1. Ika Musume (Shinryaku! Ika Musume) - Quite literally the mascot of my profile and should also be the mascot of this website. A ball of curious cuteness
  2. Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier) - Incredibly attractive and she has an awesome character development in the show, also very down-to-earth unlike irl celebs
  3. Kosaki Onodera (Nisekoi) - She's the typical Japanese lady, is good at womanly tasks too and loves deeply. She's wasted on the main character
Do you have any favorite anime OST's?
If you mean including themes and insert songs, not much. I usually only go after opening and ending themes. Let's name 10 for now
  1. Koi no Shirushi (Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai S1 ED)
  2. Lion (Macross Frontier OP 2)
  3. Velonica (Bleach OP 9)
  4. Don't Let Me Down (Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara ED)
  5. Lucky Ending (Fruits Basket Reboot S1 ED)
  6. Setsuna no Kajitsu (Grisaia no Rakuen OP)
  7. Kimi no Koto (Suzuka ED 2)
  8. I Miss You (Fortune Arterial ED)
  9. Timeless Sleep (Project Arms The 2nd Chapter ED 1)
  10. Massive Wonders (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Strikers OP 2)
Is there a particular anime genre that you feel is underappreciated and deserves more attention?
Mecha, Mecha is literally one of the main founding genres responsible for the anime boom and now you see a lot of fucking teenage girls with Mecha on their dislike list who unsurprisingly also like K-pop. The anime fandom is dead
Do you feel you have any anime takes that would be deemed controversial?
Not really, seasonal-chasing is overrated and lolicons aren't pedos. Pretty sure the latter isn't as controversial as people would say
You're a big Hatsune Miku fan; what is it about Miku that you love and what are you favorite Miku songs
I wouldn't call myself that. My personal definition of a fan would be something along the lines of like knowing everything about them, such as all their songs or their background prior to fame and shit. Plus I don't, or should I say haven't listened much to other vocaloids.

Anyway, I love the simplistic 2000s look to her and some of her somber, controversial songs is what kept me. The fun happy songs were good, but you can see those everywhere. As for favorite songs, let's name 10 again
  1. Aishiteru
  2. Ai Dee
  3. Fake Doll
  4. Ghost Rule
  5. Hand in Hand
  6. Horizon
  7. The Snow White Princess is
  8. Last Night, Good Night
  9. Shinkai Shoujo
  10. Suna no Wakusei
What interests do you have outside of anime?
I also watch J-dramas and Tokusatsu via my MyDramaList account. Other than that I watch a variety of topics on Youtube such as current events, reviews, motivational/philosophical/religious videos and creepypasta (though the lattermost is what I touch the least)
Now let's get serious: Ashley Tisdale or Vanessa Hudgens?
LMAO. As a kid-preteen I always went for the blondes. And to this day I would still argue that Tisdale is more attractive. However, since I'm not that much a fan of either I can only judge them by their looks. And damn those Hudgens nudes are quite the ...
Favorite Hentai and Hentai recommendations
I made a stack to answer this question as it's very important lmao but that's subject to updates

Let's go with these for now:

Who are your Top 5 Cat-Girls of all time
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a bonafide catgirl enthusiast. I can only name Himari Noihara and Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois, both are voiced by Ami Koshimizu (Holo's voice actress). I know other cat girl characters but I only like those two. Hmmm I guess Rem Galeu and Eris from Cat Planet Cuties (aka real Holo) can count LMAO
What is it about Holo that drew you to her and that you love?
I actually knew about her anime way back in the 2000s but didn't watch as it was not interesting to me at the time, After watching her anime I began to appreciate her character, wisdom and just overall waifu material
How does it feel to be Top General of The Holoist Society?
I'm the Top General of the Holoist Society? Where are the female cadets? I guess I was mostly sleeping when the war was happening lol
Are you still in the MAL card-making and card-collecting business?
I stopped collecting cards in early 2021, when I was just starting in that one ecchi club. Eventually an admin of another ecchi club was apparently slandering me and spreading shit about me collecting sets for display and not actually using them. I explained myself to the dude and he appeared to have understood but later on a friend of mine informed me said admin was still saying the same things about me. He lied, basically. That was the very last active card/set club I was in, As of the moment I am still in 2 forum set/graphic club but we're still waiting for their admins to return

As for making cards, I only edit stuff for myself nowadays. I've participated in 2 editions last year though
Lastly, anything you would like to say to our readers?
Don't drink the Kool-aid, kids. Also don't stick your dick in crazy
HoloisHoloJul 20, 2022 9:56 PM
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Jul 20, 2022 10:01 PM

Dec 2012
Glad to be on the Holo Rogan Experience show, Joe!
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Jul 20, 2022 10:12 PM

Jul 2020

LOL why are we Joe Rogan. Although it does give me an idea for Holo Interviews haha

I'm surprised you don't have Eu since she's usually in your profile pictures and signatures

True, Mecha isn't as appreciated as it once was even though it is was what made anime huge.

Had to ask you the hard hitting question there XD I know I said Ashley Tisdale, but I've been swayed towards Vannessa Hudgens LOL

I haven't seen any of those hentai but by the covers they seem excellent and I trust your judgement LOL

And how dare you cite the copyright infringement character Eris. They were forced to pay up a large amount for using Holo's likeness without her permission and now Holo owns the studio.
Also, what about the Nekopara girls :D

You played a key role during The Holo Revolution. Our battle against BFVRAT

I will stick my dick in crazy if I so well please XD
Jul 20, 2022 11:35 PM

Dec 2012
HoloisHolo said:

LOL why are we Joe Rogan. Although it does give me an idea for Holo Interviews haha

I'm surprised you don't have Eu since she's usually in your profile pictures and signatures

True, Mecha isn't as appreciated as it once was even though it is was what made anime huge.

Had to ask you the hard hitting question there XD I know I said Ashley Tisdale, but I've been swayed towards Vannessa Hudgens LOL

I haven't seen any of those hentai but by the covers they seem excellent and I trust your judgement LOL

And how dare you cite the copyright infringement character Eris. They were forced to pay up a large amount for using Holo's likeness without her permission and now Holo owns the studio.
Also, what about the Nekopara girls :D

You played a key role during The Holo Revolution. Our battle against BFVRAT

I will stick my dick in crazy if I so well please XD

We might need a cup of joe while we're at it hahahah

she's a default answer so I skipped her this time

I'm not even a mecha fan but that has to be said

Fair choices, they're both pretty attractive. But they're nothing compared to Sumire Uesaka

You haven't seen Oni Chichi? It's literally one of the most famous one out there

lmao, unfortunately I haven't seen any nekopara yet but the chocolate one attracts me more, I'd say

That's nice, but where are the female cadets? I need at least 2 sacrificed in my altar

Don't say I didn't warn you
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Jul 21, 2022 12:19 AM

Sep 2017
Glad to know a bit more about you @3mil ;)

Thanks for the interview guys !
Jul 21, 2022 1:33 AM
No.1 Rias Lover

Feb 2021
Finally you got one smh

Good job @3miL btw nice read
Jul 21, 2022 7:04 AM
Dec 2014

You played a key role during The Holo Revolution. Our battle against BFVRAT

I will stick my dick in crazy if I so well please XD[/quote]
3miL said:
HoloisHolo said:

LOL why are we Joe Rogan. Although it does give me an idea for Holo Interviews haha

I'm surprised you don't have Eu since she's usually in your profile pictures and signatures

True, Mecha isn't as appreciated as it once was even though it is was what made anime huge.

Had to ask you the hard hitting question there XD I know I said Ashley Tisdale, but I've been swayed towards Vannessa Hudgens LOL

I haven't seen any of those hentai but by the covers they seem excellent and I trust your judgement LOL

And how dare you cite the copyright infringement character Eris. They were forced to pay up a large amount for using Holo's likeness without her permission and now Holo owns the studio.
Also, what about the Nekopara girls :D

You played a key role during The Holo Revolution. Our battle against BFVRAT

I will stick my dick in crazy if I so well please XD

We might need a cup of joe while we're at it hahahah

she's a default answer so I skipped her this time

I'm not even a mecha fan but that has to be said

Fair choices, they're both pretty attractive. But they're nothing compared to Sumire Uesaka

You haven't seen Oni Chichi? It's literally one of the most famous one out there

lmao, unfortunately I haven't seen any nekopara yet but the chocolate one attracts me more, I'd say

That's nice, but where are the female cadets? I need at least 2 sacrificed in my altar

Don't say I didn't warn you

Oh someone who enjoys Nanoha, Rozen Maiden and Macross and Arms :D

Since watch Toku, have you seen the 1993 Gridman?
GenesicKaiserJul 21, 2022 7:09 AM
Jul 21, 2022 8:47 AM

Sep 2014
The better question would've been "You're a big Tokusatsu fan; what is it about tokus that you love and what are your favorite shows" 😏

lmao you reminded me of those nude pics
Jul 21, 2022 11:01 AM

Jul 2020
3miL said:
HoloisHolo said:

LOL why are we Joe Rogan. Although it does give me an idea for Holo Interviews haha

I'm surprised you don't have Eu since she's usually in your profile pictures and signatures

True, Mecha isn't as appreciated as it once was even though it is was what made anime huge.

Had to ask you the hard hitting question there XD I know I said Ashley Tisdale, but I've been swayed towards Vannessa Hudgens LOL

I haven't seen any of those hentai but by the covers they seem excellent and I trust your judgement LOL

And how dare you cite the copyright infringement character Eris. They were forced to pay up a large amount for using Holo's likeness without her permission and now Holo owns the studio.
Also, what about the Nekopara girls :D

You played a key role during The Holo Revolution. Our battle against BFVRAT

I will stick my dick in crazy if I so well please XD

We might need a cup of joe while we're at it hahahah

she's a default answer so I skipped her this time

I'm not even a mecha fan but that has to be said

Fair choices, they're both pretty attractive. But they're nothing compared to Sumire Uesaka

You haven't seen Oni Chichi? It's literally one of the most famous one out there

lmao, unfortunately I haven't seen any nekopara yet but the chocolate one attracts me more, I'd say

That's nice, but where are the female cadets? I need at least 2 sacrificed in my altar

Don't say I didn't warn you

Lol yes I think this is a new direction we should go in haha

Yeah I'm not big fan but I appreciate it. The one's I have seen I liked alot, NGE, Code Geass but not E of E lol

Yes Chocola! :D

No I haven't seen it, I'm more of a hentai art appreciator or hentai game player than a hentai show watcher LOL

We have the Waifu Regiment of our Holoist Fighters. I post there pics all the time lol

Oh I know what I'm doing XD

And yes Sumire Uesaka, is the best VA :D
HoloisHoloJul 21, 2022 11:16 AM
Jul 22, 2022 12:00 AM

Dec 2012
GenesicKaiser said:
Oh someone who enjoys Nanoha, Rozen Maiden and Macross and Arms :D

Since watch Toku, have you seen the 1993 Gridman?

I guess you can say that I'm old-fashioned lol

But as for toku, I mostly consume the popular ones. Garo or Chouseishin is probably some of the most obscure ones I can remember that fast so no I have not seen Gridman yet

sunsetocean said:
The better question would've been "You're a big Tokusatsu fan; what is it about tokus that you love and what are your favorite shows" 😏

lmao you reminded me of those nude pics

They're basically the Japanese equivalent of superhero shows, I also used to watch stuff like Batman or The Justice League when I was younger. My first tokusatsu is Kamen Rider Ryuki, I think. Or it could've been Uchuu Keiji Shaider. Kamen Rider Ouja was my favorite character back then

That neck-twisting thing is what we used to imitate a lot during grade school lmao

as for favorites I am biased towards the Kamen Rider franchise. Faiz, Kabuto, Decade, Gaim, Build and Zero-One are some of the best

Well, Holo brought up the question, not me hahahaha

HoloisHolo said:
Lol yes I think this is a new direction we should go in haha

Yeah I'm not big fan but I appreciate it. The one's I have seen I liked alot, NGE, Code Geass but not E of E lol

Yes Chocola! :D

No I haven't seen it, I'm more of a hentai art appreciator or hentai game player than a hentai show watcher LOL

We have the Waifu Regiment of our Holoist Fighters. I post there pics all the time lol

Oh I know what I'm doing XD

And yes Sumire Uesaka, is the best VA :D

Aight, I'm waiting Joe

Try Gurren Lagann or Macross, although I like the latter more for their music/waifus vs their mechs. Gurren Lagann is good too

Then pick at least one from what I recommended. Try Stringendo, it's the longest hentai I've seen so far with 12 episodes.

Where is this? link me kudasai uwu

I can't agree with that, Sumire may be the prettiest to me but the best voice has to be Saori Hayami, or Kana Hanazawa/Yui Horie
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Jul 22, 2022 2:08 PM

Jul 2020

We'll still keep doing the traditional interview format, but if I think of another interview format, would you like to participate in that?
It wouldn't be personal stuff, unless you want to share, but it'd be more so just giving random ass takes lol

I'm surprised I haven't seen Gurren Lagann yet since there's Yoko lol

I like the cover for Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo so I'll choose that lol

Here's a couple pics of our Holoist Fighters :D

Well that's what I mean, Sumire is the cutest so therefore she's the best :D
And get yourself a GF who appreciates the Soviet Union like Sumire does right? XD
Jul 22, 2022 5:39 PM

Dec 2012
LMAO, two interviews in one club. Why not?

BRO that's top tier quality. I think Joey or Garnt may have mentioned that hentai at least once on their podcast

She appreciates the Soviet Union? What? Where is genderbent Putin when you need her?
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Jul 22, 2022 8:06 PM

Dec 2012
I forgot to tell you there's at least 3 NTR on those 10, good thing you didn't pick any of them
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Jul 22, 2022 9:38 PM

Jul 2020

Yes this is Holo Interviews. Where anyone who wants an interview WILL get an interview. Unlike our adversaries.
Also, this one will be more of a discussion of various takes

Wait you watch Trash Taste too?! This whole time we could've talked about TT lol

And yes she does! Her love for Russian culture is what led to learn about Russia, learn the language and appreciate the Soviet Union. It's so cute :D

Haha ok. I'll still respect NTR because that is Sydney's favorite genre lol
Jul 24, 2022 10:39 AM

Dec 2012
HoloisHolo said:

Yes this is Holo Interviews. Where anyone who wants an interview WILL get an interview. Unlike our adversaries.
Also, this one will be more of a discussion of various takes

Wait you watch Trash Taste too?! This whole time we could've talked about TT lol

And yes she does! Her love for Russian culture is what led to learn about Russia, learn the language and appreciate the Soviet Union. It's so cute :D

Haha ok. I'll still respect NTR because that is Sydney's favorite genre lol

I only watched a short bit of it, I tried to check where it was mentioned. I think it was in the video where Connor talked about Mother Knows Breast but I cannot find that on the search results. I found this instead: and it features yet another great hentai, that being "Hitozuma, Mitsu to Niku"

Our president is in good terms with Putin-sama, here: Destiny is asking me to become Russian lmao

She's pretty and has huge tits but her voice is fucking annoying =_=; and also likes problematic tropes, like someone I know
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Jul 24, 2022 11:43 AM

Jul 2020
3miL said:
HoloisHolo said:

Yes this is Holo Interviews. Where anyone who wants an interview WILL get an interview. Unlike our adversaries.
Also, this one will be more of a discussion of various takes

Wait you watch Trash Taste too?! This whole time we could've talked about TT lol

And yes she does! Her love for Russian culture is what led to learn about Russia, learn the language and appreciate the Soviet Union. It's so cute :D

Haha ok. I'll still respect NTR because that is Sydney's favorite genre lol

I only watched a short bit of it, I tried to check where it was mentioned. I think it was in the video where Connor talked about Mother Knows Breast but I cannot find that on the search results. I found this instead: and it features yet another great hentai, that being "Hitozuma, Mitsu to Niku"

Our president is in good terms with Putin-sama, here: Destiny is asking me to become Russian lmao

She's pretty and has huge tits but her voice is fucking annoying =_=; and also likes problematic tropes, like someone I know

Haha the Hentai Episode. That was a fun one. Yes Connor is a certified Milf Hunter lol, even has the shirt haha
My favorite part of the episode was them talking about Kuroinu lol

Yeah he definitely made the shift to have Philippines ally with Russia and China, rather than the US

What, you're not a fan of HEY GUYS! IT'S YOUR GIRL! XD
You ever see her video at the Pornstar bar :D
Jul 24, 2022 9:04 PM

Dec 2012
HoloisHolo said:
3miL said:

I only watched a short bit of it, I tried to check where it was mentioned. I think it was in the video where Connor talked about Mother Knows Breast but I cannot find that on the search results. I found this instead: and it features yet another great hentai, that being "Hitozuma, Mitsu to Niku"

Our president is in good terms with Putin-sama, here: Destiny is asking me to become Russian lmao

She's pretty and has huge tits but her voice is fucking annoying =_=; and also likes problematic tropes, like someone I know

Haha the Hentai Episode. That was a fun one. Yes Connor is a certified Milf Hunter lol, even has the shirt haha
My favorite part of the episode was them talking about Kuroinu lol

Yeah he definitely made the shift to have Philippines ally with Russia and China, rather than the US

What, you're not a fan of HEY GUYS! IT'S YOUR GIRL! XD
You ever see her video at the Pornstar bar :D

Oh yeah I remember that, they talk about it like it's THE WORST hentai out there when 1428 Sayaka and Shiiku x Kanojo exist smh

You know about that? Wow, I'm impressed

I guess I can find it cute but it's still cringe hahaha. No, link me lmao
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Jul 25, 2022 3:09 PM

Jul 2020
3miL said:
HoloisHolo said:

Haha the Hentai Episode. That was a fun one. Yes Connor is a certified Milf Hunter lol, even has the shirt haha
My favorite part of the episode was them talking about Kuroinu lol

Yeah he definitely made the shift to have Philippines ally with Russia and China, rather than the US

What, you're not a fan of HEY GUYS! IT'S YOUR GIRL! XD
You ever see her video at the Pornstar bar :D

Oh yeah I remember that, they talk about it like it's THE WORST hentai out there when 1428 Sayaka and Shiiku x Kanojo exist smh

You know about that? Wow, I'm impressed

I guess I can find it cute but it's still cringe hahaha. No, link me lmao

I've never seen those two, but why are they bad? lol. They look alright in the pictures haha

I have to be well versed in geopolitics because of Holo :D

Here: I would be in here all the time! :D XD

Jul 28, 2022 7:24 AM

Dec 2012
HoloisHolo said:
3miL said:

Oh yeah I remember that, they talk about it like it's THE WORST hentai out there when 1428 Sayaka and Shiiku x Kanojo exist smh

You know about that? Wow, I'm impressed

I guess I can find it cute but it's still cringe hahaha. No, link me lmao

I've never seen those two, but why are they bad? lol. They look alright in the pictures haha

I have to be well versed in geopolitics because of Holo :D

Here: I would be in here all the time! :D XD

They're incredibly degenerate, involves drugs too

lmao nice

that place is going to turn me into a sick degenerate, worse than I already am lmao
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Jul 28, 2022 11:37 AM

Jul 2020
3miL said:
HoloisHolo said:

I've never seen those two, but why are they bad? lol. They look alright in the pictures haha

I have to be well versed in geopolitics because of Holo :D

Here: I would be in here all the time! :D XD

They're incredibly degenerate, involves drugs too

lmao nice

that place is going to turn me into a sick degenerate, worse than I already am lmao

Ok I see lol

Yes and it's also what I'm interested too

Haha yeah, when the naked lady is making drinks, I would just be sitting there all day XD
And the part where Sydney is using the straw in a sexual way in the drink, I would probably get really into that XD
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