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Tokyo Mew Mew
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Jul 6, 2022 1:05 AM

Oct 2020
the first episode does seem sort of rushed, but I still enjoying it so far! Reminds me of anime from the 2000's
Jul 6, 2022 2:26 AM

Mar 2021
Ichigo's cute but goddamn she has no personality or depth outside of romance. All she ever talked about in this episode was boys and kissing. It's one thing to be interested in romance but a lot of female characters' entire existence revolves around their male love interest.
Jul 6, 2022 4:17 AM
Feb 2019
I like how they change some details of the story. There are some things which are different from the original animation. But I like it more like this. It was a good start from my point of view. I hope the other episodes are as good as this or even better. And I also hope that they won't rush the story.
Jul 6, 2022 6:22 AM

Mar 2021
THIS IS SO GOOD!!! this is what a reboot should be, updated for new fans and changed enough that old fans can get something new out of it. i am SO excited to see what mint is up to; she was always my favorite mew mew and i am living for her getting a bigger role in the story!!!

prince_noctis_ said:
Ichigo's cute but goddamn she has no personality or depth outside of romance. All she ever talked about in this episode was boys and kissing. It's one thing to be interested in romance but a lot of female characters' entire existence revolves around their male love interest.

lmao don't watch the original then. in the original we don't even get to see her meet aoyama or find out why she even likes him! she's a bit of a bakadere in this version, but in the original she was just... there. which is why mint was my favorite, she constantly dunked on ichigo
n3k0rinJul 6, 2022 6:25 AM
Jul 6, 2022 6:23 AM

Jan 2017
Don't remember much from the original one, but iirc I loved it as a kid, gonna need to rewatch it one day. This one is pretty fun too so far.
Jul 6, 2022 8:05 AM
Dec 2019
prince_noctis_ said:
Ichigo's cute but goddamn she has no personality or depth outside of romance. All she ever talked about in this episode was boys and kissing. It's one thing to be interested in romance but a lot of female characters' entire existence revolves around their male love interest.

this is honestly so true smhhhh
Jul 6, 2022 9:18 AM

Feb 2016
Did Aoyama got cucked in the ending? Ichigo kiss the blonde guy in it, what an horrible way to spoil the story in the ending of the very 1st episode lol this can have 20+ years old but still that shouldn't matter here.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Jul 6, 2022 10:07 AM

Jul 2017
this is so fucking shit omg
Jul 6, 2022 11:06 AM
Aug 2013
Found the first episode boring. It was the same with the old anime, and the first volume of the manga. I am happy that older shoujo titles are getting new adaptions though! In a sea of generic isekai anime, it's nice to get something else, and Tokyo Mew Mew is nostalgic for me.

Wasn't sold on the music for this one, and as it's the same composer as for Sailor Moon Crystal, this makes sense. It's very bland and doesn't create any tension or excitement. On another sound note, I really like Ichigo's voice actor. She doesn't sound like a baby, like most female anime characters do there days, and this was a very nice change.

All in all, looking forward to see how the rest of the show is gonna be. Always fun to get classical magical girl shows like this one. And the art looked really good!
Jul 6, 2022 11:26 AM

Mar 2014
Just as I would expect, not too bad but not too good either

Jul 6, 2022 12:53 PM

Sep 2008
NGL watching this made me want to rewatch the original, still happy many more people will experiment this, even if this feels like fanservice for us millennials that watched this bac in the day (tbh i preferred this one over sailor back in the day, and i still tink the same)
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Jul 6, 2022 1:27 PM
Aug 2021
I don’t like how all the faces look soo childish/ babyish.
Jul 6, 2022 1:48 PM
Oct 2020
StallionXD said:
Did Aoyama got cucked in the ending? Ichigo kiss the blonde guy in it, what an horrible way to spoil the story in the ending of the very 1st episode lol this can have 20+ years old but still that shouldn't matter here.
actully if it will be anything like the original. the blond guy is not going to be the one who will kiss her she will have only 2 love intrested
Jul 6, 2022 1:49 PM
Oct 2020
Zerity said:
this is so fucking shit omg
i actully liked the arstyle and both the transformation and opening animation so i dont think it was so bad
Jul 6, 2022 1:50 PM
Oct 2020
Aurakin said:
Found the first episode boring. It was the same with the old anime, and the first volume of the manga. I am happy that older shoujo titles are getting new adaptions though! In a sea of generic isekai anime, it's nice to get something else, and Tokyo Mew Mew is nostalgic for me.

Wasn't sold on the music for this one, and as it's the same composer as for Sailor Moon Crystal, this makes sense. It's very bland and doesn't create any tension or excitement. On another sound note, I really like Ichigo's voice actor. She doesn't sound like a baby, like most female anime characters do there days, and this was a very nice change.

All in all, looking forward to see how the rest of the show is gonna be. Always fun to get classical magical girl shows like this one. And the art looked really good!
in my opinion the opening song was actually good .
Jul 6, 2022 2:15 PM

Mar 2019
This episode was ok. I knew from the trailer that they changed for Mint to be the first of the squad. To be honest I liked Ichigo first better. It felt kinda rushed in some parts, especially the relationship between Ichigo (who seems to be confused about her feelings about love) and Aoyama. One funny thing I remember is how a few people act rude and push the characters aside to escape, as if there wasn't enough space, then the forced kiss happens, and after that more people conveniently appear. Can't interrupt such a romantic scene!

It's dangerous when you try to tell a long story in a really short time, sacrificing development to get the job done. Although the animation and character designs are good, and the OP and ED follow the style of the original songs. I'm looking forward to see how the story continues.
Jul 6, 2022 2:30 PM

May 2021
Ichigo and Mint are schoolmates???!!

Very fun episode, i like that it already has some twist that set it aside from the original giving it it's own vibe

Couple of nitpicks:
Wondering how/if Mint already being on the team from the beginning will effect her story, as her backstory in the original, her struggles and how that effected her life and made her who she is, is what made me really connect to her

And Aoyama looked better in the original, he looks a bit too generic in the remake
Jul 6, 2022 3:03 PM
May 2022
If they are messing with the story line, at least give us a Dren x Ichigo ending
Jul 6, 2022 3:16 PM
Mar 2010
EricchiYukia said:
Maybe just a bit too fast? It's weird that they basically already know each other and that Minto already knew about the Mew Mew Project.
Other than that, seems great! Looking forward to more episodes!

That's how it happens in the Manga, I'm glad they were also separated (unlike the manga) when infused, that way ichigo doesn't know who hee teammates are and will have to look for them. Unless Minto tells her who they are
Jul 6, 2022 3:22 PM
Mar 2010
According to a staff interview (I've shared it on my tumblr and Twitter profile) the changes were mia ikumi idea in order to develop the characters and the story some more, Minto being a mew and probably funding Ryou Shirogane project is part of her character arc but that was all that was revealed. I trust in Ikumi sensei choices, I'm glad she was able to see the characters and story werw undeveloped in the manga.
everyone is commenting how rush everything was, well that's how the Manga is, Ichigo having a crush on aoyama, the date, the kiss, the infusion, the fight was all part of the same chapter but the anime did it differently by introducing ichigo on her new year, roaming around school, seeing Aoyama at the lendo practice... Compared to the manga we didn't see any of that.
Comparing the animation to the original, well this was fantastic, it was so fluid, full of frame movements, it's a project made with love and dedication. I have in the staff, they seem to what they're doing. The voice actors (newbies) did a fantastic job, i loved them
Jul 6, 2022 3:27 PM
Feb 2018
DigiCat said:
Ichigo and Mint are schoolmates???!!

Very fun episode, i like that it already has some twist that set it aside from the original giving it it's own vibe

Couple of nitpicks:
Wondering how/if Mint already being on the team from the beginning will effect her story, as her backstory in the original, her struggles and how that effected her life and made her who she is, is what made me really connect to her

And Aoyama looked better in the original, he looks a bit too generic in the remake

mint went undercover at Ichigo's school and yes she is the first to become a mew mew this is a change Mia ikumi had made before her passing I've heard that not just mint but the other girls are also planned to have more fleshed out lives compared to both the manga and the 2002 anime
Jul 6, 2022 3:51 PM
Apr 2013
I feel like I'm one of the few people who didn't like the reboot? TMM was my first anime and I loved it so much as a kid (got me really into animals, drew tons of fanart and made my friends roleplay our TMM OCs), but this reboot did not vibe with me. Like wtf happened to Mint? She's kinda creepy and personality-less. And was Ichigo always this boy-obsessed, like she doesn't have any other interests or aspects of personality so far in the Reboot? Also they tried to introduce waaay too many characters in the first episode by showing all the magical girls. And they're cutting Mint's debut episode? Pacing seems rushed and exposition is off.
Jul 6, 2022 3:54 PM

May 2019
Well, I hate to be that person, but I went into this anime with low expectations and came out devastated, and here's why.

I watched the first half of the original as a kid and loved it. I watched the whole series a few years ago, and I realized how generic it was, with nonsensical plot points and plot holes. I have a low bar for reboots generally, but as far as TMM goes, there wasn't that much to mess up, rather there was a lot that could ended-up being fixed by a reboot. Boy, was I wrong.

Here's what I had issues with. Minto is the first Mew and has to find all the other mews, which completely usurps Ichigo's original role in the story as the leader. This reboot's Minto is completely out of character compared to the original's. "The elite Minto Aizawa wouldn't be caught dead being an errand girl for two nobody scientists." So much for character development. Also a nitpick. That's not how the laser with the mew marks works. They get the marks from being shot by the laser, not being totally bathed in it.

What did they get right? The animation, the narration, and voice acting.

Unfortunately, I couldn't appreciate anything after the chimera showed up immediately after Ichigo got zapped. I suppose even this childhood favorite isn't safe from the rushing of the 12-episode crunch syndrome. It just feels like the original got chopped up and all the pieces were mixed up, and put back together out of order.

Might not go forward with watching it. I'm just so bummed.
Jul 6, 2022 4:05 PM

Jul 2017
Elior21 said:
Zerity said:
this is so fucking shit omg
i actully liked the arstyle and both the transformation and opening animation so i dont think it was so bad

the animation was fire everything else for me at least was garbage
Jul 6, 2022 4:51 PM

Apr 2012
Piromysl said:
Ah, finally.
A classical, vanilla Mahou Shoujo anime, which I have never actually watched.
And no yuri shit in sight.

One of the girls is more or less enamored with the local ore-onna, so I'm sorry. But I don't know about this version, in the original it never went beyond gay jokes.
Jul 6, 2022 5:18 PM

Aug 2009
I feel so nostalgic!!
Jul 6, 2022 8:02 PM

Oct 2016
I'm truly impressed. They somehow managed to make Ichigo and Masaya's so-called "romance" even worse.
What even is this pacing? First (proper) meeting, first "love", first date and a kiss in the first episode? As if their "romance" wasn't poorly written enough before.
This writing could've actually worked if Masaya was just a decoy for the "true love interest" (In other words; we're supposed to believe that Masaya is the love interest, but Ichigo eventually ends up with someone else), but we all know that this isn't the case. It's just bad writing.

I was hoping this new project could fix the problems I had with the manga (Like Ichigo's "love" for Masaya, Masaya as a character and their relationship), but my faith has now dropped to 0. I'm now convinced that everything that I liked in the manga will be ruined.
But at least the anime looks pretty.

Can't wait to see what they're going to ruin next :)
Jul 6, 2022 11:46 PM
Aug 2021
The graphic looks pretty promising but somehow it lacks the touch that the original had. Well maybe because it's only the first episode. The osts are okay, havent gotten into me yet, but it's getting there. The seiyuu line up is top tier, I'd never imagined them casting Nakamura Yuichi (aka my favorite seiyuu) to become Shirogane (aka my first ever husbando). Overall 4/5, can't wait to see more.
Jul 7, 2022 3:50 AM
Sep 2017
I know I shouldn't be so Negative but I kinda don't like the changes... I love the original anime and manga so much, maybe too much so i keep comparing everything.

Also Ryo looks SO ugly in this new artstyle, or is it just me? And I also don't like the new transformations...

But I'll try to have a positive outlook, i just hope they don't ruin Kisshu's character, since he was my first ever anime crush...
Jul 7, 2022 6:21 AM

Jan 2017
Hmm, I have mixed feelings.
I feel like outside is all the same, but on the inside everything has changed. As it should because it's remake, but still, there's something odd.

Mint already knowing everything about Mew Project is giving major Sailor Venus vibes. Also if I'm not wrong, originally it was more like an accident that girls got mew mew'd (lol) but not it was all planned and specific girls were chosen.

I think they should've kept it in that Ichigo already knew and liked Aoyama. But I admired when she admitted that she had no idea what endangered animals were. Aoyama smiling after that just proves that he thought something along the lines "oh well, at least she knew I was into them and wanted to take me here, so she really must like me" etc.

Jul 7, 2022 7:45 AM
Oct 2020
xSweetSlayerx said:
Well, I hate to be that person, but I went into this anime with low expectations and came out devastated, and here's why.

I watched the first half of the original as a kid and loved it. I watched the whole series a few years ago, and I realized how generic it was, with nonsensical plot points and plot holes. I have a low bar for reboots generally, but as far as TMM goes, there wasn't that much to mess up, rather there was a lot that could ended-up being fixed by a reboot. Boy, was I wrong.

Here's what I had issues with. Minto is the first Mew and has to find all the other mews, which completely usurps Ichigo's original role in the story as the leader. This reboot's Minto is completely out of character compared to the original's. "The elite Minto Aizawa wouldn't be caught dead being an errand girl for two nobody scientists." So much for character development. Also a nitpick. That's not how the laser with the mew marks works. They get the marks from being shot by the laser, not being totally bathed in it.

What did they get right? The animation, the narration, and voice acting.

Unfortunately, I couldn't appreciate anything after the chimera showed up immediately after Ichigo got zapped. I suppose even this childhood favorite isn't safe from the rushing of the 12-episode crunch syndrome. It just feels like the original got chopped up and all the pieces were mixed up, and put back together out of order.

Might not go forward with watching it. I'm just so bummed.
just wait when Kisshu will showed up. then things will get messy consider how abusive their interactions were from his point of view and how he acted
Elior21Jul 7, 2022 8:14 AM
Jul 7, 2022 7:47 AM
Oct 2020
Yudesei said:
I'm truly impressed. They somehow managed to make Ichigo and Masaya's so-called "romance" even worse.
What even is this pacing? First (proper) meeting, first "love", first date and a kiss in the first episode? As if their "romance" wasn't poorly written enough before.
This writing could've actually worked if Masaya was just a decoy for the "true love interest" (In other words; we're supposed to believe that Masaya is the love interest, but Ichigo eventually ends up with someone else), but we all know that this isn't the case. It's just bad writing.

I was hoping this new project could fix the problems I had with the manga (Like Ichigo's "love" for Masaya, Masaya as a character and their relationship), but my faith has now dropped to 0. I'm now convinced that everything that I liked in the manga will be ruined.
But at least the anime looks pretty.

Can't wait to see what they're going to ruin next :)
i dont care much about aoyama since for me at least he was boring. now Kisshu on the outher hand even if he was abusive with his love for her they had much better interactions
Elior21Jul 7, 2022 8:14 AM
Jul 7, 2022 12:07 PM
Jan 2016
I liked, and I'm excited to see where it goes... But I have to say, it didn't feel as... gripping as the original first episode? I've seen a lot of people saying it feels rushed, and I guess that could be it. But I remember there being an air of suspense to the original first episode that I just didn't feel here.

I've heard this is going to follow the manga and not be a 1 to 1 remake of the 2002 anime, but to honest, I could never really get into the manga so... fingers crossed for my overall opinion on this one. Any news about how long it will be? Another 50-episode-type run or something shorter?

One thing I'm definitely torn on is the new character designs. I think it suits some of the characters-- Ichigo in particular-- really well. But I feel almost like I'm looking at a Harvest Moon game or something-- where everyone's got exactly the same cutesy face shape. Certain characters-- like Ryo and Zakuro-- definitely had a more mature look to them compared to the others in the original, so I'm not really feeling the new designs for them.
Jul 7, 2022 1:50 PM

Jan 2017
Am I the only one who loves her new red hair better than her pink her? Both are great and some are okay with the change, but again I actually prefer it. It suits her more.
Jul 7, 2022 4:22 PM
Aug 2013
daniel_franke said:
Am I the only one who loves her new red hair better than her pink her? Both are great and some are okay with the change, but again I actually prefer it. It suits her more.

Same! I like it. :)
Jul 7, 2022 4:23 PM
Aug 2013
Elior21 said:
Aurakin said:
Found the first episode boring. It was the same with the old anime, and the first volume of the manga. I am happy that older shoujo titles are getting new adaptions though! In a sea of generic isekai anime, it's nice to get something else, and Tokyo Mew Mew is nostalgic for me.

Wasn't sold on the music for this one, and as it's the same composer as for Sailor Moon Crystal, this makes sense. It's very bland and doesn't create any tension or excitement. On another sound note, I really like Ichigo's voice actor. She doesn't sound like a baby, like most female anime characters do there days, and this was a very nice change.

All in all, looking forward to see how the rest of the show is gonna be. Always fun to get classical magical girl shows like this one. And the art looked really good!
in my opinion the opening song was actually good .

Yeah I should've been more specific, was refering to the background music.
Jul 7, 2022 4:35 PM
Oct 2020
Aurakin said:
Elior21 said:
in my opinion the opening song was actually good .

Yeah I should've been more specific, was refering to the background music.
i have to wonder how they will handle kisshue and ichigo interactions. will they make this as abusive like in the old anime where he forced his love on her?
Jul 7, 2022 6:30 PM

Aug 2021
Girls, if two weird guys ask you to get in a truck, don't do it.
From what I understand from the anime, do they turn them into magical girls to force them to work as maids and fight giant anime? I must be wrong, but this is what it looked like at the end of this episode. We'll see what happens.
The art turned out beautiful! It made me want to watch the anime before this remake.
I love the style of old anime, it's very difficult for me to follow the stories, but little by little I'm getting used to it.
Jul 7, 2022 7:11 PM

Apr 2020
This reboot is interesting, a lot of changes are made in this episode that makes it a different kind of Mew Mew than the original, from the costumes, Ichigo's (pitiful) voice, character designs, and the setup on how they became a Mew Mew.

Don't need to list all of the notes here, just hope that this re-adaptation fare better than the original one.
Jul 7, 2022 10:55 PM

Feb 2008
I am quite impressed with how old school they made this feel. It legit comes off like I am watching an older magical school girl anime, but updated lol. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.

I know I watched some of the original a long time ago, but I don't really remember a whole lot about it. I just went and took a look at the first episode of the original and I have to say, I think I prefer the new one thus far. I find Ichigo is cuter in this one.
I am become bunny, fluffing of worlds.
Jul 7, 2022 11:05 PM

Nov 2014
Rozemyne0 said:
If they are messing with the story line, at least give us a Dren x Ichigo ending

Jul 8, 2022 9:20 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Did not like that they changed major story elements and not sure if I like Zakuro's transformation look just yet. Otherwise, it's okay so far.
Jul 8, 2022 9:23 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
phantomfandom said:
It's interesting that Aoyama's ideology integrate climate crisis and climate action, while the Mew mew group act as an actual climate justice. Even though I don't expect a shoujo story from 20 years ago to have a strong politically correct message (as compare to newer magical girl like Precure), but the first episode gets my hope up.

The original manga was all about environmental things and the animal DNA that the girls were injected with are all endangered species.
Jul 9, 2022 10:27 AM

May 2010
I watched first adaptation years ago, also read the manga, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the original, so far I kinda enjoy it! The artstyle is SO GOOD, shiny, cute, with pretty much no visible CG animation (which is a disaster in many newer series), it looks just great. Definitely way better than recent Sailor Moon remake lol.

Making changes seems like a good idea, although not sure why Ichigo couldn't stay junior high student. The only thing I enjoyed more in the first anime so far, was the opening, but the new one is fine I guess.

Probably won't think too much of the plot, but I think I'm gonna enjoy this more than original story.
Jul 9, 2022 3:00 PM

Nov 2014
Akiinya said:
I know I shouldn't be so Negative but I kinda don't like the changes... I love the original anime and manga so much, maybe too much so i keep comparing everything.

Also Ryo looks SO ugly in this new artstyle, or is it just me? And I also don't like the new transformations...

But I'll try to have a positive outlook, i just hope they don't ruin Kisshu's character, since he was my first ever anime crush...

Same! I'm here for my babe.
Jul 9, 2022 3:01 PM

Oct 2009
What did they do with the color pallete they all washed out, not only that Ichigo is now bland red, the heck.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Jul 9, 2022 7:07 PM

Mar 2012
I really liked this first episode, as somebody new to the franchise. Without any knowledge of what the original is like, this was a pretty good first episode.
Jul 11, 2022 6:27 AM

Feb 2016
I think the episode was a bit too fast (Ichigo developing a crush on Aoyama-kun in 3 seconds, everyone is there almost since the beginning, Minto is already fighting omg) but overall I really enjoyed it!

I loved the old version A LOT and I'm so happy they're back (with pros and cons)
Looking forward to new episodes!

(Also love the OP theme)
Jul 11, 2022 7:48 AM

Oct 2015
Okay the transformation isn't bad. The tone is also fine.

The accidental kiss was an overkill though.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jul 11, 2022 9:15 AM
Mar 2010
StallionXD said:
Did Aoyama got cucked in the ending? Ichigo kiss the blonde guy in it, what an horrible way to spoil the story in the ending of the very 1st episode lol this can have 20+ years old but still that shouldn't matter here.

No, and i mentioned on my tumblr and twitter that Ichigo and Ryou lips don't actually kiss.....this is just a foreshadowing to Ichigo turning into a cat due to excitment (high adrenaline) that's why there's a flash and their on cat mode
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