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Nov 28, 2021 7:28 AM

Nov 2011
Lol, using Rudy as bait...

He got captured and it looks like episode aimed for his friends to save him. Zanoba is one of the weirdest characters this season and that's saying a lot for this anime. At least he managed to get out of that mess and I imagine that was a weird experience for him.
Nov 28, 2021 7:28 AM

Jul 2017
So we go back to the beginning of how Lilia and Aisha landed themselves in the Shirone Kingdom from the light, only to get imprisoned by the obnoxious pervertic Prince Pax because of the relations to Roxy.

Hah, this might be the best house for Rudeus with complete security, but this hellhole he isn't one to live for that long. It's not easy breaking out of the king-class barrier, and Rudeus desperately needs help escaping from it. And it's because of his sand-made figurines that caught the attention of one prince: his name is Zanoba, the 3rd prince of Shirone. He really praised the Roxy figurine he made to no end for the meticulousness lols, even the pervert angles are on-point. I'd bet that he's a secret hardcore Otaku from within who adores his "idols" through figurines. It's even funnier that Rudeus followed him through with that, and Zanoba's persistence knows no bounds. PRAISE ROXY-SAMA, no, Master Rudeus lols HAHA xD

Ruijerd and Eris looking to find "Kennel Master" Rudeus with Aisha on hand, and interrogating some of the guards opens up their woes and fear towards Pax. But nevertheless, Ruijerd steeling his heart to save Rudeus out of this predicament, there can be only one way out of this without alarming the sisters that Rudeus is still alive.

I just can't take Zanoba's Otaku actions with Rudeus seriously, and that Roxy trade kinda backfired his way of getting out from the trap. Good thing there's Aisha to lead the way to where Rudeus is trapped, but Zanoba took things into his own hands to lead his younger brother Pax to Rudeus instead, I like him already. Plus the fact that Pax really has no say to his older brother, Zanoba's torture was sublime though for Pax to release Rudeus. Ruijerd found Lilia and the other families held in captive, just because like-minded people think alike.

Well, thank God that Rudeus's Pandora's Box from the incident remained the same way as it is, but with one extra addition: Sylphie's pendant for his 10th birthday. Another harrowing adventure to save the maid and her child, and just like Norn, Aisha's the same when it comes to remembering how pervertic Rudeus was. Hold your horses, Aisha, you're too early to learn all that stuff from Lilia. And just like before, there they go again, separating on their own paths...and Aisha knows the truth!

Zanoba be an absolute chad prince and a W in my book, he's EASILY the troublemaker and definitely MVP of the episode. I'd think that Zanoba's a Blessed Child though with his Decapitated Prince moniker.

Ready for Turning Point 2?
KANLen09Nov 28, 2021 8:38 AM
Nov 28, 2021 7:28 AM

Apr 2020
Zanoba really admired Roxy statue, he even explained in detail every part about the statue of Roxy and Rudeus suddenly became a master, lmao.

in the end Aisha realized that is her brother
Nov 28, 2021 7:28 AM

Jun 2019
Man, I feel bad for Lilia and Aisha seeing everything from Lilia's POV was sad. Now that Rudeus has been captured by Pax Shirone, the seventh prince of Shirone Kingdom who did that just to lure Roxy and is a complete idiot. There's another guy, Zanoba who is Pax's older brother and the third prince of the kingdom. He is a geek and funny dude and also a good guy. I like him honestly. Would love to see more of him again.

Lucky for Rudeus that Eris and Ruijerd heard about him getting captured and are coming to the palace to rescue him. Ellis is like a big sister to Aisha and my god she's so precious. Well, everyone is safe and sound in the end and that's all that matters honestly. Lilia deserves happiness. Also, Aisha has a brother...
Nov 28, 2021 8:06 AM

Apr 2018
Lilia's POV was saddening for sure. Well, Rudeus is still trapped down there. It'll be hard for him to break a king-class barrier which not even Roxy can break. That prince is one hell of a pervert doing all this just to lure in Roxy. He doesn't even have any ideas on how to get this news out of the kingdom. On the other side, a hard-core otaku appeared who has an interest for Roxy sculptures. Yes, the one and only Zanoba. He's the older brother of the pervert and pretty much a better type of person. Rujierd and Roxy are trying their best to find Rudeus together with Aisha. They've heard that he got captured. Seems like there's only one thing to do. Zanoba's the goat in this episode. Easily solved all the problems. Welp, Aisha realized that the good-looking and amazing person who saved her life is actually her perverted brother. It's time for another adventure. We're very,very close to the greatest moment ever.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Nov 28, 2021 8:12 AM

Nov 2019
Mission accomplished, the "treasure box" has been successfully recovered. Excellent work

Nov 28, 2021 8:23 AM

Jul 2015
It was Zanoba time to shine but...

Turning Point 2

I've been waiting for this since EP1
Nov 28, 2021 8:26 AM

Oct 2017
This episode was a such a wild ride with Zanoba, had me rolling for a while and then the twist of him actually being strong was epic. Things got resolved fast, good to see Lilia safe. Lilia x Rudeus moment was sweet. Also Aisha's the most precious thing, must protect her at all costs.
Nov 28, 2021 8:28 AM

May 2020
You're a prince Zanoba, so you ought to act like one, but here you're describing each and every bit of those wax statues, so can see why your younger brother turned out the way he is.

But thankfully everything got resolved peacefully, too peacefully that it's almost scary.
Nov 28, 2021 8:30 AM

May 2020
That guy was pretty strong. So Lilia and Aisha are fine now so Rudeus is going to look for the other ones. This was a good episode and it looks like the next one is going to be really great.
Nov 28, 2021 8:32 AM
Sep 2021
Zanoba -> Kukira kertas, ternyata keras
Pax -> Kukira keras, ternyata kertas
What an opposite!

So sad when knew Lilia go to Shirone to became prisoner, but finally relieved after Lilia freed and meet Rudeus again.

Hmm... next episode will be the interesting one! Can't wait!
Nov 28, 2021 8:35 AM
Feb 2016
Great episode ,a lot better than previous .
Nov 28, 2021 8:39 AM

Dec 2014
Definitely not the conclusion I was expecting but I feel like I should’ve expected it would end this way.

The third prince guy is hilarious but he has the makings of a man of culture with his interest in figurines. XD

Aisha is too adorable, loved the farewell scene. I wonder what gave it away, is it because Rudeus kept hinting that her brother may have had something else in mind whenever she attempted to reprimand him for what she assumed were his actions?
Anyway, that smile at the end is to be protected.

Curious where we’ll go next.
Nov 28, 2021 8:47 AM
Oct 2016
Well alls well that ends well. Rudy got caught in the dastardly trap at the end of last episode but his rescue here came from an unlikely source. Pax older brother Zanoba coming in clutch with her fervor for the little starters Rudy makes. They are closely resembled to the modern day anime figures we have these days. Rudy even making that connect that Zanoba is like those rabid fans at summer anime festivals who can't wait to get the latest figure or merch. Zanoba even calling Rudy his master after learning Rudy made that Roxy statue from long ago. Its a good thing Rudy decided to keep making those statues along their journey cause it just literally saved his life here. Ruijerd was off saving the families of Pax servants whom were taken hostage, while Eris was guarding Aisha, so a rescue from them could've still been possible just heavily delayed. Zanoba brought the justice must swifter, almost literal ripping off Pax head and mangling his arm.

Glad that no horrible shit happened after that Pax had threatened at the end of last episode, and it was funny to see that Rudy rescue didn't come from where anybody thought it would. Connecting plot threads that have been present since Rudy and Eris got displaced to where it ends up being super important in the current situation, that's some good writing. Aisha and Rudy talking was sweet, of course she knew it was him Aisha is a super genius she can't be fooled. But now she has a newfound respect for her older brother so that's good. Next episode we have one of the most anticipated moments in the early story to be animated.
Nov 28, 2021 8:49 AM

Jan 2021
Good episode, unravels things that where setup in the last episode, but damn these episodes feel soo short when I checked to see how much was left it was already over.

Turning Point 2 next episode, this will be a big one.
Nov 28, 2021 8:58 AM

Jan 2017
I was already liking Zanaba's antics when he first appeared but then he went on full-on analysis about the Roxy figure that LASTED MINUTES LMAO

Having him as a ally is such a wildcard, wouldn't want to be on the short end of a Blessed Child dont ya Rudy
Nov 28, 2021 8:59 AM

Jul 2017
Very engrossing episode as usual, the music in this episode really stood out to me alongside the introduction of best boy Zanoba Shirone, but we'll get to the story with him and his 'master' another day. The way they did the Roxy sequence was really well done with the animation, and the way he just manhandled Pax that whole time was great too. His personality really shined here with limited screentime. I wish there was a bit more to an epilogue in this episode (I know where Aisha and Lilia are heading but more elaboration would have been nice too for this). But it was a great watch nonetheless, and it was nice seeing Rudeus have his family moments with Lilia with the embrace and him receiving his 3 year overdue present, along with parting ways with her and Aisha too. He was fooled the entire time and there were more than enough signs to give him away. Aisha is a genius after all. Oh yeah, the opening with Lilia and Aisha's POV was nice too to see their side of the story, although it was more straightforward than the whole journey Paul and Norn went through since they were trapped the entire time.

Next episode is what I'm really excited for. These next 2 episodes should be some of the best of the series for me, and I'm fucking pumped for Turning Point 2 to arrive and change the game in a big manner again.
animejasNov 28, 2021 9:03 AM
Nov 28, 2021 9:05 AM
Jul 2020
AdrianRubinsky said:
It was Zanoba time to shine but...

Turning Point 2

I've been waiting for this since EP1
looks like we will get to arc 2 in a few episodes
Nov 28, 2021 9:08 AM

Aug 2011
Another good episode without any pedo scenes. That makes what, 4 in a row now? Bloody great. Pity that most people were probably alienated by the first 5 episodes.

No, wait, it's 5 episodes. Ep1 had the seaside scene, and the Demon Loli scene. Ep2 had boat scene. Ep3 was fine. Ep4 has the bath peeking scene. Ep5-9 were fine, with Ep6 being arguably the best in the season so far. Keep up the good work, Mushoku Tensei.
Nov 28, 2021 9:08 AM

Jul 2015
Turning point 2 , finally can't fucking wait. And as always episodes feel short as hell.
Nov 28, 2021 9:09 AM

Jul 2017
Also, god bless this episode for being such an amazing promotion for the Roxy-figure that's announced today. Good marketing decision to announce it today after this episode. I wanna order this figure as soon as possible for Roxy and it's a figure that's got actual history with the series too.

Nov 28, 2021 9:10 AM

Feb 2016
This episode should have been named Birth of the Brocon. Speaking of, best bro was introduced and his VA did a great job capturing the whole statue obsession. Also interactions with Lilia and Aisha were handled exceptionally well.

Next episode Turning Point 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 28, 2021 9:11 AM

May 2016
A slow paced episode but felt like it lasted few mins.... another green light for me to read the LN.

Aisha kinda too clever for her age, I feel like the anime has skipped content about her doesn't make sense to make her like that.
Nov 28, 2021 9:16 AM

Feb 2014
Best boy has appeared. I was waiting for Zanoba's appearance. And I'm not disappointed. But it was just too short. Ahhhh I need more of Zanoba.

I found it weird that Lilia and Ruddeus didn't talk more. Maybe the studio had to cut short some things to respect the time.

Turning Point 2 is next week. These next 7 days are gonna feel so long.
Nov 28, 2021 9:18 AM

Jul 2021
Aisha is much cooler, funnier and smarter than Norn! I wanted her to continue the adventure with Rudeus, but it would be very difficult for that to happen, as it would be too risky.
I hope Rudeus doesn't fall into traps again, otherwise it will get very repetitive and irritating. I really want him to get stronger and do more relevant things.
Nov 28, 2021 9:19 AM
Nov 2020
Not sure about this but the upcoming few episodes are truly heartwrenching
Nov 28, 2021 9:23 AM

Jul 2015
man.. this was a nice conclusion to the whole fiasco.. Aisha is such a good girl... a bit wrongly educated by her mother but Lilia is a good women all things considered..

Zanoba is one strong dude and him almost tearing apart his brother was a brutal scene... Not gonna lie.. of all things that were happening, i did not predicted this episodes events like forever..

I do hope we get to see Pax and Zanoba again as better.. (ireallydon't)
Nov 28, 2021 9:29 AM
Jul 2018
Prince Zoba is so obsessed with the figure which Rudeus made. As Rudeus had said about Prince Zoba, he (Prince Zoba) exactly does look like those maniacs at summer festivals who are in a struggle to get the latest release of their favorite stuff. Prince Zoba even went to the ground and begged for it so much.

Meanwhile, as for Prince Zoba's brother, Prince Pax, he's a real piece of s***. I am glad that Prince Zoba broke his brother's left arm. Hopefully, that would teach Prince Pax a lesson for life. But I don't think it will for Prince Pax, because Prince Pax is that type of person.

Aisha Greyrat. She was too cute. The second part of this episode was filled with wholesomeness. Rudeus Greyrat's conversation with his sister was so wholesome. When Aisha Greyrat came to ask Rudeus Greyrat that she would like to come with them, Rudeus taught his sister what is right. And that was wholesome and cool.

When Aisha Greyrat left with her mother, Lilia Greyrat, the former housemaid of Paul's household, Aisha Greyrat and Rudeus Greyrat waved to each other goodbyes. And on that moment was when Aisha Greyrat revealed to his brother that she knew all along that Rudeus Greyrat was her brother. I think she knew about this because do you guys remember that episode when Rudeus sent the mail? Aisha Greyrat took the letter and read it. And she saw the writer's face.

I rate this episode a ten out of ten. It was brilliant. I was honestly so entertained. I hope to see more of Mushoku Tensei and hopefully, I will still be alive a year later of this anime's latest and last episode release.
Nov 28, 2021 9:29 AM
Apr 2020
Nice episode!

Zanoba is an interesting character, an otaku and he's physically powerful! Looking forward to see him in future episodes.

Rudeus and Aisha's moments together is so precious and heartwarming. Aisha is so cute and really intelligent. She's definitely going to be a great woman.

Now, it's time to find Zenith and Sylphie!

Nov 28, 2021 9:30 AM

Oct 2021
That was a very nice Roxy figurine marketing!
Nov 28, 2021 9:31 AM
Jul 2018
yLewahoy said:
Aisha is much cooler, funnier and smarter than Norn! I wanted her to continue the adventure with Rudeus, but it would be very difficult for that to happen, as it would be too risky.

Yes, you are so right about Aisha being much more smarter than Norn. It's probably because of genetics. Or probably because Aisha Greyrat has fangs but Norn does not. Just kidding.
Yes, it would be risky indeed for a child to join Rudeus' journey.

yLewahoy said:
I hope Rudeus doesn't fall into traps again, otherwise it will get very repetitive and irritating. I really want him to get stronger and do more relevant things.

To be honest, I think that Rudeus will fall into another trap yet again. But it will probably be solved much quicker.
Nov 28, 2021 9:32 AM

Apr 2017
SideCharacterKal said:
Lilia's POV was saddening for sure. Well, Rudeus is still trapped down there. It'll be hard for him to break a king-class barrier which not even Roxy can break. That prince is one hell of a pervert doing all this just to lure in Roxy. He doesn't even have any ideas on how to get this news out of the kingdom. On the other side, a hard-core otaku appeared who has an interest for Roxy sculptures. Yes, the one and only Zanoba. He's the older brother of the pervert and pretty much a better type of person. Rujierd and Roxy are trying their best to find Rudeus together with Aisha. They've heard that he got captured. Seems like there's only one thing to do. Zanoba's the goat in this episode. Easily solved all the problems. Welp, Aisha realized that the good-looking and amazing person who saved her life is actually her perverted brother. It's time for another adventure. We're very,very close to the greatest moment ever.
Etchinakoto o hanashidesu ka? Ano scene wa wakatemasu! Mite hoshi desu (Or that's what my perverted otaku inside me wanted to say...)
Kirito_onlineNov 28, 2021 9:39 AM
Nov 28, 2021 9:33 AM

Aug 2014
animejas said:
Also, god bless this episode for being such an amazing promotion for the Roxy-figure that's announced today. Good marketing decision to announce it today after this episode. I wanna order this figure as soon as possible for Roxy and it's a figure that's got actual history with the series too.

wow nice
I wonder how much it will cost :D

I would like to see figures of other girls also :D
This anime may become a long one ;o but they should make it weekly.

It was nice shock what Aisha said when they were saying goodbye ;d
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Nov 28, 2021 9:42 AM
Jan 2019
Nov 28, 2021 9:45 AM
Jan 2021
This was an amazing episode. Probably one of my favourites.
Nov 28, 2021 9:52 AM

Mar 2016
I usually don't like character types like Zanoba, but man this guy was so entertaining even with the limited screentime. That obsession with art is something else, although of course many people may mistake that for inherent perversion, which is silly because that's like calling someone like me a degenerate for liking a Greek statue of a nude person just because I'd appreciate all the general aspects of it and how it was made.
I'm glad Pax got punished though I did honestly want him to receive more payback for what he did to Aisha and Lillia as well as the guards' families.
Speaking of Aisha, I figured she'd find out sooner or later that her savior was Rudeus. I think she put two and two together early on, though it could've also been when Eris messed up and mentioned Rudeus by name a few times prior. Hope we'll see her and Lilia again soon.

Next episode is "Turning Point 2". Hype shit, indeed.
Nov 28, 2021 9:55 AM

May 2015
Whaaaaaat Turning Point 2 next week? I thought that would be left for episode 11 or 12.

It seems we'll get further into the story than I thought
Nov 28, 2021 9:56 AM

Nov 2020
The mana disaster being shown through different perspectives really gives this story such a connected and grand feel. It's like that "blip" incident on the MCU. I need more. REally really hyped for turning point 2.
Nov 28, 2021 9:56 AM
Apr 2018
I was extremly happy to see best boi animated, they did justice to his chadness. I am excited for his futures moments.
That Roxy figurine scene tho...where can I buy one? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


KANLen09 said:

Ready for Turning Point 2?


This is going to be good.
Nov 28, 2021 10:09 AM
Dec 2007
Raizel said:
A slow paced episode but felt like it lasted few mins.... another green light for me to read the LN.

Aisha kinda too clever for her age, I feel like the anime has skipped content about her doesn't make sense to make her like that.
It's described in the novels that she is hyper intelligent while Norn is kind of dumb. Aisha is compared to Rudy as far as intellect is concerned.
Nov 28, 2021 10:10 AM

Jun 2019
I figured Rudy would get out of this predicament fairly easily, but I didn’t expect it to be because of an otaku prince with super strength. I look forward to seeing if he shows up again sometime down the line. Rudy & Aisha had a nice moment together too. Only 3 episodes left sadly.
Nov 28, 2021 10:13 AM

Jun 2019
nanajp said:
Yes, you are so right about Aisha being much more smarter than Norn. It's probably because of genetics. Or probably because Aisha Greyrat has fangs but Norn does not. Just kidding.
Yes, it would be risky indeed for a child to join Rudeus' journey.

Is Aisha considered a Greyrat even though she is a bastard?
Nov 28, 2021 10:18 AM
Dec 2007
Blue_Maroon said:
nanajp said:
Yes, you are so right about Aisha being much more smarter than Norn. It's probably because of genetics. Or probably because Aisha Greyrat has fangs but Norn does not. Just kidding.
Yes, it would be risky indeed for a child to join Rudeus' journey.

Is Aisha considered a Greyrat even though she is a bastard?
Paul formally married Lillia so yeah, they're both Greyrats. He has two wives.
Nov 28, 2021 10:20 AM

Jun 2014
Zanoba really went into great detail about every aspect of that Roxy figurine lmao. What an interesting character, to say the least. Seeing him practically torturing Pax was so satisfying to watch, fuck Pax.

Well, all of that got settled nicely and it looks like Aisha knew who Rudy really was all along. Turning Point 2 has me hyped for what's to come.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Nov 28, 2021 10:21 AM

Apr 2015
I don't think I've hated an entire episode outright since C1. Congrats.
Nov 28, 2021 10:22 AM

Aug 2019
Small details regarding this episode:

- Paul and Norn were lucky, they got teleported to the safest place (middle of a grass land with no enemies). As the story progressed we see that most people were not so lucky to land on a safe place.
- Aisha realized who Rudy was the moment she saw him use chantless magic to escape from the guards in the alley (Roxy told everyone in the castle about his amazing student while she was working there). But pretended so that she can determine for herself what kind of person his brother really is.
- The anime cut this content, but Rudy realized how important magic circles are while he was imprisoned inside one. And this furthers his understanding how magic really works in this world.
- Physical attacks don't work on Zanoba that well because of his abnormal strength, that's why the soldiers had fire sticks when they wanted to stop him.
- They wanted to get rid of the two prince for a long time, this was the perfect opportunity.
- Aisha has a fang when she's smiling at the end of the episode. Cuteness ultra plus!
- Next episode is titled Turning point 2. Those are always extremely important!
- They announced the Roxy doll is purchasable right after this episode. Marketing: lvl 100
YaggamyNov 28, 2021 10:34 AM
Nov 28, 2021 10:30 AM

Sep 2007
Aww man, Zanoba got "exiled"? He'd be a great OP character for Rudeus to *cough*manipulate in a pinch. Hopefully not the last we see of him.

Sooo....Where are Aisha and her mom going exactly? To meet up with Dad? I'm sort of wondering...

Also? Hmm? What's all this hype about turning point 2? Hmmmmm....
Nov 28, 2021 10:34 AM
May 2021
How did Lilya manage to gave the gift to Rudues. From the start they have nothing Lilya and her daughter have been teleported and the pantsu looks like it's still in their home.. Idk
Nov 28, 2021 10:36 AM

Dec 2016
I never had a favorite character in MT but I'm really starting to like Zanoba. Also can't wait for turning point 2.
Nov 28, 2021 10:37 AM

Dec 2015
Zanoba is a hard core fan of this figure. It has quite the detail to it though. Willing to sell out his subordinates and even his brother. Guess this lucked out for Rudy.

Wonder if he would have told Pax that created the figure, would he be able to strike a deal. Rudy gets freedom and Pax gets a life size Roxy figure.

Holy cheeseballs, wasn't expecting him to be that strong O_O.

Ah, I wonder when Aisha found out. Then again Eris kept slipping up. It was nice to see her look at her brother in a different light, though. He's still quite the perv 😅.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
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