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Nov 11, 2021 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Man, this episode is wild. The magic mirror, grim reaper scythe, and Netherworld all packaged into the episode.

I'm also starting to like Daida more in this show. He may have an ego but he is also very tough and doesn't let anyone push him around.
Nov 11, 2021 8:25 AM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 11, 2021 8:38 AM
Sep 2021
Again, Ranking of Kings doesn't disappoint.

Still excellent to me, and still a 10/10.
Nov 11, 2021 9:42 AM
Apr 2021
Kage to Boji at the beginning
Nov 11, 2021 9:51 AM

Feb 2021
Of course Boji was not going to die there, it turns out Kage was with him the whole time, well that explains many things from the previous episode.

That was some really creepy stuff there with King Bosse's body, this magic mirror is still very mysterious to me.

And we got an explanation for why Domas was chosen for that mission, and he even chopped his own hand off lmao.

Now that Bojji is literally in hell itself I wonder what will happen to him, overall another great episode can't wait for next week
Nov 11, 2021 9:54 AM
Apr 2018
Bebin's a great teacher, that's one thing for sure. Doumas can never.
Nov 11, 2021 9:54 AM

Jul 2017
PHEW, Bojji GOT LUCKY from Kage saving his life to drop to a cliff, tucked away in his bag pouch. Such a nice reunion. BAWL...

It's nice of Kage to be hiding in his bag, evading Bojji of every danger from Bebin's orders. That was certainly a blessing in disguise. Daida having to rebut Domas for removing Bojji in order to make him king, that was a stark contrast as to how he treated Bojji head-on (the brothers' love may not be there, but hidden from view with a clear conscience).

The "Underworld" that's filled with poisonous gas, and Bojji getting saved by some tribal people to their colony, would be interesting of how they are treated there.

For Daida, becoming king is but only the first step, and the Magic Mirror assists in helping him attain that power. The underground chamber that preserves monsters and King Bosse in ice, and the imagery of cutting his body in front of his eyes to create a secret potion, to the burning ashes of a monster to drink King Bosse's "holy blood", it's absurd to get power just like this.

The Magic Mirror offers Daida the easy way out by drinking the elixir as opposed to gaining power by himself, and this is a turning point for Daida. Same for Hokuro who realized that Domas has been planning this from the start, and his courage plucks up to face Domas (even though he wouldn't win that easily).

What a confounding episode, but the experience is getting better.
Nov 11, 2021 10:07 AM
Oct 2016
I cannot simply put into words how happy I am that Kage has been looking out for Bojji the whole time since he escaped jail. Bebin giving Kage the mission to look out for Bojji is perplexing considering Bebin still tried to kill Apeas. Maybe Bebin did care for Bojji but still felt the need to follow his new King Daida orders. Kage revealing himself to be inside Bojji little bag warmed my heart. The best boys are back together!! Bojji crying almost made me cry, Kage is truly in Bojji corner now supporting him. They make such a great team.

Domas that slimey bastard pushing Bojji down into the pit, I wish Hokuro killed him but I knew he couldn't. Hokuro reacted the same way I personally would've, even if you know you can't bear Domas you have to try for Bojji sake. In Hokuro eyes he couldn't protect Bojji so he has to avenge him. At least Domas didn't kill Hokuro and just cut off his own hand as recompense for pushing Bojji with that same hand. Bojji and Kage being taken to this weird underworld king should be interesting since he knew Bojji dad. The king said something too about how both Bojji and Kage are already cursed.

Speaking of Bojji dad Holy hell what was the mirror trying to get Daida to do!! That whole segment of the episode every time to showed more of that macabre process made my jaw hit the floor. It got so bizarre and unsettling. Freezing the old king body, churning the body into pieces, using the goop from those pieces to form an egg, the egg hatching some red phoenix bird, killing the bird, using the bird blood and a gem to somehow strengthen Daida. The whole thing just so weird. I'm glad if anything that Daida didn't drink it. That mirror is not to be trusted, her smirks and laughs are shady. She wanted Daida to be ruined somehow by that potion. She kinda didn't explain much about her relation with the former king. There's something more there. A lot of weird stuff in this episode but at least the boys are together again.
Nov 11, 2021 10:11 AM

Jul 2011
This episode felt extremely fast.

When one of the shadiest character is a good character. And the most knightly like is evil.

I wouldn't doubt that Bojji mother is a beastmaster, and is frozen. And Bojji inherited her power, and the curse just got the giant part.

Thinking about it, to have all those tools to make that goo, having a marrow extractor, a long mirrored tower to catch sunlight, an over specially made to decapitate, is a lot of work to build.
Nov 11, 2021 10:15 AM

Jan 2020
Damn the episode unfolded really quickly. Props to Bebin, for there is no shortcut to success in life without serious consequences/risks - devil leaving Bosse's body is kinda self explanatory to that. Also, I like how the plot keeps on moving one step ahead with preparations for what is to happen in the near future.

s-lenNov 11, 2021 10:31 AM
Nov 11, 2021 10:21 AM
Jul 2016
Domas is gonna feel so silly next week when he finds out Boiji isn't dead lmaooooo.

Also Kage is back!!!!!!!
Nov 11, 2021 10:28 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
That gruesome process for the potion gave me goosebumps, didn't expect them to show stuff like this.

Daida further turning out to be prideful and, with the newest knowledge, well-taught by Bebin, that was a strong moment for me.

Bojji and Kage reunion!

Hokuro putting 1+1 together there real quick and standing up to Domas for his actions. Very interesting to see Domas use his arm as a shield. I believe he's already atoning in his own way for what he did.

Cursed Bojji, it wouldn't be farfetched to think that the Devil inside Bosse is connected to this now.
Nov 11, 2021 10:30 AM
Sep 2021
Little theory on the miror :

Tobirama-SenseiNov 11, 2021 10:35 AM
Nov 11, 2021 10:40 AM
Nov 2021
Best of this season❤️❤️❤️❤️
Its getting better & better by episode
Nov 11, 2021 10:44 AM

Sep 2017
Really love how well-written characters are in this anime

Domas and Daida both surprised me in this episode, in a good way

Also, did the Mirror really expect Daida to drink that smoothie after showing him how it was done ?
There's a French insult thay says "Mange tes morts", meaning "Go eat your deads"
Pretty sure the Mirror basically said Daida that
Nov 11, 2021 10:46 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Feels obvious but i did go back and check for this and yes, Domas is already repenting in his mind.

Nov 11, 2021 10:47 AM
Dec 2017
idk why but the line “which one of us is the fool” really hit me anyone else felt this way or is it just me
Nov 11, 2021 10:49 AM

Nov 2016
Boji and Kage "reunion" was short, but touching. Inb4 we get another crybait thread, lmao.

The Domas flashback further emphasized the dilemma he's in. That was a pretty good scene as well. And was that his dominant sword hand at the end? This episode and last episode he was holding his sword primarily with his left, during the spar he was using both hands, tho and in another image he was holding the sword in his right, so I'm not sure what to think. Perhaps he decided not to use his right/give up on it after he made up his mind to kill Boji for Daida. In any case, I guess he sacrificed his hand to punish himself and he won't be the same anymore after this. Let's see where his character goes from here. This is yet another element that reminds me of ASoIaF.

Character development for Daida also continues to be engaging. I like the lore accompaying his plot line too.

P.S. Was this the first time where the characters explicitly mentioned the curse?

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 11, 2021 10:58 AM
Oct 2016
Kage is back!!!! :uncontrollable tears like Bojji:

Nov 11, 2021 11:13 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
That reunion between Bojji and Kage was everything TwT

But there's a lot to unpack with this episode.....Firstly, Daida is a very interesting kid that I thought that I could have end up hating easily but the scene that he had with Domas and then later with the mirror (Btw, I think that the female hooded figure with the black hair in Apeas's flashback is the her) and her goons really made me second guess his character. The kid is pretty honourable and is smart in his own right too, so I respect him a lot for what he said to Domas and for not drinking the weird blood thing from the fucked up ritual (Pretty sure Bojji's mom is frozen in that room too)

Secondly, I'm very curious to see why Bojji and Kage were sent to the king of the Underworld but I'm hella hyped because of what the king said about them both....Bojji being a giant with his power stolen....I really wonder if there will be a way for him to get his power back

And lastly, kudos to everyone who predicted that Kage was the one who was watching over Bojji un Bebin's orders, as well as the poisoned meat thing, you guys are sharp as hell lol

Overall another great episode for the clear anime of the season and I'm very excited to see what happens next on both fronts (Part of me wanted Daida to drink the blood just to see how strong he'd be up against Apeas, whose about to pull there too but I'm fine with this outcome....Just hoping that they both don't die)

And P.S. To the guy that said to not write Domas out just yet....I see why you said that now....Domas intentionally allowed himself to lose his hand surely out of penance for what he did, but even so I still hate him for even going through with everything
TokoyaNov 11, 2021 11:16 AM
Nov 11, 2021 11:13 AM

Jan 2015
Holy… this episode tho. I wasn’t expecting at all the hand amputation lol.

I’m glad they are taking things a little more slowly. Definitely still fast, but slower than next week. Shit was crazy for Daida. Still don’t like him, but at least he knows who he wants to be, and actually seems quite capable himself.

Also, Bojji is cursed! I knew it! His power to grow up was taken away! Things are getting really interesting. The characters are really well written. Each one of them feels very deep and not one dimensional.
Nov 11, 2021 11:18 AM
Sep 2017
I know it will sound crazy..But i don't know why, i am getting major ONE PIECE vibes from this anime!!
Nov 11, 2021 11:25 AM
Mar 2021
MiniFreeza said:
Little theory on the miror :

[spoiler] but isn’t that who we see trapped in the ice?
Nov 11, 2021 11:28 AM

Oct 2017
We thought that Daida was bad, but he's actually a really nice guy. The fact that he doesn't need to drink that... thing to make him omnipotent really does show that he doesn't just want the power, he wants to work hard to get there. I actually thought that he was going to drink it, but the show did a better turn and showed his humanity.
He also wanted Domas to vote for Boji because he was his pupil, not him.
Being king doesn't mean anything if you're betraying people.

I'm pretty sure it's just because of his upbringing that he acts that way, and we'll eventually find out. The swordfight with Boji, for example, kind of proves that some of the royalties (in particular, Domas) sees him as superior to Boji and wants to keep that... most of the bad things don't actually happen because of Daida himself.
He loses his temper a lot, but he's not a bad person. Domas is the asshole, for good or bad reasons, we don't know yet.
BunilleNov 11, 2021 11:32 AM
Nov 11, 2021 11:29 AM

Apr 2018
It was predictable that Boji would be saved by Kage right there. I'm glad for the happy reunion between Kage and Boji. It was heartwarming to see Kage giving Boji a new crown because Boji without a crown is not Boji.

And seems like most of the people were right in the previous thread. Kage was ordered by Bebin to protect Boji and we got some flashbacks on Kage's POV. He has been there since the beginning and always protected him from anything.

Kage knows someone that can make Boji stronger so instead of going up, they're going down to the ''Underworld'' filled with poisonous gas but saved by some knights. Of course, it's another weird-looking King but this one.. he's an interesting one, his powers and the aura he gives off and the amount of knowlegde he possesses is interesting.

Boji is a giant whose strenght has been stolen and Kage is a cursed shadow. Two things that we have learnt in this episode and I need answers on them ASAP. On the other hand, Deida's process to become the strongest has failed. I mean, who in his right mind would drink something as disgusting as that? I'm glad that he declined it and ignored the Mirror's request. Seems like they will stop working together. The other one of the Big Four is arriving sooner or later. I forgot to mention the hidden chamber down there is dope as hell with the different kind of monsters. Also, isn't the Mirror frozen right there?

Hokuro finally realized Domas' true intentions. He sets his mind straight and picks up all the courage that he has in himself and attacks Domas. Well, he managed to cut his hand half off but Domas is the one who finished the job in the end. He's feeling guilty for ''killing'' Boji.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Nov 11, 2021 11:30 AM
Sep 2021
Pyrotheloststar said:
MiniFreeza said:
Little theory on the miror :

[spoiler] but isn’t that who we see trapped in the ice?

Yes, but I think it's just her body, I think her soul/mind is trapped in the mirror.
Nov 11, 2021 11:32 AM
Mar 2021
MiniFreeza said:
Pyrotheloststar said:

[spoiler] but isn’t that who we see trapped in the ice?

Yes, but I think it's just her body, I think her soul/mind is trapped in the mirror.
Ohh good point I didn’t think about it that way, thank you!!
Nov 11, 2021 11:39 AM

Dec 2011
Finally the plot unfolds, little by little. Bojji being a cursed giant piqued my interest in particular.

There was so much going on!
Nov 11, 2021 11:40 AM

Sep 2020
This is my favourite episode so far.

Bojji and kage's reunion was touching. Some wired shit was going one to take King's power lol. It's pretty much confirmed after this episode that the magical mirror is going to be one of the main antagonist of this series.

Anyway I have to say Domas is a bad-ass character cut off his hand didn't expect that.
Nov 11, 2021 11:41 AM

Jan 2009
lots have happened in this episode but the most striking to me is that Bojis Giant Power has been taken away by who? that Magic Mirror has taken it away isnt it?

degNov 11, 2021 11:57 AM
Nov 11, 2021 11:51 AM
Mar 2021
Tokoya said:
That reunion between Bojji and Kage was everything TwT

But there's a lot to unpack with this episode.....Firstly, Daida is a very interesting kid that I thought that I could have end up hating easily but the scene that he had with Domas and then later with the mirror (Btw, I think that the female hooded figure with the black hair in Apeas's flashback is the her) and her goons really made me second guess his character. The kid is pretty honourable and is smart in his own right too, so I respect him a lot for what he said to Domas and for not drinking the weird blood thing from the fucked up ritual (Pretty sure Bojji's mom is frozen in that room too)

Secondly, I'm very curious to see why Bojji and Kage were sent to the king of the Underworld but I'm hella hyped because of what the king said about them both....Bojji being a giant with his power stolen....I really wonder if there will be a way for him to get his power back

And lastly, kudos to everyone who predicted that Kage was the one who was watching over Bojji un Bebin's orders, as well as the poisoned meat thing, you guys are sharp as hell lol

Overall another great episode for the clear anime of the season and I'm very excited to see what happens next on both fronts (Part of me wanted Daida to drink the blood just to see how strong he'd be up against Apeas, whose about to pull there too but I'm fine with this outcome....Just hoping that they both don't die)

And P.S. To the guy that said to not write Domas out just yet....I see why you said that now....Domas intentionally allowed himself to lose his hand surely out of penance for what he did, but even so I still hate him for even going through with everything

Plus, the king of the underworld mentioned something about Kage being trapped in an “Altered Form who has met with divine disfavor” I’m genuinely really hyped and interested to see what he means by that and what other forms he could possibly have.
Nov 11, 2021 12:00 PM
Sep 2021
I've been thinking, and I'm starting to believe that Daida is not King Bosse's son.
I think Domas had an affair with the Queen, and Daida was born from their affair.

It would explain why Domas tries SO hard to get in the good graces of Daida to the extent of killing Bojji.

It would also explain why the mirror was laughing while Daida was raising his glass : only those with the blood of King Bosse can drink this potion she said, what if she knew he wasn't King Bosse's son ? What effect would this potion have on Daida ?

Finally, we never saw Daida with King Bosse, and the only time we saw Bojji visiting Bosse, he said something strange about Bojji being his son and the pain he had thinking of the Kingdom when he'll be gone.

So yea.. I strongly believe that's what's behind all of it. I'm sure he loved Queen Hilling, but I doubt Daida's his son.
Nov 11, 2021 12:02 PM
Sep 2021
I knew he was following him the whole time.
Nov 11, 2021 12:06 PM

Nov 2016
deg said:
lots have happened in this episode but the most striking to me is that Bojis Giant Power has been taken away

Ok, so that Boji and Kage are cursed was indeed explicitly stated for the first time. So far it was merely a headcanon to me.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 11, 2021 12:10 PM
Aug 2020
I was hoping Daida would continue showing that he’s actually a somewhat admirable person. This show is actually a masterpiece, I can’t believe how good it is.
Nov 11, 2021 12:10 PM
Mar 2021
MiniFreeza said:
I've been thinking, and I'm starting to believe that Daida is not King Bosse's son.
I think Domas had an affair with the Queen, and Daida was born from their affair.

It would explain why Domas tries SO hard to get in the good graces of Daida to the extent of killing Bojji.

It would also explain why the mirror was laughing while Daida was raising his glass : only those with the blood of King Bosse can drink this potion she said, what if she knew he wasn't King Bosse's son ? What effect would this potion have on Daida ?

Finally, we never saw Daida with King Bosse, which just adds to the probability of him not being his biological father.
you actually have a really good point! I’m not completely sure if I’d agree on it being Domas, however it would make sense for them to not really be brothers, for starters from the clips we’ve gotten from the show so far and today’s information that bojis mom is most likely a giant and so was king Bosse. Because i was questioning how king Bosse and the new queen* would be able to have a child looking at their size difference even in anime terms.. and we haven’t had any characteristics that show daida having any relation to Bosse besides his fighting style which was when we saw Domas gain a lot more of a liking to Daida.
Also I feel as though now that I think about that the mirror was trying to give Daida Giant blood in order for him to become a giant or a fraction of the giant strength that King Bosse possessed? I think you’re onto a really good point though!
Nov 11, 2021 12:19 PM
Sep 2021
Pyrotheloststar said:
MiniFreeza said:
I've been thinking, and I'm starting to believe that Daida is not King Bosse's son.
I think Domas had an affair with the Queen, and Daida was born from their affair.

It would explain why Domas tries SO hard to get in the good graces of Daida to the extent of killing Bojji.

It would also explain why the mirror was laughing while Daida was raising his glass : only those with the blood of King Bosse can drink this potion she said, what if she knew he wasn't King Bosse's son ? What effect would this potion have on Daida ?

Finally, we never saw Daida with King Bosse, which just adds to the probability of him not being his biological father.
you actually have a really good point! I’m not completely sure if I’d agree on it being Domas, however it would make sense for them to not really be brothers, for starters from the clips we’ve gotten from the show so far and today’s information that bojis mom is most likely a giant and so was king Bosse. Because i was questioning how king Bosse and the new queen* would be able to have a child looking at their size difference even in anime terms.. and we haven’t had any characteristics that show daida having any relation to Bosse besides his fighting style which was when we saw Domas gain a lot more of a liking to Daida.
Also I feel as though now that I think about that the mirror was trying to give Daida Giant blood in order for him to become a giant or a fraction of the giant strength that King Bosse possessed? I think you’re onto a really good point though!

Well, Domas reminded me of Jaimie Lannister in Game of Thrones.

Jaimie was a swordsman.
Jaimie pushed a kid off a tower.
Jaimie was having an affair with her sister, the Queen, providing her with kids.
Jaimie lost a hand paying for this affair.

That's where my theory came from x) we all saw the ressemblance between Daida and Joffrey Baratheon. So adding up 1 + 1 .. ^^"

But yea, Daida is most likely not the King's son, else he would have inherited the power of giants too.
Nov 11, 2021 12:21 PM
Mar 2021
MiniFreeza said:
Pyrotheloststar said:
you actually have a really good point! I’m not completely sure if I’d agree on it being Domas, however it would make sense for them to not really be brothers, for starters from the clips we’ve gotten from the show so far and today’s information that bojis mom is most likely a giant and so was king Bosse. Because i was questioning how king Bosse and the new queen* would be able to have a child looking at their size difference even in anime terms.. and we haven’t had any characteristics that show daida having any relation to Bosse besides his fighting style which was when we saw Domas gain a lot more of a liking to Daida.
Also I feel as though now that I think about that the mirror was trying to give Daida Giant blood in order for him to become a giant or a fraction of the giant strength that King Bosse possessed? I think you’re onto a really good point though!

Well, Domas reminded me of Jaimie Lannister in Game of Thrones.

Jaimie was a swordsman.
Jaimie pushed a kid off a tower.
Jaimie was having an affair with her sister, the Queen, providing her with kids.
Jaimie lost a hand paying for this affair.

That's where my theory came from x) we all saw the ressemblance between Daida and Joffrey Baratheon. So adding up 1 + 1 .. ^^"

But yea, Daida is most likely not the King's son, else he would have inherited the power of giants too.
Damn bro your smart asf I gotta look out for your post more often!!!
Nov 11, 2021 12:34 PM

Feb 2018
Pyrotheloststar said:
MiniFreeza said:

Well, Domas reminded me of Jaimie Lannister in Game of Thrones.

Jaimie was a swordsman.
Jaimie pushed a kid off a tower.
Jaimie was having an affair with her sister, the Queen, providing her with kids.
Jaimie lost a hand paying for this affair.

That's where my theory came from x) we all saw the ressemblance between Daida and Joffrey Baratheon. So adding up 1 + 1 .. ^^"

But yea, Daida is most likely not the King's son, else he would have inherited the power of giants too.
Damn bro your smart asf I gotta look out for your post more often!!!

I don't think these themes (affair) will come in this show. The show is very wholesome, no way it is going in that direction.
'I have no bonds tying me down. That's why I can see things as they are!!' - Yugami
Nov 11, 2021 12:36 PM
Jan 2021
yay boiji got reunited with kage and Daida isn't as bad as i thought he would be... but damn his father got turned into a liquid only to be dropped onto the ground.
Nov 11, 2021 12:46 PM
Apr 2018
don't have much to say other than this episode was fucked up i loved it so much
Nov 11, 2021 12:50 PM

Sep 2020
shubh_jain_2 said:
Pyrotheloststar said:
Damn bro your smart asf I gotta look out for your post more often!!!

I don't think these themes (affair) will come in this show. The show is very wholesome, no way it is going in that direction.
A boy is being forced to eat his death father is wholesome ? A man cutting off his hand is wholesome ?
Nov 11, 2021 1:26 PM

Feb 2021
Especially with this episode, this anime continues to defy my expectations.
Nov 11, 2021 1:35 PM
May 2020
i love how the opening does not adhere to the actual anime. this is just an unnerving darkness. with everything thats going on, i cant judge a book by its cover
Nov 11, 2021 1:40 PM
Mar 2021
This anime continues to be wildly unpredictable, but in a good way. The Kage thing was extremely predictable, though "crossbow piton" was not what I expected. but what was done with Bosse's body, Daida's decision, Hokuro actually challenging Domas despite having no chance, and Domas cutting off his own hand? crazy stuff. particularly the giant bird??? That's some classic weird high fantasy. it was also pretty funny in an understated way.

Also, Daida perfectly psychologically manipulated Domas into carrying out the mission, wow.
I feel like a lesser show would have had Daida drink the weird concoction, but that would actually have betrayed who Daida is. He doesn't want to take the easy way. He wants to EARN power. This anime continually presents simple-seeming character archetypes and twists them, showing you layers and layers.

I can't wait to see where it goes next. It's pretty fast-paced but only because it has such sights to show us. only in this episode and the previous one are we starting to get hints at how big and weird the world is.
Nov 11, 2021 1:41 PM

Jul 2016
First of all,I'm glad Daida had enough resolve not to drink that suspicious liquid that came from his father.I mean,it's safe to say that having to watch that whole ritual from start to end didn't help either lol

The Boji Kage reunion was really sweet,tugging on my heartstrings yet again.

Nov 11, 2021 1:50 PM

Jul 2017
Pace wasn't great, still pretty mysterious though with the various elements there to the story, I hope it's all cohesive and put together well at the end. This was a fine episode, but a part of the charm for some reason feels slipping a bit for me through all of this. It's not bad by any means at all, but I was more into the first 2 episodes than the stuff after, but if this can pay off well, then my enjoyment definitely would skyrocket. So I'll see.
animejasNov 18, 2021 10:26 AM
Nov 11, 2021 1:55 PM

Jan 2021
Kage to the rescue he’s been there all this time I didn’t except Dida not to drink the potion to gain more power and Boji is already cursed someone took away his giant powers it’s probably the mirror
Nov 11, 2021 2:01 PM
May 2020
I'm not buying into the Domas atonement or penance bit. He's simply a coward - again taking the easy road. He's shown multiple times that he's a coward who can't stand up for himself let alone his own pupil: when he forced Bojji to fight Daida outside of his "un-kingly" style, voting for Daida to become king, and now feeling sorry for himself and thinking cutting his hand off makes everything better. It's merely a quick and cheap attempt to make himself feel better for his cowardly actions.
Nov 11, 2021 3:03 PM

Nov 2012
I'm a little surprised that Daida chose to not drink that liquid. was expecting Apeas to interrupt him
I feel like the liquid is actually not poisonous or harmful and Daida was suspicious of nothing
Drastic-MeasureNov 11, 2021 3:11 PM
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