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Blue Period
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Oct 4, 2021 10:52 AM

Nov 2016
I dunno how well the manga handled, but I loved the last few minutes of this episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 4, 2021 11:00 AM
Jul 2019
Is it only me confused about the airing date of blue period
Oct 4, 2021 11:33 AM

Feb 2019
Too rushed, way too rushed, I guess. Manga is one of my favourites and I'm pretty disappointed to see how fast paced is the anime until now. This is the part that got me invested in Blue Period and Yaguchi's decision to pursue drawing as well as the development of the other characters, especially Mori or Yuka, feel now a little bit too flat.
Oh, God - the lives people try to lead. Oh, God - what a world they try to lead them in!

Oct 4, 2021 11:49 AM

Jun 2021
As a manga reader, this episode felt kinda too fast. Animation is not bad but felt a bit too flat. Well, they might spend all budget on the Art piece. Overall I'm not disappointed but still hoping this manga was animated by a bigger studio. The anime is good, but the manga hits harder.

Right? What really took me out of it was when Yaguchi talks to Mori as she was grabbing her stuff. She's the only one talking and moving for a good few seconds, while Yaguchi's just standing perfectly still, not talking or blinking or doing... anything. And he's the main focus of the shot. It's so weird for a show like this.
Oct 4, 2021 12:31 PM
Sep 2015
It was great to see Yaguchi connecting to his mom and Mori through his drawings. It really seems like he'd just been floating through life without taking anything in until he starts connecting with the world and himself through art.
Oct 4, 2021 12:49 PM
Sep 2021
The lat part got me I got goosebumps from that scene and the op and mostly the ending was so astetic
Oct 4, 2021 2:02 PM
Oct 2020
It was too different from manga and I don't think story is going smoothly but in manga its very interesting I guess adaptation is not good

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Oct 4, 2021 2:15 PM

Jul 2021
Honestly really liked this episode, I love the use of different art styles in the opening. And the opening song on its own is just very good. Excited for the next one.

And judging by what everyone else here is saying, I might have to read the manga for this one too.
Oct 4, 2021 3:04 PM

Nov 2019
Here we go again. Whenever the anime pacing is all over the place...

Honestly, I liked some of the themes very much in this episode. They were strong enough to distract me from things like the time lapse, awkward frames and unnaturally well calculated dialogue.

Will this be another Horimiya? C'mon man, pull yourselves together.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Oct 4, 2021 4:56 PM
Mar 2021
Good character development throughout the episode.
Oct 4, 2021 4:59 PM

Feb 2017
yall got me wishing i started buying the manga like a year ago when i heard it was being translated to english LMFAO

i mean like having not read the manga, i still liked this episode. but i did a double take when MC said it had been a year since he met senpai. like we rlly just went through a whole year in 2 episodes???


placeholder text
Oct 4, 2021 5:08 PM

Oct 2019
So i guess it's 12 episode
kinda sad because this manga is unlike any other series.
this one deserve better production.
Oct 4, 2021 6:19 PM

Dec 2020
Another decent episode.The opening and ending was kinda mediocre.But who knows that might grow with me.The ending part where he tells his mom that now he can see minor details around him by the passion of his drawing was very good.Liked the show until now.Episode was 4/5 for me.

For your Information:

Oct 4, 2021 7:45 PM

Jan 2010
Since I started reading the manga, I don’t really have anything else to add criticism wise that hasn’t already been said by other manga readers.

While this was slightly better than the first episode, this adaptation is so rushed, like damn. I get that cuts have to happen in anime, but this is taking it a little too far. The biggest thing that was cut out of this episode were little moments with the side characters. I will defend one thing about the anime though, which is that even in the manga there was a time skip, skipping through summer break, which explains why some of the students were so tan when they were showing off their work lol. And then there’s another time skip in the manga where it jumps to December. Yet somehow it doesn’t feel super rushed in the manga.

But this episode actually cut out a good chunk of chapter 4, and instead replaced it with those scenes with the mom and Mori-san. I think it’s all anime-original content. Unless this happens later in the manga. But I will at least say that last scene with the mom was nice and emotional

But at this rate, I don’t think this adaptation is gonna get any better, I hope I’m wrong, but things aren’t looking too good rn

It’s a shame because as an ex-artist who went to art college, I can relate to this anime a lot. I took so many drawing classes, basically going through what Yaguchi is doing, as a way to apply for art college. So it sucks to see this great manga get such a lousy anime adaptation
giveup-the-ghostOct 4, 2021 8:07 PM
Oct 4, 2021 9:32 PM
Jan 2020
This episode felt more like it should've been mid-season or the final episode of season 1. We just sorta blew by an entire year in the span of two episodes. I'm not sure how fast the manga goes, or how much focus of the story is on Yaguchi preparing for University vs being in University... but it just seems like we're glazing over a lot of developments and story points.

It still has some interesting moments though, so it's not like I'm gonna give up on the series. I suppose, if anything, I could always plan to pick up the manga by the end of this season.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Oct 4, 2021 9:56 PM
Apr 2020
Nice transition from episode one, really a "continuation" of the story. We got to see deeper problems Yaguchi is facing, insecurities, disbelief to himself, familty problems - all of which are actually happening irl. It's also nice to see that Yaguchi's mom is starting to support his passion. Yaguchi is still far from the actualization of his dreams, but what's good is that he still have time to work on in. Looking forward to see more of his journey.

Oct 5, 2021 1:51 AM

Mar 2016
The OP visuals look nice. Not good enough for this story, but still nice. The forms are much better defined, and the animation is done in an interesting style.

The art lessons made me feel nostalgic. This story teaches a lot of valuable stuff.

Yaguchi worked hard to make his artwork, and he knows it's bad. But, getting told it's good made him frustrated. It's something I relate to a lot. When I work hard to make something, I want it to be properly seen and judged. I don't want to hear people just say "it's good" since it doesn't sound genuine, and feels like my hard work was ignored.
(Though, in case of Yaguchi, he got a valid comment. His art was good for someone with little experience. He just needs to practise a bit more to get better.)

We see that Yaguchi practised a lot. A bit too much, maybe. That can help you improve, but it can also create a painful problem by stripping the feeling of inspiration away from art.

I don't know why, but the story felt like it was moving too fast. I feel like the manga was a lot slower. And, there was definitely a scene where Yaguchi talks about BL with no disrespect, showing he is capable of respecting what others like.

This episode as well, the art and animation were extremely uninspiring. The composition made me so uncomfortable throughout the episode. I wanted to somehow edit it a bit. And, the colours were just not good.

I'd complain about animation, but I have already done it last episode, and my complaints haven't changed this episode.

The illustrations in the ED were actually good. I wonder who made it. I feel like it wasn't the art director of this anime. lol.

Post credit: we see Yotasuke! He is my favourite character in the manga, so I am praying the anime won't ruin him. I am already worried since he's voiced by Midoriya!
Oct 5, 2021 2:09 AM
Apr 2017
From someone that hasn’t read the manga I thought this episode was pretty good, I even got emotional and cried so that says something.
Oct 5, 2021 5:01 AM
Oct 2019
the conversation feels so natural, i'm really enjoying it.

Episode 2 and already hit the emotion.

sometimes i'm glad to be an Anime only, so i don't have any high expectations and just going in blind.
Oct 5, 2021 7:02 AM
May 2019
Some of those girls in the art club are 100% definietly lesbians sdfhjh
Oct 5, 2021 9:41 AM
May 2021
I'm enjoying the show but isn't the story going forward too much fast? I mean I haven't read the manga except first 2 chapters and I don't know what is going to happen but I think the anime pace is very fast especially when you compare it with manga.
Oct 5, 2021 1:44 PM
Sep 2018
I’m loving this!!! Great episode, I’m waiting for the next one!!!
Oct 5, 2021 1:53 PM
Jan 2021
No words... :'(
Senpai omedetōgozaimasu!
Oct 5, 2021 3:06 PM
Apr 2015
It’s only episode 2 and I’m already crying
Oct 5, 2021 3:54 PM
Jul 2018
a really cool drama between Yaguchi and his mother skbre college is this subject and very well covered in this show.
Oct 5, 2021 4:43 PM
Sep 2021
I did love this episode. It was fun to watch and he's now like exploring his talent and everything.
Oct 5, 2021 6:25 PM

Apr 2017
I definitely preferred this episode over the first. I am noticing a lot of hate for the show's pacing but I particularly loved the scene with his mum. I have not read the manga and it must be amazing because that scene did affect me and it's a little disappointing to see people dwell on how different it is from the manga. I don't really care for the technicalities if something makes me feel a certain way.
Oct 5, 2021 8:28 PM
Sep 2019
That scene with him and the mother has hooked me onto this anime. I’m a sucker for emotional scenes like that, especially when done well. On the other hand, while I haven’t read the manga, I do get the feeling that things are happening too fast. Especially with how that summer break was just entirely skipped over and they come back to him having drawn 30 pieces out of freaking no where and Mori is already graduating. Like, please do slow down so we can properly follow along.
Oct 6, 2021 5:40 AM

Oct 2014
I really like this anime so far but a couple of scenes felt really weird/rushed. The opening is fire though and my trap detector is going crazy for Yuka so I'm definitely going to watch this through to the end and maybe even pick up the manga after!!
Oct 6, 2021 10:55 AM

Aug 2021
I really liked seeing the story progress and although it went by really fast, I feel like everything was still included like it feels complete as in all the pieces are there and they fit together just fine even if it's a much smaller frame of time than expected for so many developments. With that, I also look forward to seeing the Art school struggle since that'll probably be the more elaborate underlying theme as we continue.

Great op and ending too, so a 10/10 episode for me ^_^
Oct 6, 2021 11:48 AM

Jun 2020
Wow. The music in this episode was so good. I was a bit skeptical about this show at first but these 2 episodes have made me really hopeful. This could be the next 3-gatsu....
Oct 6, 2021 2:17 PM
Jan 2018
I think this episode's pacing was way too fast. We started from the ending of the school year to summer to the next year to Mori's graduation in just 10 mins. We didn't get anything in between except some 2 mins scenes that were inserted in between. We didn't see how he changed his techniques, his struggles, or just his daily life during his summer break. And the episode just covered all of these with 'oh yes Yachi had improved' 'Mori got into college', and honestly I think it's doing more harm than good because I seriously am concerned about the execution of upcoming episodes if the pacing is going downhill only on the 2nd episode. And as a college(freshman) art student, the struggles I went through to get into my college are still fresh in my mind and I just felt like the animation studio left a huge chunk of it out(the stress of perparation, overthink you are not going to get in, art blocks etc.) . But of course, we are only on the second episode, and I feel like they can still make this anime great if they improve on their execution and pacing of the story.
Oct 6, 2021 4:10 PM
Apr 2020
Nexxzy said:
Loved this episode and the animation is great
how did you like this animation are you 5
Oct 6, 2021 4:10 PM
Apr 2020
Mr_Srijan said:
Wow. The music in this episode was so good. I was a bit skeptical about this show at first but these 2 episodes have made me really hopeful. This could be the next 3-gatsu....
nope this animation was horrible just read the manga god
Oct 6, 2021 8:45 PM

Jun 2020
BigDaddySenpai8 said:
Mr_Srijan said:
Wow. The music in this episode was so good. I was a bit skeptical about this show at first but these 2 episodes have made me really hopeful. This could be the next 3-gatsu....
nope this animation was horrible just read the manga god

I didn't think it was horrible. It was ok. Nothing special but it could get better. And the music was amazing. So I think I'll wait for a few more episodes before jumping on to the manga.
Oct 7, 2021 6:56 AM
Apr 2021
My goodness was soooo good!! The animation alone just is breathtaking not to mention the banger op!!! Can’t wait to see how it goes!!!

Follow me pls <3
Oct 7, 2021 12:43 PM
Aug 2021
also very very good!!!
Oct 7, 2021 4:44 PM
Apr 2019
For some reason this anime sounds off! There's barely any background music when the characters are talking sometimes which ruins the atmosphere kinda
Oct 7, 2021 6:24 PM

Nov 2011
The fuck is this pacing though? If this keeps up by the end of the series they'll be senile.

Like the character development is non-existent. I want to like Yuka and Yaguchi but I just don't.

Is the manga like this as well or are they skipping a lot of content?
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Oct 7, 2021 8:57 PM
Apr 2019
Kaiseki said:
the pacing is kinda fast, Mori has graduated even though in the previous episode Yatora had just met Mori. but it's okay i still enjoy it.
Kaiseki said:
the pacing is kinda fast, Mori has graduated even though in the previous episode Yatora had just met Mori. but it's okay i still enjoy it.
Kaiseki said:
the pacing is kinda fast, Mori has graduated even though in the previous episode Yatora had just met Mori. but it's okay i still enjoy it.
maybe this not the answer that you want, I've read the manga I think why the pacing is kinda fast because they skipped some part in manga
Oct 8, 2021 12:27 AM

Jan 2017
The op slaps hard and it seems like it will be stuck on my head for a while. Unironically speaking, the pacing really felt so fast, considering how the manga managed to make people feel like they've read an entire arc in terms of length in just 4-5 chapters. It's really disappointing tbh.
Oct 8, 2021 1:57 AM
Jul 2019
Not feeling it yet
Oct 8, 2021 5:26 AM

Sep 2019
KANLen09 said:
The OP song with the visuals look nice, not shabby at all! Love the smooth ED also too.

Yaguchi pretty much made his mind to go to Tokyo Uni of Arts, but first, tap upon his potential in the Art Club. To see the other students have their own interpretations of art drawings, and Saeki-sensei teaching Yaguchi the different methods and all, to Yuka' teasing and his chagrin. Yaguchi's parents finding out about his dream is a matter of time.

Mori-senpai got into her school of choice, and Yaguchi's parents, especially his mom alreadt knows where he's heading. His time with Mori-senspai defintely shows the contrast between him and Mori (other than a love interest), and it's an abstract all on its own.

But to convince his parents to let him go to Geidai, it's heartbreak for both Yaguchi and his mom of the hidden pressures. With that, and the graudation of the seniors in the Art Club, there's no hesitation: Geidai is Yaguchi's goal.

Still a lil' rushed, but it's all good.
No it's not all good. Maybe from an anime only POV it's still everything alright but for most manga readers this is already quite a big let down. They ommitted importants bits from the manga and already ruined Mori's character by rushing things so much. I mean sure this is not complete a mess but this is not going in a good direction either.
Oct 8, 2021 5:49 AM

Jul 2021
at 0:16 of the opening song : the main boy is walking slowly , then he starts increasing his speed . and i guess the seasons in the back-ground are spring -> summer -> autumn -> winter .

episode 1 : the ending 's back-ground is completely black .

episode 2 : they add 2 art-works of main boy and senpai girl to the ending . so i guess with each passing episode , they will add more art-works to the ending .

and the singer of the ending is a male , right ?

- senpai : sorry that i didnt tell you guys about my admission result right away , and made you wait for a few hours . because i was too busy eating delicious sushi with my mother .
- er , senpai , how about a simple phone call ?
daywithoutgamesOct 8, 2021 8:00 AM

Hello everyone , please check out and subscribe to my youtube channel , DayWithoutAnime 2.0 DayWithoutGame , that has many meme , funny anime / manga videos , thank you :
Oct 8, 2021 9:18 AM
Jun 2019
Same as previous episode, the directing is so bland, lots of off model shots and overall a lifeless adaptation. I'm pretty worried about the later episodes.
Oct 8, 2021 1:53 PM
Feb 2021
Really good episode.
Oct 9, 2021 1:00 PM

Mar 2017
I'm really enjoying how soothing and subtlety inspiring this anime but I feel like the pacing is off; the passing of time is a little confusing and things have been skipped that seemed important like Yatora first speaking to his mum about wanting to go to an art uni
Oct 9, 2021 11:45 PM

Dec 2016
I never heard of Dessin but looking at what they were doing, we call it live sketch or live study.

What Yaguchi is feeling is quite realistic. It's a normal thing in the art world, someone's painting will look like a masterpiece to you and you'll be sure that person will get a higher grade but in the end it's the opposite. Art is not something that you can grade cuz everyone has their own creativity. But when taken as a major it has to be graded and there's a high chance that the result will make you feel like shit.

The scene of Yaguchi and his mom was heartwarming.

I do agree that it felt rushed. When Mori said that the last time they were alone together at the art room was last year, I was like “wait, what? That was quick”
Oct 10, 2021 1:00 AM
Nov 2020
SideCharacterKal said:
To be honest, this just feels way, way too fast..

Aside from that, Yaguchi pretty much decided to major in art which is the first and most important part of the manga. Ryuuji was casually listening to his conversation with Saeki-sensei. Yaguchi is getting teached by Saeki-sensei and at the same time he's able to look at the art of the other students. Mori is definitly one of the main reasons that made him get interested in art. She managed to get accepted. On the otherside, Yaguchi's mom found out about his passion for art which will get a bit troublesome later.

Mori and Yaguchi's dynamic is honestly just amazing. She's basically Yaguchi's savior in some way.

As last, Yaguchi decided to go to Geidai which will be require a lot of effort but we all know that he's a hard worker and the journey has just begun.

OP and ED are honestly just goddamn good.. art is a little bit off but can't complain much.

it's so fast that it's sick
Oct 10, 2021 2:07 AM

Dec 2017
Good chapter although the school year went by very quickly, I hope much development of the manga characters has not been lost or that later this does not feel organic.

On the plot of the chapter, it reminded me a bit of my life, but for being the opposite of what happens. My mother supported me to study art... but... I never felt good about it, I have ability but I can't get art to transmit something to me or vice versa.
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