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Jun 17, 2021 2:23 AM

Nov 2011
Decent amount of action this episode and even Yoh struggled in his fight. Tbh, it felt like watching a battle of David vs Goalith in terms of their physical size.

Tao Ren also had a score to settle since he came back although the second half of the episode was kinda tame. I'm actually much more interested in Tao Ren's development than Yoh's now lol
Jun 17, 2021 2:40 AM
Mar 2021
Awesome episode. From next episode all up to the end everything will be on whole another level 😏
Jun 17, 2021 2:46 AM
Mar 2021
nkozic_7 said:
Awesome episode. From next episode all up to the end everything will be on whole another level 😏

YES! CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO START! Also liked this episode, some cool scenes and preparing for the departure. Next Episode "he" is finally going to introduce himself😤
Jun 17, 2021 2:49 AM
Mar 2021
HoroMauci said:
nkozic_7 said:
Awesome episode. From next episode all up to the end everything will be on whole another level 😏

YES! CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO START! Also liked this episode, some cool scenes and preparing for the departure. Next Episode "he" is finally going to introduce himself😤

Yeah, can't wait either 😄 People here don't know how great he is.
Jun 17, 2021 2:54 AM
Mar 2021
nkozic_7 said:
HoroMauci said:

YES! CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO START! Also liked this episode, some cool scenes and preparing for the departure. Next Episode "he" is finally going to introduce himself😤

Yeah, can't wait either 😄 People here don't know how great he is.

He is just raw, the only characters that i would say are on the same level in terms of rawness as him are Dio (jojo) and Aizen (bleach). They just don't give a damn about how strong others are😂
Jun 17, 2021 3:08 AM
Mar 2021
HoroMauci said:
nkozic_7 said:

Yeah, can't wait either 😄 People here don't know how great he is.

He is just raw, the only characters that i would say are on the same level in terms of rawness as him are Dio (jojo) and Aizen (bleach). They just don't give a damn about how strong others are😂
HoroMauci said:
nkozic_7 said:

Yeah, can't wait either 😄 People here don't know how great he is.

He is just raw, the only characters that i would say are on the same level in terms of rawness as him are Dio (jojo) and Aizen (bleach). They just don't give a damn about how strong others are😂

I haven't watched JoJo yet, but i heard that Dio is trash character. As for Aizen he is amazing, but i don't like the way he was defeated.
Jun 17, 2021 4:30 AM

Nov 2015
We've finally made it!!! I've waited years and years for a true adaptation of the manga, and we finally get that next week. This was the last arc that was properly adapted in the 2001 adaptation so I cannot wait for Round 2 of the Shaman fight!!

Great episode too, loved the color palettes!
Jun 17, 2021 8:29 AM
Feb 2020
Well, it was a good episode, it didn't really have the impact you would expect behind it, and I can fully understand people that were used to 2001 version would be vastly disappointed by the lack of top tier battle banter, but there is something this version does that truthfully I do not think even the manga properly pulled off :

It explained why En has lost, despite being basically a god compared to the squad. The old anime made the scene feel too much like the friendship gave them power, in the manga the explanation was very easy to miss, but here I felt like it had a really proper balance.

I was fearing this episode for so long thinking about how much time I will have to spend explaining Shaman King's Power System, but the 2021 anime made it very clear that En was infinitely stronger, but he could not understand the situation, his rightful fury was for the first time challenged by something. People willing to give up their lives to save the Tao clan.

En committed the sin he spent his entire life trying to avoid, he hesitated. All of that is clear from the anime. I will like to add a little bit on top of that though, the reason why his hesitation had THIS much of an effect, is because of how strong En is. Creating an oversoul using the souls worth 1800 years of powerful shamans and warriros no doubt pushed even his ability to the limit. As long as he were calm this modular oversoul was a huge advantage, and it rightfully earned him the title of En the Immortal. But I do wish you luck in concentrating on maintaining this many oversouls of powerful ghosts when having an existential crisis ^^'

And with that we are FINALLY done with the introduction. The actual plot begins next week, and even though I still would have prefered the series to be full length with proper emotional impact, I also somewhat appreciate the fact we are starting the good stuff already

Also next week is the last time we are hearing boku no Yubisaki as the ED song. Starting with Episode 14 we'll be hearing "Adieu" performed by Yui Horie, who is voicing another great female character from this series. I am worried it's not going to be as good of a song, as our current ED is among my favourite songs period, but I am still very excited to hear it and am sure it's going to set a proper tone for our upcoming events
Jun 17, 2021 11:38 AM

Jan 2021
Ren's victory, although I would have liked him to end up killing his father at the end... 0.0

Even though I like his grandfather, let's cut the bullsht, a few shots with the gun and it's easy 😂
Jun 17, 2021 12:08 PM

Jul 2017
WOW, this episode kinda exceed my expectations though.

Yoh and Tao Ren against the Gohukuseitai being no pushover, and now adding Lee Pyron with Jun aiding the 2 boys.

Ren finally facing against his father, the immortal Tao En, along with the rest with their Over Soul powers, and yet Tao En is indeed what is like: many Davids of the power of friendship vs. one big Goliath with his Daidouho Over Soul the secret to his unusual immortality.

The history of the Tao Family expunged for over 2000 years and living an outcast life in rural China, what an "evil" family living in mortal disconnect. But for Grandfather to pull out a gun when threatened and bring a feast for Ren and the rest, HAHA this is very Shonen like. Whatever it ​is, all's well that ends well.

The true adaptation continues wayward into the future with more Shaman Fights incoming.
Jun 17, 2021 8:14 PM

Jul 2016
Gotta love how Ren's mother and grandpa were always there... knowing that En has gone mental for years but waited for the kid to be tortured alongside his sister give the first step and solve everything on his own.

Also, why do I find Tao grandpa pulling out a gun at every given moment so funny?
Jun 17, 2021 10:44 PM
Feb 2020
SouthRzVa said:
Gotta love how Ren's mother and grandpa were always there... knowing that En has gone mental for years but waited for the kid to be tortured alongside his sister give the first step and solve everything on his own.

Because they only acted the moment En has lost his way. Up until the moment he started hesitating, he was still the rightful head of the clan. Sure he may have been crazy, but who wouldn't be when hundreds of ghosts are pouring their regrets into them every hour of their lives.

Also, while the Tao clan is formidable, En is still unreasonably strong.
Sure gramps can also control an army of the undead, but can he do that at the same time he's maintaining one of worlds most demanding oversouls? ^^'

As long as En was in control of his powers he was still unbeatable by anyone present ( and again, still the leader ).
Jun 18, 2021 10:20 AM

Dec 2020
ryuu guy getting his hairstyle changed a lot this ep lmao
Jun 18, 2021 2:56 PM
Apr 2020
I hate to repeat my self but the second part was too fast, suddely an out of thw world enemy becomes weak.

Regarding the first we discover that the 5 strongest "zombies" are made of 4 weak ones and the second best one
Jun 18, 2021 3:11 PM

Jun 2016
Manga18 said:
I hate to repeat my self but the second part was too fast, suddely an out of thw world enemy becomes weak.

Regarding the first we discover that the 5 strongest "zombies" are made of 4 weak ones and the second best one

Power scaling in Shaman King isn't like in DBZ. In Shaman King, the source of an oversoul is peace of mind and concentration. An oversoul will become weak and even disappear if the shaman loses control of his emotions. The moment Ren made En doubt himself, the battle was over.
Jun 18, 2021 4:40 PM

Jun 2017
Okay episode, not much different from OG. I wonder when we are gonna see heavy derivations.
Jun 18, 2021 6:19 PM

Jan 2020
Sweet, I liked this one again.

There definitely was a lot of stuff I wasn't expecting like how their "father" was an oversoul + their grandparents coming in. I can't help but feel as if manta did nothing this arc but it was kind of used in a comedic way so it's fine.

I'm really liking the dynamics between every major character so far and I'm looking forward to future episodes

Jun 18, 2021 7:40 PM

Sep 2011
Decent episode but I gotta know. Was he listening to Bob Marley or Bob Dylan?
Jun 18, 2021 7:45 PM

Oct 2016
Yo, was Yoh listening to Bob Marley at the end there lmao. That was a pretty good episode, didn't expect Big En to just be an oversoul. It's honestly pretty insane that he's been doing that for decades. I am now curious to see how much farther Ryu's hair will evolve. Ren's grampa just pulling out a fucking gun is hilarious lmao. Ren is absolutely based, his development was nice. Pull up on his home, destroy his father's resolve and then leaves. Looking forward to the next episode, looks like we'll finally officially meet Hao.
Jun 18, 2021 9:31 PM

Jan 2009
so that giant father of Ren was just his Over Soul

good and evil has little meaning eh or do they mean good and evil are one anyway like Yin and Yang is saying
Jun 18, 2021 10:01 PM
Mar 2019
I don't know if it's just nostalgia, and I really wanted to love this remake, but I hate how fight scenes are done. After watching some clips of the original, those fights felt more satisfying because you can see and feel the impacts of blows landing. So many of those moments in this remake look good aesthetically from a higher resolution standpoint but then the shots pan away right as a blow should be landed. You don't see a character's reactions to seeing the incoming attack, the attack landing and the impact in one fluid sequence of animations. I also wanted to like the pacing of the remake but so much is glossed over. Pai long's master as a joto guard was supposed to be this boss that was hard to beat and then Pai long beats him in two seconds? I pray that fight scenes get better and the pacing slows down just a little bit so some characters can have more development like lyserg and Jaco eventually but if this pace and animation keeps up, I'll be forever disappointed cause this remake had so much potential.
Jun 18, 2021 11:04 PM

Apr 2015
Love the subversion of the "power of friendship" trope here. The power of friendship didn't make Ren stronger. It made En second guess himself and lose his concentration.
Jun 18, 2021 11:19 PM

Oct 2009
Well. That end to the fight was a little abrupt. But Ren...! Yeah, still loving his tsundere ass.
Jun 18, 2021 11:38 PM
Feb 2020
Red_Ranger_Wien said:
Decent episode but I gotta know. Was he listening to Bob Marley or Bob Dylan?

Bob Marley. Well it actually is a made up character, but it's the same situation as with Pai Long - everybody knows it's a standin for Bob Marley created for legal reasons ^^'

3zero said:
I also wanted to like the pacing of the remake but so much is glossed over. Pai long's master as a joto guard was supposed to be this boss that was hard to beat and then Pai long beats him in two seconds?

The new anime Does gloss over by so many things yes (a bunch of them did not make to 2001 anime either), but this is not one of them.
2001 Ren retrieval had two anime original fights (and it still was just 3 episodes) the Dragon Pai Long, and master Shamon. In the manga the encounter went exactly like that, he showed the reader how difficult of an opponent he is for the main team, and then got splattered into a puddle of blood by Pai Long, basically served as a device to power scale Jun with the team, sorry ^^'

But I think starting next week you'll start enjoying the show more, most of the content will be brand new or done completely differently to what you remember, the only question is how much will be cut...
Jun 19, 2021 5:40 AM
Apr 2020
Shenic said:
Manga18 said:
I hate to repeat my self but the second part was too fast, suddely an out of thw world enemy becomes weak.

Regarding the first we discover that the 5 strongest "zombies" are made of 4 weak ones and the second best one

Power scaling in Shaman King isn't like in DBZ. In Shaman King, the source of an oversoul is peace of mind and concentration. An oversoul will become weak and even disappear if the shaman loses control of his emotions. The moment Ren made En doubt himself, the battle was over.

But this also works backward.
En was strong exactly because he was confident, you have to beat people way stronger than his child to be so confident (and strong).

So an out of the world enemy suddely doubts himself
Jun 19, 2021 9:36 AM

Jul 2013
I liked this episode and you could really feel this series' vibe and humor in the second half which is the main reason I am watching this remake in the first place, and with this, we can leave the fast-paced episodes behind us and focus on the actually story that is coming.

Thinking how many great characters I can't wait to see I guess I am just a little bit glad the introduction went by so fast (even though it would have been definitely better if it was slower), but what's done is done. Can't wait for the next episode.
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
Jun 19, 2021 9:42 AM

Apr 2015
Manga18 said:
Shenic said:

Power scaling in Shaman King isn't like in DBZ. In Shaman King, the source of an oversoul is peace of mind and concentration. An oversoul will become weak and even disappear if the shaman loses control of his emotions. The moment Ren made En doubt himself, the battle was over.

But this also works backward.
En was strong exactly because he was confident, you have to beat people way stronger than his child to be so confident (and strong).

So an out of the world enemy suddely doubts himself

Think about it like this. En had stood strongly by his ideals, and he made sure Ren believed them too through his status, manipulation, and power. Ren's childhood was completely dictated by En. So when Ren returns from Japan and defies those ideals, even after ten days of being locked away and tortured, and even after being he and his friends get curb stomped, En is confused why Ren doesn't give up and do as he's told like he's always done. It's enough to make him briefly lose his composure for just long enough that his Over Soul fails on him.
Jun 19, 2021 10:55 AM

Feb 2019
This episode was awesome, but next week is where Shaman King really gets going. Can’t wait!
Jun 19, 2021 12:47 PM
Jul 2018
the fights were amazing during the episode i already had some information about ren's father who seems to have something good is bad about ren's relationship with his father.
Jun 20, 2021 7:42 AM
Jun 2020
A perfect Father's day episode of Shaman King!
Jun 20, 2021 6:31 PM
Mar 2021
Its now episode 12 and its good.. in this world, there is little meaning in good or evil.. that is a good and deep saying from rens granddad.. in this world, us humans alone only amount little to what the world can really do.. even tho we can all help each other in times of peril or danger, one must also accept the fact that there will be times when all the good and bad people amount to nothing in the face of nature.. whats good and whats bad are only determined by us, and us alone.. light and dark, each cant live without the other.. amd the importance is to accept everything and find the balance within.. anyways, i rate the episode a 9.5 of 10, 9.5 for story and 9 for art.. :)
Jun 24, 2021 1:45 PM

Apr 2017
Highlights of the episode are:

- Ren figuring out En's trick;

- grandpa Tao straight up pulling a damn gun on his grandson.
Jun 25, 2021 5:46 AM

Oct 2017
The twists were pretty good and the fight was pretty cool but more importantly Ren's mom is a hottie.
Jul 1, 2021 9:26 AM

Mar 2019
I like the outcome of this fight, feels good to see Ren's mother and grandfather whose VA I think is the same as The Third Hokage's.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Jul 5, 2021 6:44 AM
Oct 2019
En got exposed and defeated..
Decent fight, I'm more into the story which is good enough...

Damn Ren Mom was Hot, giving me ara ara vibes. lol
Jul 5, 2021 12:58 PM

Apr 2018
Hmm now Ren's family situation has been fixed, that was pretty good especially for the fights
Jul 18, 2021 12:32 PM

Feb 2012
That Ox King-looking ass wasn't actually Tao En but his Over Soul.

His grandparent ghosts hosting a feast lol

So Ren accepted his place in the Tao family I guess with En passing down the sword.

Yoh listening to Bob Marley (thanks to adding to the head canon that Yoh is a stoner)

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Aug 7, 2021 7:59 AM

May 2018
so Ren's dad was an over soul the entire time! Good thing everything ended well.
Dec 27, 2021 9:28 AM

Jun 2019
That fight didn't last long. Also, we got to see Ren's dad En's true form aside from his Oversoul. But, I guess he understood everything in the end and that he needs to believe in Ren.
Feb 15, 2023 1:28 PM

Dec 2016
The hybrid form was always haunting to me.
May 4, 2023 6:34 AM

Dec 2007
I have mixed feeling about this episode.

On the positive note, I'm glad for the direction of this episode. it's surpass much of the 2001 version that dedicated more on the action. The remake simply concentrated more on the ideology and philosophy this arc contains.
Oh, and though they kinda Ren said it, at least he hasn't said "the power of friendship". I'm really glad about that too.

On the other hand, I felt that the anime tried so hard to make tension over the story. At the start of the episode I even told myself that they should'v ended previous episode with this episode beginning. But soon as Pyron went back to the story, you don't feel that the tension is worth it. And that's how it was all over the episode, without much succeeds.
I dunno if it's the problem with the storyboard for the anime or the source. I can see those "tension" being cliffhanger on the manga chapters, when the next one deals with story much more slowly, and in the adaption transmutation it was being lost.

Either way, finally we "got rid" of the where the 2001 version took off the manga. lets see how things going to go now.

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