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Jun 9, 2021 11:05 PM

Jul 2020
This was a fun episode to watch

I like the ending that's in this episode, much more than the ending for all the previous episodes. As this season slowly starts to wrap up, I wonder if Haru will be able to pick his girl before the season ends. There were some really cool moments with Shiro and Kuro in this episode that were very nice to experience.
Jun 9, 2021 11:17 PM

Oct 2008
this is getting really tiring y'know...

Jun 9, 2021 11:54 PM

Jun 2020
matias067 said:
this is getting really tiring y'know...

It really is, I don't even know how you can still give it a 3/5, for me almost all of these episodes are straight up 1/5's maybe a single 2/5.

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Jun 10, 2021 1:08 AM

Oct 2016
Pretty good episode! With this episode, Shiro stocks just keep on rising, she's my favorite right now cause she actually tries to improve herself. As expected, every colorful sister also likes Haru, Kuro's sisters are pretty much way better than her. Felt pretty sad for Aoi and Akane, Aoi's monologue about love was honestly great. Momo's sister's swimsuit though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

The ED dance was actually pretty good, unlike all the other dances we've gotten so far lmao. And Haru's arm is broken, which means stonks for Shiro.
Jun 10, 2021 3:07 AM

Nov 2020
Stark700 said:

Also noticed the Yugioh references. Some of their Atk/Def power matches with iconic Yugioh cards LOL

Man, I love they use Yugioh references to Kuroha. She become Fusion monster, Effect monster, Spell card, and PARALLEL RARITY TRAP CARD..!!!
What Does Pot of Greed do?
Jun 10, 2021 3:52 AM

Feb 2014
Gab5 said:
Meta_Yoshi said:

I hope so, too, as despite her flaws as of late, I still prefer Kuroha winning over Shiro, mainly since I feel that Shiro's a bit too generic in terms of her progression with Haru as of late.

Having said that, anything can happen in these last 3 episodes, so if Kuro has a good chance of getting back in the romance race, it has to happen in the next episode and done in a way that isn't rushed and can be satisfying.

So yeah, I hope my prediction is wrong, but the odds aren't in Kuroha's favour right now.

So, the fact that the show's entire colour scheme is basically Kuro's colours and the fact that she is always central tells you she has no chance of winning?

Didn't you read the part where I said that "I hope my prediction was wrong" by any chance? ¬_¬

Weirder things have happened, hence why I'm acting a bit pessimistic about this, but like I said 3 times now, I hope I'm just jumping to brash conclusions and that Kuroha does win.
Jun 10, 2021 4:49 AM
Dec 2018
Meta_Yoshi said:
Gab5 said:

So, the fact that the show's entire colour scheme is basically Kuro's colours and the fact that she is always central tells you she has no chance of winning?

Didn't you read the part where I said that "I hope my prediction was wrong" by any chance? ¬_¬

Weirder things have happened, hence why I'm acting a bit pessimistic about this, but like I said 3 times now, I hope I'm just jumping to brash conclusions and that Kuroha does win.

Not sure what difference it makes whether you want the prediction to come true or not, the odds are very much in her favour. Do you think the odds change depending on whether you want it to happen or not?

I hope she loses, completely. Based on her behaviour, the fact that she isn't counted out already says that she has a great chance and, as I said, the entire colour scheme for the promo material is basically in her colours, she gets most screentime and she is always in the centre of the other two. Can understand pessimism but all the signs are, if there is to be a winner, it is Kuro. If Shiro was moving to his house in the penultimate episode then I would say that it might be interesting but, this early, there is no way that Kuro has lost with 3 episodes to go.
Gab5Jun 10, 2021 4:52 AM
Jun 10, 2021 5:45 AM

Feb 2014
Gab5 said:
Meta_Yoshi said:

Didn't you read the part where I said that "I hope my prediction was wrong" by any chance? ¬_¬

Weirder things have happened, hence why I'm acting a bit pessimistic about this, but like I said 3 times now, I hope I'm just jumping to brash conclusions and that Kuroha does win.

Not sure what difference it makes whether you want the prediction to come true or not, the odds are very much in her favour. Do you think the odds change depending on whether you want it to happen or not?

I hope she loses, completely. Based on her behaviour, the fact that she isn't counted out already says that she has a great chance and, as I said, the entire colour scheme for the promo material is basically in her colours, she gets most screentime and she is always in the centre of the other two. Can understand pessimism but all the signs are, if there is to be a winner, it is Kuro. If Shiro was moving to his house in the penultimate episode then I would say that it might be interesting but, this early, there is no way that Kuro has lost with 3 episodes to go.

A bit of a pointless question to even ask at all, I have to be honest with you, so you can certainly figure out what my answer to that would be without me saying it.

I do prefer Kuroha winning over Shiro, although I will say that I'd rather have someone else like Rena or Maria winning, but the chances of that happening looks bleak. You're right in saying that the fact the show's colour scheme and promo does favour Kuroha a lot if she does end up winning. A bit of me still thinks of it as bait, but it's nothing more than a tiny voice screaming pointlessly.

I haven't read the original LN as you can see, so I could just be talking rubbish altogether and even if that's the case, I'll be fine with that. Even if the last 3 episodes gets all too predictable, which is easy for a romance show to do, as long as it entertains me, then I'll be fine with that, too. XD
Jun 10, 2021 6:04 AM
Dec 2018
Meta_Yoshi said:
Gab5 said:

Not sure what difference it makes whether you want the prediction to come true or not, the odds are very much in her favour. Do you think the odds change depending on whether you want it to happen or not?

I hope she loses, completely. Based on her behaviour, the fact that she isn't counted out already says that she has a great chance and, as I said, the entire colour scheme for the promo material is basically in her colours, she gets most screentime and she is always in the centre of the other two. Can understand pessimism but all the signs are, if there is to be a winner, it is Kuro. If Shiro was moving to his house in the penultimate episode then I would say that it might be interesting but, this early, there is no way that Kuro has lost with 3 episodes to go.

A bit of a pointless question to even ask at all, I have to be honest with you, so you can certainly figure out what my answer to that would be without me saying it.

I do prefer Kuroha winning over Shiro, although I will say that I'd rather have someone else like Rena or Maria winning, but the chances of that happening looks bleak. You're right in saying that the fact the show's colour scheme and promo does favour Kuroha a lot if she does end up winning. A bit of me still thinks of it as bait, but it's nothing more than a tiny voice screaming pointlessly.

I haven't read the original LN as you can see, so I could just be talking rubbish altogether and even if that's the case, I'll be fine with that. Even if the last 3 episodes gets all too predictable, which is easy for a romance show to do, as long as it entertains me, then I'll be fine with that, too. XD

Yes, totally pointless question.

I think it ends with Kuro or no one and we will get predictable misdirection right up to the last minute. Not read much of the LN either but I did read that they were creating a manga for the sisters. Whether this means Kuro has more chance of winning or not is anyone's guess but the fact she's portrayed as the main female character is a big hint, I think.
Jun 10, 2021 9:55 AM
Mar 2020
Criticiza said:
and shiro falling was oh so cliche, then suehara breaking his arm made little to no sense, are his bones made out of sphagetti?

Jun 10, 2021 10:18 AM
May 2020
this is just one hot mess
Jun 10, 2021 10:34 AM

May 2018
The 'suki's' were getting annoying really quickly tbh. And lol Haru's arm fracture sound effect
Jun 10, 2021 11:18 AM
Mar 2015
Love is poison and live is a beach Shiro wins the effort award
Jun 10, 2021 11:26 AM
Jul 2018
Somebody explain whether it's possible for the Sun to set in the same place on the horizon as where the moon rises, if this is an error it's a rather stupid one.

Jun 10, 2021 3:14 PM
Jul 2018
Another beach episode I like that the events are good in the episode at least that was good.
Jun 10, 2021 3:46 PM

Mar 2013
I noticed some anomalies from this episode. Correct me if I'm wrong-
1. I thought kuro had bigger boobs than shiro or so the impression I got from initial episodes.
2. Momo look way taller in dance than her petite figure implies.

Well it certainly was odd to make the sisters fall in love with him. Where would you even go with that direction? Lol.

I've taken quite a liking to sueharu's points at the end of every event. They feel much more thought out and have clarity unlike how it generally goes in anime.
Jun 10, 2021 6:36 PM
Apr 2020
J-Tea-Chugger said:
Somebody explain whether it's possible for the Sun to set in the same place on the horizon as where the moon rises, if this is an error it's a rather stupid one.

It's romcom, not educational film about solar system. Moon azimuth is not the constant unlike the sun (azimuth of sun only changes slightly depending on the season, but still - sun sets in the west), so it's possible. It's also possible to see the full moon in such a situation.

FinalFlash18 said:
I noticed some anomalies from this episode. Correct me if I'm wrong-
1. I thought kuro had bigger boobs than shiro or so the impression I got from initial episodes.
2. Momo look way taller in dance than her petite figure implies.

Well it certainly was odd to make the sisters fall in love with him. Where would you even go with that direction? Lol.

I've taken quite a liking to sueharu's points at the end of every event. They feel much more thought out and have clarity unlike how it generally goes in anime.

There was anomaly with Kuroha's eyebrow practically throughout the episode, what bothered me the most. You can look at the screen posted by DoraemonPure:
Jun 10, 2021 10:44 PM

Jan 2011
glad i wasn't the only one was like chotto matte yo lol why is Momo looking like the same size as Shiro during the slightly less cringe dance

sorry kiddo that's gonna be a hard no even for a trash romcom like this not sure why they bothered to slap that in but okay.

of all my things i want but know i wouldn't be explained is how the hell did they build that stage

and the way it loves to force situations never gets old she sorta but not really caused him to break his arm guess she gotta live with him now "shrug"
Jun 11, 2021 4:02 AM
Dec 2018
FinalFlash18 said:
I noticed some anomalies from this episode. Correct me if I'm wrong-
1. I thought kuro had bigger boobs than shiro or so the impression I got from initial episodes.
2. Momo look way taller in dance than her petite figure implies.

Well it certainly was odd to make the sisters fall in love with him. Where would you even go with that direction? Lol.

I've taken quite a liking to sueharu's points at the end of every event. They feel much more thought out and have clarity unlike how it generally goes in anime.

Yes, I thought that Maria seems to have grown a couple of inches since she met them. Not sure how that happened. She was as tall as Shiro during the video shoot.
Jun 11, 2021 7:04 AM

Oct 2017
[quote=SideCharacterKal message=63429829]
Jesse_2001 said:
SideCharacterKal said:
yes, I am actually from Belgium. :)

Same here, first time meeting someone from Belgium on MAL.
I'm probably a bit late, but nice to meet you!
Jun 11, 2021 11:56 AM

Mar 2019
Ahaahaa here goes my blabbering... one thing that brought my irritation was Maru’s aweful dance and now kachi too but seeing today shida’s dance somewhat relieved me. While Maru tried saving kachi I really was hoping he’d die at that moment... lol jk. And wtf was that ending, just cause of this and that, now for the time being she’ll live with... please put much better setting, feels too much cliche there. Also, I understand this is harem anime but wtf the little ones too are in so deep love with mc... poison, yes take that poison and die... xD
If there was no one else within a 5-kilometer radius from Shimamura, and she was in a deep sleep and an all-knowing deity just happened to reassure me that she wasn’t going to wake up the next 24 hours, maybe I’d get bored after 23 hours and I might kiss her once to relieve some boredom...
Jun 11, 2021 6:14 PM

Nov 2017
I'm going to laugh my head off if it turns out that Haru is not as dumb as they think and has been playing them all along :)
Even better if it turns out he ends up with the maid ;)

Out of all the girls,I'd love to date Kuro.With all her scheming and stuff,it'd be a blast to " verbal fence" with her,and try to counter all her wiles and traps :)
StarhammerJun 11, 2021 6:18 PM
Jun 13, 2021 2:26 PM

Feb 2008
If Rena doesn't win, I am going to riot
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Jun 13, 2021 3:45 PM
Feb 2017
One Word "PAIN".
Take responsibility for falling of the stage and getting his arm broken. Katchi is such a pain in the ***. Just annoying how they try to make a harem out of that. I can't put myself in to words... Waiting for the next Ep if it's still trash than I drop it.
Jun 17, 2021 3:55 PM

Aug 2014
Great episode. Midori teasing Kuroha and then Shiro takes Midori side - perfect :D

zeroj said:
If Rena doesn't win, I am going to riot

We will riot together :D
but I like Shiro also. Rena and Shiro are best. Then there is also the mastermind Tetsuhiko maybe he will win :D

oh and the fanservice was good ;p
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Jun 25, 2021 8:33 AM
Aug 2020
Man I really don't understand why people are roasting this series saying that it's generic,cringy and stuff. I mean romance anime HAVE to have all the troupes you idiots should've expected that before starting ANY highschool anime. The main point which differentiates romance animes are their characters and imo sueharu is miles better than most harem protagonists. Firstly he's not a snot nosed beta male,is actually said to be good looking in the anime and has some selling point other than dumb luck.
I admit the girls are pretty average kuro being a bitch and maybe some people can't stand kachis voice I get that but for once we get a decent male cast in a harem. Come on people show a little appreciation that the main guy almost kissed his love interest like a normally fucking functioning human being. The games that kuro plays are the only eye rolling parts of this anime. Comedy isn't amazing but does the job(earlier eps were better) and the fan service is nice. So let's be grateful shall we👍
Jun 28, 2021 11:34 AM
Jul 2018
&++ the struggle continues!

I feel like this episode and the few previous ones really helped in making Shiro come off as a romantic interest and it's like, no matter who I prefer to get the W, I wouldn't be pissy pissy if she was the one who got it.

On the flip side, Kuro's not out of the game juuuust yet. Also, nice Yu-Gi-Oh! reference!~
Jul 5, 2021 7:05 PM
Dec 2020
Goodepisode I like shiro she’s moving forward but the ending of this I can’t predict it😂🔥❤️👍🏻.
Jul 7, 2021 2:18 PM

Apr 2018
Good things
- Yu Gi Oh reference
- He broke his arm

Bad things
- Everything else
- How the f*ck all the girls including the younger sisters are in love with him
- Why he is so indecisive it doesn't make any sense
- Why she's living with him because she broke his arm (???)
Jul 10, 2021 7:02 AM
Nov 2019
man now even the sisters join the harem... i was hoping their relationship was gonna stay innocent, but guess not. i don't even get why the author decided to drop in the sisters too though lol. at the start i really wanted kuro to win but then seeing what a jerk the mc is i think she would be happier without him, like make up your mind dude. one moment you like shiro then you say you like kuro then now you like shiro again?? what is wrong with you
Aug 13, 2021 9:55 AM

Jul 2015
Kinda funny how they refer to love as poison, especially coming from Sueharu who for the most partturned his own romances into such a mess. Shiro definitely is a clear winner of the summer camp seeing how she gets to live with Sueharu after hurting his arm.

Aug 15, 2021 7:21 PM

Apr 2020
Jeez, HaruMaru and Kuro still can't resolve their fight, that doesn't help our Black Clover since Kachi are making huge advancements with our MC now, unfortunately that misfired which led into an injury.

Even still, I'm happy that Shiro is working hard for that dance (which actually looks good and animated for once), at this point I think I'm shipping her with Haru. And whaddya know, because of these circumstances, Shiro is staying over on Haru's house, I'll take it for a payback. And we have a maid too, I wonder what she will bring in this mix.

Also Aoi and Akane added to the harem, my goodness. I kinda love Akane's thinking, I felt her feelings on that bit. And even though it's obvious that Kuro's imouto twins would never be the winner (except on doujinsh-), I hope that they'll still be happy in the end, along with the rest of the harem.
Oct 26, 2021 7:55 AM

Jun 2020
Sueharu is closing in on Shiro, meanwhile Kuro is making a move to get Sueharu back from Shiro wow she dares to even mess with him all-day

Yeah Sueharu's getting closer to Shiro day by day all that's left is Shiro to finally commit to being with Sueharu and that's that

Kuro needs to make a move on or Shiro will take Sueharu for herself and that injury could've helped but Shiro had a better gist of the situation.
Aug 29, 2022 8:49 PM
Jul 2022
It was like yeah and damn bro but then like okay bro
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