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The Seven Deadly Sins
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Apr 19, 2020 10:34 AM
Sep 2018
pretty good episode, Estarossa story is good
Apr 20, 2020 2:58 AM

Nov 2012
WTF. I just marathoned the season. It was horrid. All the adjectives to describe it are negative. Boring. Disjointed. Schizo. Inconsistent. Trainwreck. I mean... how can it plummet the way it has from s1? And why did it turn into nothing more than a shitty Romeo & Juliet story?

combi2015 said:
I have never seen something so consistently bad. Kinda impressive honestly.

IKR! It was like an accident that I couldn't stop watching!
Apr 20, 2020 8:05 AM

Jan 2015
dragynfaerie said:
WTF. I just marathoned the season. It was horrid. All the adjectives to describe it are negative. Boring. Disjointed. Schizo. Inconsistent. Trainwreck. I mean... how can it plummet the way it has from s1? And why did it turn into nothing more than a shitty Romeo & Juliet story?

combi2015 said:
I have never seen something so consistently bad. Kinda impressive honestly.

IKR! It was like an accident that I couldn't stop watching!

Yeah, when something is on this level of bad you kinda watch just to see how bad it really gets. Should really drop it but out of curiosity probably gonna end up watching next season as well.
Apr 20, 2020 4:01 PM

Nov 2012
combi2015 said:

Yeah, when something is on this level of bad you kinda watch just to see how bad it really gets. Should really drop it but out of curiosity probably gonna end up watching next season as well.

Me too. My curiosity isn't gonna let me go. I know it.
Apr 20, 2020 7:51 PM

Feb 2014
Eh~~ this situation between Eliz and Eliodas became cringe... too melodramatic for my taste.

Some plot conveniences here and there (which I could overlook) and the art + animation which disappointed.

Still, I think it does not deserve the score it currently has. It was an enjoyable anime as an overall.

Vi-Apr 22, 2020 9:20 AM
May 11, 2020 11:31 AM

Jan 2015
Damn this season was so fucking boring and bad.
May 25, 2020 6:46 PM

Aug 2011
If you can't find anything good to say, then it's best to stay mum.

That is my sentiment on this season, and not directed at anyone. I just really can't find the words.
Jul 23, 2020 1:30 AM

Jan 2019
This season is indeed lower quality compared to the previous ones. Still, I feel that a lot of people are probably just repeating what others say for validation or something...

I mean I get it, the animation is definitely worse than previous seasons, the white blood censorship is ridiculous and the story really felt more boring than before. Still, I feel that a lot of people saying that this is garbage or a 1/10 are overreacting. Maybe I am more neutral towards this show 'cause I never was a hardcore fan from it, neither a hater.
For me this season was just a 6 out of 10. Thing is that I never considered Nanatsu no Taizai a master piece, 1st season was an 8 'cause I really enjoy it. S2 was between a 6 and 7 and this one a 6. The main problem I have with this season is with the stupid censorship and the bad quality animation, but aside from that this show was just like any other average action show.
Jul 25, 2020 3:07 AM

Sep 2018
Not as bad as people make it out to be. Definitely shoddy animation though, doesn't have the wow factor that the previous seasons had. Hype moments aren't hyped as they should be. Story is still quite compelling though. 7/10. I was hoping for a couple more episodes at the end though....
Aug 7, 2020 2:53 PM

Aug 2013
The addition of power level to the story just ruins the fighting scenes since mostly the one with higher level just wins anyway,add to that this season's animation.
The story should have ended in the first season.
The closer you get to the light,the greater your shadow becomes.
Aug 10, 2020 9:47 PM
May 2020
This season felt like a prequel/ set up for the next season. From the backstories to the characters getting stronger to couple arcs ending it all feels like a build up. Sure the animation was bad but I mainly had a problem with the story. It all just felt boring to me most of the time. That being said I did enjoy Gowther and Merlin’s backstory and I thought the the 2 good archangels were cool. It kinda sucks that the magic knights are nothing more than basic background characters now after giving them so much attention in the first two seasons. Also I’m sad the for the lack Ban this season.

I would rate this season 4/10. Probably just going to read the manga instead of waiting.
Aug 16, 2020 11:43 PM
Nov 2014
yamen said:
The addition of power level to the story just ruins the fighting scenes since mostly the one with higher level just wins anyway,add to that this season's animation.
The story should have ended in the first season.
that's a good thing imo. Better than Fairy Tail with the friendship surpasses power bullshit. I want realistic outcomes of the fights.
Aug 17, 2020 12:39 AM

Aug 2013
Accelerator48 said:
yamen said:
The addition of power level to the story just ruins the fighting scenes since mostly the one with higher level just wins anyway,add to that this season's animation.
The story should have ended in the first season.
that's a good thing imo. Better than Fairy Tail with the friendship surpasses power bullshit. I want realistic outcomes of the fights.

It would have been good if they stayed with first season style. It was good enough imo.
Now the outcome is most likely known before any fight begins which kills the suspense and excitement
The closer you get to the light,the greater your shadow becomes.
Aug 17, 2020 12:42 AM
Nov 2014
yamen said:
Accelerator48 said:
that's a good thing imo. Better than Fairy Tail with the friendship surpasses power bullshit. I want realistic outcomes of the fights.

It would have been good if they stayed with first season style. It was good enough imo.
Now the outcome is most likely known before any fight begins which kills the suspense and excitement
I don't get it, you want King to beat Zeldris or something?
Aug 17, 2020 12:54 AM

Aug 2013
Accelerator48 said:
yamen said:

It would have been good if they stayed with first season style. It was good enough imo.
Now the outcome is most likely known before any fight begins which kills the suspense and excitement
I don't get it, you want King to beat Zeldris or something?

It could happen if skills matter enough. Anyway, my point was clear but I will repeat: I don't like the addition of power level in the series since it "most likely" determines the outcome of any fight before it begins unlike the first season where it was more exciting and interesting. Take for example Estarossa and the 2 archangels, once he consumed another commandment he beat them without any addition in anything aside from power level.
The closer you get to the light,the greater your shadow becomes.
Aug 17, 2020 12:57 AM
Nov 2014
yamen said:
Accelerator48 said:
I don't get it, you want King to beat Zeldris or something?

It could happen if skills matter enough. Anyway, my point was clear but I will repeat: I don't like the addition of power level in the series since it "most likely" determines the outcome of any fight before it begins unlike the first season where it was more exciting and interesting. Take for example Estarossa and the 2 archangels, once he consumed another commandment he beat them without any addition in anything aside from power level.
eh I completely disagree. I think the fights are more exciting now. Especially that the enemies are not lame as fuck like the first season's villains.
Aug 17, 2020 9:20 PM

May 2020
Definitely left us on a good cliffhanger. I completely forgot about Ban and I'm glad to see that he is still doing well.

It is very sad to see how bad this anime has become. I really feel like it deserves better.

Still a fairly decent finale. 4/5
Aug 20, 2020 4:12 PM
Mar 2016
am i the only one who doesnt hate this season/series? maybe its because i dont read the manga, (and i didnt even know there was a fourth season until it appeared on netflix) but i thoroughly enjoy this season. maybe its a nostalgia factor since ive been watching since it came out, but i have no qualms about how anything was done. i love the overall concept of the show and im fully invested into the main characters. waiting until 2021 is going to kill me.
Aug 21, 2020 7:49 AM

May 2015
Story good. Animation bad.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Aug 21, 2020 4:38 PM

Dec 2013
The plot is still quite enjoyable but oh boy that animation, I don't know how it was at first but the Netflix version wasn't outrageous except for the last few episodes, it looked super bad, it went from semen back to blood and then for some weird reason to red lights, I guess at least that last one is better than the first option.
Aug 24, 2020 1:46 PM

Jul 2008
Not sure why so much hate. I enjoyed it. Shrug. 7/10
Sep 19, 2020 9:24 AM

Apr 2009
aaand- finally done with this horrible monstrosity of an anime,
due to the -minutes- of good material versus the -hours- of bad material, it still wasn't the absolute worst thing i've laid my eyes upon in terms of anime, so 5 overall,

horrible animation, still frames dragging on forever, "cheaping out" with tossing in some lazy 3D animation toward the end there, inconsistency in the characters from scene to scene, horrible love for particle effects to make scenes look more animated, sometimes censored blood- sometimes uncensored blood, so on, so forth, etc. etc.
sort-of on par with the worst animated episodes of the original Transformers from back in the 80s-90s somewhere, but even those were more animated than many of the episodes in this season.

the few redeeming qualities was that we got more of the story from the manga- i liked Gowther from the beginning, then less, and now more again, same with Gloxinia, but Ban felt like he got really underplayed his season, tossed out the window in terms of usefulness one could call it.

i'm just glad that it is over. white-censor blood and then purple-censor blood just hurt my soul every time it showed up on screen, and there was so much in this season that could have been so good, but ended up being so bad because of the animation.
I like to comment Episodes as i Watch them.
Oct 1, 2020 10:29 PM
Jul 2020
I honestly came here just for the plot and story. The story was so good that at times i completely forgot about the bad animation. Overall I'm really hyped for season 4(5) !!
Oct 19, 2020 7:53 PM
Jul 2017
Oh yeah, 3/10 seems appropriate. If Escanor wasn't in this series, doubt I'd even watch it.
Jan 12, 2021 6:48 PM
Sep 2020
nanatsu season 3 the animation is really bad but the good point is the story is still the same as the manga and I like that
Jan 14, 2021 4:17 PM

Aug 2017
i’ve been meaning to check seven deadly sins out but 3rd season scares me off because it has such a low score compared to the previous two seasons
Jan 28, 2021 7:20 AM

Oct 2008
finally finished this! gotta catch-up to the next season!

Feb 26, 2021 1:32 PM

Oct 2008
The animation quality drop and the censoring were not the main problem for this season imo, it is the drop in quality of the writing. I don't know how close this is to the source but it definitely felt dumbed down from the previous seasons.

The red and especially white demons were a huge deal in first season where it took the whole team just to take one down. Yet by the end of this season there were swarms of them flying around and nobodies took them down en masse. And then we have a super powerful enemy that even the combined two of the most powerful angels could not take down with their ultimate attacks, and all of a sudden the nobodies decide to shoot their beams(drop in quality of attacks much?) at him thinking they defeated the guy? Seriously? Anyone with half a brain would know a good time to retreat to cut losses.

The concept of demon hearts seem to have faded out as well and demons started dying to just damage instead of targeting the hearts.

Then there was the time when Arthur stabbed himself and the girls couldn't overpower his grip to pull out the sword, and Escanor, the most powerful human in existence who even overpowered Meliodas, just stood there watching.

Too many things like this.
May 28, 2021 11:12 PM
Oct 2019
sigh. idk if it's just me and the several years that have passed since watching the last season, but this one just wasn't as good. I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANIMATION QUALITY, so that's not the reason. the dialogue, the plot, the logic; it was all mediocre

as far as this literally made no sense. how can demon dude. how does he know about elizabeth and meliodas' hang out spot? even if he stalked them like a weirdo, wtf is elizabeth doing hanging out with meliodas in the demon king palace area? why is she frequently running into this guy? there's a fucking holy war going on!!! yes, this dude's brain is going haywire because of the commandments, but it sure seemed like much of what he was saying was true, and even elizabeth seemed to acknowledge that she did have some vague recollection of things (just not the part where meliodas said he'd hook his brother up with elizabeth, which is the only part that i definitely think was his haywire brain going...haywire)

anyways, elizabeth sucks. altruistic damsel in distress with awful soft voiced voice actor... i HATE all of those characteristics

did any of the seven deadly sins actually "shine" this season? yes, king and diane had a brief arc about them, as did gowther. we learned a lot more about merlin. but i just didn't fall in love with any of them like i had previously with ban. because sadly, ban wasn't even that great this season. i feel like i need to take him off my MAL favorite character list after this... the only saving grace was his 5 seconds walking through hell looking kind of ragged and his "i'm coming" line

an example of the dialogue being trash was the fight against that snake demon. the snake demon girl narrated the whole damn episode. everything she did, everything the sins did, everything she thought, etc, she had to say out loud. it was such simplistic and bland storytelling. or in the final scenes of this episode, where elizabeth is nearing the castle where meliodas is, and as she's in the brother demon's arms and with her eyes closed she soft-voicedly says "meliodas, i want to see you again!" well no shit you dumbass. everybody knows that, jesus. but you literally RAN AWAY FROM HIM just a few episodes earlier. and you're going to see him in 5 seconds anyways. what is the purpose of that line, to build "suspense"? god awful

king: come on, we've got a rescue to pull off
diane: be careful king. see you soon
royal knight guy: we're counting on you

maybe it's not just the dialogue. maybe the voice acting was uninspiring? whatever it was, a simple scene like that had me rolling me eyes in disdain. just so generic and cliche

plot question: all this stuff in the last few episodes has happened in less than 3 days? elizabeth wakes up, she helps defeat the snake demon lady, she's there for the snake demon lady fight, she's there when arthur is rescued by merlin, she's there in liones when everyone leaves to fight off the demon armies. and all that takes place in...2 days or less? i mean lmfao no no no no

i have no idea what that post-credit scene was supposed to be. meliodas is alone and in non-demon form and he's looking for, presumably elizabeth and the sins... i guess that scene takes place mid-season 4, and the first part of season 4 will explain what led to that moment. or maybe not. idk

this season is a 6/10. it feels wrong giving it that score, when i generally give NnT 8/10. but i don't think i can justify anything above a 6/10. it's unfortunate that this show's fallen off
Aug 13, 2021 5:56 PM

Mar 2015
This season was sure full of QUALITY
First half was awful, but I enjoyed the second half. It has the same issues with the animation and off models but the holy war and the angels made it more enjoyable.

6/10 for this season
Aug 24, 2021 1:47 PM
Jul 2018
So in spite of all the complaints about the animation this season, I really liked. The animation had some flubs here and there, but the story was still enjoyable.
Dec 8, 2021 8:46 AM

Apr 2013
Crazy, I never could've imagined that I'd give this season a 3/10. I gave the prequel an 8/10 and the first season even a 9/10. Fastest crash of a good show I've ever seen. Story- and animation-wise a huge disappointment, what a shame.
May 5, 2022 2:33 AM
Jan 2020
So not only has Elizabeth basically interacted with everyone in some form or another in the past, but basically everyone wants to bang her too. Cray -- Derieri seems like she should be more sought after.

I wasn't expecting Ban to have a long beard, lmao. That completely took me by surprise.

Anyway, I guess I'm going with a 4/10, which I think is pretty generous all things considered. Mostly because there were some okay moments here at the end of this season. And, despite Netflix fixing some of the animation problems, this season just felt hollow compared to the previous ones. More times than not I felt like if I skipped an episode I wouldn't have missed anything.

Anyway, onto the next (final?) season!
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Sep 17, 2022 7:16 PM

Apr 2014
it really sucks cause again this was a great season

but sadly the downgrade in quality of the animation and art and not to mention the censoring and such really hurt this season overall

if only we could have gotten the same amazing quality we got for everything that was made before this season and i would have gave this season also a 10 rating

but sadly with all the bs that came with this season the downgrade in quality of the art and overall animation and the censoring

had to take some points off but other than the bs it was a great season
"one step at a time"
Nov 19, 2022 12:33 AM

Apr 2019
damn, i can't believe Meliodas cucked his brother and stole his girl XD
Apr 14, 2023 12:43 AM
Jul 2019
didn't like the censorship
Sep 1, 2023 5:01 AM
Apr 2023
Very cool! 3 Commandments Estarossa showing of his powers, baddie Sariel, and everyone going to their fighting place for season 5. Very cool!
Sep 29, 2023 4:08 PM
May 2023
In my opinion was the series very mid.
Jan 16, 2024 7:14 AM
Nov 2019
really nice season
Feb 28, 2024 12:34 AM

Sep 2023
Gotta love how after all the silly hate, the poll shows only 10.4% disliked this finale episode and only 13.6% hated it, with the rest at least thinking it was okay, or liking it or loving it. Eat crow much?

Yeah, this was actually a pretty good end to this season. I'm gonna have to say 7.5/10 because idgaf about animation (plus it got better in the second half anyways)... The story was good and even with a few minor negative points, I would say for me, the positive outshines the negative.

And DAMN... I was not expecting this:

Of course they both removed themselves from the host bodies right after, but that was still a nice shocker.
May 21, 2024 11:11 PM
Mar 2021
it was good and very funny and intresting
Aug 22, 2024 10:48 AM
May 2024
nice animation with whirlpool
Sep 17, 2024 3:37 PM
Apr 2015
A shame the way that they animate it.
Dec 15, 2024 11:02 AM
Apr 2022
Definitely worth a watch!
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