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Apr 29, 2021 3:36 AM
Apr 2017
This anime can make me feel this way.


4 episode with boring tone+mood

Apr 29, 2021 4:51 AM

Oct 2007
Koguma putting her Cub to good use, first job, and she was able to gather up some funds. Buying the rain clothes is better than getting sick.

old man is nice enough to tell her that she should learn to change the oil herself.

billybub said:
Never thought watching someone change their oil would bring such a smilento my face

made me smile too. She just needed to kick it.
Apr 29, 2021 5:28 AM

Jan 2017
I'm literally watching this show just to see koguma's smile.

"Now I know I can go anywhere. I want to go even further."
Apr 29, 2021 6:30 AM

Jul 2014
Another excellent episode, particularly the subtle brightening of the show's colour palette as Koguma continued to work at her job throughout the summer and when she figured out how to loosen the bolt to change the oil herself. Also very nice to see that she's gotten the funds together to be able to afford that 6000 yen raincoat and keep herself from getting ill in the rain. Such a satisfying moment when she realised she'd "beaten" the rain in a way with that purchase.

Very intrigued to see what kind of travelling Reiko got up to during her own summer next week.
Apr 29, 2021 7:03 AM
Mar 2019
Koguma is so cute when smiling.
I love K-On, and so should you.

Apr 29, 2021 7:29 AM

Jun 2016
she is our messiah !!!
Apr 29, 2021 7:56 AM

Nov 2013
another peaceful episode perfect for a morning coffee before job starts uwu glad to see her thriving and cool that she got a chance to cover all the cub expenses with the part-time job
Apr 29, 2021 9:57 AM

May 2018
WizardOfOss said:

1) does a moped really need so many oil changes? I mean, I'm only used to cars but even my inexplicably reliable Alfa needs new oil every 35.000 kilometres, and is still doing perfectly fine after 240k. I do get that mopeds are built for different use and you might want to change oil more often during break-in, but this seemed rather excessive to me....

Motorcycle normally needs to change oil every 1.500 - 2.500 km, or following what the manual stated. But I don't know if moped has shorter cycle than normal motorcycle or not.
Apr 29, 2021 10:25 AM

Oct 2016
I fucking love this show much, fantastic episode! Never thought oil change of a motorcycle could be this wholesome and amazing, Koguma is so adorable, the little noises and grunts she makes are cute as hell and her facial expressions were on point as well, an example would be when she forgot to ask for the other school's papers.

I really love it when the colors appear, it just feels so good. Our girl has also saved a bit now, looks like we'll be seeing what Reiko did for her summer next episode. Really looking forward to it.
Apr 29, 2021 10:37 AM
Mar 2019
Anyone know t he piece of music that plays after she accepts her last paycheck for the job? She taps her cub then color bursts forth and the music plays (around halfway through the ep). Felt that beat drop hard, was pleasantly suprising

Most of the music are famous romantic pieces by Debussy, so i assume this one is too. But this piece is not one I've heard before.

Edit: Debussy: Suite bergamasque prelude
suiboraMay 13, 2021 1:19 AM
Apr 29, 2021 10:44 AM
Apr 2018
this anime is so comfy whenever koguma smiles i smile!! and i love the subtle changes in color whenever her world gets a little brighter
Apr 29, 2021 11:23 AM
Feb 2021
The episode was great as always....tbh i thought the series would be boring after watching the anime name....but now i wait every week for its episode release....she even got a part time job and her activity was widened and she was so happy about it....i became more happy than was like i was in the anime and the main character is me,riding the cub and enjoying the scenery...really its a great series
Apr 29, 2021 2:28 PM

Oct 2007
Comfy as usual, but would rather see more character interaction with Reiko, which we got teased at at the end. If I had to calculate my rate of enjoyment with different elements from this show, it would be like this:

10% Cub riding and feeling the breeze
30% smile
20% modding the Cub
40% Reiko interaction

This can obviously change, but that's it for me so far.
Apr 29, 2021 3:40 PM
Feb 2021
OMG she got her first job and she was so adorable! I really love this show so much! It's making me want to get my motorcycle license and buy a super cub now! So much wholesome vibes from this show!
Apr 29, 2021 6:41 PM

Aug 2013
What a cliffhanger. Probably the craziest cliffhanger in awhile.
Apr 29, 2021 9:37 PM

Sep 2018
I really really love how calming this anime is โค
I really love to try that part time job, courier but I don't know how to ride a cub huhuhuhu
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Apr 29, 2021 10:28 PM

Oct 2008
the sfx sound effects is really top notch on this episode huh...that's why there's few lines on the script...

Apr 29, 2021 11:56 PM

Dec 2020
she's changing a lot bit by bit T__T she eats better lunch, she's getting more used to having lunch with reiko, had a par time job, can change oil, bought a raincoat, came into another school, etc god i can't believe im getting proud of those. such a lovely anime. also reiko lives in a cabin damnn
Apr 30, 2021 6:15 AM
Apr 30, 2021 1:03 PM

Sep 2020
This show is bizarrely fascinating, barely anything happens yet all of it seems so nice and fun.

The way the color pallete changes with her mood is great too, like when she managed to unscrew the plug and the second it was off the pallete was nice and bright again. It is the little things that make this series so fun and interesting to watch.

Apr 30, 2021 7:44 PM

Mar 2015
Just caught up on the four episodes currently out and I am hooked. I am enjoying this more than Laid back Camp! II am loving her adventures in learning about the bike and how to maintain it, and I can see her growing and gaining courage and confidence as she does.

The animation for this show has been excellent, as has the thought put into presenting the story: I do not know yet where the funds come from to provide for the MC yet it is obvious her budget is limited. I like how they just show, and therefore never have to explain, that her apartment is a small one. Her actions also convey her limited budget. Well done. I presume we will get the backstory on all that at some point but even if we don't it won't be a big deal.

Reiko's house looks like a cross between a traditional Japanese home and a log cabin; I am very curious to see how it looks on the inside.
The sword that takes life gives life
Apr 30, 2021 9:41 PM
Jul 2018
Very...very nice episode. Art and sound are top-notch as always. Glad to hear Koguma's job is doing well.
This show tells me importance of ordinary days. Reality isn't cruel.
May 1, 2021 2:13 AM

Jul 2015
so i binge watched this show to ep 4.. and my happiness is immeasurable and my day is saved..
i just can't.. i mean look how adorable the mc is.. someone kill me.. i also love how she tries to solve all her problem herself first..
May 1, 2021 2:20 AM
May 2019
tetrix1993 said:
So Koguma has taken a part-time job. This anime continues to make me smile. It feels so comfy.
it's nice to see a slice of life anime be calm. This is therapy for me after watching all of clannad and after story in one sitting. That show broke my heart into pieces in a way that only good tragedy shows can.
May 1, 2021 3:47 AM
Nov 2020
MC looked nice with those mini pigtails when changing the oil. I hope she has lots of "fun" with her friend in that cabin.
May 1, 2021 3:30 PM
Mar 2020
Every time i just go through an episode ; i always catch myself smiling multiple times throughout it.

Both characters are cool. I like the teacher and also the Mechanic too. Old and kind gentlemen, and the newly introduced lit. club teacher from the other school too.

Lovely episode all in all. I can't stop watching this stuff.

May 1, 2021 10:58 PM
Jan 2021
The scenery is great and I'm wondering what koguma's gonna buy with the money she gained. She worked for 6 or 7 weeks and got around 140,000 - 150,000 yen. I assume she's gonna get some bike related gear like winter tire or something.
May 2, 2021 1:59 AM

Oct 2017
This was another beautiful episode. I'm glad Koguma could earn some money during vacation. She looked cute when she was trying to maintain her cub.
May 2, 2021 8:45 AM

Dec 2016
This anime is just making me want to go to Japan and live there...

What's with the price of those raincoats. She could've bought a cheap one from somewhere else I once bought a cheap one for 300TK which would be around 400yen.
Rickydory123May 2, 2021 9:08 AM
May 2, 2021 3:41 PM

Nov 2019
Marinate1016 said:

The only thing about this series that kinda annoys me is the fact she’s a minor and no legal guardian is anywhere to be found. I could’ve missed something in week one explaining this, but I don’t recall.

That would be my question as well. Clearly, she lives in an apartment and has to pay some bills; rent, and food for example. If she is an orphan, is the state picking up the tab until she is a legal adult?

Other than this small nit-pick, I think this show is quite good and might be a sleeper hit of the season.

May 2, 2021 4:28 PM
Community Mod
Feb 2014
Another wholesome episode, I'm really liking this series.
May 2, 2021 11:30 PM

May 2017
I love this show its so wholesome ๐Ÿ˜ญ
May 3, 2021 8:18 AM

Jul 2013
GOD i love this show. definitely a healing balm on my troubled soul.

shows like this aren't actually my usual fare - i find that few balance the story elements well, and just end up being excruciatingly boring. yuru camp really piqued my interest in the genre and i think the key element here might be stories that hinge on a niche interest of some sort? kon - music (i know this show is like, WAY more energetic and probably qualifies as your traditional SoL but i still felt like mentioning it), yuru camp - camping, super cub - biking.... sure, there are quite a few other SoL's i've enjoyed immensely but they usually hinge on relationship drama (tsuki ga kirei) or an unusual setting (girls last tour, sora no woto)

the art is fantastic yet the colour palettes used are wonderfully understated. it's only a tiny detail but i love that in the classroom scenes everyone has black/brown hair lol it totally subverts the "guess the main character!" trope

i also love how it's kinda adopted the "power up" shounen trope in its own way! it's so cute seeing her buy goggles, get the bike rack, learn to change the oil herself etc etc... did i mention i love this show ;___;

i hope eventually she decides to spruce up her apartment in the same way bc omg it's so depressing thinking of a lone teenage girl living in such a soulless place </3
May 4, 2021 7:46 AM
Jan 2018
nice to see her life changing bit by bit and seeing her gain new experiences via it be a new job or even changing the oil of her cub.
May 4, 2021 9:06 AM
Mar 2021
Great anime I've ever seen!
May 5, 2021 12:43 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Gotta share my experience with rainy days on the moped lol (since it rains a lot in Taiwan). It's helpful, but the lower legs will definitely get really wet unless you are wearing rainboots (well I guess the ones she had could be semi-waterproof) or if you have an over-sized raincoat. Sitting on the moped will ride up your raincoat a bit, so there's really not much protection from the rain from around the shins down. Additionally, not wearing your raincoat hood will also result in a very wet neck and probably down the top of your front and back :'D Since it can get windy when you're riding on the moped, most people wear their raincoat hood under their helmet to for maximum protection from the rain. I'm also kind of surprised she can still smile with the rain hitting her face (which is why I thought having a helmet cover is the better choice despite the price), but maybe some people don't care too much about their faces getting wet, haha.

Anyways, it's fun watching Koguma having fun and slowly growing. I can really relate to her, like how the first time at the job, she forgot to ask for the documents from the other school, the expression she made. I always feel bad when I make mistakes at work, and definitely more so in the beginning. But since that job is simple, she wouldn't make that mistake a second time. Also that feeling when you get your pay, then needing to buy something essential, but it's expensive...I feel that. However, she was happy that she was able to "beat" the rain, so the investment was worth it!
May 16, 2021 9:26 AM
May 2021
Does anyone know the name of the author of the song or what the song is really called?
Jun 14, 2021 10:53 AM
Jul 2018
It amused me watching this episode 'cause it's been raining hard/thunderstorm in my neck of the woods since yesterday
Jun 23, 2021 12:44 AM

Aug 2018
Koguma's work. she enjoyed it xd
Next will be Reiko's chapter? interesting.
Jul 12, 2021 10:46 AM

Sep 2016
2000yen for a 3+h job seems pretty exploitative to me especially when she has to pay for fuel from that lol
Objectivity doesn't exist. Subjectivity is an excuse. Beautiful world of online discourse.

Aug 16, 2021 1:30 AM

Jul 2015
Koguma earning some nice cash from her first parttime job, seeing her excited and happy makes me feel the same.

Sep 24, 2021 9:13 AM
Nov 2019
I doubt any one else noticed in the episode she goes to a shop called
Up garage it’s a real car and motorcycle shop in japan
I can’t believe they showed it normally in anime and manga they don’t use real life businesses….

I’ve bought car parts from up garage in japan for my Japanese sports car that I had a few years ago
And the current Toyota aristo jzs147 that I own :)

Such a wholesome anime for people who are into motorcycles :)

I am more into cars but I’ve had 2 bikes in the past
Honda 1999 cbr600

And a 2005 Suzuki gsxr Hayabusa 13000

Compared to a Honda super cub the bikes I owned where really quick haha ๐Ÿ˜† a super cub is just a 124cc 4 stroke
Dec 1, 2021 1:28 PM

Aug 2018
Teacher is nice person as well, helping Koguma..
Yeah, cub isn't car.. Rain and snow suck for them.. I wonder, how much rain coat can protect, really.. Like.. Some?.. But fully?.. I don't know..
Feb 11, 2022 6:24 AM
Aug 2021
this show is the definition of mega chill
Aug 14, 2022 8:07 AM
Oct 2020
kinda aesthetic and calming, im looking forward to see the next ep because i havent watch completely HAHAHAHA
Dec 7, 2022 10:23 AM

May 2022
This story is a gateway drug that ends with Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

But this single episode is a standalone masterpiece. We have the continued use of color to emphasize the moments of joy, the little epiphanies experienced by Koguma. There is the intensely beautiful and emotional music. And it is all done in a spare and simplistic style that allows the story to stand out above everything else. 

The Daiichi High School in Kofu appears to be a much larger institution than Koguma's small town high school. Only 20 km away, yet Kofu is the big city. Daiichi has a big banner that says "Global", and a quick internet search reveals a long history of international exchange programs between Kofu and American schools, and a number of high schools in Kofu that teach primarily in English. These little references in the anime are symbolic of how the Super Cub is opening up a big new world for Koguma. It becomes clear that this isn't an anime about a girl and her motorbike, but about a small town girl who gets to explore an entire planet, starting on a Super Cub in Yamanashi prefecture.

My favorite moment of all in this episode is Koguma looking at the grease underneath her fingernails and smiling, the satisfaction of being self-sufficient, the smile of an independent and capable young woman who can take care of her Cub, and take care of herself.
OG_OtakuJan 16, 2023 10:32 AM
Apr 5, 2023 6:03 AM

Oct 2014
When she was buying the white sneakers and the watch I could swear the store's background music was from the ending theme from Yuru Camp, 1st season (Fuyu Biyori by Eri Sasaki). Happens at the 6:32 min. mark and it's only 14 secs worth. Maybe, maybe not.
Avatar: Anzu Kadotani from Girls und Panzer. XMas awesomeness version by Charenji :)

May 2, 2023 6:09 PM

Dec 2022
When she bought her raincoat and she got to the other school and was all proud I was like "yeah f*ck you rain" then she turned around and said "take that" haha that cuteness tho
Sep 25, 2023 4:18 PM
Sep 2023
quiero una moto :c
Dec 7, 2023 9:12 PM

May 2019
This show is so subtle says all that needs to be said without Koguma saying it. Alright her first oil change by herself! I can't help but smile when she does.
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