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Jan 28, 2021 11:45 PM
Jun 2012
The manga didn't have solders attack? Because what just happened was awful. Children out maneuvering trained solders and then they can't shoot the demon with 4 fully automatic guns. But one arrow does the trick.
Jan 28, 2021 11:49 PM

Mar 2011
awful that they missed alot of things from manga. it hurts to watch anymore XD
Jan 29, 2021 12:01 AM
Feb 2019
Graciaus said:
The manga didn't have solders attack? Because what just happened was awful.

The manga also had soldiers attacking that base but it happened way later, the anime skipped like 1.5 (or 2) arcs and went straight for the soldiers attacking scene. In the manga it was pretty bad, some people may have liked that crap but I certainly didn't, that being said, in the anime this soldier scene is even worse because it came out of nowhere.

In the manga that scene at least had some development surrounding it, the anime didn't have development at all so the anime is already looking even worse than the manga.
Jan 29, 2021 12:18 AM

Jan 2020
Could it be that Minerva can rescue one of them, or a loved one?

that shelter was rubbish, it was discovered too soon, and the worst thing is that it is difficult to understand how they found them

The demon of the last minutes, could he be a transformed walker, or what was that?

Humans may have two eyes, but we can only see one thing
Don't use the scores to see an anime
ええい! なんでも やって やる
Jan 29, 2021 12:32 AM

Mar 2019
My thoughts are all over the place after watching that.

Absolutely hated the scenes with the children in the bunker and outside hunting. Hate shitty anime comedy. That took up way too much of this episode. I was still expecting Yuugo to pop up at some point but to my surprise he never did. My mind was blown IN A GOOD WAY when they showed
because at that point I finally came to the realization they were truly going with a new story, or at the least a mix of manga and anime only content. However, I absolutely hated when
Also, the attack on the bunker was a cool surprise initially, but ultimately underwhelming given that scene in the source material was all about

So in summary. This was a mixed bag. I am happy that the anime is doing its own thing. But at least as far as this episode is concerned I am upset that they didn't go full blown original and instead adapted the beginning and end of Goldy Pond in the shittiest way possible while also bringing back Isabella which imo so far feels like a dumb move.
Jan 29, 2021 12:40 AM
Aug 2020
I kind of understand why people didn't like the episode because it doesn't follow the manga. But it might actually be a good thing because it leaves a lot room for improvement itself. The author is also on the storyboarding team so they might have wanted to change some scenes. Although I can't comprehend why they would bring Isabella back as an antagonist, I believe that they will find a way to fix the clearly rushed Manga ending.
Jan 29, 2021 12:53 AM

Mar 2014
Need a reason to create tension and get the plot moving because your SoL sequences are bad? Just blow up the shelter and have soldiers invade it.

Of course two children will defeat an armed and equipped soldier.
Of course that soldier won't scream or call for a team formation to chase those children.
Of course there's an underground passage they can use to escape
Of course one of the children used it as a playground so they know the way.
Of course there's an extra exit the soldiers don't know about but the child does.
Of course there's no soldiers outside near the shelter
Of course the soldiers are exactly at their destination to capture them (near the woods).
Of course a big monster appears and kills all the soldiers who apparently weren't prepared for it.
Of course a single child with balls of steel shoots an arrow at the monster.
Of course Ray shoots another and hits the eye.
Of course it's the monster's weak spot, which the soldiers with GUNS couldn't hit once.

Now, ain't all that pretty damn nuts?
Jan 29, 2021 1:08 AM
Jan 2021
So I waited about let's say 2 years for the second season. of course I read the manga I wanted to know what happened after the first season ended and all I have to say about that is the first season was outstanding probably my favourite anime of 2019. let's jump forward now 2 years it's the start of 2021 and also throughout 2020 or 2019 I can't really remember, this was 2 years ago I stopped reading the manga cause I wanted to wait and see how the anime was going to bring this master piece to life. CLEARLY I was wasting my time they cut out YUGO!!!!! and a entire arc and for what to have tons of disappointed fans of this what I was thought to be a well done anime series, clearly I was wrong. Don't get me wrong I still like the manga I'm just disappointed in the anime studio behind this series I hope to God they can fix there mistake, cause let's all be real 2019 & 2020 has been completely shit and I want them to good so we should all pray that the team behind can fix it.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on this it truly means a lot.
UWUvAnc1entJan 29, 2021 1:30 AM
Jan 29, 2021 1:21 AM

Jul 2020
The episode felt stupid not gonna lie. The first half was pointless and felt out of place (Atleast from my perspective). Didn't feel any thrill or tension in the infiltration part since the trained armed soldiers were apparently idiots compared to 11 year old kids. I just hope the next episodes won't be as bad as this one.


I accept random friend requests!
Jan 29, 2021 1:40 AM
Oct 2020
Well with that episode Yugo and the entire Goldy Pond arc is skipped.

Honestly I didn't really though the episode is bad, it's just that so many remeberable moments and character will probably never be animated and that dissapoints me so much.
Jan 29, 2021 2:19 AM

Aug 2019
In pain because they left out best boy T_T I wanted the goldy pond arc so bad bro it was so good in the manga.

And it really made me like Emma even more as a character. But I think whoever's in charge just wants to skip everything so they can get right to the end. idk if this is a consequence of covid or something, and they just couldn't afford to animate the whole thing, but it still sucks :/

I guess this is interesting, but Goldy pond was so good it'll take a lot to top it in my opinion.
Jan 29, 2021 2:36 AM

Nov 2017
I'm not worried despite the changing story. I trust the author because I'm sure he has another storyline in mind and to discover a changed sequel!
Jan 29, 2021 2:37 AM

May 2012
Resus-2 said:
Graciaus said:
The manga didn't have solders attack? Because what just happened was awful.

The manga also had soldiers attacking that base but it happened way later, the anime skipped like 1.5 (or 2) arcs and went straight for the soldiers attacking scene. In the manga it was pretty bad, some people may have liked that crap but I certainly didn't, that being said, in the anime this soldier scene is even worse because it came out of nowhere.

In the manga that scene at least had some development surrounding it, the anime didn't have development at all so the anime is already looking even worse than the manga.

the manga version was more lethal for both sides. this was somehow much worse than the human invasion in the manga..
Jan 29, 2021 2:49 AM

Aug 2013
Kaidu- said:
Need a reason to create tension and get the plot moving because your SoL sequences are bad? Just blow up the shelter and have soldiers invade it.

Of course two children will defeat an armed and equipped soldier.
Of course that soldier won't scream or call for a team formation to chase those children.
Of course there's an underground passage they can use to escape
Of course one of the children used it as a playground so they know the way.
Of course there's an extra exit the soldiers don't know about but the child does.
Of course there's no soldiers outside near the shelter
Of course the soldiers are exactly at their destination to capture them (near the woods).
Of course a big monster appears and kills all the soldiers who apparently weren't prepared for it.
Of course a single child with balls of steel shoots an arrow at the monster.
Of course Ray shoots another and hits the eye.
Of course it's the monster's weak spot, which the soldiers with GUNS couldn't hit once.

Now, ain't all that pretty damn nuts?

THIS ALL OF THIS RIGHT HERE! Talk about plot armor at its finest.
Don't believe the hype.
Jan 29, 2021 3:10 AM

Jun 2019
I am an anime only, but I have something to say to the Manga readers. I can understand your disappointment and I can understand your worrys. But Shirai is in the staff and controlled, that nothing get messed up. I heard, that the Manga ending was pretty bad for many people. And I think, they try to make it better.
Don't judge too early. Let's wait for the other episodes.
I personally don't think it will be bad, like Tokyo Ghoul.

P.S. after knowing, that the Anime will going Original, I will buy the complete Manga, lol xD
Jan 29, 2021 3:18 AM

Oct 2008
okay so now we're talking serious betting better hype intense!

Jan 29, 2021 3:30 AM
Jan 2021
Honestly I was sad as well when that character wasnt added to the anime but from what I know the story is ANIME ORIGINAL so the story is different I feel like it would be for the best to judge and rate the show after its over. I got a feeling that we will meet that character but not the same way in the manga. Im actually happy that its different because it gives us you can say two different stories but with the same characters and idea. I like it so far.
Jan 29, 2021 3:41 AM

Sep 2019
Dukino said:
leifsoeren said:
Neverland Root A has started.
With that the hope for certain characters died.
The episode was so random.
Several arcs were simply skipped over. hahaha - not good

Completely different from the tg situation. We have the manga author here working on the anime. Y'all being so negative is sickening
manga author of TG was helping as well in root A.
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Jan 29, 2021 3:59 AM

May 2019
Wow, probably the biggest personal disappointment of this season. I haven't read the manga but after hearing that they skipped so many chapters, i'm seriously considering switching to manga. This season really lack what was good about the first one, the suspense. I was eagerly watching every episode and hoping that they will successfully escape and now i just don't really care. They just run around trying to escape the demons and bad CGI monsters (Seriously, i understand that CGI really saves a lot of money but why is it nearly always so horrible?). Most of the characters aren't developed at all. I understand that with so many characters giving everyone a good development would be very hard but we're supposed to care about the lives of these children and currently i only care about Emma, Ray, Gilda, Don and Phil. Everyone else can die. Now they are bringing back the mother and they're making a badass child hunter out of her? And why does every demon, except for Sonju and Mujika, look the same? Isn't there a main villain they could show us? (I know that the demons as a whole species are the main antagonists but seriously). Overall, the quality between the first season and this one make me wish that the anime adaptation should end with them escaping the farm. I'll still continue watching but my expectations are really low. It makes me really angry that i didn't start reading the manga after the first season ended and i waited like a fool for the second one.
KaijuSlothJan 29, 2021 4:04 AM
Jan 29, 2021 4:06 AM
Jan 2021
Jan 29, 2021 4:08 AM
Jan 2021
Jan 29, 2021 4:15 AM

Jul 2009
Eating potentially poisonous fish even though they have plenty of other food.
The monster appears out of nowhere and only kills the soldiers, the children are saved.
Also this
Vorgier said:
Why were they wearing gas masks if they didn't plan on gassing them? If they were trying to capture them why use guns?

Jesus, that was dumb.
Jan 29, 2021 4:16 AM

Mar 2020
looney tunes tier story
Jan 29, 2021 4:26 AM

Jun 2020
I'm not upset that they're changing things, but it seems like they're repeating the same mistakes they did in the manga where there's basically no consequences to anything. Like, kill off a few fodder kids, how hard is that? When they were getting raided I thought this might be an interesting situation because they're kids going against armed soldiers and they'd have to resort to what they're good at which is mind games. But nope. Just throw a cup at them and everything just magically works out. Plus, there was no build up to this, they were just chilling and eating gross fish one minute and then it came out of nowhere.

One thing that is interesting though is the fact that they're bringing back Isabella, and she's arguably the only good antagonist in the series so I'd like to see where that goes.

Jan 29, 2021 4:28 AM

Mar 2020
comatorium said:
I'm not upset that they're changing things, but it seems like they're repeating the same mistakes they did in the manga where there's basically no consequences to anything. Like, kill off a few fodder kids, how hard is that? When they were getting raided I thought this might be an interesting situation because they're kids going against armed soldiers and they'd have to resort to what they're good at which is mind games. But nope. Just throw a cup at them and everything just magically works out. Plus, there was no build up to this, they were just chilling and eating gross fish one minute and then it came out of nowhere.

One thing that is interesting though is the fact that they're bringing back Isabella, and she's arguably the only good antagonist in the series so I'd like to see where that goes.

lets not forget how soldiers were wearing gas masks despite not using gas, how they blew up the entrance instead of stealthy getting in and how the idiot attracted the monster by firing entire clip into the air
Jan 29, 2021 4:36 AM

Nov 2013
I'm conflicted whether to hate this change or stay neutral. Certainly not liking it so far. The episode felt insanely rushed! The human soldiers came out of nowhere and died like flies to a convenient demon (you'd expect more from soldiers who are AWARE of demon weak-spots). The shelter is already abandoned, just like that! Isabella made reappearance already! I wouldn't mind if they skipped or changed later parts, but what they did is alarming!

At this point I don't know if they plan on ending the story THIS very season?! Maybe there'll be one more?

-_- Still hoping for the best, but the suspicion of this turning into the "biggest disappointment of the season" is killing me...
Jan 29, 2021 4:36 AM

Jun 2020
KuroNekoAlchemy said:

lets not forget how soldiers were wearing gas masks despite not using gas, how they blew up the entrance instead of stealthy getting in and how the idiot attracted the monster by firing entire clip into the air

bruh they should change the genre from thriller to comedy while they're at it
Jan 29, 2021 5:10 AM

Jul 2012
They skipped 50+ or so chapters and went straight to the next arc, skipping half of an unfinished arc that had started in the last episode and the entirety of Goldy Pond, and rushing through some of the first 10 entire chapters of Culvitidala arc in a poorly presented mess of a way.

Haven't been this disappointed by an adaptation in a while now. That's an entire text-heavy tankobon worth of content they adapted here missing a whole lot of important information from the previous arc, and this can't work retroactively either, like some people are speculating with wishful thinking. They can't even adapt Goldy Pond now, because the whole point of that arc was getting more pieces of the mystery to go straight to where they are heading now. Even some plot points in here make no sense without the conclusion for Goldy Pond lol

They will have to retcon a ton of stuff real hard to make any assemblance of consistency when it comes to the whole picture built as the arcs progressed in the manga.

DanpmssJan 29, 2021 6:05 AM
Jan 29, 2021 5:19 AM

May 2019
- Bella: so demon boss, my help? How could you not get the kids yet? they are mostly just small children lost in a forest surrounded by a desert, it can't be that difficult, since we have technology and super-strength etc.

- Boss: erm... You know we demons can't handle your human technology, our hands are too big...

- Bella: and the human squad of elite?

- Boss: look, to us you are just food, so i'm afraid i hired the most stupid team ever... Bella, please help us.
Jan 29, 2021 5:59 AM

Apr 2020
this was..... pretty bad. The pacing, the story from the manga, the logic and everything. Like WHY. The Goldy Pond Arc it's what makes the series. I think, i'am going to drop this next eps if the best boy don't show up
Jan 29, 2021 6:02 AM

Jan 2015
Yeah, I think I’ll like this development. The manga sucked ass anyway after the first arc, so it’s worth giving this anime original route a chance
Jan 29, 2021 6:21 AM

Jan 2014
Even if we ignore how the anime is going original, we cannot ignore how badly executed this episode was.
The pacing was off, the tension is gone, it looked more like an adventure/fun shounen, than the horror, tension-filled shounen it's supposed to be.
Can anybody honestly tell me if there was a point where they feared for the characters' lives in this episode?

This is all very disappointing, it doesn't look like we'll get much of the world building that arc brought. It looks like we'll be glossing over some parts so that the anime can focus on ... slice of life (?? and shallow plot points

I'm sure they took out that arc is because they wanted to finish the story probably with s3 (might also be the reason why mama is reintroduced so early).

(Another note: it made absolutely no sense how much they hyped the bunker, only for them to be kicked out one episode later)
Game over. If that's the case, I just have to play again.
Jan 29, 2021 6:33 AM

Jan 2014
The problem with tpn manga was that the kids suffered little to no consequences for their actions [b]even though they lived in a world surrounded by demons who would very much like to eat them[\b], which made the story less believable and less engaging. Why would you care about what the characters are going through if you know that somehow or other things are gonna be fine in the end?

I was hoping that the anime going original would fix that very glaring mistake, but this episode just showed us it's probably not gonna fix that
Game over. If that's the case, I just have to play again.
Jan 29, 2021 6:37 AM
Oct 2019
MegamiRem said:
So the last bit of hope anyone had of seeing
in the anime is now gone.

Jan 29, 2021 6:44 AM
Apr 2019
Oh damn. I have a mixed feelings for this adaptation. They should probably add
, yet somehow it looks like several arcs were mixed within this episode.
Jan 29, 2021 7:24 AM

Oct 2016
I think it's still pretty enjoyable despite the changes, and I honestly like Isabella's involvement. But, yeah why they gotta erase my boi from existence like that. I think they should have just adapted everything normally until Goldy Pond and then do whatever the fuck they want after it since that's honestly where it started to be not as good as it was.

Well, I'll still watch it and enjoy it by itself, you never know some interesting things might come out of it maybe.
Jan 29, 2021 7:32 AM

Jul 2014
Bow > assault rifle.
Child > soldier.
Anime > manga.
Jan 29, 2021 7:34 AM

Oct 2018
wtf with the anime ? :O they skip so many thing and characters. I waanted to see ths arc in anime and so we will don't see it, i'm so frustrated :O
Jan 29, 2021 7:54 AM

Oct 2017
As a manga reader, I will continue to watch and see where this goes. But I will still be pretty annoyed that they’re going anime original.
Jan 29, 2021 8:01 AM
May 2017
As expected, the manga elitist toxicity is in full force
Jan 29, 2021 8:19 AM
Oct 2019
Ohh look at these manga bros are upset...
This is why I'm always watching the Anime first before checking out the Manga, because i don't want my experience from watching Anime got ruined...

It will be supervisor by the Author Kaiu Shirai...
I'm really glad to be an Anime Only, sucks for you Manga Bros...
Now all you have is Negative thought...
davidyodo24Jan 29, 2021 8:28 AM
Jan 29, 2021 8:28 AM

Dec 2012
Last time I experienced a drop this big, dubstep was still relevant.
Gonna finish the season but my expectations are pretty low.
Jan 29, 2021 8:32 AM

Mar 2020
scarletgirl said:
The problem with tpn manga was that the kids suffered little to no consequences for their actions [b]even though they lived in a world surrounded by demons who would very much like to eat them[\b], which made the story less believable and less engaging. Why would you care about what the characters are going through if you know that somehow or other things are gonna be fine in the end?

I was hoping that the anime going original would fix that very glaring mistake, but this episode just showed us it's probably not gonna fix that

Thats one problem, the other problem was emma being mary sue.

But it seems that Shiari doesn't realise that, maybe no one communicated to him what's wrong with his manga and why everyone thought it sucks from certain point onward?
Because he's making exact same mistakes now, its a sad circus

But at least in manga we had 6 faction political struggle, modified firearms, mutants, genocide, various characters with conflicting ideas and all the building blocks of a great story and setting, with only flawed thing being the execution.
So he decided to scrap all the great things, and leave the flawed execution.

I don't understand that and can't see it as anything else than purposeful self sabotage, he can't be this stupid.
Jan 29, 2021 8:32 AM

Jun 2010
Skipping the poachers is an unforgivable offense. Yuugo to, but my dissapointment in not having the poacher story is immeasurable.

You can tell because i very rarely post anything in these forums.
Jan 29, 2021 8:35 AM
Oct 2018
Promised Neverland Root A. I am utterly disappointed. Why won't they simply adapt the manga as it is. Entire goldy pond arc skipped which was one of the best arcs.
Jan 29, 2021 8:39 AM
Oct 2018
davidyodo24 said:
Ohh look at these manga bros are upset...
This is why I'm always watching the Anime first before checking out the Manga, because i don't want my experience from watching Anime got ruined...

It will be supervisor by the Author Kaiu Shirai...
I'm really glad to be an Anime Only, sucks for you Manga Bros...
Now all you have is Negative thought...

At least we got to read an incredible story and you will get to see this crap. They skipped one of the best antagonist in the series and THE best arc of the story. You still have time, stop watching the anime and go and read the manga if you want to experience the promised Neverland in the best way.
Jan 29, 2021 8:40 AM
Jan 2020
I'm an anime only...I wanted to know about that one scene when isabella agreed to chase children again after the demon persuading her with sth in ep this eventually going to happen in the manga or it is just anime thingy? I'm okay with minor spoilers that answer might have...tho plz try to spoil as less as possible...thanks!
Jan 29, 2021 8:51 AM
Oct 2019
Nik03178 said:
davidyodo24 said:
Ohh look at these manga bros are upset...
This is why I'm always watching the Anime first before checking out the Manga, because i don't want my experience from watching Anime got ruined...

It will be supervisor by the Author Kaiu Shirai...
I'm really glad to be an Anime Only, sucks for you Manga Bros...
Now all you have is Negative thought...

At least we got to read an incredible story and you will get to see this crap. They skipped one of the best antagonist in the series and THE best arc of the story. You still have time, stop watching the anime and go and read the manga if you want to experience the promised Neverland in the best way.

Nope, i will read it later after the Anime is finished...
Why would i stop watching the Anime, just because of "Anime Original" that will be supervisor by the Author himself lol
As i said, I'm glad to have a blind Experience into the Anime, i can enjoying the Anime for what is was...

Must be sucks to know all the story before watching it, no surprise at all..
Jan 29, 2021 8:52 AM
Oct 2019
EverNight said:
I'm an anime only...I wanted to know about that one scene when isabella agreed to chase children again after the demon persuading her with sth in ep this eventually going to happen in the manga or it is just anime thingy? I'm okay with minor spoilers that answer might have...tho plz try to spoil as less as possible...thanks!

Please don't ask spoiler on here...
Be respectful
Jan 29, 2021 9:02 AM

Aug 2019
Well R.I.P Goldy Pond.
Cool adaptation lmao.
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