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Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ: By Shedding Many Tears, the Reality You Face Is... Episode 1 Discussion

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Jul 3, 2017 12:47 PM

Jun 2014
It ain't a Symphogear opening episode if I'm not laughing and fangirling at the same time xD

Five Four seasons in now and they can still pull this shit off. Where the hell to even start without ranting?

Hibiki's ****ing drill arm,Ogawa jumping into the mix, the core trio destroying a small army, weaponized Noise, singing trannys, Chris's backstory, a shadowy organization from out of nowhere, and since when was Tsubasa's voice so gruff?

I'm so ready for this.
ramenshoujoJul 3, 2017 1:33 PM
Jul 3, 2017 12:52 PM

Sep 2011
luinthoron said:
Oh, wow... I was honestly unsure they could keep up the trend of getting progressively dumber with every episode, but this exceeded anything anyone could have possibly foreseen. The only good thing is, I can't see how it could possibly continue to get worse. But I'm sure they'll surprise me as usual when I think this...

Now that we are at season 4, I'm acutally rather surprised you have enough free time and will to waste time on something you seem to dislike.
Jul 3, 2017 12:55 PM

Sep 2016
luinthoron said:
Oh, wow... I was honestly unsure they could keep up the trend of getting progressively dumber with every episode, but this exceeded anything anyone could have possibly foreseen. The only good thing is, I can't see how it could possibly continue to get worse. But I'm sure they'll surprise me as usual when I think this...
it's too late to pull back! it's season 4 and 5 is coming now hahhahahaha

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jul 3, 2017 1:03 PM

Sep 2011
ramenshoujo said:
Five seasons in and they can still pull this shit off. Where the hell to even start without ranting?

It's the fourth season though. Season 5 was announced, but has yet to arrive.
Jul 3, 2017 1:31 PM

Jun 2014
Sury said:
ramenshoujo said:
Five seasons in and they can still pull this shit off. Where the hell to even start without ranting?

It's the fourth season though. Season 5 was announced, but has yet to arrive.

Whoops, you're right. Feels like I've been watching this show forever >_<
Jul 3, 2017 1:44 PM

Jun 2011
It takes a special kind of masochist to sit through 4 seasons of something you hate...

But yeah, first episode is already pulling out the stops. I might have to end up changing several pants and actually not wear pants at all by season 5.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Jul 3, 2017 5:00 PM

Oct 2008
LOL I didn't even expect that there would be a 4th Season...but what's more 5th season!? that's outrageous!
but anyway...bring it on girls!

Jul 3, 2017 10:37 PM
Aug 2014
Forever getting hyped whenever a character sings their song *^*. Not gonna lie, the 3 new girls sang hella beautiful songs <3
Jul 4, 2017 12:11 AM

Feb 2007
Sury said:
Now that we are at season 4, I'm acutally rather surprised you have enough free time and will to waste time on something you seem to dislike.

Oh, it's not that bad. Just getting progressively more and more ridiculous with every episode since shooting the Moon. But fun enough despite that. If I've survived Teekyuu so far, I can handle Symphogear no problem.

I also seem to be unable to keep myself from watching sequels, even to trainwrecks like this. :D
Jul 4, 2017 2:53 AM

Mar 2008
Hibiki punching tank shells. I love her and this anime. <3
Jul 4, 2017 5:31 AM

Jan 2009
I had never seen such a shocking first episode except for SYMPHOGEAR!
It reminded me of how shocking the first episode of the first season.
But this time, it was not only astonishing but also beautiful, awesome, fun, funny and exciting. Ogawa-san always makes me laugh to death.
I will never forget the greatest battle scenes between Super power heroins and armed soldiers.
Sung by good singing voice actresses, every song heard in this episode was powerful and splendid.
I loved relaxing Yuri scenes given between intense times.

Symphogear is back now!
Jul 4, 2017 10:23 PM

Apr 2015
Can someone add "By Shedding Many Tears, the Reality You Face Is..." to the anime title?
befriend (v.): To violently attack someone with very dangerous and extremely powerful blasts of magical pink light until your target sees the validity of your viewpoint.
Jul 4, 2017 11:58 PM
Apr 2015
New Alchemist on 3 people...

Same to Carol or No ?..
Jul 5, 2017 5:48 AM

Sep 2012
TYxTxYT said:
Can someone add "By Shedding Many Tears, the Reality You Face Is..." to the anime title?

Well, I already posted that in DB Modifications thread. They added subtitle roughly on June 29-30, but removed it 2 or 3 days ago for unknown reason.
Jul 5, 2017 5:49 AM

Apr 2015
Tuggert said:
TYxTxYT said:
Can someone add "By Shedding Many Tears, the Reality You Face Is..." to the anime title?

Well, I already posted that in DB Modifications thread. They added subtitle roughly on June 29-30, but removed it 2 or 3 days ago for unknown reason.

I smell heresy in this!
befriend (v.): To violently attack someone with very dangerous and extremely powerful blasts of magical pink light until your target sees the validity of your viewpoint.
Jul 5, 2017 1:11 PM

Apr 2014
Feels so good to have this series back! and such a great way to start things off

will be enjoying this season just like every other season before this one, cant wait to see what happens this season
"one step at a time"
Jul 6, 2017 1:46 PM

Sep 2008
I've been such a damn fool. Of course it was the Illuminati. I feel so stupid right now.

This was everything I fucking expected this to be, more cheesy than the last season. Sure, it's venturing into the absolute ridiculous, and I might be a hypocrite, but it's okay if Symphogear does it.

Biggest complaint would be that mess of an opening song. What on earth was up with that? German Hymn was nice though, Prelati's singing voice is gorgeous.
ThespacepopeJul 6, 2017 2:03 PM
Jul 6, 2017 4:20 PM

Apr 2008
AnimeJunky said:
Hibiki punching tank shells. I love her and this anime. <3
Wonder Woman slapped rifle bullet. Had to top that. :D
Jul 6, 2017 4:28 PM

May 2012
insane as usual.... its beyond me why this show keeps getting new seasons lol
Jul 7, 2017 12:42 AM

Jun 2013
well they certainly didn't waste any time to get on the action
Jul 7, 2017 10:02 PM

Sep 2015
Jumped right into the action for nearly 10 minutes, that was epic. The songs are great, I'm so glad to hear Tsubasa's voice again, her voice actress is so strong. The episode flew by so quick it ended before I even knew it.

I'll be honest I don't remember everything that has happened to far so I'm going to be re-reading summaries and stuff but this is going to be an exciting ride.

The ED is :weary:
Jul 8, 2017 7:25 PM

Jan 2011
that was some symphogear ass symhogear of a opening ,by now i thought i would grow tired of this insanity but nope all of this in just the first episode i should be used to it by now but it just doesn't give me a break to question whats happening and i'm like "yep just gonna let this happen" because symphogear lol

i can't even remember how the plot is still going but who cares at this point season 5 is already confirmed !

once i heard "Cagliostro" instantly reminded me of granblue seems like the accurate assumption
Jul 9, 2017 4:52 AM
Jul 2018
Welcome to another trio of girls who have a good chance of being added to the main cast for S5.

I really enjoyed the prequels but I'm starting to wonder when enough is enough.

Pls deliver another stupidly fun season and prove me wrong, Symphogear.
Jul 10, 2017 6:44 PM

Apr 2011
hope this is better than season 3...
Jul 11, 2017 4:07 AM
Feb 2015
To be honest I damn lost it when the Panther tanks and Sturmtiger showed up, I guess if you want a generic evil army the Germans in WW2 are the way to go.
Seriously they should put the tag of "warning, serious amount of unseriousness coming up" in the series at this point.
Jul 11, 2017 10:23 PM

Jul 2009
Great starter episode!! Looks like they are getting the proper budget this season!! Blown away with some of the animations. Too godlike!!

Lol missles are just bouncing off like it was nothing XD

Glad Maria and others are getting proper screen time!! Come on, do we need Chris to suffer again in the 1st season? I'm pretty sure she's move on and much stronger right now.

Man, I can't believed there was a new organization operating at the shadows once again. I kinda doubt Carole would be working with them tbh.

Can't wait for the next episode! Love the ED, but I'm sure this is not the official one. Just like they did with GX.
Jul 16, 2017 7:13 PM

Feb 2013

I do enjoy this anime. Who ever would have thought we would be on season 4?

Explosive start (though I think previous seasons were more intense), and that was a nice airship too. Things are shaping up for a fun season. 3 new girls too, for the ever expanding cast.

Chris is the real main character of Symphogear. Everybody knows this.

Hibiki transformation gif:
Aug 4, 2017 1:07 AM
Apr 2017
Whoa what a bad first Episode.

btw how is this rated 7.9/10 ? this isnt even close to a 6
(How to bend Bullets as Magic Girl) Meanwhile they are not Magic Girls or Boys?

Really confusing to see a Blue Haired Boy with 1.5m Hair popping the enemy Units+Defence as if they were made out of Cake.

Good Anime for 5yr olds.
Aug 4, 2017 5:50 AM

Apr 2012
WarriorOfTimes said:
Whoa what a bad first Episode.

btw how is this rated 7.9/10 ? this isnt even close to a 6
(How to bend Bullets as Magic Girl) Meanwhile they are not Magic Girls or Boys?

Really confusing to see a Blue Haired Boy with 1.5m Hair popping the enemy Units+Defence as if they were made out of Cake.

Good Anime for 5yr olds.
Just gotta ask - because others have already made this mistake - have you seen the previous seasons? This is season 4 of a series, so if you haven't seen what comes before, then your gonna be as confused as a fish out of water.
Aug 4, 2017 10:51 AM
Apr 2017
FateHero said:
WarriorOfTimes said:
Whoa what a bad first Episode.

btw how is this rated 7.9/10 ? this isnt even close to a 6
(How to bend Bullets as Magic Girl) Meanwhile they are not Magic Girls or Boys?

Really confusing to see a Blue Haired Boy with 1.5m Hair popping the enemy Units+Defence as if they were made out of Cake.

Good Anime for 5yr olds.
Just gotta ask - because others have already made this mistake - have you seen the previous seasons? This is season 4 of a series, so if you haven't seen what comes before, then your gonna be as confused as a fish out of water.

Will do Later, but this is so much low budget .. i mean seriously 2 MG's hit the Flying Sign AFTER they jumped? And ofc they survive a 200+ meter drop without the parachute, even the guy without any gear on him.

Why bother making a fourth season if someone who does this kinda art as hobby can do a better job?

Honestly tho i thought i the Enemy Minions (or what they are) are re-colored teletubbies
Aug 4, 2017 10:34 PM

Apr 2012
WarriorOfTimes said:
FateHero said:
Just gotta ask - because others have already made this mistake - have you seen the previous seasons? This is season 4 of a series, so if you haven't seen what comes before, then your gonna be as confused as a fish out of water.

Will do Later, but this is so much low budget .. i mean seriously 2 MG's hit the Flying Sign AFTER they jumped? And ofc they survive a 200+ meter drop without the parachute, even the guy without any gear on him.

Why bother making a fourth season if someone who does this kinda art as hobby can do a better job?

Honestly tho i thought i the Enemy Minions (or what they are) are re-colored teletubbies
And that's all I can ask for. I'll let the show do most of the explaining, but do be aware this world does work with a very loose power ceiling. Those of us still here after all this time have simply embraced the chaos.
Aug 25, 2017 7:55 PM

Feb 2014
lmao they start off with a huge battle with Hibiki swatting tank bullets out of her path, then Tsubasa takes out her huge ass sword and Chris unleashes her Mega Death Party to destroy the flying citadel... Symphogear is so freaking extra and I love it xDDDD
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Apr 27, 2018 10:59 PM

Apr 2014
They Blend in Singing while Fighting... Really Feel Exhausting Since the Enemies are not push overs.

And then there's Tsubasa going Rules of Nature on that Ship *lol*

And The Main Villain? 3 girls? What's going on?! Are those Relics? they gave the soldiers Relics?
Front Hooks...Oh yeah...
Nov 6, 2018 6:29 PM

Jul 2009
SomaHeir said:
Great starter episode!! Looks like they are getting the proper budget this season!! Blown away with some of the animations. Too godlike!!

Lol missiles are just bouncing off like it was nothing XD

Glad Maria and others are getting proper screen time!! Come on, do we need Chris to suffer again in the 1st season? I'm pretty sure she's move on and much stronger right now.

Man, I can't believed there was a new organization operating at the shadows once again. I kinda doubt Carole would be working with them tbh.

Can't wait for the next episode! Love the ED, but I'm sure this is not the official one. Just like they did with GX.

Rewatching this, since I dropped this for some reason and just waited for BD's instead.

Cant' wait for next episode!
Nov 22, 2018 7:42 AM

May 2016
Awww I love Symphogear so much. Glad it's back with a bang! OMG Bikky learned Drill Warrior's attack from 5D'S or Gurren Lagann.

Saint-Germain, Prelati and Gagliostro are Yliaster villans i seee.
Dec 24, 2020 12:50 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Didn’t think they’d be able to top the space ship saving opening scene from GX, but they kind of did here. Always loved the straight up adrenaline pumping action of the first episodes. I’m getting a more mature vibe from this season, like it knows more of what it wants to be and is more clear on its identity. Maria and the two lolis feel like they’re fully integrated into the team now and it feels natural. Oh what’s this? Another chick with two loli sidekicks? Alchemy you say? Guess we couldn’t escape that aspect that came from the train wreck that was GX, and it sure looks like noise is here to stay. Gotta have your mindless drone army I guess.

Is it more of the same? Without a doubt. But I think they’re really going to make it work this time. The first season was a good one to introduce us to the series. G continued that energy but got a bit too full of itself by the end. GX was fine but really I felt was a mess. AVX, the ratings seem to point to this being where the real symphogear starts. Fingers crossed, once again.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 10, 2021 1:13 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Explosions, explosions, and even more explosions.

Intense start to the fourth season.

SerafosFeb 23, 3:13 AM
Jan 4, 2022 1:30 AM

Jul 2017
Every season just starts off even more bangin than the last. This was just straight in, balls to the fucking wall! Absolutely loved it! xD

This season is looking to be hella entertaining already. We're really dealing with the Illuminati now lmao. One of them is definitely voiced by a guy who's got some range lol. Guess that's a hint.

Sep 15, 2023 8:46 PM
Nov 2010
Seeing their enemies use Panther V tanks and a Sturmtiger is cool. However, they are way behind the times!
I just realized these guys are Neo-Nazis. No wonder they are using Nazi-era weapons.
It's a shame that the ship got destroyed. It looked cool.
I like the Bavarian Illuminati crest. It looks badass! The snake is my spirit animal.
I need more scenes of the girls half-naked!
The new enemies seem interesting. Are they alchemists who can sing just like Carol?
The action was animated so well!
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