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Jan 12, 2017 7:14 PM
Jul 2018
I assume Nero's father died of natural causes? Angelo's plan was clever, I think he may have dealt a finishing blow to the Vanetti family.

Kamiyan3991 said:
Oh boy, I never expected that. It was one hell of a plot twist. Avilio, you sick bastard. Literally the best mafia anime series.

Baccano is better.
Jan 14, 2017 10:36 AM

Dec 2013
Faederwulf said:
Baccano is better.

I disliked Baccano. I just like DRR instead (s2 was way worse tho).
Jan 14, 2017 4:04 PM
Jul 2018
Kamiyan3991 said:
Faederwulf said:
Baccano is better.

I disliked Baccano. I just like DRR instead (s2 was way worse tho).

I agree with you on S2 being way worse, at least. Durarara got worse and worse with every season...
Jan 17, 2017 11:45 AM
Jan 2016
THIS SHOW IS AMAZING getting better and better each episode
Mar 24, 2017 9:06 AM
Aug 2014
Was it really a twist? Why would he blow his cover to kill a man on the brink of death.

Most of the characters are way too gullible or just plain dumb. When Nero came upon the scene of Barbero's he didn't question it all even though he was shot through the head by someone who was tied up.
May 26, 2017 9:05 PM

Jun 2015
This episode flew by way fast compared to some of the other ones that semed like it'd drag on forever.
Barbero's freaking death was the most hilarious thing, He was going absolutely crazy and then Ganzo just kinda went "hey shut the hell up". I feel bad for Avilio though, he's going insane himself by seeing images/figures of Corteo.
This is a great anime about the mafia and revenge, it'll be sad finishing it.
Aug 27, 2017 8:02 PM

Dec 2013
Angelo is amazingly cunning.

Definitely an awesome climax. Only one more episode to go.
Sep 9, 2017 12:47 AM

May 2013
I mean, Vincent already had his regrets about killing Testa Lagusa. He looked like he accepted his fate to be killed by Angelo, but too bad the Galassian Don was killed instead-- which is a way better plan once again proving that Angelo is one clever motherfucker lol X)

I feel bad for Nero, but it had to be done. Angelo won't stop until his revenge is fulfilled or he'll die trying to get it fulfilled.
Oct 12, 2017 1:55 PM

Sep 2010
This MC really makes this series.

Brilliant plan to get everyone killed... himself included.
Oct 19, 2017 1:38 PM

May 2016
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking amaziiiiiiiiiiiing best quote of the show " This time I will be the one who takes everything" damn that was so fucking amazing killing the Don to finish of Vannetis holy shit.
Dec 27, 2017 5:28 PM

Dec 2012
Damn. Angelo's eyes.
Nero...he killed his childhood friend. Of course he didn't sleep. Apparently, you didn't when you killed Frate.
Vincent killed his family.
Oh shit! He stabbed Del Toro.
Del Toro the Terminator.
Angeko stabbed Del Toro. He dead.
Angelo got caught.
Dat stab.
Holy shit! Dat headshot.
Angelo shot the other Don.
Ganza dead.
Dat shoot out.
Vincent is dead.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Jan 9, 2018 3:04 AM
Nov 2015
Poor Angelo, he's been getting restless since he is hallucinating Corteo. I must say that this theatre reminds me of Lincoln. It looks amazing. It's sad to see that Vincent had to kill his own best friend Testa in order to protect his own family. Another scene that was clever of Angelo is when he had the letter signed with Ganzo. Del Toro seems rough as he was still able to knock out two people after being stabbed 3 times, but four times after Angelo stabbed him to death. However, I believe that it was all part of his plan to get captured by Barbero, since he would call out Ganzo and not Nero. Seeing Ganzo wanting him to fulfill his task, he'd eventually take down Barbero. Seeing Barbero getting betrayed by his own subordinate felt really good. Since Nero has been lured out as assigned by Ganzo, Angelo had the opportunity to kill Vincent. Although here comes the plot twist since Angelo decided to kill Don Galassia instead of Vincent. This is because it would cause the Galassia to eradicate all the Vanettis assuming that this was all plotted by the Vanettis. Strega shooting Ganzo was all part of Angelo, but it works in Strega's favor since he can take up the whole family. Meanwhile, it seems that Angelo left Vincent in despair that everything he did was "All for nothing" With just a few bullets, everything was robbed away from him just as he robbed everything from Angelo. Seeing Nero, assuming he considers Angelo as his best friend, just took everything away from him.

May 22, 2018 5:39 PM

Feb 2015
i actually felt bad for angelo in the beginning. dang. i even have to admit that the show is getting good, finally. i hope he dies at the end because there really isn't a way out of this.

P.S. it's really getting on my nerves that people here call angelo by his fake name.
Jan 26, 2019 8:08 PM
Apr 2016
DAMNNNN I didn't expect Avilio to kill that Don instead, but it makes sense, since if he's dead THEY'RE dead. I loved this episode!
Jul 1, 2019 2:31 AM

Jan 2016
oh boy, here it goes. Didn't expect him to shoot Don, but it does make sense. The Vanetti family is done for.
Oct 20, 2019 11:50 AM

Oct 2019
Smudy said:
So who do we have left now?

The nephew (Galassias)

Anyone else important?

no I don't think so hahaha
Angelo has got evryone

"You've underestimated me, snow woman. When you thought you couldn't beat me, you should have run. Of course, there are things that I don't wanna cut. But... let me ask you something. Have you ever seen a fierce animal you were sure would never bite? Because I haven't."

Roronoa Zoro

Dec 27, 2019 12:18 PM

May 2018
wowee, all of those shits hitting all of those fans at once!
Jan 21, 2020 9:31 AM

Dec 2018
Bad ending for Vincent.

I guess, Angelo is saving Nero for the 'main dish'.

Angelo's plan has too many potential failures and yet it went perfectly.

Ganzo didn't make it to the finale.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Aug 2, 2020 12:50 PM

Jun 2020
I still haven't figured out why this show's called 91 days, 11 eps in. Am I dumb or they didn't mention any such thing?

Great episode, Avilio surprised me again. Nero finally gets angry.
This anime shit is addictive
Nov 3, 2020 12:20 PM

Mar 2019
loved the music in this episode. 100% didn't see avilio killing don galassia instead of vanetti. though that was a super smart move bc now every galassia will kill all the vannettis. the vannetti family is done for. amazing episode!

poor angelo seeing corteo everywhere :(
ridicaNov 3, 2020 12:26 PM
Jan 26, 2021 5:49 AM

Dec 2017
fucking badass angelo. instead of killing the vanettis, he left them powerless after the galassias slaughter their entire family (or thats the plan). but ganzo man, serve him right, did he think angelo was going to let him live after hes done, lmao love the look on his face when he saw angelo shot the don galassia.

【 有馬 貴将 】
fs by usagimadoki-

Mar 6, 2021 8:38 PM

Jul 2013
lmao when he tells the dons to "shake a leg, we aint got time for this"

that was so good
I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Mar 7, 2021 10:10 AM

Oct 2020
What a twist!!! That was amazing for Angelo. Taking down 2 enemies at once just by killing don Galassio. Nice revenge he took.

TK's songs are amazing
Apr 16, 2021 3:22 AM

Jul 2013
A total bloodbath. Awesome job, Angelo, lol.
Apr 22, 2021 4:04 AM

Apr 2020
There are lots of eyebags in this series huh

Finally, the huge obstacle—Barbero—is now dead

Angelo was so damn unpredictable; almost everything was doing in this series was unforeseeable.
Jun 4, 2021 5:43 PM

Jan 2021
Holy crap, just when I thought everything was going wrong for Angelo, he somehow managed to make the best possible decision given the circumstances. Un-fucking-believable.

Lemme open with how this chain of events went down. First we have Don Vanetti who's already in a really poor state, infact, Angelo is 100% aware of this as he was present during the discussion. Almost everyone there was aware that Don Vanetti was coughing up blood. It's pretty clear he's on borrowed time, and pretty soon that time will expire.

Skipping to the next scene, we have Ganzo and Angelo discussing the plans at the opera house for the following day. Now, something worth noting here is how Angelo phrases everything. He asks Ganzo to write his name on the letter, which is an obvious ploy to trick Ganzo into thinking that he has the upper-hand. Ganzo now knows with absolute certainty that Angelo is after his head, but because of the incident with Corteo Ganzo makes the most rational assumption, which will ultimately lead to his death. This assumption was "Angelo is solely living for revenge, after he deals with the ex-Don and Nero, he'll come after me". However, what he failed to realize is that during their exchange of words, Angelo was 100% aware that he was being spied on. Yep, that's right, he knew without a doubt that Ganzo had prepared counter measures with the Galassias to dispose of him.

Then we make it to the "fated day". This time around what we see here is that everything is going as Ganzo expects, Angelo scopes out the area, and deals with Del Toro (who, btw, is a pretty beast bodyguard, being able to take out two armed assailants who stabbed him in three places) while having Barbero tail him. Barbero then tries to get the truth out of Angelo by torturing him, and Angelo says the words we were all expecting to hear: "On this is the name of the person who sent me to commit these acts". The initial "problem" that we as the viewers grasp here is that Barbero doesn't believe a word Angelo says. He simply reads the contents of the letter and then thinks "Oh shit, he's after our family, we need to tell someone!" and calls Ganzo. From Barbero's perspective, he has no reason to trust Angelo at all, and the letter itself is like evidence AGAINST Angelo. In his position, it doesn't make any sense to reveal this information to Barbero, because Barbero wouldn't believe Angelo anyway. Barbero is fixated on Nero and his devotion to the family and Nero, afterall they grew up together. I'd say that Barbero is about as loyal to Nero as Corteo was to Angelo. This parallel in the strength of bonds is what ultimately ends up killing Barbero. Afterall, he invited the person who was responsible for sending Angelo on the mission in the first place. Also, Ganzo doesn't want to get his hands dirty, so it's better to just let his chosen 'scapegoat' do the work for him.

Then we get an injured Angelo come all the way to the Vanetti's balcony, and use the trust of the 'easy-going' Don Galassias to get access. After revealing his true identity and purpose, Angelo then says the words which pretty much sum up this entire episode, and perhaps the entire series itself: "I will take everything away".

Then he does just what the viewer would least expect in the situation, he killed off Don Galassias. Strega, the nephew, obviously witnesses this and instantly just kills off Ganzo. I can't even put into words how satisfying it was to see Ganzo killed off the way he was. The bitch sold out his own family, his friends, and his been plotting for 7 years to takeover and just become a bitch for the Galassias. Well, he definitely suffered a fitting death appropriate for scum like him.

Now, the best part of this episode was the storyboarding and directing. We were led to believe that Angelo had no plan or method of dealing with what was occuring, and we were led to believe that since he was gone off the deep end, he was solely focused only on killing those in the letter. This ended up only being half correct. He was so focused on killing those in the letter, that he didn't really care about the methods any more, as long as he, without a doubt, kills them.

Oh and to add to this, we were also shown a glimpse of the mind of Don Vanetti. He was feeling guilty about the murder this entire time. All Don Vanetti wanted was independence from the Galassias, and thats why he killed his best friend Testa Legusa. In the end...he's forced to be absorbed by the Galassias anyway, so it was as if Testa's death was in vain. The only strands of hope left for Don Vanetti to cling to were preserving the existence of the Vanetti Family. Even though he still got stuck being absorbed into the Galassias, in the end he thought it was all for the best as long as his family survived. The shock of knowing the result of what Angelo did is what finally killed the Don: Angelo's murder of Don Galassias would trigger the extermination of the entire Vanetti family, the one thing that Don Vanetti gave up his best friend. livelihood and pride to protect.

Since Angelo was aware of Don Vanetti's condition, he figured that he'd be able to produce some sort of mental shock that might be enough to end his life then and there. On top of that, since he was aware that he was spied on the previous night, if he could convince the Galassias that their lap-dog Ganzo betrayed them, then they'd just as easily kill him off. I mean, that was their initial plan to begin with, to either absorb or exterminate the Vanettis. All that was left was Nero, who, judging by the ending scene after the credits, was going to be killed off by the Galassias inside the opera house. Unfortunately, it seems like Angelo is wrong here, and they have other plans for him.

I don't know how they plan on outdoing this episode, as this was as hyped as a finale for me. I won't hold my breath or expect something better than this, but the finale is gonna hold a ton of feels that's for sure. I can't even fathom what Nero must be going through now, and I'm hoping for a bloody conclusion in the end...with hopefully a dead Strega too.
CalmTeaTimeJan 9, 2022 6:57 PM
Jul 15, 2021 6:20 PM

Apr 2018
I'm quit confused but oh well, an all-out war started.. nothing went by the script lol. Angelo is half dead and will probably die next episode. Nero will be alive.
Ah nvm I get it lmao, what a plan. Finish off the whole family by lighting the fire.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Oct 4, 2022 7:14 PM

Aug 2019
Angelo’s is clever. He ain’t sparing nobody.
Jan 7, 2023 2:59 PM

Apr 2016
massacre on theather!!! kekeke
Jan 8, 2023 3:09 PM
Dec 2014
I still have so many questions...
Feb 1, 2023 6:11 AM
Jun 2022
Why is he dead bro....
Oct 27, 2023 1:05 AM
May 2021
Brilliant move by Angelo, all dead lmao. Fire episode! But ya I am still not convinced with Corteo's death, they should have kept that fella safe man
Jan 29, 2024 5:30 PM
Jul 2023
corteo i did it.....

Feb 14, 2024 11:38 PM

Dec 2022
Angelo knows his shit. He killed Don Galassia so that the 2 families would simply slaughter each other in the playhouse. A carefully thought out plan. Just amazing.
Jun 9, 2024 4:38 PM
Jan 2020
Reply to Nayrael
Tyrel said:
So he shot the other guy instead of the Don... Maybe I missed something, but why did he?

Because if he shot only the Don, he would still have to kill Nero, the Uncle and the Vanetti family would survive. And he has been long enough in the business to know that the Uncle would discard him once he became a burden so he might die before fulfilling his task.

But by killing the Don of Galassias, Galassias will kill every Vanetti out there. Even if Nero or the Uncle got away, they would be haunted for the rest of their lives, never being able to know peace.

For a man who has no interest in surviving, this is a great plan.
@Nayrael Yeah, with just one move, he destroyed their entire Vanetti family.
Nov 30, 2024 6:39 PM

Oct 2019
Though it came as a surprise, in retrospect it made perfect sense for Angelo to kill Don Galassia instead of Vincent Vanetti. It was the only way to ensure all the Vanettis were killed by the Galassias; well, unless Fio survives, wherever she might be.

If Angelo followed uncle Ganzo's plan the Vanettis would carry on under the uncle as Don; and the uncle was one of the four who killed Angelo's family.
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