It's ironic - I actually only finished this because I was tidying up and realized it's due to the library today. I felt like Chiaki as I was frantically trying to absorb all of the information (at least I took notes!). It certainly seems insightful and I'm hoping to skim the chapter summaries one more time to get some ideas for cleaning my room next week.
I like the idea of finding a way to connect to your belongings and having a home that represents the lifestyle you want to lead. The bit about letting go really hits me too since I still have notebooks from high school piled up in a trunk in my closet. It's like...what am I going to do with 20 pages of Algebra 2 over a decade later? It's hard for me to let go since I attach so much sentimental value to my belongings. That's why the idea of thanking belongings as you let them go really resonates. It's something I started doing in other aspects of my life a couple years ago and it really helps to shift gears and start fresh. I'll definitely be thinking in those terms as I let go of some of the past.
On another note...I don't know much about KonMarie, but I couldn't help but hear HanaKana's voice every time I saw her.
I just spent the past week tidying up my home following the KonMari method and it's been a total transformation. I can't believe how effective this really ended up being. I probably ended up discarding nearly half of my stuff and now I know everything I have and where it's at. I certainly feel refreshed, energized, and far happier than I was a week ago.
9/10 for sure.
Edit 2:
Adding a record of how much I ended up discarding as a personal reference.
Clothing: Discarded 42/90 items (46.6%)
Books: Donated 10/37 books to library (27%)
Paper: I used to have 20+ binders & folders filled with papers and now I'm down to two folders. Couldn't count the papers, but easily reduced 1000+ pages to 50 (90%+).
Komono: I didn't really keep track of this as much, but I did end up selling 25/70 of my video games. I've had some of them since I was 10.
Sentimental: I had two plastic containers crammed with memorabilia and reduced it to a half full container with plenty of breathing room for each item.
Misc: I only kept a few accessories and decoration items. I had boxes of odds & ends ("just because"). They're all gone now.
Overall I'd estimate that I probably ended up only keeping a little over half of my belongings. Because of that, I feel as though the personal value of each possession has increased and I now know that everything in my room is something I've actively chosen to hold onto. I can definitely see myself doing this tidy-up project again every few months with the turning of each season. I'm already looking forward to this spring. |
ZekkenshinJan 13, 2020 2:43 PM