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Dec 16, 2008 1:14 PM

Nov 2008
I purposefully didn't write any particular reasons for disliking moe in the club description, as I know ya'll have many different thoughts on it. So, why is it that you dislike it?

For me, it's the fact that it's so fake. This whole feeling "moe" towards little girls or whatever thing reeks of anime and manga producers trying to make up artificial emotions just to suck the money out of anyone lonely enough to buy into it. Now, I wouldn't have a problem if it was just a small following, but what bothers me is that it's become so popular that it's almost a defining aspect of animu/mango to people who don't have much knowledge of the medium (which is most of the world), meaning most non anime fans are going to associate this creepy ish with all of us. I don't personally like the rest of the world thinking I go gaga over freakishly proportioned little girls who spout obnoxious catchphrases. It seems that these days, a show can't sell if it doesn't have have a token loli character (looking at you, Devil May Cry anime).
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Dec 16, 2008 1:26 PM
Apr 2008
yeah that's pretty much my reason too,the majority of new anime coming out seem to be based off dating games and dating game franchises with the stereotypical weak girls that all look alike,there's nothing new and usually a complete lack of plot,and the worst thing is they keep coming out with sequels
Dec 16, 2008 4:00 PM

Apr 2008
I like the old fashioned Brown haired anime girl (80's 90's!). Those were are always the best. People get so worked up with like CC from Code Geass and that dumbass, pink haired chick from Seed. I can watch a series with them included but not Harem or Ecchi anymore.

Now that is anime beauty lol!
Scoe90Dec 16, 2008 4:06 PM
Dec 18, 2008 1:37 AM

Nov 2008
It's just so retarded and pointless. I think you hit the nail on the head hvesier with the fake emoitions.

Also I'm still astounded that people also can pay attention while watching everything that happens in most of the titles doesn't even make sense or have a shred of intelligence in it to follow it's like staring at a wall of moving colors.
thepapercutDec 18, 2008 1:41 AM
Something cool to be placed here in the near future.
Dec 18, 2008 2:16 PM

Jun 2008
i just don't see any reason for it to exist except to provide fan service. which is just lame. since when did anime become this way? i miss old romance where the characters were actually interesting and diverse, not the harem filled with moe stereotypes. and geez, how many more dating-games-based anime are we gonna get? :( (i know some of you will be like WTF she gave Clannad a 10. i'll tell you one thing -- i couldn't stand a single female character in there. they were all so fake, and their actions were ridiculously predictable because right away you know what "type" they are. it's annoying. you can't relate to those kinds of characters)

as for loli stuff, it's just disgusting. now don't get me wrong. i have nothing against children in anime. but when they're really -children-. like, i dunno, Ichigo Mashimaro. they are little girls, but they -act- like little girls and they -dress- like little girls. they don't go saving the world by firing guns that are 3x their size. they're not being exposed to some ecchi situations. they really are little girls, and i don't mind it at all. this kind of anime doesn't look fanservice-y to me.

what annoys me more than anything though, is moe elements thrown into an anime where they just DON'T BELONG. i'm talking about Darker than Black here, one of my all-time favorites. what is the need of that pink haired cosplay obsessed chick who is hanging out at the detective agency?? every time they show her it just ruins the overall gloomy mood that i love so much about DtB! i honestly don't know what they were thinking.

Dec 18, 2008 4:38 PM

Nov 2008
Yeah, to clarify, I don't hate every single little girl in anime. What I dislike is normal women who look like lolis (Lucky Star) and loli characters thrown in for no reason but fanservice.

A little girl who's just a little girl is ok.
ChthoniaFeb 4, 2009 9:09 PM
Dec 28, 2008 6:35 AM
Dec 2008
Moe characters are so 2demisional, they have no character and are simply just roles. I miss the day of mature women in anime, that I was able to differentiate witth personally instead of hair color.
Jan 6, 2009 4:00 PM

Feb 2008
I can't actually say that I'm a hater per se, but I agree with just about everything Takai said. I also find it really degrading to women... which, as a guy, is probably not something I'm "supposed to care about," but I do.

It's not as though I think all "moe" and "loli" should be wiped off the face of the earth... Ichigo Mashimaro was a good example of "loli" used correctly, and a certain level of "moe" can make a character attractive in particular ways that are certainly not wrong in and of themselves. However, loli has become a sexual demand and moe has completely diluted the market... in the same way that sugar and corn syrup have diluted American food, in a way. Moe actually detracts from the anime experience by all but assuring very 2-dimensional characters and plots being thrown to the wayside.

Oddly enough, though, I think the thing that gets me most upset about it is how they try to take these 2-D characters and actually make drama out of it. You can only rehash the same crappy characters and plots so many times before they stop being effective. A character defined by her breast size, hair color, or "type" isn't much of a character. (Likewise, a "normal" high school male who's dumb and inconsiderate does not become "nice" or likable because he has a harem.)
Jan 11, 2009 4:06 PM
Jul 2018
mr_utopia_man said:
However, loli has become a sexual demand and moe has completely diluted the market... in the same way that fast food has diluted American food, in a way.


Oddly enough, though, I think the thing that gets me most upset about it is how they try to take these 2-D characters and actually make drama out of it. You can only rehash the same crappy characters and plots so many times before they stop being effective. A character defined by her breast size, hair color, or "type" isn't much of a character. (Likewise, a "normal" high school male who's dumb and inconsiderate does not become "nice" or likable because he has a harem.)

What really makes a character is a personality. Human beings have certain traits and talents that make them unique and interesting. Robots, on the other hand, don't have emotions or personalities. They are only limited to being devices... engineered to do whatever their owner tells them to do (at least for now...). That's exactly the problem... these characters are simply nothing more than caricatures... made to entertain to the audience's pleasure with little thought to performer him/herself. A drama isn't a drama when they're not human, and that's the most important part. Otherwise, it's just fake and offensive.
removed-userJan 11, 2009 4:19 PM
Feb 6, 2009 12:20 PM

Sep 2008
Relatively simple reasons: I find the stereotypes undesirable. What's interesting about being overly-cute or being a 12 year old flat-chest? Nothing. Both are bland devices used to make the most generic, boring, and annoying characters out there. It never ceases to amaze me just how shallow anime can be.

Also because I like tits... but that's purely a hormonal thing.
Mar 11, 2009 5:06 PM
Dec 2008
Well I can tolerate some moe titles, but not any kind of moe. The eyes-style looks painful at times and I dislike that "cute-little maiden with big breasts" prototype.
I mean, extreme moe, the worst kind of moe that can exist. Characters like Kyon's sister and Yuki Nagato in Haruhi Suzumiya just made me shiver in pain. Also moe dating sims look plain repulsive.
The actual reason why I entered this club is because I loathe, despise and HATE Loli.
The reason: Lowest form of degradation of woman. I mean, who wants to see an 8-years old showing her panties or practicing fellatio?!

EDIT: I forgot the Moe Fanservice factor. That's the reason why I dislike moe to some extent.
VenusrozenMar 11, 2009 5:31 PM
Mar 26, 2009 10:23 PM

Mar 2008
i hate soppy wet characters, stupid little cute voices desu ARG!!! it pisses me off so much. and the fucking tear moe eyes WTF that makes me hate them more.

i havent seen alot of moe anime thank god, i like stuff like LoTGH, Gundamn etc and even then the female character are somtimes wet.

best anime girl IMO is the sensie from FMA shes strong and confident and is a real women who isnt afraid to show her emotions.
Mar 27, 2009 8:39 PM

Jun 2008
I like rougher style, like Akira most, I guess. And what Kemonozume, Mind Game type stuff does is really amazing too. Yuasa rules. Even 5 cm/s is beautiful.

What's wrong with drawing normal-looking people or something surreal? It's just better for me. Totally subjective but I don't know, it feels better.

Huge fucking eyes isn't a metaphor for anything. It's just some weird fettish that a lot of stupid people are into. I don't even care if they would do something cool with those characters. But they're just trying to make them be cute and as shallow as possible and I don't want that at all.

Who would want to sympathize with some freak with eyes bigger than their mouth anyway? Can't take that shit seriously.
Apr 18, 2009 9:12 AM

Jul 2008
Takai said:
and geez, how many more dating-games-based anime are we gonna get?

Expect a lot in the future, unfortunately. Some companies don't even know when to stop.

To be honest, I was neutral in the subject of discussing anime/manga series that contains moe, yet I was repulsed at the thought of people who think lolis are attractive. (Of course, since I'm a female, I would be naturally drawn to "cutesy" things, etc.)

However, when I grew older, my perception to these things became antagonistic. I became repulsed anything related to sexualizing characters that appears to have bodies of young children. That's why my anime list are extremely small; there are barely any series that the same caliber as Kaiji, where moe characteristics are not glorified whatsoever. It's quite disappointing that in Japan, the moe market is worth more than 88 billion yen. (from this site) As most people said in here, it degrades women.

I like my characters with slanted eyes like the baseball pitcher in One Outs. Now, that's manly. *_*

The real reason why I hate moe/loli and the fanbase because I actually encountered a real life person who seemed to have an eye to little children when I was a little kid.
LiquidizeApr 18, 2009 9:27 AM
Apr 18, 2009 10:51 AM

Jun 2008
So gay for Toua.

The studio which does those shows and Nobuyuki are so awesome.

We ought to make a thread where we recommend such shows.

I suggest Texhnolyze...has sexual content/nudity but in a different way.
Apr 23, 2009 5:24 PM

Oct 2007
Oh man i have alot stuff say about loli and moe. But i will not say much today , since i'm kind of busy...
anime/game/manga that have moe and loli are just made to geting fans to get money out their bank. To be host it just stuff like that are not story/plote but just fanservice to adult guy or young boy.

There over million of anime that have moe and loli ( more this spring anime 2009), it make sick to see it. God sometime I what kill them.

To be hostly I only watch clannad for story and not for what girls who going to the tomoya.
Clannad after story was good since there was more drama between Tomoya's life and Ushio. Mostly like I only care about is the girl form the Girl from the Illusionary World and robot.

This is the reason I stick with Shoujo ( with out magic girls) and Josei. Because girl are not moe or loli at all. There look alot mature then in shounen and seinen thaat have moe and loli
I can even guess anime that have moe and loli who its made for>shounen or seinen. It only take 1 sec.

KuroTsuki14Apr 23, 2009 5:30 PM
@ MAL Claim an Anime Character v.2
Apr 29, 2009 12:25 PM

Mar 2009
While I don't necessarily hate the archtype, the problem is that 99% of the time, the moe/loli characters are thrown in just for fanservice and do nothing to serve the story. They are almost always flat characters, but since they are there primarily for fanservice, they tend to push the other, more developed characters aside. As someone who doesn't find any appeal in these characters, it means that I am bored whenever they are the center of attention.

Now, I don't automatically dislike all characters that are little girls. I'm fine with them as long as they act like, and are treated as, little girls. What I have no use for are characters who are basically adult women in the bodies of little girls.

So while these characters could be good, they are more often than not simply tools for writers who want to boost ratings.
May 5, 2009 4:59 AM

Jun 2008
i wrote something equal to this in the Brasil club just now before reading your post, haha

May 19, 2009 2:37 AM
Jan 2009
They simply aren't human. Like all stereotypes, they are predictable, boring and they're simplify complex emotions.
May 26, 2009 8:48 AM

Feb 2009
I hate the concept of the moe/loli character and most of all when they are adults because they look like kids.

The only moe character that i've actually liked is Nia from TTGL. The thing about her is that she is there to actually move the plot and not just stand there and be cute.

May 28, 2009 10:27 AM

Apr 2008
Baby voices, lot's of coloured hairs, baby behaviour and actually they are quite stupid, so not much inteligence in there.
May 28, 2009 7:24 PM

Jun 2008
RobdeFR said:
Baby voices, lot's of coloured hairs, baby behaviour and actually they are quite stupid, so not much inteligence in there.

Oh shit. I hate baby voices. I mean I like babies and BABY VOICES but grown people with baby voices are the worst. I just want to punch them in the face so hard.
May 28, 2009 8:05 PM

Nov 2008
Jun 3, 2009 9:09 PM

Jun 2007
Personally, while I have preferences, I don't like to view any one element of anime as inherently bad or good. I've been entertained by at least something out of every genre over the past year. Including moe characters like Nanoka from Koi Kaze.

I guess I hate moe in general because anime as a whole is unbalanced in that direction, which makes anime fans as a whole look like a raging mass of pedos and limits the normal people who might otherwise give it a try. Also, having too many lolis can put a stopper on an otherwise good plot in which they really don't belong.

Or maybe it's just because every loli nowadays looks like she stepped out of a vat of donut glaze.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Jun 4, 2009 2:13 PM

Jun 2008
Torisunanohokori said:
Also, having too many lolis can put a stopper on an otherwise good plot in which they really don't belong.

Shangri-La... u_u
Jul 4, 2009 10:07 PM

Jun 2009
My reasons for disliking Moe is mostly stated above by everyone else (and me being a partial feminist (I absolutely love Nausicaa and Utena, but I'm getting off topic)). A good source of opinion on this topic is in the May issue of Okatu USA, which I agree with all of the opinions adressed (with the exception of the first writer). But I also have a reason for disliking it that was not really discussed earlier. As I am expanding my comic boundries and reading more works from the West, I can't help but realize that Moe is artistically one of worst character designs in all of comics (well, animation as well). They all look the same on the outside and shave off their hair, they become even more identical then before. The design is so simple that many artistically challenged people can draw it--it takes no real talent to do so.

The next part is my experience with Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (the book that the term "loli" comes from), so if you are thinking about reading it, then skip this.

For those that still don't understand my reasoning why I hate Lolicon, the same as for Moe, and well, now that I think about it there really are no other reasons--assuming that it remains animated. Strangely, my similar views of lollicon and Moe came from two different paths. Though lolicon was more of reaction towards actual child-molestation rather then the inborn femenist inside of me as Moe was.
"In the Beginning, the creative energy radiates from within."
No, no. That's Lame. Sounds like something out of a Jodorowsky comic.

The Tokusyu Manga Club - Features alternative comics/avant-garde comics/outsider comics/psychdelic comics/surrealistic comics/underground comics + La Nouvelle Manga (part of Alternative).

If I'm here, its because I have nothing better to do.
Jul 7, 2009 8:28 PM

Nov 2008
He says that porn is one of the most unoriginal and mindless things ever invented with stories containing only logical bridges of the simpliest design. Which brings much of it back to the an earlier arguement, they are all so predicatble.

...One doesn't watch porn for the plot, they watch it to jack off to.
Sep 1, 2009 12:24 AM

Jul 2008
I don't mind young, cute girl characters as long as they are actually decent characters, but I can't stand the ones that are specifically meant to be "lolis" and the horrible reductive drawing style that goes with them and the whole moe genre. They all kinda look the same, and all fit into cookie-cutter conventions instead coming from some sort of creativity on the part of the creator. I suppose nearly all anime has characters that may accidentally fall into some moe category, or fall into the loli age range, but I hate stuff where "moe" or "lolis" can be counted as an actual genre. Also, pandering to pedophilia is just creepy.
Omae wa mo shindeiru.
Sep 14, 2009 4:08 PM

Jul 2008
I've got less problems with moe since I don't mind when characters have moe moments, but when it has happens every episode >__>

But even then, Code Geass managed to make me rage during the brief time C.C.'s memory was wiped. It was just creepy seeing her being moe since this is a character who is a textbook kuudere. It was probably one of the worst moments of the series which is saying something.

Loli on the other hand sucks beyond belief is pretty much impossible to pull of unless it's an actual little girl. A perfect example is Nia (as someone already brought up): She starts out moe in the Luna Lovegood kind of sense and is a loli because she really is a young girl. In Part II she's no longer a loli because she actually aged and she's mostly grown out of her ditzy behavior and

Vinzalf said:
Torisunanohokori said:
Also, having too many lolis can put a stopper on an otherwise good plot in which they really don't belong.
Shangri-La... u_u
Tell me about it. I got through quite a few episodes and then put it on hold because I couldn't take it any more. There was seriously no reason for Kuniko to look 12, I don't see the reason for the loli computer girl to exist, and the creepy moon girl was just o__O

Oct 4, 2009 11:12 AM

Sep 2007
I've always disliked moe-like characteristics in any female characters (not just from anime, but in books and movies), because I felt so insulted by the infant like behaviour of these characters. Not only were they usually weak, but most of the time they were 2 dimensional characters as well . I could never relate to them and it disturbed me that people out there actually related to these kinds of characters. What kind of a representation of females was being formed by both males and females watching these kinds of characters; it really disturbed me. I've always felt the goal of stories is to make an authentic human story to which people can relate. (Sure there are those sub mediocre stories where the purpose is fulfilling some fantasy, but real authors and artist don't aim for this, but creating something that impacts their viewer and connects with them.) This is basically the reason I hate moe, as well as that I feel insulted by such characters (insulted emotionally and intellectually, because these sorts of characters are not at my level of emotional growth or intelligence.)

However, I don't mind child characters in anime/manga provided they act as children or play a positive role in the story. For example, I don't find sakura or syoaran from CCS offensive because both play positive active roles, and to a certain extend act their age. Sakura has moe characteristics, but these are of a minor sort (she is energetic and cute), she isn't wimpy, or placed in a submissive role. I think that is my major issue with lolis and moe characters, they are put into sexualized or submissive roles. I have no problem with cute characters or children in anime provided they have active and positive roles.
Dec 12, 2009 3:19 PM

Jan 2009
moe characthers are so... false @_@
But, i like "moe". The fans changed the concept of moe. Now a moe girl is a sexy, kawaii, and, of course, a b*tch. MY concept is a protective girl, she fight for your reasons, etc.
Well, i Like, moe, but MY moe conception, not "kawaii girls"
For example, K-on!. Everybody say "Mio is so moe *-----*". For me, not. Mio is Not Moe, the only moe character is Yui, for me. And i love her, her dedication, etc.
Exemples for the "new moe": Mio (k-on!), Haruhi (SHNY), Mizuho (onegai teacher), Yuka (11eyes), Kagami (lucky Star), etc...

For me, other "new moe" characther are the tsunderes. I hate tsunderes D:
<img src="" border="0" />
Sign by greyrayon. on tumblr

Dec 18, 2009 1:34 AM

Nov 2009
What exactly tsunderes have to do with moe? Oo Or being a bitch?
I think you don't know the definition of "moe" term, or confusing it with something... I suggest checking TVTropes for clarification.
Dec 18, 2009 2:13 PM
Aug 2008
Hate any presence of moe in anime/manga. I don't really care about your "old moe" or "new moe"
When I try to watch something like K-ON or Eiken, all I see is a bunch of stupid bitches, which show their panties in each ep. There's no plot at all.
Big harem and ordinary japanese schoolboy. What else? Sometimes loli with really BIG problems and childhood friend. Cosplay giirls in glasses. There're lots of examples.
I don't wanna waste my time on it -__-"
LSD-25Dec 19, 2009 2:50 AM
Dec 20, 2009 2:00 PM

Nov 2008
All moe is painful.
Dec 20, 2009 2:08 PM

Apr 2008
FurryFury said:
What exactly tsunderes have to do with moe? Oo Or being a bitch?
I think you don't know the definition of "moe" term, or confusing it with something... I suggest checking TVTropes for clarification.

The TVTropes "Moe" page lists every other character in existence as a moe character. Hell, Miyazaki's heroines, who aren't exaggeratedly cute or infantile, are listed as moe characters. So I'm not sure I'd recommend that as the best source for clarifying the meaning of "moe."
frogurtDec 20, 2009 2:12 PM
Jan 4, 2010 1:19 PM

Jun 2009
I don't mind lolis or shotas, but moe moe is just... so annoying. Huge soulless tareme eyes with gigantic pupils, cutesy squeaky voices, giddy childish behavior (or the ocassional shrinking violet), all with the generic pose of blushing, looking away and covering themselves, and the worst part is when they get all sexualized... they're all so generic. Since when are "cute" characters supposed to be F cups? Yes, Mikuru Asahina, I'm looking at you.

What irks me the most is when characters I LIKE get described as "moe" just because they're cute, for example, Rena from Higurashi (she played the moe thing on PURPOSE that one time, the rest of the time she just acts like her regular fangirly self, or being a yangire). or Osaka. Seriously, Osaka a moe? Damn...
Jul 23, 2010 9:53 AM
Jan 2009
It's irritating, it's sexist, it's creepy, it's infecting the medium like a plague, and it's indicative of a startling lack of imagination. 'Nuff said.
Feb 1, 2011 10:16 AM

Dec 2010
Hvesier said:
why is it that you dislike it?

Because when I watch this I feel like something wanted to harm my mind... Those sweet/moe girls are simply retarded. :| I don't feel attracted to girls with mental disability.
Feb 1, 2011 10:33 AM

Dec 2010
KuroTsuki14 said:
This is the reason I stick with Shoujo ( with out magic girls) and Josei. Because girl are not moe or loli at all. There look alot mature then in shounen and seinen thaat have moe and loli

I hate when some potentialy good series (for example Serial Experiments Lain) are being destroyed by loli fanservice (in SEL fortunately it was mainly ending so I could simply don't watch it...).
Feb 2, 2011 6:17 AM

Mar 2010
471f said:
KuroTsuki14 said:
This is the reason I stick with Shoujo ( with out magic girls) and Josei. Because girl are not moe or loli at all. There look alot mature then in shounen and seinen thaat have moe and loli

I hate when some potentialy good series (for example Serial Experiments Lain) are being destroyed by loli fanservice (in SEL fortunately it was mainly ending so I could simply don't watch it...).

Loli fanservice in Lain? Seriously? Well, scene at the end didn't feel like fanservice to me, it was actually very emotional... Even tearjerking for me.
Feb 2, 2011 10:45 AM

Dec 2010
I was writing about end of each episode.
Feb 2, 2011 1:26 PM

Dec 2010
I was writing about end of each episode when Lain is showed naked. :P But OK, I exaggerated it calling this "loli fanservice"; to be honest I simply don't understand the reason why they drawed naked 14-year girl in the ending...
471fFeb 4, 2011 8:01 AM
Feb 3, 2011 1:41 AM

Mar 2010
471f said:
I was writing about end of each episode when Lain is showed naked. :P But OK, I exaggerated it calling this "loli fanservice"; to be honest I simply don't understand the reason why they drawed naked 14-year girl in the ending...

I know what you meant :) Well, from what I remember, she was exposed only a little and it didn't feel awkward to me, but to each his own. I think it was another symbol of her fragility at that time.
Apr 10, 2011 7:53 AM

Sep 2010
I hate the artstyle and it feel so...not human-like if you know what i mean....exept for Higurashi...god i love that series

May 17, 2011 5:00 PM

Feb 2010
As previously stated, I think the fact that these characters are often just two dimensional is really boring. I am quite sick of the maid outfits and crap seen in tons of anime. It's just bland, unoriginal, and no more entertaining than the last anime series I saw where one of the female characters was acting like the male lead's sex slave. School cafe, part-time job, or just putting on a maid outfit for the hell of it, there's just absolutely no way they can redeem it or make it interesting when it's been done to hell so many times.

I can accept it as personality sometimes, but most of the time it's overkill and blatant fan service, which I don't appreciate.
Jun 29, 2011 5:24 PM
Jan 2010
In addition to hating the artstyle, I hate the fact that moe/loli themed stories are used as nothing more than crutches to compensate for actually good storytelling and characters. Nowadays you can crank out these moe/loli themed shows and makes tons of money because they cater to the lowest denominator (I'm talking about you, otakus). It just really shows laziness.
Jan 7, 2013 2:14 AM

Jan 2013
I don't hate the art style per se, and am perfectly capable of laughing my ass off with light-hearted wackyness like in Haiyore! Nyaruko-san; even the characters in Hetalia work better in this style. What riles me up is having unjustifible neotenic characters (with or without malformed palates) forced down my throat in mature situations where my brain, libido, stomach, or any combination thereof, are supposed to kick in. (Yes, Higurashi and C3, I'm looking at you!)

As for lolis, well, go read "Lolita"; the guy may love her and all, but he's really a deluded criminal pervert for whom Dolores feels only hate and disgust.
I don't like lolis in the same way I don't like unripe fruit, it'll be much sweeter if left to mature a bit more before picking; this is valid both for the body and for the mind, as I'm not into moe retards either.

That said, I find pantsu shows quite tasteless - if someone fell down in front of me, I'd be more concerned if they hadn't hurt themselves than with their panties' colour (unless there were no panties at all, at which point I just might steal a peek out of surprise before coming back to my senses); anyway, I might get excited by the wearer, I don't have a fetish for a piece of cloth (BTW, the theme is magnificently explored and deconstructed right at the beguinning of Hen Zemi).

Finally, the obnoxiously multicoloured hair: it's been around for too long to go away anymore... sigh :(
MaegilJan 7, 2013 5:14 AM
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Feb 1, 2013 5:54 AM

Jan 2013
colony drop has a really great take down of the moe type that is definitely worth a read. Basically moe is really gross and insulting.
Mar 10, 2013 12:56 PM
Oct 2011
Moe is a hindrance on the quality of anime. I don't hate moe at all, I enjoy moe anime very much. However I do not support it, while moe anime is good in my opinion I can't name a single moe anime to match the quality of things like Steins;Gate, Ano Hana, Usagi Drop, Spice and Wolf and others. Moe shows just aren't as good as ones without or very little moe. I feel that if people don't oppose moe then it will consume all of anime and I refuse to let that happen.
Nov 17, 2014 1:54 AM

Aug 2006
One reason I hate moe, is cause it's overrated and good characters/shows don't get get the respect they deserve, just because they aren't moe enough.
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