friendly misanthropic sail-sailing sailor machete-toting nut-job.
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This normal distribution's mean is admittedly deviated to higher scores, especially considering Sturgeon's law.
The reason is not that I over-score, but because I'm selective.
(Or so I say.)
When critically analyzing anime, Existence
does not precede Essence.
I start rating the series in a 3 (Very Bad) to 8 (Very Good) scale based on their plot, characters and enjoyment (the Essence of the work), and to that score I add a bonus ranging from -2 to +2 for aggregated production values (the means by which its Existence is forged: directing, art, animation, sound effects, music and voice acting).
This mean that both a Bad (4) series with truly outstanding visuals and music (+2) and a Very Good (8) concept with appalling production values (-2) could conceivably both end up with a score of 6.
Since perfection does not exist, I do not reserve my tens for unattainable ideals, but will rather give them to the very best achievable (8+2). These are exceptions, however, and most series's scores are unmodified.
Recap episodes are anathemas, and only get a 1 because we can't give zeros. Should a tiny bit of important development be hidden in the recap, negative scores would be in order. I truly abhor recaps.
I usually find mecha unrealistic or even absurd, don't dislike romance, and love comedy. If MALgraph says otherwise, it's because the industry sticks mecha in every series they can (to pander for post-production merchandise), and romance and comedy in virtually all school ecchi harem piece of crap they excrete for "the masses".
All Comments (24) Comments
Is the existence modifier used to grade it based on age. Such a a 2006 anime would have it's animation compared to that of other 2006 anime. Is this just to make grading this category fair such as The Little Norse Prince has fantastic animation for 1968, yet would be considered bad compared to Fate / Zero which would be an unfair grade.
Or is your existence score based on the uniqueness of it. So a moe-blob ecchi harem show would receive a lower grade in this category due to there being others.
If it is the first case I fully agree with this. If it is the second case or something else, I would be really interested in perusing a conversation.
I'm currently watching it and it's truly something worth it!