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Jan 10, 2019 12:46 AM

Jan 2016
>The beginning of Rin Route
>Rin POV
>No Shirou

Definitely 10/10.
Mar 21, 2019 8:17 PM
Aug 2018
So, this Holy Grail War thing is a deathmatch "game" between teams of mages and servants, the winner gets one wish granted.

They hold the game in the city (which was surprisingly empty, even at day...) with no regards for casulties. If someone sees a mage in action, they get killed.
The mages try to kill each other in order to be the last one to survive.

And this may lead to the destruction of the entire city and the death of all it's citizens, if they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

So eventually, the Saber woman with blonde hair will either die or kill the MC + Archer.

Is that roughly the idea behind the whole thing?

OT: With the ability to heal fataly injured people, the MC would make a good doctor.
Jun 14, 2019 7:13 AM

Dec 2018
There were many differences than the 2006 version.

Meh this Lancer seems weaker than the one in 0, the animation makes him look stronger though.

People die if they are killed. That's how it should be. Rin should just let him die, that's how it should be.

Kish0Jun 14, 2019 8:26 PM
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Jun 30, 2019 10:41 PM

Jul 2016
Great for a prologue! I like how it explores the relationship between Rin and Archer! I hope the actual series is just as good as the prologue. Rin was great as the protagonist.
Sep 22, 2019 1:29 PM

Dec 2014
So glad I watched this before starting the show
Feb 20, 2020 2:01 PM

Sep 2019
Man that fight between Archer and lancer, simply incredible animation work. Loved it. 7/10
AvichiiFeb 20, 2020 2:05 PM
May 14, 2020 11:33 AM

Apr 2018
Oh wow. Coming off of Deen/Stay Night (which i actually liked) to this is a difference of Heaven and Earth. Ufotable's visuals are stunning; that Archer vs Lancer battle was frickin' beautiful and we're just getting started.

I can already tell this is gonna be such a fun ride :)
Jul 6, 2020 12:35 AM
Discord Moderator
Divine Protector

Sep 2019
WOW. Maybe I'm just fanboying a bit. But seeing the servants in action was AMAZING. They really capuured to pure power and force of a Servant VS Servant battle. When Archer first made his move and I heard that sonic boom from the power of his movement, I was gobsmacked. The animation is so incredible.

Im not sure if Archer has the same voice actor as the VN as the voice sounded a little off at first but I got used to it quickly.

Rin looks cute as heck. And got a glimpse of Saber at the end too. If all the battles are as awesome as this first one was I'm going to very much enjoy this adaption despite whatever they have had to cut from the original.
Jul 9, 2020 1:02 PM

Aug 2019
Wow, the animation in this is amazing! Even more so when I've come from the 2006 Deen adaptation. And watching it in Rin's pov is so much better than Shirou's pov, which we'll have to go back to in the first episode. Other than that, the fight between Archer and Lancer was fantastic and this is just the beginning.

I want to know what it is,
this 'sin' they say I've committed.
Nov 16, 2020 12:59 AM

Aug 2019
As much as I hate to admit it, this show just doesn’t work with any other studio besides Ufotable.
Mar 17, 2021 12:51 AM
Apr 2020
Alright! Started my quest watching this infamous FATE series starting with this one, and it looks like I didn't have a wrong order of watching it. Really glad with that

My most favorite studio of all time, ufotable, just doing their UBW (Unlimited Budget Works) thing. The animation is freakin perfect and stunning.

Really, Tohsaka blushes a lot, huh? Freakin cute xD

9/10 for this. Pretty great start
Apr 5, 2021 12:29 AM
Dec 2020
I know it was just a recap of Fate Stay Night but since I dropped SN nd watched this directly, it's still a mid ep.
May 30, 2021 2:58 AM

Apr 2020
After watching this episode, if I had one percent doubt, I don't have it anymore:
Ufotable is definitely the best!

It was a very good start
"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder"~Rumi

Aug 25, 2021 12:53 PM

Jun 2017
Okay, wow, that was great! Not just in terms of the animation quality, which by the way is just fabulous, but the presentation and direction were top-notch too.

All those intricate and detailed movements from Rin, in particular, was a treat to watch. She was one of my fav characters from the Deen version but I already like her even more in this version! Also, sneak peek of Saber and boy, you can feel the strength behind the attacks there. Didn't get to appreciate the difference in power level earlier too but this is definitely a good sign early up.

Sawabe Junichi-san's performance got even better, meanwhile! More time between the VAs of Rin and Archer is just priceless, lol.

Pretty cool ED theme there in the end. Spotted a track awfully similar to SAO's main theme so you know Kajiura Yuki-san is on board with her A-game. Can't wait for more, definitely impressed by this prologue!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 21, 2021 11:38 AM
Aug 2017
Pretty good. I just finished Fate/stay night Studio Deen 2006 and it's pretty different to this especially the voice actors and animation. Shirou sounds so much like Kirito.

Archer vs Lancer was mad

Ending song crazy

9/10 for the prologue onto episode 1

Jan 18, 2022 10:20 PM

Aug 2020
All details are adapted beautifully. I love the soundrack, animation, art, literally everything about this.

» [The World's Continuation【世界のつづき】- UTA/Ado ♪] «
0:00 〇────── 4:55
↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡

Come and Join us!
Evil Club ψ
FuwaFuwa Sanctuary ✿
✿ DeaD Blossoms ✿
Jan 20, 2022 5:17 AM

Feb 2019
Amazing visuals as expected. After first watching Fate/Heaven's Feel, I guess part of this episode was what got skipped over there.

It's finally started. Looking forward to watching this!
Jun 14, 2022 12:25 AM
May 2021
Definitely better than fate stay night(2006) I'm not a fan of action of that version but this is really great.
Jun 16, 2022 5:03 AM
Nov 2020
is this remake of 2006 or what?
Sep 7, 2022 3:54 PM

Apr 2016
Nurularifin said:
is this remake of 2006 or what?

It's a different route. The original story is a visual novel told in three separate stories.

The Studio Deen 2006 anime was an adaptation of one of the three routes. Ufotable's 2015 anime is an adaptation of a different route.
Feb 24, 2023 12:41 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Wow, having almost no Shirou actually made this pretty good. They even made him to seem like an interesting character the way they made him so ambiguous by not yet showing us his face. This episode still kind of piqued my curiosity to see what this character is going to be like, even though I already know I don't exactly like this dude. Should've stayed dead tbh. People die if they are killed. Even as a main character, I feel like unlimited bladeworks could structurally manage without him, and heck maybe become even better. It's been awhile since watching this though, so I'm sure I forgot some important plot points that make Shirou integral to the story, no doubt. 

Rin on the other hand, I love Rin, and pretty much everyone else loves Rin. What a great way to make a prologue to the show, with the first episode being from her point of view. As for her servant, Archer, yeah I like this dude. He has the perfect personality to make a dynamic character relationship with Rin. If she had actually gotten Saber, there probably wouldn't be much back-and-forth, and it'd be a lot less interesting. Speaking of Saber though, her appearance at the end was certainly hype asf. Definitely a great way to draw in new-comers to this series who probably don't know who anyone else is besides Saber. And I forgot even Gilgamesh makes a short appearance in this as well, apparently confronting Sakura about something, I forget what though. I have forgotten a lot of things, and it'll be like 80% watching this for the first time.

Just finished re-watching fate zero, and I can already tell and remember that this was not going to be nearly as deep as that was. Fate zero was a show about the clash of morals and ideals, fighting for what each other stood for as much as for fighting for the grail. Now back in one of the main routes however, while it still was entertaining to watch, it more or less is just servants fighting. Ufotable doubles down on the sakuga here, I remember the fights being even more glorious set pieces in this route. But at its core, its probably going to be far more shallow than fate zero was (again, as far as I can remember. Maybe this re-watch will prove me wrong), and a good example to use to compare the two is the character that takes up the "Lancer" class. The Lancer from Fate Zero? Highly honourable, stood for what he fought for, down to his bitter death of having to kill himself due to his master using a command spell on him, being forced to by another master (sorry I don't know if this counts as spoilers or not, but sorry I'm not going to bother with a tag because Fate Zero is like a prequel anyway), interrupting his and Saber's honourable fight for the greater good of securing the grail from falling into the wrong hands. As he knelt there dying with blood pouring from his eyes, he curses those who broke the code of honour, and with his dying breaths, promises that he will see them and make them pay in hell.

This Lancer though? He's just kind of cocky. I know it's just the first episode, technically not even the first, so he hasn't had much screen time for himself yet, and of course he seems like a cool enough character and is definitely adequate for the story. But still, fate zero lancer established himself like in the first scene he was in, as should be the case for all characters, and overall just had so much more to his character. Not saying the new lancer or any of the new servants are going to be bad. I'm just saying that there was just much more going on thematically in fate zero. But again, I could be wrong. There's a lot I have forgotten about from unlimited bladeworks, and I'm looking forward to possibly being proven wrong in thinking that it was FAR worse than fate zero.

This prologue was great though, I really enjoyed it. And no it's not just because we already got some Rin-blush and some Rin-thigh-highs. This was actually really good, and I'm really looking forward to watching Unlimited Bladeworks again. 


whiskey tango foxtrot

Aug 10, 2023 5:24 AM
Jul 2023
Basically just the first episode of stay night, since the timeline hasn't diverged yet? But it's from Rin's POV so its unique. May i just say, this is the best art and animation ever.
- I love how there is much more emphasis on how determined she was to summon a Saber class servant
- Saber and Archer are so damn wholesome in this
- Shirou seems a bit more moody
- She used a command seal? Damn Rin
- Gae Bolg has special effects now!
- That fight scene was INCREDIBLE. Like WOW
- How will i look her in the eyes tomorrow"... ouch
- Saber is here already!
Aug 13, 2023 11:28 PM
Nov 2015
Completed it long time ago! Just updating my list!
Sep 13, 2023 2:20 PM

Dec 2009
Notes from 2014:

Sep 27, 2023 12:44 PM
Jan 2022
Prólogozinho básico, mas a animação ta linda, principalmente as lutas. Eu vou gostar de ver isso :D
Dec 1, 2023 7:18 PM
Jul 2018
This was really great not gonna lie
Jan 6, 2024 1:47 PM

Dec 2022
A good prologue for the UBW route yes.
So, I'm guessing Rin is going to be the main heroine compared to the Sber in the Fate route in 2006 stay night.
Time for some UBW heat!

Mar 18, 2024 9:41 AM

Jun 2011
The animation really brought up my enjoyment for the series, this is already better than Deen's Fate/Stay Night. I hope they make Shirou a better character in this version than the previous one.

Side note, glad to have watched Deen's version before this, otherwise this prologue would be confusing to follow without knowing what goes down beforehand.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jan 7, 6:48 PM

Oct 2024
Episode wasn't bad, but since I knew what was going to happen, it wasn't like a solid 5/5.

In this episode we get to see about how Rin summoned Archer and learn more about her as a character.

I thought for sure she was going to fight in the Holy Grail Wars to bring her father back to life or something, but she said she only wanted to win, which kinda changed my view upon Rin.

Also, I originally thought Rin saved Shirou because she wasn't just the type to kill an innocent bystander. Though that's most likely true, she also said something about how Shirou is important to Sakura and she couldn't talk to her if she killed Shirou.

Im still a bit lost between the whole Rin and Sakura thing, I'm pretty sure it will be explained later on.

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