Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Dec 28, 2019 7:35 PM
Oh man... Now Alice gets taken away.. Kirito needs to wake up from its pebble status lol. You can't let your girl Asuna do everything alone xd And finally Sinon enters the scene! It's about time! This was a great climax, leading us to the next cour in style, wich i believe will be one hell of a war. I'm actually really curious to see how this war will end because i like the direction this show is taking. Overall, pretty cool season, just like the first one, it might be even better than it i think. 8/10, keep this up SAO! Until April 2020! |
Dec 28, 2019 8:18 PM
Nemesis16 said: StellarIceberg said: Wow through the entire episode, chills were running down my spine. Cause it's the high time of winter here lmao. "There's no pain absorber system in this simulation" Next thing you know Asuna's losing an arm like that's the most natural thing to do. The dark territory guy who smashed his eyeball was the most 'eye-catching' thing season. Overall if every episode was like this, minus the old cast and the Reki's style of every story needs a harem, War of Underworld would have been decent. It's as if she lost grip and was attacked. Yes, it was a bad representation in the anime but you feel pain. Here's what is on the original: “Take this!!” he roared, swinging his battle-ax down at her. Asuna rolled to the right, but she couldn’t get all the way free. The thick blade caught her left arm. Chunk. It severed her forearm below the elbow. The loose part flew into the air. “…Aaah…!!” Her vision flickered white. The breath caught in her throat. Her entire body seized up with pain. Asuna bent over, clutching the arm that gushed blood like a geyser. Through a sudden rush of tears, she saw four or five shadows surrounding her, raising their weapons. Suddenly, the head of the man with the battle-ax appeared to explode. There were more dull impacts. Each of the soldiers trying to finish off Asuna split to pieces in turn, vanishing out of view. “Heh…They’re all soft.” Through her agony, Asuna managed to straighten up and see a hardy young man with bold features, hair red as fire, and darkened skin. He’s from the Dark Territory! For a moment, she forgot her pain and sucked in a breath. The color of his skin and the single leather belt on his upper half made it clear that this was one of the Dark Army’s pugilists. But why would one of Emperor Vecta’s own troops attack the red soldiers that Vecta had summoned? It was as if he’d just saved her life. He had only one eye looking down at her. There was a grisly, bloody wound where his right eye had been, as though it had been gouged out. A dried trail of red-black blood ran down his cheek. . I'm pointing out the mistakes of the 'anime'. What happens in the light novel are not my concern. But I can say, even if I read the novel, it still wouldn't make me adore the lackluster cast of SAO who have less personality than the first NPC in a chinese MMO. |
Dec 28, 2019 8:31 PM
A lot of popular series which came back with their latest season recently have some questionable or underwhelming production quality but SAO have managed to upheld these time to time again. Personally for me, I like this season more than the first one despite having quite a few down still, even with just 12 episodes. Looking forward to the 2nd part of season 2! |
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Dec 28, 2019 8:32 PM
Sinonon entrance is epic!, too bad for the whole season our boy Kirito become a minor character but thats ok lol Now we know that another super account will be use by Kirito sister, and probably that bad guy (question mark) |
Dec 28, 2019 8:37 PM
No way... it can't be He took out the US reinforcements?? Also wasn't Sinon prepping to log in? Oh god.. that'd be a great plot twist though. #HACKED |
Dec 28, 2019 9:20 PM
That was awesome! Next season wait is gonna be long... |
Dec 28, 2019 9:35 PM
Finally best girl of this series re appears. oh, it's over... shit. |
Dec 28, 2019 9:57 PM
Quite stupid the fact that the players from NA (red) were not affected by the lack of pain limitations while every single character in the entire episode was feeling pain. One even managed to say "sh*t" while being stabbed through the head with a sword. Also, Asuna was quite calm with her arm shopped off. No pain limitation, just bad directing. |
Dec 28, 2019 10:11 PM
4 months to go, better they take their time to make the animation and choreography more clean instead of flashy effects rilo03 said: that was the only great shot in the episode imo, oh and when iskhan jump from the cliff tooOnce again, the animations are god tier. Looking forward for the next part, Spring 2020 will be a good season. Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button. |
MonkeyDHunterDec 29, 2019 12:45 AM
Dec 28, 2019 10:49 PM
Great and epic finale. The animation and sound effects are sheer amazing as always. The characters now are being developed with the highest regard. The plot is now capable of introducing thrills and anticipations, as well as having a sense of intriguing attraction, which was really scare for any single season of SAO. And, as always, the harem just somehow keeps expanding LOL. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this season. There are still several remaining problems that should have been done better. Yet, this is by far one up the best part of this entire long-lasting franchise. 12 more eps will be aired on the next April. We shall wait and see the actual finale of this whole Alicization arc. Have a good day :))) |
Dec 28, 2019 11:31 PM
Great ending to a season that was kind of struggling for momentum in the middle after a strong beginning. I'm legit hyped for the final season now, as despite the countless glaring problems SAO has as an anime in terms of storytelling, characterization & execution (we're all well aware about that, it's SAO af), it has been showing an constant improvement after Season 2, with Ordinal Scale, Alicization Part 1 and now this season, showing an actual & notable effort in trying to solve/remove several of the problems that severely dragged down the first two Seasons. The 1st and 2nd Season actually did start off quite well in their first arcs (Aincrad & GGO respectively), but had near fanfiction level execution storytelling wise in the second arcs, whether things either turned into either a harem-power-fantasy, ruining the characterization of the main girl (Fairy Dance) or had ridiculous pacing with several pointless filler episodes (Mother's Rosario arc). Ordinal Scale did well in giving Kirito & Asuna a more focused relationship without any kind of romantic intervention from the harem, Alicization had a pretty strong plot/story upon which it strongly focused on, removing the distractions in the harem elements & War Of Underworld was able to give solid characterization to the best girl of the show, a.k.a. Alice & had two really strong final episodes where despite the return of the harem elements, they still were pretty moving in terms of action & dialogue. Hope the final season lives up to this one and gives a strong ending to an anime that I enjoy a lot as a guilty pleasure. |
345EdwardElricDec 29, 2019 6:10 AM
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made full-metal." ~Edward Elric |
Dec 29, 2019 1:44 AM
TrisEverdeen said: No way... it can't be He took out the US reinforcements?? Also wasn't Sinon prepping to log in? Oh god.. that'd be a great plot twist though. #HACKED I just felt like something about the way Sinon acted felt wrong, and he also said he had a special account he would use after finding out he was killer by Asuna |
Dec 29, 2019 2:36 AM
The official website for the Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld anime confirmed on Sunday that the "Last Season" of the anime will premiere in April. In October, the website had listed the anime with 23 episodes, with a three-month gap between the first four home video volumes and the last four home video volumes. |
Dec 29, 2019 2:44 AM
Awesome episode with a ton of action! The pugilist Champion ripping is right eye out was very intense but still was hype Alice got taken away again :( Asuna and the Pugilists making a truce was nice, glad the Champion is a good guy since he was the coolest leader out of all the other Dark Territory leaders. A ton of fighting and action which is always good. Asuna got saved by Sinon! But why wasnt Suguha there, wtfffff, I want to see her but now I have to wait until April, booo! Speaking of Sinon, her attack look so CLEAN! The animation was amazing for the scene! During the after credits we see the guy Asuna killed but now he is about to go back as a new character. I wonder what its gonna be. (My guess is he is gonna use is GGO character to log in) KIRITO NEEDS TO HURRY AND WAKE UP, HE IS MISSING OUT ON ALL THIS ACTION!!!!!! |
My Candies: |
Dec 29, 2019 3:34 AM
It seems most of you defending this whole "they can log in because its from the SEED" are completely missing the easiest point of WHY it doesn't make sense. Forget the whole STL/amusphere argument for a moment. Aside from some of the points being mentioned by others, which makes perfect sense - lag/latency, total network throughput, - it's really simple. When you develop something like this, something SOOO top secret that you literally have to put it on an island for dramatic effect, you won't be able to connect it directly to the Internet. There is no "Oh but VPN" or "Hacker Critter" that can explain away the fact that the intranet that is being depicted in the story is not PHYSICALLY connected to outside lines of communication. An intranet is a connection of systems WITHIN that LAN and there is not a single line that would connect it to the Internet which you would need for something like 20k people logging in. "But what about underwater cables?" "What about satellite?" Please... just stop. You don't have to take it from me. You know... a systems network engineer. Just use google or wikipedia. Now if you're going to fall back on "but how do you know its intranet?" then you need to first understand how companies/governments transfer/share their HIGHLY classified data. Especially things that deal with national security. ALL sovereign government agencies have secret intranet lines. The US government has a few of their own depending on the level of classification (Secret/Top Secret/etc.) and not only are NONE of them are able to access the internet on those systems, they're also incredibly ridiculously slow due to satellite throughput speeds if you're connecting the same separate intranet over a vast geological space. Why? For the former question, to avoid this exact massive plot hole in the story. If you're going to tell me RATH, with all its government resources and ability to create an AI like Alice and the infrastructure to support it, but skipped out on network security 101 and simply put a direct line into their network to allow randos into their highly classified network, that's just exactly what it is, a plot hole. No expert programmer can just magically pull a physical connection out of their ass. Either that or they're just begging people to hack into their systems which would make even less sense considering they built the damn thing on an artificial island. Another thing to point out. Do you know who uses satellite connections to connect to the Internet? Almost no one. Reason being is that connection is almost always affected by weather and the overall throughput is low. Talk to anyone who has had the luxury of actually having to resort to satellite internet like HughesNet. Ever watch those video clips of people communicating with the space station? Ever notice the lag? That's for simple video that is already compressed like hell and with one concurrent connection. Now imagine multiplying that by 20k and you get the picture. The only reason people would resort to using satellite is because they're in the middle of nowhere with no hard line broadband connection to telecommunication lines. Satellite internet was a thing... you know... back in 2003-2005 when there were no broadband lines but with DSL, coax, and now fiber being a thing, almost no one uses satellite anymore unless you fall into the category above. This is supposed to be the future so it makes even less sense. Don't tell me its because it was written in the early 2000s. I know that. But it doesn't change the fact that you can, you know, adapt with the times to make it more reasonable. Some of you also have no concept of how the brain works either. I'm no neurologist but even basic college biology will tell you the brain sends signals in order for your body to function. Some are done consciously like movement and thought and some are done unconsciously like telling your heart to beat or regulating blood flow due to temperature changes. I'm ASSUMING the whole idea behind amusphere and nerve gear was reading those brain signals/waves and manipulating them to create this VRMMO. It's an actual science that does actually exist in the real world albeit nothing as capable as creating fantasy land. When they say that you will experience pain like in real life to those distrustful crowd of ALO players, they're probably referencing those same brain signals that tell your body what hurts and what doesn't. I'm guessing the whole reason nerve gear 2.0 sold so well after original SAO was due to safety features like auto-log when it scans and notices those brain signals and take action. So now coming back to SAO: WoU and saying you will experience pain but it won't log you out kind of just... doesn't make sense. It either has safety features that work or it doesn't. It's not fair to just pick and choose when it's supposed to work and not. Speaking of which, Asuna is connected via STL and literally had her arm cut off. No screaming or searing pain that you would expect from a person who literally had their arm cut off. You know... when Kirito had HIS arm cut off? Or the reference made in the previous episode where "you will experience pain as if its real life" that they just mentioned. Instead we just get a calm and collected look as she's about to die. I know I'm nitpicking here on the last part but these are indeed plot holes. ---- As for the rest of the season, somewhat of a disappointment. I'd probably rate this season between a 4 or 5 so far. I agree with what most people have criticized about the season thus far. ie: Too little character development in Alicization. Too much character development to random baddies who die after showing their face. Direction just being a shotgun blast in every direction. Yes yes, a ton of LN to cram into anime. Sure. Doesn't change the fact that it's a problem faced by many different anime adaptations and many are able to pull it off. I've also read the last post on the whole STL/amusphere argument on why Kirito is on the island in the first place and I don't buy it either. They clearly had STL machines in mainland Japan so why even bring Kirito to the island? Because... medical reasons? Really? Please tell me if you'd prefer resources of being ON LAND as opposed to being in the middle of the ocean when it comes to medical needs. |
StrikeMyrmidonDec 29, 2019 5:33 AM
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal. |
Dec 29, 2019 4:30 AM
Dat Sinon entrance tho ! Solid season, some plot errors here and there, some says it lack of character development, maybe a little but I didn't find it disturbing. A1 surpass themselves for the animation, it's just very good (some bits are off but, not always the case). A very enjoyable season once again. Kirito needs to stop AFK, it will be a bloodbath soon. Can't wait for the last court. |
Dec 29, 2019 4:55 AM
Meh, series is great and that Sinon pup-up was alright but the ending was kind of lame and abrupt, a cliffhanger would be better. Also generally, satellite connection have a really bad ping (+200ms) so those million US players gonna lag as hell in the game! lol |
John_MaxDec 29, 2019 5:02 AM
Dec 29, 2019 4:59 AM
StrikeMyrmidon said: It seems most of you defending this whole "they can log in because its from the SEED" are completely missing the easiest point of WHY it doesn't make sense. Forget the whole STL/amusphere argument for a moment. Aside from some of the points being mentioned by others, which makes perfect sense - lag/latency, total network throughput, - it's really simple. When you develop something like this, something SOOO top secret that you literally have to put it on an island for dramatic effect, you won't be able to connect it directly to the Internet. There is no "Oh but VPN" or "Hacker Critter" that can explain away the fact that an intranet that is being depicted in the story is not PHYSICALLY connected to outside lines of communication. An intranet is a connection of systems WITHIN that LAN and there is not a single line that connects it to the outside Internet which you would need for something like 20k people logging in. You don't have to take it from me. You know... a systems network engineer. Just use google or wikipedia. Now if you're going to fall back on "but how do you know its intranet?" then you don't really understand how companies/governments handle their secret data. ALL sovereign government agencies have secret intranet lines. The US government has a few of their own depending on the level of classification (Secret/Top Secret/etc.) and NONE of them are able to access the internet on those systems. Why? To avoid this exact massive plot hole in the story. If you're going to tell me RATH, with all its government resources, skipped out on network security 101 and simply let randos into their highly classified network, that's just exactly what it is, a plot hole. Either that or they're just begging people to hack into their systems which would make even less sense considering they built the damn thing on an artificial island. Another thing to point out. Do you know who uses satellite connections to connect to the Internet? Almost no one. The only reason people would resort to using satellite is because they're in the middle of nowhere with no hard line broadband connection to telecommunication lines. Satellite internet was a thing... you know... back in 2003-2005 but with DSL, coax, and now fiber being a thing, almost no one uses satellite anymore unless you fall into the category above. This is supposed to be the future so it makes even less sense. Don't tell me its because it was written in the early 2000s. I know that. But it doesn't change the fact that you can, you know, adapt with the times to make it more reasonable. ---- As for the rest of the season. Somewhat of a disappointment. I'd probably rate this season between a 4 or 5 so far. I agree with what most people have criticized about the season thus far. ie: Too little character development in Alicization. Too much character development to random baddies who die after showing their face. Direction just being a shotgun blast in every direction. Yes yes, a ton of LN to cram into anime. Sure. Doesn't change the fact that it's a problem faced by many different anime adaptations and many are able to pull it off. I've also read the last post on the whole STL/amusphere argument and I don't buy it either. They clearly had STL machines in mainland Japan so why even bring Kirito to the island? Because... medical reasons? Really? Please tell me if you'd prefer resources of being ON LAND as opposed to being in the middle of the ocean when it comes to medical needs. Some of you also have no concept of how the brain works either. I'm no neurologist but even basic college biology will tell you the brain sends signals in order for your body to function. Some are done consciously like movement and thought and some are done unconsciously like telling your heart to beat or regulating blood flow due to temperature changes. I'm ASSUMING the whole idea behind amusphere and nerve gear was reading those brain signals/waves and manipulating them to create this VRMMO. It's an actual science that does actually exist in the real world albeit nothing as capable as creating fantasy land. When they say that you will experience pain like in real life to those distrustful crowd of ALO players, they're probably referencing those same brain signals that tell your body what hurts and what doesn't. I'm guessing the whole reason nerve gear 2.0 sold so well after original SAO was due to safety features like auto-log when it scans and notices those brain signals and take action. So now coming back to SAO: WoU and saying you will experience pain but it won't log you out kind of just... doesn't make sense. It either has safety features that work or it doesn't. It's not fair to just pick and choose when it's supposed to work and not. Speaking of which, Asuna is connected via STL and literally had her arm cut off. No screaming or searing pain that you would expect from a person who literally had their arm cut off. You know... when Kirito had HIS arm cut off? Or the reference made in the previous episode where "you will experience pain as if its real life" that they just mentioned. Instead we just get a calm and collected look as she's about to die. I know I'm nitpicking here on the last part but these are indeed plot holes. Your post doesn't make any sense. First, why you bother trying explaining the unexplainable ? Let's take your network explanation, you know as someone who work for companies as an IT specialist, an Intranet is always somewhat connected to Internet, we just block the in/out requests with a firewall or the system is not configured to connect to the Internet (and it's very easy to configure a system to access the Internet). So in this case, create a aperture to the Internet is easy for someone who know what he does. Second, you're not a neurobiologist, me neither, but in fact, all our senses can be reproduced in a way, these technologies are very intrusive (like, spikes in the brain) in order to replicate them and have no concrete applications like in SAO. And don't try explaining the NerveGear, Amusphere, STL thing, because they has no real comparison. Third, you asking why Asuna don't cry to death when her arm was cut ? Dopamine and adrenaline ! (If, we assume that users of STL have a valid biological body inside the Underworld) She was very scared and she was nearly killed before the dark territory guy came, so it's pretty normal considering the situation. So you basically rate a show on his relevancy to the real ? Boy, we need to explain to you what a Sci-Fi show is. |
MaillDec 29, 2019 5:07 AM
Dec 29, 2019 5:10 AM
Maill said: Your post doesn't make any sense. First, why you bother trying explaining the unexplainable ? Let's take your network explanation, you know as someone who work for companies as an IT specialist, an Intranet is always somewhat connected to Internet, we just block the in/out requests with a firewall or some other methods. So in this case, create a aperture to the Internet is easy for someone who know what he does. Second, you're not a neurobiologist, me neither, but in fact, all our senses can be reproduce in a way, these technologies are very intrusive (like, spikes in the brain) in order to replicate them and have no concrete applications like in SAO. And don't try explaining the NerveGear, Amusphere, STL thing, because they has no real comparison. Third, you asking why Asuna don't cry to death when her arm was cut ? Dopamine and adrenaline ! (If, we assume that users of STL have a valid biological body inside the Underworld) She was very scared and she was nearly killed before the dark territory guy came, so it's pretty normal considering the situation. So you basically rate a show on his relevancy to the real ? Boy, we need to explain to you what a Sci-Fi show is. For your first point, I'm merely responding to a bunch of people trying to explain away why its feasible that people are able to connect to Underworld. Secondly, you're incorrect. Certain intranet systems such as classified government systems cannot connect to the Internet. They literally have no physical connection to the internet and this is done by design as to avoid a compromised network. There is no blocking of ports necessary when you physically cannot access the system from outside the LAN. Lastly, adrenaline and not dopamine is what I would call our natural pain absorber if we were to use a comparison. But no amount of adrenaline will mask losing an arm. None. If you don't believe me, just ask Kirito when he lost his arm in the Alicization. Faced under very similar circumstances and yet reactions are vastly different with Kiritos making more sense. I did note however I was just nitpicking on this last point though. You also seem to be misunderstanding my post and maybe it is my fault as it was a long post and it could have been confusing to follow at times. I rated the show the way I did because of the direction it took. Not for the "relevance" to real life as you put it. All that network explanation and brain chemistry is in response to those who have used them as a way to try and cover up what I see as plot holes and to those who just flat out deny that they are indeed plot holes. There will always be plot holes to stories and that's totally fine. But to just deny that they exist is a whole different matter. |
StrikeMyrmidonDec 29, 2019 5:23 AM
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal. |
Dec 29, 2019 5:22 AM
Maill said: Second, you're not a neurobiologist, me neither, but in fact, all our senses can be reproduced in a way, these technologies are very intrusive (like, spikes in the brain) in order to replicate them and have no concrete applications like in SAO. And don't try explaining the NerveGear, Amusphere, STL thing, because they has no real comparison. I also don't know what you're trying to say here. From what I'm reading, it sounds like you agree with my point that these "sensations" are indeed just signals and that can be recreated which I don't disagree with so? As far as those three systems having no real world comparison, I already stated that as well. Again, merely responding to earlier posts in the thread. |
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal. |
Dec 29, 2019 5:24 AM
StrikeMyrmidon said: For your first point, I'm merely responding to a bunch of people trying to explain away why its feasible that people are able to connect to Underworld. Secondly, you're incorrect. Certain intranet systems such as government systems cannot connect to the Internet. They literally have no physical connection to the internet and this is done by design as to avoid a compromised network. There is no blocking of ports necessary when you physically cannot access the system from outside the LAN. Lastly, adrenaline and not dopamine is what I would call our natural pain absorber if we were to use a comparison. But no amount of adrenaline will mask losing an arm. None. You also seem to be misunderstanding my post and maybe it is my fault as it was a long post and it could have been confusing to follow at times. I rated the show the way I did because of the direction it took. Not for the "relevance" to real life as you put it. All that network explanation and brain chemistry is in response to those who have used them as a way to try and cover up what I see as plot holes and to those who just flat out deny that they are indeed plot holes. There will always be plot holes to stories and that's totally fine. But to just deny that they exist is a whole different matter. Fair enough, for the network part, don't forget that the pirates are on the system itself, not like they're in remote control. So they can make any modifications in order to achieve their goals. Dopamine and adrenaline can mask a intense pain, in order to survive, the body will reduce the pain to continue trying to survive. But it's just assumptions, because we don't know how the STL manage that. Ok, my bad then, didn't understand that way (was not very clear tho), but now it makes sense. And all those network and science bit in the show is literally non relevant in the plot. Of course it has plot holes, like any show that are produced, in the case of SAO, it's pretty light if we compare other shows (Yes, I'm looking at you Index III). Edit : StrikeMyrmidon said: I also don't know what you're trying to say here. From what I'm reading, it sounds like you agree with my point that these "sensations" are indeed just signals and that can be recreated which I don't disagree with so? As far as those three systems having no real world comparison, I already stated that as well. Again, merely responding to earlier posts in the thread. Yeah, things were messy, had a lot more sense when I wrote it LOL. |
Dec 29, 2019 5:30 AM
Maill said: Fair enough, for the network part, don't forget that the pirates are on the system itself, not like they're in remote control. So they can make any modifications in order to achieve their goals. Dopamine and adrenaline can mask a intense pain, in order to survive, the body will reduce the pain to continue trying to survive. But it's just assumptions, because we don't know how the STL manage that. Ok, my bad then, didn't understand that way (was not very clear tho), but now it makes sense. And all those network and science bit in the show is literally non relevant in the plot. Of course it has plot holes, like any show that are produced, in the case of SAO, it's pretty light if we compare other shows (Yes, I'm looking at you Index III). Just because they're at the main terminal can't really explain away ANYTHING that is depicted in the last two episodes. Changing time dilation, sure. It's just programming. Inserting people in certain locations, again just code. What is not feasible is to just create an imaginary connection to the outside world. There is no satellite connection in the world that would allow what you see in those episodes, plain and simple. Even IF such an outlandish tech exist, there's no way Critter would be able to get the two to communicate with the Underworld infrastructure in the hours that they've occupied the island. As far as train of thought on review, I'll just edit and move a few paragraphs so its easier to follow. Simple and done. |
StrikeMyrmidonDec 29, 2019 5:36 AM
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal. |
Dec 29, 2019 5:39 AM
StrikeMyrmidon said: Just because they're at the main terminal can't really explain away ANYTHING that is depicted in the last two episodes. Changing time dilation, sure. It's just programming. Inserting people in certain locations, again just code. What is not feasible is to just create an imaginary connection to the outside world. There is no satellite connection in the world that would allow what you see in those episodes, plain and simple. As far as train of thought on review, I'll just edit and move a few paragraphs so its easier to follow. Simple and done. Yes but no, this is futuristic, so having that kind of satellite connection is not a bad image and is perfectly possible. I read somewhere that satellite can have mad connection rate, but the latency is high. Let's say that in the context of the show, in 2026, a satellite can handle 100k+ connection, because why not. |
Dec 29, 2019 5:41 AM
Maill said: Fair enough, for the network part, don't forget that the pirates are on the system itself, not like they're in remote control. So they can make any modifications in order to achieve their goals. Dopamine and adrenaline can mask a intense pain, in order to survive, the body will reduce the pain to continue trying to survive. But it's just assumptions, because we don't know how the STL manage that. Ok, my bad then, didn't understand that way (was not very clear tho), but now it makes sense. And all those network and science bit in the show is literally non relevant in the plot. Of course it has plot holes, like any show that are produced, in the case of SAO, it's pretty light if we compare other shows (Yes, I'm looking at you Index III). Just because they're at the main terminal can't really explain away ANYTHING that is depicted in the last two episodes. Changing time dilation, sure. It's just programming. Inserting people in certain locations, again just code. What is not feasible is to just create an imaginary connection to the outside world. There is no satellite connection in the world that would allow what you see in those episodes, plain and simple. Even IF such an outlandish tech exist, there's no way Critter would be able to get the two to communicate with the Underworld infrastructure in the hours that they've occupied the island. Re: Adrenaline and dopamine. When you have a painful experience (ie: losing an arm) your body doesn't actually create dopamine but rather just adrenaline. Dopamine is created that produce pleasurable effects and certain drugs will prevent the reuptake of dopamine in order to get that glowing/happy feeling. Adrenaline is what your body would produce to dull some pain. Again some, not all. Again just nitpicking here but might as well clear that up. You are right though in that we have no idea how the STL works so maybe it does provide feedback to their brain that isn't explained but it still kind of differs from Kirito's in the Alicization arc. As far as train of thought on review, I'll just edit and move a few paragraphs so its easier to follow. Simple and done. |
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal. |
Dec 29, 2019 5:46 AM
StrikeMyrmidon said: Yes but no, this is futuristic, so having that kind of satellite connection is not a bad image and is perfectly possible. I read somewhere that satellite can have mad connection rate, but the latency is high. Let's say that in the context of the show, in 2026, a satellite can handle 100k+ connection, because why not. Yes this is the future but no it is definitely not possible. What you're referring to is burst rate and while they can be high in certain conditions they most certainly cannot be sustained but with something like this, you need low latency, not overall throughput. Secondly, satellite connections aren't so simple as to just "work" the way you describe. Trust me. I have fairly good experience on this topic and don't want to bog you down with the technical difficulties you'd face with such a connection. You even mentioned that you've read that the latency would be high. That is accurate. So how do you expect people to play an MMO with ultra high latency? Latency not bandwidth "speed" is what you see as lag and that has to deal with the fact that the signal needs to be sent at great distances before bouncing back. |
StrikeMyrmidonDec 29, 2019 6:41 AM
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal. |
Dec 29, 2019 5:49 AM
Dayyymmm, this has got to be the best SAO Arc as of this time... A-1 really outdid themselves with this one. It always has to end in a cliffhanger though. With that said, I am eagerly waiting for the next season now! 8.5/10 |
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?” ― Lelouch Vi Britannia |
Dec 29, 2019 6:05 AM
I feel bad for Yoshitsugu Matsuoka. He didn't get to do much this first half of this season. |
Dec 29, 2019 6:23 AM
holy goat .. they did it !! this series way better than GGO / S2 sao so far !!! the story very well develop .. cant wait for S2 alicization |
Dec 29, 2019 6:40 AM
That a series / videogames use elements of real life does not mean that it uses the same rules as real life. Metal Gear uses many real-life elements and I never saw people complaining about mechas or clones with stupid real-life comparisons. People talking about how networks are managed in 2019 in a series that is located in 2026 where 6 years ago there was already a fully functional MMORPG using VR, don't you see how stupid this is? |
Dec 29, 2019 6:48 AM
Nayout said: That a series / videogames use elements of real life does not mean that it uses the same rules as real life. Metal Gear uses many real-life elements and I never saw people complaining about mechas or clones with stupid real-life comparisons. People talking about how networks are managed in 2019 in a series that is located in 2026 where 6 years ago there was already a fully functional MMORPG using VR, don't you see how stupid this is? I'm guessing you're directing this at my post but it seems you haven't actually read the reasoning of why I even bothered to explain the first place or you glossed over it. Either way, if it doesn't apply to you, its fine. Again, I simply pointed out the arguments people have made in the past are flawed. |
The whole argument of "why are you watching this if you hate it" is just so childish and I hope people would just stop using it as a shield to defend things that are indefensible. You know... people can and should be able debate things otherwise we'd never grow as individuals. My opinions might differ from yours but it doesn't mean I'm putting you down personally so stop taking it so damn personal. |
Dec 29, 2019 7:06 AM
The best season of SAO since the first half of season 1. I was really impressed with the directing, characterisation and development of thematic concerns throughout the season. I'm also ecstatic that the plot didn't slacken throughout the season. 8/10 |
Dec 29, 2019 7:17 AM
Wow! what a great entrance from Shinon. Damn, I can't wait for the next season to come soon enough when all the friends from SAO and ALO pours into the Underworld. |
Dec 29, 2019 7:50 AM
Ah man, now we have to WAIT for the next season! FML. I'm so happy that Shinon has joined the battle but I'm so frustrated that Kirito is still not back! I miss him! I'm really glad that Champ decided to fuck Vector off out of it and work with the Human Empire; he's such an awesome character and he deserves better than to be used as a sacrificial pawn for that piece of shit! |
Dec 29, 2019 7:53 AM
A whole season with our harem lead sitting on the bed doing nothing! That's a very fresh change to the previous seasons with kirito OPing every single thing in the series, and i must say it is not bad. Sinon closed the season with her epic entrance, and i must say this is a very satisfying cliffhanger done. I'm so glad that A1 upped their game so much compared to the previous season, hopefully the quality will be maintained in the next season! panty shot ;D |
Dec 29, 2019 8:11 AM
Just when things were looking bad for Asuna and the human army, Sinon makes her entrance and nails the entirety of the second wave of American players with her attack from the sky. If that's not a badass arrival, then I don't know what is anymore. XD This last episode of the first cour was full of action. Asuna and Alice did let their emotions get the better of them, which Asuna got away with her left arm being chopped off before recovering it later, Alice left herself too easily open for the ugly-faced Miller to scoop her up with his dragon. With Sinon making her arrival, with her nicely animated attack, it won't be long before the rest of Asuna's friends arrive on the scene, hopefully. However, we'll have to wait until April 2020, the Spring season, before we can see what happens next. Overall, this first half of the War of Underworld part of Alicization has been really good. Aside from some rough development and directing aside, the action has been satisfying, with the animation for most of the fights improving over the previous season. 8/10 overall for this first half of War Of Underworld. See you for the second half in April. =) |
Dec 29, 2019 8:25 AM
alice with reta$$$$ move to move ghe plot im not gonna bother how the seed system can connect to the STL, such weak world building. |
MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald |
Dec 29, 2019 9:35 AM
madmonkskillz said: I feel bad for Yoshitsugu Matsuoka. He didn't get to do much this first half of this season. Hahahah well remembered. I guess he is still in vacations since the Alicization production in 2018. Because since the last episode of Alicization, Kirito dont say any word. The flashback scenes are 100% copy, so his work was not really necessary. Probably they recorded the braindead Kirito grunts from any other VA, or even an animal sound backwards. |
Dec 29, 2019 9:45 AM
i know it`s a bold thought but i prefer alicization over my hero academia simlpy because it`s more enojable and i actually feel like watching it not like the fourth season of mha. alicization feels interesting and engaging while mha feels slow and uninteresting |
Momi55522Dec 29, 2019 9:48 AM
Dec 29, 2019 9:54 AM
Dec 29, 2019 10:24 AM
My main problem with this show has always been it's cast, it drags this entire show down. Suspension of belief goes out the window when you realise 'This guy is in high school so is everyone else". Other than Animation this is definitely worse than season 1, the plot is convoluted and has a lot of boring exposition. I won't lie, I skipped the entire exposition episode in Alicelization and have a full understanding of the story. It's pretty unnecessary to use exposition as heavy as it does. The VR world(Underworld) is an amazing place and is a well explored setting. Reki did well there. The plot is just straight unbelievable, destroys immersion, full of plot holes and plot devices. So lets get this straight, let's completely forget that everyone in underworld is fluctlight and very much the same as Alice once they break the code(Happen 3 times now). Anyways, So lets get to it. The government kidnaps a 17-18 year old boy because he participated in a project and attempted to pay his medical bills, put him in a world to "Rescue an AI". I don't even think you have to be in the tech field to think "wait, what?". You lead me to believe they can't do this themselves? They built a software that can't modified in anyway? Who designed this, an why they do that? Why did they design it like that despite needing it being in opposition to the actual goal they're attempting to achieve? (No, the excuse was weak as it doesn't make much sense why they didn't just replicate the data into a adjustable enviroment or why it was designed that way). Now everyone wants it, instead of trying to replicate the method which is what would really happen. It's like everyone trying to steal a nuke, makes no sense. People try to steal the formula not the nuke. The plot is dumb. TL;DR The old cast exist to move the plot. But the world building, animation were quite enjoyable, and the new cast were kind of cool. I think this would've been better if they just got rid of the old cast and made a more compelling plot. 7.3 about as good as oridinal scale in theatres(It was a better experience in theatre) |
HeartyaceJun 22, 2020 11:02 AM
Dec 29, 2019 10:51 AM
That Sinon-chan's entrance... and the show of power, daym man! Gave me goose bumps! ^^ Can't wait for April 2020. And... no matter how bad an anime is, according to some people, as long as I enjoy watching it, i don't care. Watching anime is, well, for the purpose of entertainment. If that purpose is not met, drop it and look for one that does. Just saying... peace out! ^^ |
ChadLeeDec 29, 2019 11:03 AM
Dec 29, 2019 12:52 PM
Nurguburu said: SAO: Alicization - War of Underworld is the one the best anime from 2019. I'm glad how SAO improved since S3 and I look forward to the last part of Alicization next year. 9/10 for the anime. Nurgunuru doing his usual bid for attention by posting as soon as the thread is up, just posting something generic since he hasn't watched the episode. It's either "muuh, I haaate it!!!" or as now, swinging the other way. Whatever, as long as you get the first post, right? You just sit there waiting for the hour, the final minute, then the moment the episode thread is up, and bam, you can post! Hurry, get the first spot! You have serious issues, boy. I think you need to get out more. Talk more to people in real life. |
Dec 29, 2019 1:11 PM
"An intranet is always somewhat connected to the internet" Maili, this is the most advanced secret Japan's military would have at the moment. And a bunch of intruders with one IT expert manage to move in tens of thousands of outside connections. It's completely unrealistic. But the goal is of course to make it a big F.U. to American viewers. The noble Japanese players are in it "for the friendships" while the Americans want to "dismember". It couldn't be more obvious. Oh wait, it could be more obvious - by even having the blood-thirsty enemies in the game side with their centuries-old opponents in order to fight the Americans together. Even though it makes absolutely no sense for them to turn against their own reinforcements. The only sense being made here is that Japanese good, Americans bad. Let's not forget that the most evil of evils is the American leader who just loves to murder little girls for the pleasure of watching them die, even when he was a child himself. And if we needed to drive this home to the extreme, let's have the American enemies speak English. Even though in anime foreign languages are practically always turned to Japanese. It makes no sense to have the Americans speak short English exclamations here when they aren't even talking to any non-Anglophones, so no contrast needs to be made. How pathetic this becomes when it's in Japanese-laded Engrish barely capable of putting together two words without doing it wlongu, rike we saw in the last episode. Let's not pretend there was any realism behind putting the tens of thousands of American players in the Underworld setting. Realism be damned. They are there to be American players who are massacred by the incoming Japanese players. This is just one big "I'm tougher than they are!" orgasm for the Japanese otaku before he goes out to the night-open store catering to shut-ins like him. Maill said: StrikeMyrmidon said: It seems most of you defending this whole "they can log in because its from the SEED" are completely missing the easiest point of WHY it doesn't make sense. Forget the whole STL/amusphere argument for a moment. Aside from some of the points being mentioned by others, which makes perfect sense - lag/latency, total network throughput, - it's really simple. When you develop something like this, something SOOO top secret that you literally have to put it on an island for dramatic effect, you won't be able to connect it directly to the Internet. There is no "Oh but VPN" or "Hacker Critter" that can explain away the fact that an intranet that is being depicted in the story is not PHYSICALLY connected to outside lines of communication. An intranet is a connection of systems WITHIN that LAN and there is not a single line that connects it to the outside Internet which you would need for something like 20k people logging in. You don't have to take it from me. You know... a systems network engineer. Just use google or wikipedia. Now if you're going to fall back on "but how do you know its intranet?" then you don't really understand how companies/governments handle their secret data. ALL sovereign government agencies have secret intranet lines. The US government has a few of their own depending on the level of classification (Secret/Top Secret/etc.) and NONE of them are able to access the internet on those systems. Why? To avoid this exact massive plot hole in the story. If you're going to tell me RATH, with all its government resources, skipped out on network security 101 and simply let randos into their highly classified network, that's just exactly what it is, a plot hole. Either that or they're just begging people to hack into their systems which would make even less sense considering they built the damn thing on an artificial island. Another thing to point out. Do you know who uses satellite connections to connect to the Internet? Almost no one. The only reason people would resort to using satellite is because they're in the middle of nowhere with no hard line broadband connection to telecommunication lines. Satellite internet was a thing... you know... back in 2003-2005 but with DSL, coax, and now fiber being a thing, almost no one uses satellite anymore unless you fall into the category above. This is supposed to be the future so it makes even less sense. Don't tell me its because it was written in the early 2000s. I know that. But it doesn't change the fact that you can, you know, adapt with the times to make it more reasonable. ---- As for the rest of the season. Somewhat of a disappointment. I'd probably rate this season between a 4 or 5 so far. I agree with what most people have criticized about the season thus far. ie: Too little character development in Alicization. Too much character development to random baddies who die after showing their face. Direction just being a shotgun blast in every direction. Yes yes, a ton of LN to cram into anime. Sure. Doesn't change the fact that it's a problem faced by many different anime adaptations and many are able to pull it off. I've also read the last post on the whole STL/amusphere argument and I don't buy it either. They clearly had STL machines in mainland Japan so why even bring Kirito to the island? Because... medical reasons? Really? Please tell me if you'd prefer resources of being ON LAND as opposed to being in the middle of the ocean when it comes to medical needs. Some of you also have no concept of how the brain works either. I'm no neurologist but even basic college biology will tell you the brain sends signals in order for your body to function. Some are done consciously like movement and thought and some are done unconsciously like telling your heart to beat or regulating blood flow due to temperature changes. I'm ASSUMING the whole idea behind amusphere and nerve gear was reading those brain signals/waves and manipulating them to create this VRMMO. It's an actual science that does actually exist in the real world albeit nothing as capable as creating fantasy land. When they say that you will experience pain like in real life to those distrustful crowd of ALO players, they're probably referencing those same brain signals that tell your body what hurts and what doesn't. I'm guessing the whole reason nerve gear 2.0 sold so well after original SAO was due to safety features like auto-log when it scans and notices those brain signals and take action. So now coming back to SAO: WoU and saying you will experience pain but it won't log you out kind of just... doesn't make sense. It either has safety features that work or it doesn't. It's not fair to just pick and choose when it's supposed to work and not. Speaking of which, Asuna is connected via STL and literally had her arm cut off. No screaming or searing pain that you would expect from a person who literally had their arm cut off. You know... when Kirito had HIS arm cut off? Or the reference made in the previous episode where "you will experience pain as if its real life" that they just mentioned. Instead we just get a calm and collected look as she's about to die. I know I'm nitpicking here on the last part but these are indeed plot holes. Your post doesn't make any sense. First, why you bother trying explaining the unexplainable ? Let's take your network explanation, you know as someone who work for companies as an IT specialist, an Intranet is always somewhat connected to Internet, we just block the in/out requests with a firewall or the system is not configured to connect to the Internet (and it's very easy to configure a system to access the Internet). So in this case, create a aperture to the Internet is easy for someone who know what he does. Second, you're not a neurobiologist, me neither, but in fact, all our senses can be reproduced in a way, these technologies are very intrusive (like, spikes in the brain) in order to replicate them and have no concrete applications like in SAO. And don't try explaining the NerveGear, Amusphere, STL thing, because they has no real comparison. Third, you asking why Asuna don't cry to death when her arm was cut ? Dopamine and adrenaline ! (If, we assume that users of STL have a valid biological body inside the Underworld) She was very scared and she was nearly killed before the dark territory guy came, so it's pretty normal considering the situation. So you basically rate a show on his relevancy to the real ? Boy, we need to explain to you what a Sci-Fi show is. |
Dec 29, 2019 1:19 PM
Way to f..k up another season SAO this makes it 3 4 if you include the first season after episode 15. And what was that cringy voice-over on "american" players? |
Dec 29, 2019 1:33 PM
tolga1991 said: Way to f..k up another season SAO this makes it 3 4 if you include the first season after episode 15. And what was that cringy voice-over on "american" players? Please elaborate your issues. |
Dec 29, 2019 1:38 PM
CYCLOPSCORE said: tolga1991 said: Way to f..k up another season SAO this makes it 3 4 if you include the first season after episode 15. And what was that cringy voice-over on "american" players? Please elaborate your issues. I'm not gonna waste any more of my time on SAO it had too many chances and completely blew all of them. So no I wont elaborate. |
tolga1991Dec 29, 2019 1:47 PM
Dec 29, 2019 2:21 PM
tolga1991 said: CYCLOPSCORE said: tolga1991 said: Way to f..k up another season SAO this makes it 3 4 if you include the first season after episode 15. And what was that cringy voice-over on "american" players? Please elaborate your issues. I'm not gonna waste any more of my time on SAO it had too many chances and completely blew all of them. So no I wont elaborate. Then you are irrelevant, since you have no proof. |
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