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Jul 10, 2019 10:25 AM

Jul 2016
I got really confused five minutes in. They all walk onto the planet with their helmets on so I think "oh yeah, the atmosphere must not be breathable" but then a second later they all just have the helmets off. I thought it was a mistake like "wait, where did the helmets go, why aren't the choking?" Eventually I realised, it was just bad directing in that bit.

Rest of the episode was good though. I like the imagination put into the plant life.
Jul 10, 2019 10:27 AM

May 2015
Somehow I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the previous one. It even felt too long and dragged on despite being half the length.

I actually learned some spoilers about the main twist and it could be quite interesting but watching this episode was truly boring. The characters seem bland and the power of friendship is getting annoying.
Jul 10, 2019 10:29 AM
Oct 2017
For the people saying the characters are generic; yes they are. They are very strictly based on shounen tropes. But does that mean that this show won't be any fun whatsoever? No. The manga of this anime was another example of a case where I enjoyed a story with generic characters. So I think people should fix their expectations by now.
Jul 10, 2019 10:29 AM

Jun 2017
Another Great Episode!

It’s hard to believe 5 Chapters were adapted in this Episode but here’s to hoping it keeps up the good work! It’s really hard to tell who could be the culprit is given everything that has transpired thus far but a part of me for some reason suspects Aries to be. Lol @ that hilarious laughter though, totally lost my shit there xD. A bit of foreshadowing there I suspect with those camera angles during the moment, I don’t know it just sort of reeks of something suspicious. I don’t suppose her photographic memory has to do anything with this, but who knows. It’s a pity because I’m really starting to like her and that “waah” moment to the shy glasses girl was a very delightful treat. Anyway, that aside, it was nice to see some more of Kanata this episode and the Quitterie/Funicia bit was handled pretty well too. Comedy, imo, was far better this episode so another plus. A little bit of convenience factor on a couple of occasions admittedly but it was still very fun nonetheless! ED song was amazing too, I’d love to hear more of that, and another round of applause to the brilliant usage and mix of soundtracks!

Off to a flier certainly, this show!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jul 10, 2019 10:31 AM

Apr 2019
Crashmatt said:
nanashi796 said:
everything in this anime is generic shit

Yes because we get loads of space anime all the time..... Plenty of isseki for you this season

you forgot to mention that there are so many characters with photographic memory, who are decathletes and want to go into space exploration

i don't really see anything generic apart from their personality types and even that is questionable as we see them exhibit traits that aren't bound to their stereotypical first impression like a tsundere actually admitting their mistake and faults, and apologizing for example. To an extent they may be, but i don't see whats so bad about it. So i totally agree with you.
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 10:34 AM

Nov 2007
It's definitely gonna be a complete adaptation. So, let's see what we have here for the source material:

- Ranked in Kono Manga ga Sugoi 2019 (3rd Place). √
- Winner of the Manga Taisho Award for 2019. √
- Majority of the readers opinion: That second half of the story.√
- Nothing but positive reviews (8/10 or more) in most of the popular sites.√

Ah! People will go like "Oh, this is so generic and boring." and then leave early and then come back again when the overall score jumps roughly around episode 6 or 7. Hmm. I can totally see that happening.

Also, weekly appreciation of the beauty that is Quitterie. ❤

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jul 10, 2019 10:46 AM

Aug 2018
Rowan_F said:
I got really confused five minutes in. They all walk onto the planet with their helmets on so I think "oh yeah, the atmosphere must not be breathable" but then a second later they all just have the helmets off. I thought it was a mistake like "wait, where did the helmets go, why aren't the choking?" Eventually I realised, it was just bad directing in that bit.

Not really. They wore their helmets initially as a precaution b/c they were unsure of the breathability of the atmosphere, then removed them once they had verified they could breathe the air. Very sensible thing to do actually. Didn't really need to be called out as they wanted to give priority to the plot and character development.

shanimebib said:
Also, weekly appreciation of the beauty that is Quitterie. ❤

Thank you for this. Early Best Girl frontrunner.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Jul 10, 2019 10:50 AM

Oct 2014
Eh when Funi got snatched up it felt pretty emotionally manipulative. If anyone else was in that kind of danger I wouldn't have cared in the slightest. The scene only had stakes because it was a cute girl in danger, but she was put in danger because she wandered off on her own. It's hard to feel sympathy for someone who's in danger when it's they're own fault. Anyways plot armor saves her because Kanata has superhuman strength, still I appreciate he's dealing with his own flaws.

This episode was a major tonal shift from tense drama to fun excitement to explore a new planet. It was obvious something dangerous would happen again. Lo and behold another black hole orb tried to eat them. Aries has some nice photographic memory if she can't even remember the last planet they were on sent them to deep space. Anyways next episode will be some more interpersonal drama in the group. At least Quittere and Funi are closer now.
Jul 10, 2019 10:51 AM

Mar 2016
I wouldn't even call this writing, it's just shit strung together at break-neck speed. I laughed when she said she didn't need friends and one flashback and a scary situation later she loves her friends. Should have stopped when Aries revealed her photographic memory. Oh and by the way the guy is an athlete, fuck these people. Awful.

The comedy in the beginning was kind of fun, but I don't think I can sit through another episode of this. Planet hopping space adventures have never looked so shitty.
syncrogazerJul 10, 2019 10:57 AM
Jul 10, 2019 10:55 AM
Sep 2017
right now this show is just run-of-the-mill meh. I have hopes it picks up, but its on my list to be dropped soon if it doesn't. There's nothing egregiously wrong with it, it's just not enough to keep your attention throughout the run time.
Jul 10, 2019 10:58 AM

Jun 2015
Not a good episode. It's generic as hell and I simply don't care for the characters, especially for that one girl that wandered off on her own. Stupid girl smh. That laugh was very odd.
Jul 10, 2019 11:00 AM

Apr 2019

gotta hope all these fact claiming complainers drop it fast so we don't need to read their unconstructive comments anymore xD

SleepySnowSpirit said:
actually second best(new) anime of the season after Dr.Stone for me.... glad I read the synopsis cause the art wasn't much.

Yea look forward to a lot of good stuff in the 2nd half.

shanimebib said:
It's definitely gonna be a complete adaptation. So, let's see what we have here for the source material:

- Ranked in Kono Manga ga Sugoi 2019 (3rd Place). √
- Winner of the Manga Taisho Award for 2019. √
- Majority of the readers opinion: That second half of the story.√
- Nothing but positive reviews (8/10 or more) in most of the popular sites.√

Ah! People will go like "Oh, this is so generic and boring." and then leave early and then come back again when the overall score jumps roughly around episode 6 or 7. Hmm. I can totally see that happening.

Also, weekly appreciation of the beauty that is Quitterie. ❤

beautiful shot :D
i hope they drop it fast, they are so annoying like really
its fine if someone doesn't like it, but they state their opinion as facts and thats just so annoying and stupid, its like watching 5 year olds run against walls, thats just a sort of stupidity you feel ashamed when you see it

can't wait for the 2nd half.
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 11:05 AM

Apr 2019

a funny dialogue that was cut this ep

syncrogazer said:
I laughed when she said she didn't need friends and one flashback and a scary situation later she loves her friends.

ah yeah that

RebelPanda said:
Eh when Funi got snatched up it felt pretty emotionally manipulative. If anyone else was in that kind of danger I wouldn't have cared in the slightest. The scene only had stakes because it was a cute girl in danger, but she was put in danger because she wandered off on her own. It's hard to feel sympathy for someone who's in danger when it's they're own fault. Anyways plot armor saves her because Kanata has superhuman strength, still I appreciate he's dealing with his own flaws.

really? you cant sympathise with a little kid running off and getting in danger?
so decathletes have superhuman strength? its pretty normal strength for a decathlete

just for reference, in the manga kanata also stated the length of the jump was something slightly above 7 metres, professional grown decathletes jump over 8,5metre, the world record is close to 9 and the spear throw wasn't particularly far either

syncrogazer said:
Oh and by the way the guy is an athlete, fuck these people. Awful..

Eww look mum there is an athlete over there, such an awful group of people fuck them right?
Nim0174Jul 10, 2019 11:24 AM
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 11:19 AM

Aug 2018
Nim0174 said:

gotta hope all these fact claiming complainers drop it fast so we don't need to read their unconstructive comments anymore xD

They won't. They get off on the reactions they get from people who actually enjoy and defend the show. Best policy is just to ignore. I got into it with one of those jackasses earlier today and it was a mistake. Don't feed the trolls.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Jul 10, 2019 11:29 AM

Mar 2016
Thanks for the manga screenshot that tells me nothing. And improve your reading comprehension, I'm obviously making fun of the cliched writing.
Jul 10, 2019 11:31 AM

Apr 2019
syncrogazer said:
Thanks for the manga screenshot that tells me nothing. And learn some reading comprehension, I'm obviously making fun of the cliched writing.

it tells you nothing? really?
you said "I laughed when she said she didn't need friends and one flashback and a scary situation later she loves her friends."

logical conclusion any person can draw
she didn't actually mean what she first said === (she doesn't need friends)
and what she actually meant was something completely different
amazing right, and im not even Sherlock Homes.
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 11:32 AM

May 2015
Kimurah said:
Spaceship said:
I'm 12 years old and I'm butthurt. Stop shitting on muh animu

No can do kiddo. Don't like different comments/opinions, don't log in to a discussion board

Don't like a show, don't watch it.

Jul 10, 2019 11:33 AM

Mar 2016
And? It doesn't change the fact that it happened in a span of less than five minutes.
Jul 10, 2019 11:35 AM

Apr 2019
syncrogazer said:
And? It doesn't change the fact that it happened in the span of less than five minutes.

"she said she didn't need friends and one flashback and a scary situation later she loves her friends."
she didn't mean it, she always liked her friends. She just didn't say it.
therefore the switch in her actual feelings doesn't occur like u stated.

people in real life too tend to say things on the spur of the moment that they do not mean
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 11:36 AM

Mar 2016
Fucking hell. I get it. My problem is with the pacing. I don't care about the logic of her behavior or her background.
Jul 10, 2019 11:39 AM

Apr 2019
syncrogazer said:
Fucking hell. I get it. My problem is with the pacing. I don't care about the logic of her behavior or her background.

then fucking say it
no need to act like a douchebag

i wouldn't have an issue with it if she actually felt that she hated them etc, but she didn't
i personally don't think that this event even mattered in the relatively fast pace

if you don't like the pacing just say that you don't like the pacing and felt it was too fast no need to call it out as if it was a fact with insulting words

i do agree with you there to some extent it felt fast, sadly we only have 12 episodes, but it was logically consistent because she didn't actually feel that way and the way you phrased it made it seem like you had an issue with the logical consistency of that certain event as if a switch in her feelings occured, which in fact did not, i just wanted to clarify that.
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 11:45 AM

Mar 2016
Nim0174 said:
then fucking say it
no need to act like a douchebag

Wut. But I did: "strung together at break-neck speed." I was just being honest, because I did laugh at how fast she resolved(?) her behavior, don't know how that equates to me being a douche when you're being super defensive about every negative post on here.
Jul 10, 2019 11:51 AM

Apr 2019
Spaceship said:
Nim0174 said:

gotta hope all these fact claiming complainers drop it fast so we don't need to read their unconstructive comments anymore xD

They won't. They get off on the reactions they get from people who actually enjoy and defend the show. Best policy is just to ignore. I got into it with one of those jackasses earlier today and it was a mistake. Don't feed the trolls.

you are right actually xD
the day i see a constructive opinion on a negative aspect will be celebrated as a national day
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 11:53 AM

Mar 2016
Nim0174 said:
you did, but your intention flies out the window when you phrase it as a fact

This is how people talk. Not sure how you want me to phrase it so it doesn't offend your sensibility or whatever. When I start off with "I wouldn't call this..." that seems like a good indication to me that what follows is an opinion, and should be obvious anyway in a discussion thread. I don't like the anime, I don't like the way it's written. If I'm being too harsh it's probably because I wanted to watch a fun space show this season. But I guess I'm an 'asshole' despite the fact that you are literally the only one here specifically insulting other people for not liking the show you like.
Jul 10, 2019 11:55 AM

Aug 2018
Nim0174 said:

you are right actually xD
the day i see a constructive opinion on a negative aspect will be celebrated as a national day

For the record, not everybody in here posting quibbles with the show is a troll. It's not a perfect show---personally I wish it were a little more serious and scientifically rigorous---but it's pretty easy to tell apart the people who are open to a healthy back-and-forth and the morons who just want want to crap on those who like the show and get a rise out of them.

Anyway. I enjoyed the episode (though less than last week's double-length one) and I'm optimistic for the future of the series given that everyone says it just gets better from here. 7.5/10.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Jul 10, 2019 11:59 AM

Apr 2019
Spaceship said:
Nim0174 said:

you are right actually xD
the day i see a constructive opinion on a negative aspect will be celebrated as a national day

For the record, not everybody in here posting quibbles with the show is a troll. It's not a perfect show---personally I wish it were a little more serious and scientifically rigorous---but it's pretty easy to tell apart the people who are open to a healthy back-and-forth and the morons who just want want to crap on those who like the show and get a rise out of them.

Anyway. I enjoyed the episode (though less than last week's double-length one) and I'm optimistic for the future of the series given that everyone says it just gets better from here. 7.5/10.

I've seen a lot of good arguments actually in general, just not on this Show's Episode Discussions.
Except for last Episode actually, like i said myself i wasn't a fan of the handchain. I thought it was bad writing, personally. Or rather directing.

syncrogazer said:
Nim0174 said:
you did, but your intention flies out the window when you phrase it as a fact

This is how people talk. Not sure how you want me to phrase it so it doesn't offend your sensibility or whatever. When I start off with "I wouldn't call this..." that seems like a good indication to me that what follows is an opinion, and should be obvious anyway in a discussion thread. I don't like the anime, I don't like the way it's written. If I'm being too harsh it's probably because I wanted to watch a fun space show this season. But I guess I'm an 'asshole' despite the fact that you are literally the only one here specifically insulting other people for not liking the show you like.

You are right there. But the way you phrased the second sentence "It is just" always makes it sound like fact claiming, sorry if you felt offended. I hate it when people fact claim their Opinions. I don't give a shit if someone doesn't like an Anime i like. I don't like people who claim their facts as opinions, is all. Because they sound like assholes to me, you clarified yourself so there is that.
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 10, 2019 12:00 PM
Feb 2018
At first I thought it would a simple and quite boring episode but it immediately got interesting. If anything happened to Funi-chan I was ready to be done with this series.
Jul 10, 2019 12:08 PM

Jun 2015
Aries though is soo cute. Seems she's able to find joy in any kind of situation. Its unfortunate but i guess on this planet common earth knowledge looks to be useless here on an alien planet. Quitterie really has quite the personality flaws within her. Still the fact that she had such a complex family situation was the main cause of her existing personality. Despite the danger Kanata's attempt to save Funi sure was impressive. Looks like the twin regrets of not embracing sports and the death of his teacher provided some painful lessons to Kanata that served to make him realise just how important bonds and training was. Though they managed to secure some supplies they really need to ration it. An interesting ep that while doing well in showing the kind of dangers that the team can encounter also served to expand upon Quitterie's character while also allowing the team to forge stronger bonds with each other.The fusion of survival elements, exploration and character expansion was used really well here. The reveal of a spy within the team though is an interesting angle to take.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 10, 2019 12:10 PM

Mar 2016
I'm not offended, I just found parts of this exchange to be very ironic. I don't like it when people cook up bullshit reasons as to why a show doesn't make sense, or isn't explained or whatever. But that's not what I was doing. It's a fact that I think the pacing is too fast and things happen too conveniently, I don't think I need to qualify that, because it should be obvious that it's my opinion.
syncrogazerJul 10, 2019 2:49 PM
Jul 10, 2019 12:10 PM

Jan 2015
Impressive quality of the animation, and impressive soundtrack as well.
I was expecting much more seriousness, but this is a shounen so it was to be expected

Wasn’t expecting a traitor among them, this sounds like Rokka no Yuusha all over again lmfao
Jul 10, 2019 12:17 PM

Jun 2017
It was a nice episode, had everything and well balanced. So there is a traitor, no wonder that black hole popped up so conveniently again, it's probably artificial.
Jul 10, 2019 12:20 PM

Oct 2017
Lol that freaking drag scream was kinda scary. A dramatic episode with lots of emotions and I freaking love Kanata . He is totally the type of mc i like to watch.Also i wonder if some romance will be shown between Kanata and Aries , I hope they do. Quiterrie finally became honest with her feelings and gd thng she made up with funi and all the others. Man I freaking loved that scene where Kanata tried to save Funi. Overall another awesome episode .
Jul 10, 2019 12:28 PM

Nov 2017
So, none of the so-called critics above would mention the only thing that actually could ruin someone's suspention of disbelief? After seeing the orb on this planet, they decide to wander off into the wilderness without their helmets. They clearly aren't wearing their suits and the orb is by far the most dangerous thing on the entire planet by a long shot. It's only natural to prioritize the safety of the entire group in a situation like this. Not to mention, there are no obvious drawbacks to wearing them.
Every other complaint seems nitpicky to say the least.
"Oh, a character mentions her trait when it's convinient! I would never do that in real life!" Really? Bruh.
"I would definetly do x thing in a scenario like that." Says a guy with a 20/20 hindsight. I'm not sure if anyone understands, but you watch shows like this not to see a group of people be correct every single time, quite the opposite.
"How would a smart guy do smart guy things? That just seems improbable to me." Would you have been convinced if he explained it with pseudo-scientific liguo? Sci-fi is basically just fantasy with a sciencey flavor. It might make more sense than magic, sure, but only because it pretends to be making sense
Jul 10, 2019 12:49 PM
Sep 2018
This feels more like a happy go lucky camping anime then a space survival one.
Its quite the letdown, i was hoping it would be somthing more similar to the movie Gravity. But eeh if anything thats my bad for not realising it would be like this because it has the shounen tag after all.

I mean all things considered this is mostly fine so far, just wish the characters weren't so bland/boring.
Jul 10, 2019 12:53 PM

Feb 2015
That was a pretty good episode.the sabotage at the end adds a bit of intregie to the story. A bit like Rokka in that respect. I'm also curious as to why the white sphere keeps showing up.
Jul 10, 2019 12:56 PM
Mar 2018
... the first episode was a little dissapoint, but this was even worse.

For now, Kanata no Astra fails as a Space and Sci-fi work. The Space and Sci-fi genres are just for stetic, and that stetic is not even good.

This anime is becoming a stupid teenage drama, where frienship is the main plot and where logic and survivability are just stetic assets, and not real elements of the plot.

Ok, I can acept the goddess Spaceship and all the things it can do.
I can acept the "miracle path" to return to their home.
I can acept the kids that always have the adequate skills to solve the problem.
But... the logic of this anime is so wrong, it's a nonsense all the time.

Real space problems? Nah, relativity is fake and survive in the space is just easy.

Unknown planet? No problem, it's just the average weekend picnic:
-Perfect atmosphere to breath (without any possible atmospheric problem that could kill them instantly or a lot of other things), so fuck helmets.
-Pacific animals, or at least harmless. "Hey, but the flying guy grabbed that little girl!" Can we talk about the stupid behaviour of that thing? Or that the girl just fall into the same "safe" plant? Pls, what was that...? Let unknown animals walk over you and "play" with them it's a great idea, I'm a 100% sure.
-Plants... well, it seems that it's safe to touch every fucking plant, nothing about insects or other dangerous animals that can be living there, it's just everything ok, even the angelical parachute plants that saved MC's live. C'mon, even the safest forest of the our planet is more dangerous than that.
-Luckily, they have a machine that can tell if something is toxic to eat or not... ok, it's a difficult thing to design properly (remember about the Sci-fi tag? whatever), but they could do something better than a stupid comedy gag with it.
-Ball-chan... well, it's a weird and random element, but at least this idiotic teens begins to react properly against something that can be dangerous (hey, they just needed a 2nd encounter with Ball-chan to act with some logic... we will see if in the 2nd planet some logic reachs to this plot, btw, I'm giving up with the "Sci-fi" and "Space" genres).

For the rest... characters continue to be stupid kids acting like they were in a pleasure space trip, so generic, so uninteresting...

I'll try to watch the next chapter, but after it, I'll probably drop this anime.
Jul 10, 2019 12:57 PM

Dec 2016
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Kimurah said:

No can do kiddo. Don't like different comments/opinions, don't log in to a discussion board

Don't like a show, don't watch it.

What an insigtful comment

Here's another one, if you don't like to read disenting opinions don't log into a discussion message board
Jul 10, 2019 12:58 PM

Aug 2014
Why is the stupid pink hair girl HA HA HA the "main" Heroine. The blonde is more interesting have a brain but is tsundere. And even looks better.

Still like the show overall.
Jul 10, 2019 1:00 PM

May 2015
Kimurah said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

Don't like a show, don't watch it.

What an insigtful comment

Here's another one, if you don't like to read disenting opinions don't log into a discussion message board

I'm only telling you to do the same thing that you're telling other people to do. The "don't like it, ignore it" argument goes both ways.

Jul 10, 2019 1:02 PM
Apr 2019
another banger, what a time
Jul 10, 2019 1:06 PM

Dec 2016
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Kimurah said:

What an insigtful comment

Here's another one, if you don't like to read disenting opinions don't log into a discussion message board

I'm only telling you to do the same thing that you're telling other people to do. The "don't like it, ignore it" argument goes both ways.

No it doesn't you pretty snowflake

Discussion boards are there for people to discuss X titles. Not to be lectured and be told what to do by kids. I'm allowed to discuss my gripes about a title without the need to be bossed around by salty and rusty jimmies that love every piece of media. You can do whatever you want with your time and life, but you can't tell me what to do with mine.

If all you're going to do is just bitch at me for not liking your precious title (wich btw I haven't read at all any opinion on the series on your behalf in this thread, so that just tells me the lvl of butthurt on your behalf), go ahead, but not only you're already wasting your time, but you're also wrong on the very basics of discussion boards.
Jul 10, 2019 1:07 PM

May 2018
So, there is a saboteur among them.
Jul 10, 2019 1:10 PM

Aug 2011
A solid 2nd episode. As Stark said, there is a strong No Man's Sky vibe in this episode as we can explore a new planet with its own fauna & flora.
Looking forward to the rest of the story.

Jul 10, 2019 1:13 PM

Jan 2016
damn that ending. Who could it be, the most suspicious person is Yun Hua, but that might be too cliche.
Jul 10, 2019 1:13 PM

Dec 2016
Spaceship said:
Nim0174 said:

you are right actually xD
the day i see a constructive opinion on a negative aspect will be celebrated as a national day

For the record, not everybody in here posting quibbles with the show is a troll. It's not a perfect show---personally I wish it were a little more serious and scientifically rigorous---but it's pretty easy to tell apart the people who are open to a healthy back-and-forth and the morons who just want want to crap on those who like the show and get a rise out of them.

Anyway. I enjoyed the episode (though less than last week's double-length one) and I'm optimistic for the future of the series given that everyone says it just gets better from here. 7.5/10.

You're obviously not talking about yourself when you're speaking about healthy back and forth discussion kid. You started with a "go away" quote on me.

Stop acting like you're some saint when you're just another butthurt fanboy
Jul 10, 2019 1:14 PM

May 2015
Kimurah said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

I'm only telling you to do the same thing that you're telling other people to do. The "don't like it, ignore it" argument goes both ways.

No it doesn't you pretty snowflake

Discussion boards are there for people to discuss X titles. Not to be lectured and be told what to do by kids. I'm allowed to discuss my gripes about a title without the need to be bossed around by salty and rusty jimmies that love every piece of media. You can do whatever you want with your time and life, but you can't tell me what to do with mine.

If all you're going to do is just bitch at me for not liking your precious title (wich btw I haven't read at all any opinion on the series on your behalf in this thread, so that just tells me the lvl of butthurt on your behalf), go ahead, but not only you're already wasting your time, but you're also wrong on the very basics of discussion boards.

Lol, I expected you to basically call me a fanboy because that seems to be your default response. I haven't actually watched the show btw. I just looked at the discussions to see what people think about it. The only reason I even replied to you is because you don't understand common sense and are contradicting yourself. You saying that other people should just ignore your posts or these threads all together if they don't like what you have to say is stupid because you don't follow your own advice and just drop the show that you obviously aren't enjoying. If you don't like me pointing out your contradiction, then maybe you shouldn't contradict yourself. 🤷‍♂️

Jul 10, 2019 1:24 PM

Dec 2016
TsukuyomiREKT said:

Lol, I expected you to basically call me a fanboy because that seems to be your default response. I haven't actually watched the show btw.

Thank you, that's all I needed to know to offically state that you're a bitch. You haven't even watched the show, but you're entitled to tell others what to do. How cute.

TsukuyomiREKT said:

I just looked at the discussions to see what people think about it. The only reason I even replied to you is because you don't understand common sense and are contradicting yourself.

Says the guy that hasn't even watched the show but feels entitled and knowledgeable to tell others how to act. yeah, I highly doubt you even know what common sense is and again doubt you even know how discussion boards work at all.

TsukuyomiREKT said:

You saying that other people should just ignore your posts or these threads all together if they don't like what you have to say is stupid because you don't follow your own advice

Now you're just being a salty whinny kid with lack of the most basic reading skills. I said that if people don't like my opinions they should keep their mouth shut. They can obviously refute my points with arguments, and some of them actually have done so with back and forth "discussion" (A term you obviously can't even grasp despite having more than 2K posts)

What you are doing in particular isn't even refuting any of my arguments, you're just being butthurt because someone else is dishing out a disenting opinion on a title you haven't even watched.

TsukuyomiREKT said:

and just drop the show that you obviously aren't enjoying. If you don't like me pointing out your contradiction, then maybe you shouldn't contradict yourself. 🤷‍♂️

Again, you're just some dumb butthurt kid that expects everyone to live to your own rules. But I'll give you a hint, life doesn't work like that.
Jul 10, 2019 1:27 PM
Sep 2016
Not as good as the beginning but still really good, the new planets are hopefully going to be really interesting if they are all up to par with this one which makes me really excited. Not the best cast so far but they are slowly growing on me, depending on how long it is since the manga isn't that long I feel like there is too many characters, this can be chalked up to the fact that it hasn't had time to properly characterize them yet but I do worry that a few of them might end up to be a bit weak.

The Revelation at the end of the episode makes me even more excited to continue with this series, If it continues this strongly I'll be very happy.
Jul 10, 2019 1:27 PM

May 2015
Kimurah said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:

Lol, I expected you to basically call me a fanboy because that seems to be your default response. I haven't actually watched the show btw.

Thank you, that's all I needed to know to offically state that you're a bitch. You haven't even watched the show, but you're entitled to tell others what to do. How cute.

TsukuyomiREKT said:

I just looked at the discussions to see what people think about it. The only reason I even replied to you is because you don't understand common sense and are contradicting yourself.

Says the guy that hasn't even watched the show but feels entitled and knowledgeable to tell others how to act. yeah, I highly doubt you even know what common sense is and again doubt you even know how discussion boards work at all.

TsukuyomiREKT said:

You saying that other people should just ignore your posts or these threads all together if they don't like what you have to say is stupid because you don't follow your own advice

Now you're just being a salty whinny kid with lack of the most basic reading skills. I said that if people don't like my opinions they should keep their mouth shut. They can obviously refute my points with arguments, and some of them actually have done so with back and forth "discussion" (A term you obviously can't even grasp despite having more than 2K posts)

What you are doing in particular isn't even refuting any of my arguments, you're just being butthurt because someone else is dishing out a disenting opinion on a title you haven't even watched.

TsukuyomiREKT said:

and just drop the show that you obviously aren't enjoying. If you don't like me pointing out your contradiction, then maybe you shouldn't contradict yourself. 🤷‍♂️

Again, you're just some dumb butthurt kid that expects everyone to live to your own rules. But I'll give you a hint, life doesn't work like that.

And you're literally incapable of understanding that you contradicted yourself. I don't even give a shit about your opinion itself. That should be obvious. All I care about is your contradiction.

Jul 10, 2019 1:30 PM

Dec 2016
TsukuyomiREKT said:

And you're literally incapable of understanding that you contradicted yourself.

Please enlighten all of us where have I contradicted my self? (Now I get the idea why you have so many posts in here)

TsukuyomiREKT said:

I don't even give a shit about your opinion itself. That should be obvious. All I care about is your contradiction.

See, now that's a contradiction. You claim that you don't care about my opinion, yet you're here barking at me telling me what should I do according to your childish and petty life rules. But here you are, eating from the palm of my hand, I'm taking your time and tears on a show that you haven't even watched.

If you didn't care for my opinion at all you could have stopped replying to me long time ago. But you're just acting all tsundere and telling me to shut up and stop watching
KimurahJul 10, 2019 1:35 PM
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