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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Apr 14, 2019 2:57 AM

Jun 2016
btw, in 2015 was confirmed that they would adapt all the novels that were released.
Apr 29, 2019 1:47 PM
Apr 2016
dea-alhena said:
I just felt like posting. It's my opinion. Don't get your ass in my business.if you don't like it. Don't reply.

Opinion? Where? Is that considered an opinion in your culture, if I dare ask?
May 1, 2019 5:40 AM
Oct 2012
dea-alhena said:
Tbh, season 1 and 2 were completely fine. But I personally think the season 3 is unnecessary.

Well, in my opinion the third season was better than the first two. Pacing felt better than 2, and it had more story like the little love story which calls itself season one
May 3, 2019 3:20 PM
May 2019
Hopefully they don't delay the second part, like they did for the previous cus im exciteddd for itttt
May 17, 2019 11:45 AM
Dec 2008
If it brings money, there's no reason not to.
May 23, 2019 4:44 AM
Jan 2018
Lol dude It never even ended this is the 3rd and 4th cour
May 23, 2019 4:49 AM
Jan 2018
weeabootakbankai said:
linktriforce007 said:

I actually have liked all the seasons except the Aincrad Arc thus far... I kinda don't like this season because no Sinon, but hey, what can you do. Really didn't like the movie, though. Was traumatized when I heard it was canon.

Never liked Asuna, I always thought she was a bland character that everyone loved even though she might as well have "Kirito's doormat" written on her forehead. Why does she call him Kirito anyway? He requested at the end of the second arc for her to not call him that. -.-

And SaberARV, took a line of your response and put it in my signature. Hope you don't mind.

Idk about you, but Sinon is a mediocre character(personal opinion). She completely ruined season 2 for me. Alice is another Sinon(at least durable).
If I were to rank all the girl in the series, it would be this: "Stacia" Asuna(Best girl in the novel)>Alice>>>>>>>>rest of the girl

You asked the wrong people then . Alot of LN readers prefer Sinon over Asuna
May 23, 2019 6:25 AM
Sep 2017
Mattinator95 said:
weeabootakbankai said:

Idk about you, but Sinon is a mediocre character(personal opinion). She completely ruined season 2 for me. Alice is another Sinon(at least durable).
If I were to rank all the girl in the series, it would be this: "Stacia" Asuna(Best girl in the novel)>Alice>>>>>>>>rest of the girl

You asked the wrong people then . Alot of LN readers prefer Sinon over Asuna

Oh, I didn't know about that.
Sinon is not my type of character. Personally, I'm glad she only have one arc.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 7, 2019 2:25 PM

Oct 2016
Oh god some complaining fuck great
Jun 11, 2019 10:52 AM
Apr 2016
ANOTHER raises clenched fist to the stars through an ellipse pattern ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Oh, I have already left a print in this thread... oh, hehe, awkward... Nah.
Jun 13, 2019 7:02 AM
Jan 2018
Couldn't care less honestly, just came here to see if Shokugeki s3 was added in the Fall 2019 animes yet
Jun 21, 2019 12:51 AM
Oct 2012
Mattinator95 said:
weeabootakbankai said:

Idk about you, but Sinon is a mediocre character(personal opinion). She completely ruined season 2 for me. Alice is another Sinon(at least durable).
If I were to rank all the girl in the series, it would be this: "Stacia" Asuna(Best girl in the novel)>Alice>>>>>>>>rest of the girl

You asked the wrong people then . Alot of LN readers prefer Sinon over Asuna

WHAT ? O.o
Where did you heard about that ? It's actually mostly the anime watcher that like Sinon.

almost most of the LN readers like Asuna over Sinon.

heck even the yearly, novels characters ranking, always have Asuna WAY over Sinon, Sinon isn't even in top 10 anymore, outside of the time her own Arc was released.

This is the most popular Yearly Novel Ranking between all Light Novels Series,

2011 - Asuna Rank 6
2012 - Asuna Rank 2
2013 - Asuna Rank 2 - Sinon Rank 7
2014 - Asuna Rank 3 - Sinon Rank 8
2015 - Asuna Rank 4 - Sinon Rank 7
2016 - Asuna Rank 5
2017 - Asuna Rank 4
2018 - Asuna Rank 3
2019 - Asuna Rank 3

The rest of SAO characters aren't in Top 10.
( Kirito is tho but in Male Section )

Jun 21, 2019 3:45 AM
Jan 2018
Pedram said:
Mattinator95 said:

You asked the wrong people then . Alot of LN readers prefer Sinon over Asuna

WHAT ? O.o
Where did you heard about that ? It's actually mostly the anime watcher that like Sinon.

almost most of the LN readers like Asuna over Sinon.

heck even the yearly, novels characters ranking, always have Asuna WAY over Sinon, Sinon isn't even in top 10 anymore, outside of the time her own Arc was released.

This is the most popular Yearly Novel Ranking between all Light Novels Series,

2011 - Asuna Rank 6
2012 - Asuna Rank 2
2013 - Asuna Rank 2 - Sinon Rank 7
2014 - Asuna Rank 3 - Sinon Rank 8
2015 - Asuna Rank 4 - Sinon Rank 7
2016 - Asuna Rank 5
2017 - Asuna Rank 4
2018 - Asuna Rank 3
2019 - Asuna Rank 3

The rest of SAO characters aren't in Top 10.
( Kirito is tho but in Male Section )


that in japan though isn't it ?
Jun 21, 2019 3:58 AM
Oct 2012
Mattinator95 said:
Pedram said:

WHAT ? O.o
Where did you heard about that ? It's actually mostly the anime watcher that like Sinon.

almost most of the LN readers like Asuna over Sinon.

heck even the yearly, novels characters ranking, always have Asuna WAY over Sinon, Sinon isn't even in top 10 anymore, outside of the time her own Arc was released.

This is the most popular Yearly Novel Ranking between all Light Novels Series,

2011 - Asuna Rank 6
2012 - Asuna Rank 2
2013 - Asuna Rank 2 - Sinon Rank 7
2014 - Asuna Rank 3 - Sinon Rank 8
2015 - Asuna Rank 4 - Sinon Rank 7
2016 - Asuna Rank 5
2017 - Asuna Rank 4
2018 - Asuna Rank 3
2019 - Asuna Rank 3

The rest of SAO characters aren't in Top 10.
( Kirito is tho but in Male Section )


that in japan though isn't it ?

Yes this is japan, but We don't have any other ranking in other countries solely for the Light Novel.
Plus we were talking about overall ranking, not only western ranking.
This ranking in japan is very big and popular, published in it's own magazine which has been releasing novel rankings since almost 2 decade ago.

As for me, being in r/reddit and SwordArtOnline Discord and SAO-Wikia's discord server.
the majority I see still like Asuna, so much that those that don't like Asuna are sometimes agitated over Asuna lovers being everywhere.

Going a bit more deeply into it, almost all the people who read both SAO and SAO Progressive novels, would choose asuna.

if they only read SAO's novel and not SAO Progressive, then it's split between Asuna, Alice and Sinon.
Jun 26, 2019 9:09 AM

Nov 2013
dea-alhena said:
I just felt like posting. It's my opinion. Don't get your ass in my business.if you don't like it. Don't reply.

Actually yours wasn't an opinion but a question, which was answered.

dea-alhena said:

MiniiNinja said:
Clearly people are watching.

If you bait and vent unreasonable anger around you can only expect as much anger back at you.
Jul 2, 2019 5:48 PM

Jul 2011
Here's a breath of fresh air: WHO GIVES A FUCK? If you like SaO, good for you. If you don't like SaO, good for you. Learn to fucking move on and look elsewhere.
Jul 3, 2019 2:51 PM
Oct 2018
They will adapt every novel till the end. Hopefully even SAO progressive. Hope you will enjoy it 😊
Jul 3, 2019 2:56 PM
Apr 2016
Don't watch it if you didn't like the first one, it's simple, really.
Jul 21, 2019 10:51 AM
Apr 2019
Then why the fuck are you still here? Clearly SAO isn't for you.

Seriously, do we have to do this every fucking time folks like you appear? You don't like SAO, cool, now respect those who did and get out.
Aug 24, 2019 2:50 PM
Aug 2018
Stormen said:
LAchson said:
Personally, I hated the most recent season of Sword Art Online. I thought it was garbage.

Thought so as well. Maybe i remember things wrong, but it certainly didn't feel like Kirito from the old seasons was present, and he also felt like Eugeo's sidekick. Many hate Kirito, but i always liked to finally have a capable protagonist among the turdpile of trash anime with shitty and worthless protagonists who MAYBE manage to be usefull at the very end. Well, Kirito felt way less capable this season than any other and was too eager to throw away his life to save others. What about his responsibilities elsewhere? Stupid sack of shit, it's not like he had lost his memories.

Is not kirito like in the top 15 most popular MAL characters?
Aug 24, 2019 3:54 PM
Aug 2018
DarryLazakar said:
Then why the fuck are you still here? Clearly SAO isn't for you.

Seriously, do we have to do this every fucking time folks like you appear? You don't like SAO, cool, now respect those who did and get out.

I don't think they would be doing what they are doing if they actually had a life. Pretty sure they spent most of their time, trying to pick fights with random people on the internet.
Aug 25, 2019 1:01 PM
Apr 2016

DarryLazakar said:
Then why the fuck are you still here? Clearly SAO isn't for you.

Seriously, do we have to do this every fucking time folks like you appear? You don't like SAO, cool, now respect those who did and get out.

No you literally don't! Why every time folks like him appear, someone like you just has to vulgarly send him away beyond the seven seas? You like SAO, cool, now respect those who di... don't and let them use forums as long as they are doing so in a civil, respectful manner.
immortaluchiha said:
DarryLazakar said:
Then why the fuck are you still here? Clearly SAO isn't for you.

Seriously, do we have to do this every fucking time folks like you appear? You don't like SAO, cool, now respect those who did and get out.

I don't think they would be doing what they are doing if they actually had a life. Pretty sure they spent most of their time, trying to pick fights with random people on the internet.

And apparently they succeed, because there is always at least one random person on the internet who likes answering the call for fight. Makes me wonder where lies the causality here.
immortaluchiha said:
Stormen said:

Thought so as well. Maybe i remember things wrong, but it certainly didn't feel like Kirito from the old seasons was present, and he also felt like Eugeo's sidekick. Many hate Kirito, but i always liked to finally have a capable protagonist among the turdpile of trash anime with shitty and worthless protagonists who MAYBE manage to be usefull at the very end. Well, Kirito felt way less capable this season than any other and was too eager to throw away his life to save others. What about his responsibilities elsewhere? Stupid sack of shit, it's not like he had lost his memories.

Is not kirito like in the top 15 most popular MAL characters?

He is, and for many reasons, most importantly because he had undergone an elaborate and logical character development, something many other characters fail to do because their creators suck. From a geek who liked to play with his sword... two of them, he turned into a stoic VR-research veteran who is now working with government and corporations to make sure VR is not abused like it was in the past. He turned into a rather realistic hero, I believe many people like him (which is reflected here on the popularity chart) precisely because they can relate to him. He is not an absurd overpowered third rate character from some fantasy world (looking at half the titles on this site), he is a serious person living his life and trying to help others.
Sep 5, 2019 11:45 PM
Aug 2018
Yes because they decided it was gonna be 48 episodes from like start of 2018. Also the Studio doesn't give a shit about whether it's well liked in the west or not.

If it's popular in japan it's gonna get them cash so they keep on making it. I'm not the biggest fan of SAO but Alicization was good from my perspective aside from that cliffhanger ending. Like we gotta wait 6 months to know what happens after that. Fuck that
Nov 30, 2019 9:12 AM

Apr 2018
I feel disgusted after watching this show even ironically.
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