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May 19, 2019 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Another accident involving a fairy...? Damn.

Looks there's suspense this episode about the circumstances. Marlya also got dressed up this episode which I think makes her kinda cute.
May 19, 2019 9:49 AM

Aug 2013
Looks like someone is still interfering with those artificial fairies.

May 19, 2019 10:16 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm given how the empire is structured turf wars like this must be commonplace. Still the fairies present an interesting problem as they are used by both the military and the ministry of fairies. After their last teamup its nice to see Marlya and Klara team up again for a UC mission. The contrast between the Marlya's UC mission and the quest to find the reason for the berserk fairies sure was interesting both in expanding upon the mysteries that they are trying to solve as well as showing the kind of stakes that they battle with as part of their duties. An interesting ep that while expanding upon the crisis around the auto fairies also introduced a new target that was possessing forbidden tomes that required the intervention of Dorothea. Bitter's betrayal was to expected but i hope that Marlya and Klara have a plan of their own to compensate. It feels like the enemies plan is starting to approach its fruition though im curious as to what goal they have with this power to cause fairies to go haywire.
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May 19, 2019 12:02 PM

Jul 2017
What? No flashbacks this episode what kind of shit is this!?

For realz though this episode was much better than the rest in terms of overall pacing.
May 19, 2019 1:07 PM

Dec 2018
Robots or what the fuck they are suppose to be!!! Are fighting!! Because whistling makes them really angry i guess? I'm already bored,,,where are my girls???

Yes anime i have notice the blue rat before, and i'm not impressed by it!! Why are you showing it so often?? Still i prefer the girls instead of the diseased rodent!!

Males speaks a lot don't care, boring and to freely!! I don't like that!!,,,,, and still boring

Marlya you are sweet and are as beautiful as ever! My waifu get some interest from Sweetie!! Wow i really like that!!! Finally something is happening!!! Sweetie and my girl should have some lesbian fun together!!

Marlya Honey you are the sweeties!! Giving your girlfriend compliments how pretty she is. You can really see that it makes Klara glow and makes her really happy . My two waifus in this anime is the cutest couple ever

And to see all the 3 strong females band together are just a treat ,really cute dresses ,,,,,,,They should live on a island together in peace with Veronica and kiss all day long, That anime l would be awesome,,,,,,,,, Oh this boring anime is already over,sry was fantasising about my more fun anime,, oh well

Kind of boring,,, Only want the girls!!! YES,, I want my waifus!!! Show me the lesbians!!! And i will pay attention to you again. Next time boring males are going to take up to much place, Points will be pulled!!!!! Still 9/10 Next time, Kill all the males!! And keep all the females!! They are dead weight anyway and i want them "gone" from my anime!!

Yuri-CrusaderMay 20, 2019 1:28 PM
May 19, 2019 2:32 PM
May 2017
Hah, at the end Sweet is double-crossing them. I wonder what the correct approach would be by Warlock would be, since he's moving in high government circles, I doubt 2 dead Dorothea agents was shedding a good light on him. I wonder if Marlya and Klara could even protect themselves since Klara's fairy is for observing/exploring and Marlya is not exactly an ace fighter as well.

Short_Circut said:
For realz though this episode was much better than the rest in terms of overall pacing.

For Christ's sake, I don't understand why is everyone is going on about pacing. Is there some golden rule that every single other anime follows and this one breaks or what?
May 19, 2019 2:51 PM

Jul 2017
imSOunique said:

Short_Circut said:
For realz though this episode was much better than the rest in terms of overall pacing.

For Christ's sake, I don't understand why is everyone is going on about pacing. Is there some golden rule that every single other anime follows and this one breaks or what?'s just that the episodes prior had some weird formula of insert tragic flashback, insert 60 different names, insert random exposition, insert random fight scene etc. This ep at least felt like things progressed more smoothly and set up for the next one
May 19, 2019 4:04 PM

Sep 2011
Bitter Sweet is proving to be a really interesting character. I don't know what she hopes to accomplish with the parts of the black tome, but the way she only needs to see it once to "have" it is pretty cool . She might also have something to do with the country which was the "center of the world" too. Or not, but that was one interesting, if a bit random, flashback.
May 19, 2019 4:33 PM
May 2017
Short_Circut said:
imSOunique said:

For Christ's sake, I don't understand why is everyone is going on about pacing. Is there some golden rule that every single other anime follows and this one breaks or what?'s just that the episodes prior had some weird formula of insert tragic flashback, insert 60 different names, insert random exposition, insert random fight scene etc. This ep at least felt like things progressed more smoothly and set up for the next one

IMO it is just a way of storytelling/worldbuilding we haven't yet seen in many other anime. Still if it is diffent it isn't necessarily bad. Events were perfectly understandable so what's the harm?
May 19, 2019 6:42 PM

Sep 2017
Average episode. I still don't really have any reason to care about what is going on. I have a hope the next episode will be better because it seems to be the convergence of all of the subplots going around, but I can't be too sure. Soundtrack was just as good as always, but that was the only acceptable part of this episode. At least there weren't CG flags.
May 19, 2019 6:50 PM

Oct 2015
I see Bitter Sweet has teamed up Dorothea, I hope she isn't thinking of betraying them! I see they are giving her a bit of development judging by the after credits.

Needs action and less talk, I want to see those bad CGI fairies.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

May 19, 2019 7:58 PM
Sep 2016
I've been a huge fan of this show overall, but this specific episode just dragged on and on...Most of it seemed to just be recap of last episode. I'm also not a huge fan of crime shows, so the investigation is just boring me, especially when the answer is obvious. I get why Dorothea is unable to find it, but that doesn't make it less frustrating. The only high point is yet more development of the show's main villain, Lay Dawn, who's been slowly built up over time. 3/5 episode
May 19, 2019 8:01 PM
Sep 2016
imSOunique said:
Short_Circut said:'s just that the episodes prior had some weird formula of insert tragic flashback, insert 60 different names, insert random exposition, insert random fight scene etc. This ep at least felt like things progressed more smoothly and set up for the next one

IMO it is just a way of storytelling/worldbuilding we haven't yet seen in many other anime. Still if it is diffent it isn't necessarily bad. Events were perfectly understandable so what's the harm?

I for one love the pacing of earlier episodes. Everything was just so tightly written with the balance of flashbacks to give context to current events, and exposition was given alongside the action rather than taking a break for several episodes like what's been happening these past few weeks. I guess it's welcome to take a break for a bit so we can get caught up with the world and the dozens of side characters and factions.
May 19, 2019 10:45 PM

Feb 2015
It happened another incident with the artificial fairies. Sweetie visited a member of Gui Carlin, Gilbert Warlock, looking for the black tome, but he rejected her. The fairy ministry and the military ministry had a meeting with Dorothea to discuss what to do about the artificial fairies. Sweetie talked with Axel about Dorothea. Hanns modified the fairies to only be used by the one that synchronizes with them. Free and Marlya encountered with Axel and he took them with Sweetie. Robert is investigating with David about a guy named Eddy Lloyd, the creator of the first artificial fairy and now disappeared. Sweetie, Marlya and Klara went to visit Gilbert Warlock to look for the black tome.

It was, bad and boring, introduced or reintroduced the name of some politic people that I don’t give a shit, just bad. There was a scene where three guys were drinking and talking about something, but I really can’t remember who they are, what their names are or what position they have, I think is gonna be important, but, shit.
May 20, 2019 1:56 AM
May 2017
Atlas77 said:
Hanns modified the fairies to only be used by the one that synchronizes with them.

No, the artifical fairies always were like that, they are supposed to react to only to the person who is synchronized with them. That's why it is a big mystery why someone other can interfere with them. It seems someone installed a back door. Maybe that someone is Hanns Efmed himself, who could be in connection with Eddy Lloyd who is probably working with Arcame (a crime organisation).

Atlas77 said:
There was a scene where three guys were drinking and talking about something, but I really can’t remember who they are, what their names are or what position they have, I think is gonna be important, but, shit.

The 2 persons who were drinking with the king of the empire were the 2 remaining dukes, Schwarz Diese and Ray Dawn. They were drinking to peace, but those 2 dukes are probably the ones who are trying to end the peace.
May 20, 2019 2:57 AM

Jan 2012
Short_Circut said:
What? No flashbacks this episode what kind of shit is this!?

They did have one after the ED.
Can't give up on those sweet sweet flashbacks now, can we?
-A Duck

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

May 20, 2019 5:34 AM

Feb 2014
This is one of the better episodes for me. The pacing still isn't as great as I hoped it would be, but compared to the last few episodes, it has improved in terms of smoothness and timing which helps to understand the plot of this story arc better.

Plus, it also has Bitter Sweet teaming up with Dorothea to go after Gilbert. The main bonus that I liked was when Marlya and Klara switched from their uniforms into their respective Victorian-style dresses, which looked nice on them both. =)

I'm just hoping that Bitter Sweet holds her end of the deal with Dorothea, though, since they've already got their hands full with the fairies soldiers going all berserk due to a shady guy working with Wolfran.

The after credits flashback was a little unexpected, but it did focus a bit on Bitter Sweet's past with her traveling with a man to some ruins which is described as the "Centre of the world". I'm curious to know as to why, so I hope they explain it all next time. =)
May 20, 2019 10:56 AM

Jul 2017
imSOunique said:
Short_Circut said:'s just that the episodes prior had some weird formula of insert tragic flashback, insert 60 different names, insert random exposition, insert random fight scene etc. This ep at least felt like things progressed more smoothly and set up for the next one

IMO it is just a way of storytelling/worldbuilding we haven't yet seen in many other anime. Still if it is diffent it isn't necessarily bad. Events were perfectly understandable so what's the harm?

Sure it may be a different form of storytelling but as to whether it's good or bad depends on the viewer in question. Ofc being unique doesn't have to be a bad thing (PPTA and Tatami Galaxy are both very unique and are well praised) but having a unique approach doesn't automatically dismiss it as good either. Ignoring that though there still are criticisms which others have mentioned with relations to other aspects of the show like the actual plot and characters (Marlya is very boring imo). Can it get better? Of course, there's still more than half the show left to go but so far at least it's far from being AOTY worthy

hakaihisaki said:
Short_Circut said:
What? No flashbacks this episode what kind of shit is this!?

They did have one after the ED.
Can't give up on those sweet sweet flashbacks now, can we?

oh shit did I just miss the best part of this show
May 20, 2019 7:10 PM
Mar 2015
Bittersweet would sell out her allies for a box of chocolates
May 20, 2019 8:16 PM

Sep 2017
Actually not too bad. This episode had some nice progression and the pacing felt good. Seems we have some good leads as to who may be tampering with the fairies. It seems likely that one of the dudes doing the inspection may have taken part in setting up the backdoor access.
May 20, 2019 10:04 PM

Feb 2015
imSOunique said:
Atlas77 said:
Hanns modified the fairies to only be used by the one that synchronizes with them.

No, the artifical fairies always were like that, they are supposed to react to only to the person who is synchronized with them. That's why it is a big mystery why someone other can interfere with them. It seems someone installed a back door. Maybe that someone is Hanns Efmed himself, who could be in connection with Eddy Lloyd who is probably working with Arcame (a crime organisation).

Atlas77 said:
There was a scene where three guys were drinking and talking about something, but I really can’t remember who they are, what their names are or what position they have, I think is gonna be important, but, shit.

The 2 persons who were drinking with the king of the empire were the 2 remaining dukes, Schwarz Diese and Ray Dawn. They were drinking to peace, but those 2 dukes are probably the ones who are trying to end the peace.

Good to know, thank you, so, there's gonna be a rebellion after war.
May 20, 2019 10:47 PM
Sep 2016
Atlas77 said:
There was a scene where three guys were drinking and talking about something, but I really can’t remember who they are, what their names are or what position they have, I think is gonna be important, but, shit.

This was probably the most important and interesting point of the episode, maybe not at face value but it is if you follow the characters carefully. One of the Dukes is the guy that Wolfran was seen with, and the other is Ray Dawn, the guy who burned down Suna. Wolfran has ties to Free and Dawn has ties to Ver and Marlya, and it seems both of them are going to rebel against Zesskia, as the other three dukes died and rebelled because they were accused of starting rebellions without actually being disloyal. The emperor or king or whatever will probably suspect the two remaining dukes to rebel as well, but a rebellion is certain. Once their rivals are revealed, Free and Marlya will have to choose whether to side with the empire or the rebellion. This scene was very reminiscent of Game of Thrones and I wouldn't be surprised if the writers are big fans of the show.

Overall this episode was great as a setup even though not much happened. It'll probably feel better paced upon rewatching this season after it's finished airing.
May 21, 2019 3:36 AM

Apr 2018
I had to fight to not fall asleep while watching this episode...
May 21, 2019 8:20 AM

Jul 2017
Actually somewhat of a better episode. No flashback (actually at the ending) but at least we're getting somewhere.

The whole fairies thing is still up in the air, but this is what I can decipher of this episode:
- Bitter Sweet is trying to get back to one of Gui Carlin's lords, Gilbert Warlock, for a treasure, but he doesn't let up loose.

- As for Dorothea, the issue of the mech-like artificial fairies really is still something that's yet to be deciphered. The whistling controls are there, just manipulated to a degree. Marlya and Free's team are sent to check out the issue, only to find out the Ministry and the military may be in cahoots ever since the war.

- The whole factions thing (Arcame, Gui Carlin, Dorothea) is still a BIG question mark. The United Zesskia Kingdom and its ministry of ministers are pretty much scum (IMO) from the aftereffects of the war. The Security Bureau aside, the people involved are pretty much now the centerpiece of the discussion.

- To celebrate the anniversary of the war, Bitter Sweet is attempting a coup e'tat of sorts with Dorothea's help to infiltrate and discover Gui Carlin's secrets. Even with their help, what is Gilbert's true intentions?

- The artificial Fairy (Psyden 7)'s makings are still also another "fill in the puzzle" tactic. Still not sure about that.

And the most intriguing: Bitter Sweet's "centre of the world"?

My 2 cents analysis, but by no means a full picture, just filling the gaps.
KANLen09May 21, 2019 8:23 AM
May 21, 2019 10:59 AM

May 2018
Oh boy them Dorothea still didn't get it that those artificial faeries were hacked....Did Bitter Sweet just ranted out Marlya and Klara to Warlock??????
May 21, 2019 7:35 PM

Oct 2008
Marlya & Klara in dress outfit both are beautiful this time!

May 22, 2019 11:51 PM

Apr 2018
Slow ep, another accident with the fairies.
May 23, 2019 10:18 PM

Sep 2016
I think i'm gonna have to drop this for now. The story and writing just isn't doing it for me as it feels it lacks a clear sense of direction. The fight scenes aren't anything to be blown away by either. I had higher expectations for this anime due to the setting and possible stories as it had a ton of potential. But I must say again, the writing and story is just not keeping my interest. I will check these posts overtime to see if things improved, but for now imma have to drop it.
May 24, 2019 10:33 PM

Jun 2013
It's obvious Bitter Sweet has her own agenda, Gui Carlin, Dorothea, etc. she's not on anyone's side.

I ship Klara with Marlya, that's all I can do at this point.
May 26, 2019 5:54 PM
Jan 2019
The betrayal, the sister disappointment!
Bitter Sweet betrayed them or is everything part of the plan? xD.
Jun 8, 2019 6:46 PM

May 2015
About the Zern the whistles make sounds that only the Zerns can hear? So if you have a whistle and know the commands, you can control other Zern undetected?

"Synched with the operator". So that infiltrator has a special whistle that allows him to control other Zern...

Marlya and Klara got confirmation that Gilbert Warlock does have the Black Fairy Tome with a little help from Sweetie. Of course Sweetie did say that she would do whatever it takes, and she has set up the trap by identifying her company as part of Dorothea. So how will the two get out of this one, and what does Bitter Sweet have under her sleeve?
Jun 9, 2019 9:21 AM

Dec 2016
It was one an episode ago when they were fighting to the death against sweetie and now, the first time they see here in a cafe they decide to join her without a single expression of distress. Are they even sane at all?
I find it hard to follow along with the show, not because it's hard or complicated, it(s just not that interesting most of the time.
Jun 18, 2019 7:15 PM

Aug 2017
I was happy that we don't have more annoying flashback at the beginning but they kept Bitter Sweet flashback for the end lol.

Leave these artificial fairies alone! We know more about the creator of the first artificial fairy. In the other side, I don't think Warlock is going to attack two Dorothea agents.

Damn, Robert is really hot.

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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jun 22, 2019 9:44 PM

Mar 2019
This series is growing on me, ahh nice tense set up at the end there as well.
Jan 8, 2020 6:25 AM

Jul 2015
Not sure if Dorothea can really trust Bitter Sweet, she is known for using organisations so I will no be surpised if she is going to backstab them in order for her to get the Black Four

Feb 13, 2021 9:52 PM
Oct 2019
I'm not really following what the former security bureau guy is saying, or how he's just able to start pulling names out of his head in order to investigate the sabotaged fake fairies

the prime minister and those two dudes (are they both dukes, the only 2 remaining dukes out of the original 5?) ... the one "duke" is conspiring to sabotage the fake fairies right? How is it possible that he seems like more of a bad guy than "Radon" (aka ray dawn)? are they going to reveal to us later that ray dawn is actually good and him burning the town and forest was actually "good" and...stuff?

there are more moving pieces in this show than you'd expect
Aug 15, 2021 5:19 AM

Feb 2018
Warlock will get the bait for the Dorothea duo, then Bitter Sweet will yoink that Tome, I bet! ;d
Oct 27, 2024 10:45 PM
Jan 2009

Brilliant interrogation technique.

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