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Jan 25, 2015 7:55 PM
Mar 2012
All those high-paced martial arts and space fights. Love prevails over everything, as Forever Lovely has finally proven with her words and fists. The Precure Forever Happiness Shower was pretty anticlimactic in my opinion. But Red being Blue's older brother, who knew. *shrugs* Funny how the minions of the Phantom Empire now are goody-goodies. A pretty decent end, now to wait for Go! Princess Precure.
Jan 25, 2015 11:46 PM
Jun 2011
this was actully decent finale to hapiness charge precure and the final battle was very good
Jan 27, 2015 2:51 AM

Oct 2011
I have no idea how to rate it - I gave Smile Precure 2/10 and I'm thinking of something similar here.
there were some good things: mostly Yuu-Yuu, Iona and visual ideas from time to time.
on the other side Megumi, Hime, useless deities and whole romance thing :P

ok for last fight I will add one point - it did look nice and wasn't too long. for some reason Forever Lovely reminded me of Nanoha (with less firepower that is) also that background music was similar to rain song from Soredemo Sekai Wa Utsukushii. nice that Hosshiwa had same ending as Sasorina.

so 3/10 and looking forward to Go! Princess Precure as well as 12.02.2015 to see how well it did in selling toys.
Jan 27, 2015 2:52 AM

Jan 2008
It was terrible. The fight scene was well done, and the moves looked like real martial arts moves, but the rest was terrible. Blue stayed a pussy for the entire show, Red was bi-polar and Mirage was useless once cured. A cheap HeartCatch rip-off of an ending. At least DokiDoki was exciting in its ending. 4/10 for the episode. 6/10 for the show. Very disappointed.
Jan 27, 2015 4:50 AM

Sep 2008
Quite a fun season, loved the very high-energy girly banter. There were some excellent moments, such as Mother's day episode, Iona getting innocent form, Unlovely and Phantom. There were low points too, such as how the defeat of the 3 generals were handled, and well...Blue. It all balanced out to be a decent season nonetheless.

Megumi soloing the boss was a bad idea, and a carryover from Dokidoki. Just did a quick check of Suite and even through only the Pink cure gets ultimate form in there as well, the rest of the cast remained totally relevant and they delivered the final attack together. For HapCha to build up such amazing teamwork and camadarie throughout the season for it to end like this...meh. Consolation prize was that, the fight was way, way better than Dokidoki at least. Well, most things are better than the 10/10 show called Dokidoki, lel.

I wonder how many 5-7 year olds who watch this show care this much though. The end of a fun ride, 7/10 for me, "pretty good".
Hyouka and real-life Takayama comparison blog: Completed 31/10/2015

Aria the Animation and real-life Venice comparision blog:
Jan 27, 2015 10:28 AM

Jul 2012
X10A_Freedom said:
Just did a quick check of Suite and even through only the Pink cure gets ultimate form in there as well, the rest of the cast remained totally relevant and they delivered the final attack together.
Didn't everyone get Crescendo Form at the end?

I actually just checked the wiki and Cure Beat got her powerup in episode 47, so I'm pretty sure everyone did. It was only after DokiDoki onwards that only the main cure got the powerup. (Not counting movies)
Jan 27, 2015 5:17 PM

Jul 2009
l'm always disappointed with all of Pretty Cure's denouements. This was no exception. Overall boring and the themes explored in the show were not handled with the aplomb l'd want in a children's show.
Jan 27, 2015 8:13 PM

Sep 2008
ihateeveryone said:
X10A_Freedom said:
Just did a quick check of Suite and even through only the Pink cure gets ultimate form in there as well, the rest of the cast remained totally relevant and they delivered the final attack together.
Didn't everyone get Crescendo Form at the end?

I actually just checked the wiki and Cure Beat got her powerup in episode 47, so I'm pretty sure everyone did. It was only after DokiDoki onwards that only the main cure got the powerup. (Not counting movies)

You're right. I got it confused with the movie when it was only the pink one that got the powerup.
Hyouka and real-life Takayama comparison blog: Completed 31/10/2015

Aria the Animation and real-life Venice comparision blog:
Jan 27, 2015 8:22 PM

Jul 2011
Well Happiness Charge is over and I thought it was a good season.

The last episode was good. The battle was done very well and the music was well done to. I do wish we got more of a team fight and maybe a bit more about Red, but still I liked this last episode. It just feel's satisfying to me.

Overall this was a good season. The battles were great, the Cures were all wonderful and it was just a fun season. It's not a perfect season, but it still had a lot of good moments. I give this one an 8/10.

Now on to are next team.
Jan 27, 2015 9:25 PM

Jul 2009
Finally it's over ;(

After a year of Precure, it's been one hell of a ride and lots of thoughts and emotions have been experienced.

First off, the final battle was great. Even though it was just basic one on one fighting Red is definitely Bruce Lee in this XD

There was no exaggerated powers or Red turning into a big monster. Just pure one on one bliss :)

Also fighting in the space is awesome!! It felt Gundam for a second!

Everyone delivered their love to Megumi and once again used the ultimate power, Hug attack!!

And lol i don't think it was surprising Red was a brother of Blue. I already predicted this as soon as i saw him, even his name :P

I'm glad Red was still unsure about Love. He knows despite how much love you give, it can be gone in an instant.

I know Mal hasn't put Red's VA yet, but i know he is Inoue Kazuhiko which he really sounds like Cars from JoJo Battle Tendancy :P

And since Deep Mirror lists him. I'm certain he is Red!

So please MAL, add in Red in the characters database and his seiyuu!

Though the ending was quite different from what i predicted. I thought Blue and Mirage will be lock somewhere leaving Phantom.

But them living on Red's planet. It's not that bad. At least Red won't be alone this time around.

Though i have to wonder how they'll get people there? Unless they reproduce themselves :P

Oresky is actually a policeman!! Hehe he really does look like one though :P

Though Hosshiwa as a teacher :O

Still it does fit here, but i always thought she the type that hates kids and all XD

Namakeruda is a typical salaryman. Though he still bored even after returning as human!

Shame they didn't put an episode about his lover and all.

Haha, i really remember how Iona hated Hime so much. But she really changed so much and even feeling sad the thought of Hime leaving the group.

I really love Megumi Nakajima's voice! Shame we won't be hearing her Precure voice till the next crossover movie or those CM's they did during Happiness Precure.

It was nice seeing Lovely passing the baton to Cure Flora! I really can't wait for Go Princess Precure!!

Let's see how this ranks up!

In the end, i would have to give this an 8/10. Despite i enjoy the series immensely, i know Precure can do much better than this.

I love the story being branch to other Precures even though the Pink precure is the lead in the series.

Hopefully Go Princess Cure! will spice things up.

Sayonara Happiness Charge Precure and Konnichiwa Go Princess Precure!

Jan 28, 2015 4:22 AM
Sep 2007
Once again Pink Precure ruined series.

Hime was the best part.
Jan 28, 2015 11:00 AM

Aug 2007
The anime in general was good. There were points of the story that I like for example put in most of the countries a group of precures. I liked the idea about a precure that sing to defeat the enemies.

But the story is similar to hearcath and thats really bad becasuse in most of times you can compare this to heartcatch. Just like happened with Smile precure and Yes precure 5.

And they forgot the precards and the wish. Only Fortune made a wish with the precards. So. It doesnt matter the precards. So collecting was useless.

I put 8/10. sometimes the animation was awfull and they recicled music of doki doki.
minimiauJan 28, 2015 11:04 AM
Jan 28, 2015 3:17 PM

Jul 2010
Do you want to know what I really dislike in Precure? They start lots of plot lines and they don't conclude them!

What happened to the Precards' wishes, as @minimiau said?
Megumi and Seiji were expected to be together for all the series, and all we got was something like "...when we find someone special"? WTF?
What abbout Yuuko & Red? Or Iona & that-guy-who-confessed-to-her? (Why are they affraid to put the Cures in relationships, by the way? They never date anyone!)
Why didn't we even see Hime getting back to her parents?
Did Megumi's mum get healed?

Well, so many pontential...
Wildcat17Jan 28, 2015 3:57 PM
Jan 29, 2015 3:55 AM

Sep 2008
Wildcat17 said:
Do you want to know what I really dislike in Precure? They start lots of plot lines and they don't conclude them!

What happened to the Precards' wishes, as @minimiau said?
Megumi and Seiji were expected to be together for all the series, and all we got was something like "...when we find someone special"? WTF?
What abbout Yuuko & Red? Or Iona & that-guy-who-confessed-to-her? (Why are they affraid to put the Cures in relationships, by the way? They never date anyone!)
Why didn't we even see Hime getting back to her parents?
Did Megumi's mum get healed?

Well, so many pontential...

Some great points, totally forgot about the Precards!
Megumi's mum being ill as well...forgotten.
I guess it was implied that Megumi and Seiji are closer than they are before. Also, Iona became good friends with the date guy, borrowing books from him. I personally don't feel the need for overt relationshipsin Precure but that's just me. An open-ended implication of potential couples coming closer seems to be as far as they'll take it.

Of course, Dokidoki is the best at squandering potential.
Hyouka and real-life Takayama comparison blog: Completed 31/10/2015

Aria the Animation and real-life Venice comparision blog:
Jan 29, 2015 9:38 AM

Jul 2010
X10A_Freedom said:
Some great points, totally forgot about the Precards!
Megumi's mum being ill as well...forgotten.
I guess it was implied that Megumi and Seiji are closer than they are before. Also, Iona became good friends with the date guy, borrowing books from him. I personally don't feel the need for overt relationshipsin Precure but that's just me. An open-ended implication of potential couples coming closer seems to be as far as they'll take it.

Of course, Dokidoki is the best at squandering potential.

I don't think that open-ended implications or hints are enough! If it's something they start to work with, they must go all the way. We watch a weekly show with 49 episodes and nothing happens? C'mon! This particular season had love and romance as main theme, for God's sake.
Jan 29, 2015 9:50 AM

Oct 2011
About the loose ends: you all are right about the PreCards; only Iona used them while the others didn't. I must admit, however, that I kind of prefer it that way. What would they have wished for? They got what they wanted by using their own strength: Hime freed the Blue Sky Kingdom and her parents, Yuuko didn't want anything, Iona purified her sister with her own two hands!!
About Megumi, did you forget that in the episode where she got her Innocent Form (if I'm not mistaken) her parents told her that her mom's sickness was being cured? They told her that they were sorry that she worried so much about her mom's health when it was actually getting better; I liked that because it's very realistic that a child would worry a lot about their parent's health and blow things out of proportion.

The best way to use the Precards might have been in the last few episodes: after defeating the Red Saiark when all the International Cures arrived, the main four get the PreCards and complete their album but they don't make a wish right away. Then, when Red defeats them, they wish for the power to save the Earth, thus turning everyone's happiness into power.

On that note, the series went EXTREMELY DOWNHILL after that damn Christmas Episode!
HappinessChargePrecure betrayed its themes of friendship and teamwork, neglecting its characters for the "Seiji lurv" plot and Megumi became the only relevant character. Everything was fine till the amazing episode where the Red Saiark appears for the first time, though. The episodes after that would have been millions of times better if HapCha's themes hadn't been stomped on. This show could have been much, much better.

Here's a modified version of how I would have wanted these last episodes to be. I believe they could have been much better by doing one extremely simple thing: making the final episodes about the main characters who we, the audience, are emotionally invested in! It's so obvious, isn't it?
Basically, the Christmas episode is the same until Megumi gives Seiji a scarf. THEN, Red targets Hime, defeats her easily since she's alone and manages to corrupt her by tapping into her feelings of insecurity, brainwashing her, turning her blue hair and costume into red, maybe even saying that he wants to do the same thing to Earth.
Hime defeats her friends and then events go on as with Seiji (minus Megumi being guilt-tripped for really stupid reasons) until Cure Mirage saves them, NOT TENDER or the other International Cures because it doesn't make sense that they would abandon their cities, which we were SHOWN while being invaded by Red Saiarks, to protect these girls who are extremely powerful in their own right, they saved the damn world after all. Also, Cure Mirage saving them makes an incredibly poignant moment because they are the ones who saved HER from despair and now she is doing the same for them. Character development for Mirage, people!
They then purify the Saiark by combining their individual finishers (been a long time since we saw that, huh?) or Mirage uses her finisher (so we get to see that) and the PreCards thing I explained previously happens. Then, to give the International Cures something to do, they all combine their powers to stop the Red Planet temporarily while the HapChaPre (minus Hime) go defeat Red and save their friend.
They arrive at the planet, they fight with Red Princess and we get the hug scene except it's Megumi and Hime hugging. Megumi thanks Hime for starting everything and quick flashbacks to the first episodes ensue; that way the show calls back to the beautiful friendship between these girls which started the series; or rather it calls back to the character who made everything possible, the catalyst of the whole show who unfortunately lost the spotlight to Megumi. Yuuko and Iona arrive and also hug Hime in a beautiful moment of friendship; then she is purified by their feelings or they Innocent Purify her by singing the song with the spirit Hime in the red crystal (since the show really wants to milk that sequence).
With Hime purified everyone fights against Red until he seals everyone except Megumi in mirrors. THEN, everyone on Earth offers up their love, courage, kindness and hope (NOT just love) for HappinessCharge Precure (NOT just Lovely), freeing Hime, Iona and Yuuko who then use their full PreCard album to wish for the ability to turn everyone's happiness into power (LITERAL Happiness Charge), thus giving ALL FOUR of them their Forever Form Transformation Cards. They then transform and defeat Red, affirming the power of HappinessCharge Precure's friendship. Everything then ends exactly like the actual episode. Or maybe, for extra feelings, they all reminisce more about their friendship and less about Megumi and Seiji's romance.

Well, that's my personal view on how the end of this show could have been millions of times better. I really hope Go Princess Precure improves on its predecessor, so I'll be watching that too. Still, I liked Happiness Charge Precure (enough for a 9/10 in some parts!!) but the final episodes were pretty bad so I'd give it a 7/10. Well, it was a fun ride and I'm glad I watched this anime despite the disappointing final episodes!
Apr 4, 2015 1:41 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
I don't understand the low MAL score but I didn't think it was bad. Despite the similarities to Heartcatch, I thought it had some really good ideas and I liked it.

- Once again the pace was good like Doki, not that much of filler unlike the past series. Some episodes were quite dark for a Precure show also. What I didn't enjoy were the final episodes and some plot twists, it could have been handled better.

- Phantom being a fairy, while unpredictable, the outcome was weak since he was some villain who defeated even the most powerful Precures.

- Blue wasn't well written. Even as a God, he wasn't portrayed as one. And many times, even though he could help the Precures, he was still useless.

- Queen Mirage being a Cure; She never ever helped, similar to Blue, she was just standing there. In one of the final episodes, even the International Precures helped out but she was just standing there. I doubt she had lost her powers or at least it was never explained.

- The wishes part wasn't important anymore, it wasn't even mentioned after Iona's wish. I thought it held more importance, at least. Same with Hime's parents also.

- This season unlike others had a lot of romance and sadly there was no conclusion. Iona had one of the best romance episodes but even that had no conclusion. And the most important MegumixSeiji.

- I was hoping for more screentime revolving Iona, she was the most interesting out of the cast, besides Hime.

- And once again, it was Cure Lovely defeating the final enemy, the other Precures were pretty much useless. Which was sad, all of them should have contributed, like in Smile Precure for example.

Either way, despite those flaws I enjoyed it much more from previous seasons and plus the Precures in this one had a great teamwork.
Jul 8, 2016 3:25 AM

Jun 2011
This anime should have ended right after Lovely and Mirage's fight.
That's it.
That would have been perfect.
I would have given this series an 8/10
But it seriously had to fuck up the last few episodes.
May 11, 2018 3:11 PM

Nov 2012
If you were to ask me 6 episodes ago I would have said I liked this about equally to slightly less than Dokidoki,now I'd definitely say less.

I just couldn't bring myself to care about anything after Mirage was purified/defeated,I mean I know Dark Mirror/Red was the obvious established real antagonist early on but the last 6 episodes just felt like they needlessly dragged the series out for me.

Liked I stated in an earlier thread HapCha had it's genuinely great moments but was brought down but how painfully average it was in between and now with these last 6 episodes my opinion on it dropped further,overall I'd say 5/10.

GoPri is one of the more recent precures I've been really anticipating to watch so hope it doesn't disappoint,for now I'll put it off though HapCha has worn me out.
Apr 28, 2019 8:57 AM

Jul 2015
Aaaaaaaa, god, I love Precure, another freaking beautiful finale.

The final fight versus Red looked amazing, and damn it delivered emotionally, absolutely no complaints about this conclusion.

I went into this entry curious about all the hate it gets, being considered one of the worst, if not the worst Precure season, but I legit can't understand or at least relate to any of the issues people find on it, the romance elements were solid and fit well with the themes of the series, the action was great, the drama was great, and I loved the cast as usual, this one is so far the entry I struggle the most choosing my favorite Precure, all four were wonderful.

9.5/10 score from my part, this franchise just keeps throwing god tier series, time for Mahoutsukai!
Sep 10, 2019 3:44 AM

May 2016
Finished watching Happiness Charge PC.

11/16 seasons watched.

10th anniversary season.... the messages from all the Precure of the other series were a very good idea. Love them.

Personally, I liked very much this season and I don't think it deserves all the hate of many PC fans....
The first 15 episodes weren't very good and the fights were only a spam of special moves but from the ep 17 the series got better as Smile PC did.

HC is the season where the theme of love is more used (sorry for bad english xd).
The romantic entanglement was a vey interesting and innovative idea in my opinion, I liked very much it.
Other innovative things were the international PC, the special move in CGI and the group attack (Innocent Purification) were the Cure sing... it's not in the PC stile but I liked it...

The final part took the Dokidoki route and Lovely was the only Cure to have the final power up and fights Red alone in the ep 49.... The fight between them is very cool but I miss those epic final group attack as Miracle Rambow Burst on Smile...

For the first time Red was a normal final boss xd. I mean, he controlled the mind of other villans but in the end ididn't transform in a monster or in a giant black thing XD. The power of love of the Cure were so strong that all the villan stopped to be enemies of the worls.

But I have to admi that the animations and drawings are the worst in the franchise (WTF Toei). Only the best fights and some moments had awesome animation. For example Lovely vs Un Lovely, HC vs Cure Tender, Lovely vs Queen MIrage, Lovely vs red Sayark and Lovely vs Red. Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely.... she wasn't Mana in the first 40 episodes...... : ( the end they forgot Precards and the final wish lol. Megumi's ill moher was wasted potential.
So... it's not the best season but I don't agree with all the fans that say ithat HC is the worst season. There are many amazing moments, fights and innovative ideas. At the countrary Dokidoki hadn t memorable fights but the plot was very good.

So I think a 7,5/10 is perfect fo Happiness Charge.

After the last ending there was the passing of the baton from Cure Lovely to Cure Flora.
I have very high expectations For Go Princess and I hope it will have awesome story, fights, a final fight with all the Cures and an epic final attack that Dokidoki and Happiness hadn't.
Apr 21, 2022 9:48 PM

Feb 2013
the fairies not pooping (though the sneezing wasn't that much of an improvement)
overall more child-oriented than previous seasons
being a nod to heaartcatch without being a copy of heartcatch
Red actually gave a reason for his hatred instead of Dune, who was just "I hate everyone and everything, point"
Great musical pieces, I added the rice song and the purification song to my spotify playlist
A whole world flled with different precures that had very cool designs
Good character development (except for Blue maybe)

another final fight that was fought by the leader cure alone, this is tiring me out by now
Somewhat lacking in visual appeal. As in everything was VERY colourful and cutesy
Lacking a bit of the maturity that made heartcatch so good for me
Copying the re-humanization of the generals. Hosshiwa even took up the same or at least nearly the same job sasorina did
Blue's departure actually worrying someone. As if he would have been any real help in further crisis

A general thing that bothers me: we have had teams of 4 or more cures for so long now, the formula is getting kinda old. I really wouldn't mind a duo or trio for a change
Jan 31, 1:33 PM
Sep 2021
Precures design are a bit bland. But the opening is great. I might have to rewatched this.

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