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The Quintessential Quintuplets
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Mar 31, 2019 7:56 PM
Jun 2017
VERY CUTE FINALE!!!! as a team Miku, i have love what she has said in this episode... yeah!!!

great finale, i will miss this series,,
Apr 1, 2019 1:25 AM

Apr 2013
Enjoyable show, probably my fav romcom since a long time. Really hoping for season 2
Apr 1, 2019 8:49 AM

Sep 2013
Crashmatt said:
Graymanes said:

Why would you be dissapointed if it ends with that harem route? Some peoples here seems to be expecting it will become harem routes.i wouldnt mind if end with that route

As I've said before the whole hook of the show is that he Marry's one girl. It's literally the whole point. Harem route would seem a massive cop out by the author and totally not needed. Very few shows pull off a harem end well so is hope it avoids it.

i disagree. its actually the opposite considering there are tons of things pointing to a harem route like the campfire legend where he held all of their hand, and the mother's monologue about sharing.
Apr 1, 2019 9:21 AM

Aug 2014
I am kinda disappointed that it is open end and we dont know who is the bride. For this anime it would be better if we knew who it was, so I think that there should be second season, but anyway I will read manga someday.

bunny1998 said:
This anime was the first harem anime i tried and liked it.
I really want a second season now.

there are many better in front of you so that was good start.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Apr 2, 2019 8:55 AM

Apr 2016
To be honest, I think the bride might be Nino. First of all - LOTS of wedding dresses. Nino is portrayed as the "stylish" one, so I'd guess one dress for her big day would not be enough. I don't really have that vibe from the other girls. Second of all - the close-up of the worn-out bracelet that Fuutaro re-received from Nino. I mean, why show that?

Still hoping for Miku to win, but I have the feeling it's Nino.
Apr 2, 2019 9:14 AM

Jan 2008
Overall, this was a pretty standard shounen romcom but still plenty enjoyable. Shame the overall production quality was abysmal except for ep11 and I hear the blu-ray doesn't fix anything to warrant a rewatch. Might check out the manga simply because I enjoyed it.
Apr 2, 2019 1:16 PM

May 2018
I am not really a fan of the time skip. I am sure it can fit a season 2 for sure. The bride 100% does look like Miku with the hair colour.

-Miku_Meister-Apr 2, 2019 1:32 PM

"Don't give up after failing just twice.
We'll be able to do it next time.
Failure is the stepping stone to success."

Apr 3, 2019 4:26 AM
Nov 2013
This stayed consistent all the way through, the romance progression with Itsuki was a bit rushed, but I really enjoyed this. Definitely one of my favorite harems I’ve seen, the ending where all the girls were coincidentally hiding in his room was a bit cheesy though and I don’t get why Fuutarou had to lie to Nino, what happened really wasn’t that big of a deal. It’s rare though when a harem series with all-around extremely likable girls also has a likable protagonist, so I can ignore the few flaws this had because of that and it’s safe to say I’ll definitely be picking up the manga after this. I can’t pick a favorite girl, I like them all...

Apr 3, 2019 2:34 PM
Jul 2015
I haven't read the manga so the fact that everyone is saying the art is inferior to the manga....I'm impressed! Because for me the art is gorgeous and rarely dropped in quality like most shows do by the 7th episode! I'll definitely read it :)

Also I couldn't help but notice the earrings on the bride (I know anyone can get earrings at any time but....) the only one currently with earrings is Ichika :0
Apr 3, 2019 5:56 PM

Oct 2012
Hmm, not really the end I hoped for but it wasn't bad series either. Guess I'll read manga now instead.
Even though at this point I believe the only possible ending is if he gets them all.

Also, as far as Nino goes... I believe the blond guy thing would be held so long that in the end she wouldn't even want him instead of Fuutaro.

Anyway, who says there can be only one wedding, either this is totally new girl and gotoubun becomes his closest friends or he marries them all.

Apr 3, 2019 7:58 PM

May 2009
Thread Cleaned

Please use spoiler tags when you want to mention the source material, especially if it's about chapters after the episode discussed.

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Apr 4, 2019 3:33 AM

Mar 2009
The bride is gorgeous!

Surprisingly good harem. Exceeded my expectations. I guess they make some good ones every now and then!

Fuutaro is a good dude, overall. I appreciate that he's not this pervy and annoying guy.
Loved the quints. They're all cute with their individual personalities.

Even though we saw the bride, clearly we still don't know who it is. Would be ironic if Nino wins considering she's so terrified of Fuutaro breaking up her family.

2nd season please?
Apr 4, 2019 4:03 AM

May 2013
Whatta cute ass anime *O*

I'll be damn satisfied if it's Miku or Ichika. or even a harem ending lmfao. But why more than 5 dresses?????
His bride is soooooo freaking gorgeous tho, shietttttt <33333333 my kokoro, aahhhh~~~

9/10 :D Looking forward to a S2
Apr 4, 2019 9:59 PM

Dec 2008
Considering how generic the female characters in anime alone have been over the modern course of the medium for the last 40 years, its a wonder a show wasnt made sooner where all the female love interests were identical siblings. BUt quintuplets? GENIUS! The perfect harem just needs the perfect partner, cloned or multiplied! lol. Also luckily the hair colors were not something outlandish like blue ( which I love) or green or blonde. IN fact, I prefer all the chicks having reddish hair tones as opposed to the normal black hair. A good show, enjoyable and fairly believable in many of the situations. And funny to boot. The movie took place in 2000, bu the wedding must have been in about 2004-06. Last episode was called "#12: Legend of Fate Day 2000". One of the few harem rom/coms I have seen in years that deserves a 7.5/10. Personally I rate it hgher for the hot busty redhead sisters, but, I gotta be somewhat objective roflolmfao O>o
AnchientProphet2Apr 5, 2019 12:53 AM
Apr 5, 2019 4:03 AM

Aug 2013
the anime sucks, read the manga
Apr 7, 2019 1:45 AM

Aug 2017
10/10. This is a harem done right. Contender for best harem ever and going on my favorites list. Terrific ED too. I really loved this one. Wrapped up cleanly and open to interpretation. No need for season 2, I think it would tarnish the elegant conclusion here. Very cute and heartwarming anime.

Apr 7, 2019 9:44 AM

Jan 2014
this actually quite good, and judging by the end of this series, we can't even identify the bride even though it shows their face, because basically they're all the same.

and judging from previous episode, their hair actually in the same color right? in anime they only have different color because so we could know which and which.
Apr 7, 2019 10:45 AM
Jun 2016
I enjoyed it alot,thanks for this joyous ride.7/10
Apr 8, 2019 9:39 AM

Sep 2016
One of the best harem I've seen in recent years, if only they revealed which girl Fuutarou married. Sad...
Apr 8, 2019 12:57 PM
Mar 2017
Itsuki went from ignoring the MC the whole season to start falling in love in the final episode real quick
Apr 8, 2019 4:49 PM
Mar 2015
Pleasantly surprised as this was an anime I picked up while browsing Crunchyroll.

The main take away for me here has to be the amazingly well-done character development of the girls. They all become very likeable as the series goes on, some more than others obviously.

There were some signs of rushed episodes, with some weird animation, I think I noticed it two times, but it's expected and not an issue or something that made my experience worse.

Animation overall was really good.

The plot had a lot of cliche's, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it never made me cringe. They used cliche's to make good scenes, which I don't mind.

Overall this anime was a great watch for me. The overall good-feel vibes coming off on top of all the great and lively characters, comedy, some harem action and romance, made this a good experience!

As I haven't watched or read any material from this anime previously, the ending had me a bit annoyed as it seemed to close the anime. After reading about it though it seems there are no true answers to who he marries, and that there are several possibilities here.

I do hope this means we can get a potential Season 2 as I would be really happy to be reunited with these great personalities! 8/10.
Apr 8, 2019 5:55 PM

Jun 2016
This was a really good harem. Honestly I am all for Team miku but by the end every girl was pulling at my heart strings that I didn't care who got futaro at the end. Personally I liked Miku the best but ichika was also really awsome.
Apr 9, 2019 6:13 AM

Jan 2011
Was a solid adaptation, wasn't particularly bothered by any off model, and the voices for all the girls was on point. While I do like the bits covered, it's after that where the story really steps up. Especially since it wasn't until quite a bit in that one girl actually took the lead over the others for me.
ReaperCreeperApr 9, 2019 6:18 AM
Apr 9, 2019 6:49 AM
Mar 2017
"God Tier Harem"
The anime was pretty unique and about the ending it was brilliant that they did not revealed on which girl he got married to make it fair too everyone.

It doesn't really matter if this gets another season or not. I'm already satisfied with the story.

Overall this anime is definitely Unique.
Apr 9, 2019 1:43 PM

Oct 2013
I didn't expected to enjoy a harem. Like really. I hope a second season would come in the future. Team miku. 8/10
Apr 9, 2019 8:04 PM

May 2012
Very interesting ending if you ask me, really liked the way they used that time skip and forward view into that. It sure was quite the buildup towards this part and I sure quite liked it!

All in all, I certainly liked this anime quite a lot, especially how they played with the different character types and arcs in this anime.

Quite a lovely anime in the end I must say!
Apr 9, 2019 9:24 PM

Mar 2014
Good Cliffhanger bait, enough everyone to get curious and read the manga who Futaro ended with

You could rule out Yotsuba but the problem is 5 sisters when they are kids seen in the anime, all of them have long hair and same color hairs.

still unknown who is the bride or brides ????
Brides because none of the 4 sisters aren't present front row of the altar, only Raiha and Futaro's father
and usually bridesmaid is the sister or if no sister then best friend

I hope the manga wont end in bitter ending. ( I wished I could burn the last volume of Nisekoi )
Apr 9, 2019 9:26 PM

Sep 2014
A sentimental ending for this anime ~ Got to say though that it fits quite well with the theme. Not to mention this was such a teaser for what's to come in the future. At first I thought Itsuki will be the one 'cos she was the one holding Uesugi's hand during the camp fire countdown, not to mention it's an ending cliché where the first girl will be the one to stay with the MC, but after the flashback/foreshadow(?) all of the sisters were holding Uesugi's hand. What a way to tease the audience. The author gets a thumbs up for me on that one ( ° ͜ʖ °)

Moving on though, a pretty enjoyable series to watch. All the girls are cute (in their own way) and the MC is quite cool as well. While I do agree that the visuals started to degrade after the 1st EP, it didn't really take away that much in terms of overall feel. Last but not the least, both the OP and the ED were catchy as hell. I forgot to mention it at first but I really like the music in this one. Made me search it on YouTube haha!

With all that said.. Final score is [8/10]

Onto the manga I go!
P.S. Miku #1 ~
Apr 10, 2019 10:30 PM
Dec 2018
Really cute anime and probably one of the best harems I've seen. I loved all the characters I just hoped the whole season was animated as the ep 11 I think (The one in which Ichika gets trapped with Futaro). The whole show I thought that the bride was Itsuki but damn... that ending. I just loved it, there's a lot to theorize O.O.
As much as I hoped the show gets a second season I think I will just go ahead and read the manga instead.
The only thing I can complain about is the relationship with Itsuki, it was a bit rushed.
I really hope the bride was Miku, I kind of fell in love with her xD. But knowing the thing about the photograph and the amulet I think it's pretty clear the fact that the bride is Nino.
Again, great show, a few mistakes but really enjoyable. 9/10
Apr 11, 2019 2:51 AM
Mar 2019
Man, this anime was so good. I binge watched it basically in a day. It's crazy to think Uesugi's VA also does the voice of Kirito and Teruki. He did 3 roles for winter 2019 and maybe more.

As for the ending, I hope it wasn't Itsuki that he married. There was so little chemistry. Nino doesn't make too much sense either. I'm going to go on thinking it was Miku cause it's more fitting that it'd be her. It's too bad that we didn't get to see too many scenes of just Miku and Futaro.

If I had to choose favorites, it'd have to be 1) Miku and 2) Yotsuba. Yotsuba is the funniest but it's hard not to root for Miku. Hearing Yotsuba say Uuuu-e-su-gi - saaaan is too precious. Anime of winter 2019 has been so good. Let's hope we get more great anime throughout the year.
Apr 11, 2019 3:17 AM

Jan 2017
Decent anime. I believe the bride was Itsuki 'cause she was the one who held Futarou's hand during the campfire countdown. The other girls held his hand after the countdown. During the wedding scene, Maeda made a remark on how the campfire legend was true and about the girl with Futarou during the campfire. Unfortunately, the conversation was then cutoff.
Anyway, my favorite character was Nino.

Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan

Apr 11, 2019 9:00 AM
Aug 2015
swirlydragon said:
Decent anime. I believe the bride was Itsuki 'cause she was the one who held Futarou's hand during the campfire countdown. The other girls held his hand after the countdown. During the wedding scene, Maeda made a remark on how the campfire legend was true and about the girl with Futarou during the campfire. Unfortunately, the conversation was then cutoff.
Anyway, my favorite character was Nino.

Lmao. It's rare to see a person likes Nino in early progress like you.
Apr 11, 2019 11:48 AM

Jan 2017
Big_Boss_13 said:
Lmao. It's rare to see a person likes Nino in early progress like you.

I just find her too cute xD

Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan

Apr 11, 2019 7:36 PM

Oct 2008
Didn't like the wedding part of the finale at all, didn't get anything out of it at all. It felt like a-- we want to give a happily ever after ending but also leave some room for a second season might or might not happen-- kind of ending. I was really hoping they would at least touch on the past of what happened and what the photo was about instead, but didn't get any of that. Also, would help if they had more involvement from the side characters, the world felt too small. Other than that, was a very enjoyable watch.
Apr 12, 2019 12:30 AM

Jul 2016
Well, that wasn't the conclusion I was expecting if I'm honest. I was expecting Fuutarou to dance with someone since that was the main point of this school trip arc but they decided to avoid it in order to keep an open ending with the five sisters still having almost the same possibilities of becoming the bride. I didn't like it but I guess it can't be helped in this kind of shows.

The mystery regarding who was the sister in the photo was also left untouched although I don't know if said topic was already covered in the manga so...

All in all, despite the fact I only started watching this series because the love interests involved were quintuplets, I found this anime to be pretty average. However, if I count the things I didn't like, then the whole experience wasn't really enjoyable for me. The first three or four episodes made me feel very irritated due to Nino's character and Fuutarou being unable to read the mood, the art was really poor in most of the episodes, Fuutarou being the protagonist didn't convince me at all, Nino was annoying beyond belief, the incredible amount of tropes and cliches used, etc.

Regarding the cast, I would say my favorite character was either Miku or Ichika. I loved Ichika's mature attitude since the beginning but I would be lying if I said I didn't find Miku's character to be rather adorable and cute. They two were the main reason I was watching the series, being honest.

And on the other hand, despite having a few remarkable moments, I found Fuutarou's character to be really boring during most of the time. His interactions with the sisters felt awkward and forced at times and after 12 episodes, I still can't understand what's his appeal. That said, he seems to be Miku's type for some reason and since she looks so in love when it comes to him, I really hope she's the bride in the final scene. No matter how boring I found him, if Miku loves him, who am I to judge, right?

As a whole, this series wasn't that bad and I can understand why so many people like it but that's not the case for me. The story progression wasn't really interesting, most of the episodes were boring and honestly, two characters can't make up for the things I didn't like about this show.
All that said, this anime is a 4/10 for me.
SouthRzVaApr 12, 2019 12:35 AM
Apr 12, 2019 1:31 AM

Nov 2014
Huh... I guess that's the simplest and cheapest way to end off the show at this point. So clean and quick that it's actually somewhat unsatisfactory. An open ending that was chosen because the anime had to stop... it's in the manga too, wonder how that happened...

It's harder to judge Nino, Itsuki and even Yotsuba to an extent since its clear that the anime just never got the time to actually cover their story arcs. But I actually do appreciate that they introduced all the girls at once, rather than following some other harem anime by plugging them in at some convenient time. It's also pretty rare for a harem anime to not have multiple characters I don't care about and one that outright annoys me. I actually like Miku and Ichika quite a bit after their story arcs, which does show that while the writing is simple it does its job well.

The animation is fine in the right moments, but there are many instances where the faces are just botched. The animation really doesn't do the show justice, but the voice acting certainly does. They really did well bringing out the different characters.

SouthRzVa said:
And on the other hand, despite having a few remarkable moments, I found Fuutarou's character to be really boring during most of the time.
This is definitely the case, and to a certain extent I can give some leeway on the show because Futaro is supposed to be the serious bookworm tutor character. That said, after seeing his blond hair and piercings I was actually kinda hopeful he'd be a punk. Would've definitely been a plus if during that encounter between him and Maeda with Miku dressed as Ichika, a slight scuffle broke out and Futaro actually showed a new side of him. Turns out not only is that not the case, he can barely lift that log by himself. Good thing interesting main characters isn't a priority in harem anime... A little on the bland and inoffensive side is certainly better than being outright bad (which is the norm for harem anime).

In the end, with only 12 episodes, there's only so much that can be done. What they did try to do they pulled it off at least, and whatever they didn't do I assume is in the source material or maybe we might even be able to see a 2nd season. They actually got me to like Ichika quite a lot, I think she's actually awesome and that's pretty atypical of a character in her archetype. 6/10, above average and definitely good for a harem anime not that that's a very high bar
BurningSpiritApr 12, 2019 1:37 AM
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Apr 12, 2019 8:20 AM
May 2014
Raiha-kun became so cute!
"ya know what.... maybe HxH is fine staying exactly as it is in stasis. maybe we don't always need an ending" —manDboogie
Apr 12, 2019 10:01 PM

Jul 2016
BurningSpirit said:
SouthRzVa said:
And on the other hand, despite having a few remarkable moments, I found Fuutarou's character to be really boring during most of the time.
This is definitely the case, and to a certain extent I can give some leeway on the show because Futaro is supposed to be the serious bookworm tutor character. That said, after seeing his blond hair and piercings I was actually kinda hopeful he'd be a punk. Would've definitely been a plus if during that encounter between him and Maeda with Miku dressed as Ichika, a slight scuffle broke out and Futaro actually showed a new side of him. Turns out not only is that not the case, he can barely lift that log by himself. Good thing interesting main characters isn't a priority in harem anime... A little on the bland and inoffensive side is certainly better than being outright bad (which is the norm for harem anime).

Actually, I was hoping for the same thing to happen when Maeda was confronting him. That would have definitely turned Nino on if she was there. Such a shame what you said didn't happen... that would have made his character a bit more interesting but well, at least he didn't back off either.

And also yeah, although I found him boring, it could have been worse I guess. Harem anime is my least watched genre but it seems people find his character to be pretty decent.
SouthRzVaApr 12, 2019 10:05 PM
Apr 13, 2019 2:16 AM
Apr 2019
Very open ending, probably a safety net to encourage people to read the manga but also so that a second season could happen. Very excited to see what comes next for this series If not in a 2nd or maybe 3rd season? then definitely in the manga.

Enjoys this light hearted yet emotional anime that was good for a harem without spoiling with “fan service”. With all things said I enjoyed this series and how the characters are developed and would love to see more. Plz I need a season 2 at least!
Apr 13, 2019 11:27 AM
Aug 2015
swirlydragon said:
Big_Boss_13 said:
Lmao. It's rare to see a person likes Nino in early progress like you.

I just find her too cute xD

If you love her at first, maybe you can enjoy ss2-3 more than most people.

If you can't wait for it. I recommend you should read the manga and read from the start because anime has skipped many contents.
Big_Boss_13Apr 13, 2019 11:31 AM
Apr 13, 2019 1:23 PM
Apr 2016
Well, from the eyes it seems like that's Nino...WHAT. THE. HECK? Okay, I didn't ship them. Pretty good anime overall-- HAREM ANIME-WISE.
Apr 14, 2019 8:07 PM

Jun 2015
It was a decent enough adaptation. The animation started going downhill but could have been worse.
Apr 15, 2019 2:35 AM

Aug 2017
Well, it's over. My only issue about this episode is that neither of the sisters realized that Itsuki was disguised as Ichika.

About the show, it was ok. The first 3 or 4 episodes were generic but it was able to improve after that. Decent characterization for all the girls and even the MC. Also the animation was bad in some episodes.

Finally, the only thing that really annoys me was the false accusation of sexual harassment by Nino in the third episode. 6/10 for the anime.

PD: please, let the bride be Miku!
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Apr 19, 2019 8:44 PM

Feb 2014
hmmm about the marriage, I guess he was dreaming?

No kisses or confessions and such kinds of disappoints. This is will be probably why I'll be giving this anime a 7 instead of 8 (it missed that special scene or touch or anything that would make me give that 8).
Though I can see that giving those kinds scenes to 1 of the girls they would "have" to do with all the others (which I don't mind, personally).

Not showing with who he stays in the end is a wise choice because it could be love or hate coming from the viewers.

Staying in the limbo is the safest play.


good anime. Not very good yet not boring.

Vi-Apr 19, 2019 8:53 PM
Apr 23, 2019 11:34 PM

Oct 2014
Wow. I'm embarrass to say that I actually enjoyed watching this anime. Harem is usually very predictable; the lock room event, sick event, moment of courage event, lot of those cliche event are present to every harem anime out there.

But this anime is different. Same harem flavor, but different taste. Our main dude is our usual dense personality. But their 5 main heroine are top notch. Any of them can be the female lead of any anime. Each girls have their own strength, and since love/like is subjective, every person out there have their own ship. I personally like Ichika though.

This anime change my mind on the harem genre. This one is actually good. Maybe one of the best harem anime available today.

Apr 24, 2019 4:20 AM
Jan 2018
After rewatching this episode agian. I like how all the sisters are holding his hand at the end of the count down
Apr 24, 2019 5:57 PM

Sep 2018
I thought this episode was a good end to the 1st season. Hopefully it gets another season. I would give it a 4.5/5.
Apr 24, 2019 11:25 PM
Nov 2016
I just hope he marries ICHIKA, she was the one showing him appreciation since the beginning
Apr 25, 2019 4:58 AM
Apr 2019
nerojeko said:
Well, from the eyes it seems like that's Nino...WHAT. THE. HECK? Okay, I didn't ship them. Pretty good anime overall-- HAREM ANIME-WISE.

Well, they can be a good ship actually. In the manga, she finally let go of her past (if you notices she is the only one who keep her appearance while the other changed) and fell for Fuutarou. Later she confess her feelings twice to him.
Apr 25, 2019 8:19 AM
Apr 2016
GSFT said:
nerojeko said:
Well, from the eyes it seems like that's Nino...WHAT. THE. HECK? Okay, I didn't ship them. Pretty good anime overall-- HAREM ANIME-WISE.

Well, they can be a good ship actually. In the manga, she finally let go of her past (if you notices she is the only one who keep her appearance while the other changed) and fell for Fuutarou. Later she confess her feelings twice to him.

Eh, I just don't like how Nino least favorite out of them in looks. Plus her character is annoying.
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