Kuro_Math said:Playcool said:
I wondered why there was this post... then I read vol7, then I was like, but wait, this is still epic, or even better with the fights!
It sure drags bit, but you cant say you have read those fights, felt the despair Naofumi was going through, surving and even the last fight, and say it hit you, if any, it was as good or better than vol6.
"Since, I've read several opinions and reviews about how the quality of the LN keeps dropping..."
And I have read "several" people saying it keeps going good and even surprising here and there.
Your several was probably just a feel people hating on it, the premise is the same has it always has been, IF you have enjoyed vol8 more then just keep reading.
Also immense backlog? Sure, then just post with your main account (why people so affraid), so we can see how big that backlog really is...
Favorite arc so far was the first one, since I think the plot has yet to again capture my heart like they did with the beggining or Raphtalia story, it was just a really emotionally investing arc, and I hope again in the future they bring Raphtalia more into the central stage, cuz you cant just deny that charm and backstory with him that just makes for some rather emotional and endearing scenes.
Oh, someone actually did answer after all this time.
Hey, thanks for the attention.
I actually already read it up to mid vol 13 (dropped it there a few weeks ago).
The fight itself wasn't boring, the new characters/villains were.
More like, it was still somewhat acceptable, but like you kinda said, the start of the series was very good but the following arcs were just... meeeh.
I love Atla though.
The reason I don't post with my "main account" is because I don't have one. I don't bother with the whole list making and etc. Backlog also isn't limited to animey things, there are games (especially visual novels), studies... etc. I wrote that way so no one would answer with a simple "read it yourself."
My conclusion is the same as those japanese reviews from Amazon and etc -- the new things being introduced in the LN version are just way too... boring. It's like they keep introducing things which aren't actually going to help the story progress, while dropping the quality of the narrative.
I guess I should've read the WN version instead... Well, too late now.