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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Jan 19, 2019 4:49 PM

Apr 2015
ok, I take my words back from last week.. they are not friendly after all. Way to let your guard down guys!

Those action scenes were bloody amazing, Fanatio is a tough one!
Urghh that cliffhanger though!
Jan 19, 2019 5:08 PM
Jul 2007
That was an amazing episode. Felt like so much was packed into 20 minutes.
Jan 19, 2019 5:26 PM

Apr 2007
Finally a very solid episode.
Jan 19, 2019 5:32 PM

Sep 2016
I felt it was a bit too "in your face", and a few jumps and skips felt noticeably stiff, as if they had been animated on twos instead of being sakuga, despite being key action scenes.
Yet these hands will never hold anything.
Thus I pray, Unlimited Waifu Works!

Jan 19, 2019 5:57 PM
Jul 2011
Kirito is finally learning from being poisoned all the time.

Awesome fight.
Jan 19, 2019 6:08 PM
Oct 2012
japcrap_ said:
Pknoctis said:
A little confused where that female integrity knight's inferiority complex is suddenly coming from.... isn't this a matriarchal society, with the Pontifex being female? Lol

It’s just feminism sneaking its way into yet another form of entertainment. Behold, the beginning of the end.

Alicization was written from 2005 to 2008. back then Feminism didn't even exist.
nice try tho :D
Jan 19, 2019 6:21 PM
Oct 2012
japcrap_ said:
Pedram said:

Alicization was written from 2005 to 2008. back then Feminism didn't even exist.
nice try tho :D

Feminism didn’t exist from 2005 to 2008? Literally what?

Yes ? did u see anywhere any feminism back then talking big or making news ? did u see any media or anything try to please feminism back then ? No. these are all quite new in the recent years.

this part of alicization was made around 2006 and back then there was no such a talk. moreover, the girl here have her own reason for her attitude which was stated in the novel and hopefully will be explained in the next EP.
Jan 19, 2019 6:37 PM
Oct 2012
japcrap_ said:
Pedram said:

Yes ? did u see anywhere any feminism back then talking big or making news ? did u see any media or anything try to please feminism back then ? No. these are all quite new in the recent years.

this part of alicization was made around 2006 and back then there was no such a talk. moreover, the girl here have her own reason for her attitude which was stated in the novel and hopefully will be explained in the next EP.

Are you brain dead? Was women’s suffrage never a thing? Was the UK’s Equality Act of 2006 never a thing? Were you born in 2008? Have you never read a book? Feminism has been a thing since the 60s, and you are absolutely the least knowledgeable person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

you are either stupid or you are trying to act as if you don't know what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about what U exactly mentioned.
>>It’s just feminism sneaking its way into yet another form of entertainment. Behold, the beginning of the end

the feminism being a thing with sneaking into media and being in the news. having the movies and such all catering to feminism etc is all the things that happening very recently. so i simply point out that Alicization was finished WAY before these.

I see no more point in arguing with you.
Good Day.
Jan 19, 2019 6:57 PM
Oct 2018
Epic battles in this episode.
But i feel something missing in this fight, it seems that they didn't make the particles visual effect as good as in early episode of sao alicization.
Jan 19, 2019 7:13 PM
Dec 2018
japcrap_ said:
Pedram said:

Yes ? did u see anywhere any feminism back then talking big or making news ? did u see any media or anything try to please feminism back then ? No. these are all quite new in the recent years.

this part of alicization was made around 2006 and back then there was no such a talk. moreover, the girl here have her own reason for her attitude which was stated in the novel and hopefully will be explained in the next EP.

Are you brain dead? Was women’s suffrage never a thing? Was the UK’s Equality Act of 2006 never a thing? Were you born in 2008? Have you never read a book? Feminism has been a thing since the 60s, and you are absolutely the least knowledgeable person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

Try the 1920s in America - or at least when really became more of a movement. There's a reason Flappers became a thing.
Jan 19, 2019 7:28 PM
Nov 2017
I don't need to be told
I'm gunna kill A1 pictures for such cliffhanger.
The very crucial moment, kirito still remain wise, what a prodigy
Jan 19, 2019 7:30 PM
Nov 2017
japcrap_ said:
Bingki-san said:
Epic battles in this episode.
But i feel something missing in this fight, it seems that they didn't make the particles visual effect as good as in early episode of sao alicization.

They’re probably saving their budget for later in the series, I would hate to see the final fight(s) look like this episode’s fight.
that was well notice
They didn't visibly make crack sparkle lightening and particles visible, I wonder what final episode holds.
Jan 19, 2019 7:58 PM

Jan 2011
good episode guess once i realized from people mentioning hes been poisoned a million times he'd be careful around people so i guess it made sense even all of us knew not to trust dem damn kids the moment they showed up so in reality it was kinda fucked up he made Eugeo take the blunt of it so he could counter it lol

good fight but i want more teamwork like the end less of Kirito taking all the darn spotlight
Jan 19, 2019 8:09 PM

Jun 2014
I hoped the lolis would be allies, but they turned out to be villains. I guess I should have expected that tbh.

I liked the action in this episode, and the cliffhanger makes me excited for the next episode.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jan 19, 2019 8:11 PM

Mar 2012
i've said it 100x and ill say it again

Jan 19, 2019 8:14 PM

Oct 2015
So far this season I've seen how great of a character Kirito is, not that i hated him before but because I didnt pay attention to him. His skills are awesome and his design is very good too, black suits him. I guess he does deserves Asuna and hope they reunite sooner in the series and give us a baby.

Overall I loved this episode, his perceptiveness over those kids impressed me good and that fight with that lady knight was also great. That advice he gave to Eugeo in fighting the knights was informative and wise. If I had known he was this great earlier, he would've been on my favorite character list but it's too late now.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 19, 2019 8:22 PM

Nov 2011
Kek, people arguing about feminism. This shit is old and not really rare even back then.

Anyway, I can't wait to see Alice next episode.

Jan 19, 2019 9:26 PM

Sep 2017
Great episode, and that fight vs fanatio was the best so far. Thank god we finally got "real fight" like episode 4 was. Cant wait for the next episode, the heroine will be back!
i hope for better animation and choreography in the upcoming fights
Jan 19, 2019 9:36 PM
Jan 2018
Jesus-kun strikes again!
Jan 19, 2019 9:58 PM

Nov 2017
this is one of the best episode of alicization and that fight between kirito and fanatio was so well animated, good job A-1
the girls were obviously bad, you could tell they were up to no good from the beginning but this at least proves Kirito isn't dumb
Overall this was A REALLY GOOD EPISODE!
Jan 19, 2019 10:06 PM

Jun 2017
Seeing the backstory of Linel and Fizel animated was creepier than reading it in the novel. They could have gone all out if it had R17+ rating instead of PG13+. I wonder whether they are going to change it into R17+ in the second half. Otherwise they will have to censor everything.
Great sakuga this episode. They still didn't include the relationship between the blue rose and the block of ice though. 5/5 score.
Jan 19, 2019 10:17 PM

Jun 2015
japcrap_ said:
Writer_Man said:

Try the 1920s in America - or at least when really became more of a movement. There's a reason Flappers became a thing.

While I do agree that feminism has been a movement for a long time, the Second and Third-Wave feminist movements are what I’m referring to. The GenXers were raised in the trail end of the Second-Wave feminist movement of the 60s, and decided to bring about Third-Wave feminism from the 90s up to the relatively recent Fourth-Wave feminist movement. The goal of the original feminists was the right to vote, but from then on the goal has been subjective.

LUL are u drunk sir? feminism ? in Japan? in 2005? Sao is anything but a feminist show! with lots of rape scene! and a harem for MC , u can find lots of anti Sao article on leftist and feminist websites!, for that woman female knight part its just a bad writing!
Edit:no one gives a shit about Sjws in japan,author in japan are totally free to write whatever they want, for example look at this seasons shows like tate no yuusha etc..
vipergodJan 19, 2019 10:25 PM
Jan 19, 2019 10:35 PM
Jun 2017
Oh come on! Those kids were obviously Integrity Knights! They had knives on their belts! Who would fall for that?
Jan 19, 2019 11:40 PM
Apr 2018
tbh new opening and ending made this show 100x more worth watching for me
Jan 19, 2019 11:50 PM

Apr 2016
That fight was so amazing
Jan 19, 2019 11:56 PM

Nov 2016
This season is on fire seriously!
I mean I never thought that something may surpass Aincrad or Mother's Rosario arcs for SAO .... but this is way too evolving especially with this episode along with the one before.
OST is perfection as always.
Jan 20, 2019 12:39 AM

Feb 2012
Wow, this anime is the most gorgeous anime ever made up to this point. Everything is absolutely spot on. The action is flawlessly clean and easy to follow. Every character looks absolutely perfect.

Very excited for this anime, it's technology is so ahead of its time and it really shows what the future holds. 10/10 for sure, not many anime like this come along.
Jan 20, 2019 12:43 AM

Feb 2012
Chrome_Falcon said:
Otherwise they will have to censor everything.

Wow, that's a hell of a tease. Exciting stuff.
Jan 20, 2019 12:45 AM

Feb 2012
Pedram said:
japcrap_ said:

Feminism didn’t exist from 2005 to 2008? Literally what?

Yes ? did u see anywhere any feminism back then talking big or making news ? did u see any media or anything try to please feminism back then ? No. these are all quite new in the recent years.

this part of alicization was made around 2006 and back then there was no such a talk. moreover, the girl here have her own reason for her attitude which was stated in the novel and hopefully will be explained in the next EP.

Jesus, what a time to be young. Thinking that feminism got its start so late lol

You're actually thinking of third wave feminism specifically. Feminism has been around since the 19th century lol You're a bit late to the party bro.
Jan 20, 2019 1:32 AM
Oct 2012
Zei33 said:
Pedram said:

Yes ? did u see anywhere any feminism back then talking big or making news ? did u see any media or anything try to please feminism back then ? No. these are all quite new in the recent years.

this part of alicization was made around 2006 and back then there was no such a talk. moreover, the girl here have her own reason for her attitude which was stated in the novel and hopefully will be explained in the next EP.

Jesus, what a time to be young. Thinking that feminism got its start so late lol

You're actually thinking of third wave feminism specifically. Feminism has been around since the 19th century lol You're a bit late to the party bro.

I already said what i mean above and you already read it, I'm not talking about a normal feminist group and "wave" that's been there since long and i don't care about them either. let alone things are completely different in my country. ppl don't even know of the popular current news of America or western countries in here and nobody care. lol

whatever third or fourth or whatever wave of feminism you want to call it, the one Feminism that made it into the mainstream news and became the talk of the internet, is the newest one that only started recently.
and only now we are seeing these extreme kind of thing so widespread, like the ppl who like to meme about it calling them feminazi and such, and only now we obviously see blatant case of they sneaking their way into a wide variety of media and so on.

So going back to the topic, as the first person commented, thinking feminism actually sneaked their way into SAO back in 2005 is utterly stupid. That's all that matter in this SAO related topic. End of discussion.
Jan 20, 2019 2:26 AM

Dec 2013
I’m relieved that Kirito actually managed to see through the little girls deception.

A very solid fight so far.
Jan 20, 2019 2:37 AM

Mar 2017
That's what happens when you let your guard down in the enemy territory Eugeo. Well at least Kirito kept his guard on. He could easily take down those two children.
So Fanatio was a woman. It was obvious from her voice though.
Anyway that was some incredible swordfighting.
I wonder what Kirito's enhance armament can do.
Jan 20, 2019 3:04 AM

Aug 2010
Finally, shikai and bankai fight in full glory. Good episode and even annoyingly good cliffhanger.
Jan 20, 2019 4:23 AM

Nov 2014
It was so obvious those kids were a trap, meh.

But that fight... good stuff. I love action scenes in Alicization. I just wish episodes didn't cut fights.
Jan 20, 2019 4:23 AM

Aug 2013
Quality dipping begins, oh boy...solid fight even with the frame rate issues going on there. That cliffhanger transition was grade A trolling
Don't believe the hype.
Jan 20, 2019 5:15 AM

Jul 2012
The knights are not getting much more interesting...this is getting redundant. Each battle is the same with all these lesser knights, no matter how they try to make each knight different. It's all the same fight being an unusual hard challenge (even the lowest are boss, what? the knights will lose anyways) before they finally move on to the next one. Just send out the strongest boss fight like in Season 1 and make it the toughest most epic fight ever.

The action was subpar, Swordland ends too quickly. For a 2 on 1, Eugeo stands in the back corner, and it is almost comical because Kirito can no longer finish the fight with a worn out enemy and has to swap out for Eugeo shouting out nakama power X_X

Just how epic they would be if they actually did a 2 on 1 and overpowered the enemy with their swords together. It could even present a 2 on 5 deserving win situation which this episode did not make use of instead of this repetition what they are doing now.

I most want to see new relationships as they journey through like Tiese/Ronie, their mentor. It probably would be good if Alicization picked up the pace before I stop caring about their journey entirely lol
張大です for 張大勇督察
Jan 20, 2019 5:22 AM
May 2015
am i the one who doesn't understand the storyline on this episode? its quite rushed for me.. maybe i read the manga..
Jan 20, 2019 5:54 AM

Dec 2014
well nice to see kids smug like that/... also the end though
Jan 20, 2019 7:18 AM

Feb 2014
I was a bit wary of seeing the two loli girls after last week's episode and I was right to be wary, as Eugeo learned the hard way by getting stabbed with paralysis poison. Thanks to past experience, Kirito was already prepared for the two girls' plan.

The only thing the girls did right was take Kirito and Eugeo to the 50th floor, but they certainly acted too smug and irritating for their own good, so seeing Kirito take then down with their own swords was VERY satisfying. =)

Kirito Vs Fanatio was intense and very even between the two. Apart from one or two frames, the animation for the fight was very impressive. It doesn't beat the Kirito Vs Goblin fight from episode, but it got close, so I'm happy with that. It's a shame that a few users here are a bit harsher on the animation than they should be and whinging about quality dips already for a 50 or so episodes we're having for this third season. Typical... =/

Other than that, the episode ended on an irritatingly good cliffhanger as Kirito calls out his enhance armament, so we'll have to wait another week just to see how the conclusion of the fight will go, even though the answer to that is obvious. =P
Jan 20, 2019 7:29 AM

May 2018
So Linel and Fizel, were not whom they are rather much more sinister. too bad they got the taste of their own poison. Man kirito should have just let that Fanatio die.
Jan 20, 2019 7:41 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Damm, they finally did Integrity Knights justice with this fight, I felt that previous fights lacked impact and tension vs the LN, but this was just amazingly done.
Best episode on par with ep10, really felt both Eugeo and Kirito struggle here.
Jan 20, 2019 7:56 AM

Oct 2011
I think they were reusing some of the fight animations from the first boss battle of Aincrad episode

Jan 20, 2019 12:56 PM

Mar 2016
Why do people have to attack any fictional work that has something ''controversial''? You want some save place where nothing bad happens? Then anime ain't for you. They are fictional works so they can do whatever the authors want. If it moves the plot forward or is a character trade, it's perfectly fine. Save places only exist in your dreams and even there they aren't that secure.
About this episode. By far the best episode of SAO in general. Really liked it. That cliffhanger was very mean though. Some backstory on that knight would be nice.
Jan 20, 2019 3:08 PM
Jul 2017
When will Asuna become relevant again? The ONLY thing she has done that has had any impact on the season thus far is getting Kirito stabbed. Will she enter the "machine"? or whatever it called or will she be sidelined until Kirirto breaks out of the simulation or something?? Although it doesn't seem like he even gives a shit about the outside world anymore. He hasn't even thought about Asuna since his sword grew! You would expect he would want to escape and reunite with everyone else, Asuna especially so. But he hasn't shown any signs of anger or wants to go back to the real world!
Jan 20, 2019 3:24 PM
Oct 2018
Amazing episode

Just rewatched it and I wanted to say again how beautiful the fight animation is
Jan 20, 2019 3:48 PM
Oct 2012
Troll12345678966 said:
When will Asuna become relevant again? The ONLY thing she has done that has had any impact on the season thus far is getting Kirito stabbed. Will she enter the "machine"? or whatever it called or will she be sidelined until Kirirto breaks out of the simulation or something?? Although it doesn't seem like he even gives a shit about the outside world anymore. He hasn't even thought about Asuna since his sword grew! You would expect he would want to escape and reunite with everyone else, Asuna especially so. But he hasn't shown any signs of anger or wants to go back to the real world!

Asuna also kinda saved kirito's life in the ambulance after he got drugged otherwise if not for her kirito's heart would have stopped longer and possibly let him die for real.
Sadly they cut that from anime lol

anyway small spoiler about Asuna in this season.

Also about Kirito caring for Asuna and why he is not trying to rush out to log out fast.

I explained it here in my comment ( 18th reply in this topic ) :
Jan 20, 2019 4:59 PM

Sep 2015
Ok SOA I see you raising the bar <3. Man the fight this week and the music paired with the fight was pretty epic. Hopefully we ride the high point into the weeks to come and not fizzle out.
Jan 20, 2019 8:35 PM

Feb 2014
jc9622 said:
dasprn said:
Though not an LN reader, I do think the relation between Fanatio and the First Hero was overshadowed quite a lot. Her character was taken too light off.
And never trust a deranged Loli. You never know what's in those lil cuties.

Like how?
Compare last week's OP to this week's OP and you'll definitely notice the changes. The changes are quite obvious and not subtle so you should notice it. As for the ED, the only difference is that this week's ED looks more prettier compared to last week's ED.

ED sure is lavish afterall ReoNa is doin it.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jan 20, 2019 8:36 PM

Feb 2014
joshua10red said:
dasprn said:
Though not an LN reader, I do think the relation between Fanatio and the First Hero was overshadowed quite a lot. Her character was taken too light off.
And never trust a deranged Loli. You never know what's in those lil cuties.

Like how?

If you watch the OP you'll see that Bercouli appeared and fight with Eugeo + the scene when Quinella rises from the blood is a little different from the last episode.. As for the ED I didn't watched closely

Hmm yeah that's some changes. Quite the keen eye you got there.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jan 21, 2019 12:26 AM
Sep 2018
the dialog in this episode tho... wtf
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