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Jan 16, 2019 9:55 AM

Apr 2018
I see people having different opinions about whenever or not it's rushed compared to the manga.
But, as a LN reader, I gotta say it seemed quite rushed to me.
I know the anime pacing is always faster than the novel and that's ok, but they coulda added a couple of other scenes to characterize their relationship a little more imo.
Jan 16, 2019 9:58 AM
Nov 2018
This anime has had a strong first two episodes, really good. I have a senstaion with this anime that it will get better as iy goes on as to reach a point in which it is truly the best anime quality wise airing.
Jan 16, 2019 9:59 AM

Jan 2019
Im really liking this anime so far. Most likely going to be on of my favorites from the season.
Jan 16, 2019 9:59 AM
May 2018
What's with this anime! Just too good!
Every single moment is amazing. Everything is exactly as it should be. Nothing unnecessary found yet in the story. I couldn't say or think to myself that "this part was unnecessary or anything".
And above all the OP rocks! I watched it over twenty times already.
Fine, no fantastic animation. Fits the anime just perfectly.
I have no idea how I'm gonna wait each week for this one.
By the way, is it just me or that Naofumi is RAISING his own "GIRL"?
Jan 16, 2019 10:02 AM

Jun 2017
vhagar8 said:
I see people having different opinions about whenever or not it's rushed compared to the manga.
But, as a LN reader, I gotta say it seemed quite rushed to me.
I know the anime pacing is always faster than the novel and that's ok, but they coulda added a couple of other scenes to characterize their relationship a little more imo.

Happens with most LN shows. Best fans can hope for is for the adaptation to be as faithful as possible, even at the cost of worldbuilding/exposition/character building that has to be sacrificed to meet the time constraints of an anime episode.

I'm an anime only atm (I am curious to see how the LN is) and I am enjoying this.
Jan 16, 2019 10:02 AM

Nov 2018
Very good. I am anxious for the next episode
Jan 16, 2019 10:03 AM

Mar 2017
Nice opening and ending theme. Raphtalia was introduced.
Naofumi is kind to her. Can't wait to see them getting stronger.
Jan 16, 2019 10:06 AM

Dec 2017
WhyCare said:

The whole arc is like one and a half chapter of the manga

Read source please. It is a third of the whole tome.
Haxr57 said:

If they follow all the things you mentioned then it'll be 500 episode long.

One double episode, as the first one, would be enough.
Jan 16, 2019 10:08 AM

Jun 2010
I haven't read the manga for a long long time so things are hazy for me on what was missing in that regard, but for me ep2 felt almost perfect and new again... it didn't feel that rushed to me. Sure, maybe an extra scene or two would've made the transition from 'not caring slave master Naofumi' to 'caring Naofumi' better (I think he lasted about a minute and I dont blame him with Raphtalia's hnngggghhh-ness), but I felt the tavern scene and campfire scenes were adequate enough to make the two characters connect.

Now the god awful long week wait for ep3... we've been lacking good Isekai lately, so having one as good (so far) as Tate no Yuusha Nariagari is a treat for me.

Jan 16, 2019 10:10 AM

Aug 2014
I loved the bond between Raph and Naofumi in the manga.
And I was happy to watch it animated.
Jan 16, 2019 10:19 AM

Nov 2013
Gerver said:
What the actual fuck, the skipped like 90% of content and rushed Raphtalia arc like it was nothing. I thought DOge fight will be like episode 4 and we will see how they get used to each other, from cold Nao and scared Raphtalia to an actual party. But they pushed it in 20 minutes.
After awesome first episode this is just 0/10, my eyes bleed.
If anyone liked first episode you better read ranobe, this was not an episode, this was a fucking abomination of speedrun industry.

If i havent read ranobe I would be like
"Duh, another trash isekai where girl fall in love in MC in a single fucking episode, total garbage, droped". It pains me for what they did to this episode.

attention-whore, I just read the manga, it adapts 2 chapters, pretty standard for one episode anime, eventhough they skip some scene, I'm fine with it, no, actually I think it's better that way rather than what you hope, it might be boring if it becomes 3 episodes...
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
Jan 16, 2019 10:23 AM
Jul 2018
So far, the anime seems to be pretty good in my opinion. World building is solid and I like the characters, making the anime a 8 for now, and I'm feeling that it could end up as a 9 if the story follows this same level of quality.
Jan 16, 2019 10:25 AM

Dec 2016
Too much cuteness <3 Raphtalia is very adorable! X3 Naofumi is a great parent XD

Nice episode ^^

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Jan 16, 2019 10:29 AM
Jan 2019
Great episode. Went back and reread chapters 3-4 of the manga after this episode. Sure a couple lines of dialogue and the scene where she wakes up in Naofumi's bed holding the ball given to her wasn't shown, but episode 2 was pretty faithful. It might seem rushed, mostly everything was shown from chapters 3-4 with some dialogue changes to still get the feelings and character development across. But the pacing isn't thrown off? I think we're just spoiled because we had a 40 min episode 1, and only a 20 min episode 2. At least for the most part nothing too much was omitted, and we still have more developments for Raphtalia? You have to remember, Loli Raphtalia grew into her adult form pretty fast. And Raphtalia's arc continues throughout the manga, it's not just 2-3 episodes; it's a slow build up. Even after they meet Firo, Raphtalia as a character continues to grow in the journey, she's not just some side heroine, she's THE heroine. To say they skipped or glossed over "Raphtalia's arc" is simply wrong. It might feel rushed, but it certainly didn't NEED to be stretched for 2 episodes. If that had happen, I think it would have made episode 2 and 3 seem rather too slow in pacing. I think people are complaining because they want more screen time for Loli Raphtalia. You have to remember that demi-humans grow pretty fast when they level up. She may look older, but her mind is still that of a child. Also, it may feel rushed, but it's better than scenes being skipped in your favorite anime and not showing up at all. I don't know how many times I hate to see that when it happens. I'm glad 90-95% scenes from chapters 3-4 remained albeit changed a little. People who are complaining about how it's not faithful to the light novel, the manga and anime's purpose isn't to 100% recreate the light novel. There's a reason why anime never does this, because the purpose of the manga and anime is to spur on sales of the light novel as well. If the anime adopted the light novel 100%, noone would bother reading the novel.
Kyon_at_BestJan 16, 2019 10:43 AM
Jan 16, 2019 10:31 AM

Sep 2014
He protecc and she attacc, as expected Raphtalia is just too adorable HNNNNGGGGG!
Raphtalia crying shattered my heart T_T
Jan 16, 2019 10:31 AM

May 2017
pretty good episode.. I definitely like the little demi human girl. I can see their bond becoming something cherishable. They both have to rely on each other.
Jan 16, 2019 10:32 AM

Jun 2015
Good ep.but that raccoon girl is smaller than i expected! is she just a little kid?like 5 years old? or they r just a small specie? and in trailer she looks taller, do we get a big time skip or its bcuz she lvl ups?(if its any thing but this 2 don't spoil :D)
Jan 16, 2019 10:34 AM

Sep 2015
KyouKaiTen said:
Gerver said:
What the actual fuck, the skipped like 90% of content and rushed Raphtalia arc like it was nothing. I thought DOge fight will be like episode 4 and we will see how they get used to each other, from cold Nao and scared Raphtalia to an actual party. But they pushed it in 20 minutes.
After awesome first episode this is just 0/10, my eyes bleed.
If anyone liked first episode you better read ranobe, this was not an episode, this was a fucking abomination of speedrun industry.

If i havent read ranobe I would be like
"Duh, another trash isekai where girl fall in love in MC in a single fucking episode, total garbage, droped". It pains me for what they did to this episode.

attention-whore, I just read the manga, it adapts 2 chapters, pretty standard for one episode anime, eventhough they skip some scene, I'm fine with it, no, actually I think it's better that way rather than what you hope, it might be boring if it becomes 3 episodes...

You can stop breathing with your manga, its pointless to explain something to a "human" who dont understand how worldbuilding and character arcs work.
The opinions of people with shit taste, such as yourself, may differ of course.
Jan 16, 2019 10:37 AM

Apr 2015
animation fail?
I'm pretty sure he couldn't take off the shield

Jan 16, 2019 10:40 AM

May 2010
evyyy said:
animation fail?
I'm pretty sure he couldn't take off the shield

i saw it aswell but it looks like he is feeding her cut hair to the shield that why it glows..but where is the hand?
Jan 16, 2019 10:42 AM

Sep 2017
Raphtalia is overcute, I already like her

So far so good I like the show
It's not very special or original but it's really enjoyable
Jan 16, 2019 10:46 AM

Feb 2011
They have speeded up a little compared to the Manga/LN, but it is still an excellent episode! it's a good adaptation in my opinion.
Jan 16, 2019 10:47 AM
Jan 2019
Kerozinn said:
evyyy said:
animation fail?
I'm pretty sure he couldn't take off the shield

i saw it aswell but it looks like he is feeding her cut hair to the shield that why it glows..but where is the hand?

Nice job noticing that. He really is feeding her hair to the shield. He's just out of frame because he's bending over in a position and the mirror doesn't see it. Great way to reduce drawing him in and making the visual too cluttered and distract the audience from Raphtalia enjoying her new hair cut xD
Jan 16, 2019 10:55 AM

Jun 2014
I like the relationship between Raphtalia and Naofumi, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of their adventures together.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jan 16, 2019 10:56 AM
Nov 2018
H4nss0n said:
Yo i've talked mad shit in the forums until now because i read the manga and wasn't impressed by how it's gone so far. But i have to say, this anime's a whole different beast. Really powerful 2nd episode.
Depending on how close the anime sticks to the manga i'm sure my rating will drop in the future but for now: im feeling a strong 7 on this one.

The anime looks promising and the first two episoded have delivered having been great, especially this second episode giving us dramatic moments already, the show also has a lot of potential and with that production value and animation quality is been great so far, if it keeps up and manages to grow from this two episodes and get more interesting it would perfectly be a 10.
Jan 16, 2019 10:57 AM
Jan 2019
A bit too much of "tell, don't show" for my liking in this ep.

For example, we don't see Raftalia actually looking hungrily at the kid's meal in tavern, we just hear it from the MC. So basically lots of stuff like that, starting from the very first scene where we don't hear other slaves talked about at all.

However, i understand that they wanted to fit the entire business of early days with Raftalia in 1 episode and i guess that was the only way to do it. I don't see how that sappy kid-caring could have lasted 2 eps either. This show is not Usagi drop. And there isn't really a good point to end an episode between the slave purchase and the dog, too.

To be fair, i don't think the bits they skipped even come up anywhere within what will be covered in 25 eps. The hair part is important for Raftalia's stat boosts, but it doesn't really become a plot point until like 10th novel. And the medicine bit wasn't that great or impactful in the novel either.

Don't like how the OP is basically the plot synopsis (
Jan 16, 2019 10:58 AM

Sep 2015
Twitter feminist white knight complaining about wahmen abuse in 3...

Can't wait to see that lying thot get the Steely Dan treatment, Vice and Huffington Post will have a meltdown.
Jan 16, 2019 10:59 AM

Feb 2013
KyouKaiTen said:
I just read the manga, it adapts 2 chapters
Well, those who read both web novel and ranobe know that LN version introduced some new scenes/events compared to WN version. And those changes are not good, putting it mildly. They are mostly made to make other heroes look worse or absurdly stupid, just to be 100% sure you hate them.
And MANGA takes those bad changes introduced in LN and ditches the good scenes/events from original WN. So if you say "that's how it was in the manga" it says nothing really.

TLDR: manga is really bad, read LN.
Jan 16, 2019 11:00 AM

Jun 2015
Gerver said:
KyouKaiTen said:

attention-whore, I just read the manga, it adapts 2 chapters, pretty standard for one episode anime, eventhough they skip some scene, I'm fine with it, no, actually I think it's better that way rather than what you hope, it might be boring if it becomes 3 episodes...

You can stop breathing with your manga, its pointless to explain something to a "human" who dont understand how worldbuilding and character arcs work.

i dont know why u r so angry, cuz from my point of view its was a good episode the relationship between those two is totally plausible even in real life , they have been
torturing and abusing that girl for so long so a master that actually cares about her looks like a god to her, totally understandable!
Jan 16, 2019 11:02 AM
Jan 2019
malMaxi said:
A bit too much of "tell, don't show" for my liking in this ep.

For example, we don't see Raftalia actually looking hungrily at the kid's meal in tavern, we just hear it from the MC. So basically lots of stuff like that, starting from the very first scene where we don't hear other slaves talked about at all.

However, i understand that they wanted to fit the entire business of early days with Raftalia in 1 episode and i guess that was the only way to do it. I don't see how that sappy kid-caring could have lasted 2 eps either. This show is not Usagi drop. And there isn't really a good point to end an episode between the slave purchase and the dog, too.

To be fair, i don't think the bits they skipped even come up anywhere within what will be covered in 25 eps. The hair part is important for Raftalia's stat boosts, but it doesn't really become a plot point until like 10th novel. And the medicine bit wasn't that great or impactful in the novel either.

Don't like how the OP is basically the plot synopsis (

Funny thing about the kid's meal. She does look at the kid enjoying it, but the kid looks super far back in the background lol. Also she doesn't seem to drool but is curious. It feels like they skipped it, but it is there if you look back at it. But it doesn't feel like it because the kid is like 2 tables away and she only looks at them from the corner of her eye. Naofumi also interrupts pretty quickly after noticing so the scene isn't particularly noticeable at first. Another reason why you might have glossed over it is because of reading the background subs from customer comments on how a demi-human was eating there. If you pay attention to reading, it's really easy to miss her looking over. I missed it and had to rewind to notice.
Kyon_at_BestJan 16, 2019 11:05 AM
Jan 16, 2019 11:03 AM

Aug 2018
-Stray said:
Great 2nd episode, they covered a lot of stuffs, tho I kinda wished we saw this part.

I guess you guys can check the img above since the anime probably wont have it.

damn wish that was in the anime.

also why do they keep rushing animes (seeing as half the comments are basically that). why not have long animes anymore. is it because they make more money by making more anime off merchandise rather than trying to sell more of one animes merch?
Jan 16, 2019 11:06 AM

Feb 2013
malMaxi said:
we don't see Raftalia actually looking hungrily at the kid's meal in tavern, we just hear it from the MC
Actually we see it. It's just imperceptible because of bad scene composition if you don't know what to look for.

You can think she's being shy here but in fact she is looking at that kid.
ZooloJan 16, 2019 11:14 AM
Jan 16, 2019 11:10 AM

Dec 2016
So glad that through the first two episodes this has been a pretty great adaptation, and hopefully it'll keep that up for the rest of its run
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jan 16, 2019 11:13 AM
Aug 2018
Slime and shield anime are my top picks of this season and also new seasons like mob psyco 100 are also the great.
Jan 16, 2019 11:14 AM
Mar 2014
What the fuck was that pacing? It's not deal-breaking yet but it's somewhat worrying. They have 25 episodes to work with so idk why they decided to cram 1/3 of a light novel volume into 1 episode. The key events got through but the small details and episodes that made this part of the story all the more endearing were lost.

Jan 16, 2019 11:15 AM
Jan 2019
Zoolo said:
KyouKaiTen said:
I just read the manga, it adapts 2 chapters
Well, those who read both web novel and ranobe know that LN version introduced some new scenes/events compared to WN version. And those changes are not good, putting it mildly. They are mostly made to make other heroes look worse or absurdly stupid, just to be 100% sure you hate them.
And MANGA takes those bad changes introduced in LN and ditches the good scenes/events from original WN. So if you say "that's how it was in the manga" it says nothing really.

TLDR: manga is really bad, read LN.

I agree with this. But the anime doesn't need to be 100% faithful, it just needs to keep the important parts. Episode 2 has done it well. Besides, if it's 100% faithful and showing everything in light novels, no one would buy the light novels if they can just watch it. I like what they kept, and if people want more in-depth character development story, I suggest buying and reading the light novel and actually supporting the author. Anime is so easily pirated that if they completely 100% ripped from the light novel, the author wouldn't be making much for all the hard work she put in to writing it. I'm at the point where I'm grateful the anime was made, but not completely ripping off the work to the point where the author would see no returns; especially since people stream and pirate anime.
Jan 16, 2019 11:16 AM

Oct 2008
OH GOSH! I'm so invested with this show! definitely following this like a loyal bastard! nice!
this is gonna be my personal favorite!

Jan 16, 2019 11:19 AM

May 2018
That took longer for that Racoon Girl to finally kick same ass, btw in the intro she was seen grown up so does her kind grow up fast.
Jan 16, 2019 11:23 AM
Jan 2019
Gerver said:
What the actual fuck, the skipped like 90% of content and rushed Raphtalia arc like it was nothing. I thought DOge fight will be like episode 4 and we will see how they get used to each other, from cold Nao and scared Raphtalia to an actual party. But they pushed it in 20 minutes.
After awesome first episode this is just 0/10, my eyes bleed.
If anyone liked first episode you better read ranobe, this was not an episode, this was a fucking abomination of speedrun industry.

If i havent read ranobe I would be like
"Duh, another trash isekai where girl fall in love in MC in a single fucking episode, total garbage, droped". It pains me for what they did to this episode.

I don't want the anime to cover 100% of everything from the light novel. If they did, what's the point of publishing books? The anime needs to be able to coexist with light novels, not 100% rip from them. If the anime did that, no one would bother buying the light novels and supporting the author. Anime and manga are easily accessible to pirating and streaming online, at the very least light novels aren't as easy and can be taken down through DMCA. If you actually cared about the well-being of the light novel, you wouldn't want a 100% rip of it for animation. You would want it to keep enough for viewers to be interested, yet lacking enough for them to want more of it; hence driving light novel sales. The fact that you're encouraging people to read the light novel proves that the anime is able to coexist with the light novel. If the anime was 100% faithful, would you encourage people to read the light novel? Probably not.
Kyon_at_BestJan 16, 2019 11:29 AM
Jan 16, 2019 11:26 AM

May 2017
Is that... Could it be... Could it be best girl of the season?!:^))
Jan 16, 2019 11:31 AM

Feb 2013
JiangHaoyi1979 said:
btw in the intro she was seen grown up so does her kind grow up fast.

ZooloJan 16, 2019 11:35 AM
Jan 16, 2019 11:33 AM

Apr 2009
But slaves aren't people"

I can already smell all the controversies brewing by taking this out of context, context being him playing a character because the merchant was super shady and knew exactly how much the slaves are worth to a shield hero so he started off with the most expensive one, Naofumi acted this way in order to not get scammed, but of course they're not gonna care about mc's circumstances when they have an agenda to push.

-Stray said:
Great 2nd episode, they covered a lot of stuffs, tho I kinda wished we saw this part.

I guess you guys can check the img above since the anime probably wont have it.

maybe that will come next??

Otaku4ever10 said:
why are they rushing so much .. they are skipping so much from the mange

i hope they don't do that in future episodes because the mange is GREAT

no they are not skipping so much stop exaggerating.

Gerver said:
What the actual fuck, the skipped like 90% of content and rushed Raphtalia arc like it was nothing. I thought DOge fight will be like episode 4 and we will see how they get used to each other, from cold Nao and scared Raphtalia to an actual party. But they pushed it in 20 minutes.
After awesome first episode this is just 0/10, my eyes bleed.
If anyone liked first episode you better read ranobe, this was not an episode, this was a fucking abomination of speedrun industry.

If i havent read ranobe I would be like
"Duh, another trash isekai where girl fall in love in MC in a single fucking episode, total garbage, droped". It pains me for what they did to this episode.

No they didnt.

slavemaster_1991 said:
Rushed, missed a lot of details and character building for the best girl. While first episode followed the source perfectly, this one just skips everything that made Raphtalia's relationship with MC meaningful. If someone did not read the original, how is he supposed to know that gathering hair into the shield was a big deal? How would they know that Raph was seriously ill, if she got cured with a single medicine? How could they know how mentally unstable she was, if the whole scene with nightmares was almost skipped? I kinda hope that they will stop rushing the plot, cause without all those small details shield hero is just another good for nothing isekai.

God manga readers always exaggerate its so annoying .
Jan 16, 2019 11:34 AM

Apr 2009
Kyon_at_Best said:
Great episode. Went back and reread chapters 3-4 of the manga after this episode. Sure a couple lines of dialogue and the scene where she wakes up in Naofumi's bed holding the ball given to her wasn't shown, but episode 2 was pretty faithful. It might seem rushed, mostly everything was shown from chapters 3-4 with some dialogue changes to still get the feelings and character development across. But the pacing isn't thrown off? I think we're just spoiled because we had a 40 min episode 1, and only a 20 min episode 2. At least for the most part nothing too much was omitted, and we still have more developments for Raphtalia? You have to remember, Loli Raphtalia grew into her adult form pretty fast. And Raphtalia's arc continues throughout the manga, it's not just 2-3 episodes; it's a slow build up. Even after they meet Firo, Raphtalia as a character continues to grow in the journey, she's not just some side heroine, she's THE heroine. To say they skipped or glossed over "Raphtalia's arc" is simply wrong. It might feel rushed, but it certainly didn't NEED to be stretched for 2 episodes. If that had happen, I think it would have made episode 2 and 3 seem rather too slow in pacing. I think people are complaining because they want more screen time for Loli Raphtalia. You have to remember that demi-humans grow pretty fast when they level up. She may look older, but her mind is still that of a child. Also, it may feel rushed, but it's better than scenes being skipped in your favorite anime and not showing up at all. I don't know how many times I hate to see that when it happens. I'm glad 90-95% scenes from chapters 3-4 remained albeit changed a little. People who are complaining about how it's not faithful to the light novel, the manga and anime's purpose isn't to 100% recreate the light novel. There's a reason why anime never does this, because the purpose of the manga and anime is to spur on sales of the light novel as well. If the anime adopted the light novel 100%, noone would bother reading the novel.

Finally someone makes sense.

SuccHunter said:
What the fuck was that pacing? It's not deal-breaking yet but it's somewhat worrying. They have 25 episodes to work with so idk why they decided to cram 1/3 of a light novel volume into 1 episode. The key events got through but the small details and episodes that made this part of the story all the more endearing were lost.

2 chapters in 1 episode is fine?
AForgottenSoulJan 16, 2019 11:38 AM
Jan 16, 2019 11:36 AM

Jun 2010
Only_Brad said:
Ravioli Ravioli Do Not Lewd The Racoon Loli

That didn't work for Kanna, and it won't work here.
Jan 16, 2019 11:37 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Going by the title of the next episode, it looks like where I stopped reading the manga is what'll be adapted, so from here on I'll be anime only

Pacing seemed kinda fast but they pretty much went through a lot of what I did read and I must say that animated Raph is even more precious this way :'')

OP and ED are pretty nice too, didn't really have any complaints rather than the pacing feeling a tad bit fast but other than that, great episode overall yet again imo

P.S. I hope that all the SJW's and vanilla kids feel real dumb after all that bitching about "Gloryfying slavery" etc
Jan 16, 2019 11:39 AM

Feb 2015
Big shout for the ED which is really good. Decent episode, currently MC is walking the line between being a good guy and being a bastard. Was good to see the progression anyway.
Jan 16, 2019 11:39 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
-Stray said:
Great 2nd episode, they covered a lot of stuffs, tho I kinda wished we saw this part.

I guess you guys can check the img above since the anime probably wont have it.
I REALLY hope that they squeeze it in somewhere, she is too damn adorable
Jan 16, 2019 11:40 AM

Jun 2010
Tokoya said:

P.S. I hope that all the SJW's and vanilla kids feel real dumb after all that bitching about "Gloryfying slavery" etc

They won't. Are you somehow under the impression any of them actually watch or care about Anime? Just like the SJW's that infected the game industry, who none of them care about games, the only time they give a damn about any of this stuff is if they can come in and force a narrative down peoples throats.
Jan 16, 2019 11:40 AM
Apr 2016
Hmm the first episode was a lot more interesting in my opinion *probably because it was twice as long* but well this one had a lot of development, so I'll give it a W. It's interesting how the mc is so cold compared to the previous episode, well I don't blame him!
Jan 16, 2019 11:45 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
neonie said:
Tokoya said:

P.S. I hope that all the SJW's and vanilla kids feel real dumb after all that bitching about "Gloryfying slavery" etc

They won't. Are you somehow under the impression any of them actually watch or care about Anime? Just like the SJW's that infected the game industry, who none of them care about games, the only time they give a damn about any of this stuff is if they can come in and force a narrative down peoples throats.
A man can only hope to see their bullshit be eradicated in 2019
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