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Oct 21, 2018 7:43 AM

Mar 2016

They say it all started in Calantra. They say the whole city was swallowed by the abyss. The say a giant Tumor grew here on the fabric of Reality itself and devoured logic and sound. Calantra is not a shield city. It has no tower, but it's part in the Black War is unforgettable. Marks on the city do not imply a struggle. They imply a massacre. Carnage and death, ancient bloodstains and destruction. Nothing "lives" here. But many find their end in this damned place.

Calantra is often referred to as the world's grave. As it was where the end of the world began. This place... Has a sadness to it. The sadness so powerful that it often drives people to commit suicide. This is Calantra's fabled Suicide Song. The dead litter the city, and those who died still remain. Their connection to heaven and hell broken for eternity.

There is an Astral Bridge on the southern side of the city. On one face of a brick fence, is a long, impossible tunnel that does not appear on the other side. The other side simply remains a brick wall. Passing through the reflective tunnel inflicts a sense of numbness, then a tinge of slight pain, then heat, then cold, then neither. Then a sense of vertigo leads you out of the very tunnel entrance you just walked into. But this time, in the Astral Veil.

Another Astral Bridge is on the western side, replacing the doorway of a house that has been partially devoured by a sinkhole. This also impossible bridge leads with the same sensations, to the same location. But in the Mirror.

The third Astral Bridge can be found in what looks like an old park. No surface to cling on, at least not anymore. You could tell there used to be a wall here. But the Bridge is simply floating in. Mid air. It only appears from one angle, and can only be walked into from said angle. Otherwise people just pass through it as if it aint there.

Calantra is nestled into a trough in the hills of the Halavari Ridge. North of Kroll Forest. One must pass through Kroll to get here.


1st Astral Bridge
2nd Astral Bridge
3rd Astral Bridge
Great Rift of Calantra (The Mirror)
Darth_LewdiousJan 11, 2019 6:23 PM
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Dec 12, 2018 4:07 PM

Jul 2017
Enters Area

Cel entered the ruins and listened out for threats or entities she could hunt. Upon nightfall, Cel retired in what felt like a building, but upon hearing no voices she entered and made it her home for the night. Cel then walked around feeling for anything she could use, eventually camping on the second floor of the structure.
Dec 13, 2018 12:25 AM

Mar 2016
The air was cold and dingy. Moss and lichens line the hollow city. And in the dead of night could be heard a sobbing child.Deep in the night as the pale light of the full moon evaded Cel’s sight, the echoing voices of what seemed to be seven people. And in your blindness, it could be difficult to tell that the sounds seemed to appear out of thin air.
Dec 13, 2018 2:39 PM

Jul 2017

Celcei curled up into ball, it's not as though she could understand the voices anyways. She gripped tightly to her wood stakes, swinging them every now and then to ensure nothing was around her.

In the morning Cel walked around, scavenging again in the ruins for anything of use.
Dec 13, 2018 6:05 PM

Mar 2016
There was neither drinkable water, nor edible food. There was an abundance of sticks and large chucks of rubble however. Household applications such as dressers and desks were also easily founded. Old broken sets of table wear or run down electronics. Even a few collections of books made illegible by water damage. Though by lucks chance, not everything was completely broken. And a dry warm place was found towards the cities east.

Filled with children’s toys and literature. It felt easily defensible and otherwise a good place to fortify and camp. Rudimentary fortifications seem to already have been implemented.
Dec 14, 2018 9:22 AM

Jul 2017

Celcei rested in her newfound camp and rested. She would need to find a way to fight without the sight she hesvily relied upon on Virillia, so she began to train. First by distinguishing the locations of sounds, and then by physically training her combat ability without using Kitsune.
Dec 14, 2018 6:52 PM

Mar 2016
As she trained in the abandoned store, she would stumble into a moist thing that sung back and hit her. Though not with any force. If she investigated it, she would find a corpse not even three days old hanging from the rafter by a rope around its neck.

For some reason, the thought of it fills you with a strange sadness.
Dec 14, 2018 10:23 PM

Jul 2017

Celcei spared but a brief moment in silence, for only seconds are spared for the weak. She cut down the corpse, stabbing the head and cleaving it from its body in order to take the rope. Cel wrapped the rope around her waist, tying it on the outside of her armor for later use.

After training for a while more, she went out, searching for more valuable materials before having to camp out again in her new fort.
Dec 15, 2018 7:04 PM

Mar 2016
She spent a good hour out in the ruins without much incident. You managed to find a mostly unlooted tool shop with rusty equipment for cutting metal and trimming plants. Rusty blades but still blades. And a bunch of machines of varying housekeeping purposes. Everything was normal, Until you heard something running towards you...

You wake up in your bed. The blue sheets parting as you run to the bathroom,having just woke up. You wave to your mom as you pass her, preparing breakfast on the laser stove. A small fillet of fish you and her got from the local store. After you finish what you went in for, you leave the bathroom and head back to your room. You got dresses, as it was almost time for school. You hurried to the kitchen and rushed down your meal. You gave your mom a hug and ran out with your dad so he could drop you off at the local school. You make it there in a flash riding in the metal cylinder of a vehicle, and make your way to the third year classes.

You recounted to your dad on the way home how you made a new friend, and noted how big the thirteenth years are. On the way home, you stopped at the local flower shop so Dad could help you pick out a present for mom. You had almost forgotten her birthday! You pick the most colorful bunch and you and dad leave the store. The sky grew very dark, and you wondered how long you had been in there. But dad seemed worried. You would say scared, but dad couldn’t be scared. He was dad after all! Then the screaming started, and everything became so fast. Too fast to think about. Before you and him could reach the car, he drops to his knees, and something grabs you from behind. You start to panic, and your heart races as you struggle to breathe. Then something black turns you around and stares into your eyes. It let out a scream, but everything went black and quiet halfway through it. Then nothing.

You come to your senses exactly where you stood. Tears had welled up in your eyes and your heart was still pounding, though quickly calming down. Once you were calm enough to think, you felt something around your neck, and the other end of rope in your hand.

If you continued, you would encounter a house covered in mold, but a good bit of salvageable wood for fires.
Dec 15, 2018 8:52 PM

Jul 2017

Celcei spat on the ground after untying herself. Ridiculous, memories of a child huh? Celcei tied the rope around the logs and rusted blades she could salvage and dragged it back towards her encampment. Once she returned she removed and set aside the logs for later, wrapping the rope around the blades' midsection and proceeding to use Kitsune to melt them in half. While the blade bases were still somewhat hot, she held onto their tips and pressed them into one of her thicker wood stakes until they cooled and hardened on the wood.

The rope was effectively destroyed by Kitsune to make way for her rusty knife stake.

Celcei decided it was about time to get moving. Mental attacks were not her forte neither on Virillia nor on this world and entities that could cause such illusions were to be avoided. Celcei took some of the logs to be later used as firewood as well as her rusted weapon and then made her way back out from the way she came.

Leaves Area
Dec 18, 2018 7:57 PM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

Luna decided to agree to the three of them hugging and cuddling, in order for them to keep warm. She would put the huge cloak over her left side in order for the both of them to be warm. She was a bit surprised that a stranger she had just met would go all out for her. Luna didn't have to do that, she could have just stayed warm herself. This made her think a lot about luna and the type of person she was. It seemed she was the type of person that would lend a helping hand if she could. Not to mention that Luna even took the initiative to navigate them to where they need to go. "I wonder if this is what people mean when they say that some people are just born to be leaders" Her gaze then turned towards the boy. He seemed rather happy that they were all hugging that is until they got deeper and deeper into the forest. His face showed that he was in pain despite the cool facade. Looking around Abygail herself was being bothered by the place. The disgusting aroma, on top of the mountains of dead bodies made this the worst places she's set foot upon. The whole place was just making her nauseous. She was definitely not used to seeing something like that. Nonetheless, they soon got out of the forest in one piece. "Can we just take a moment to be grateful that we made it out of there alive?" She turned her gaze back to John, "Hey man, You ok? Let me know if you need anything to help make you feel better....... you two Luna... With that being said, You guys ready to enter Calentra? "

@Inaru-sama @Rayall
Sakura_megamiDec 18, 2018 8:02 PM
Dec 19, 2018 10:09 AM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

As they'd make through the cold forest, Luna did not pay much attention to the remains of old. But the looming presence had an unnerving presence to her. She did not like it one bit. They'd be near to Calantra and at this point Luna's expression was focused.

It is not the dead that were left behind that worry me. What worries me so is what they leave behind after they finally move on. When Abygail asked her, she would bring up her MHPT and look up the distance to the coordinates given: "With that place, I would like to get through with it as quickly as possible and avoid spending any more time in here than necessary."

If everyone was ready, she would point to the direction of the final destination and continue walking. As she'd start walking, she'd hide her left hand behind her cloak and a summon a simple dagger that she would keep hidden underneath her attire.

Inaru-samaDec 22, 2018 6:49 AM
Dec 20, 2018 2:40 PM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Despite not wanting to worry the others, Abygail's concern made him feel just a bit better. I should be fine now, thanks. He was hoping they could avoid that forest on their way back. He wasn't sure if he could handle going through there again.
Still, they had finally made it to the entrance of the Calantra ruins. He was prepared to enter the city, but didn't know where they were supposed to go from there. So, are we just supposed to wander around this place until we find something? Luna seemed to be on guard for some reason, but Jonathan himself wasn't expecting much to happen. Actually, the whole thing reminded him of a question he had forgotten to ask Luna earlier. What's the big deal with these energy spikes, anyways? You were talking about it with the Lieutenant, but what exactly is the worst case scenario?
Dec 20, 2018 5:38 PM

Mar 2016
Calantra is often called the World’s Grave, and when entering it, you would find out why. Debris, grass, vines, and moss grow in this hollowed out skeleton of civilization. Looking at it, they appeared to be as advanced as today, with a few key differences. They say the city of Calantra once had a population of seven million, but we will never know. Nobody has ever tried to clean the city. But the idea doesn’t really seem far off when you take in consideration the vast number of human remains ancient bloodstains can be found in places that rain and wind can’t erode them. Complete skeletons, damaged skeletons, skeletons with only half a skull, no jaw, missing limbs, old, young, and infant too. The buildings were broken in both a destructive and natural way. And just being here is enough to fill you with anxiety.

Luna checked her map, and the closest of the three GeoNav markers was about three hundred meters through this desolate place. This Necropolis. One might expect more skeletons here, the animated ones specifically, but it’s so quiet. Not even wind blows here. And the birds and bugs seem to avoid this cursed ground.

Not even fifty feet in, you would find a fresh corpse, hanging from a balcony by a metal wire. It’s clothes were gone, and rot has already set in. He had died little more than a week ago. The lack of clothes likely means he at least was resurrected at the pylon. Decomposers were crawling inside his chest cavity, which had been torn open by some scavenger, probably a zombie. There were more of this. Many more.
Dec 22, 2018 1:33 PM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

"ughh.. this place is hell." This place was filled with corpse is as the worst that could possibly happen here, did. Aby was getting nauseous from continually having to look at dead corpse not to mention the disgusting smell. Many of the corpse seemed old but a few seemed as of recent. This fact brought chills up and down her spine. what were the chances of her group ending up as corpse. The very thought was making her feel sicker than what she was already feeling. Nonetheless she knew she had to be there for her teammates. "ok so first thing is first. this place is horrible and I think is safe to say we need to get out of here as soon as possible. Second of all, why the hell are there more corpse here then a cemetery? Something is obviously not right here because some of those bodies don't look to be that old."
Dec 22, 2018 2:11 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

"Welcome to Calantra." Luna would do her best to push away the anxiety and such. Rather, she would devoid herself of the sympathy for those who were lost. And ones who were defeated. She had no time to feel guilt or pity for them. They were devoured a long time ago. And the further she surfaced to the murky depths of her heart, she reminded herself of how good she was at forgetting what matters.

"I don't say anyone deserved this. No matter the crimes that you commit, this is the place where no one is coming after you. This city was the root of all the curses and grudges that took innumerable lives without a reason... An unpleasant echo in the past. Apparently the ghosts of the past have a hard time to let go. If there is anything that you could call Calantra, it would be an effigy to afterlife and an unbridled testament to what is wrong in this world where we live at. It proves that god is dead. Neither good or evil justifies for forgetting them all. But that is exactly what we must do. If it wasn't for the nature of this mission, I wouldn't be here. It doesn't matter what we find here, it is an enemy. There are no friends to be found in Calantra."

Luna would just try to make to the Geonav marker as quickly as possible. When she would get to the spot she would open her MHPT and contact the lieutenant.
Dec 23, 2018 11:38 AM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Damn, it's even worse here than in the woods. The shock wasn't as sudden as when they had stumbled across all of those skeletons in the woods, but the countless corpses were still dredging up bad memories. Let's just make it through here as quickly as possible.
Abygail was right that some of the bodies were definitely recent. Many of the corpses they passed by had barely started decomposing. Jonathan readied his sword. Let's be careful. There's gotta be something nearby that's killing all these people, and it might come for us next.
Dec 23, 2018 12:36 PM

Mar 2016
As you made a beeline for the objective, your eagerness to leave driving you. About 90 meters from the first objective, you began hearing a low ringing in your ears. Nothing but a minor nuisance. But it didn’t stay so minor for very long. Ten feet in and the ringing got so unbearable that it began to hurt. The sunlight above Calantra seemed to get brighter, brighter, and brighter still. Until the area was bathed in an unnatural radiance. So much that it was hard to see. You could hear screaming, and gunfire overlap with the ringing, the monstrous roads of the darkness resonating in the symphony of death. You could feel as if your skin was being carved by a knife down your leg. As if your arm was getting crushed under a house. The feeling of being choked, and the sensation of a blade going through your back.

Then all at once it just stopped. It didn’t wane, it didn’t cease, it stopped. Suddenly. The pain, the light, the sounds, all gone in less than an instant. Nothing but sadness left in its wake. A foreign sadness not your own. Your bodies without wounds, or even a phantom pain from the attack.

As you neared your objective, you could hear random sounds around you. Movement. Whispers. And an occasional groan. Disembodied sounds with no source.

As you made it, the first objective mark seemed set on a flat wall. On the side you were on, the brick fence seemed like the rest of the city. A flat brick wall. A section of it was broken down. Vines crawl over it. However, you could definitely feel it, the air was static, charged with excess Xera.

On the other side of the wall was something of obvious interest. In the flat wall, was an impossible tunnel. Against the red brick, was a grey, reflective square-like hole, formed out of some strange reflective glass. The tunnel goes in for about thirty feet and opens op somewhere. But again, on the other side of this brick wall, is just the other side of the brick wall. This... this was a distortion in space, or perhaps a portal.
Dec 24, 2018 10:43 AM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

The deeper they got, the scarier it became. The ringing in her ear had brought Aby down to her knees as she desperately tried to to cover her ears with her hands to stop the noise. Then the unthinkable happened, She was all of a sudden feeling a tremendous amount of pain all over her body. She kept dying over and over again.. or at least it felt that way. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on. They were feeling the pain that everyone that died had felt. It was a tremendous amount of pain and sadness. Aby was left on her knees, crying over everything that was going on
Dec 25, 2018 1:27 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

After experiencing the cognitohazard for the first time, Luna would try to calm her nerves. A feeling of sadness had offered nothing new for her, and the knife she was holding; she would carefully rest it down on the ground before moving on.

Although she wasn't necessarily that understanding of Xera, the static air, charged with excess Xera was something she could pay attention to. She would contact out with her MHPT: "There is some type of anomaly and it wouldn't appear to be ... a cognitohazard. A distortion of space... I'll take a closer look."

Luna would feel like Alice at the rabbit hole. Where would this take? The symmetry of it all was strange and peculiar. Not to mention of the material. Luna would slowly tilt her head before deciding to just walk through the anomaly and see what was waiting on the other side.
Dec 26, 2018 4:09 PM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Jonathan endured the increasing pain as they made it closer to their objective, until it vanished entirely. The sensation was terrifying, but also vaguely familiar. In fact, it reminded Jonathan of his own death, before rising as a vampire. He could also feel a strong static in the air, as if the entire area was charged with Xera. That would definitely explain the energy spikes in the readings.
Once they arrived at the strange portal, Luna was seemingly trying to head straight through, but Jonathan would stay behind with Abygail, who seemed to be the one most affected by the pain and sadness. He offered her his hand to help her up. Come on, we should keep moving forward. Wherever that portal leads, it can't be much worse than this place. At least, that's what I hope...
Dec 27, 2018 12:06 AM

Mar 2016
As Luna walked through the glass corridor, she would feel her skin goin numb. Her stomach dropping. She then felt heavier than ever before, and then weightless. Her body then felt cold, and warm, the nothing. No heat or cold. None of these feelings were severe or intense. Pins and needles, the feeling of prickliness covered you, then an bad sense of vertigo that lasted but a second, your eyes refocusing, you see the exit of this corridor. And once you were out, you found yourself exactly where you started. But there were things different. Mirrors, or at least shards of them were. And you could see the dead. Hundreds, thousands in your view at this moment. As well as more... monstrous specters. This place was infested with the dead. Jonathan And Abygail we’re still here, but whilst you could see Jonathan’s mouth moving, you could not here him.

Luna has transitioned toThe Mirror

Luna would find that many of the ghosts here, the lost souls just stared down with a thousand yard stre. Their mouths above, fear still imprinted on their souls. Others walked around, as if the city was still whole. As if children still went to school or they were still alive. Then there was the sound! This... loud echoing song. The song had no words, it the sound was empty. Mournful of all that had been lost . It felt of a great and bottomless loss. One 5at you too could feel. Feel,as if you had lost everything that mattered to you. Your friends. Family. Wealth. Power. Home. Future. Past. Memories. And all that was left was a terrible nothing that aches so much, you pull do anything to be free of. Just another lovely feature of Calantra. You would also note a phantom stalking close behind Jonathan. It’s hand reaching out to the boys head. It did not have feet that touched the ground, and it’s black cloak billowed backwards as a shadow. It’s eyes were a fiery green, and it’s hand was rotted and clawed. You had never seen a. Specter like this before. It wasn’t a shadow form, it looked similar to many wraiths. It seemed to be drawing energy from its environment.

Jonathan began to feel a thick and heavy presence behind crying for their parents. The sounds of men groaning in pain. The sounds of weeping women, mourning offer the bodies of their young. You could feel the intense weight of their sorrow bearing on you again. You begin to feel as if everything has been taken from you. Your home. Your family. All your loss is surfacing in your mind. Your future. Your past. Your hope. Then a beautiful song begins to echo out from the wastes. A terrible, empty song that speaks to the sadness infesting you.

Abigail heard a heavy beating. Like a distant war drum. Every time the drum beats, at two second intervals. A different scene flashes before you in an instant. Seven beats was all it took to tell the desperate story of a mother trying to protect her child. Sadly, it didn’t work, and she watched her child die in front of her. The last thing she ever saw. Then it was the story of a man trying to stop his wife’s bleeding. But she was already dead. In his desperation, he didn’t run from the house as the monsters closed in. The house collapsed on him as a Brute broke through the front wall. And after than, the story of a group of children running from the darkness. As each one got picked off by the monsters. Until 5he last one just gave up, and lied down to die. Seven pulses of the drum each.

Finally it stopped for both of them. And if Luna had not intervened, she would note the specter seemed to be exhausted. Retreating into the dark corners of Calantra. This place is... unrelenting.

Dec 27, 2018 6:13 AM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

As would be appropriate with the rumors concerning the place, Calantra was a terrible, gloomy wreck that couldn't hope to ever return to it's former beauty. A subtle idea of 'death' emanated from every corner of the place, so much so it felt like the area was still dying.

"This one looks like Aunt Marzi." Of course, some are too disconnected from reality to bother with any of that.

After spending a good 5 minutes coming up with people the skeleton in front of them bore a vague resemblance to before deciding indentifying corpses this way was purposeless, PCK began a proper search for the foul villain that fleed his confinement. One would wonder why anyone would deem Calantra to be a decent hideout, but as far as anyone knows, it might just be a paradise compared to Huron.

You know... exploring the place, you can't help but notice how vast and empty these ruins truly are...

Dec 27, 2018 6:27 PM

Mar 2016
As PCK began his search for the missing criminal, he would find a few things. First, that this city is absolutely massive. Bigger than either Karn or Neito. Searching this whole place was a massive undertaking for a large group. Even more so for a single person. Second, the wind that gently whistled through here didn’t do much to mask the sounds of the dead still moving. Not the skeletons, but the ghosts that were undoubtedly everywhere here. PCKs strategy for locating the criminal would play a large part in his odds of success.
Dec 27, 2018 8:51 PM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

While drowning in the pain and sadness of the place, a hand was offered to her. It was Johns hand and with his help she managed to get up. Abygail would snap out of it, specially after realizing that Luna was already way ahead of him. ”yeah, your right. The sooner we get out of here, the better. ” Without letting go johns hand, she would start walking and trying to catch up with Luna. She was still incredibly terrified of the place and was doing everything she could to keep herself straight.
Right as she finally managed to get herself together, the pain and Darrow of the place got stronger and stronger. Aby started to hear heavy beat sounds and she would soon see very horrible and depressing scenes. Each as scary and real as the next. The desperate story of a mother trying to protect her child and she watched her child die in front of her. Then, the story of a man trying to stop his wife’s bleeding. But she was already dead. After that, the story of a group of children running from the darkness. As each one got picked off by the monsters. Until 5he last one just gave up, and lied down to die. It was all extremely sad to live and Aby was just crying and squeezing Johns hand. She didn’t even feel the fact that there was a presence behind him because of all the stuff she was seeing and living.
Dec 28, 2018 12:03 AM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Jeez, who builds a destroyed city this large? Couldn't the architect have settled for like a... mid-sized town or something. It will take forever to find the fiend this way!

All these concerns, and yet none towards the countless dead haunting the city streets. One could say that PCK just shut them all out of their head, dedicating attention to nothing but the escaped criminal, but it wouldn't be a lie they simply didn't mind that much. In the PCK's childish mind, it was simple to mix them up with holograms and believe they're just still functioning remnants of the old city.

What was truly insufferahle, was that the search would take just too dang long! This needed to be made more fun!... or shorter. And so, the PCK went onwards. deciding to search in areas that are closer to Huron... according to their rough knowledge of local geography... making noise through various actions, seeking to receive a reaction from anything living.
Dec 28, 2018 5:01 AM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

An eerie sense of nostalgia came to Luna as she passed on to the Mirror. A phantom tinge to her lost eye, almost believing that she could see with it again. As she pushed through all of it, a visage of terror appeared before her inside she had a smile of relief. At least now someone knew where they all were.

The grief or ache of Calantra brought a certain familiarity within Luna. This was a place she had not been at, yet the feeling of nothingness had something reminiscent to her. Yet at the same time she remembered the roaring torch within herself that was birthed from nothingness. Her powers...

The undead creature did not bring a smile to Luna's face nor what it was about to do. Luna manifested a short lance with the cutting blade having the sufficient diameter to cut in half, if dropped overhead and with enough hooks to ensure that wherever it would sink, pulling it out wasn't going to be an option.

She carelessly threw the weapon overhead as high up as she could, above of the Specter. If the blade had made it up into the air -- it would rotate in the air and come crashing down like a shooting star due to a brief lapse of psionic manipulation, . <Phantom Actor> The Beleth would set the perfect angle that the weapon could become a guillotine to cut the creature in half or ensure that they had a very nasty object stuck unto their body. Or if she deemed that it was too herculean of task, she would aim the dimensions in such way that the weapon would be lodged at the deepest it could possible go when coming down overhead.

If anything would go against her whims or wishes, she would manifest two more sabers -- one to both of her hands and assume a balanced poise between the two blades mirroring the motion of her two hands perfectly; prepared for a fight. Otherwise, she would still do this maneuver but act on a much slower pace, and staying more vigilant over her general surroundings.
Dec 28, 2018 9:42 AM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Jonathan's hopes turned out to be in vain, as things suddenly became much worse than before. Abygail seemed to be in complete terror, as she gripped Jonathan's hand tightly and began crying once again. Jonathan himself felt a dark presence behind him before being assaulted by the memories he had been trying so hard to suppress. Memories of the night he died. Memories watching his friends and family being brutally attacked by the same terrifying monster that killed him. All of those feelings of loss and frustration came flooding back into his mind. Completely overwhelmed by his emotions, Jonathan would simply crumple to the ground in utter despair. At that point, he became entirely despondent. He just laid there on the ground, muttering to himself, repeating the phrase "I'm sorry" over and over.
Eventually the intense feelings of sorrow would lessen somewhat. The presence that Jonathan had been feeling before seemed to fade as well. He picked himself up off of the ground. He couldn't keep his cool any longer, especially after having to relive that night again. Fuck!!! Just what the fuck is wrong with this place?! Why is this happening?! Why...?!
After taking a few moments to compose himself, he remembered the words that he had said to Abygail not too long ago. They would just have to keep moving forward. Well, venting isn't gonna get us anywhere. I'm really starting to hate this place, but we can't let the despair get to us. And like you said, the sooner we get out the better. Now let's head through that portal. Jonathan would offer his hand to Abygail once more before heading through the portal.
Dec 29, 2018 11:54 PM

Mar 2016
Finally Johnathans suffering ended, but becaus he couldn’t see Luna, he wouldn’t know just why. Her actions had resulted in the blade cutting down into the creatures chest. But she noted that the weapon did not leave a wound behind. It had phased down to its chest and stopped. This fact seemed irrelevant as the beast flailed desperately and screamed before hunching over backwards. You would note your telekinesis lost its power the moment the blade entered the specters body. And in a way, the blade seemed to detach from you entirely. The phantom unhunched and stared at you. It pulled the weapon from its chest, and held it firmly, like its own blade. And even though it had just been armed with a weapon, the creature fled back into the corners of Calantra. Seems it wasn’t a fan of direct combat. That wasn’t the only one, and you could assume those things infest the city. Because even now, Luna could see many of them. In windows, around corners, atop debris. Everywhere. This...this was the true face of Calantra. The song of death echoed omnipresently. An infestation of unknown specters roam the bones of the city, adding to its collection of corpses. And the millions of lost souls trapped here for all eternity that fuel this nightmarish cycle.

Jonathan would find a longer respite from the waves this time. Allowing him to grab Abygail and waltz through the portal. Where he experienced the exact same vertigo, numbness, heat and coldness, that Luna had just previously experienced. And on the other side Jonathan experience the very same view, heard the same song of despair that Luna her upon her entry. The city of the dead truly hold up its name, as all those who have died seem to still remains to this day. Around every corner and in every window and atop every pile of rubble as you can see them standing for all eternity. The sad fate of some remains Completely unnoticed to many of the ghosts. Many remain in their positions as if they were alive. Their idle chatter with nobody can be heard woven into the chorus of melancholy. And Abygail was no different. All of this appeared before her as she crossed into the Mirror.

Jonathan and Abygail have passed into The Mirror

PCK had spent another good while searching. The only sounds he got in response to him were the whistles of the wind. But after a while of searching in the right spot, and with his broad search terms it was a while, he found a fresh, makeshift campsite. And footprints in the moss that lead towards city center. Along the way, he stumbled upon a corpse that had just previously been shot in the head. And while the bullet wound was new, the corpse was not. It had mostly decayed to just a skeleton with bits of rotten flesh still clung to the bones. The eyes gone, the mouth also had fresh blood on it. Just barely starting to congeal. Just resting the hill up ahead you could see a newer blood trail. Leading into the city. Finally a new lead.
Dec 30, 2018 11:57 AM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

WHEEEE! Thought PCK, completely immersed in hitting stuff and forgetting what they were doing until they came upon an abandoned campsite. Classy place. Had all the pompousness of a garbage yard with the quality real estate of spoops town. Really couldn't wish for anything better.

The paper mache ruler found it a bit strange to find a bullet embedded in the skull of a person that was already dead. One wants to have an undead rave and the other just bust a cap in his ass forehead ass. Rood. Though it seems the good chap at least had the chance to take a sip of straggler-brand red wine. Seems like some of it got spilt in a conspicuous trail a little bit farther.

Hoping to savor some of that dang drink themselves, PCK decided to skip along the trail at an accelerated pace... not before claiming the downed party animal's right hand, of course. Dude wanted to boogie and, hopefully, will get to experience the pleasure of rocking out on a felon's face.
Jan 1, 2019 12:23 AM

Mar 2016
As PCK followed the semi fresh blood trail, the boy would find a few spots that suggest the felons fired his weapon severel times. He either didn’t shot at a target, or missed every shot because no blood splatter save his own, and no nearby corpses cN correlate to the bullet damages on the walls.

Finally, PCK, had arrived at a tunnel, made of a reflective surface, that leads into an impossible place. Because see, on the other side of that house, is a massive sinkhole. And the tunnel, which doesn’t exist on the other side, goes way past that sink hole. The blood trail continues into the tunnel.
Jan 1, 2019 2:02 AM

Jul 2017
Enters Area

Celcei entered the Ruins once more, as though the location had been ingrained in her subconscious and muscle memory. She walked, looking around for hearts and keeping wary of her back. Cel wasn’t a fan of being caught by surprise a second time.

She came to look for her answer. Her value as an asset to true Virillia. Cel continued to walk slowly through the gray landscape, becoming somewhat more agitated with every step. I’ll kill that cocky “higher being.” We’ll see how mighty it is when my stake is strung through their throat. Her face remained expressionless, hidden by the crimson Heartseeker.
Jan 1, 2019 6:31 AM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

Luna would look at the two who entered through the portal, giving a low tone sigh of relief. "Good you're here. We can forget about cognitohazard. This is something else. I am a little worried."

Luna could remember the locations of the other two anomalies and she'd look towards their direction briefly while still keeping an eye for her surroundings.

"I'd like to verify the remaining anomaly sites while we are here. It should be safer when you can see what is coming. It's not safe to stay around." Luna would continue towards the 2nd anomaly marker after the brief exchange, giving off any answers while on the move. Not without.
Jan 1, 2019 9:40 AM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Silly person we don't know about. Shooting the air like they own the place, bet they'd have some dumb and completely improbable excuse like 'Ghosts' or something. Boogeying skeletons? Sure. But ghosts shouldn't even have the legs needed to party, and why else would they be coming back from the dead?

And what in blueberry biscuits was this tunnel supposed to be? Whoever designed this place clearly forgot to put the hole both inside AND outside the tunnel, fools. If someone made such an obvious mistake being a lord creator here, entering the cavern ahead could be very risky. Who knows what subtlety of logic they could have missed next. 'twas time to ask the stolen kindheartedly escorted skeleton hand.


Seems it rudely decided to go first, probably thinking PCK swinging their arm really hard was a 'go-ahead' signal. Oh well, it wouldn't be very nice to let it go by itself, now would it. Thus with a skip and hop and scamper, PCK skadoodled inside the mysterious reflective tunnel.


@Darth_Lewdious (Pinging purely because I'm starting to worry about an all too familiar pattern.)
Jan 1, 2019 1:44 PM

Mar 2016
Cel would feel the throbbing of the ground as she walked around. Until a large, ten foot tall creature of pitch black and a broad frame jumped through a building. Sending rubble everywhere. It hadn’t even landed as it’s giant fisthurdled straight towards you. But as it hit, there as nothing. The building was fine. The monster gone. It wasn’t real.

Passing through the tunnel was a ride of sensation. First numb, then hot, then cold, then weightless, then dizzy. But finally PCK has exited and realized that the tunnel exited in the same place it entered! But this time, he was in The Mirror. The sights were grim indeed. Thousands of ghosts, strange specters infesting every corner. Watching. The Blood trail isn’t here anymore. But you can hear gunfire. In the distance echoing out. Just barely audible under the song of Calantra.
Jan 1, 2019 2:27 PM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Astral Veil

You know that statement about no ghosts? Scratch that. They totally exist and it's AWESOME! This means that literally everyone is capable of enjoying a good rave! Hell, this party is apparently so good they got an honest to god armed felon as a background act, providing a fresh beat to the otherwise drab song echoing around.

Seriously though, whoever made that gosh dang tunnel should have made a safety check, making sure everything would go smoothly. As fun as the 'trip' was, it could have used a warning. Nobody really wants that experience out of the blue, even if they enjoy it.

Wanting to enjoy the music without interrupting the beat, PCK took of towards the firing felon with a slow and quiet step, hoping not to interrupt them in providing those great tunes.

@Darth_Lewdious (P.S. Is the header satisfactory?)
Jan 1, 2019 9:07 PM

Jul 2017

Celcei was shocked, but otherwise speechless. Everything happened so fast that she hadn't fully registered it, like a daydream. Cel continued to walk forward, aiming semi-blindly to reach the other end of the city and pass on to see what lied ahead. She couldn't hear anything, her vocal cords could not produce sound. All that was left to do was to walk through the dark landscape set aflame by heartseeker, silently, painfully.
Jan 2, 2019 12:08 AM

Mar 2016
“Blind...” A whisper in your ear echoed back a taunting truth. “Useless...” It continued further. It seems this city has no definition of mercy. Its just one thing after another here. And these words, they hit you harder than normal. Like they carried the weight of a thousand souls. “Did you come here to die...?” Without softness or kindness,the voice spok its poison in crystal clarity. You soon find that despite walking straight, you seem to have ended up going backwards at some point. As you have just passed this exact same juncture.

The gunshots ceased before PCK could arrive, but after arriving at the designated location, he would notice the fire arm in question on the ground. And a dozen empty clips. It was a basic hamdgun. It fired simple shells loaded with a small EMP payload meant to incapacitate automatic symptoms. A makeshift silencr on the weaponmostly broken explained how he escaped using such a loud weapon.

You could hear something crawling in a mearby building. Amd then a groan of pain. The voice of a man being tortured. You may enter the building to find the man being comstricted to the wall by some strange red thing. The thing latched onto the wall seemed organic. Alive even. It had bloody tendrils clinging the man to the things body. Small horms stabbing through the mans shoulder amd hip. The creature had temdrils creeping under the felons skin. The felon screamed in pain as the creature eyed you. Its body was comparable to a vine growing on the wall, but comprised of soft flesh amd sharp boney claws. The body was pulsating. A long tube facing donwards had teeth, so it eas presumably its mouth. It had three eyes each in wierd spots across this growth. The creature itself spans seven cubic meters on the wall. This thing didnt look like it belonged here.
Jan 2, 2019 8:38 AM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

After going through the portal, the two would reunite with Luna. She was relieved to know that Luna was doing ok and was still standing strong. However, she was not relieved to know that they were still in a place with mountains and mountains of dead people and spirits. Aby gripped Johns hand and rushed towards Luna after hearing her voice. As they were walking, Aby would let go of Johns hand. She was still terrified of the place but she did not want to be seen as the weaker one in the group. She took a deep breath and would respond, ”yeah, we can’t really leave heat without completing our mission... Although I have to wonder if there is a way to relief all these spirits out of their misery and help then pass on.. then again I don’t want to end like them and would want to leave this place as soon as possible.”
Jan 2, 2019 10:46 AM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Astral Veil

It couldn't be. There was no way this was reality. 'TWAS THE CRANBERRY JUICE MONSTER STANDING BEFORE PCK, STEALING CRANBERRY JUICE FROM AN INN-- REASONABLY DESERVING IT MAN! It was much uglier than one would expect it to be... but beggars can't be choosers.

But maybe they shouldn't let cryptid take all of the sweet red fluid from the dude, he needed it after all. Potentially just borrow a hand from the guy and bring it in as proof of capture... Oh, reel it back. The insatiable rave lunatic with a smiley mask is already about to smack the thing with a skeleton hand. Terrific.



@Darth_Lewdious, @CranbewwyJewsMonstah
Jan 2, 2019 12:28 PM

Jul 2017

Celcei stopped for a moment and turned towards the east. Something was playing with her, but she wouldn’t have it. Instead of walking straight she walked in zigzagging patterns, moving east and then west again as she traversed through the streets and ocassionally moving through buildings.

I can’t give in yet. Not until I find what I seek. How tiresome, maybe I should lay here, forever. No, I must continue, meaninglessly, until I die. But why? Virillia is lost to immortal rule, brother is lost to his obsession, nobody is here. I am alone. I always have been.

This world is different, too different. I need a guide, but none exist. I need to become stronger. I need a master. I need to kill...
Jan 2, 2019 8:37 PM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

Once they passed through the portal, Jonathan would notice that there were spirits throughout the entire city. Some seemed to be passive spirits, likely those that had died in this place. The others seemed more malevolent. They reminded him of the presence that he had felt not too long ago. It didn't take much to realize that those spirits were likely the creatures that had been screwing with their minds. Since the ghosts seemed to be keeping their distance, Jonathan decided he wouldn't engage, although he remained cautious.

After reuniting with Luna, she suggested that they check out the other anomaly sites. But Jonathan had already had enough of this place. He didn't really want to stay around for much longer. Is that really necessary, though? I'd say it's pretty obvious what that anomaly was the moment we stepped through a portal into the spirit realm. We're probably just gonna find more portals like that one. Plus, we don't know what other kind of creatures might be around here.

Abygail did have a point, though. They couldn't exactly run away without completing their assigned mission. Somewhat begrudgingly, Jonathan decided he would follow Luna and Abygail to the remaining anomaly markers.
Jan 3, 2019 12:24 AM

Mar 2016
Luna had convimed the two to investigate further, prompting them to venture deeper into the mad city. Though surpisingly, it was much more peaceful than the other side. The specters cleared the way as you approached. Not keep on fighting. The spirits added to the meloncholy. This place... was a hell of its own. As you pass into a clearing, you can see a large violet streak of energy in the dead center of Calantra. Though it wasnt one of the anomalies. The next marker lead you to a house that had been collapsed by a sinkhole. You could see another Astral Bridge there, on the outside of the building. This would probably lead back into the mortal side of the world. Where presumably these countless specters would begin their assult again. You could hear a strnge resonance nearby. From the sky. There seemed to be a sudden cloud appearing over the city. The strange part, was you could hear the thunder, when nothing else was audible from the physical world. So the question arises, is the cloud here or there?

PCK had decided to smack the creature with a skeletal hand, and as such, had to get within a melee range. The crature responded to his closeness by lurching forth three of its tentacles. One of them wrapped around his wrist tightly. The other one aimed to aim for his head. Another tried to wrp aqround his waist. Though the only one certain to land was the one on his wrist, as it tried to dig under his skin. It was also attempting to draw him closer.

“Alone...” The voices continued. The telepathy translated itself in Cel’s mind. “No hope... no reason... No mission... No meaning...” Even as you continue. The haunting voices werent just playing a teick on you. Your head felt heavy as they whisper to you. “Why...? Just lie down... Rest finally...” As they recite your own thoughts back to you, just breathing begins to feel like a chore. Maybe it would be better if... you just surrendered. Let it end. After all, havent you had enough?
Darth_LewdiousJan 3, 2019 12:38 AM
Jan 3, 2019 10:12 AM

Jul 2017

Cel kneeled down and bent over, her hand grasping the sides of her helmet. She retracted Heartseeker and stopped moving, her fingers combing erratically through her short hair.

After an hour of sitting she began to chuckle slowly to herself. Cels lower face couldn’t express this fully (from still healing nerve damage) and what resulted was a contorted half smile. I will not die, I will not die, I will not die, I will not die. No, you will die, yes you all will die. I’m useless. Abandon hope! Die! Suddenly Celcei leapt forward, reactivating heartseeker and running at full speed. As she sprinted she flailed her stake knife randomly, the contorted half smile hidden beneath her helmet.

Celcei’s personality has changed.
Leaves Area
Jan 3, 2019 11:32 AM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

"Maybe there are. But it should still be safer out here. They are cowards... Preying on the living. They don't see us as ones right now, we should use that as our advantage." Luna would try to reassure Jonathan. She was far more terrified about things that she couldn't see than things that she could see.

At the second geo-marker, Luna would look at the sinkhole and another portal. It was weird. Was this a anomaly related to the astral veil? But how was that possible. She had been expecting something else as it was a surge of Xera. And when she heard thunder Luna froze. She looked up into the sky almost instinctively. And bit her lips. Her wore an expression so serious that it could have been mistaken with hatred.

Although initially she hadn't given much thought to the purple streak of energy, now she was upset.

"... We should ..." Luna was at a loss of words. She would user her Belethian ability to discern distances to figure out, if the area with the large violet streak was between the three geomarkers or not. Either way she would lead them to the third geomarker, if there was nothing else about it. However, if she deemed that it was center enough between the three geomarkers, Luna would start an approach towards the center of Calantra.

If the third geomarker had a similar case, Luna would continue off towards the streak of energy. "It's safest, probably. To go to the first geomarker and leave this place hastily. Run, without slowing down. All the way back. But I am worried that there is something that they are not paying us enough to solve.."
Jan 3, 2019 11:35 AM

Mar 2015
Paper Crown King

Astral Veil

PCK vs. The Cranberry Juice Monster; Turn 1
Obviously offended by the idea of not being able to steal all of the cranberry juice it wanted to steal, the Cranberry Juice Monster decided to begin a retaliation of sorts against the masked defender of fruity drinks. Extending tendrisl of unknown purpose towards the PCK, it grabbed their wrist and was aiming for other places of importance.

Even during a party however, such a violation of personal space cannot be tolerated! Dropping the damn skeletal hand, the PCK grabbed the tendril attached to their wrist with their free arm, attempting to throw the CJM towards a wall. If this proved a sufficient distraction, they would then pursue the noble goal of ripping apart the tendril constraining their wrist, and if not... the simplest thing to do would be to lunge out of the way of the other appendages.

@Darth_Lewdious (I swear to god, this thing better be nothing more than a parasite.)
Jan 6, 2019 7:02 PM

Mar 2016

The placement of the Gates were completely sporadic. But all of them seem to be in the western side of the city. The giant purple streak seemed very out of the way. The mirror shards that float around here seem to become ore absent as you approach the streak. And none of the ghosts can be seen here. The ome thing that seems to stick is the song. Which is getting loud. As the team arrives at it, they would see the streak reached down to about twelve feet above the ground. Beneath it was a woman, whos legs were the tail of a grey serpent, and had wings of thorns. Itnhad the face of a beautiful woman, save for the fact that her eyes were empty, bottomless depths. Completely empty sockets,

PCK had began tugging on its arrm, it quickly relaxed its grip when it felt its arm was in danger, his force only serving to escapeits grasp. Instead it began to try a different strategy. It would plant itself back in the victim and use three tendrils as whips to try and lash PCK away from the monster. Dealing mainly impact damage if they hit. Its mouth, at the bottom of a tube ruddled with teeth. The mouth raised up a bit, and convulswd as it shot a glob of yellow viscous fluid at PCK.

Jan 6, 2019 7:28 PM

Nov 2015
Luna Beleth

"It doesn't make much sense. Why would ... What has happened to this place?" Luna would take a deep breath, and she gazed at the strange woman. Despite of everything, Luna would catch on to the song, imitating the melody as she was trying to make sense to the things that had been going on.

"You are very beautiful ... I don't mean to intrude but I must ask you, what are you doing?" Luna would shout out with enough volume to be heard.
Jan 6, 2019 10:12 PM

Dec 2016
Abygail Fleur

Upon being in that horrendous place, they came upon a women with empty eyes. She focused on the melody which Luna was already singing and trying to make sense of. This whole place just seemed like a very bad horror movie. She stayed quite and became prepared for what could happen.
Jan 7, 2019 6:05 AM

Mar 2016
Jonathan Harker

Astral Veil
Cannot be seen or heard unless specified.

Beautiful… was a nice way of putting it. The creature’s face certainly was pretty, but this place had already put him on edge, and Jonathan couldn’t help but being cautious. The serpent tail and lack of eyes also didn’t help. But before he could voice his concerns, Luna spoke out to the creature. He was hoping it would respond peacefully, but still readied his weapon just in case it attacked, summoning it and taking a defensive pose. He spoke out to his comrades, urging them to do the same. Words and diplomacy are nice and all, but we don’t know if this thing is hostile. Be careful, guys.
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