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Boarding School Juliet
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Nov 16, 2018 8:45 AM

Nov 2011
Gotta give credit to Persia for fighting with her injury. That takes fucking guts. The boob grab and nosebleed though. Char promised to also deliver her "punishment" so it's shaving time LOL. Good God, I think she's the biggest troll in the entire show. I still felt kinda sorry for Hasuki after being rejected but it was inevitable.

> Get well present
Poor Romio. Always getting caught into weird misunderstandings. I bet we'll get a whole lot more of that for rest of the season.

Apparently, Persia's disguise was so good that the other girls didn't recognize her in boy clothes. That's impressive.
Nov 16, 2018 9:09 AM

Jun 2015
Excellent episode. The contest sure was intense but it was heartwarming seeing the audience cheer for Persia after their insults earlier. The results of that match truly was surprising. Juliet and Inuzuka's dance at the fountain was nice as was the insight into Touwa dance routines. The prefect meeting was quite intriguing. Inuzuka's punishment sure was harsh but it did allow his relationship with Persia to close once more. Juliet's song was quite impressive and soothing. Persia's little adventure sure was ended up as the perfect medicine. Looks like the the twin prefects will get their debut next ep.
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Nov 16, 2018 11:03 AM

Oct 2018
That boob grab... What in the sam hell. And the amount of blood that came out of his nose!?!?! shh shut up, it's anime, it's not supposed to make sense

Overall, this is a pretty good anime this season. Enjoyable, and funny.
Nov 16, 2018 11:06 AM

Jun 2014
Lol what a troll way to end that battle, it was so intense until that moment. Romio looked like he got murdered with how much blood he lost.

And with that moment where he disintegrated after Persia found the porn mag, I have to make the obligatory reference to Thanos and the snap. "Persia, I don't feel so good."
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Nov 16, 2018 11:12 AM

Mar 2016
I like how this show actually develops the two mcs' relationship, imo. Not enough rom-com shows actually do that nowadays.
Nov 16, 2018 11:18 AM

Mar 2016
thebrentinator24 said:
Lol what a troll way to end that battle, it was so intense until that moment. Romio looked like he got murdered with how much blood he lost.

And with that moment where he disintegrated after Persia found the porn mag, I have to make the obligatory reference to Thanos and the snap. "Persia, I don't feel so good."

First Hinamatsuri did that Infinity Wars gag, and now this show xD
that's frigging amazing
Nov 16, 2018 11:20 AM

Jan 2018
That boob grab part was great as always Char has her moments and when she meant shaving it was not his head poor guy
Izuma-_ said:
That boob grab... What in the sam hell. And the amount of blood that came out of his nose!?!?

I expected him to fly out of there but it didn't have enough force
Nov 16, 2018 11:25 AM

Jul 2014
Before anyone thinks the anime did that to reference infinity war, no it didnt, the chapter got released way back on 2016.

Oh and they changed one bit here, it was Hasuki that knocked to check on Inudzuka, not Maru's friend.
Nov 16, 2018 11:48 AM

Jul 2017
Nice episode. Wasn't as glorious as last week but atleast there is some progression with the relationship.
Nov 16, 2018 11:52 AM

Mar 2016
Lmao I was waiting for that troll ending to the last fight of the sport festival.
The rest of the episode reminded me of why I loved reading the manga. Inuzuka and Persia are soo cute together, and it’s funny how inuzuka acts all tough in this episode (it is cute and funny how innocent and pure Inuzuka is when it comes to love lol) when Persia wants to nurse him yet he knows he wouldn’t mind it cause it means spending more time with her and bonding by showcasing actions of genuine love towards each other.

That End Card though. Wew. Our loli prefects next episode.
Nov 16, 2018 1:08 PM

Nov 2016
They couldn't have ended the match in a better way. And poor Scott has to endure a lot xD

Pretty good episode again, Persias and Inzukas relationship keeps growing on me, that lullaby was especially cute.

It was also cool the more of prefect, guess the twins are going to make their move now.

Btw, I liked it that Persia got to taste how it is to be boy who went in the wrong room.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 16, 2018 1:37 PM

Aug 2018
I kinda saw the boob grab coming, but they sure are adorable together.
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Please come drink tea, eat cake and procrastinate at the Cute Girls Doing Cute Things Club. We have simulwatches! \o/
Nov 16, 2018 2:57 PM

Jan 2017
I have to say, that's the first time I've ever heard the 'Hush Little Baby' nursery rhyme sung in an anime. It was actually pretty beautiful, with the English lyrics sang with a Japanese accent. Very nice.

Nov 16, 2018 3:15 PM
Sep 2016
I lost it when Inuzuka fell from a nosebleed after grabbing Persia’s chest...
Nov 16, 2018 3:48 PM

Jun 2017
I accidentally spoilered myself with the boob grab last week but it was still pretty funny lol. Romio has a true friend of culture at least. The prefects seem pretty interesting too.
Nov 16, 2018 4:22 PM
Nov 2015
This episode as so cute! I'm glad that Persia got to be the MVP and redeem herself after that injury. (Which was SO effed up.) It sucks that Romio is no longer the leader but I'm glad it's not that dude with the lock on his ear, he's bad news.

The scene where they were in bed was nice! Finally getting to see more of physical contact. I'm so excited for the next episode; I want to meet those two cute Chinese girls!
Nov 16, 2018 4:26 PM

Apr 2015
That boob grab and nosebleed was priceless!! XD

Char is a complete nutcase but I love it! It's Punishment time!

The scenes with Persia taking care of Inuzuka were pretty sweet!
'Julio' went and explored the Black Doggy house and discovered it's one scary place! Hasuki in that towel though! :D
Nov 16, 2018 5:55 PM
Mar 2017
After exploring the place "Julio" crying back to inuzuka room like little kid are so priceless xD then the following is Persia Cuteness at maximum and we finally got our Loli sisters next week can't wait for next episode
Nov 16, 2018 6:01 PM

Jul 2017
That boob grab though! Did not see that coming! XDXD

Glad that Persia was able to redeem herself after the insults the audience throw at her before but I feel bad for Inuzuka since he's being punished badly and he's no longer the leader anymore.

Though it's also a good thing since it brought Persia to him and develop their relationship more. At least Hasuki's the leader and not Maru.

Persia, you now have experienced the 'going into the wrong room at the wrong time' cliché that a lot of anime guys have suffered! Especially the fact that you're dressed as a boy. The Black Dogs Dorm is quite a scary place for Persia...

Didn't expect the 'Hush Little Baby' lullaby to be in an anime but it fits the scene and it was really sweet.

It's rare to see a rom-com where the main pairing's relationship develops throughout the series so this is a nice surprise.

We'll finally get to see the loli prefects debut next episode!
Mikura39Nov 17, 2018 12:11 AM

Help, I'm hooked into the Fate series (not all) and am obsessed with Shirou x Saber!
Also, forever hoping for a ufotable remake of the Fate route!
Nov 16, 2018 6:44 PM

Dec 2014
damn persi win... still thought romeo will win.... but ohhh well
Nov 16, 2018 7:44 PM

Dec 2013
did someone know the lullaby song?this sounds great when i heard
Nov 16, 2018 7:58 PM

Jan 2013
Persia definitely came over wanting to do the oomph oomph lol
Nov 16, 2018 8:41 PM
Mar 2017
The sports festival ends and Persia wins, although Inuzuka also won if you understand me. The fight between Persia and Inuzulka was intense and Persia managed to get the public to support her, but by accident Inuzuka grabs Persia's boob leaving Inuzuka out of action. The dance was very funny, poor Scott will be Char's toy while Persia dances with Inuzuka.
The second half was nice, Persia taking care of Inuzuka was adorable and funny, poor Inuzuka, when Persia finds her clasmate porn magazine, seeing Persia angry was very funny, also thanks to her we could see Hazuki's spectacular body again while she was bathing.
Persia helped her boyfriend to get better thanks to her song, I must say it was very moving.
Today we also met the prefects of the White Cats and Black Dogs, although we only heard their voices, this gives indications that it is not long before they make their appearance, it is more in the next episode the twins prefect make their presentation, at last the little twins.
Nov 16, 2018 9:29 PM
Jun 2017
As a man i can say Inuzuka is the REAL MVP!!! Hahaha... (if you know what i mean)... hahaha... in front of many audience he has able to do that attack... hahaha...

Anyways persia taking care of inuzuka is a sweet one. Like that one...
Nov 16, 2018 9:36 PM
Nov 2015
Ryuseishun said:
I like how this show actually develops the two mcs' relationship, imo. Not enough rom-com shows actually do that nowadays.

I second this. This is why I love this show so much.
Nov 16, 2018 9:45 PM

Mar 2009
My dude Inuzuka got himself a handful of Persia boob.

Cute episode. Persia was ridiculously cute here. She's going to be the death of Inuzuka, at this rate.
Nov 16, 2018 10:32 PM

May 2018
That's a hillarious way to end the battle, Persia has good "things" there, too (move Hasuki, get out my way).

Half of the scene this week is about Inuzuka caught fever, but still the comedy is excellent. I hurt my stomach while laughing. Good episode.

Next episode, twin cuties. Stay tune :D
Nov 16, 2018 10:45 PM

Nov 2017
- Atleast Inuzuka had more accuracy than Scoot
- This......
Now Loading.....
Nov 16, 2018 10:52 PM

Apr 2016
Can't wait for the loli twins next episode
Intense fight then suddenly... Boob grab!
I never get tired of Char's antics. Poor Scott always have to deal with her.
Looks like Inuzuka got his wish granted wanting to see Persia.
How come we never see other characters doubting Julio's identity?
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Nov 16, 2018 10:58 PM

Aug 2017
The fight ends unexpectedly lmao.
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Nov 17, 2018 1:30 AM

Mar 2017
That groping scene was so hilarious lol.
Persia nursed Inuzuka. That was nice.
I'm curious about that Student Council like thing. Prefect was it? Next episode we'll see those loli prefect members.
Nov 17, 2018 2:55 AM
Jul 2018
-Stray said:
Before anyone thinks the anime did that to reference infinity war, no it didnt, the chapter got released way back on 2016.

Oh and they changed one bit here, it was Hasuki that knocked to check on Inudzuka, not Maru's friend.
did you see Persia's mother in this episode. In the Harvest festival Arc, she days she was there in the sports festival.
Nov 17, 2018 3:47 AM
Nov 2018
GodX said:
did someone know the lullaby song?this sounds great when i heard

Well from what i know the original song is eminem - moocking bird
Nov 17, 2018 4:14 AM

Jun 2017
Vionnex said:
GodX said:
did someone know the lullaby song?this sounds great when i heard

Well from what i know the original song is eminem - moocking bird

They should've included the "Imma break that birdie's neck" line aswell.

Higurashi Gou is the worst anime in existence.
Nov 17, 2018 5:08 AM

Oct 2007

Inuzuka worked hard to save Persia reputation. He succeed, although paid the price with being punished.

Well.... he gain a lot of love from Per-chan. Their dance near the fountain so romantic.

Scott would explode if he learns Persia changed clothes in Inuzuka's room. xD
Nov 17, 2018 5:49 AM

Oct 2011
Tomm01p said:
Vionnex said:

Well from what i know the original song is eminem - moocking bird

They should've included the "Imma break that birdie's neck" line aswell.

I like your avatar xD.
Nov 17, 2018 6:49 AM

Jun 2017
Raisken said:
Tomm01p said:

They should've included the "Imma break that birdie's neck" line aswell.

I like your avatar xD.

Uuu, a fellow Chisaki lover. It's always nice to see people of your own kind here ;)

Higurashi Gou is the worst anime in existence.
Nov 17, 2018 7:23 AM
Jun 2015
Impressive how Inuzuka's room under the staircase still manages to have windows on two sides.
Nov 17, 2018 9:48 AM

Dec 2016
My mans got "pervert" infinity stoned lmaooo
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Nov 17, 2018 10:19 AM

Jul 2013
Kohitsuji a true bro. The only one along with Hasuki that didn't shun out Inuzuka for losing the competition. He has my respects.

RIP Inuzuka. Finger snappe'd for touching a boob. Gones, but never forgotten.
Nov 17, 2018 11:05 AM

Jan 2016
I'll say this again and again, this is one of the better adaptations I've seen as of recently.

Very underrated, the Manga is kinda known so I thought for sure that the Anime would also be popular, guess not.

Also for some reason I love the ending song!
Nov 17, 2018 11:22 AM

Jul 2013
The final battle was a bust and Romio lost cause of boob grab. Well at least it was your gf right? Overall this episode was a perfect touch onto the relationship of him and Persia. I kinda wanna see more of it.

Nov 17, 2018 2:59 PM

Jan 2016
When I watched the anime I questioned myself again why I put this series manga in my favorite and this episode made me remember again. Inuzuka and Persia are just so cute and lovely to watch.

That boob grab though.. kinda expect it from last week preview haha.
Nov 18, 2018 8:19 PM

Jun 2013
That boob grab was the best part. Done in by a boob lol

Awww, Persia had to cosplay as Julio but Maru seems to fancy him. Is Maru gay or does he know that Julio is possibly a girl but doesn't know he's Juliet yet? No spoilers please, I'm going to read the manga soon.

So many comedic parts, one of my favorites was when Juliet poked Inuzuka's eye and his bed was replaced with a tape outline like in homicides lol
Nov 19, 2018 7:20 PM
Aug 2018
Just one comment: Great episode
Nov 19, 2018 7:51 PM

Jan 2008
Death (not literally) by oppai. With extra emphasis and replay action.

That meeting the upper students were having, sometimes it feels like this show is turning into an actual battle anime.

Really liked the soothing OST playing when Persia visited. Hearing Kayano Ai singing Hush Little Baby was a nice addition too.

Overall episode was really enjoyable, probably my favorite so far of this show. Funny too cause it was mostly just Inuzuka in bed.
Nov 19, 2018 8:10 PM
Jan 2016
Good episode, and a lot of good comedy aswell!

The way that Inuzuka lost the batle was really funny, he saved Persia in the audience, he got punished by black dogs, and was retired from being leader, but i think it was worth!

Persia was really beautifull with blue dress at party, and the dance between Persia and Inuzuka was awkward, i feel a litle of shame myself when they were dancing that, dont know how to explain well!

The part in Inuzuka's room with Persia was priceless and at same time to much funny, missunderstands beetween Persia and Inuzuka made me laught a lot! Expressions by Persia in that part were wonderfull and cute as hell! Never Inuzuka expected to have Persia changing clothes in his room, and even lying down in the same bed, only with a shirt!

Seems next episode we will meet two new girls!

Nov 19, 2018 8:18 PM

Oct 2008
BWAHAHA! friggin' LOLZ at Romio! since He got Thanos'd @ scene [15:00]!

Nov 21, 2018 5:43 AM

Dec 2010
My childhood... "Hush Little Baby"

I used to play that song in my cassette in the car a long time ago....
Nov 25, 2018 12:20 AM
Jul 2018
Inuzuka is goddammn Lucky. Her tits must have been soft ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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