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Oct 19, 2017 9:26 AM

Nov 2011
Nice, we're getting more focus on Hiro, the other character that was with the old man during their incident.

I like how he's protrayed in this anime so far as his personality fits quite well for his character. He's a very different character compared to Inuyashiki though. They didn't waste much time revealing his ability either.

BANG. They kept the blood and violence in this show as well to show how dangerous Hiro is really capable of. I felt bad for that family he attacked. RIP. Pretty thrilling episode.
Oct 19, 2017 11:08 AM
Sep 2015
I think the villain is not evil enough, if he's gonna kill the kid he has to give that kid a hope first and then kill him like Caster from Fate/Zero. Overall I'm disappoint in the villain's insufficient evil but I'll continue to watch just in case there's more evil villain than him.
Oct 19, 2017 11:11 AM

Sep 2016
these voice actors are awful, especially our main chara inuyashiki and not-Kurono.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Oct 19, 2017 11:15 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
The rest of volume one hand half of volume 2 were adapted (6 chapters). But yeah, this episode was a good adaptation. Lmao, porn plays on all the TVs and a kid is actually watching it. All those manga references Shishigami made, lol. I love how the mangaka made fun of his own series with Gantz, lol. I like how they handled his creepiness. And I also like the contrast between his and Inuyashiki, where one feels alive when saving a life and the other feels alive when taking a life. The directing and use of music in this series is really good so far, but the animations are pretty iffy. Honestly, the 3D animations look better than the 2D ones, since the 2D ones lack proper fluidity and overall looks like a step down from MAPPA's other works.

GoldenDevilGamerOct 19, 2017 11:20 AM
Oct 19, 2017 11:18 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Holy fuck.

Can't believe that this just happened. Hiro's a psychopath.
Oct 19, 2017 11:21 AM
Oct 2012
GangsterCat said:
these voice actors are awful, especially our main chara inuyashiki and not-Kurono.

well, they are not professional voice actors.
Oct 19, 2017 11:22 AM

Dec 2014
Crying because of a One Piece chapter O.o So Hiro is the younger MC/Villain of the series. I'd say that the old man's pov was more interesting to see, probably due to it being uncommon. So the first episode was more enjoyable than this second one for me.

The kid was just standing there watching without getting flustered, while all the adults around went into panic mode lol
Oct 19, 2017 11:22 AM

Sep 2016
Acernos said:
GangsterCat said:
these voice actors are awful, especially our main chara inuyashiki and not-Kurono.

well, they are not professional voice actors.
yes they are since they (hopefully) get paid

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Oct 19, 2017 11:23 AM
Oct 2012
GoldenDevilGamer said:
since the 2D ones lack proper fluidity


just like the manga.
Oct 19, 2017 11:23 AM

Jun 2015
The kid standing there watching porn was amusing. Hiro is a completely different character than Inuyashiki. He just killed that family in cold blood. I really feel bad for them. Got to see his other abilities too. He's quite powerful. He needs to be stopped.
Oct 19, 2017 11:26 AM
Oct 2012
GangsterCat said:
Acernos said:

well, they are not professional voice actors.
yes they are since they (hopefully) get paid

I mean they have no experience, it's the same case when they call an actor to dub some animation, in my country there was a case where a great actress made a bad dub.
Oct 19, 2017 11:34 AM
Oct 2012
Anathor said:
Crying because of a One Piece chapter O.o So Hiro is the younger MC/Villain of the series. I'd say that the old man's pov was more interesting to see, probably due to it being uncommon. So the first episode was more enjoyable than this second one for me.

The kid was just standing there watching without getting flustered, while all the adults around went into panic mode lol

I do not doubt that appear people on Twitter criticizing the anime for putting children in situations that are harmful and dangerous to their mental health, unfortunately the politically correct is reaching Japan.
Oct 19, 2017 11:36 AM

Dec 2015
GangsterCat said:
these voice actors are awful, especially our main chara inuyashiki and not-Kurono.

Totally agreed.


They mentioned Gantz (Even the character somewhat looks same)!!

Looks like Hiro, don't know how it feels when someone dies (so callous).
Oct 19, 2017 11:41 AM

Jul 2014
If this episode wanted to showcase to me that Hiro is a monster, it absolutely succeeded on that front, that's for sure, although I really could have done without seeing the kid drowning in all honesty: even considering everything else that happened in this episode, that was sickening and way too much.
Oct 19, 2017 11:45 AM

Sep 2013
The true mc has arrived, he has more than double the screentime of the old man.
Hiro seeing if he's alive since he's a robot and all.
GangsterCat said:
these voice actors are awful, especially our main chara inuyashiki and not-Kurono.

It's on purpose to make it feel like real life Japanese not the anime Japanese.
Oct 19, 2017 11:48 AM

Feb 2013
Hiro is really crazy, but we need a villain like him in this anime, he likes One Piece, that's something good.
Oct 19, 2017 11:50 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
ichii_1 said:
It's on purpose to make it feel like real life Japanese not the anime Japanese.
^Basically this

Japanese voice acting in anime almost never sound like how Japanese people talk in real life. This anime is trying to replicate the non-exaggerated style Japanese people normally speak in, by using live-action actors as voice actors.
Oct 19, 2017 11:52 AM

Sep 2016
GoldenDevilGamer said:
ichii_1 said:
It's on purpose to make it feel like real life Japanese not the anime Japanese.
^Basically this

Japanese voice acting in anime almost never sound like how Japanese people talk in real life. This anime is trying to replicate the non-exaggerated style Japanese people normally speak in, by using live-action actors as voice actors.
that's a nice excuse for bad acting "it's bad because it's intended to be bad!" lol

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Oct 19, 2017 11:53 AM
Jul 2012
I knew one piece fans were evil. But anyways i'm glad they are keeping the voices realistic compared to most anime.
Oct 19, 2017 11:55 AM

Aug 2013
They really showed how evil Hiro is. I feel bad for that family.

Oct 19, 2017 11:55 AM

Apr 2016
It was a surprise the personality of this young boy!!!
Oct 19, 2017 11:57 AM

Apr 2015
Holy shit, pure madness. :O

So much One Piece stuff in this episode haha

Now I will definitely start reading mango. ~
Oct 19, 2017 12:02 PM

Feb 2016
Holy shit that was fucking brutal! o.O

I really liked the pacing here and the way things were presented, it felt kinda different and more natural from what I'd usually expect from anime. I really felt the suspense in the air.

I think the VAs are doing fine job, some speech in the beginning could have been better, but overall I think they sound good enough. Nothing bad in giving a chance to new voice actors.

Lol'd at the product placement.
Oct 19, 2017 12:02 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
GangsterCat said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
^Basically this

Japanese voice acting in anime almost never sound like how Japanese people talk in real life. This anime is trying to replicate the non-exaggerated style Japanese people normally speak in, by using live-action actors as voice actors.
that's a nice excuse for bad acting "it's bad because it's intended to be bad!" lol
I'm not saying the voice acting is good or bad, I'm just stating why it sounds like that. If I were to close my eyes and listen to just the audio, I would've assumed that a Japanese live-action series is going on right now. They weren't intending the voice acting to be bad, they were just intending it to be different... which still ended up as off-putting.

Since all of the characters are talking in normal anime style, yet the two MCs are talking in regular style, the voice acting isn't blending properly. Plus, anime is an exaggerated form of media anyways, so there's no need to not make the voice acting exaggerated.
Oct 19, 2017 12:03 PM

Jul 2010
Well that was quite disturbing, hope to see the eventual beatdown on Hiro, gonna feel good man.
Oct 19, 2017 12:14 PM

Nov 2016
I hope Hiro will get destroyed by Inuyashiki.
Oct 19, 2017 12:15 PM
Aug 2014
This Hiro guy, not very smart is he? He's like those serial killers who like to brag and leave behind evidence.
Oct 19, 2017 12:18 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Favourite manga? One Piece! Favourite Character? Zoro! I see, you're a man of culture as well.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Oct 19, 2017 12:24 PM

Jun 2016
Crap, the girl even liked shingeki no kyojin and he didn't care D:
I'm really enjoying this anime, the episode was sooo good! And Hiro is interesting, i actually like him a lot.
Oct 19, 2017 12:29 PM

Apr 2012
Hiro is fucking crazy, man! I love him. xDD
Oct 19, 2017 12:35 PM

Sep 2016
GangsterCat said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
^Basically this

Japanese voice acting in anime almost never sound like how Japanese people talk in real life. This anime is trying to replicate the non-exaggerated style Japanese people normally speak in, by using live-action actors as voice actors.
that's a nice excuse for bad acting "it's bad because it's intended to be bad!" lol

Nice excuse for shitposting "it's bad because it's intended to be bad!" lol
Seriously there's a difference between actual bad voice acting and just not overacting like in 99% of anime (not that overacting is a bad thing, i love me some good screaming shonen characters and i'm not talking about that dumbass in black clover). The thing with inuyashiki is that despite the actors being relatively new to anime, they still manage to convey the emotion they have to convey most of the time. FLCL sure did better with voice actors that were new to anime, but this show's voice acting is pretty decent so far,
Oct 19, 2017 12:35 PM

Aug 2013
Friggin 4th wall breaking, beautiful. That was kinda insane and it escalated hella quick.
Don't believe the hype.
Oct 19, 2017 12:36 PM

Sep 2016
Savajho said:

Seriously there's a difference between actual bad voice acting and just not overacting like in 99% of anime ,

exactly, and this is belong to bad category

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Oct 19, 2017 12:38 PM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010
Acernos said:
I mean they have no experience, it's the same case when they call an actor to dub some animation, in my country there was a case where a great actress made a bad dub.

That happens here in the US any time Disney licenses a Ghibli film.... *sigh*

derprume said:
This Hiro guy, not very smart is he? He's like those serial killers who like to brag and leave behind evidence.

Probably he figures that if he is ever caught, he can just kill the police or whoever. It's not like he's holding a gun in his hand that they can take away from him. And things like straight jackets probably would be totally useless, since he's probably got superhuman strength as well. So, I can understand that he might feel a little brazen.

Anyway, wow, what an episode. I kinda wish Hiro wasn't such a sociopath because, damn, he is ikemen! That bath scene was pretty rough to watch, and I had to keep reminding myself throughout the episode that I have only a limited amount of empathy and I shouldn't spend it on fictional characters. When the girl said she liked OneP, I figured Hiro would let her live, just because he seems that capricious. Loved the discussion with the friend about Gantz.

This is a great setup for an epic story of good vs evil. And I think as a whole, the story reinforces the idea that any technology is only as good or bad as the user's intentions. Looks like it's time to revise my Top 5 of the Season... Gotta move this one higher up the list.
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
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Oct 19, 2017 12:41 PM
Aug 2017
Well damn, that went from 0-100 real quick. Didn't expect that bloody mess at all but the episode was still good. Felt bad for the family though, Inu better give the kid a good ass whooping later.
Oct 19, 2017 12:46 PM

Jun 2014
Well Hiro is a fucking psychopath, causing chaos in the city and killing a random family in cold blood. Inuyashiki tried taking him on but was unsuccessful.

I liked the references to other series in this episode and i found it amusing how Hiro was talking shit about Gantz since this and Gantz share the same mangaka.

Also, Hiro's VA sounds exactly like Mamoru Miyano.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Oct 19, 2017 12:52 PM

Aug 2015
this is some fucked up shit but I like it for some reason

I really want to know what's going to happen in the next ep now
Oct 19, 2017 12:57 PM

May 2015
GangsterCat said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
^Basically this

Japanese voice acting in anime almost never sound like how Japanese people talk in real life. This anime is trying to replicate the non-exaggerated style Japanese people normally speak in, by using live-action actors as voice actors.
that's a nice excuse for bad acting "it's bad because it's intended to be bad!" lol

Just admit your stupidity for once.

Oct 19, 2017 1:00 PM

Nov 2016
I have no words. I'm genuinely disturbed. After so many years watching anime I didn't think anything would be able to fuck up my mind like this.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 19, 2017 1:04 PM

Jan 2017
The Anime does a great job so far in making me wish that Inuyashiki whoops bad guy's ass at the end of each episode.

phantomfandom said:
I think the villain is not evil enough, if he's gonna kill the kid he has to give that kid a hope first and then kill him like Caster from Fate/Zero. Overall I'm disappoint in the villain's insufficient evil but I'll continue to watch just in case there's more evil villain than him.

I have the same feeling. I think they want to establish the point that Hiro is new to this 'bussiness', hence his reaction when he kills the mother. But his psychotic behaviour seems a little too weird rather than threatening yet. But, I guess, there's more to come.
Oct 19, 2017 1:05 PM

Apr 2014
Holy sh!t

This anime is really something!
Oct 19, 2017 1:08 PM

Nov 2016
Fuck,that was intense.

The build up leading to the massacre and the encounter of Hiro and Inuyashiki was so well done and breath taking as the tension slowly rised.

And the cruelty this episode gave me the chills.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 19, 2017 1:13 PM

Dec 2013
Nice build up, already hate hiro because of his voice and personality :D
Go Grandpa, destroy him! (a bit less lethargic maybe)
Oct 19, 2017 1:16 PM

Jun 2015
I didnt think its possible but Hiro also turned out to be quite interesting who knows some of us would do the same in his place having all that power you can do anything , also I really enjoyed how he executed the family, the kid drowning under his dead dad was a treat, usually kids are untouchable, glad this wasnt the case.
Oct 19, 2017 1:19 PM
Dec 2012
okay, took me a bit to realize that the girl in Hiro's class is Inuyashiki's daughter. Interesting stuff, let's see how it'll develop further
Oct 19, 2017 1:19 PM
Jul 2017
I like the contrast between the two main characters. Both have become human cyborgs but in the first episode we see Inuyashiki saving a person and using his new powers for the good. Whereas Hiro is amused by his powers and simply kills an entire family to “feel alive”.

I won’t judge Hiro very early on my opinion could change of him but what he did this episode was.. brutal. I expected him to be a loner and quiet kind of character but he seems talkative and acts like a regular person around friends. His mom and dad are alive but I sense something tragic is gonna happen to him.

I did not read the manga as I try to avoid spoilers so I can watch this show without any expectations. I liked the pacing of the episodes but the first episode was definitely more enjoyable.

Oct 19, 2017 1:23 PM
Aug 2014
kyoudai said:

derprume said:
This Hiro guy, not very smart is he? He's like those serial killers who like to brag and leave behind evidence.

Probably he figures that if he is ever caught, he can just kill the police or whoever. It's not like he's holding a gun in his hand that they can take away from him. And things like straight jackets probably would be totally useless, since he's probably got superhuman strength as well. So, I can understand that he might feel a little brazen.

I would still be cautious of military grade weapons that can eject strong EMP bursts or potent acids. At this rate he might fall flat on his face faster than Light did. Then again we don't know how much time has passed so who knows, maybe he did do his research.
Oct 19, 2017 1:26 PM
Mar 2016
Man, that was wicked, Hiro being a spoiled psych brat with a new toy, too bad gramps didn't took the time to learn what he's capable of, BANG!!!!!!

So will gramps give Hiro some ass whooping, cu'z he deserves it BIG TIME??!!!
Oct 19, 2017 1:27 PM

Jun 2014
Time to meat the main villain of the series, who turns out to be a completly irredeemable monster.
I mean, he likes One Piece and hate Gantz, so obviously the worst.
Well, there is also the part where he kill several people because he it makes him feel alive.

As a villain he made a good first impression. It's clear that he ahs to be stopped asap.
He is also the opposite of the main character, which almost always makes for a good conflict.
Looks the are going to fight next episode. Let's see hoe the handle that aspect of the show.
Oct 19, 2017 1:31 PM
Oct 2015
Ugh, why won't Anime Strike release the episode at the same time as Amazon in other countries?
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