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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Dec 22, 2016 3:57 AM

Apr 2016
shanimebib said:
yngtadpole said:
It did seem like the hairpin had some significance but it was kinda not developed? Anyone can elaborate? Something from the source novel?

Ysad_Ziwezhan said:

And I'm really sorry to read you reduce Hibike! to the yuri issue. This show is so much bigger than that.

For me, while I absolutely adore all the characters in Hibike! Euphonium, I absolutely abhor most of the characters in Kuzu no Honkai (except for probably Moka).

I don't know the source material, when I read some comments,
The thing is now I already know the theme, so no surprise anymore for me, I just wish I won't get details spoiled.

By the way, about this episode, I wanted to thank you because now I understand even better why you pointed out Shuuichi speaking with Mamiko when Kumiko was sick. In the end, if one looks at the reconciliation between the sisters as being the main event for Kumiko in this episode, the true Hero, the one who is at the origin of it, it's Shuuichi, and his smile toward the end when she started running after her big sister perfectly embodied this feeling of happiness for someone else. It's just sad that Kumiko doesn't know yet he is that guy. He should take responsibility for this :)
Ysad_ZiwezhanDec 22, 2016 4:22 AM
Dec 22, 2016 4:57 AM
Jan 2015
At the prize announcement cut-scene I was like "BRONZE"
and in the end it was revealed that they actually got bronze xD

you know, in most of the cliche animes they would always get gold and everything went smooth and perfect (thereby killing the surprise element)

I love this show

p.s. nah you guys know kumikoxreina will be forever in cannon right?
HongKongPeopleDec 22, 2016 5:03 AM
Dec 22, 2016 5:15 AM
Jan 2012
This episode is all about confession! xD
Dec 22, 2016 6:49 AM

Jul 2015

Where do you get your inside info?

I also wanna know what kyoani and their partners are up to!

But most of all I wanna hear some more about their Violet Evergarden project, it's time now that they've finished Hibike conclusively.
Dec 22, 2016 7:53 AM

May 2012
Those of you wishing they got better than a bronze should read this posting at AnimeSuki to see why that is the most realistic outcome:
Dec 22, 2016 8:16 AM

Sep 2013
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:
Erika___ said:
In kuzu no Honkai, at least ...

Please use spoiler buttons

Thanks no thanks.

And I'm really sorry to read you reduce Hibike! to the yuri issue. This show is so much bigger than that.

It's not just about yuri though. I liked the oboe autist arc at the beginning but the conclusion was so stupid, and then the asuka arc bores me to death (even though shes my second best girl) and lastly, I watched hibike for Reina and Season 2 pretty much ruined her character. You enjoyed it but I have every reason to dislike it.

And sorry for that kuzu no honkai spoiler.
Erika___Dec 22, 2016 9:20 AM
Dec 22, 2016 9:27 AM

Sep 2013
JustALEX said:

Wow....where to begin!

Anti-climactic as fuck!

Some loser ass-face ruining our glorious yuri ship and Reina is still delusional!!

I'm not sure how more fucked up that could've been.

I couldn't agree more. Just what the hell happened to Reina. She was the reason I watched this anime but I've also come to hate it because of her.
Dec 22, 2016 9:36 AM

Jul 2015
Ah Hibike..... One of my best show in this fall will come to an end on next episode
This episode actually is a really strong episode. Although there are no performance (We would've known what pieces they will play though), this episode gives me a really calm vibes. Shuichi and Kumiko conversation in this episode are really flowing nicely and that hairpin as Kumiko's present. Shuichi has been showing us that not often get some screen time, but could still become the best man in this series. He always know what he has to do.

Second half is a really farewell scene for third years. I cries a bit on that scene, and them not getting gold is really a good choice from the writer. It's not a shounen sport after all.

But the best part is when Kumiko chased her sister and tell her that she loves her very much. That's the best scene on this series and Kyoani did very well on that.

It's one episode left, when it's end, I think I will be empty inside. It has been a wonderful series and I am sad that it will end forever. 5/5.

This will be me next week. Left me crying with a smile =)
Dec 22, 2016 9:38 AM

Aug 2012
GenesisAria said:
Is there a way to get no awards?

No, as far as I know, which explains why they were so disappointed in the group picture at the end.
Dec 22, 2016 9:54 AM

Sep 2016
SeijiSensei said:
Those of you wishing they got better than a bronze should read this posting at AnimeSuki to see why that is the most realistic outcome:
realistic =/= good, this is the most anticlimatic finale ever
"win? nah, imposible, unrealistic" is pretty shit route, especially after they show us how hard they practice etc etc. nothing is impossible!
the writer basically just trashed the whole cast with consolation no-award participation prize (bronze) lol

it seems more anime take "realistic lose" route than "winning an impossible battle!" route nowadays that it becomes the new cliche

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Dec 22, 2016 10:27 AM

Sep 2008
This episode had me tear up a little. And I like the fact they haven't won this year, giving me hope for yet another season.
Dec 22, 2016 10:43 AM

Nov 2007
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:
By the way, about this episode, I wanted to thank you because now I understand even better why you pointed out Shuuichi speaking with Mamiko when Kumiko was sick. In the end, if one looks at the reconciliation between the sisters as being the main event for Kumiko in this episode, the true Hero, the one who is at the origin of it, it's Shuuichi, and his smile toward the end when she started running after her big sister perfectly embodied this feeling of happiness for someone else. It's just sad that Kumiko doesn't know yet he is that guy. He should take responsibility for this :)

There's more to his character than how much he got his screen time. I found him one of the most amazing supporting characters in any anime. Kumiko is actually a very lucky girl to have someone like Shuuichi who's in love with her — who is considerate, who is kind, who has conviction, who is mature, who is very observing, who is righteous and who is certainly NOT spineless. I can illustrate each of his qualities that the anime has shown us but I think I will let the "train of thought" continue and die down on its own.

Coming back to the episode: did anyone notice that for the first time we are shown that he was worried before a competition and Kitauji went on to get only a bronze? He was the first person to believe they might improve enough to reach the nationals too, remember?

BlueBalls said:

Where do you get your inside info?

Perhaps I am Shuuichi himself who has a good information network. :P

BlueBalls said:
I also wanna know what kyoani and their partners are up to!

But most of all I wanna hear some more about their Violet Evergarden project, it's time now that they've finished Hibike conclusively.

Or maybe you wanna know about Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon? I have very high expectations from it because this is a pretty fun manga and for the first time in years we will see another manga adaptation from KyoAni which had become really non-existent for KyoAni. Given how I loved K-On! and Nichijou, I cannot wait!

Also, I want to mention that KyoAni's official yt and twitter have been promoting a light novel full of bishies which they are the proprietor of the IP. It could be their next Free! The chances of adaptation is pretty high because of their recent success with Free! franchise.

willsygle said:
Ah Hibike..... One of my best show in this fall will come to an end on next episode

You tell me about it! It's still the best rated fall anime according to anikore TV anime ratings and overall impression.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Dec 22, 2016 11:59 AM

May 2012
GenesisAria said:
shanimebib said:
Reina actually confessed! And in public too! And everyone realized that Reina likes Taki-sensei but for him!
Twice too! Thick-skulled men lol.

I was expecting a performance, and left hanging at the eyecatch (i'm sure we all were), but there was other necessary stuff to cover this episode.

SchwingBoner said:
My ship has sailed. Yurifags on suicide watch.
Anyone who knows anything about the series knows that the yuri was a misdirect (and knew it since before S2 started with that hardcore shipping first episode), unfortunately.

Matetrix said:
You yuri shippers are cancer, it was never a thing and was never gonna be a thing.
You people really do like to get your knickers in a twist, don't you? If Shuuichi didn't exist, it WOULD have been yuri; most of the facts supported it and lead up to it, in a very well structured manner too.

Gurush said:
Now if only they would win gold and Kumiko x Reina would happen... something perfect like that couldn't exist i guess. I knew it wouldn't happen but i will ship them nonetheless.
Haha, right? They did it so good too, and it would have shook the foundations by delivering it surprise into a hugely popular series.

Cirris said:
Ouch, Bronze. I guess with the increased competition the judges scoring would be a bit harder. But damn Bronze. That's probably like bottom of the barrel score.
Bronze is 3rd.

It still wouldn't be a thing since Reina only had eyes on Taki and every scene you people interpret as romantic between Kumiko and Reina is just silly girl best friend stuff. There's a lot of that in Japanese media.
Dec 22, 2016 12:04 PM

May 2012
JustALEX said:
Matetrix said:
You yuri shippers are cancer, it was never a thing and was never gonna be a thing.

You know....with all the baiting they did it actually makes MORE sense than what's-his-face X Kumiko....

For fucks sake that motherfucker rarely even got any screen time!

And Reina is simply delusional over Taki...

I will agree that Shuuichi hasn't had very much screen time and interaction with Kumikoto to warrant anything romantic especially since Kumiko has been so cold toward him almost all the time.
But even if he wasn't there there's nothing romantic in the slightest between Reina and Kumiko. Reina might be delusional but that doesn't change what she feels. Any scene between Kumiko and Reina people interpret as romantic are just cute girl best friend stuff and learning more about each other and becoming even better friends.
Dec 22, 2016 12:20 PM

Nov 2007

Shuuichi had only one official stamp in season two and they picked his 'Hidee~"

Had a good laugh!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Dec 22, 2016 12:44 PM

Jun 2011
What was this shit? Such a dumb thing to skip the performance in the FINAL episode. Even if they play the same piece why not use it to make the final episode better instead of using it beforehand?
Basically everything went wrong what could have gone wrong. It was mostly a boring episode except those last few bits when they gathered one more time and Kumiko with her big sister.
Also, I'm not a salty Yuri shipper. I think we can all agree that it was evident since some episodes ago that it won't work out in the end so cast that aside. But that random boy, who barely gets any screen time at all basically gets hooked up with Kumiko... I would've understood if the romantic relationships stayed like they were before in the end, but was that really necessary? Not to mention that the endless dragging of Taki x Reina, something which would obviously never work out, was also very questionable.
So to summarize: We went through all that (mostly) melodrama to get such a disapppointing conclusion to the show (not to mention that they ended up with bronze in the competition; totally anti-climatic when they were shown so hard working throughout the series and not called for).
I'm looking forward to the final episode (OVA?). So I can leave this behind and move on.
I'm feeling thank you
Dec 22, 2016 1:17 PM

Dec 2009
Matetrix said:
GenesisAria said:

It still wouldn't be a thing since Reina only had eyes on Taki and every scene you people interpret as romantic between Kumiko and Reina is just silly girl best friend stuff. There's a lot of that in Japanese media.

But the problem is, that i doubt Reina would actually be able to get with Taki, meaning it would be a big get-over-it plot, and Reina would seek comfort and familiarity in Kumiko (as she loves her too, just not quite as much as she loves Taki)...

Making blanket counter-statements, without following the psychology of what's going on, is rather fruitless.

Sure there's lots of yuri-shipping idiots, but people like myself were actually following what was going on.

Domi said:
What was this shit? Such a dumb thing to skip the performance in the FINAL episode.
It's not the final episode, there's one more.
GenesisAriaDec 22, 2016 1:21 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Dec 22, 2016 1:32 PM

Jun 2011
GenesisAria said:
Domi said:
What was this shit? Such a dumb thing to skip the performance in the FINAL episode.
It's not the final episode, there's one more.
I heard the true final episode won't contribute to the story anymore which would make sense, because this pretty much concluded everything, albeit in a very questionable way.
I'm feeling thank you
Dec 22, 2016 2:26 PM

Feb 2015
Overall a really nice episode, I liked the outbursts of emotion and all. But it was a bit weird and disappointing that we didn't get to hear their performance. I mean, I know they have to keep to a certain running time, but this was THE FINAL. I would have thought they'd give it more time. It's sad that they got a bronze, I guess there was a high standard. I was pretty certain they'd only get a silver with the lack of emphasis on practice recently and now the fact that they didn't even show the performance, but I wasn't expecting a bronze. I'm fine with it though. I wonder what they will do with the last episode...
Dec 22, 2016 2:42 PM

Nov 2011
I'm glad I no longer care about shipping characters because I feel like I can apreciate the story for what it is: a coming of age.
Also I love how kyoani makes everything so beautifully subtle. That's really the type of anime I like to see from them.
Everything about the relations between characters was amazing and, well I feel that all I wanna say was already said here so I'll leave at that.
I don't have many expectations from Maid Dragon, but who knows, maybe it will surprise me.
Baby, daijobanai...
Dec 22, 2016 2:47 PM
Oct 2015
I haven't seen this much crying over an anime romance since Hinata snagged Naruto and all the SakuraxNaruto fans wept tears of blood. They teased yuri and all the yuri fans jumped all over that.
Dec 22, 2016 4:19 PM
Apr 2014
The performance wasn't shown because it had been shown already in a previous episode.

I don't think we'll get any real new material from the next episode, it will probably be filler-like, unless it becomes an anime-original ending.

As expected they went with the no-romance route with Kumiko. It was hinted by the fact that they kept Reina's feelings for Taki, and that they played down Kumiko and Shuuichi as much as they could. No ship for any of you, ha!

Overall not that engrossing of a series, the first one felt somewhat more interesting.
Dec 22, 2016 5:16 PM

Jun 2015
Would the final episode feature the third year's graduation? Just curious :D
Dec 22, 2016 6:20 PM

Aug 2015
Yurifags on suicide watch.

I'm happy that Asuka's dad acknowledged her.
Dec 22, 2016 6:32 PM

Nov 2016
I really enjoyed this episode and I have to say I feel sad that they won bronze for the competition. There were some good points I enjoyed in the episode. I didn't expect Shuichi to give his present to Kumiko which I was thought was really cute and sweet of him. I almost did not notice that she had the exact same flower on her music sheet stand either.

Anyway, I had a feeling they were not going to show the performance cause of we might have an idea what they might have been playing so I can understand that might have been disappointing. The confession that Reina made during the concert hall really surprised me there as she didn't hold back from her feelings. I was so happy and yet so sad at the same time that he thought it was only for support which I guess it's not too bad. Asuka's speech was really fantastic as she was motivating the first and second-years to win gold next year and I thought it was heart-warming that she made that effort to cheer them up. I was also relieved to hear when Taki-sensei mentioned about Asuka's father about how well she's done with the euphonium and that he was glad she had continued with it. I was so happy for her. :)

But the last scene gave me way to tears when Kumiko had finally met with her sister, Mamiko, about everything that her older sister had done for her all of those years practicing on the euphonium. Even when she told that she loves her sister so much and the reply that came back tugged my heartstrings. KyoAni really knows how to deliver those moments and the location of the scene made it even more dramatic too.

I have been enjoying this season since S1 so for it to come to an end is really something else. I hope that the last episode will be just as good and I'm really looking forward to it! :3
Dec 22, 2016 6:39 PM

Nov 2007
The_Speedster said:
I didn't expect Shuichi to give his present to Kumiko which I was thought was really cute and sweet of him. I almost did not notice that she had the exact same flower on her music sheet stand either.

It wasn't a flower on her music sheet stand. It was the same hairpin that Shuuichi gave her. :)
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Dec 22, 2016 7:57 PM

Nov 2016
shanimebib said:
The_Speedster said:
I didn't expect Shuichi to give his present to Kumiko which I was thought was really cute and sweet of him. I almost did not notice that she had the exact same flower on her music sheet stand either.

It wasn't a flower on her music sheet stand. It was the same hairpin that Shuuichi gave her. :)

Yeah. I just realized that now. Sorry about that. It was a really nice hairpin.
Dec 22, 2016 8:44 PM
Jul 2018
shanimebib said:

Shuuichi had only one official stamp in season two and they picked his 'Hidee~"

Had a good laugh!
Me too, ha ha.

True to form, the boy made his entrance this episode with an off screen insult. The same way he was introduced at the very start of the show. Not as banter but unapologetically, in all earnestness as his way of saying hi there, Kumiko.

An important screeny, wordy of a stamp.

Shuuichi revealed as the one creeping up on Kumiko from behind. At night in a deserted building this time. Shown while wearing his usual petulant scowl when his mug finally gets the screen time we were mercifully spared most of the series. Peeved she doesn’t seem pleased to see him. Don’t believe her Shuuichi! She’s secretly tickled pink at the prospect of spending the night with you. How could she not be? Expecting change in his demeanour seems less realistic.

Yoroizuka has done the same to Kumiko during Kansai practice camp so sneaking up on people has been diffused as an argument against poor misunderstood Shuuichi. Kumiko herself has done a lot of stalking around. It is all equal.

Of course, what he said, was also just a mild insult. The sort of insult that other audience members will accuse you of getting too serious about. The kind of insult that will get you a response like ”you still hung up on that? Get over yourself” should the person addressed in this manner complain about it a little later herself.

That’s what happens to Kumiko in that first episode of the first season.
“You called me ugly in front of everyone and told me to stop talking to you.”
“Look babe, you have to see that from my pov, I was with the fellas and you suddenly asked me to dinner. Can’t you see that you embarrassed me? If anything, you owe me an apology…”

If I’m biased it is because of moments like those. Paraphrased a little. Right off the bat I don’t like him and his creeping up from behind, casting shadows, smugly looking down on her, approach. And yes it was quite clear from that moment that they were well acquainted. How mean of her not to be pleased as punch at the sight of him.

In Shuuichi’s case, it is suggested, change is not required. It was never about what Kumiko wants. She doesn’t even have to accept his point of view but he’ll let her know anyway while he ignores her objections, declines her perspective as valid. Unless interrupted. In company he knows when to back off. Don’t expect a sincere apology from him but Kumiko needs to be lectured repeatedly about her unpleasant personality. How many ways has it been been made clear she should be apologising to him?

This is the moment on which that is based. The moment that galvanised my dislike for him. There really was no coming back after this, from, S1,E8:
K: “I didn’t signal you to follow me out”
S: “Of course you did”
K: “No, I didn’t”
S: “Yes, you did, everyone would think so, It’s common sense to assume the way I did… Well whatever, I’m not going to concede and what I wanted to say is more important than your insistence that I could possibly be wrong when I read your mind, so anyway shut up and listen ….”
Paraphrased. Sound familiar?

So what is the correct interpretation of what followed?
Not: “ah good someone is coming out so I can get away from this guy.”
Not: “ah good he’s leaving. It worked. Squeeze. Thanks for being there for me.”
Not: “When did he turn into someone who would corner me like that and wouldn’t even accept my explanation that he had truly misunderstood the situation …”
Reina not the rescuer and permanent escape from the shoe locker onward but henceforth an obstacle to overcome by the rightful suitor.

Of course not, by that point, episode eight we’ve already been informed that Kumiko can’t be trusted with her behaviour. Though she really did not signal him to follow her out her credibility on such matters has already been undermined by being aware of Hazuki’s feelings and intentions. Furthermore "He’s a nice boy" he wouldn't do something like that. Hazuki fell in love with him and Kumiko’s mother has welcomed him into their house since he was a little lad. How could he not be the sweetie who deserves the girl he wants? She’s practically been imprinted at birth to accept his presence in her home.

Now he is tall and handsome and he no longer calls her ugly to her face in front of gatherings of friends. He now calls her movement a little weird in almost privacy. What a cutie. Who wouldn’t want a friend like that?. Ooops lover, sorry, sorry, lover. No means yes. Just a matter of time before it is confirmed.

She has said she wanted him as a friend the entire series and this is a series about friendship so we couldn’t possibly leave it at that. Right? Not that kind of friendship. Misunderstood intent. That was in season one when his insults were actually mean and she still was quite right to point out he hurt her. Before long he might even muster the courage to address her without calling her any names. Anata…

Learning to accept his little insults and getting on with her life will probably be called Kumiko’s maturing. Look how far she has come! She barely even acknowledges her displeasure. She’s still too mean for his liking though. Stamp of approval withheld. He'll need to work on her a bit more. What was his arc? How, if at all, did his personality change? His crude remarks are getting cuter. Props to the prince. He still seems a little annoyed that she doesn’t throw herself into his warm embrace upon sighting him.

Oh, right, and the sisters reconciled. They couldn’t possibly have done that without him. Major props. Inviting one fighting sister to the performance of the other without the performer’s prior consent could not possibly have backfired. That’s what Asuka’s misunderstanding during the Mizore arc already settled. Had Kumiko thrown a tantrum at the nationals when spotting Mamiko before the show that would have been another display of her horrible character. We’re past that phase though. This is season two. The almost finale.

He understands those sisters better than they do themselves. His mind reading was proven spot on right after she made it clear it was none of his business - by giving the impression she had no desire to discuss the matter with him after her mother’s little indiscretion to what is probably her best female friend. Shuuichi inviting Mamiko without consulting Kumiko could not possibly have been the wrong move. How could she not want her sister there?

Still the meddlesome boy. Foisted on her by their mothers. The neighbour from whom Kumiko couldn’t get away even if she wanted to. Familiarity. Yes, absolutely but that was already obvious on that bench by the river in episode 1.

If she doesn’t date him she might date a total stranger.
Too scary.
Think of her poor dad. Hasn’t his eldest daughter made him suffer enough?
Not seeing that development, not seeing that this was meant to be is, what was the phrase again? “Almost criminal”.
“He hurt her, how could she not love him” How could you not see that she does. Has all along. Despite her protestations.
Minor injury. Mere words.
Move in Shuuichi. The sooner the better.
Anything else?

Issue the stamps with a face not rarely reserved for royalty. The one missing from the collection so far.
In Japan they no longer want princesses to succeed.
They'll gladly take credit for the unique literary achievements of their ladies in waiting. You can have a cast of 90% women and suitable candidates but ultimately it is all about the prince.
Not that kind of series though. Out of focus to think it is.

Did you get what you wanted?

I’ll shut up now before I get accused again of belabouring a point without conceding and becoming my own worst nightmare.
Dec 22, 2016 8:59 PM

Oct 2013
I'm glad that Shuichi got a chance to give Kumiko that hairpin. It was very cute. I don't mind them as a couple but it's just a shame Shuichi got so little screen time this season.

But damn, Reina is an embarrassment. Every time she confessed I got second hand embarrassment. She's been a joke this whole season with her Taki obsession. I loved her in the first season but now I just wish she'd just disappear. What a creep.
Dec 22, 2016 9:03 PM
Jul 2018
“I am shocked at myself for how weak I am”

Reina in the flashback right as the curtain opens on the new piece. The very fist scene. A quick reminder of the pivotal moments from the previous episode.

How does Reina show that she is not weak? Not by playing pan’s pipes, his tribute to Syrinx, the one who got away. Nozomi’s flute likewise silenced has to make due with a fist bump behind the stage. So how does Reina declare herself worthy of attention? By shouting out her love from a seat among the audience in a full theater - to the amusement of her peers and onlooking strangers.

That is Reina’s solo this episode. Not the sounding of her trumpet heralding her love for him as well as her music and her instrument but by using her natural voice as an immature school girl, not quite a musician worthy of the gold.

Is that the symbolism?
Dec 22, 2016 9:38 PM

Nov 2013
I'm bathing in Yuri shipper delicious tears lol
No, but seriously, I loved this episode so freaking much, I did want to hear them one last time, but I guess hearing the same piece again would have been kind of redundant and it would have added nothing to the plot anyway. Now it's time for my most anticipated episode of this season: The Epilogue and "that thing" ;).
Dec 22, 2016 9:57 PM

Jun 2014
The fuck kinda episode was that?... I cant even.
They completely skipped the performance. I mean for this kind of show, the performance is supposed to build up to the climax of the show. There was no climax. The whole thing with Asuna wanting her father to hear her play concluded with them never meeting face to face. Skimmed over the awards ceremony and the disappointment of getting bronze.
Dec 22, 2016 10:55 PM

Jun 2013
Holy fuck that Reina confession part killed me so hard. I physically jumped out of my chair. Goddamn I cant believe that actually made me cringe a bit. This was the best episode. This show is for sure getting a 10/10
Dec 22, 2016 11:35 PM

Apr 2016
Welcome to the nationals, the greaf final!!!

The final? where is the music? Played they their instruments?

Don´t like this episode....
Dec 23, 2016 1:12 AM

Sep 2015
I mean you know. Clearly I was disappointed by the fact we didn't get to see the senior's final performance. I kept hoping it was going to flashback to right before it after the awards ceremony stuff started. I guess giving them the benefit of the doubt, they didn't know how to depict a performance that would be effective but not seem worthy of Gold or something? More cynically might have been a time or money or bad writing/execution issue.
Still I find it hard to dislike this episode even without a music centerpiece. It still managed to hit a lot of emotional high notes that had been building up all season. I wasn't particularly enthused by Reina's confession, or the pre competition scene with boring dude. But I did feel an emotional sense of conclusion during other scenes. Like Asuka getting the message from her Dad. And Kumiko chasing after her sister. I wasn't even that invested in the sister beforehand but that scene really worked for me.
Curious where the finale is headed. And if it will have music.
Dec 23, 2016 1:16 AM

Dec 2014
I'm now hyped! Episode 1 here I go!
Dec 23, 2016 6:42 AM

Aug 2013
Reina's confession gave me a second-hand embarrassment lol
Dec 23, 2016 8:37 AM

Nov 2007
Episode 13:

The third years have retired, and the brass band club is making a fresh start under a new order.
However, Kumiko, all on her own, is feeling a bit fuzzy...
Giving it some thought, Kumiko figures it out why's she is feeling like that.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Dec 23, 2016 8:54 AM
Aug 2014
Wow it seems all yuri shippers don't remember season 1 episode 1 (Shuuichi's confession), next episode will wrap up everything since that first episode.
Dec 23, 2016 9:12 AM

Nov 2007
And from the episode 13 preview pictures, we are now 100% sure about the identities of the new Buchou and Fukubuchou.

The contrast in personalities would add spice to the club. It's probably Yuuko's energy that they were missing. The most important thing is Yuuko has become really close to those who would eventually carry the flag of the new Kitauji Brass Band. She was always close to Mizore and Nozomi, became close to Kumiko, wouldn't admit that she is close to Natsuki and we have seen she is wanting to become close to Reina.

While she has the tendency to let her emotion take over in certain situations, I am sure Natsuki will work as a Fukubuchou just fine by bringing her back to reality from time to time with her witty followups, as we have seen throughout the anime. :)

I am really excited for the final episode now!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Dec 23, 2016 9:53 AM
Jun 2012
Seirously No performance on an anime about Music? You kidding me? How the hell is this episode best without even one performance? It's Nationals ffs. Let us hear some music.
Dec 23, 2016 10:03 AM

Apr 2016
Yuuko as president and Natsuki as vice-president was my bet, not that there was so many alternatives from the cast that was presented to us.
Dec 23, 2016 10:38 AM
Jul 2018
That moment when Shuuichi spoke to Mamiko always felt false to me. Not just because I dislike Shuuichi and would like to have seen his screen time and involvement reduced even further but also because I didn’t buy - and still don't - that Mamiko would have just stood there and have the kid next door be added to the list of people who've recently lectured her on this topic.

She has just walked into Kumiko’s room, frustrated enough to turn off the music while her friend was there. She got yelled at by Kumiko on the way out and now she is leaving the house. I can't see how her frustration and anger would have abated enough to let the entire scenario which followed unfold.

I can see how she would have been polite and interested in meeting the kid again but it would have been more realistic to me if she had cut him off entirely at some point. She half heartedly tried to excuse herself once by giving an excuse about the travel issue to come to nationals but I think she would have been more persistent about letting herself walk away when he pressed the issue. "Sorry, I was on my way out and I really gotta go. Talk to you some other time. OK?

I would also have liked to have seen some more time pass between Mamiko leaving and a reconciliation with her sister. Almost accidental after they both have had some more time to reflect on their relationship and new home situation. I wish you'd come to see me at nationals... Yeah me too. I wanted to come but ... Sometime in the future sitting on a bed in Mamiko's apartment while they listen to the recording and talk about bronze...
I think that would have felt more natural and organic to me.
Dec 23, 2016 10:40 AM

Nov 2007
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:
Yuuko as president and Natsuki as vice-president was my bet, not that there was so many alternatives from the cast that was presented to us.

Even though I knew it from the novel, I thought so too. Also, Yuuko and Natsuki get along just fine as Riko points it out in the festival! They just don't want to admit it!

I still remember being the only one defending Yuuko in season 1:

shanimebib said:

Yuuko bowing to Reina. Kaori never got her chance.
I didn't really like Yuuko until she bowed to Reina. Bowing down to someone who is junior in rank/age in Japanese society is the highest form of sacrificing one's pride. Her actions were uncalled for, it is true, but you cannot deny the fact that she has decided to accept such humiliation for Kaori-senpai's sake, who never got her chance. The flashback is elaborated during this part when she was overlooked for the solo performance because it was decided by seniority. The flashback also includes how Kaori-senpai cared for her kouhai as she bowed for them. Yuuko noticed those things. But I am glad that Reina decided to stick with her belief that whoever better should play the part.

Some of the fans here wouldn't see beyond.
Yuuko and Kaori-senpai's little conversation before the audition was short-lived. But seeing Yuuko start running in tears (and bumping on to Natsuki) made me question how some fans decided to overlook something so warmly executed. They are both supporting characters, I know. And thus neither should be seen as important as Reina and Kumiko. But this girl here admired Kaori-senpai for valid reasons. She saw her senpai bowing for her sake, which made her not to hesitate to bow to Reina. She saw her being overlooked despite being the better one. Kick me on the teeth but I find it really hard to believe some fans rejoiced in her tears.

I am glad that she is much liked now. And I am sure everyone will accept her as the new prez, both the members of Kitauji Brass Band and Hibike! Euphonium fans!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Dec 23, 2016 11:16 AM

May 2010
shanimebib said:
Giving it some thought, Kumiko figures it out why's she is feeling like that.

Is it because of Suiichi or not at all ?

Kumiko does not wear the hairpin
Dec 23, 2016 2:47 PM

Nov 2007
mangakam said:
shanimebib said:
Giving it some thought, Kumiko figures it out why's she is feeling like that.

Is it because of Suiichi or not at all ?

Who knows. Maybe it's just the weather. Damn, I hate snow myself. Ruins my mood.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Dec 23, 2016 5:36 PM
Jul 2018
"In my opinion, it is even compounded. Mamiko about to be cast out on her own for finally standing up for herself after buckling under the expectations. Her last gasp appeal to be allowed a place in her own family includes her failed attempt to play housewife for a day. She tries to prepare a meal as though the only avenue of re-entrance available is through the kitchen.

Surely they're not going to leave it at that. Even I couldn't come up with something that cynical and have it be her finale."

It appears to me that Kyoani really can be that cynical. Even Asuka could only imagine thinking about food in the aftermath of Kitauji's performance. Is that because her ordeal is behind her? She no longer has to do this? Why would Asuka go listen to the other musical performances now? They can not come up with a reason. Off to the cafe with the retiring girls.
Were they ever really interested in concert band music? Will music play any role of significance in the rest of their lives after retirement from this club? They are no longer under any obligation to care about the performances of the other musicians. Listening now would be a waste of their time. The girls can only think about food. Parfait!
Dec 23, 2016 8:21 PM
Jul 2018
Shuuichi has been described as "respectful". Does this scene really sound respectful? Respectful of her opinions. Respectful of her person?
K: Eeeheh
S: Ah, there you are.
K: What?
S: What? yourself Just now, you gave me a signal.
K: Me? No I didn’t.
S: Yes you did. You looked at me and then went out by yourself.
K: How could that be a signal?
S: Wouldn’t you think it is?

Before Kumiko grabs an arm of the first person who exits. Any arm will do ... does the following train of thought ever enter his mind?

Hmm. Our eyes met and she left the room. But, she says it wasn't a signal for me to follow her out. What then could she have meant by leaving? Did she just come to the sinks to drain her spit valve?
She doesn't seem too interested in talking to me even now though .... oh crap ... Was she perhaps trying to get away from me?

Did the shoe ever drop in the way it might have for Kumiko a little later at the lockers? Impossible, right?

“When did I turn into some creep who would corner a girl alone like that? ooohh what did I just do? ... and I wouldn’t even accept her explanation that I had truly misunderstood the situation …”

S: "Ah so." [too bad we don't have an audio recording of the respectful way he expressed himself in that moment.]

Did that really sound like he accepted "No" for an answer?

Why should he? Right? We know she doesn't mean it? Right?

"I could hear my classmates talking inside the room but no one came out and he just kept insisting. Why is he doing this to me?"

Unreasonable to imagine the scenario like that, right? Unjustifiable leaps. All about keeping things in perspective.

Pan's pipes. Can they really be seen as his tribute to Syrinx? The two have been associated for millennia, is that how she would have wanted to have their relationship remembered? Fictional characters. Designed to make us think while they entertain...

Water under the bridge.

This criticism is directed at the author and animators, though. It is they who’ve designed a narrative in which that scene was incorporated so that people could later deny that the perspective I’ve been offering on it is the proper way to look at this series, this scene and his role in it.

I don’t like his personality but I especially don’t like how they were set up, from that first bench scene onward.
It was made clear that she was never supposed to say no. It was telegraphed that she was never going to be allowed to have been permanent in her rejection of his advances. He’s supposedly a nice boy. They’ve known each other since birth. Why wouldn’t she want to go out with him?

Yes of course. One way of seeing that scene is that the girl behaved that way because she knows her new best girl friend wants to date him. The poor boy is blameless in that.
Oh, no. sorry. Nobody is perfect in this series. The boys have flaws too. … and this isn’t about romance anyway so why are you so hung up on the fact that she was always meant to start dating this guy despite an entire series worth of assurances from the girl herself that she had no desires towards him in that direction?

K: No, I really like him and he is very important to me but I don’t want to date him and that’s all you guys ever assume about us … and that’s making it all very uncomfortable for me to be here right now .. and awkward to be around him as well. He’s also always looking for opportunities to ask me out and, to be honest, I feel bad about avoiding him. I like the clip but I know what the flower means and he doesn't. Could you please stop encouraging him like that?

Kumiko deliberately calling him out and telling Shuuichi such thoughts directly to his face would in my opinion be a very nice way to demonstrate how open and honest Kumiko can now be with her feelings - but that’s probably not where we are headed. I wish we were. Have been since S1, E1.
removed-userDec 23, 2016 9:45 PM
Dec 24, 2016 3:58 AM
Apr 2014
VersoSciolto said:
Shuuichi has been described as "respectful". Does this scene really sound respectful? Respectful of her opinions. Respectful of her person?
K: Eeeheh
S: Ah, there you are.
K: What?
S: What? yourself Just now, you gave me a signal.
K: Me? No I didn’t.
S: Yes you did. You looked at me and then went out by yourself.
K: How could that be a signal?
S: Wouldn’t you think it is?

Before Kumiko grabs an arm of the first person who exits. Any arm will do ... does the following train of thought ever enter his mind?

Hmm. Our eyes met and she left the room. But, she says it wasn't a signal for me to follow her out. What then could she have meant by leaving? Did she just come to the sinks to drain her spit valve?
She doesn't seem too interested in talking to me even now though .... oh crap ... Was she perhaps trying to get away from me?

Did the shoe ever drop in the way it might have for Kumiko a little later at the lockers? Impossible, right?

“When did I turn into some creep who would corner a girl alone like that? ooohh what did I just do? ... and I wouldn’t even accept her explanation that I had truly misunderstood the situation …”

S: "Ah so." [too bad we don't have an audio recording of the respectful way he expressed himself in that moment.]

Did that really sound like he accepted "No" for an answer?

Why should he? Right? We know she doesn't mean it? Right?

"I could hear my classmates talking inside the room but no one came out and he just kept insisting. Why is he doing this to me?"

Unreasonable to imagine the scenario like that, right? Unjustifiable leaps. All about keeping things in perspective.

Pan's pipes. Can they really be seen as his tribute to Syrinx? The two have been associated for millennia, is that how she would have wanted to have their relationship remembered? Fictional characters. Designed to make us think while they entertain...

Water under the bridge.

This criticism is directed at the author and animators, though. It is they who’ve designed a narrative in which that scene was incorporated so that people could later deny that the perspective I’ve been offering on it is the proper way to look at this series, this scene and his role in it.

I don’t like his personality but I especially don’t like how they were set up, from that first bench scene onward.
It was made clear that she was never supposed to say no. It was telegraphed that she was never going to be allowed to have been permanent in her rejection of his advances. He’s supposedly a nice boy. They’ve known each other since birth. Why wouldn’t she want to go out with him?

Yes of course. One way of seeing that scene is that the girl behaved that way because she knows her new best girl friend wants to date him. The poor boy is blameless in that.
Oh, no. sorry. Nobody is perfect in this series. The boys have flaws too. … and this isn’t about romance anyway so why are you so hung up on the fact that she was always meant to start dating this guy despite an entire series worth of assurances from the girl herself that she had no desires towards him in that direction?

K: No, I really like him and he is very important to me but I don’t want to date him and that’s all you guys ever assume about us … and that’s making it all very uncomfortable for me to be here right now .. and awkward to be around him as well. He’s also always looking for opportunities to ask me out and, to be honest, I feel bad about avoiding him. I like the clip but I know what the flower means and he doesn't. Could you please stop encouraging him like that?

Kumiko deliberately calling him out and telling Shuuichi such thoughts directly to his face would in my opinion be a very nice way to demonstrate how open and honest Kumiko can now be with her feelings - but that’s probably not where we are headed. I wish we were. Have been since S1, E1.

The problem here stands with KyoAni keeping some scenes in the adaptation while twisting the characters' reactions. It is indeed weird how Shuuichi acts like he doesn't notice that Kumiko doesn't want to have anything to do with him: but that's because his behaviour wasn't changed from the novels, while Kumiko's was; so the narrative keeps on going the same way, but the interactions are all over the place. They could have just cut those scenes, or even the character, it would have been more consistent. But we're talking about a couple of scenes, after all, not even 1% of the anime, so no big deal.
Dec 24, 2016 4:20 AM

Jul 2014
wow many tears moments in this episode, please make Shuichi x Kumiko comes true in the last episode, btw that moment when Kumiko talked to her sister is adorable and so touching....
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