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Oct 1, 2016 5:55 PM

Nov 2013
In my opinion using a ( alternate ) WW II setting is a bit delicate. But this looks promising.

I love the detail, they put into it with the German language.

Izetta using a rifle instead of a broom was cool.

Her name is similar to that of a german bubble car. I'm curious, if that's intentional.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Oct 1, 2016 6:03 PM

Sep 2015
Really liked this episode! Nice setting and love the character designs. Also Saori Hayami <3
Oct 1, 2016 6:07 PM

Jul 2016
Yuri, men, get on board! We'll defend it until we all fall down! All haill Yuri bait!
"This (anime) industry is weird" - Chitose Karasuma, Gi(a)rlish Number

I hope someday someone in an anime would say, "The (anime) viewers are weird."
Oct 1, 2016 6:07 PM

Jan 2011
They got as close to WW II as possible with quite a lot of detail without being distasteful , i'm surprised how many people are kinda harsh on this (well not really..) i thought it showed a lot of promise i would of been a okay without the witch element because i fee like that could make or break this show,visuals are great motherfucking bunbun on the character designs and the scores were impressive.

hopefully it stays good!
Oct 1, 2016 6:16 PM

Mar 2013
So why do they just leave that super duper top secret shit out in the open

why not put it in like, i dunno, a discrete, unmarked padded box?


But that aside this is literally just WW2 with different names. I see a Pz. II, Stukas, etc. They even copied the Balkankreuz they just changed one arm of the cross slightly. Goddamn somebody on the production team gets off hardcore to the whole nazi aesthetic.

Actually the Bundswehr still uses the Balkankreuz, I wonder if they could sue for copyright infringement....

But I mean... couldn't they have at least tried to make it look like they put some effort in? Because Germania is basically Nazi Germany, but with all their real life weaknesses (no amphibious invasion force, god-awful intelligence, etc.) conveniently deleted.
Oct 1, 2016 6:40 PM

Feb 2008
Starting off the show we have great animations, great music, and good characters. And I have to say, I was really surprised at the production quality coming from such a small unknown studio called Ajia-Do. I think, they’ve really worked their hearts into this anime. Because unlike big studios, A-1 Pictures or UFOtable, small studios don’t get to secure unlimited budget.

We first start off with a childhood memory of our main character princess Fine meeting the witch. Then it cuts to the present and dives right into the action on a fast moving train, where Fine is being chased by a few Germania soldiers. During this action sequence we’re also being introduced to setting of the show, which is roughly based WW2, where Germany, or Germania in this show, has begun to invade neighboring countries.

In this train sequence, you can tell they’ve put in details to make the action flow and add to the realism. For example, they show Tobias just getting into position by hiding behind the crates, and then later popping up taking a bullet. Or the Germanian officer making the going down signal on top of the train and then few scenes later showing up in the cargo space. The sequence makes sense, it flows. In so many other anime, it’s such a cliché where a character randomly pops out of no where in a dramatic scene, and then the show goes in slow motion with surprised expression on everyone’s faces. You don’t see none of that in Izetta, the last witch.

The characters so far, is pretty likeable. They mostly focused on Princess Fine in this episode. She is a very strong and competent character. She is able to make decisions decisively and she also understands the weight of her position as a princess. Despite eventually being backed into a corner, she still stands proud and loyal to her country. Now, this is when the other main character, Izetta, finally shows up, and blowing up half of the plane with her. And again, they’re introducing character during action sequences. So the pacing never feels slow or sluggish.

Now for my predictions, I do think this show will probably have a heavy focus on political drama, as it did have a pretty serious tone over the entire episode. It definitely has the potential to be a pretty good anime, the quality is here. It might be hard to pull off because you have the realism aspect of the war, and the fantasy aspect of the magical girl. These are pretty conflicting themes, and if it’s not done right, one of them will just end up being as a distraction to the other. Or, of course they could just take the third option and go as a yuri fan service show. Only time will tell.


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TyrelOct 2, 2016 1:53 PM
Oct 1, 2016 6:43 PM

Apr 2014
this series looks like its gonna be really good and off to a great start imo really looking forward to see how this series turns out
"one step at a time"
Oct 1, 2016 6:52 PM

Feb 2013
Wow, this episode was pretty great! I really like this. Fine is a great character and the setting/plot seems good. The design and animation was pretty good too.

I'll watch this.
Oct 1, 2016 7:06 PM

Nov 2012
Good start so far! I like how Fine isn't one of those Princesses that are whiny and can't do anything.

Oct 1, 2016 7:11 PM

Jul 2015
Nice, nice, nice! Great 1st episode!

Now don't go too much into twists and holes now <3

Saber is back btw

biased me is biased for loving Hayami Saori's voice (like there'd be a season where she's not in it tho)

Oct 1, 2016 7:11 PM

Sep 2013
Holy hell, was there ANYTHING to dislike in this??? As a side note, now I'm reminded how I wish I could one day take pride in my country...
Oct 1, 2016 7:12 PM

Jun 2016
Silverkarldork said:
I do have a complaint though, the gun fire doesn't seem powerful enough. Not sure if it's sound effect or if it stems from the way it was animated, but it just didn't seem impactful enough to be something that can wound as bad as it did, let alone kill someone.

That caught my attention too. I think they were using silencers for the guns, given that shots were being fired near crowds.
Oct 1, 2016 7:14 PM
Jul 2009
Old_Raven said:
was there ANYTHING to dislike in this???

The sound direction wasn't all that good. Some scenes felt awkwardly put together. And there wasn't enough witch.
Oct 1, 2016 7:26 PM
Sep 2016
My most hyped anime of the season, hasn't dissapointed.
The princess's personality is really one dimensional right now, but it's hinted that she'll struggle with bottling up her emotions.
Really freaking weird how the narrator's exposition was in the middle instead of the beginning.
Oct 1, 2016 7:26 PM
Jun 2016
Di...did I just watch the 1st episode of the yuri Code Geass reboot?
Not that I'm complaining, just want to know what I'm getting myself into.
Oct 1, 2016 7:28 PM

Sep 2013
Fine is pretty...fine....BADUM TSSSSS. (wonder how many times that will happen)

No actually she is pretty cute, I like the purple eyes and blonde combo. Her self sacrifice, goal driven and tomboy personality made me a fan of her already. She also has an interesting scar on the side of her body and it seems like she got it from protecting Izetta. I'm interested in seeing their history together.

Very solid start with good pacing and great animation. That final scene with Izetta coming out of her pod was beautiful. I was excited to see this series when I was sifting through the Fall lineup and I had above average expectations on this. Glad I wasn't disappointed and I'm stoked to see the next episode. Fine is a pretty cool female lead thus far and the great Saori Hayami's voice fits her personality type pretty well.

Really intrigued on where this will go with the WW2 setting, a Princess and a Witch.
TehSnawnOct 1, 2016 7:40 PM

Oct 1, 2016 7:32 PM
Feb 2011
Only I got Asuna's feeling from the MC?
Oct 1, 2016 7:36 PM

Nov 2011
It kinda bored me with all these pseudo-names for countries and political debate: Westria, Germania, Brittania, wtf. Not all countries end with an "ia". I don't know why Japan can't use actual names when talking about WWII, I feel like they will even make like Japan never acted. The protagonist is the typical tomboy Hime-sama, even his bodyguard says "Hime-sama" or "Fine-sama" all the time. It's like they hired a guy for just one line. The soundtrack sounds fine, tho, and the animation is decent. But this seems like a good country vs evil country anime, and I don't feel like it will be entertaining. Also, I hope the witch isn't just another girl who just screams "Hime-sama" everytime Finé is in danger.
Oct 1, 2016 7:36 PM
Jul 2009
Fine's just a Nogi Wakaba clone.

Oct 1, 2016 7:37 PM
Jul 2009
ichigomaru said:
Only I got Asuna's feeling from the MC?

What MC are you talking about?
Oct 1, 2016 7:59 PM

Nov 2010
So far, so good. kinda liked the princess.
will continue.
Oct 1, 2016 8:14 PM

Sep 2012
It's not everyday you see a witch flying out of a nazi airship using a rifle instead of a broom.
Oct 1, 2016 8:25 PM

Nov 2012
Was expecting some crap like Strike Witches but got pretty impressed instead, hope it keeps up
Oct 1, 2016 8:54 PM

Mar 2013
Came off on a really good start, I liked it. But please leave out the unnecessary fan service scenes... please. And NO yuri.
KilikcliaOct 2, 2016 7:50 PM
Oct 1, 2016 8:58 PM

Jul 2013
loved it! really nice animation in both style and consistency (i mean i know this is pretty much a given for every first episode but... still), great cast of voice actors, great premise, and great background music!

i try not to get my hopes too high on shows that queerbait and/or have fanservice, but i have to admit it really drew me in! even though i only watched it because my friend insisted it was really cool (she's a history major so as you can imagine she's having the time of her life right now, lol).

i mean the fanservice wasn't unbearably excessive and i kinda have a feel for how these things go now - so i know the next couple of episodes will probably have zero to none (unless it really is just gonna be a fanservice-y show) and then midway there'll be some more thrown in to keep those kinds of fans interested lol. also i hesitantly use the term 'queerbait' just because i do feel like my friend and i could just be reading too much into things and seeing hinted romance where there is none. /shrug

anyway, the reason i'm hype for this show is because very rarely does something bad have a good soundtrack. it can happen, but it's rare.

to think i thought i wouldn't have anything to watch this season, too!
Oct 1, 2016 9:01 PM
Feb 2011
1idd0kun said:
ichigomaru said:
Only I got Asuna's feeling from the MC?

What MC are you talking about?
1idd0kun said:
ichigomaru said:
Only I got Asuna's feeling from the MC?

What MC are you talking about?

The princess... (need 15 characters to reply lol)
Oct 1, 2016 9:02 PM

Jul 2013
Fenryr19 said:
It's not everyday you see a witch flying out of a nazi airship using a rifle instead of a broom.

in the (in)famous words of 3oh3: "i got my gun cocked tight and i'm ready to blow". ;)
Oct 1, 2016 9:11 PM

Feb 2015
Interesting first episode, there is a mistery behind that witch and the personality of the princess is really strong.
Oct 1, 2016 9:34 PM

Dec 2014
well a good start ..... let's see how it goes
Oct 1, 2016 9:37 PM

Aug 2016
Kilikclia said:
Came off on a really good start, I liked it. But please leave out the unnecessary fan service scenes... please. And no yuri.

Yuri would definitly ruin it. But I have a big hope in this story
Oct 1, 2016 10:24 PM
Jul 2009
ichigomaru said:

1idd0kun said:

What MC are you talking about?

The princess... (need 15 characters to reply lol)

And who is Asuna? I don't remember any character called that way.
1idd0kunOct 1, 2016 10:28 PM
Oct 1, 2016 10:28 PM

Jun 2014
Enjoyable first episode, likeable characters, and historical storyline!
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Oct 1, 2016 10:37 PM

Jan 2014
It seems this is gonna be an interesting ride.

The princess sure is strong of character and well she has to. Funny how they treat her (least the subs are exaggerating) as a tomboy. Do they expect her to just be a decoration? Wow...

But it seems this team of the main girls is gonna kick a lot of ass.
Oct 1, 2016 10:39 PM
Jan 2015
Very underwhelming first episode with lots of problems. I can already tell I won't like this.
Oct 1, 2016 10:49 PM

Apr 2016
SchwingBoner said:
Promising start. It was cool how she used that gun as her broom.

Hoping to see some actual yuri, and not just yuribait.

ive seen it before in horizon in the middle of nowhere
Oct 1, 2016 10:52 PM

Apr 2013
Quite an enjoyable first episode. Hopefully it keeps up the level of quality it presented here, as it definitely has all the right pieces to be one of the best series of this season already.

That said, I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a ROFL-Stomp series where Izetta's magic is a deus ex machina against everything that shows up. Part of what makes a great alternate history fantasy series so fascinating is how they balance real world events and technology/people with the mystical and fantastical elements that are also included.

Overall though, great soundtrack, great start and I'm eager to see more.
Oct 1, 2016 11:07 PM

Nov 2011
1idd0kun said:
Fine's just a Nogi Wakaba clone.

I want a Nogi Wakaba is a Hero anime.
"Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it..." -Guts, Berserk
"Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." -Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night
"We are constantly living in a peaceful world that somebody else won for us. Even if it were only a day of peace, I will be grateful for its value." - Minashiro Tsubaki, FAFNER
"Screw you, future me!" -Makise Kurisu, Steins;Gate
"We used to show off by waging wars and whatnot." -Watashi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
"Call me Moses. I'm going to part the sea of students before your eyes." -Moses?, Valvrave
"Time is guilty." -Andō & Tomoyo, INOU-Battle
Oct 1, 2016 11:13 PM
Nov 2012
I don't get why people are complaining about the alternate nation names: sure they could've gone with keeping the actual names in light of the fact that they're mostly following the events of 1940 to a T, but by changing the names around they're making it clear that this is an alternate history, and thus it makes any changes or fantastical elements more palatable.

An example of what happens when they do keep the same is in something like the anime First Squad: there's a clip on youtube whose first few minutes show Red Army soldiers fighting the Wermacht, and most people apparently thought that it'll be a full-on WW2 anime. Then the undead and supernatural elements popped up and suddenly people got pissed because they didn't expect that, as evident from said video's comments. Whereas here, they already avoided that pitfall by making it clear that despite the fact that they're using WW2 as the basis, that they're still telling a story on an alternate world with a fantasy bent.

Ideally of course they could've just changed enough to make it a true alternate world, like how Valkyria Chronicles did it, but changing the names here is hardly anything worth getting mad over.

Also, Princess Fine is fine in more ways than one :)
Oct 1, 2016 11:15 PM

Jun 2013
So this is taking place during World War II. Germany is attacking their neighbors and are threatening the little Eylstadt nearby. So the princess is off to the neutral state nearby to meet the British ambassador to have them come to their aid. The British are reluctant because they already suffered losses while in the mainlands. Plus, helping a tiny country would probably not be feasible enough since they don't have much to offer when they can use those men somewhere else. Eylstadt doesn't have much to offer so Finè is offering herself to Prince Henry. She's that desperate to save her country. But the Germans have already attacked before she could manage a deal with the British. And on board the plane where Finè was, Izetta awakens and blows the plane in half because the princess was hurt. And the nopan witch riding her giant rifle saves the falling princess.

I don't understand people being upset over not enough Izetta. It's pretty obvious that she'll be playing a big role in this war given her direct relationship with Finè who is the princess of a country just attacked by the Germans. This episode was just introducing the situation and leading to the introduction of Izetta who is the witch of legend and is in high demand. Finè had an encounter with Izetta in the past and they remember each other from that encounter. Finè was cute. She's an interesting character.

The setting has me interested. It mainly has normal people and weapons and stuff with the exception of Izetta so that's good. The lesser the magic the better. The animation and artwork as a whole was pretty okay. I think I'll stick around with this show. Unless my Saturdays get full with other better shows.
Oct 1, 2016 11:29 PM

Dec 2013
First episode and already I'm getting "Sleeper of the season" vibes. Picked this up purely on a whim and already I'm loving both the setting, the supernatural aspect as well as the potential political aspects this show promises to bring.

Also props for not hesitating to kill off nearly all the introduced characters this episode. I love a good show that actually shows the true face of war. Death comes unexpectedly, gruesomely and randomly to all.

Actually excited for the next episode. Want to see just what the relationship between the princess and Izetta is.

Also absolutely LOVE the ED! May'n's voice is puuurfect for this song, and it matches the theme so well!
Oct 1, 2016 11:36 PM

Jun 2013
All right all right. You have my attention.

Also, who the fuck is this studio?
Oct 1, 2016 11:37 PM

Apr 2013
Maybe my memory isn't so clear, but the art style really reminds me of Gate, a lot.
This looks better than I expected actually.

Oct 1, 2016 11:53 PM

Dec 2015
Good 1st episode. The drawings were nice, the 3DCGI vehicles were okay (except for the scenes on the train where the characters didn't blend), too bad I dislike the charadesign style (especially young characters) but after so many shows in recent years using it, I am getting used to it.

3.5+/5 Probably just a "fine " show, but at least not a "bad" one.
I hope for the studio that it succeeds and triggers more daring originals from them. (I know it isn't their first but they are really spaced)
And now I feel bad because I tested it illegally. Searching for the official french broadcaster...

@ -Trippwire- It is a studio who exists at least since the 80s since they worked on the Twilight Q anthology and participated to Creamy Mami. Nowadays, I suppose they should be known for their last big project: Zettai shônen.

Why are so many people talking about homosexual tendencies after this episode? I noticed nothing special.
And to those saying friendship only is enough because the two main characters are female: friendship would actually be enough in a lot of shows I saw where the main are a female and a male (recent example: Kuromukuro)
Rei_IIIOct 2, 2016 12:20 AM
Oct 2, 2016 12:08 AM

Aug 2013
Well I was already interested in this back when the PVs were released, but wow fuck me sideways that was a good first episode. Even better than I expected.
Shuhan said:
Getting real tired of this yuri undertone shit.

Oct 2, 2016 12:11 AM
Sep 2015
Straight up one of the strongest first episodes of the year. Presentation wise everything was on point and the writing, particularly in regards to Fine, is choice.

What sold me on Shuumatsu no Izetta is how well it works as a piece of fictionalised WWII intrigue. If you've played or watched Valkyria Chronicles then you're familiar with this particular genre already, but while Izetta has its significant fantastical elements, most of it feels incredibly grounded and in such a way that gives texture and enhances the fantasy. The way people dress, act, talk, the environments they inhabit, the technology they use, it all feels very lifted from the time period. That's not a recipe for success itself - Strike Witches, of all things, has one of the most extensive catalogues of extremely accurate technology and trivia - but after lived experience the richest tapestry is history. Shuumatsu no Izetta successfully prints its fiction on that tapestry. It just works.

It's clear that this is a real passion project. There's always he question of whether its qualities will hold up, but that's something time will tell.
Oct 2, 2016 12:35 AM

Mar 2015
Pretty good first episode. I'm really liking the setting. Great art & animation too.

Also that corgi in the beginning <3
Oct 2, 2016 1:05 AM

Sep 2014
First episode's execution was lacking a bit but there's a lot to like in this anime. I'm a big fan of historical fantasies and strong female leads, the character designs and art style were good as well. Looking forward for more.
Oct 2, 2016 1:50 AM
Oct 2016
Good and interesting, but not great. A story about The Kingdom of Bavaria (which is not exist in WW2)and witch, I like it. Lets see what will happen next.

BGM: Mozart's "Magic Flute" is fantastic!
Oct 2, 2016 2:18 AM

Jun 2013
Really great start! This has a lot of potential and i can see this being one of the best of the season!
Oct 2, 2016 2:25 AM

Jul 2007
In A dark dark not-past of Not-Europe A hiiimeee samaaaaa is rallying against the clock to deal with the threat of the evil not-Nazis.

Well, I guess I am glad someone decided to readapt valkyrie chronicles! /s

Seriously though the first episode was decent. The directing could use more work but the animation quality was up to par and the protagonist was competent enough. Its nice to see her being capable on her own and not necessarily needing to rely on those around her.

Setting-wise, this is WW2 through and through to the point that magic and the fake country names/fake history are actually detrimental for the overall atmosphere. The OST, the designs, the tone everything feels like WW2. You can literally see through the face facade of "alt history" and recognize various real life ww2 countries. So all the witch stuff and fake names just feel strange? That said, with Japan's tendencies I just pray we won't get "But Nazis were misguided or had a good reason!" kind of plot here. Please don't. Just give me competent ww2 politics and some decent characters and this could be great retelling of not-WW2

Overall this feels like a work that genuinely wants to tell a good story and is struggling hard to try to avoid un-anime stuff alas still failing along the way, unlike 91 Days. It is enjoyable and strong pilot that leaves a lot of space for growth

As long as the show manages to retain this level of episode and the dreadful script writer does not ruin this could turn out to be one of the better shows this season.
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