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Mar 31, 2016 2:54 PM

Jan 2016
its a final fantasy so nuff said about being great cant wait for the game release
Mar 31, 2016 2:58 PM

Apr 2012
That was the gayest thing I've seen in a long time.
Mar 31, 2016 3:18 PM

Jul 2015
Meh, was pretty bring, i know that it is just a promotional anime to a game i probably won't play but that was as generic at it can be
Mar 31, 2016 3:45 PM

Aug 2012
It is fun to watch it gives you something to watch until 9/30 comes around. I love the characters and how well they act together.
Mar 31, 2016 3:47 PM

Dec 2007
Not liking the characters. This short series has put me off the game more if anything...

j0x said:
technology vs magic
im not familiar much about Final Fantasy because i do not play any games of it
but Noctis looks like Gilgamesh from Fate series with all those weapons

They've strayed away from other Final Fantasy games with this one. The magic and combat is all new.
Mar 31, 2016 4:57 PM
Feb 2014
it's not breathtaking but I enjoyed the details and the love to this little project by the makers!
Mar 31, 2016 4:59 PM

Jul 2015
It was decent, guess it succeeded in making sure I wanted XV to come out sooner, not like I haven't been waiting since "Versus XIII" for it anyway, whats a little while longer right?
Mar 31, 2016 6:48 PM

Mar 2016
Silver4000 said:
I wasn't expecting for Noctis to be picky with the food.

Mar 31, 2016 7:23 PM

Aug 2014
Lmao, Noctis says no to vegetables.

Can't wait for more episodes. FF XV is my most anticipated game this year.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Mar 31, 2016 7:23 PM

Jan 2008
This one episode taught me more about the series than the games demo did.
Mar 31, 2016 8:26 PM
Nov 2008
Overall a fairly nice start to this short series and prequel for the upcoming game. Animation wise could've improved on a few points here and there but overall really fluid, minus the CGI soldiers and yes i hate CGI in animes but not like i can do much about it.

The only thing that bugged me was that it was only 12 minutes long instead of the usual 24 :/.
Mar 31, 2016 11:55 PM
Mar 2008
Paul said:
This one episode taught me more about the series than the games demo did.

Considering that the demo (if you mean the second one called "Platinum Demo" with Carbuncle), was just a tech demo and nothing more. So no surprise there.
Apr 1, 2016 1:29 AM

Jan 2013
milkcrate said:
Silver4000 said:
I wasn't expecting for Noctis to be picky with the food.

Yeah, I remember that. But he ate the soup after his father convinced him. So I thought he was past that.
Apr 1, 2016 1:31 AM

Jun 2009
Still not completely sold on FFXV, the characters come off as kind of generi here. I think that there is a chance that they'll end up being interested in the game, but I'm not sure if we'll see it in this anime. I do like how they are shown just chilling, scenes like at the camp give me hope that the "brotherhood" theme will be well realized.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Apr 1, 2016 3:05 PM

Sep 2009
Mainly watched it out of curiosity and might give the other episodes a run when they come out. Nothing really that special in the first episode.
Apr 1, 2016 10:01 PM

Dec 2014
Even I don't like vegetables on my burgers, Except for the lettuce XD

Really nice episode, Got me excited for the game again :D
Now if only they confirm that PC version.
Apr 1, 2016 10:07 PM

Jul 2012
Time to get hyped about the upcoming game. :D

"There are three things you can never get back: The word after it's said, the moment after it's missed, and the time after it's gone."
-Koe no Katachi

Apr 2, 2016 1:41 AM

Sep 2015
MahadoKusanagi said:
FFXV Anime, FFXV CGI Movie, FFXV Demo(s), FFXV Game in September............................Star Ocean 5, World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest XI................what the hell is goin on with SquareEnix now? Did they drink a power-drink or something and bringing the good stuff now? After the damn FFXIII Trilogy (i didnt like it very much) and FFXIV as well the episodic Hitman and the rather average FFType-0.
Well, i am more hyped for Star Ocean 5 than FFXV (even tho Square is gonna change some things is SO5............thanks you damn brainless SJWs), but i am gonna buy the game anyway as well as all the other games i mentioned above.

But now to the Anime..................yeah, it was nice. Slightly above average. Animation was good enough, sound as well, story is the FFXV Demo (the first far as i remember)..............but the characters.............honestly, i dont really like those guys. Thats a damn boyband (and hopefully they dont destroy my fun with the game). But, it was a nice episode overall.

First I have to disagree on Type-0 the story was Amazing. I think the graphics were above average since it was a PSP port wasn't expecting anything better. The Music Story and character's were on POINT. Will agree with you on FF-13 played all 3 games and have all achievements in the games and it was very meh. FF 13-2 was probably my favorite out of the three.

Super excited for this game, have the special edition pre-ordered :D Final Fantasy is one of my all-time favorite game series and Sept 30th cannot get here soon enough. Not to mention I spend most of my hours gaming.

The anime was good, it actually was better in quality than I expected it to be. I like Noct, the picky eating scene is so me haha.
Apr 2, 2016 2:55 AM
Mar 2008
QcK_Dagger_HeaT said:

First I have to disagree on Type-0 the story was Amazing. I think the graphics were above average since it was a PSP port wasn't expecting anything better. The Music Story and character's were on POINT. Will agree with you on FF-13 played all 3 games and have all achievements in the games and it was very meh. FF 13-2 was probably my favorite out of the three.

Sure you can disagree, but i thought that Type-0 was just average. I thinkg the same about Kingdom Hearts, a game beloved by many. FFVII i think its overrated (which doesnt mean that the game itself is bad) and this is the most successful and beloved game in the franchise until now.
For me, FFVIII wins against every FF to date, this is a game a lot of people hate. So there you see how opinions differ ;)
Apr 2, 2016 9:38 AM

Aug 2012
My hype was for Final Fantasy XIII Versus, when they showcased Noctis in tuxedo dancing(?) with a girl (forget her name) in a dress. I thought that time, this might be the best FF they made. But after they changed name to XV and seen the trailer last year, my hype just lost completely.

After seeing this anime, I really am sure now that I'm gonna pass on the game. It's like playing a boyband simulator ╮(╯▽╰)╭

MahadoKusanagi said:
FFVII i think its overrated (which doesnt mean that the game itself is bad) and this is the most successful and beloved game in the franchise until now.
For me, FFVIII wins against every FF to date, this is a game a lot of people hate. So there you see how opinions differ ;)

Yes I've played many FF games since PS1, and my favorite is still VIII from all the main series until now. Hated by lots of ppl, adored by many more. VIII is just a little bit under VII followed by X then IX from what I've seen for years.
Apr 2, 2016 10:25 AM
Mar 2008
SHiNRei_YaGaMi said:

Yes I've played many FF games since PS1, and my favorite is still VIII from all the main series until now. Hated by lots of ppl, adored by many more. VIII is just a little bit under VII followed by X then IX from what I've seen for years.

Based on rankings from different people FFVIII is just a bit under FFVII?
Well, as far as i see, that's not true. But maybe you dont have the same experience in that regard.
What i mostly see is that FFVIII is, on most lists from the best to worst FF titles, rather average. Sometimes even average at best. Sure, over the years after its release, the game is more and more beloved by people since the FFVII hype died down a bit, but the game is still hated by more people than it is loved by others.
Which is a shame since FFVIII has also some of the unique things in the games-world until today but.............well, everybodys opinion.
I could talk days and days about the game (or even franchise), but i am gonna stop here since this topic is about the first episode of FFXV Anime.
Apr 2, 2016 12:04 PM

Mar 2014
Eat dem vegetables Noctis!
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Apr 2, 2016 1:49 PM

Nov 2015
I love seeing how each of the characters mesh together. So far, I think the main characters are interesting and I look forward to seeing how they develop!

Did anybody else realize how worthless those robots were? Their whole purpose was just get handled! I don't know how the kindgom of Lucis fell to those jokers haha. Oh well, it was still really cool to watch Noctis and the others summoning their weapons. And Noctis' teleport ability is freaking awesome!
"Oh hey, I've got an idea! Next time let's eat our snacks together! Snack time is so much more fun when you have someone sweet to share it with." -Shiro (Deadman Wonderland)

Apr 2, 2016 7:34 PM

Aug 2015
Pretty good in my opinion. Like others said, the animation could had been better.
Apr 2, 2016 11:50 PM

Jan 2009
BloodiRose said:
Am I the only one who found this first episode to just be... Meh? I wasn't super impressed or entertained watching it. I'd give it a 5/10.

Felt like it lacked style really. The character development was oddly paced and didn't roll as it should have as well, but that it lacked both that and style made it kind of unimpressive overall.

Considering A-1's involvement in so much video game adaption material, as well as being involved with popular titles like Sword Art Online, I get why SE chose them for the adaption. From a business standpoint, it makes sense. The end result being something to have expected going in though, A-1 and video game deals is a known quantity already.

If SE really wanted to make this a special thing on its own, rather than being a mediocre thing set up as a promo, they should have gone elsewhere or worked more closely with A-1, tried to really get them to ramp animation quality to make it really have a nice shine to it. For what it is, I would have really liked to see a studio with better fight choreography take the helm, to make the battles really ring. Such a great fight concept style, but the animation there really let it down and made the fight feel cheap.

This could have been so much more, but I feel like SE/A-1 really wanted something simply functional for marketing, rather than beautiful and able to stand on its own merits. In that, they succeeded, but that's a bummer for end users.
Apr 3, 2016 3:15 AM

Sep 2011
like shit
also ffix > ffvi> ffvii > fxii > all > ffx > ffviii > ffxiii-xv
Apr 3, 2016 3:09 PM

Oct 2011
OMG This is amazing <333
Apr 3, 2016 3:50 PM

Nov 2015
This was very interesting.. The fighting was cool

Apr 3, 2016 5:34 PM

May 2015
I wish it was like a 12 episode series with proper length episodes. It was a fun watch. Maybe we'll get more if the game sells well haha?
✦✦✦Join the Bionix club✦✦✦

Apr 4, 2016 4:49 AM

Mar 2008
First episode was good, too bad I won't be able to play FFXV.
Apr 4, 2016 2:37 PM
Apr 2016
lorx and BloodiRose, we're apparently the minority in here.
I don't want to hate this because we seriously barely started, with only 11 minutes of content at that, but it's the fact that they had to be extra careful with the story-telling with so little "air time" and weren't, that I believe they're off to a bad start.

Someone else mentioned I was nitpicking, but this how I genuinely felt during the episode.
On a positive note:

  • Art-style is well defined, gorgeous to look at
  • Human reactions are actually pretty well represented. I liked the small moments like Noctis being picky with the food and the characters' reactions to Prompto getting pictures.

Now, here are some points on why I think this 1st episode didn't sell for me:

  • The Animation looks crude and unfitting for this genre. It feels sluggish and would only work for slower, less action-based anime. In fact, the later battle sequence looks unappealing (and badly choreographed)
  • There's barely any introduction. All the characters are thrown in and we're expected to know who they are by their café/meal time conversations, which is a to avoid practice in Screen writing.
    The exception, if only slightly, is Noctis: we understand he's important with the Café lady suddenly mentioning his name as if he were somewhat known, and then Gladio pushing him aside.
  • The introductory flashback is useless. We don't know what the monster is and whether it is as much of a threat to the main character since we don't see it in proper action.
  • «Noctis, you take half of their battalion. You’ll be our diversion.» Does that really sound like a well thought-out plan? Besides, they went in guns blazing anyways.
  • The Snake-monster reappearing does not create the tension it intended to create. Like I mentioned, the flashback had to be much more fleshed-out to let us know that it really was a threat to the main character. And since it didn’t create this tension, it feels completely useless to create a cliffhanger out of it.

As lorx mentioned, this feels more like a marketing shoe-horn than an actual attempt at telling a story.
Apr 5, 2016 11:13 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
I'm excited for the game and this managed to get me even more excited for the game. Not because it was good, quite the opposite actually. The quality of this series will have me begging for the game instead. This was pretty bad. Corny, boring, cookie cutter personalities, etc. Enemy soldiers are no problem, but a ketchup bottle, now that is a worthy opponent.
Apr 7, 2016 1:24 PM

Nov 2012
Ictius said:
kofmaster said:

Is called First Impressions, but MAL dont have something like a First Impressions tab.

Then don't write a review. If you want to share your first impressions you can always write about them in the discussion topics.

I'm not a big fan of those reviews without completing the anime either. If you do that PLEASE make sure you go back and edit it or write a new one if you can't, to account for your thoughts on the whole thing.

you can also write your first impressions in your own blog and on your own mal profile page . Also if your anime list style is like mine you can make some notes about your feelings on the anime inside the edit boxes theres enough room for about 15-20 word short summary of my thoughts on an anime which I often use as mini reviews seeing I don't do full reviews of most shows I watch. But I start writing my thoughts in the edit boxes of anime as early as the first few episodes and usually change it to my final opinions once it ends
Apr 7, 2016 6:23 PM

Jan 2013
This has gotten me hyped about the game, if only because I'm getting REALLY big FF1 vibes. The dynamic between the characters and the open world really remind me of classic Final Fantasy, and I would love it if Square Enix decided to return to roots that way.
Apr 8, 2016 4:32 PM

Dec 2012
I want to play the game now.
Apr 9, 2016 1:53 AM

Jul 2013
Why did they all have to be wearing black? It just makes them look like an emo boy band. Anyway, I am so hyped for the game, man. And this anime is a great way to keep me even more hyped. And it's also a good bonus.
Apr 9, 2016 7:36 AM

Jan 2010
Was any else caught off guard by this anime? I honestly did not know Square was making FFXV prequel anime till last week. Oh well.

Meh. I thought the art could of been better. But hot damn those action scenes near the end! Also the music was fabulous. Hopefully the series gets better and better with each new episode.
Apr 10, 2016 3:41 AM

Jun 2013
Like someone said earlier, Noctis looks better in his game form. Still, I enjoyed this and I wished it was longer than 10 minutes. TT___TT

Those burgers looked really good. Anime food always makes me hungry.
Apr 18, 2016 1:52 PM

Oct 2010
Didn't expect Noct to be that picky. But it was sure nice seeing them eating together. I'm pretty satisfied with the first episode. Good animation and story is managing to be entertaining.

This is getting me pumped up for the game even more.
Apr 22, 2016 6:24 AM

Dec 2014
Bruh anyone knows where to download the ep 1 softsubbed version? HS is hardsub, and tried nyaa but none of 'em works. Wanted to watch this series badly. @.@

"Wielding one's blade out of duty alone is what it means to be a captain. Wielding one's blade out of hatred is nothing more than petty violence. That is not what we would consider battle."
May 30, 2016 6:43 AM

Aug 2008
Note to the writers: if your episodes are 11 minutes long, don't have the main characters eating for 6 minutes. That would be excessive in a cooking anime lol.
Jun 13, 2016 9:29 PM

Aug 2013
I think this episode did enough to sort of establish the basic storyline in the game, but Episode 1 didn't really reveal much if you've been following the series since Square started working on it again.

Honestly, Episode 2 looks way more interesting to me…more backstory on the main boys when they were kids…Chubby Prompto is endearing. I'm actually a bit more excited for Episode 2 to drop later today…gonna bookmark it for later.
Jul 13, 2016 11:53 PM

Oct 2008
Fighting scenes were really cool and stylish!

Aug 3, 2016 2:04 AM

Mar 2012
Okay-ish episode. Nothing stood out for me though. The chemistry between the group members is... not unbearable, but could be less broody and I can do without all the "hey what's the big idea" attitude that every one-liner exhibits.
End Zionazism
Aug 10, 2016 2:40 PM

Sep 2014
Good beginning episode. The fight scene was nice let's see what will happen next
Aug 22, 2016 5:31 PM

Jun 2009
i wish these episodes were full length and i also wish this was at least an 11 episode series. as usual, SE doesn't disappoint with the music.
Oct 1, 2016 11:33 AM

Aug 2014
The art is so meh... that A-1 quality I suppose lol.
Oct 2, 2016 12:15 AM

Apr 2016
Interesting first Ona, about 4 youngs and dark history....7/10 for the moment!!!
Nov 27, 2016 10:41 PM

Dec 2012
Starting my road to FF XV now.

A-1 F'ing Pictures!

Okay episode.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Nov 29, 2016 6:20 AM

Jan 2013
Yeah Noct, let's just charge straight for the monster that almost took your life once ...
Good first episode, I like the chemistry between the 4.
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