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Jan 31, 2016 1:00 PM

May 2012
Hate the people last episode who spoiled it with their "subtle" comments.

But damn, saw it coming since Minato kept raising the death flags for himself over and over.

Feels struck hard.

Jan 31, 2016 1:00 PM
Jun 2015
I cry T_____T


Really good anime, characters, story, musics. RIP Manato-kun.
Jan 31, 2016 1:01 PM

Aug 2010
And here I was planning to come here talk about Yume's Legs :/

Dat change of tone was insane. It was really realistic showing how just letting ur guard off for a few seconds can cause instant death. RIP Manato.

Hope we get to see more of Nakata Jouji Priest guy.

Really loved the insert song. Good shit. And seeing Reiji's team was nice too.

I still want to at least mention this...Yume's legs do stuff to my D
Jan 31, 2016 1:04 PM

Sep 2014
This episode felt soooo short. Geez.

RIP Manato, but sadly I have to agree with this
Smudy said:
I have to say as well that the moment he died in lacked impact. The death flags also were everywhere last episode and here, soooo...

Also, that insert song played way longer than needed. Kind of ruined the moment for me, but at least the art was nice. I'm curious on how they will handle themselves now.
Jan 31, 2016 1:07 PM

Sep 2015


Jan 31, 2016 1:09 PM
Nov 2015
Rest in peace my nigga manato, Shihirou is gonna feel guilty that she couldn't save im in the next ep shit got dark 0 to 100 real quick


Jan 31, 2016 1:11 PM

Apr 2013
It was obvious Manato had to go. He did everything for the group. He was the healer, leader, tank, financial manager, strategist, and information gatherer/scout. Definitely won't be the last of traumas to come...

I guess we'll finally see some real character development from here on. I'm curious about what they will take from this individually.

Edit*** I'm getting really sick of their shameless insert songs... it's so fucking annoying. It actually effect makes me want to read the LN and skip over the anime.
duderusJan 31, 2016 1:29 PM

Jan 31, 2016 1:12 PM

May 2009
First half distracted everyone with Yume

Jan 31, 2016 1:13 PM

Aug 2012
I never read the LN so I am am completely reliant on the series to tell me what the heck is going on.

My general impression on episode 4 was mixed, it started out okay but then they did something you never do in cinema unless you are completely a fool or it fits with the theme i.e: war scenes, action scenes you get the point.

They introduced a quick event scene, basically a set of events that happens in fast cuts completely independent from the pacing it started out with, it works in action scenes, it does not work with merry go around picnic scenes, suddenly they are in freaking Stalingrad in the heat of action getting flanked out of nowhere.

Now I am going to assume majority of people here actually read the LN but to me it seems like they must somehow have screwed up the adoption, I read some people said that the priest was crying while he was not in the anime, its already a sign of adaptation done wrong.
Do not get me wrong I like the anime so far but it feels odd at places but episode 4 took the cake of oddity.

Now a series can be much longer but imao this is 13 episodes I doubt they going to do a second series if they do its just going to be maximum 26 episodes, maybe that is enough what do I know?

My point is the death scene came out of nowhere, there was nothing to suggest that something major was going to happen, in fact it was very unnatural for something that strives for realism.
They mapped out an area and does not scout ahead which they DID DO earlier on in the series which left me thinking.
Okay they are just killing off this character now because for whatever reasons but they have no time so they just do a jump cut and go straight to the killing.

Also for a character that is paranoid and heals every wound he sure did not stop to tell them about that giant arrow in his back which again is a very ridicules, unrealistic and completely out of character move not to mention he would have slowed down immensely during their escape duo to huge blood loss but he did not he managed to escape at same pace as everyone else, was it poison?
I do not know I was given no explanation, the character showed no sign of poison either.

Am I nitpicking? Yes obviously its just an anime series but this has to be first time in decade I seen an anime which is very slow paced and drama like suddenly just kill off a main character before the series even gets half way and with such a strange sets of events too.
Also the insert song, annoying as always. It seems that the days when GREAT anime directors used as little soundtrack and music as possible in emotional scenes is long gone now which is sad ironically, its pathetic that they have to relay on a song to make for an emotional scene, with better camera angles, lightning and close up shots of the characters faces and just the pure sound of them sobbing would be more emotional than stupid music playing in the background.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."
- Plato
Jan 31, 2016 1:21 PM

Jan 2016
Fuck,I'm so sad right now! Manato was my favourite ;((( I'm so done...
Jan 31, 2016 1:21 PM

Feb 2015
It's too bad that Minato died, and just when Shihoru was developing feelings for him. But they need to find another healer soon, I think. A party without a healer is asking for trouble. It's going to be tough.

Anime | Profile | Manga
「The day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday I saw a deer, and today, you.」

Jan 31, 2016 1:22 PM

Sep 2015
Grimgar locked for simple listing.

It was nice to actually finally have some sort of development, but it feels like they realised they were a full third of the way into the first season and that nothing had happened, so they had to shoehorn in a lot of ability listing and exposition. It was boring and very immersion-breaking when the combat keeps stopping every 10 seconds to simply monotonously tell us what each person can now do.
I'd much rather they had actually shown us the characters fighting and training. Instead of wasting 50% of each of the previous 3 episodes talking about dumb shit like whether someone's fat or not, they could have shown us the characters interacting with their Guilds, talking to and learning from their masters, and then putting their abilities to use without the combat being jarred and interrupted.

The way they set the death up was terribly droll, too. The guy sits there listing the benefits that everyone brings to the team (because they have to sit there and again, drone on to let us know what each of the characters does because they haven't actually shown us 3 episodes in..) before instantly facing a deadly situation. It was painfully obvious and ruined any potential suspense for me.
It was nigh impossible for me to have an emotional reaction to his death because he hasn't even been developed as a character. I can't feel invested in someone when they haven't done anything.

It's definitely been the best episode of the 4 that have aired so far, but it's really, really suffered due to how terrible the first 3 were.
Maybe it can finally pick up from here. If the remaining characters stop talking about dumb shit and actually do something in the world the rest of this anime might be somewhat decent.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Jan 31, 2016 1:29 PM

Apr 2015
Alright so the healer leave the party now huh, didn't see that coming
Jan 31, 2016 1:34 PM

Feb 2015
I'll be honest the death had little impact for me as I didn't know enough about the character to care. Maybe it came a little too early in the series.
Jan 31, 2016 1:35 PM
Aug 2015

There was no arrow on his back..was he shot again and it wasn't shown?
Jan 31, 2016 1:44 PM

Jan 2015
RobloxGirlClone said:

There was no arrow on his back..was he shot again and it wasn't shown?

Animators' mistake.
Jan 31, 2016 1:50 PM

May 2012
Crashmatt said:
I'll be honest the death had little impact for me as I didn't know enough about the character to care. Maybe it came a little too early in the series.

Eh Nothing wrong with that. Probably not that empathetic or simply just didn't care for the character.

I personally didn't care for
tengen toppa gurren lagann spoiler:

I just really liked the character in this case

RobloxGirlClone said:

There was no arrow on his back..was he shot again and it wasn't shown?

Yeah, I noticed this as well. I felt it was intentional though just like a buncha other scenes in other anime. Or it was jsut a mistake, i guess lol

Jan 31, 2016 1:54 PM

May 2013
Rip best guy,my wow experience tells me that the raid will wipe without a healer
Lead me out of the dark,bishounen space Jesus.
Jan 31, 2016 1:59 PM

Aug 2013
damn, this episode ruled. i was enjoying this show either way, but this episode solidified my interests. hope it opens up wide after this.
Jan 31, 2016 2:08 PM

Oct 2015
Amazing episode. We finally get to see some of their new abilities and experience.
The music was spot on with the feels......and I was gonna ship him with Shihoru
XielaJan 31, 2016 2:12 PM
Jan 31, 2016 2:10 PM
Jan 2016
SMGJohn said:
I never read the LN so I am am completely reliant on the series to tell me what the heck is going on.

My general impression on episode 4 was mixed, it started out okay but then they did something you never do in cinema unless you are completely a fool or it fits with the theme i.e: war scenes, action scenes you get the point.

They introduced a quick event scene, basically a set of events that happens in fast cuts completely independent from the pacing it started out with, it works in action scenes, it does not work with merry go around picnic scenes, suddenly they are in freaking Stalingrad in the heat of action getting flanked out of nowhere.

Now I am going to assume majority of people here actually read the LN but to me it seems like they must somehow have screwed up the adoption, I read some people said that the priest was crying while he was not in the anime, its already a sign of adaptation done wrong.
Do not get me wrong I like the anime so far but it feels odd at places but episode 4 took the cake of oddity.

Now a series can be much longer but imao this is 13 episodes I doubt they going to do a second series if they do its just going to be maximum 26 episodes, maybe that is enough what do I know?

My point is the death scene came out of nowhere, there was nothing to suggest that something major was going to happen, in fact it was very unnatural for something that strives for realism.
They mapped out an area and does not scout ahead which they DID DO earlier on in the series which left me thinking.
Okay they are just killing off this character now because for whatever reasons but they have no time so they just do a jump cut and go straight to the killing.

Also for a character that is paranoid and heals every wound he sure did not stop to tell them about that giant arrow in his back which again is a very ridicules, unrealistic and completely out of character move not to mention he would have slowed down immensely during their escape duo to huge blood loss but he did not he managed to escape at same pace as everyone else, was it poison?
I do not know I was given no explanation, the character showed no sign of poison either.

Am I nitpicking? Yes obviously its just an anime series but this has to be first time in decade I seen an anime which is very slow paced and drama like suddenly just kill off a main character before the series even gets half way and with such a strange sets of events too.
Also the insert song, annoying as always. It seems that the days when GREAT anime directors used as little soundtrack and music as possible in emotional scenes is long gone now which is sad ironically, its pathetic that they have to relay on a song to make for an emotional scene, with better camera angles, lightning and close up shots of the characters faces and just the pure sound of them sobbing would be more emotional than stupid music playing in the background.

Yeah the execution of the anime isn't living up to its potential. Bad transitioning, awkward pacing and emphasis on wrong things.

Like the skills were not really necessary. And they did not just talk around and then got attacked- they actually sneaked up and tried to fight a hobogoblin as a challenge and got wreckt with everyone attacking / casting, getting tired and nearly killed. Oh well.

Jan 31, 2016 2:10 PM

May 2010
And he really died... He was one of my favs, gave such a brotherly/fatherly feel.. Dammit, I'm gonna miss him a lot. The show won't be the same without him.

I just... the way it was build up was really well-done. Like Manato telling everyone their good points, and just not Haruhiro (maybe because he saw a future leader in him? We can't know anymore) Anyways, this death felt so real that I'm at a loss of words. Lemme just shut up...

The ED is filled with feels again. Sighs...
Jan 31, 2016 2:11 PM

Jun 2014
I predicted one of the little shits would die after getting cocky from their first success against the goblins and what do you know, the game over gets one of them. The only character that could have died was correctly chosen for most impact I guess as the others just don't fit the bill. The people from the very beginning could murder their Earth companions as we have no info as of yet.

Not showing the arrow on the back of Manato was retarded as he was running, it's damn obvious to know he's been hit. Bad directing there and the episode was blatant advertising for the OST which is good but not with stills.
All credit goes to Sacred.
Jan 31, 2016 2:11 PM

May 2013
Best ep so far. The others were pretty boring and too slow-paced. Although Manato's death still seems dissatisfying, the reactions and dialogue of the characters in response were amazing. The explanation of skills and action before were also neat.
Jan 31, 2016 2:12 PM

Jul 2015
This ep was incredible. Sucks that Manato died, but that's the only way they would have realized they were making too many mistakes while fighting.
Jan 31, 2016 2:13 PM

Jul 2012
I hate it when the healer are the first one to die when we go hunting....

Jokes aside, that episode really did hit hard. If things goes the way they are, I think it can end in a solid 9/10 show.
Jan 31, 2016 2:29 PM

Feb 2012
I find a show where I can totally ship two characters and then one of them goes ahead and dies. This sucks...
Jan 31, 2016 2:34 PM

Jan 2015
75% of people gave this ep an 5, but the anim ratings decreased from 7.79 to 7.3~.
And after seeing OPM get a 9, while that has 7.3 I can say it with confidence that MAL's taste s*cks.
Jan 31, 2016 2:39 PM

Aug 2012
Eaen said:

Yeah the execution of the anime isn't living up to its potential. Bad transitioning, awkward pacing and emphasis on wrong things.

Like the skills were not really necessary. And they did not just talk around and then got attacked- they actually sneaked up and tried to fight a hobogoblin as a challenge and got wreckt with everyone attacking / casting, getting tired and nearly killed. Oh well.

I completely agree, it honestly feels like the script writer and the director are very fresh to this, I was intrigued by the plot and the realism of the show I had not seen something like this in many years.
From personal experience and from watching a shitload of crap I can tell that A1 Picture simply just threw the freshest section team they had to work on this show they are very strict on laziness so its definitely not that. A shame really, it has great potential hopefully they do not completely screw up and keep up the good work they have done so far.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."
- Plato
Jan 31, 2016 2:45 PM

Aug 2008
A-1 Pictures never stops to amaze me with their ability to ruin E-V-E-R-Y single LN anime adaptation...

I don't think I am gonna stick around to the end of the season, just to watche them screw up volumes 2 and 3 as well...

SkullProX said:
75% of people gave this ep an 5, but the anim ratings decreased from 7.79 to 7.3~.
And after seeing OPM get a 9, while that has 7.3 I can say it with confidence that MAL's taste s*cks.

MAL rating system sux. If they weight it, this anime will be between 5.50 and 6.00, which seems more realistic :P

My Anime Lists: AniDB & MAL
Jan 31, 2016 2:46 PM
Aug 2014
Welp the team is fcked w/o a healer GG.

At least they'll learn to be on guard, they were so casual while eating lunch in enemy territory
Jan 31, 2016 2:47 PM
Jul 2007
This just got good.
Jan 31, 2016 2:51 PM

Mar 2008
JFC, in every anime/movie/series/book my favourite characters always die. I really loved the Priest.
Jan 31, 2016 2:56 PM

Dec 2011
*sigh* makes me wonder how this whole thing will end if it started like this.
Jan 31, 2016 2:59 PM

Jan 2015
SkullProX said:
75% of people gave this ep an 5, but the anim ratings decreased from 7.79 to 7.3~.
And after seeing OPM get a 9, while that has 7.3 I can say it with confidence that MAL's taste s*cks.

Did you miss 3 weeks or something?
Jan 31, 2016 2:59 PM

Jan 2015
nikolai131 said:
A-1 Pictures never stops to amaze me with their ability to ruin E-V-E-R-Y single LN anime adaptation...

I don't think I am gonna stick around to the end of the season, just to watche them screw up volumes 2 and 3 as well...

SkullProX said:
75% of people gave this ep an 5, but the anim ratings decreased from 7.79 to 7.3~.
And after seeing OPM get a 9, while that has 7.3 I can say it with confidence that MAL's taste s*cks.

MAL rating system sux. If they weight it, this anime will be between 5.50 and 6.00, which seems more realistic :P

Lol at this pace we won't even get to Vol.2 ending or Vol.3 which are miles better than Vol.1
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jan 31, 2016 3:04 PM

May 2014
The most weak party of all the times.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 31, 2016 3:09 PM

May 2015
Man, that was pretty emotional.... It was handled pretty decently, with the music. RIP Manato. He was pretty much the person that kept the whole party together. Now what will become of the party now that he's gone? All in all, nice episode.

Jan 31, 2016 3:09 PM

Jul 2015
LF healer ilvl 720+

Jan 31, 2016 3:10 PM

Oct 2014
I'm glad they had that scene with Manato praising everyones ability except Haruhiro... it really did justice for his final words.

RIP Manato... You kept this group of misfits afloat almost single-handedly, which is really commendable and you deserved a better fate.

But seriously everything was way too drawn out, it almost had the opposite effect on me.... The insert songs need to tone it down ffs.

Ooohh I spotted best girl in the preview.
Jan 31, 2016 3:10 PM

Sep 2013
Well a death was somewhat obvious since episode 2 when they showed that goblin desperately trying to survive and I really wanna smack the director in the head. C'mon, asshole, nobody needs an insert song every episode.

On the flip-side, I'm definitely looking forward to how each of the characters will develop from this. Yume's (?) probably gonna grind archery like hell and I'll put money that Shihoru (?) is going to become even more withdrawn. Hopefully Ranta doesn't go wild or if he does I at least hope he pours his every waking moment into pure animosity for anything unfriendly.
Jan 31, 2016 3:58 PM

Jun 2012
Finally an episode that feels short after you have watched it... If the insert song hadn't been used on all the other episodes it would have been even greater in this one.
Jan 31, 2016 4:06 PM
Apr 2015
Barion-Zara said:

I still want to at least mention this...Yume's legs do stuff to my D
I wonder if they're ever gonna do a shot of Yume or Shihoru that isn't sexualized. Heck, even in the scene between Manato and Shihoru that's supposed to be their last private emotional moment together, the focal point was Shihoru's breasts movements and revealed thighs while and after falling. Lol...

Fucking christ, it feels like the animation director or whoever is in charge of this has recently reached puberty and wants to share his newfound love of ass, tits and legs with the world. You know you've got FAIL female characters on your hands when the most interesting thing that can be said about them is how erotic their ass cheeks look in short shorts and how dumb their accent sounds.
lizebutnotrizeJan 31, 2016 4:15 PM
Jan 31, 2016 4:09 PM
Dec 2015
wow, ERASED is getting real competition here for my AOTS,

this realy made me think about SAO, dunno why (
,only this time more intense kinda like

this was one great, when you thought they are starting to turn into OP MC's like @OrangeJP said one dies, the slow pace in the beginning seems great in hindsight
Jan 31, 2016 4:10 PM
Oct 2014
Well that was pretty sad.
Jan 31, 2016 4:16 PM

Jul 2014
I'm not really feeling those feels. Maybe I'm heartless, who knows...

bastek66 said:
First half distracted everyone with Yume

I came to this thread hoping for this exact gif
Jan 31, 2016 4:31 PM

Apr 2015
slackvariable said:
I'm not really feeling those feels. Maybe I'm heartless, who knows...

bastek66 said:
First half distracted everyone with Yume

I came to this thread hoping for this exact gif

You're not heartless. Ironically this is just a realistic behavior. While a character death usually should face us like hell this one rather tries to show us how people can die there any second even before you really get to know them.

We are basically the same as the other characters besides Manato they've spent a lot of time with him but they've never really known who he is. At the start of the episode we saw how they are start to slowly walk up to each other and open up. And within a blink of an eye all this has died off. It's supposed to show you how unforgiving this world is and that it can hit anyone, anytime.

So for you not really being attached to Manato is actually a way of showing, hey characters can be killed even if you are on the way to really know them.
Jan 31, 2016 4:38 PM
Dec 2015
Fappa said:
slackvariable said:
I'm not really feeling those feels. Maybe I'm heartless, who knows...

I came to this thread hoping for this exact gif

You're not heartless. Ironically this is just a realistic behavior. While a character death usually should face us like hell this one rather tries to show us how people can die there any second even before you really get to know them.

We are basically the same as the other characters besides Manato they've spent a lot of time with him but they've never really known who he is. At the start of the episode we saw how they are start to slowly walk up to each other and open up. And within a blink of an eye all this has died off. It's supposed to show you how unforgiving this world is and that it can hit anyone, anytime.

So for you not really being attached to Manato is actually a way of showing, hey characters can be killed even if you are on the way to really know them.

these deaths hit me harder than some midway through a serie, it's like you don't expect it and it still happens, this will become the new Sachi, when do we get a letter from that guy he was keeping in case he died? (don't get me wrong late deaths in animes also hit me hard because you got to know the character)
Jan 31, 2016 4:46 PM

Feb 2012
Piromysl said:
LF healer ilvl 720+
LOL THIS I was gonna say the same thing.
Jan 31, 2016 4:46 PM
Sep 2015
The goblin needed 16 hits to fall, Manato only 1. Being a human in a fantasy drama show sucks
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