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Jan 30, 2016 10:02 PM

Aug 2010
Chap out

Nice Eto focused chp. 14 yr old Eto is a cute. Poor her getting sad seeing her dad like that :(

I didn't get the part where Ken met up with Eto. That wasn't in the present right? Eto was just on Rue island. So I'm guessing it happened a few days ago.

Seems like she really cared about her job enough to not kill Shiono after finding her out.
Really wonder what Ken did to Shiono to make him confess lol

Biggest question is still why did Ken wait 6 months? I really can't see any other reason for him starting to move other than Hinami's deadline.

Dat nose bite at the end tho. Ouch.
Jan 30, 2016 10:14 PM

Dec 2014
More Eto flashbacks...she looked so innocent before. Lazy Shiono, didn't even bother to look at the work properly, good thing that his higher-up saw the chance.
Eto apparently has amazing thieving skills, those are useful. Kuroiwa and Urie's dad?
I'm guessing that she's reading Ukina's diary.

She didn't really think that through but it worked out. 'Good guy' Shino bought her a phone, can't let the money escape.
So Yoshimura Eto is her whole name...splendid. She came to watch over her father...I'm guessing that she didn't like him having fun with Anteiku whilst she has to live in a shanty town full of ghouls not having any money.
Hard at work. She seems good at classifying and preserving food. Surprised that Shino didn't lose his shit, it was probably instand paralysis from fear.

Hah, Shino looks like he was beaten up. She seems to care a little bit about Shino, otherwise she wouldn't have come, even if only so he doesn't snitch.
He confessed...well, it was bound to happen. He didn't look like someone who can withstand questioning. Kaneki trying to arrest her, but she doesn't take shit. Kaneki knows if he forced an arrest it would end up a bloodbath.
This is the first time she acknowledged someone's worth, this gave her character a more 'human' dimension. I'm guessing this all happened before the speech, it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

And we go back to present. That mophead sure is agile. They recognized him, Hoji would really be happy to know that Takizawa is up and about, but the question is will they stay alive long enough to relay the message.
Hmph, Vash the STampede really can't cath a break. First he got his mouth bitten off and now his nose. We didn't even get to see him deploy his quinque (presumably made from Irimi).
Crazy bastard #67 went for the chance to get a kiss. Funny that Shikorae said 'Chu :)' and Hachikawa's name is Chuu.

Overall, didn't expect this 'toned down' chapter after the previous one but this one was really good.
Same thing as always, can't wait for the next one.
Jan 30, 2016 10:14 PM
Jul 2018
She let herself get captured so easily with like zero resistance? Could have stayed in rue island but came all the way to shiono's aid. Can't wait to see what's she planning.

Hachikawa is gonna look alot more gross having his face bitten off. Mitsuki is in deep trouble.
Jan 30, 2016 10:18 PM

Dec 2014
ma103 said:
She let herself get captured so easily with like zero resistance? Could have stayed in rue island but came all the way to shiono's aid. Can't wait to see what's she planning.

Hachikawa is gonna look alot more gross having his face bitten off. Mitsuki is in deep trouble.
I believe that this happened before the speech, I mean she can fly but I can't see her changing her clothes and flying over to Kaneki so quick. Ishida really fucked the timeline up this time around. It'll probably be explained properly in the next chapter.
Jan 30, 2016 10:22 PM

Jan 2015
Time frame this chapter kinda hurt my head all this back and forth, kinda had to reread last week and this week to understand it.

For someone who's not the biggest Eto fan I really enjoyed this chapter, really nice seeing how she was before Aogiri was formed and how she became Takatsuki Sen. We've seen her be really sadistic so I wonder if those 13 years forming and working with Aogiri did more of a toll to her than growing up, plus I also wonder if Eto talked with Kuzen at all after he was captured.

That investigator really has no luck in the face department, it'll be very interesting to see if he'll make it out.

Next week should be fast paced and really want to know where they keep people who are under suspicion of being a ghoul.
bobzannyJan 30, 2016 10:27 PM
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jan 30, 2016 10:34 PM
Jul 2018
Nuvviveji said:
ma103 said:
She let herself get captured so easily with like zero resistance? Could have stayed in rue island but came all the way to shiono's aid. Can't wait to see what's she planning.

Hachikawa is gonna look alot more gross having his face bitten off. Mitsuki is in deep trouble.
I believe that this happened before the speech, I mean she can fly but I can't see her changing her clothes and flying over to Kaneki so quick. Ishida really fucked the timeline up this time around. It'll probably be explained properly in the next chapter.

Indeed, that makes more sense. I do feel something is off like why will she abandon her comrades especially after giving a war speech. I like the backstory but this is confusing as hell.
Jan 30, 2016 10:49 PM

Dec 2014
bobzanny said:

That investigator really has no luck in the face department, it'll be very interesting to see if he'll make it out.


Jan 30, 2016 11:49 PM

Apr 2015
Wow that was an amazing chapter, any kind of backstory on Eto is always welcomed. Kaneki out of nowhere with the arrest, bamf as usual looking sharp too. Seems like Eto's not ready to get caught just yet, Takizawa and that other ghoul ambushing that one team. What's to become of Mutsu? Wonder if old man Yoshiwara actually knew that book belonged to his daughter? That was real melancholic when they showed hat flashback since all those characters from that Anteiku flashback may possibly be dead.
starburst_streamJan 31, 2016 12:30 AM
Jan 30, 2016 11:52 PM

Jul 2014
Dem that panel when Kaneki said "you're under arrest" to Eto ... looks brilliant AF

And the doves in Rue Island are fucked up right now ... can't wait to see what's going to happen between Kaneki - Eto and Doves - Aogiri Tree.
Jan 31, 2016 1:17 AM

Mar 2014
It was great to finally learn about Eto's past. It must've sucked being poor, wandering around with ghouls and watching her father having fun at the coffee shop. I hope in the next few chapters we get some more info about the timelines and as @Barion-Zara said, the reason why Kaneki waited 6 months. Poor Hachikawa, his squad will probably get rekt by Takizawa and the rest.
Jan 31, 2016 1:21 AM

Jan 2015
danae_97 said:
It was great to finally learn about Eto's past. It must've sucked being poor, wandering around with ghouls and watching her father having fun at the coffee shop. I hope in the next few chapters we get some more info about the timelines and as @Barion-Zara said, the reason why Kaneki waited 6 months. Poor Hachikawa, his squad will probably get rekt by Takizawa and the rest.

Good Hachikawa is basically the reason Irimi got killed.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jan 31, 2016 1:29 AM

Jul 2014
Ishida can't even get the timeline properly... what a hack!! This is the final proof that we need to finally come to the conclusion that Ishida is in fact not Togashi. He wouldn't make such a mistake.

I fail to see how this manga sells 1 million/volume. The japanese manga readers do in fact have shit taste.
Jan 31, 2016 1:31 AM

Dec 2014
bobzanny said:
danae_97 said:
It was great to finally learn about Eto's past. It must've sucked being poor, wandering around with ghouls and watching her father having fun at the coffee shop. I hope in the next few chapters we get some more info about the timelines and as @Barion-Zara said, the reason why Kaneki waited 6 months. Poor Hachikawa, his squad will probably get rekt by Takizawa and the rest.

Good Hachikawa is basically the reason Irimi got killed.
Not exactly, she and Koma went to V14 on their own accord.

Arcanix said:
Ishida can't even get the timeline properly... what a hack!! This is the final proof that we need to finally come to the conclusion that Ishida is in fact not Togashi. He wouldn't make such a mistake.

I fail to see how this manga sells 1 million/volume. The japanese manga readers do in fact have shit taste.
Based Uta is back, now we can take you seriously again.
Jan 31, 2016 2:19 AM

Jan 2015
Nuvviveji said:
bobzanny said:

Good Hachikawa is basically the reason Irimi got killed.
Not exactly, she and Koma went to V14 on their own accord.

Arcanix said:
Ishida can't even get the timeline properly... what a hack!! This is the final proof that we need to finally come to the conclusion that Ishida is in fact not Togashi. He wouldn't make such a mistake.

I fail to see how this manga sells 1 million/volume. The japanese manga readers do in fact have shit taste.
Based Uta is back, now we can take you seriously again.

Maybe so but Hachikawa was a total dick to Irimi.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jan 31, 2016 2:38 AM

Oct 2011
I need more Eto. Hopefully a bit of interaction between Eto and Kaneki next chapter.
Jan 31, 2016 2:46 AM

Nov 2011
So after her speech she went to surrender to Kaneki, it was totally planned. Kaneki probably trying to use her to break Hinami out. If Kaneki wanted to, he could just reveal who the Owl is but no he goes into a lenghty investigation to capture her instead, he wanted her in the cochlea.

Jan 31, 2016 3:37 AM

Mar 2014
bobzanny said:
Nuvviveji said:
Not exactly, she and Koma went to V14 on their own accord.

Based Uta is back, now we can take you seriously again.

Maybe so but Hachikawa was a total dick to Irimi.

I was indifferent to Irimi's character tbh. As for Hachikawa, I just feel pity for him I guess, that shit must've hurt. It's not that I like him or anything of the sort. Anyway I just hope Mutsuki survives.
Jan 31, 2016 3:53 AM

Jul 2014
Irimi was the original Hairu :>.
Jan 31, 2016 4:02 AM

Sep 2014
The chapters are getting better and better, and still someone hated this? Srsly?
Jan 31, 2016 5:55 AM

Aug 2013

hmm. what are they implying about Kaneki's eyes?
Jan 31, 2016 6:27 AM
Sep 2013
A really good chapter focusing on one of the best girl of this series.
Eto seems more like a normal person that grew up in so alone. It felt like Eto was really far from Yoshimura but they were really were close distance wise. Seems she cares a little for her editor. Which Im surprised she even cares at all.
I love the panel with Kaneki and Eto looking like ...Arrested.. please
Jan 31, 2016 7:07 AM

Sep 2013
So like everyone else, even I was confused about the timeline. I found this timeline by [makyun.tumblr], and I agree with this timeline:

Haise + Furuta visit Eto’s place.
Haise interrogates Shiono in the CCG interrogation room.
Furuta and co are investigating Eto’s place.
Haise attends the Special Class Meeting - Hachikawa and co are on the island.
Mutsuki notices Scarecrow on a boat.
Hachikawa and Mutsuki listen to Eto giving a speech; Seidou notices them.
Hachikawa and Ayumu get attacked by Seidou and Shikorae.
Shiono is still under interrogation and Eto decides to appear.

So what I’m getting here is that Eto appearing and getting arrested for being suspected as a ghoul is the most recent thing that happened. So what we’re being shown here with regards to Hachikawa, has already happened and Ishida-sensei is filling us with the details.

During the time Hachikawa is on the island, Eto was still on the island. So by the time Eto appeared in the interrogation room, Hachikawa’s Squad has already probably died or has managed to survive or was captured by Aogiri.
Jan 31, 2016 7:51 AM

Nov 2014
^ that does make sense...anyways great chap as always~
Jan 31, 2016 8:02 AM

Jun 2013
I was always pretty indifferent when it came to Eto, but I really liked this chapter. It looks like she genuinely cares at least somewhat about Shiono, so that's nice. I like that she went to go get him and I like how he kept her secret for so many years.

It seems like this is happening after Rue Island? Since she said Shiono looked skinny, it must mean he had been there a while. Makes sense. It looks like the Hachikawa stuff is a flashback to what happened to them maybe? The timeline is a bit of a mess, I don't know what Ishida was thinking..
Jan 31, 2016 8:07 AM

Jul 2014
^ Ishida wasn't thinking. We should all know by now that he doesn't think at all when he does a chapter. One horrible mess after another.
Jan 31, 2016 8:23 AM

Sep 2013
People are actually confused about the time line XD XD

The best chapter of :re, amazing how much better it gets when it doesn't focus on the q's.
Hope mutsuki and urie die on Rue Island and we can get this story back on track with tokyo ghoul part 3.
Jan 31, 2016 8:31 AM

Aug 2011
Eto is just obediently going with flow of events so she could infiltrate and attack Cochlea from inside...
Jan 31, 2016 9:29 AM
Jul 2018
Ishida should've saved the kiss for the Valentines week chapter.
Jan 31, 2016 9:51 AM

Oct 2014
"Timeline" ?! You are totally wrong!

Kuzen had twin daughters.
haunter_exJan 31, 2016 10:07 AM
Jan 31, 2016 9:53 AM

Feb 2011
Am I the only one who don't like Ken/Sasaki's style ? We already have one Arima, who don't need a copycat.
Forever Berserk
Jan 31, 2016 11:24 AM

Aug 2014
Not a moment too soon, the people in the previous discussion thread were probably about to start throwing mom insults.

Seeing some Eto backstory already made this an enjoyable chapter. Guess she's planning something major to be so assured of her victory. Hachikawa's nose is out of the picture as well, in the end he'll be some grotesque caricature. Mitsuki's about to get destroyed.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Jan 31, 2016 11:32 AM

Jan 2015
simonprasad said:
So like everyone else, even I was confused about the timeline. I found this timeline by [makyun.tumblr], and I agree with this timeline:

Haise + Furuta visit Eto’s place.
Haise interrogates Shiono in the CCG interrogation room.
Furuta and co are investigating Eto’s place.
Haise attends the Special Class Meeting - Hachikawa and co are on the island.
Mutsuki notices Scarecrow on a boat.
Hachikawa and Mutsuki listen to Eto giving a speech; Seidou notices them.
Hachikawa and Ayumu get attacked by Seidou and Shikorae.
Shiono is still under interrogation and Eto decides to appear.

So what I’m getting here is that Eto appearing and getting arrested for being suspected as a ghoul is the most recent thing that happened. So what we’re being shown here with regards to Hachikawa, has already happened and Ishida-sensei is filling us with the details.

During the time Hachikawa is on the island, Eto was still on the island. So by the time Eto appeared in the interrogation room, Hachikawa’s Squad has already probably died or has managed to survive or was captured by Aogiri.

Yea that's what I was imagining, something like next chapter Mutsuki comes back alone all fucked up to report what just happened.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jan 31, 2016 11:32 AM

Apr 2012
Hmm So Eto is not completely insane..... Surprised to see her jealous of Irimi and Koma.
Jan 31, 2016 11:37 AM

Oct 2015
Yeach kaneki and eto did planned this totaly. Almost all Special Class Investigators will be on Rue Island so it will be easy for kaneki and eto + some ghouls to rekt cochlea. Only thing that can ruin this plan will be if Hachikawa or someone from his squad would infrom ccg that Eto is Owl. Would be cool if someone would survive and kaneki would kill him or do somthing to him. Just look on the page whith kaneki arresting eto. They are both like : I totaly dont know who you are.And if someone would ask how will eto break from cochlea. Eto is stated as S-rated ghoul but Owl is SSS-rated security on S-rated ghouls will be sure weaker then on SSS-rated.
And to Hachikawa ... Just bite his ears off and he will be perfect.
"If Houji saw you in this Brilliant State He'd be crying out of Happiness" lol.
SheanWadeJan 31, 2016 11:54 AM
Jan 31, 2016 11:50 AM
Jan 2016
10/10, possibly in my top 5 fav chapters of :re so far. Any backstory on Eto is godly. I love how she also put Ken in his place, that shit had me dying. That close up shot of the severed mouth in what I presume to be coagulated blood was raw as fuck. But that look she gives shiono when he finds her stash is orgasmic. "Your face is really pale." Shiono ends up ratting out best girl by the end of the chapter but he was more of a lap dog anyways. There's no way he could have survived an interrogation with Ken. It pained me to see Kuzen up and about with ghouls he somewhat fostered at anteiku while Eto is living penny to penny on the street. Also, where was noroi while all of this was happening? Killed off and Eto was holding on to the corpse? One thing though, Hachikawa says that houji would love to see Takizawa like that, as in some kind of hateful relationship. Most likely has to do with houji seeing that Takizawa is alive. Chuu also calls him a second rate investigator. Who should put Takizawa down, Houji or Akira? Also that bite at the end, chu :D.
Jan 31, 2016 11:54 AM

Nov 2014
bobzanny said:
simonprasad said:
So like everyone else, even I was confused about the timeline. I found this timeline by [makyun.tumblr], and I agree with this timeline:

Haise + Furuta visit Eto’s place.
Haise interrogates Shiono in the CCG interrogation room.
Furuta and co are investigating Eto’s place.
Haise attends the Special Class Meeting - Hachikawa and co are on the island.
Mutsuki notices Scarecrow on a boat.
Hachikawa and Mutsuki listen to Eto giving a speech; Seidou notices them.
Hachikawa and Ayumu get attacked by Seidou and Shikorae.
Shiono is still under interrogation and Eto decides to appear.

So what I’m getting here is that Eto appearing and getting arrested for being suspected as a ghoul is the most recent thing that happened. So what we’re being shown here with regards to Hachikawa, has already happened and Ishida-sensei is filling us with the details.

During the time Hachikawa is on the island, Eto was still on the island. So by the time Eto appeared in the interrogation room, Hachikawa’s Squad has already probably died or has managed to survive or was captured by Aogiri.

Yea that's what I was imagining, something like next chapter Mutsuki comes back alone all fucked up to report what just happened.

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 31, 2016 12:01 PM

Jan 2015
Kvothe51 said:
bobzanny said:

Yea that's what I was imagining, something like next chapter Mutsuki comes back alone all fucked up to report what just happened.

Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jan 31, 2016 12:03 PM

Jul 2014
Implying that Amon isn't going to save them next chapter.
Jan 31, 2016 12:06 PM

Jan 2015
Arcanix said:
Implying that Amon isn't going to save them next chapter.

Implying that Amon was anything but a scrub.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jan 31, 2016 12:15 PM

Mar 2014
Kvothe51 said:

But why? thirty characters limit
Jan 31, 2016 12:42 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
We got to see Eto's childhood a little, which is great. Eto captured O.O

Jan 31, 2016 12:45 PM
Sep 2014
wow 99% confirmed that ETO IS IN FACT A GHOUL!

Jan 31, 2016 12:51 PM

Oct 2015
NorthBayAnime said:
wow 99% confirmed that ETO IS IN FACT A GHOUL!


Maybe she is one eyed ghoul that would be even more mind blown
Jan 31, 2016 12:54 PM

Jul 2015
I have a feeling that Takatsuki Sen is Eto.
Jan 31, 2016 1:07 PM

Feb 2014
when eto was 14, she looked like so innocent. i think im going to like her. she got my respect.
takizawa, my fave lol his style is so unique. in the anime, how will his seiyuu make it, i wonder. whaaat about hooouujiiiii san? lol
i hope mutsuki will be okay. 0_0 after shirazu's death, i cant stand mutsuki too :(
eto must have some kind of plan. mmm.. something interesting? eto actually cares about her staff. i want to see more of this.

long story short i liked eto in this chapter.

p.s. shikorae is sucking hachiko's mucus? lol (just kiddin)
ftsyzcJan 31, 2016 1:28 PM
EustassKiddo !
Jan 31, 2016 1:10 PM
Mar 2014
Kaneki Ken: Ace Attorney
Jan 31, 2016 1:47 PM

Dec 2014
The MangaStream just released the chapter, if people were wondering where they are.

In these scans the tradeoff between Eto and Kaneki took a completely different meaning.
Hopefully someone will clear this up.
UltvejJan 31, 2016 1:57 PM
Jan 31, 2016 2:02 PM

Oct 2015
Pispas said:
I have a feeling that Takatsuki Sen is Eto.

you might be right
Jan 31, 2016 2:10 PM

Jul 2015
SheanWade said:
Pispas said:
I have a feeling that Takatsuki Sen is Eto.

you might be right

Either that or I'm wrong. That would be even more mind blowing!
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