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Jul 31, 2014 12:13 AM

Aug 2013
Ramkec said:
Felt like a filler episode lol.

I really hope that the pace picks up again next episode.

The first few episodes of this season have been much stronger than the first season's start though.
Jul 31, 2014 12:40 AM

Jun 2009
Rei, love that guy. Makoto was so airheaded this ep, didn't hate it though. I love backstory info, gives so much insight into the characters and what shapes their actions.

Nagisa must be quite the persuader lol. Pangaea though?!
Jul 31, 2014 12:55 AM

Oct 2013
biggest escaltor to to where ever
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Jul 31, 2014 1:39 AM

Jan 2013
It was hilarious when they went one by one to talk with Nagisa.
And as some said, a Kou episode would be sweet.
Jul 31, 2014 3:55 AM

Dec 2011
LOL, a water ghost got Makoto!

Hahahaha, Nagisa was camping out behind Haruka's house XD.

Hmmm, there's clearly something wrong with Nagisa since he keeps coming to Haruka's house, maybe trouble at home?

So I was right to think that something happened.

Makoto was duped so easily...

Haruka was bribed with mackerel... geez...

Perpetrator... wtf...

Poor Nagisa... T.T

Ah, bromance :3

All's well that ends well.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Jul 31, 2014 4:40 AM

Jun 2014
Well we can't always have action, it was a good development episode for Nagisa because let's face it, we still have no clue about the past of the guys yet and I'm sure it'll focus on Sousuke, Rin and Haru, so these types of episodes are well thought even with the filler feel.


"We live not to forget our past, but to learn from it!"

―Freya Crescent, Final Fantasy IX.
Jul 31, 2014 8:24 AM

Jan 2008
I'm not really sure if I'm buying that kind of plot for Nagisa. It's like they tried hard to come up with something, since his main and "only" role is coming up with ideas and pestering everybody till they are fulfilled, no background whatsoever (save for group chibi!relay but we know it doesn't count). So... yeah. Not a bad episode, it just doesn't really click with Nagisa for me.

At least Rei proves he is the best pony in this show as ever. You can't go wrong with that maturity.
Jul 31, 2014 10:02 AM

Dec 2011
D'aww. Haru is really thoughtful this episode... love the fact that she called Ama-chan-sensei!
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Jul 31, 2014 11:14 AM

Mar 2012
Haru's going to have such a good career, he's gonna be free! XD

Awesome episode as always.
Jul 31, 2014 11:24 AM

Aug 2012
damn. This ep actually made me wish this season of Free was more than 12 eps. The writers have done really well for themselves this season but I do think that the material they've come up with might've been better suited for a longer episode count, would've been able to go more in depth instead of having to wrap up in a single episode like they've done for Rei and Nagisa so far.
Jul 31, 2014 12:54 PM
Jun 2007
The episode was good. I wasn't disappointed with nagisa's problem, but was expecting or hoping for something else.

As a gay person, I have been interested lately in finding an anime which contains a gay character, and is not a yaoi or a shounen-ai. In yaoi, most of the cast, if not all, is homosexual, and it is not the thing I want to see.
Now, if nagisa was turned out gay, and having problems at home, it would have been very surprising (Not that I think that one episode is enough to cover such story). Dealing with the fact he's gay and accepting him as he is... moving on as if it was nothing special... Oh, that's my foolish fantasy of anime.

Anyway, was a good ep. very melodramatic, but I enjoyed it nontheless.
Jul 31, 2014 1:39 PM
Mar 2013
Heartwarming episode right here! I was gonna cry for Nagisa.
Jul 31, 2014 2:22 PM

Jun 2013
Am I the only person thinking that this season isn't flowing as smoothly as the previous? I still enjoy it, but I think the series is jumping from Samezuka to Iwatobi far too often. I feel like as soon as I start to get into a scene, it switches. >.< I would rather have each episode focus on one team per episode instead of both of them. Nonetheless, this episode was much better compared to the others.

I am very happy that Nagisa finally got an episode of his own, it was definitely needed. I can't say I thought it was going to revolve around what it did though. I assumed Nagisa was going to feel down because he felt like Makoto and Haruka were leaving him behind. Personally, I think that would've been a better fit, but oh well.

I'm very excited for next week's episode however! (Unashamedly a Makoharu fangirl)
Too lazy to make a signature. F*** it.
Jul 31, 2014 2:24 PM

Nov 2013
I lost it when none of them managed to convince Nagisa individually
Jul 31, 2014 4:50 PM

Aug 2013
Usually I get annoyed at episodes that don't include any swimming at all, but I really felt for this one. Not only was there great humor, but it was also very emotional.
Jul 31, 2014 6:42 PM

Dec 2012
Poor Nagisa~ :'(
Great episode and I'm glad we got to know more about Nagisa and his family
Jul 31, 2014 7:28 PM

May 2012
Ahh and the humour continues! I laughed soo hard when no one succeeded to convince Nagisa! Like you know who the brains in that club is! I mean..come on Rei..COME ON!! And Haru with the Mackerel...and to think he came fully prepared!! Like where did Nagisa even GET that!! LOOL But man, I really like that ep! Cant wait for the new one! And finally...more swimming! And more Makoto's awesome back muscles!! <33 *____*
""You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
- Izaya

Jul 31, 2014 7:54 PM

Jul 2012
Nagisa~! D:

So sad...but with all that....bromance and stuff, Nagisa felt more better. :3
So, he has to study harder and compete in the Nationals to stay in the Swim Club huh? Well, I'm sure they'll make it to the nationals. :3 Just like what they did in the first season~! x3

Next time! A blast from the past? Mini Haru and Mako? owo
Aug 1, 2014 12:14 AM

Jan 2014
ADDThom said:
Since S1, there has always been two characters I wanted to know more about and that's Nagisa and Makoto. This was a good episode and I can relate to what Nagisa's going through. Argh! I literally suffocated my pillow while watching this episode and lol actually cried - which is a first for Free! but the feels this time was serious and too much.

As always the comedy is just top notch!
Everyone keeps saying Rei was amazing this episode and yes, he was but the whole time my eyes were on Haru and how far he has come (although he doesn't like to show it). BTW Haru walking outside with his apron and ladle was too cute and funny XD

Next episode we get Makoto's story and a early prefectural! In the light novel Makoto is like a fragile kid who is somewhat dependent on Haru so I'd like to see a change.
I would love a Gou centered episode, I don't see it happening. Although I would like to imagine Gou's life a bit lonesome: with her Dad's death, Rin in a boarding school, Mum working (just assuming cuz how does Rin even afford a boarding school and even going abroad to Australia?)

I'm pretty sure Rin has a scholarship. He's the best swimmer on the best high school swim team in Japan, all elite athletes in Japanese boarding schools are there on scholarships.
Aug 1, 2014 6:09 PM

May 2013
Lol, in the beginning, Haru just watched Nagisa set up camp for a few minutes.

Nagisa was about to quit the club, but bromance saved him! (And his parents' approval)
Haru really does care! And the others too.

Hooray, some swimming next episode! (^_^)
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Aug 1, 2014 8:51 PM
Sep 2013
Great episode.
Nagisa is one of my favorites so I was thrilled to see him finally get some development and attention. I agree though that season is not flowing as smoothly as the last.
Aug 2, 2014 2:45 AM

Jul 2012
Nagisa development is always welcome, all I ever want is for someone to give him a hug and everyone to recognise hOW IMPORTANT HE IS. It made me happy to see them all being so gentle with him, especially Haru, and then Rei swooping in to save him.

I'm the worst though, I cry when I see other people crying, so of course I was sobbing for Nagisa, I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS. THIS LAME ANIME IS RUINING EVERYTHING, IT'S SO IMPORTANT TO ME. I get the feeling that this isn't the end of Nagisa's struggles, though.

Momotarou is giving me life, all the characters in this anime make me so happy, they really do. Can't wait for episode 6!
Aug 2, 2014 4:28 AM

Jul 2013
Nice episode! I'm glad that there's a story behind Nagisa's cheerfulness. And his friends did what's best for Nagisa Next episode probably a story of Makoto.
"Anything is possible if you stop doubting yourself, so put some more faith unto you!"
Aug 2, 2014 11:32 AM

Mar 2013
I wish I could see his mum D:
Aug 2, 2014 7:26 PM

May 2008
Nagisa so kawaii T-T
Aug 3, 2014 7:21 AM

Jul 2014
I was disappointed with why Nagisa was so upset considering we'd just had an entire episode of Rei maybe-perhaps-leaving-the-club. So I just "ehhhhhhh" and of course of we all knew he was never actually going to have to leave the club ever, so it was all rather boring to sit through.

Rei bursting through the door when he found out that Nagisa had run away from home was pretty darn cute though and I love that they're playing around with his dorky side a bit.
Aug 4, 2014 11:11 AM

Feb 2012
Nice to learn more about Nagisa, he's always cheerful and ongoing. A little surprising that he was keeping something like this to himself.
I wonder what his future looks like.
Aug 4, 2014 7:44 PM

Aug 2008
If Nagisa knew his parents would make him quit the swimming club if his grades became bad....then what the fuck?? This episode showed that Nagisa has the ability to be really smart. THIS WHOLE POINTLESS SITUATION COULD HAVE BEEN ADVOIDED!!!111
Also maintaining your school grades and being active member in a club isn't that hard. I don't know, maybe Nagisa can only focus on one thing at a time lol. Dur dur.
Kind of a pointless episode to me. But lots of bromance in this episode so that was cute.

I was looking forward for a Nagisa centered episode but this was not what I wanted. Whateverzzzz ;-;
Aug 6, 2014 11:39 AM

Aug 2014
I've got to say that this wasn't what I was expecting for this episode. However it definitely wasn't unenjoyable, not at all.
First, I was hoping for a Nagisa centered episode because I felt that he was the only one who hadn't had one. There had to be something below that cheerful personality worth focusing on, something that could give the people who watch a more human vision of him. Don't get me wrong, I love how he's always cheerful, trying to support his friends, being a cute funny character, but everyone has some kind of dark side to them, a gloomy story in their past or dark secret. By addressing these subjects, I believe it makes a character more real since the viewers can relate to it in some way; it shows that they're not perfect and haven't been living a perfect life, just like all of us.
Well, as I already wrote, the storyline that was created to Nagisa wasn't entirely expected. It made the episode darker, though, at least for me personally. I'm guessing that not only me, but many others have to live up to their parents' expectations concerning studies. It's important to have good grades, not denying that, but the pressure that parents sometimes make to be the best and have high grades kind of cracks us. A time comes when one doesn't comprehend the real reason behind all the effort, that ends up feeling like everything they do is meaningless. And when you find something that you really enjoy, you kind of just hold on to it and can't manage to let it go. When you get the liberty to make some choices, you kind of end up messing up because it's been such a long time since you've been able to go after something you really enjoy or it might be the first time ever! I felt that this episode encouraged us , not to go against our parents, disrespecting them, but to fight for what we love, to fight for some liberty, to fight in order for us to be ourselves just the way we are and not just a drawing of our parents' expectations and dreams. (Some people might not agree with this, but it's my opinion.)
The last thing I want to address in this (HUGE) comment is that I really loved the interactions between the boys, specially between Nagisa and Rei. Haru, who usually seems a bit... distracted, let's say, was completely focused on helping Nagisa and he was just so worried! Makoto was, as many say, Mamakoto. I guess that says enough. And Rei was just Mr. I'm-So-Worried-No-Nagisa-Don't-I'm-Not-Going-To-Let-You-Leave-Trust-Me-Tell-Me-Listen-To-Me-I'm-Here-Always-You-And-I-We're-One. 'Nough said.
Even though I enjoyed this episode very much, I do hope that this week we have a happier and lighter one! And more swimming and competitions!
Aug 7, 2014 1:42 PM

Nov 2010
There is another side of the joyful Nagisa
Least favorite so far
Aug 7, 2014 8:01 PM

Jan 2013
Drama episode, pretty well done and engaging.
Aug 9, 2014 8:05 PM

Mar 2013
I loved this episode so much because of the characters' reactions. Nagisa definitely needed some character development. Rei running into Haru's house and Makoto's fear of ghosts were hilarious. And Haru's reaction to Nagisa's compliments left me thinking. I mean, maybe they share the same problem.

I like how it all turned up with Nagisa being able to stand up for what he liked and wanted to do and his friends supporting him. I hope we have more emotional episodes in the future.
Aug 13, 2014 9:54 PM

Jul 2013
Nagisa throughout the whole series has always been a character I've been able to see myself in, but now with these added dimensions it's getting a little creepy how relatable he is for me haha. He's not my favorite character but this was a surprisingly good episode. :)
Aug 22, 2014 1:49 PM

May 2010
Pangaea tho. Pftt, I can't hold back my laughter. Mako-kun is so gullible.

Those who have the brightest smile, have the darkest secrets in their heart. I think that applies to Nagisa as well.

That was some meaningfully painful past there.

And I like Nagisa way more than before now.

That was some beautiful bro moment there. Maybe it was a little bit too dramatic and realistic but I liked the new approach.

I can relate to Nagisa there.

And Gou showed up at end, was glad to see her.

Amazing episode
Aug 24, 2014 8:05 AM

Dec 2008
Damn! That's not the way I wanted this story to go. I was hoping Nagisa ran away from home because his parents found out that he was gay.

Sent with Mal Updater
Aug 27, 2014 4:04 PM
May 2014
I think this is an episode that every person who watches it can probably relate to either right now or at some point in the past.

Good moral teachings behind this one, even if it was just to fill up their motivation-meter for nationals ;)
Sep 25, 2014 1:13 PM

Jun 2011
That was boring, and the drama came out of nowhere. It's like the author thought that he gave everyone a chance but Nagisa, and decided to just write this out of nowhere. These past few episodes had been episodic and feel pointless, aside from a few parts.

It's the prefectural tournament next episode? The hell? The show didn't connect every episode well imo, one episode it's this, another episode it's that, it's just.. so random..
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Oct 7, 2014 2:36 AM
May 2012
Why.......Why did I almost cry??
Their friendship is <3
Nov 10, 2014 10:56 AM

Jan 2012
Makoto seems slightly OOC in Eternal Summer... He was a bit different in the first season and I don't think it's because of character development or something.


I love how he believed in Nagisa about the Pangea thing lol
Dec 1, 2014 1:08 PM

Jul 2013
Awww, I knew Nagisa had run away! I'm glad they all wanted to help him stay on the team though! So sweet! They are such good friends!
Feb 16, 2015 2:04 PM
Feb 2015
I knew it wasn't Haru in the beginning because of the clothes in the basket, ha! Emm... This episode started very well. Nagisa was kind of very emotional and I wanted more drama... But it ended up as a simple problem. I like him and want more episodes centred on him.
Jul 21, 2015 9:20 PM

Aug 2007
Sheesh, yeah. Pressuring parents that make you study for good grades takes a lot out of you.
Having depression, the little energy I have goes mostly to school, so I have a hard time doing as much social activities as I would like to. In High School, the most I did was Orchestra (which was very fun) but I would have liked to do much more. Now that things have got worse, I basically just go to college to get my degree and work on the side. My brother just started college too and did bad last year, and my parents are being awful to him.

I guess that fear within me makes me tend to my studies, but the good thing about Nagisa's parents is they actually did let him go to a different school... They had to have cared somewhat for his well being, even if now they are telling him to quit swim club. I've been kinda a shell almost my whole life, but my parents don't really care about that.

Aug 25, 2015 12:51 PM

Aug 2010
Fai-ry said:

Well, as I already wrote, the storyline that was created to Nagisa wasn't entirely expected. It made the episode darker, though, at least for me personally. I'm guessing that not only me, but many others have to live up to their parents' expectations concerning studies. It's important to have good grades, not denying that, but the pressure that parents sometimes make to be the best and have high grades kind of cracks us. A time comes when one doesn't comprehend the real reason behind all the effort, that ends up feeling like everything they do is meaningless. And when you find something that you really enjoy, you kind of just hold on to it and can't manage to let it go. When you get the liberty to make some choices, you kind of end up messing up because it's been such a long time since you've been able to go after something you really enjoy or it might be the first time ever!

This.. I didn't expect that this episode will evoke some hurtful memories I had during college days. The gamble I always had, the All or Nothing that time. The pressure, choices in life, friends, school etc.. I just didn't expect it from this Anime.. seriously.. For after many years that has past I thought I have forgotten it all, but no T__T

This made me realize how KyoAni made something so astounding. Basing from the past post here, I think I'm not the only one. So thank you ^_^

Fai-ry said:

I felt that this episode encouraged us , not to go against our parents, disrespecting them, but to fight for what we love, to fight for some liberty, to fight in order for us to be ourselves just the way we are and not just a drawing of our parents' expectations and dreams. (Some people might not agree with this, but it's my opinion.)

This message is a spot-on. Because of my experience, I was able to gain the liberty of living my life the way I want it to be.
RaysterAug 25, 2015 2:47 PM
Dec 30, 2015 12:35 AM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
Rei <3
Teamwork makes the dream work.
And Haru being the mature one and calling sensei.

Also so, pretty slow on intake, but I just realized the ED is most likely what happens after they go finish High School... Fireman, Niishan, huh.
Feb 13, 2016 9:27 PM

Apr 2015
KumaKing said:
That scene was hilarious.

Nagisa is a precious cinnamon bun. I couldn't stand seeing him sad like this.

“Even if the attention isn’t forever, I’ll keep singing.”
Feb 21, 2016 7:25 AM

Jun 2010
Liked the episode, but since Rei had problems about quitting and now Nagisa.. Should we expect Makoto have such feelings too? Haru basically did already in the first season,
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Mar 15, 2016 7:06 PM

Mar 2012
i love nagisa to pieces. mostly because he's probably the character i relate the most to.
and this episode was so sweet. i think the issues presented are things that anyone can relate to. we all live that part of life that we really love to do something, even if it's not gonna get us anywhere in the big picture, we all need these little joys to get through life.
being older and having lived already what they're living i think it was heartwarming how they presented a problem we all go through without giving too much credit to neither of the parts. they don't make nagisa's parents the villains. they're not bad for wanting him to quit the swim club, in the end, all they want is for their son to do good in life. they just didn't understand. and nagisa needed to stand up for himself and make his parents understand what the swim club meant to him. it happens to everyone. and the end made me happy. of course it's important for him to make a little effort about his grades and everything, nagisa doesn't come across as an empty dumb character, he's just spontaneous and gives everything to what makes him happy.
i teared uo again, and i see this becoming a pattern when it comes to nagisa. i feel for him.
Apr 27, 2017 3:23 AM

Feb 2017
I love that Nagisa finally got the background and development that he needed!

"ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴡᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇɴ ᴅᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪɴsᴀɴᴇ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜsɪᴄ."

Sep 3, 2017 3:45 PM

Jul 2009
So Nagisa had a pretty strict upbringing huh ... seems pretty rough for him, no wonder he didn't want to talk about it :( I'm glad that everybody was able to work together and help Nagisa come up with a plan on how to handle his parents and bring up his grades to stay in the swim club. Good character building episode anyway :P Next up is finally the prefectural tournament! Looking forward to everyone being reunited :D
Nov 12, 2017 12:33 PM
Sep 2015
Nagisa slept at Haru's house and Makoto found him in the morning.
Appatently he ran away from his home. Lol @ Rei being worried about Nagisa (he looked so concerned)
Nagisa hates studying (tbh same, I have to study Geography and I am watching this anine right now)
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