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Dec 9, 2015 6:54 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm I had a weird feeling about this episode mostly because of the cryptic stuff going on and vampire. The song neat was neat though and the cliffhanger.

At least no one is dying for now. Also seems like there's more flashbacks about Ritsuka. The show really wants the audience to know more about her

Stark700Dec 9, 2015 8:38 AM
Dec 9, 2015 8:36 AM

Nov 2007
More memory about the brother protecting her. Oh, so they are in the place where they hold party after school festival. The student council president has the ring she threw away. IN song over the fight within the council about president's real feeling about her (EMOLIAR).

A vampire (long pink hair) came for her. Poor drunk man on the way. Huh, humans don't become vampires just by few bites?? A story about how the power got into her body, and that her father is a devil.

On the way to meet king of Vampire, and showing betraying dog in human form.

The preview... seems to show she's treated badly, and showing demon vs. half vampire vs. long pink hair vampire vs. the betraying dog. Two more eps.
tsubasaloverDec 10, 2015 4:55 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 9, 2015 9:31 AM
Dec 2013
The devils singing to Rem and calling him out as an 'emo liar' was pretty funny tbh. I'm glad that the vampire that talked to Ritsuka wasn't wearing a stupid lacy sleeping mask on his face. Rem really needs to step it up and be honest. The end of the episode with betrayal dog is worrying, I hope he doesn't end up creeping on Ritsuka acting all innocent as a pom and begging for forgiveness.
Dec 9, 2015 9:35 AM

Jul 2013
I really don't know how to feel about this episode.

The song was kinda strange, Rem still isn't honest with himself or anyone else and Ritsuka is an idiot again... Who would willingly go to the Vampire king, after they abducted her mother and obviously treated her badly? *sigh* Girl, how the hell did you survive until now?

One thing I'm still asking myself: Why was the dog so happy at the end? Is it possible, that Maxis and the Vampire king are working together?

And the preview is kinda scary ... I just hope she'll get rescued by Rem in the end and every one is going to live happy ever after.
"The closer you get to the light the greater your shadow becomes."

Dec 9, 2015 9:38 AM

Mar 2013
I completely lost it at "Emo liar". That's how I'll be calling Rem from now on.
Also, I can't be the only one, who thought of this:
Dec 9, 2015 10:07 AM
Mar 2010
Emo Liar, perfect name for Rem. PERFECT.

Oh, Ritsuka, Onii-sama told you not to go anywhere. Why don't you listen for once? Poor Onii-sama....
Sigh...Please, Prince of Stride, don't make Nana an idiot. Madhouse, onegai.

And I still don't get what or when or how Rem fell for Ritsuka.
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Dec 9, 2015 10:20 AM

Dec 2009
I'm still laughing at "emo liar". It sums Rem up so well. I'm calling him that from now on.

If I had a dollar for every time Lindo says Ritsuka's name... Gets me every time though <3

New vampire guy is kinda hot. Shame I know he's going to turn out to be a butthole from the preview at the end.
Dec 9, 2015 11:00 AM
Jul 2018
More memories about Lindo protecting Ritsuka.
Dec 9, 2015 12:38 PM
Jul 2018
"Emo liar" LOL; The trio song was good.

Wow, Ritsuka's parents are actually a devil & a human. I'm half surprised here.

Seems like no one in this show is 100% human blood and flesh, omg.
Dec 9, 2015 1:56 PM

Apr 2014
eeee the vampire king is that one with beard...i thought he will be more sexy......
lindo so edible in that bed :D
and rem you are so stutborn why you don´t admit you are in looove with ritsuka ritsuka ritsuka
Sunakko-ch4nDec 9, 2015 1:59 PM
Dec 9, 2015 1:57 PM

Sep 2014
That new vampire guy is... interesting.
Emo liar though, that's my favourite song that's been in this show just for those lyrics.
Dec 9, 2015 2:01 PM

Sep 2010
phoenixalia said:
And I still don't get what or when or how Rem fell for Ritsuka.

I wouldn't think about that too much considering this is basically an otome game anime. All the guys just want the female protagonist for one reason or another in these cases. XD

"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -a magnet
Dec 9, 2015 2:10 PM

Jun 2014
Ugh! Does Ritsuka HAVE to be a complete special snowflake? I mean, her being the Forbidden Grimiore was enough to have me fuming, but seriously? She's the daughter of the devil king and has royal demon blood? Oh good lord writers. It's like Arata from Trinity Seven all over again.

The song was again really bad. It was just literally all of the dialogue that the devils said previously before launching into the musical number. It was a little ridiculous considering that. Also, I'm really starting to question Ritsuka's intelligence at this point. She's making a pretty dumb decision considering she could be going to her death right now.

Overall, another mediocre episode and I don't really see the show getting better at this point. Plus side of this episode was that we got to see Jek out of his hood; he looks super cool. :3 He reminds me of Inner Moka.
Dec 9, 2015 3:14 PM

Aug 2015
Emo liar was a perfect description of Rem. Hopefully he will stop lying to himself soon.

I actually was not expecting to find out she is the daughter of the devil king.

Ritsuka in that blue dress next week...are we gonna get to hear the Grimoire Ensemble again? Love when they sing.
katiekinsDec 9, 2015 5:55 PM
Dec 9, 2015 3:20 PM

Mar 2008
i'm 50000% done with Emo Liar hahahhahah
Dec 9, 2015 4:06 PM

Jan 2014
I loved how everyone in the student council agrees that Rem is lying to himself, it reminded me of the "Why you always lying" meme. They should've sung that.
Rem is a huge tsundere
Dec 9, 2015 5:12 PM

Jan 2014
I guess I'm not the only one that had a real laugh with "Emo Liar". Seriously, too sudden, absurd but so accurate it is fun.

And man those revelations of Ritsuka are well unsettling. Now Vampire King is likely gonna try to off her to get the Grimoire, what I wonder is how the other 3 parties (Lindo, Loewen and Ren) are gonna act on that behalf.
Dec 9, 2015 11:16 PM
Nov 2015
Emo liar - I laught at that one so hard xD

This episode was interesting, but I just can't get myself to belive, that Ritsuka would through-live whatever Lindo's father wants to do with her >.>

Though Lindo is my dreamlover, I hope for a happy end between Rem and Ritsuka - it may just my opinion, but I think they would make a better couple than Lindo&Ritsuka ... aaaaand I want Lindo for myself xD
Dec 10, 2015 12:59 AM

Mar 2013
First Lindo's mum, now Ritsuka's... Is there anyone in this family that doesn't have sex with denizens of hell? Because Ritsuka sure ain't bucking the trend.
Dec 10, 2015 2:20 AM
Sep 2015
straggy said:
First Lindo's mum, now Ritsuka's... Is there anyone in this family that doesn't have sex with denizens of hell? Because Ritsuka sure ain't bucking the trend.

I was thinking the same. hahahaha
Dec 10, 2015 4:48 AM
Jul 2007
The lyricist has sense of humour. Emo Liar... this made my day.

Series has a score of 6.66 So devilish! :D
Dec 10, 2015 5:19 AM

May 2014
Finally we see the pink haired dude
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Dec 10, 2015 5:27 AM

Oct 2012
i was shocked when they said emo liar lmao, that was best song yet 10/10
Dec 10, 2015 7:01 AM

Jun 2015
Why is it that all those shitty harem shoujo's always have such pretty art... >>
Dec 10, 2015 9:31 AM

Jun 2015
An alright episode I guess. Nothing much happened except Ritsuka's going to the vampires.
But the preview looks interesting. Is that Azuna hand I see?! Only two episodes left; wonder how they will sum this up!
Dec 10, 2015 2:33 PM

May 2014
NO, no kawaii-chan don't go to the vampires. Rem-san is waiting for you. xD

Anyways, pretty intense ep. She is going to meet the vampire king in the next ep. and we got to know more about Ritsuka-chan. Her father is actually the devil king. That's some f**ked up information to know. And that song competition between the devils were hilarious. I love these songs, even it's weird and akaward (especially their Engrish)
Dec 10, 2015 2:36 PM

May 2014
tsubasalover said:
More memory about the brother protecting her. Oh, so they are in the place where they hold party after school festival. The student council president has the ring she threw away. IN song over the fight within the council about president's real feeling about her (EMOLIAR).

A vampire (long pink hair) came for her. Poor drunk man on the way. Huh, humans don't become vampires just by few bites?? A story about how the power got into her body, and that her father is a devil.

On the way to meet king of Vampire, and showing betraying dog in human form.

The preview... seems to show she's treated badly, and showing demon vs. half vampire vs. long pink hair vampire vs. the betraying dog. Two more eps.

From Diabolik Lovers I have learned that humans can be bit too an extreme level without becoming vampires. :)
Dec 10, 2015 2:40 PM

May 2014
F___ said:
Ritsuka continues to dismiss Lindo's warnings and, of course, follows another shady guy to his hideout yet again.

So, that guy from the flashback is Ritsuka's father... ( episode six )
I'm guessing Lord Nesta, the vampire king, is probably Lindo's father since he's not 100% human as well. I mean, in the previous episode, the pretty vampire dude asked him what to do with the "young sir", who's mostly likely Lindo, and his response strongly hints that Lindo will be in big trouble if he comes to Ritsuka's rescue.

Only two episodes left. I'm expecting this anime to end on happy note with Lindo and the student council guys becoming all buddy-buddy with each other.

I actually hope it ends sad. Lindo dies and while Rem survives without getting Ritsuka. That would be the best. ^^
Dec 10, 2015 2:41 PM

May 2014
yuliyana29 said:
"Emo liar" LOL; The trio song was good.

Wow, Ritsuka's parents are actually a devil & a human. I'm half surprised here.

Seems like no one in this show is 100% human blood and flesh, omg.

What about Ritsuka's mother?
Dec 11, 2015 3:59 AM
May 2007
Jek is such the beauty I can't. His hair is a mystery it changes colors, green in disguise now pink.
Nesta has that Fujiwara Keiji sexy voice. Pomeranian return next please ♥
Dec 11, 2015 5:27 AM

Mar 2008
I didn't expect Ritsuka to be the daughter of demon king, but she's such a special snowflake indeed. It reminds me of some people making their roleplaying characters on forums/FB too perfect, "half-human half-demon, has a brother that protects her no matter what cost, all the guys love and adore her", without a personality.
Dec 11, 2015 5:44 AM
Jul 2018
Rem it's so predictable,trying to act cool n stuff but he just love her.
Dec 11, 2015 5:54 AM

May 2014
2 more eps to go
So Ritsuka is a half-demon
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Dec 11, 2015 11:40 AM

Sep 2015
So Ritsuka finally meets one of the vampires in this episode, and learns the truth about what exactly she is. I was actually surprised by how she handled this revelation right at first, but then realized that with her personality, this is likely a realistic way to portray this.

We also see Rem being confronted by three of the other demons and badgered about his feelings for Ritsuka. This episode's song appeared during this scene, and I thought it worked well to help convey this confrontation. The song itself was one of the better ones to appear in the series.

So we're down to two episodes left. It'll be interesting to see how this series is ultimately resolved, since there really doesn't seem to be any good options for Ritsuka at this point.
Dec 11, 2015 7:11 PM

Aug 2008
By the way, Jek is that hooded vampire bastard that killed Azuna.
Dec 12, 2015 7:04 AM

May 2010
Yeah, you tell him, such a emo liar
Dec 12, 2015 7:06 AM

Jan 2014
Fantastic! That song the 4 devils performed together was amazing. #emoliar lol
But I just l-l-love this anime~ Great OP and ED, great OST and a great theme!!!
Dec 12, 2015 9:32 AM

Jun 2014
Gaelenmyr said:
I didn't expect Ritsuka to be the daughter of demon king, but she's such a special snowflake indeed. It reminds me of some people making their roleplaying characters on forums/FB too perfect, "half-human half-demon, has a brother that protects her no matter what cost, all the guys love and adore her", without a personality.

This is a really good point. At the beginning of the show, Ritsuka was a mix of stereotypical and at least some originality, but these stupid twists are running her character. -_- Let's not forget that she seems to be getting dumber as the show's gone on.
Dec 12, 2015 9:33 AM

Jun 2014
destructo22 said:
By the way, Jek is that hooded vampire bastard that killed Azuna.

Yeah, he is. I think he might reveal that to Ritsuka next episode, and her response to that is where she'll probably get slapped (if I assume by the next episode preview).
Dec 12, 2015 10:19 AM
Treasure Hunter

Feb 2014
I love how the show clearly states that her not-brother is the only one she should trust, but tries to make us viewers feel bad for Rem.
I also loved the clown trio singing about how Rem should just confess his feelings as if they were having a sleepover. (Didn't they want her for themselves like a minute ago..? The more competition the better..?)

This show is dumb, but at least it's nice to look at and some of the songs are good.
There is nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, wearing their discomfort like a favorite shirt - Johnny C.

Dec 12, 2015 11:05 AM

Jul 2014
Ritsuka being half demon was surprising. Cannot believe she just willingly went with the vampire dude. I guess she doesn't recognize him, you know, by his lips.

Dec 13, 2015 2:45 PM

Sep 2011
Hm, I think the episode was kinda okay.
Didn't love it, didn't hate it.
But I really don't like Ritsuka and how things are going right now, like who her father is and stuff.
Of course, I'll continue watching it, but I guess, I'll be more looking forward to the announced Visual Novel.

Really hope someone will translate it someday when it's out :3
And then I'll have my Mage route xD
Chizuru94Dec 13, 2015 2:48 PM
Dec 16, 2015 7:53 AM

Jan 2014
I don't think it's occurred to Ritsuka that her school is a fucking Demon Command Center. Of course she'd encounter a strange being. She should know that by now!

As usual, she's once again trusting a denizen from hell.

I can't wait for this to end.
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Dec 20, 2015 4:19 PM

Jul 2009
It was cute when she was remembering all the times Rindo did stuff to her.
I think the red haired vampire is hot, Ritsuka should be with him LOL
So, Ritsuka is demons king's daughter...also, both sisters like supernatural, one with the demon, the other with vampire...
Jun 22, 2017 8:09 AM

Dec 2016
Wow... what a revelation o_o I never expected that Ritsuka would be the devil king's daughter.
Nov 19, 2017 5:58 PM

May 2013
Sooooooooooo... why does it matter to the other devils if Rem admits to loving Ritsuka or not? Lolol it's so trivial and already obvious xD

I died at emo liar tho HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHHHH!!!!!!!
Mar 5, 2021 6:40 PM

Jan 2021
Every bad guy of every episode so far: "Ritsuka, come with me. I will save you"
Ritsuka: "Why should I trust you?"
Vampire: "Vampires don't lie."
Ritsuka: "...oh. okay!!"

-_- Isn't that vampire the guy with the blindfold who killed Azuna....

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