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Nov 17, 2015 4:07 AM

Jul 2014
Well this was probably the best :re chapter so far as far as dialogue goes.

Let the "Kaneki is back!" spam begin.
Nov 17, 2015 4:12 AM
Jul 2015
Kaneki is back!

here I started the spam
Nov 17, 2015 4:26 AM

Jun 2011
Wow, Matsuri is even a bigger dick than I imagined him to be. He just wants to sit in his chair and take all the credit.

Kaneki is finally here.
CharlesMarlowNov 17, 2015 4:44 AM

Nov 17, 2015 4:29 AM

Dec 2013
rip Haise
mods are cucks
Nov 17, 2015 4:30 AM

Apr 2015
Woww both the dialogues and panels were absolutely beautiul this chapter, specially pages 7 and 16.
ArdenFolgore said:
Wow, Matsuri is even a bigger dick than I imagined him to be. He just wants to sit in his chair and take all the credit.

Who was he talking about when he said there's someone who needs to meet their end?
Nov 17, 2015 4:33 AM

Aug 2010
Oyasumi Haise. U will honestly be missed (assuming he's completely gone). Can't friggin wait to see how much of Shironeki's personality from Part1 is left?

Poor Ken tho. Even the fact his mom was this nice person was a lie. F***!! How tragic can u get :(

I wonder how Eto will react to Ken's return. The scene when she came out of the Owl was sexy AF :L

Good to see Saiko still alive :*D Are Urie and Mutsuki really done for tho?

Koori meeting up with Furuta was quite the scene. Seems like Furuta's gonna be keeping up his "I'm a part of CCG" act for now I guess.

WTH is happening to Shu during all this craziness???

I wonder when will MS's release schedule for TG be from now on?
Nov 17, 2015 4:33 AM

May 2013
RIP Haise
Welcome back Kaneki.Hyped for the next chapter and yeah,Eto is hot
Lead me out of the dark,bishounen space Jesus.
Nov 17, 2015 4:39 AM

Dec 2014
-Chapter starts with Matsuri's 'wishful' thinking, that daydream got rudely interupted by Eto. He dodged that neetly.
-Noone expected her to show her face, Sasaki didn't recognize her I guess. That sudden burst of energy in Kanae was unexpected. Eto can surely raise moral of her 'people'
-That flashback kind of confirmed that Ui and Hairu had some sort of a relationship. But he's too late, and that badass Souta sold him that story well. He better hurry and help Saiko and Shirazu, their situation is dire. Shirazu.....I hope you won't die.
-That talk with Chibineki was really sad and disturbing, I'm not surprised by him wanting to die honestly, him wanting to die with a purpose, while doing his job is enough to make him feel at ease in death. His mother beat him, didn't expect that to have happened, I don't think she beat him because she hated him, she was alone too probably and couldn't handle the burden.
I think that 'Good night Haise' didn't mean that Kaneki is back, maybe he finally accepted what he is, and is ready to live with it.

-As Arcanix said, best chapter in :re so far, not really surprised about the cliffhangers anymore.
As for MangaStream I believe that they did a great job with the scans, really clean and neet looking. Great way to introduce themselves to us.
Can't wait for the next one.
Nov 17, 2015 4:48 AM
Jan 2015
I wonder.. How different will be new Kaneki from old Kaneki.
Nov 17, 2015 4:59 AM
Aug 2015
best chapter yet.
Nov 17, 2015 5:04 AM

Jan 2015
So Kanae cracked Haise skull opened and killed him ? allowing for Kaneki to take over ?
Nov 17, 2015 5:06 AM

Apr 2014
That was one of the best chapters in :re so far. Plenty of great panels and dialogues.

Pretty sure most people didn't get the last segment because "kaneki" isn't back and the dialogue where it says "I've had enough of dreaming" is spoken by Haise.
Nov 17, 2015 5:10 AM

Jul 2014
deadly-sin said:
So Kanae cracked Haise skull opened and killed him ? allowing for Kaneki to take over ?

Nov 17, 2015 5:12 AM

Jul 2013
Well. I just don't know what to say anymore. Sad that even the fact that his mom was a nice person is a lie. I wonder how much of what we knew about Kaneki is true anymore. Will be looking forward to new Haise with Shironeki's mindset.

Nov 17, 2015 5:19 AM

Jan 2015
Z4k said:
Pretty sure most people didn't get the last segment because "kaneki" isn't back and the dialogue where it says "I've had enough of dreaming" is spoken by Haise.

So you think he said good night to himself ?
Nov 17, 2015 5:24 AM

May 2014
Great chapter! At the very least it is now in my top 3 chapters of Re list.

That flashback with Chibineki and His mom was quite disturbing. For me those 2 images simply don't mix. I mean kind and hardworking woman and sadist who beat her son... I wonder how much we can trust Kaneki's memories now. Maybe something dark happened with his dad as well and he simply forces himself to believe that he SIMPLY died...

Ignoring those "Kaneki is back" comments, how do you guys interpretate Haise and Kaneki's chat?
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Nov 17, 2015 5:30 AM
Jan 2015
Arcanix said:
deadly-sin said:
So Kanae cracked Haise skull opened and killed him ? allowing for Kaneki to take over ?


You're the biggest bigot I've ever seen on the internet.

deadly-sin said:
So Kanae cracked Haise skull opened and killed him ? allowing for Kaneki to take over ?

No more like...more internal monologue with Chibineki and the struggle. It's probably not the Kaneki of old.
Nov 17, 2015 5:34 AM
Jan 2015
Sparteh said:
Great chapter! At the very least it is now in my top 3 chapters of Re list.

That flashback with Chibineki and His mom was quite disturbing. For me those 2 images simply don't mix. I mean kind and hardworking woman and sadist who beat her son... I wonder how much we can trust Kaneki's memories now. Maybe something dark happened with his dad as well and he simply forces himself to believe that he SIMPLY died...

Ignoring those "Kaneki is back" comments, how do you guys interpretate Haise and Kaneki's chat?

I think at this point it's the final resolution and acceptance of the two and complete understanding. We saw from the beginning of Re how the understanding built up slowly but surley up until this point. Their relationship/understanding of one another has come far. From Kaneki wanting full control to go Berserk to now them having a peace yet F'ed up chat about their past. I don't think that Haise is gone. What use would he be if Ishida suddenly kills him off? They'll both be together regulating one another kind of like a symbiotic relationship.
Nov 17, 2015 5:35 AM
Nov 2015
deadly-sin said:
Z4k said:
Pretty sure most people didn't get the last segment because "kaneki" isn't back and the dialogue where it says "I've had enough of dreaming" is spoken by Haise.

So you think he said good night to himself ?

How do you explain page 12 through 16 if Kaneki is the one that is back.
Isnt it just Haise that deleted his past (Little kaneki hallicunation) and thus his hair becoming black?
Would be weird to me if he suddenly got all his memories back.
Nov 17, 2015 5:35 AM

Feb 2013
It said Goodbye Haise....soooo is Kaneki is finally back !?yeahhh..i hope...haise isnt that bad but i like kaneki way more so
Kaneki is back!!!
Nov 17, 2015 5:40 AM

Jul 2014
The-Lich-King said:

How do you explain page 12 through 16 if Kaneki is the one that is back.
Isnt it just Haise that deleted his past (Little kaneki hallicunation) and thus his hair becoming black?

It's blood bro... it's fucking blood.
Nov 17, 2015 5:40 AM
Jan 2015
Darkon34 said:
It said Goodbye Haise....soooo is Kaneki is finally back !?yeahhh..i hope...haise isnt that bad but i like kaneki way more so
Kaneki is back!!!

No Exactly. Lots of people have different theories but we have to wait and see what happens.
Nov 17, 2015 5:41 AM
Jan 2015
Welp. I guess even the mother that we all thought was a bright spot in Kaneki's life/past turns out to be a deplorable human being. Red Head middle child Kaneki gets dunzoed again by the vicissitudes of fate..

I wonder what Eto is going to do after this and how Kaneki will react when he matches her face with Takatsuki Sen. It seems like shes just watching. I still don't agree with the theory that shes there to bring back Kaneki. It's a possibility. In fact I would love it if she captures Kaneki but we'll have to wait and see..

Honestly what I'm hoping for isn't a berserk Kakuja Kaneki. I mean we've had plenty of that and things never go right whenever he enters it. What I hope is that even if he goes into his half Kakuja that he would have some composure or some control over it. It would make sense in my opinion because White haired Kankei's lack of humanity is what I think is part of the reason he goes nuts when he enters his Half Kakuja. So, with the prospect/possibility of a fusion in personalities/ideals with Kankei and Sasaki, Kaneki will regain his humanity[Sasaki} back which he lost during his torture.

This makes sense because Sasaki is the closest thing that Kaneki has had to "normal human life" since meeting Rize. Even though Kaneki said goodnight Haise I don't think that Ishida would just write Haise out of the story like that. There has to be some of Haise's influence in the new Kaneki.

Having to wait for the next raw/chapter is going to be excruciatingon
Nov 17, 2015 5:43 AM

Aug 2010
For whoever forgot. It's been foreshadowed that Ken's mom wasn't as good as it was implied

Check where his hand is. Lying chin touch....
Nov 17, 2015 5:45 AM
Jan 2015
Still a bit confused if Eto actually wanted to kill Sasaki or was she just baiting him so he goes Berserk?
Nov 17, 2015 5:45 AM
Nov 2015
Arcanix said:
The-Lich-King said:

How do you explain page 12 through 16 if Kaneki is the one that is back.
Isnt it just Haise that deleted his past (Little kaneki hallicunation) and thus his hair becoming black?

It's blood bro... it's fucking blood.

I wanted to quote myself saying i actually know its blood but i didnt feel the need 2 xD. Well there is that. Isnt it just symbolism... you know... implying that the white haired kid... is gone..
Nov 17, 2015 5:47 AM
Nov 2015
Darkon34 said:
It said Goodbye Haise....soooo is Kaneki is finally back !?yeahhh..i hope...haise isnt that bad but i like kaneki way more so
Kaneki is back!!!

I think ''Goodnight, Haise,'' may stand for the acceptance of the name ''Kaneki''.
It says ''no more waking no more dreaming'', which is either implying you guys are right and Kaneki is back and Haise is completely deleted but it may be the other way around aswell, in which Haise simply accepted his past and little kaneki is gone.
Nov 17, 2015 5:52 AM
Jun 2014
Am I the only one thats confused as of why his hair seems fully black again?
I mean, I like him going back to his "roots" but lets see what happens. He looks really .. deadly for sure.
Nov 17, 2015 5:53 AM

Jul 2014
Man, i think that people that expect Kaneki to start cutting himself in all the edge again are going to be disappointed.

Yes the dialogue does signify "haise being gone, in some way" since Haise's life is "Kaneki's happy dream", but i don't think that the change(if there will be one) is going to be significant.

Probably... you know... like i've said since god knows how long ago... Haise with some memories(no clue if he suddenly got everything back 'probably not')

You the adorable ones, that think that you're going to get your edgy master Kaneki back... have more issues than i do.
ArcanixNov 17, 2015 5:56 AM
Nov 17, 2015 6:01 AM

Nov 2013
est chapter of re so far. (Thouh you can never be sure because ishida tops it every damn week)
It's really sad to see that Kaneki was even suffering before being forced to join the ghoul life.

Trying to forget the horrible past and what his mother did to him with the false happy memories.. And we thought nothing can top the tragedy in part one.. oh were we wrong.. The real tragedy is yet to come.
As sad it this is im happy we got to the point. Now we will finally meet the "real" Kaneki and not the one who had to hide his true self so he can fit in the role that others would love.
No more hiding, no more lies, just the real Kaneki who does what he thinks his right and finally realize he only has be himself because he already have people that love him alot. (Or he goes full insane now and develops sadistic sides with all the hate he has)

The first and last time i say this, thank you Eto for being the evil ***** you are and giving us the awesome Kaneki we are about to see from now on.
Nov 17, 2015 6:03 AM

May 2014
Arcanix said:
Man, i think that people that expect Kaneki to start cutting himself in all the edge again are going to be disappointed.

Yes the dialogue does signify "haise being gone, in some way" since Haise's life is "Kaneki's happy dream", but i don't think that the change(if there will be one) is going to be significant.

Probably... you know... like i've said since god knows how long ago... Haise with some memories(no clue if he suddenly got everything back 'probably not')

I agree with you. We won't see Kaneki back and Haise won't stay the same. As for what type of person he is going to be, it is hard to tell. The way I see it, both Haise and Kaneki have been lying to themselves all this time. When they stop dreaming, personality which emerges might be completely different from what we have now.

Although this might satisfy some people who always complain about how weak is Haise. If I had to guess I would say that this will work as power up for him. The way I see it, Haise had 2 great limiters which limit his power. First is obviously body. *insert suppressant theory here*
Other is mental one. Remember how he always seem to have a power up every time he loses control. Times when everyone comment that he is like completely different person. I think this chapter showed destruction of this limiter.
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Nov 17, 2015 6:04 AM
Jan 2015
It seems that even the original Kaneki that we saw from part 1 b4 and after the incident is just another coping mechanism for him. Just like The Son from the Black Goats egg, the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. After witnessing how deplorable his mother is, I think Kaneki saw these features in himself. Even at such a young age he might have seen something twisted and evil about himself that resembled his mother. So, declaring that he does not want to repeat her mistakes or carry on her flaws, he created the quiet and nice persona in order to cope. He also created a new Persona for his mother as an excuse so he forgets how she really is. In the end Kaneki is as deplorable as his mother and his self hatred and hatred for her was made really evident.

Also, no wonder Kaneki is always looking for a mother figure. Somewhere deep in his subconscious he recognizes that he has been lying to himself about the type of person his mother is which translates to the wanting and aching for motherly affection. Hopefully lets pray for Sasaki's case that he doesn't find this affection in Eto.
Nov 17, 2015 6:09 AM
Jan 2015
Sparteh said:
Arcanix said:
Man, i think that people that expect Kaneki to start cutting himself in all the edge again are going to be disappointed.

Yes the dialogue does signify "haise being gone, in some way" since Haise's life is "Kaneki's happy dream", but i don't think that the change(if there will be one) is going to be significant.

Probably... you know... like i've said since god knows how long ago... Haise with some memories(no clue if he suddenly got everything back 'probably not')

I agree with you. We won't see Kaneki back and Haise won't stay the same. As for what type of person he is going to be, it is hard to tell. The way I see it, both Haise and Kaneki have been lying to themselves all this time. When they stop dreaming, personality which emerges might be completely different from what we have now.

Although this might satisfy some people who always complain about how weak is Haise. If I had to guess I would say that this will work as power up for him. The way I see it, Haise had 2 great limiters which limit his power. First is obviously body. *insert suppressant theory here*
Other is mental one. Remember how he always seem to have a power up every time he loses control. Times when everyone comment that he is like completely different person. I think this chapter showed destruction of this limiter.

Thats Impoossibururu! You mean? Hes only been using 50% of His true Powah?
Yea I agree with this. Kaneki isn't a good person and this chapter shows it pretty clearly. He obviously inherited the deplorable qualities of his mother and I think that the Kaneki that emreges from this will be the true Kaneki that has been suppressed for years now. The Original Kaneki that Kaneki is so afraid of. So Afraid of how he resembles his mother that he created a new personality in order to avoid becoming his mother. Honestly him being just like his twisted mother is the cruelest joke that a god can play on his own creation.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Also 19th is the offical release date. 19th happens to be Child abuse prevention day. - Thx Tumblr
Nov 17, 2015 6:13 AM

May 2014
kktheman1 said:
Sparteh said:

I agree with you. We won't see Kaneki back and Haise won't stay the same. As for what type of person he is going to be, it is hard to tell. The way I see it, both Haise and Kaneki have been lying to themselves all this time. When they stop dreaming, personality which emerges might be completely different from what we have now.

Although this might satisfy some people who always complain about how weak is Haise. If I had to guess I would say that this will work as power up for him. The way I see it, Haise had 2 great limiters which limit his power. First is obviously body. *insert suppressant theory here*
Other is mental one. Remember how he always seem to have a power up every time he loses control. Times when everyone comment that he is like completely different person. I think this chapter showed destruction of this limiter.

Thats Impoossibururu! You mean? Hes only been using 50% of His true Powah?
Yea I agree with this. Kaneki isn't a good person and this chapter shows it pretty clearly. He obviously inherited the deplorable qualities of his mother and I think that the Kaneki that emreges from this will be the true Kaneki that has been suppressed for years now. The Original Kaneki that Kaneki is so afraid of. So Afraid of how he resembles his mother that he created a new personality in order to avoid becoming his mother. Honestly him being just like his twisted mother is the cruelest joke that a god can play on his own creation.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Also 19th is the offical release date. 19th happens to be Child abuse prevention day. - Thx Tumblr

I never said anything about it being 50%. I just stated that most of Haise's enemies state that he is like completely different person/his kagune ir nearly on completely different level when he enters his *instinct mode (don't know how to call it otherwise).

Yeah, Kaneki wasn't joking in the end of first chapter. Tragedy...
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Nov 17, 2015 6:36 AM

May 2014
Wow that was depressing af to read. So the fond memories of his mother from part 1 are just a lie to cope with the abuse he endured in his early childhood. It's chapters like this that really remind me why I love Tokyo Ghoul so much. I'm beyond hyped for the next chapter, so much so that it's almost physically painful to have to wait a week to see what happens from this point on.
Nov 17, 2015 6:43 AM
Oct 2012
Sparteh said:
kktheman1 said:

Thats Impoossibururu! You mean? Hes only been using 50% of His true Powah?
Yea I agree with this. Kaneki isn't a good person and this chapter shows it pretty clearly. He obviously inherited the deplorable qualities of his mother and I think that the Kaneki that emreges from this will be the true Kaneki that has been suppressed for years now. The Original Kaneki that Kaneki is so afraid of. So Afraid of how he resembles his mother that he created a new personality in order to avoid becoming his mother. Honestly him being just like his twisted mother is the cruelest joke that a god can play on his own creation.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Also 19th is the offical release date. 19th happens to be Child abuse prevention day. - Thx Tumblr

I never said anything about it being 50%. I just stated that most of Haise's enemies state that he is like completely different person/his kagune ir nearly on completely different level when he enters his *instinct mode (don't know how to call it otherwise).

Yeah, Kaneki wasn't joking in the end of first chapter. Tragedy...

Haise showed self control during the end of the fight against Takizawa, and when he decided to get serious, easily defeated the white suits and Kanae (before Eto appear), I do not think he will suffer something like a power up absurd, Kaneki himself never was an all-powerful God as some fans think, (remember how the Shachi raped him?)

What will happen should only be an acceptance between the two, but when you read the dialogue you can come up with various interpretations.

but I fully agree about the instincts.
Nov 17, 2015 6:52 AM

May 2014
Kaneki doesn't even come back, but his character already got a death flag.

Barion-Zara said:
For whoever forgot. It's been foreshadowed that Ken's mom wasn't as good as it was implied

Check where his hand is. Lying chin touch....

You are right. I didn't noticed it back than :D Now, that you mention it:

RaidenHUNNov 17, 2015 6:59 AM
Nov 17, 2015 6:56 AM

May 2013
> literally what i was thinking when i finished reading this chapter.
This is one of the best chapters so far, loved it
Nov 17, 2015 6:59 AM
Oct 2012
do not forget that touch on the chin was something Kaneki copied his mother.
Nov 17, 2015 7:22 AM
Jan 2015
Also on page 5 where Eto is helping Kanae am I misunderstanding but it seems like she is expecting Kanae to die by the hands of Sasaki.
Nov 17, 2015 7:25 AM

Nov 2011
Very exciting chapter~

That last panel was chilling. 'I've had enough of dreaming'.
Nov 17, 2015 7:29 AM

May 2015
Ahh it's always nice to see the waifu :]
Nov 17, 2015 8:17 AM

Aug 2014
Very impressive chapter, and not just for the end-game dialogue - Furuta playing possum was pretty entertaining, not to mention that shot of Shirazu leaping in Noro's kagune.

I love you, Eto. Please show that Haise fellow the proper way to have an existential crisis next time... by stabbing him in his eye.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Nov 17, 2015 8:17 AM
Sep 2014
So where's floppy?
Nov 17, 2015 8:20 AM
Sep 2014
Also I'm waiting for more Hide
Nov 17, 2015 8:24 AM

Nov 2014
THIS.FUCKING.CHAPTER. I dunno whether to orgasm from the epicness or cry from the sadness....I'll do both *SOB*FAP*SOB*FAP* XD

In all seriousness tho...Best chapter in :re period...and maybe, juuust maybe the best chapter in the entire 2 series?
Nov 17, 2015 9:01 AM

Nov 2014
Omg I hope kaneki is back, I don't care much if his crazy personality is back, I didn't really like his crazy psycho side but I want him to remember. When he sees toka he knows her, when he see hinami he knows her, when he sees arima he knows what he did and what the ccg has done to him and his friends. Also would like to see the genius strong willed determined side of him come back.
Nov 17, 2015 9:09 AM

Jul 2014
Finally, someone that wants Kaneki back and gets it.
Nov 17, 2015 9:22 AM

Mar 2013
An amazing chapter. Never noticed the hints that his mom wasn't as kind as i thought she was.

the way i am interpreting this chapter is that it seems like Haise/Kaneki is finally going to stop suppressing his memories. Haise's personality seems like it's going to make up a large part of whatever emerges from this since Kaneki is asking if he can manage to fulfill his desires. Next chapter states "no more dreaming, no more waking" (dreaming=Haise, waking=Kaneki) so i wonder if he will still identify himself as either one. Since Kaneki is telling Haise goodnight, and Haise has had enough of pretending to enjoy his current life i assume he will go with his birth name. Can't wait to see what sort of ideal's he comes out with after this.

What do people think about the fact that while his mother is beating him, Kaneki is smiling? Feels twisted, but perhaps he liked getting his mother's attention since she always put others before him? Though i guess the memory could also be effected by his current broken mental state.
Nov 17, 2015 9:32 AM

Sep 2013
Oh God just kill off haise for real already, its obvious he isn't dead for good.
Make a big scene with all the q's then kill them all off and bring kaneki back for good.

Kaneki is gonna be badass then haise will come back way later on taking over kaneki again, yuck :(
ichii_1Nov 17, 2015 9:35 AM
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