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Oct 25, 2015 7:59 AM
Dec 2014

The footage starts around 1 hour 41 seconds in:

krfz41Oct 25, 2015 12:48 PM
Oct 25, 2015 8:45 AM

Mar 2015
Hahahah, these girls seem drunk! This is very funny. I'll probably watch the whole thing from beginning to end even though I don't understand the majority of what they say, haha!
Oct 25, 2015 8:50 AM
Apr 2013
somebody can translate the prologue? It explained something like Demiurgost (?)

something like unknown entity, etc
Oct 25, 2015 9:51 AM

Oct 2014
Here the first 5 minuets on it's own.
Oct 25, 2015 2:17 PM
Jun 2010
DATS24 said:
somebody can translate the prologue? It explained something like Demiurgost (?)

something like unknown entity, etc

Definitely sounds like Demiurge something. Demiurge, in Gnosticism, is a creature that pretended to be a God while the true creation Goddess was off doing whatever.

This, the way that prologue visuals have a black and white duality going on and the weird way the 02 team defeat is shown, makes me think that maybe the villains are altering reality somehow.
Oct 25, 2015 3:16 PM

Apr 2013
Oh man, November can't come soon enough. But this'll satiate me until then, it just kinda sucks we're not going to hear the rest of "Butter-Fly" until then, I was really getting into it.

My brother had mentioned a theory that Tai could be reminiscing about the Odaiba invasion when he had stopped to look at Rainbow Bridge (at least I think that's Rainbow Bridge he's looking at). The closest I think Tai had gotten to the bridge at all during that time was when he went to go help Gatomon and Wizardmon on the battery island where Myotismon's hideout was located. The only Digimon that was near the bridge was MegaSeadramon where Joe and T.K. fought it, Tai was nowhere to be seen there. Still, he pointed that out to me, and I liked the idea. So I dunno, just seemed like a nice little nod or something, even if that wasn't what the scene's supposed to be.

Caio_Esteves said:
DATS24 said:
somebody can translate the prologue? It explained something like Demiurgost (?)

something like unknown entity, etc

Definitely sounds like Demiurge something. Demiurge, in Gnosticism, is a creature that pretended to be a God while the true creation Goddess was off doing whatever.

Ooooooh, speculation time! Would that mean this Demiurge going to replace Yggdrasil, or is Yggdrasil the Demiurge?
Oct 25, 2015 4:08 PM

Mar 2015
Damn... Did they just kill off all the main characters from Digimon 02? Whoa... Is this going to be darker than Digimon 03? Because I'd say Digimon 03 is the darkest of all Digimon.

I'm loving it so far! But if Daisuke, Miyako, Iori and Ken is "dead" or "defeated", how is Takeru and Hikari, their closest friends, did not have reaction towards it? If they did kill them off, they'd probably use some reviving ex machina because I heard they're sticking to Digimon 02 epilogue.

Also if this follows Digimon 01 and 02, Vamdemon (Myotismon for you casual English dub watcher) is probably going to be the final boss again... now that'd be awesome nostalgia because BelialVamdemon (MaloMyotismon) was awesome!

Although I'm also hoping to see Apokarimon.. he can't just die in a bomb... I mean as a final boss of the series, he could at least be more evil... so I really hope to see him again.

Oct 25, 2015 5:01 PM

Mar 2015
Lil-Bird said:
Oh man, November can't come soon enough. But this'll satiate me until then, it just kinda sucks we're not going to hear the rest of "Butter-Fly" until then, I was really getting into it.

You can hear the full song at the end of the video. It begins at 1 hour 12 minutes and 50 seconds.

DarklordVor said:
Also if this follows Digimon 01 and 02, Vamdemon (Myotismon for you casual English dub watcher) is probably going to be the final boss again... now that'd be awesome nostalgia because BelialVamdemon (MaloMyotismon) was awesome!

I wouldn't like that. It's just pointless rehashing. Vamdemon wasn't even that good of a villain imo. His only motive was to conquer the world because he thought he was destined to be king because nobody knows why. He had cool powers I guess, but at the end he was just a one-dimensional villain.
BliuTigerOct 25, 2015 5:08 PM
Oct 25, 2015 6:29 PM

Apr 2013
BliuBliu said:
You can hear the full song at the end of the video. It begins at 1 hour 12 minutes and 50 seconds.

Thanks for pointing that out. So beautiful ;.;, and I can hardly believe they kept in that weird hissy-thing at the end before the guitar solo. Like that scared me XD, gonna take me a bit to get used to and stop thinking someone's calling my name.

DarklordVor said:
Also if this follows Digimon 01 and 02, Vamdemon (Myotismon for you casual English dub watcher) is probably going to be the final boss again... now that'd be awesome nostalgia because BelialVamdemon (MaloMyotismon) was awesome!

I wouldn't like that. It's just pointless rehashing. Vamdemon wasn't even that good of a villain imo. His only motive was to conquer the world because he thought he was destined to be king because nobody knows why. He had cool powers I guess, but at the end he was just a one-dimensional villain.

I'm on the fence when it comes to Myotismon. I wouldn't mind if he never came back (although a mention wouldn't hurt), but if they were to actually bring him back from the dead somehow, they'd have to be rather clever about it, and make sure Myotismon doesn't overstay his welcome. Quite a few times, one of my brothers suggested he could come back as a Vaccine and be an ally. However, I kept shooting it down because Gatomon and/or Kari/the rest were never going to welcome him to the group, and would always be suspicious of him, and so he'd have to reveal his evil scheme in light of that. It's really cliché, and while I know Digimon has done clichés, I don't think that particular one would ever work out well in Tri.

DarklordVor said:
Although I'm also hoping to see Apokarimon.. he can't just die in a bomb... I mean as a final boss of the series, he could at least be more evil... so I really hope to see him again.

Apocalymon is just as dead-and-gone as Myotismon since he self-destructed himself.
Oct 25, 2015 6:30 PM
Apr 2013
Lil-Bird said:
Caio_Esteves said:

Definitely sounds like Demiurge something. Demiurge, in Gnosticism, is a creature that pretended to be a God while the true creation Goddess was off doing whatever.

Ooooooh, speculation time! Would that mean this Demiurge going to replace Yggdrasil, or is Yggdrasil the Demiurge?

yeah I can speculate it's Yggdrasil thing, and the said "villain" Alphamon must have connection into this.

I got some explanation from somewhere about these Gnosticism NeoPlatonism thing.

"The Neoplatonistic view of the Demiurge lacks any negativity and while the material world is seen as an imperfect image it is not malevolent in and of itself. Gnosticism on the other hand describes the Demiurge not only as ignorant but also his as well as his creation as malevolent and antagonistic, warping and falsifying the pure spiritual existence of the soul. To a theoretical villain who subscribes to such a belief system this would put the human world in a strictly inferior position as in comparison to a world where dreams and desires manifest themselves freely into reality."

The Gnosticism concept of Demiurge seem fits Yggdrasil perfectly.
DATS24Oct 25, 2015 6:36 PM
Oct 26, 2015 7:46 AM

Mar 2015
The 02 kids being attacked like that was surely a surprise for me, gave me more hype to wait for the movie
Oct 27, 2015 9:30 PM
Jul 2018

Digimon Tamers confirmed. The hype train is real!!!
Oct 28, 2015 3:25 PM

Feb 2013
I dont think the 02 kids are dead, they just got rekt. Hard.
So much so that the older kids have to step up
...and TK and Kari
Nov 7, 2015 6:54 PM

Mar 2009
Raydnt said:
I dont think the 02 kids are dead, they just got rekt. Hard.

But I must say, this would be a perfect way to erase them from canon. Because, apparently, everybody hates 02.
Nov 8, 2015 1:03 AM

Nov 2011
It's taking some time to get used to the animation but I like the theme song used in the opening. Not much revealed in the first 5 minutes...

Can't wait for this to come out soon.
Nov 8, 2015 10:18 AM

Dec 2014
wow epic it just kept my heart pounding.. Childhood memories rushing in
Nov 8, 2015 10:18 AM

Jan 2013
Jetter_Mars said:
Raydnt said:
I dont think the 02 kids are dead, they just got rekt. Hard.

But I must say, this would be a perfect way to erase them from canon. Because, apparently, everybody hates 02.
Come on, not everyone does.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Nov 17, 2015 8:45 PM

Feb 2013
Cabron said:
Jetter_Mars said:

But I must say, this would be a perfect way to erase them from canon. Because, apparently, everybody hates 02.
Come on, not everyone does.

Well for me, the only thing good about 02 was that we got to see the original digidestined again.
Everything else? Garbage.
Especially Davis.
Nov 18, 2015 12:51 AM
Jan 2015
I really don't get all the hate for 02. Personally, I'm a huge fan of both 01 and 02 and my favorite characters to date are Davis and Tai. I love 02 cause it gives the feeling of the predecessors giving the best wishes to the new generation-successors to take their place (I adore this kind of genre). I'm gonna stick with the 02 epilogue cause I'm pretty sure that they will stick with that too in the end.

Also, I have a theory (please try to put all the hate aside and just tell your objective opinion on this) that the 02 cast will return as the main protagonists in the later-last movies of Tri. Toei tends to follow this pattern. Tai and co. defeat the first main villains, but when the later villains return as stronger ones, then Davis and co. step in and destroy them. I most certainly believe that the 02 cast is NOT dead and will probably be saved by the 01 cast on a later movie only to help them and destroy the final villain. Cause if you pay attention to the 02 epilogue it gives more of a 02 aura (and I know that's the case cause it's 02 duh) with Davis' son taking the role of the new leader of the DigiDestined. So, yeah. I believe that Davis and 02 cast will put the final piece again. It's just my belief and all other opinions are respected and well received.
Goku1085Nov 18, 2015 12:59 AM
Nov 18, 2015 8:52 AM

Apr 2013
Goku1085 said:
Also, I have a theory (please try to put all the hate aside and just tell your objective opinion on this) that the 02 cast will return as the main protagonists in the later-last movies of Tri. Toei tends to follow this pattern. Tai and co. defeat the first main villains, but when the later villains return as stronger ones, then Davis and co. step in and destroy them. I most certainly believe that the 02 cast is NOT dead and will probably be saved by the 01 cast on a later movie only to help them and destroy the final villain. Cause if you pay attention to the 02 epilogue it gives more of a 02 aura (and I know that's the case cause it's 02 duh) with Davis' son taking the role of the new leader of the DigiDestined. So, yeah. I believe that Davis and 02 cast will put the final piece again. It's just my belief and all other opinions are respected and well received.

Interesting. Although I think the Tri movies as a whole will still focus on the main eight as it is, I don't believe the 02 kids will be left out. I really don't believe they were introduced so soon and not have a role in the story itself, that would honestly be terrible writing on their part. It's fine to show why they're out of commission for a while, but to not give them a role outside of it is disrespectful to them as characters. So I can definitely see them coming back in the second-half of the series, I just don't think they're going to take over the rest of the time, maybe for one or half of a movie at best, with the very end involving all of the kids.

And it better be all of the kids, not just the leaders taking the glory.
Nov 19, 2015 6:22 AM

Jul 2013
Goku1085 said:
I really don't get all the hate for 02. Personally, I'm a huge fan of both 01 and 02 and my favorite characters to date are Davis and Tai. I love 02 cause it gives the feeling of the predecessors giving the best wishes to the new generation-successors to take their place (I adore this kind of genre). I'm gonna stick with the 02 epilogue cause I'm pretty sure that they will stick with that too in the end.

This, except for the 02 ending part, i actually disliked that ending for coming so out of nowhere and quick with no actual post-fight epilougue
Jan 25, 2016 11:24 PM

Mar 2012
Raydnt said:
Cabron said:
Come on, not everyone does.

Well for me, the only thing good about 02 was that we got to see the original digidestined again.
Everything else? Garbage.
Especially Davis.


Goku1085 said:
I really don't get all the hate for 02. Personally, I'm a huge fan of both 01 and 02 and my favorite characters to date are Davis and Tai. I love 02 cause it gives the feeling of the predecessors giving the best wishes to the new generation-successors to take their place (I adore this kind of genre). I'm gonna stick with the 02 epilogue cause I'm pretty sure that they will stick with that too in the end.

Also, I have a theory (please try to put all the hate aside and just tell your objective opinion on this) that the 02 cast will return as the main protagonists in the later-last movies of Tri. Toei tends to follow this pattern. Tai and co. defeat the first main villains, but when the later villains return as stronger ones, then Davis and co. step in and destroy them. I most certainly believe that the 02 cast is NOT dead and will probably be saved by the 01 cast on a later movie only to help them and destroy the final villain. Cause if you pay attention to the 02 epilogue it gives more of a 02 aura (and I know that's the case cause it's 02 duh) with Davis' son taking the role of the new leader of the DigiDestined. So, yeah. I believe that Davis and 02 cast will put the final piece again. It's just my belief and all other opinions are respected and well received.

Well, I've certainly never seen so much shit opinion in one post before.

Seriously, though. If you want to know the reason why people hate the 02 cast so much, even Ken (who anywhere else would be a great character), its because a great deal of the fandom watched Adventure in their childhood, and 02 later on in life (though this also may be the case for people who watched them successively). For those people, the only reason they watched the sequel was because of their childhood characters. To see them not only lose their protagonist role, but also be actively sidelined antagonizes the 02 cast for them.

There are two types of shows most people who watch the sequels fall under. For the characters, and for the world.

Fate Stay Night is a example of a series where people follow sequels because of the world/concept of the Grail Wars have them enraptured. Thus, the popularity going from F/SN to F/Z, and vice versa, and the reason for the successful Fate/Apocrypha series. This is also the case with Pokemon. People subscribe to the sequels because of the world of Pokemon fascinates them.

Digimon is an example of the second. A story where people come for the world, and stay for the characters. Digimon would just be considered a Pokemon-esque show if it wasn't for the coherent plot and the great characters. People want a sequel in this case where they see their old cast, not be introduced to new ones. The greatest insult comes in from the producers going half-way, giving us new characters but also keeping the original and sidelining them.
The entire show becomes a waiting game of "when do the 'real' protagonists come back" which, in the case of 02, was not enough. It detracts from the new cast as people are too distracted by the hope of the original taking back their show to appreciate the new cast in their own right. It also snubs the original characters because there is a (real and legitimate in this case) feeling that the producers are actively snubbing the old.

As for your pet theory, let me be the first to say it does not happen. The absolute worst thing this movie could ever do, for the reason above, would be the 02 cast taking leading roles in any of the movies and the 02 epilogue being legitimized, for reasons you're all too aware of.
I'd prefer the 02 cast staying dead, as unfortunately unlikely as it may prove to be. They can be resurrected in the last minute of the final movie, the point is i want them benched if not entire out in this series.
Feb 4, 2016 6:52 AM
Jan 2015
Orvieto said:
Raydnt said:

Well for me, the only thing good about 02 was that we got to see the original digidestined again.
Everything else? Garbage.
Especially Davis.


Goku1085 said:
I really don't get all the hate for 02. Personally, I'm a huge fan of both 01 and 02 and my favorite characters to date are Davis and Tai. I love 02 cause it gives the feeling of the predecessors giving the best wishes to the new generation-successors to take their place (I adore this kind of genre). I'm gonna stick with the 02 epilogue cause I'm pretty sure that they will stick with that too in the end.

Also, I have a theory (please try to put all the hate aside and just tell your objective opinion on this) that the 02 cast will return as the main protagonists in the later-last movies of Tri. Toei tends to follow this pattern. Tai and co. defeat the first main villains, but when the later villains return as stronger ones, then Davis and co. step in and destroy them. I most certainly believe that the 02 cast is NOT dead and will probably be saved by the 01 cast on a later movie only to help them and destroy the final villain. Cause if you pay attention to the 02 epilogue it gives more of a 02 aura (and I know that's the case cause it's 02 duh) with Davis' son taking the role of the new leader of the DigiDestined. So, yeah. I believe that Davis and 02 cast will put the final piece again. It's just my belief and all other opinions are respected and well received.

Well, I've certainly never seen so much shit opinion in one post before.

Seriously, though. If you want to know the reason why people hate the 02 cast so much, even Ken (who anywhere else would be a great character), its because a great deal of the fandom watched Adventure in their childhood, and 02 later on in life (though this also may be the case for people who watched them successively). For those people, the only reason they watched the sequel was because of their childhood characters. To see them not only lose their protagonist role, but also be actively sidelined antagonizes the 02 cast for them.

There are two types of shows most people who watch the sequels fall under. For the characters, and for the world.

Fate Stay Night is a example of a series where people follow sequels because of the world/concept of the Grail Wars have them enraptured. Thus, the popularity going from F/SN to F/Z, and vice versa, and the reason for the successful Fate/Apocrypha series. This is also the case with Pokemon. People subscribe to the sequels because of the world of Pokemon fascinates them.

Digimon is an example of the second. A story where people come for the world, and stay for the characters. Digimon would just be considered a Pokemon-esque show if it wasn't for the coherent plot and the great characters. People want a sequel in this case where they see their old cast, not be introduced to new ones. The greatest insult comes in from the producers going half-way, giving us new characters but also keeping the original and sidelining them.
The entire show becomes a waiting game of "when do the 'real' protagonists come back" which, in the case of 02, was not enough. It detracts from the new cast as people are too distracted by the hope of the original taking back their show to appreciate the new cast in their own right. It also snubs the original characters because there is a (real and legitimate in this case) feeling that the producers are actively snubbing the old.

As for your pet theory, let me be the first to say it does not happen. The absolute worst thing this movie could ever do, for the reason above, would be the 02 cast taking leading roles in any of the movies and the 02 epilogue being legitimized, for reasons you're all too aware of.
I'd prefer the 02 cast staying dead, as unfortunately unlikely as it may prove to be. They can be resurrected in the last minute of the final movie, the point is i want them benched if not entire out in this series.

I'm sorry, but I'll have to totally disagree with you man. I, for starters, am a 01 fan and watched the first season in my childhood (which I loved from the bottom of my heart), but that didn't affect the way I saw 02. At first, I got so ecxited that I saw the 01 cast (that was the main reason I started watching it), but later I got really fond of the 02 cast as they all had so much potential.

Either you like it or not, the 02 cast are the ones that continue the story (and probably end it too cause there's no next generation in the Adventures Universe). At least, that's the picture Toei wants to give. I never once got the hate for 02 (besides the extreme supportiveness of the 01 kids). Of course, as a fan you're to like and/or dislike anything the companies give. But, just because you despise 02, it doesn't mean everyone does and it certainly doesn't mean that Toei will change their plans cause of how you feel about it. I, for once, understand on some degree your disappointment on 02 and respect your opinion, but sadly don't feel this way about it.

Also, on another note I guessed that the 02 kids would appear on later movies, but I didn't think this fast cause I mistook their importance on Tri. If you've noticed on the new poster for the second movie it showcases the next couple of kids which are Mimi and Joe along with a dark-ish ImperialDramon. That means two things/guesses imo:

1) That the 02 kids will start appearing or being mentioned on the second movie and since it shows two kids each time and there are total 6 Tri. movies, the couples will be the following (again my guess):

a. Tai and Matt for the 1st movie
b. Mimi and Joe for the 2nd movie
c. Izzy and Sora for the 3rd movie
d. T.K. and Kody for the 4th movie
e. Kari and Yolei for the 5th movie
f. Davis and Ken for the 6th movie

Each movie gives a real meaning to the two kids on the poster. If you've watched the first Tri. movie you'd see much emphasis on the relationship between Tai and Mai and how their bond was strong enough to take down Alphamon. That is why I'm guessing that Davis and Ken (with the help of all the kids of course) will be the "final pieces" to Tri.

2) That the "Adventure" nostalgia of Tri. contains 02 as canon too. I'm telling you that the theory is getting stronger and stronger by the minute. :P

Again, terribly sorry if I, in any way, insult your opinion or anything cause I don't plan nor intend to. I'm just supporting mine, that's all! ;)
Goku1085Feb 5, 2016 11:22 PM
Apr 11, 2016 7:40 PM
Mar 2009
02 aired very closely to Adventure, so I don't see the "returning to childhood and not getting it" thing at all. If you didn't see them close together when they aired so close to each other, that's not really something you can blame on the writers. Similarly, the concept of a "2" not actually being about the people from "1" is and was far from unheard of.

02 gets hate because it just has a lot of issues. There are dropped plot threads, there are mechanics poorly used, and characters whose development is there but largely ignored (Davis/Daisuke is a big one) by the fanbase. It's justified, but extremely overblown, probably because of the epilogue.

That said, that really doesn't forgive how poorly these movies have danced around addressing the series. It should have either made it canon or not. So far, it's made it out like these protagonists we're supposed to be celebrating are, at the very best, complete jerks for not even noticing four of their friends have disappeared.

And no excuse retroactively stuffed in later on like "everyone had their memories wiped of them" is going to be able to cover for that. That it took an hour or so into this movie to just mention connection to the Digital World had been closed off on its own was really poor writing. That's something you need to cover immediately.
Apr 13, 2016 5:51 AM
Mar 2016
Goku1085 said:
Orvieto said:


Well, I've certainly never seen so much shit opinion in one post before.

Seriously, though. If you want to know the reason why people hate the 02 cast so much, even Ken (who anywhere else would be a great character), its because a great deal of the fandom watched Adventure in their childhood, and 02 later on in life (though this also may be the case for people who watched them successively). For those people, the only reason they watched the sequel was because of their childhood characters. To see them not only lose their protagonist role, but also be actively sidelined antagonizes the 02 cast for them.

There are two types of shows most people who watch the sequels fall under. For the characters, and for the world.

Fate Stay Night is a example of a series where people follow sequels because of the world/concept of the Grail Wars have them enraptured. Thus, the popularity going from F/SN to F/Z, and vice versa, and the reason for the successful Fate/Apocrypha series. This is also the case with Pokemon. People subscribe to the sequels because of the world of Pokemon fascinates them.

Digimon is an example of the second. A story where people come for the world, and stay for the characters. Digimon would just be considered a Pokemon-esque show if it wasn't for the coherent plot and the great characters. People want a sequel in this case where they see their old cast, not be introduced to new ones. The greatest insult comes in from the producers going half-way, giving us new characters but also keeping the original and sidelining them.
The entire show becomes a waiting game of "when do the 'real' protagonists come back" which, in the case of 02, was not enough. It detracts from the new cast as people are too distracted by the hope of the original taking back their show to appreciate the new cast in their own right. It also snubs the original characters because there is a (real and legitimate in this case) feeling that the producers are actively snubbing the old.

As for your pet theory, let me be the first to say it does not happen. The absolute worst thing this movie could ever do, for the reason above, would be the 02 cast taking leading roles in any of the movies and the 02 epilogue being legitimized, for reasons you're all too aware of.
I'd prefer the 02 cast staying dead, as unfortunately unlikely as it may prove to be. They can be resurrected in the last minute of the final movie, the point is i want them benched if not entire out in this series.

I'm sorry, but I'll have to totally disagree with you man. I, for starters, am a 01 fan and watched the first season in my childhood (which I loved from the bottom of my heart), but that didn't affect the way I saw 02. At first, I got so ecxited that I saw the 01 cast (that was the main reason I started watching it), but later I got really fond of the 02 cast as they all had so much potential.

Either you like it or not, the 02 cast are the ones that continue the story (and probably end it too cause there's no next generation in the Adventures Universe). At least, that's the picture Toei wants to give. I never once got the hate for 02 (besides the extreme supportiveness of the 01 kids). Of course, as a fan you're to like and/or dislike anything the companies give. But, just because you despise 02, it doesn't mean everyone does and it certainly doesn't mean that Toei will change their plans cause of how you feel about it. I, for once, understand on some degree your disappointment on 02 and respect your opinion, but sadly don't feel this way about it.

Also, on another note I guessed that the 02 kids would appear on later movies, but I didn't think this fast cause I mistook their importance on Tri. If you've noticed on the new poster for the second movie it showcases the next couple of kids which are Mimi and Joe along with a dark-ish ImperialDramon. That means two things/guesses imo:

1) That the 02 kids will start appearing or being mentioned on the second movie and since it shows two kids each time and there are total 6 Tri. movies, the couples will be the following (again my guess):

a. Tai and Matt for the 1st movie
b. Mimi and Joe for the 2nd movie
c. Izzy and Sora for the 3rd movie
d. T.K. and Kody for the 4th movie
e. Kari and Yolei for the 5th movie
f. Davis and Ken for the 6th movie

Each movie gives a real meaning to the two kids on the poster. If you've watched the first Tri. movie you'd see much emphasis on the relationship between Tai and Mai and how their bond was strong enough to take down Alphamon. That is why I'm guessing that Davis and Ken (with the help of all the kids of course) will be the "final pieces" to Tri.

2) That the "Adventure" nostalgia of Tri. contains 02 as canon too. I'm telling you that the theory is getting stronger and stronger by the minute. :P

Again, terribly sorry if I, in any way, insult your opinion or anything cause I don't plan nor intend to. I'm just supporting mine, that's all! ;)
well said I'm just sick and tired of these season 2 haters smh

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