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Sep 26, 2015 5:35 AM

Mar 2014
If UBW is getting an OVA for the alternate route, what if on the BD of HF we get a Sparks Liner High OVA?
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Sep 26, 2015 6:15 AM

Jul 2013
It would be perfect.
Sep 26, 2015 5:44 PM

Mar 2014
Illyricus said:
It would be perfect.

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Sep 28, 2015 11:17 PM

Mar 2012
SLH is overrated.

Sep 29, 2015 12:54 PM

Mar 2014
Mil_Mil said:
SLH is overrated.

Overrated? How so? It's insanely badass, and has a great character moment for Shirou and Saber
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Sep 29, 2015 12:56 PM

Feb 2015
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:
Mil_Mil said:
SLH is overrated.

Overrated? How so? It's insanely badass, and has a great character moment for Shirou and Saber

Too many things left unresolved.

Sep 29, 2015 9:44 PM

May 2014
Ufo's probably going to mess it up by either making shit up to fill in the gaps or somehow adding it to the main story
Oct 1, 2015 8:42 PM

Apr 2014
LittleGao said:
Ufo's probably going to mess it up by either making shit up to fill in the gaps or somehow adding it to the main story

There is no problem.....because it's not going to happen. I don't know why people even imagine it could be a thing, it's too overrated for its own good.
Oct 2, 2015 2:25 PM

May 2014
bestkatalyn said:
LittleGao said:
Ufo's probably going to mess it up by either making shit up to fill in the gaps or somehow adding it to the main story

There is no problem.....because it's not going to happen. I don't know why people even imagine it could be a thing, it's too overrated for its own good.
It's not as overrated as Superhero, but I still think it has enough popularity for its own ova to be possible
Oct 3, 2015 9:54 AM

Mar 2014
LittleGao said:
bestkatalyn said:

There is no problem.....because it's not going to happen. I don't know why people even imagine it could be a thing, it's too overrated for its own good.
It's not as overrated as Superhero, but I still think it has enough popularity for its own ova to be possible

If you don't like Superhero, you probably like HF for the wrong reasons. Superhero is Shirou quite literally becoming Kiritsugu. Shirou and Kiritsugu both loved the Vessel. Kiritsugu sacrificed her for the sake of winning the war and saving other people, in accordance to his idealism and his "kill one to save ten, ten to save a hundred, a hundred to save a thousand" philosophy. In Superhero, Shirou does the same thing. Thus, he becomes his father. As a huge fan of Zero, this is just genius, and I don't think it's overrated at all
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Oct 3, 2015 1:13 PM

May 2014
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:
LittleGao said:
It's not as overrated as Superhero, but I still think it has enough popularity for its own ova to be possible

If you don't like Superhero, you probably like HF for the wrong reasons. Superhero is Shirou quite literally becoming Kiritsugu. Shirou and Kiritsugu both loved the Vessel. Kiritsugu sacrificed her for the sake of winning the war and saving other people, in accordance to his idealism and his "kill one to save ten, ten to save a hundred, a hundred to save a thousand" philosophy. In Superhero, Shirou does the same thing. Thus, he becomes his father. As a huge fan of Zero, this is just genius, and I don't think it's overrated at all
I didn't say I disliked Superhero, I already know the meaning behind it but I thought the ending itself was overrated
Oct 5, 2015 5:50 AM

Mar 2014
LittleGao said:
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:

If you don't like Superhero, you probably like HF for the wrong reasons. Superhero is Shirou quite literally becoming Kiritsugu. Shirou and Kiritsugu both loved the Vessel. Kiritsugu sacrificed her for the sake of winning the war and saving other people, in accordance to his idealism and his "kill one to save ten, ten to save a hundred, a hundred to save a thousand" philosophy. In Superhero, Shirou does the same thing. Thus, he becomes his father. As a huge fan of Zero, this is just genius, and I don't think it's overrated at all
I didn't say I disliked Superhero, I already know the meaning behind it but I thought the ending itself was overrated

Oh, nvm then
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Oct 6, 2015 12:37 PM

Mar 2015
laidellent said:
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:

Overrated? How so? It's insanely badass, and has a great character moment for Shirou and Saber

Too many things left unresolved.

That's the whole point tho?

It's not meant to be a conclusive ending, it's just meant to be badass and show the best fighting sequence in the whole VN

bestkatalyn said:
LittleGao said:
Ufo's probably going to mess it up by either making shit up to fill in the gaps or somehow adding it to the main story

There is no problem.....because it's not going to happen. I don't know why people even imagine it could be a thing, it's too overrated for its own good.

Yeah, I mean it's just the best fighting sequence of the whole VN and actually gives characterization to
and also reveals why Archer and Shirou like K&B so much and why this pair of swords is so based

Nothing much right?

It. Needs. To. Happen
MightyM16Oct 6, 2015 12:43 PM
Oct 6, 2015 12:51 PM

Mar 2015
*Mighty Wind intensifies*
Oct 6, 2015 12:54 PM

Jul 2013
Now that I think a bit, I think that I would like to see the ending when

HF has the best bad and/or alternative endings of the visual novel.
Oct 6, 2015 1:26 PM

Mar 2015
Illyricus said:
Now that I think a bit, I think that I would like to see the ending when

HF has the best bad and/or alternative endings of the visual novel.

Nah, that one needs to be in the theatrical release :V

Who am I kidding tho of course we will get the other one
Oct 6, 2015 2:25 PM

Jul 2013
MightyM16 said:
Illyricus said:
Now that I think a bit, I think that I would like to see the ending when

HF has the best bad and/or alternative endings of the visual novel.

Nah, that one needs to be in the theatrical release :V

Who am I kidding tho of course we will get the other one

To be honest, I prefer that they animate the Good Ending to the theatrical release, because I think that Sakura deserves a happy ending. But on the other hand, ufo had many ideas to make multiple alternate endings.
Oct 7, 2015 1:38 AM

Apr 2015
Illyricus said:
MightyM16 said:

Nah, that one needs to be in the theatrical release :V

Who am I kidding tho of course we will get the other one

To be honest, I prefer that they animate the Good Ending to the theatrical release, because I think that Sakura deserves a happy ending. But on the other hand, ufo had many ideas to make multiple alternate endings.

Only UBW has a Good End, HF has True and Normal.

Personally, I would prefer they go with NE, it fits the mood better.
Oct 7, 2015 12:48 PM

Nov 2013
Don't count on it.

Plus it's overrated.
Oct 7, 2015 6:02 PM

Mar 2015
Botato said:
Don't count on it.

Plus it's overrated.

"Its overrated because I say so"

Great argument btw
Oct 8, 2015 1:57 AM

Nov 2013
MightyM16 said:
Botato said:
Don't count on it.

Plus it's overrated.

"Its overrated because I say so"

Great argument btw
Well yes, that's how 'overrated' is supposed to be used; basically when you don't agree with the majority. It's not some objective term.

It's just a fight scene, HF is full of those and most (if not all) of them are better.
Oct 8, 2015 2:06 AM

Aug 2014
50% of Alters character is in there. Also some for Shirou. Its just as much just a fight scene as Shirou vs Archer.

It's also arguably better than any other fight scene in HF and/or the VN as a whole sans Answer.
Oct 8, 2015 5:20 AM

Mar 2014
Botato said:
MightyM16 said:

"Its overrated because I say so"

Great argument btw
Well yes, that's how 'overrated' is supposed to be used; basically when you don't agree with the majority. It's not some objective term.

It's just a fight scene, HF is full of those and most (if not all) of them are better.

Me and most others disagree. It has great character development for alter and shirou, and is a badass fight in it's own right
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Oct 8, 2015 7:09 AM

Nov 2013
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:
Me and most others disagree.
You just repeated what I said <.<
Oct 8, 2015 7:54 AM

Mar 2012
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:
Mil_Mil said:
SLH is overrated.

Overrated? How so? It's insanely badass, and has a great character moment for Shirou and Saber

It may be badass. But Shirou's victory over Alter looks goddamn ridiculous.
His victory over Archer and Gil can be somewhat justified, but defeating Saber Alter, who simply one-shotted Archer earlier, is nothing short of an asspull.
Oct 8, 2015 8:19 AM

Mar 2014
Mil_Mil said:
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:

Overrated? How so? It's insanely badass, and has a great character moment for Shirou and Saber

It may be badass. But Shirou's victory over Alter looks goddamn ridiculous.
His victory over Archer and Gil can be somewhat justified, but defeating Saber Alter, who simply one-shotted Archer earlier, is nothing short of an asspull.

He sacrificed his life to beat her. I think the Gil' fight was way more of an asspull
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Oct 8, 2015 8:19 AM

Mar 2014
Botato said:
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:
Me and most others disagree.
You just repeated what I said <.<

Fair enough lol
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Oct 8, 2015 9:20 AM

Aug 2014
Mil_Mil said:

It may be badass. But Shirou's victory over Alter looks goddamn ridiculous.
His victory over Archer and Gil can be somewhat justified, but defeating Saber Alter, who simply one-shotted Archer earlier, is nothing short of an asspull.

Perhaps you should've paid more attention to where she was trying to let him win?
Oct 8, 2015 9:46 AM

Aug 2014
Mil_Mil said:
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:

Overrated? How so? It's insanely badass, and has a great character moment for Shirou and Saber

It may be badass. But Shirou's victory over Alter looks goddamn ridiculous.
His victory over Archer and Gil can be somewhat justified, but defeating Saber Alter, who simply one-shotted Archer earlier, is nothing short of an asspull.

I've wondered about that myself. Having not played through HF yet it seemed weird to me that people would argue against Shirou beating Archer and Gil in UBW, but when he beats Dark Berserker and Saber Alter people hail him as a badass.

Like I said, haven't played HF so obviously it's likely that I'm missing context, but it always struck me as odd.
Oct 8, 2015 9:50 AM

Mar 2015
AllenNoah said:
Mil_Mil said:

It may be badass. But Shirou's victory over Alter looks goddamn ridiculous.
His victory over Archer and Gil can be somewhat justified, but defeating Saber Alter, who simply one-shotted Archer earlier, is nothing short of an asspull.

I've wondered about that myself. Having not played through HF yet it seemed weird to me that people would argue against Shirou beating Archer and Gil in UBW, but when he beats Dark Berserker and Saber Alter people hail him as a badass.

Like I said, haven't played HF so obviously it's likely that I'm missing context, but it always struck me as odd.

You should read it

As it is now you don't know the context of the situation
Oct 8, 2015 9:50 AM

Aug 2014
Like he has Archers arm and he doesn't actually manage to kill nerfed Berserker or Saber Alter in battle by himself anyway, despite the latter not going all out, soooo whats the problem here?

Also nothing wrong with him beating Archer either, that was a psychological battle. Gil one might have some small issues compared to the others though.

edit: Also, "dark" Berserker doesn't exist because it's literally just Heracles with different colouration since the shadow can't mind corrupt him like it did to Saber
Oct 8, 2015 9:51 AM

Mar 2015
Mil_Mil said:
Fullmetal-Ghoul said:

Overrated? How so? It's insanely badass, and has a great character moment for Shirou and Saber

It may be badass. But Shirou's victory over Alter looks goddamn ridiculous.
His victory over Archer and Gil can be somewhat justified, but defeating Saber Alter, who simply one-shotted Archer earlier, is nothing short of an asspull.

Based K&B >> your logic
Oct 8, 2015 5:09 PM

May 2014
Insertanamehere said:
edit: Also, "dark" Berserker doesn't exist because it's literally just Heracles with different colouration since the shadow can't mind corrupt him like it did to Saber
Well, it's basically a blind Heracles who's lost most of skin so it's better to say that this Heracles was nerfed since he couldn't even fight properly and had been softened up
Oct 21, 2015 8:34 PM

Nov 2011
just extend the battle to include Crane Wings with Rider, I don't care if it's logically not possible to survive in the VN, including the bad end fights to the good end fights will make the battle better.
"Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it..." -Guts, Berserk
"Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." -Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night
"We are constantly living in a peaceful world that somebody else won for us. Even if it were only a day of peace, I will be grateful for its value." - Minashiro Tsubaki, FAFNER
"Screw you, future me!" -Makise Kurisu, Steins;Gate
"We used to show off by waging wars and whatnot." -Watashi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
"Call me Moses. I'm going to part the sea of students before your eyes." -Moses?, Valvrave
"Time is guilty." -Andō & Tomoyo, INOU-Battle
Oct 22, 2015 1:48 PM

Mar 2015
ernst said:
just extend the battle to include Crane Wings with Rider, I don't care if it's logically not possible to survive in the VN, including the bad end fights to the good end fights will make the battle better.

Part of why that ending was so good was because it was a pure 1v1
Oct 24, 2015 7:09 AM

Mar 2012
ernst said:
just extend the battle to include Crane Wings with Rider, I don't care if it's logically not possible to survive in the VN, including the bad end fights to the good end fights will make the battle better.

Nah, Ufo will likely make Rider ride Pegasus against Saber and make this fight much better than SLH.
Oct 26, 2015 2:39 PM

Mar 2015
Mil_Mil said:
ernst said:
just extend the battle to include Crane Wings with Rider, I don't care if it's logically not possible to survive in the VN, including the bad end fights to the good end fights will make the battle better.

Nah, Ufo will likely make Rider ride Pegasus against Saber and make this fight much better than SLH.

Didn't she did that in the VN anyway ?

iirc she did use her NP
Oct 27, 2015 2:34 AM

Aug 2014
And? The Pegasus isn't her NP.
Oct 27, 2015 3:57 AM

Mar 2015
Insertanamehere said:
And? The Pegasus isn't her NP.

?...It isn't?

Isn't something like gordius wheel?
Oct 27, 2015 11:36 AM

Aug 2014
Bellerophon is bridle/reins.
Oct 27, 2015 6:23 PM

May 2014
Wasn't one of the pegasus' weaknesses that it didn't fare well in enclosed spaces
Oct 28, 2015 8:01 AM

Mar 2015
LittleGao said:
Wasn't one of the pegasus' weaknesses that it didn't fare well in enclosed spaces

Oh yeah so it wouldn't make sense to use it at that place...
Nov 1, 2015 1:54 AM

Sep 2015
I would like to see them include it as extra content in the Blue ray for sure it would be cool to get that and superhero animated.
Nov 22, 2015 6:52 PM

Mar 2015
QcK_Dagger_HeaT said:
I would like to see them include it as extra content in the Blue ray for sure it would be cool to get that and superhero animated.

I just want to see Crane Wing animated with Mighty Wind playing in the background tbh. I could miss out on Superhero and other stuff just for Sparks Liner High :P
Nov 22, 2015 7:41 PM

May 2014
Superhero is boring and confusing. SLH would be fun, tbh i can see them incorporating it into the movie itself. Obviously not the conclusion, but probably Crane wing against a weakened *****.
May 19, 2018 3:56 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Hoping that with this, we will also get to some a bunch of alternative endings for HF, not solely Sparks Liner,..

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