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Aug 22, 2015 4:20 PM

Aug 2015
IsGalis said:
Beautiful songs! I wonder if they'll release an actual ZHIEND album or something...
The episode started a little weak, but from Yuu's encounter with the singer onward, it went uphill.
I would love to make a cover of that song, "Fallin'"... it's beautiful :')
Also I'm shipping Yuu x Nao... hard.

They have launched

Aug 22, 2015 4:20 PM

Nov 2012
I'm not impressed by this anime just yet, but wouldn't utter Glasslip in its presence, that was utter trash.
Aug 22, 2015 4:21 PM

Aug 2013
Great episode, the protagonist tries to resume his life but still misses his sister, but his strange colleagues help overcome gradually, already the comedy were the strange things ever, but I still liked the scene of Misa leaving the body of Yusa

Then another strange character appears, Sala simply dragged Yuu and was dragged by him as if it were the most normal thing, Yuu seems to have aroused her interest, Sala really reminded Iwasawa of Algel Beats, and I think that was one of the goals, as several scenes made me remember the anime, as well as showing of the anime scenes in the previous episode, the feathers flew in this episode at all times reminded me of Angel Beats

Yuu realize that he is changing, but I think maybe he's just changing the target of his affection, it was her sister to Nao, well, I'm curious to see how it performs from now on, not just with Nao, but with all around him, moreover, I believe that Sala still will affect the story of the protagonist, I'm looking forward to the next episodes ..
Aug 22, 2015 4:21 PM

Apr 2015
Wow, that felt...sudden and weird In a bad way.

I couldn't get into this episode. Ergh. Dissatisfying.
Aug 22, 2015 4:25 PM

Jan 2015
Boring... i was expecting a little more since the last episode was interesting. Guess not.
If you're going through hell, just keep on going.
Aug 22, 2015 4:27 PM

Mar 2010
Repetitive unfunny jokes and gags, contrived coincidence (?) that even resolves one of the show's subplots to an extent, the ever so perceptive blind character that reads the other character's heart, Yuu not really acting in character and then needing his "character development" to be declared repeatedly, unsubtle as fuck expounding on the themes of the show during that bus ride via unprompted monologuing, and so on. Thinking of something positive to say is hard.
Aug 22, 2015 4:29 PM

Apr 2015
TonyTheme said:
Thinking of something positive to say is hard.

Sala's character's design was awesome.
Aug 22, 2015 4:31 PM
Feb 2011
oh god the comedy in this anime.... I honestly have no idea how there are people who find it even remotely funny..... Like it's beyond terrible.
Aug 22, 2015 4:34 PM

Aug 2015
Nao spent the entire episode being an ungrateful brat.
Sala best girl
Aug 22, 2015 4:37 PM

Nov 2012
I don't know, I'm sort of like her, I'm not into the whole idea of meeting artists and famous people who I listen to or watch their creations, I just like what they create, doesn't mean I want to meet them. I wouldn't see say its ungrateful or anything.
Aug 22, 2015 4:40 PM

Aug 2014
Well it slightly redeems that cancerous episode 7

I am easily entertained.

Aug 22, 2015 4:54 PM
Oct 2013
Feels like there's a connection between the vocalist and the male MC.

Like when she said that her little brother was kidnapped and the male MC feeling nostalgic about something. Hmm
Aug 22, 2015 4:57 PM

Sep 2014
Well this ep was decent i guess, they have 5 eps to develop the plot which really scares me due to all the time thats wasted on pointless shit and numerous unanswered questions. :/ i really hope they dont rush everything. The pacing in this anime is so messed up. Its hard to become attached to the characters and whats going on because when something does happen its almost always halted by meaningless crap. Goes from tradgey to bliss in a blink of the eye. Imo this anime is developing the same issues angel beats had but worse because Jun said multiple times it wouldn't happen. Only 5 eps left potential for greatness but i dunno i dont think itll hit its mark. Muh better now then during eps 1 to 5 which were a joke in comparison, but still nowhere near where it really should be by now :(
davinci12Aug 22, 2015 5:09 PM
Aug 22, 2015 5:08 PM
Oct 2014
What if he will completely regain consciousness and he recognize yuu? If yuu really lost his memories, maybe it would be possible o.o
Aug 22, 2015 5:18 PM
Jul 2015
This episode was really a big delusion.
Yes the mood change too abrutly but the weak point is the plot itself: he feel bad, his friends try to cheer him up, he'll go to a concert. He met a stranger that (oh! coincidence!) is the singer of that band, drag her around the city all the day (yeah bro, no problem!), let her performe a (magical) song that semi-healed the brother of her (girl?)friend. Yeah. *facepalm*
Aug 22, 2015 5:38 PM

Feb 2012
When Sala started to sing, I got goosebumps.. She has a nice calming singing voice.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Aug 22, 2015 5:42 PM

Jan 2010
So artificial, that world.

Now more than ever, I know that this is something created, there can be the 'real world', everything is so vague and artificial, neither more childish anime world would such an event, Yuu would not meet with the singer the band that was recommended to him days ago she would not cure the brother suddenly No, the reaction No, moreover, shows that everything is too artificial. I believe it can not be false, given his personality, so these reactions, unlike Kyousuke in Little Busters, Nao does not want to pretend so much that he is the 'perfect world'.
After this episode the loop theory at the time, for me, if esvairou.
I believe much more in a coma or experience with Yuu. Room appears out of nowhere to 'help' to realize that he is becoming a better human?

My new theory:
In the real world even, Yuu lost his sister, just as lost in the artificial world, and with that, he went out there doing what they did in the previous episode, but way worse. So much so that he ended up being hospitalized, and as an aid for it, given this treatment 'Sword Art Online' an artificial world, him going through the same experiences again, and see if, this time, it could change everything with the help of not (now do not know if he knew before, or not, but I think so).
Yuu is being tested to see if the scientists / doctors can wake him up, I think the brother of No, in this case, is also one of those patients! The powers exist in the real world as well, I believe the 'image' of the brother of No at artificial is kind of a touch pro Yuu realize what really happened, so far, he is passing the tests, but as this is the key, I believe that will happen any more shit to test it until it can be 'free'. Perhaps the death of Nao, because of what she said in a previous episodes.
I prefer it that way, than an Angel Beats 2 as my last theory proposed. Ok this is Little Busters! too much, but it makes sense and would be well embedded in the script.
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Aug 22, 2015 5:55 PM
Dec 2014
So i saw the last episode of Charlotte and since i've already seen Angel Beats i started thinking about a few things.
First of all during Angel Beats opening we see Ayumi with Kanade
Then after Ayumi dies Yuu watches Angel Beats
And lastly in the 8th episode we have a girl(the singer) that looks like Iwasawa in Angel Beats.When he heart the singer sing,he started dreaming a field and felt nostalgic(could it be Angel Beats universe?)

Both Nao and Yuu are connected to the music,same as the two main characters in Angel Beats were connected in Real life and they are going to the same concert together.Also both male characters had sisters.Could it be somehow that those two are the reincarnation of Kanade and the other guy?Or that those worlds are connected?I know that since Yuu was watching Angel Beats as an anime,that wouldn't make any sense but if i'm not wrong time in Angel Beats was way too different than in real life
Aug 22, 2015 6:16 PM

Aug 2013
Look like Sala has a third eye : the feel eye. She can sense Yuu being on the feel train. No one get off the Wild Ride.

I sure didn't expected the nii-chan to snap out that quickly. A bit too quick for my taste. We have barely saw him two times.

I bursted out laughing when Takajou said that he '''understand even less'' now that he have looked for post-rock on the internet. It isn't directed to the same crowd as Yusarin fan...
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Aug 22, 2015 6:16 PM

Dec 2014
it was fine, but it feels like they wasted episodes with the whole 'power of the week' episodes. i feel they could've developed the characters more during the time
Aug 22, 2015 6:20 PM

Jun 2014
That ED song is still really emotional, I can just expect the tears to come in the finale.
Aug 22, 2015 6:21 PM
Apr 2015
So he magically met with the vocal of the band and just in one try brother remembered sister's name. Okay.
Vocal's reason behind the blindness was weak too. Some poor level story writing is going on here.
Aug 22, 2015 6:22 PM

Jan 2011
Barion-Zara said:
Miyuki and Sugita in one ep :O

Sala's awesome and her character design is so friggin beautiful. Her eyes are mesmerizing <3

! Miyuki at first i was thinking her English used to be a lot better from what i remembered only redeeming thing that happened was just Sala being here.

first half was pretty awful felt like everything prior to that didn't happen rest could of been real good but suffered from shitty pacing but hey 12eps
Aug 22, 2015 6:27 PM

Sep 2014
Also sala's engrish during the scene with nao's brother really ruined the mood for me. She has a beautiful voice, but can't believe they chose to ruin that potentially touching scene with terrible english . Wtf were they even thinking? A lot of the stuff going on in this anime seems way to fucking convenient like yu meeting sala. I really hope theres more to it, by the way nao reacted to it all think/hope there is. Like her setting it all up. If not then thats some bad writing
davinci12Aug 22, 2015 6:31 PM
Aug 22, 2015 6:29 PM
Apr 2014
I just couldn't focus too much because of all this Iwasawa vibe I was getting, daaaamn, those feels. - anime | manga | reviews
Aug 22, 2015 6:44 PM

Aug 2015
That was incredible. This series just keeps getting better and better with each episode. A fantastic amount of character development this episode, I love it.
There is nothing that cannot be stolen by Mouse.
Aug 22, 2015 6:54 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I really like this Sala girl....Such a heartwarming episode this was :'')
Aug 22, 2015 6:55 PM

Feb 2015
I like this show so far, my favorite this season, people on mal are half retarded and don't really get it so far which is alright.
How long until season 3 of Spice and Wolf?
The World May Never Know.
Aug 22, 2015 7:18 PM
Oct 2014
maybe the vocalist is his mother - i mean it's normal for them to not recognise each other considering how long they've been apart - and it would make sense for the children to inherit a type of gene from the mother to get powers -
mother abuses power in teens to get famous (who knows what it is)
met a guy and had both her children (yu is 15 and ayumi is prob around 12)
Aug 22, 2015 7:28 PM

Dec 2012
This episode could've been the turning point but instead, it just re-emphasized the fact that Jun Maeda is garbage these days and can't come up with anything good anymore.

-Back to the same unfunny jokes.
-Another massive plot movement based on a 1 in a 1000000 improbable occurrence. A random high school boy stumbling upon a vocalist of a famous band on his way home, bonding incredibly quickly through sheer coincidence. It could've been handled better without any 'comedic' food thing.
-How long has it been since the imouto died? Looks like MC got over it pretty fast compared to last episode.
-"Nao changed me" how? For the entire runtime she has been an abusive, unlikable, "such a turnoff" shouting, emotionless and manipulative bitch. I don't see it.
-Deus ex machina brother recovery. He recovered to the song, not to her presence. Why not put ZHIEND music for him earlier? Or at least make it look like he was impressed by the lead singer being right next to him.

5 episodes left, some characters yet to be introduced, and romantic ending on sight (somehow). It amazes me how this Maeda guy thinks that all of his viewers are retarded.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Aug 22, 2015 7:36 PM

Aug 2015
Infatuate said:
This episode could've been the turning point but instead, it just re-emphasized the fact that Jun Maeda is garbage these days and can't come up with anything good anymore.

-Back to the same unfunny jokes.
-Another massive plot movement based on a 1 in a 1000000 improbable occurrence. A random high school boy stumbling upon a vocalist of a famous band on his way home, bonding incredibly quickly through sheer coincidence. It could've been handled better without any 'comedic' food thing.
-How long has it been since the imouto died? Looks like MC got over it pretty fast compared to last episode.
-"Nao changed me" how? For the entire runtime she has been an abusive, unlikable, "such a turnoff" shouting, emotionless and manipulative bitch. I don't see it.
-Deus ex machina brother recovery. He recovered to the song, not to her presence. Why not put ZHIEND music for him earlier? Or at least make it look like he was impressed by the lead singer being right next to him.

5 episodes left, some characters yet to be introduced, and romantic ending on sight (somehow). It amazes me how this Maeda guy thinks that all of his viewers are retarded.
You're looking too far into it. Actually, I do believe it's going to be a turning point, there are just some events in this episode that hint that big changes are coming.
There is nothing that cannot be stolen by Mouse.
Aug 22, 2015 7:37 PM
Apr 2012
Infatuate said:
This episode could've been the turning point but instead, it just re-emphasized the fact that Jun Maeda is garbage these days and can't come up with anything good anymore.

-Back to the same unfunny jokes.
-Another massive plot movement based on a 1 in a 1000000 improbable occurrence. A random high school boy stumbling upon a vocalist of a famous band on his way home, bonding incredibly quickly through sheer coincidence. It could've been handled better without any 'comedic' food thing.
-How long has it been since the imouto died? Looks like MC got over it pretty fast compared to last episode.
-"Nao changed me" how? For the entire runtime she has been an abusive, unlikable, "such a turnoff" shouting, emotionless and manipulative bitch. I don't see it.
-Deus ex machina brother recovery. He recovered to the song, not to her presence. Why not put ZHIEND music for him earlier? Or at least make it look like he was impressed by the lead singer being right next to him.

5 episodes left, some characters yet to be introduced, and romantic ending on sight (somehow). It amazes me how this Maeda guy thinks that all of his viewers are retarded.

I believe Maeda did not write the script for a 13 episode series. The blame should be more on the directing and the way the episode is executed. The comedy in this show is poor because of the way it is presented, and is likely condensed alot due to time issues, not the actual writing.
Aug 22, 2015 7:38 PM

Dec 2012
Also, 7 minutes of filler. Any particular reason to put that horrid engrish song by yusa?

I was cringing the entire time.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Aug 22, 2015 7:41 PM

May 2012
Infatuate said:
Also, 7 minutes of filler. Any particular reason to put that horrid engrish song by yusa?

I was cringing the entire time.

I'll agree with that.

On the topic of engrish, Sala's voice and song were pretty damn soothing.

Anyway, definitely a better episode that the last, though it still feels pretty rushed. Eh. It's still entertaining at least.

Aug 22, 2015 7:45 PM

Dec 2012
Olem said:
Infatuate said:
Also, 7 minutes of filler. Any particular reason to put that horrid engrish song by yusa?

I was cringing the entire time.

I'll agree with that.

On the topic of engrish, Sala's voice and song were pretty damn soothing.

Anyway, definitely a better episode that the last, though it still feels pretty rushed. Eh. It's still entertaining at least.

Inb4 it has a hidden meaning.

The things that have hidden meanings that are "going to be explained later"are piling up LOL

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Aug 22, 2015 7:46 PM

Apr 2015
Infatuate said:
Olem said:

I'll agree with that.

On the topic of engrish, Sala's voice and song were pretty damn soothing.

Anyway, definitely a better episode that the last, though it still feels pretty rushed. Eh. It's still entertaining at least.

Inb4 it has a hidden meaning.

The things that have hidden meanings that are "going to be explained later"are piling up LOL

It better do it fast and good because we're running out of time.
Aug 22, 2015 7:48 PM

Sep 2014
Infatuate said:
Olem said:

I'll agree with that.

On the topic of engrish, Sala's voice and song were pretty damn soothing.

Anyway, definitely a better episode that the last, though it still feels pretty rushed. Eh. It's still entertaining at least.

Inb4 it has a hidden meaning.

The things that have hidden meanings that are "going to be explained later"are piling up LOL

Dont worry everything will be explained in five episodes.....
Aug 22, 2015 7:55 PM

Apr 2015
davinci12 said:
Dont worry everything will be explained in five episodes.....

How do you know?
Aug 22, 2015 7:56 PM

Dec 2012
Tylaen said:
davinci12 said:
Dont worry everything will be explained in five episodes.....

How do you know?

I guess he's being sarcastic.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Aug 22, 2015 7:58 PM

Apr 2015
Infatuate said:
Tylaen said:

How do you know?

I guess he's being sarcastic.

I'm never sure.
Aug 22, 2015 7:58 PM

Dec 2009
"Why does it feel so nostalgic?" time travel coming up?
Aug 22, 2015 8:13 PM
Apr 2012
By the way, anyone else besides me thinks that Nao was there beside Yuu when Sala was singing to Nao's brother and when her brother said "Nao" maybe he was saying to Nao who was actually there. I don't know why Nao choose to be invisible though.
Aug 22, 2015 8:19 PM

Jul 2013
flack said:
By the way, anyone else besides me thinks that Nao was there beside Yuu when Sala was singing to Nao's brother and when her brother said "Nao" maybe he was saying to Nao who was actually there. I don't know why Nao choose to be invisible though.

Cause she's pretending like she doesn't care to Yuu earlier.

Aug 22, 2015 8:28 PM

Jan 2015
Kundalini said:

The way Tomori spoke on the phone, she had given up all hope and scared to hope again. I wonder if she'd tried to make her brother listen to the songs. She was scared it would be an empty attempt again so she didn't want to drag someone into her personal matter, so she preferred not to get involved. Yuu was free to do what he pleased.

I agree with this. She should have been more excited by Yuu's idea but she had given up all hope. That's why she sounded so amazed at the end of the episode when she was talking to Yuu; she didn't think that anything would happen when Sala met her brother.

Kundalini said:
Knowing that Tomori was with him alllll of that time when he was off being nuts also obviously has an affect. He wouldn't want to drag her into his depression again like that.

Good point.

minouneetzoe said:

I bursted out laughing when Takajou said that he '''understand even less'' now that he have looked for post-rock on the internet. It isn't directed to the same crowd as Yusarin fan...

I checked Wikipedia to figure out what post-rock was after watching episode 5 and my reaction was the same as Takajou's... Seriously, it confused me even more.
MALoween 2017 Candy:
Aug 22, 2015 8:30 PM

Sep 2014
Tylaen said:
Infatuate said:

I guess he's being sarcastic.

I'm never sure.

Aug 22, 2015 8:31 PM
Jul 2018
oxfordroyale said:
Ayumi_Otosaka said:

You, mister, thinks like me. It's been one week that this theory's in my head, and I got lots of proof. Yuu doesn't have a brother, but another sister. And she is Sala.

How do you explain the glimpses of a person who looks nothing like Sala when Yuu is remembering his brother?

That, my friend, is called memory altering.
Aug 22, 2015 8:32 PM
Oct 2014
It's a filler. But it's an enjoyable one.

After that emotional roller coaster in the previous episode things are finally back to normal. Normal here means lame jokes, uninteresting relationship and overreactions. The only difference here is that there is no Ayumi, which is sad because her jokes are the only thing that has me laughing. So with this episode, Yuu uses music as a cure for Nao's brother. That is kinda cool. The song Sala sings at the end it quite good.

I really don't like Sala. The first thing she says when meeting Yuu is asking him to feed her. That's just stupid. I thought Japanese, even their women, are more honorable and respectful than that. As a matter of fact, no girl in this anime has any sense of feminism whatsoever, except Yusa who has way too much of that.

Overall verdict is 3.5 out of 5. I have no idea if this is supposed to be a build-up for bigger things to come. Let's see.
Aug 22, 2015 8:37 PM

May 2015
ahaha this episode is for music, especially sala with her beautiful voice
Aug 22, 2015 8:41 PM
Jan 2013
MrGoldiii said:
wow you fags watched it raw :'(

Actually I really admire the work the fan translators did for the supposedly english lyrics. I couldn't understand those at all. The Japanese bits were not so problematic as the English ones.

Great episode though. Tomori is great as always. Her views on meeting celebrities surprised me. Seems like Yu has an uphill battle to win if he plans on getting her to date him.
Aug 22, 2015 8:50 PM

Aug 2014
It was a good episode. I loved this Sala girl. I loved Iwasawa from Angel Beats and so I love this girl.

If Evangelion were Rokka no Yuusha the seventh would be Shinji.
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