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Aug 8, 2015 1:48 AM

Feb 2012
Another bad*ss episode! Crazy awesome sh*t going on! Rori was on a rampage along with the small military girl!

Ugh, another cliffhanger!!!
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Aug 8, 2015 2:00 AM
Jun 2015
Rory is best girl.
Aug 8, 2015 2:08 AM

Mar 2012
Annuvin said:
llcruz said:
Couldn't they just go back at the end? They didn't need to leave him behind.

His reason for staying behind was obviously to create a harem.

That sneaky bastard.
Aug 8, 2015 2:08 AM

Jul 2013
The music when Rory was slaughtering the enemy was just epic!!

Plus that Flight of the Valkyrie!!

I was like
Aug 8, 2015 2:12 AM
Jun 2013
SayuriUliana said:
greed2 said:
I kind of laughed when that soldier literally started the music, ride of the valkyries, as if that would ever happen in an actual military mission.

Actually, it does. The US military has a habit of doing such things, such as in both Gulf Wars. This link has more on that:

See the sections starting from "Vietnam" below, which list several examples of music being played going into, and during battle, like the following from the link:

"Flying in Army helicopters they played taped music…over enemy territory. The purpose…was to draw enemy fire in order to pinpoint the location of the Viet Cong on the ground. Orbiting gunships would then swoop down for the kill…The heavy metal rock music selection by Iron Butterfly was the most effective noise for drawing enemy fire. "

And another good example:

"During the November 2004 battle of Fallujah, Marine Humvees with loudspeakers blasted the song “Back in Black,” by the heavy metal band AC/DC, during the fighting. There were also reports that the Americans “played the cavalry charge and loud sonar pings, along with the sounds of maniacal laughter and babies wailing.” Another tactic employed in the battle for Fallujah was disrupting the insurgent’s ability to rally their troops by playing high-pitched whines from loudspeakers whenever the insurgents issued their calls to arms over their own loudspeakers. These often ad hoc tactics are meant to frighten and disrupt the minds of the enemy and may be especially effective among certain cultures. For example, during interrogations of Iraqi fighters, American interrogators played the song "Enter Sandman" by the heavy metal group Metallica. The interrogators reported that this was an especially effective interrogation tool. "

Oh, thanks. I didn't know that; and here I thought they were acting a bit unprofessional since things such as stealth and surprise attacks are often a major element for a military.
Aug 8, 2015 2:14 AM

Jun 2015
Great action!
Looks like Youji is in a pinch yet again. Pity the guy D:

Loved the scene with the sassy duo. Rory is scary but awesome <33

Thoroughly LOLed at this part. Smile was too sweet to be true, haha!

Aug 8, 2015 2:42 AM

Jan 2014
I fucking knew it by the preview.

damn son that Ride of the Valkyries music
air support always make you feel good
NakatoshiAug 8, 2015 2:51 AM
"The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is..cuteness! Cute makes right! All our needs, desires, and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!" - Sora
Aug 8, 2015 3:53 AM

Oct 2014
LOLRory xD

This episode
Aug 8, 2015 4:07 AM

Aug 2015
Good episode. Rory is starting to become my favorite female character from this season.
Aug 8, 2015 4:15 AM

Dec 2013
hinore said:
Genix said:

How is that a good thing?! Why do some people hate fansevice? Now I feel like reading the manga more lol

Also, @hinore:

Dude, it's called diplomacy. Building good relations with the locals would move more along their agenda. Didn't you see how the public reacted back home in Japan when news about the Fire Drake's slaughtering of the elf village? They pointed fingers at the Army for over use of force.

Soldiers don't practice diplomacy when someone is pointing a weapon at your throat.

Understand the situation:

They left their buddy, their superior officer with the enemy. An enemy that doesn't understand to treat their prisoners well, remember the treaty?

Now look at the real world.

Would you Leave your buddy with the VC or NVA during Vietnam?

How about in Iraq or Afghanistan?

How 'diplomatic' are you going to be?

How is this situation different?

And you can't say they aren't the enemy. Itami told everyone who they were, and given their treatment at swordpoint, it was obvious they didn't know about the treaty.

So would you leave your friend with an enemy who didn't know the war was over and hope they didn't torture or outright behead him?

As for the overuse of force. The soldier in the protected area won't know that because all news is censored in the battle theatre. One of the lessons learned from Vietnam.

You go on about how the other side treats their prisoners inhumanely but I don't think that they know that. Don't forget about the language barrier and how they can only understand a few things of what they say. AND they agreed to treating them humanely as well by the way.

And the whole units objective is to get on good terms with the people. If they opened fire on them it would have caused serious issues.

Itami understood that and that was why told them to stand down. Plus even if a group doesn't know about the treaty it will still cause problems if they killed them. ESPECIALLY if the group that KNOWS about the treaty opens fire first.

Itami also had a sword right on his throat, if they opened fire he probably would have died anyway. Don't underestimate the sharpness of swords, especially if they're used to kill people. Itami also issued the order to run. You DON'T disobey an order even if that means someone has to die.
Aug 8, 2015 4:44 AM

Dec 2014
Well, another 2 beauties will be added to mc's unofficial harem. XD

Itami grabbing/touching the non-existent. :)
Aug 8, 2015 5:01 AM

Jun 2013
hinore said:
Genix said:

How is that a good thing?! Why do some people hate fansevice? Now I feel like reading the manga more lol

Also, @hinore:

Dude, it's called diplomacy. Building good relations with the locals would move more along their agenda. Didn't you see how the public reacted back home in Japan when news about the Fire Drake's slaughtering of the elf village? They pointed fingers at the Army for over use of force.

Soldiers don't practice diplomacy when someone is pointing a weapon at your throat.

Understand the situation:

They left their buddy, their superior officer with the enemy. An enemy that doesn't understand to treat their prisoners well, remember the treaty?

Now look at the real world.

Would you Leave your buddy with the VC or NVA during Vietnam?

How about in Iraq or Afghanistan?

How 'diplomatic' are you going to be?

How is this situation different?

And you can't say they aren't the enemy. Itami told everyone who they were, and given their treatment at swordpoint, it was obvious they didn't know about the treaty.

So would you leave your friend with an enemy who didn't know the war was over and hope they didn't torture or outright behead him?

As for the overuse of force. The soldier in the protected area won't know that because all news is censored in the battle theatre. One of the lessons learned from Vietnam.

I'm pretty sure he had a com on him, he can just report back on the situation and they can track his location. They have technology.

Although this is just a logical assumption, I don't know what events transpire in the manga.


Unrelated, but why did Rory hit Itami for grabbing her? She was all up on his dick in the earlier episodes, she seems like she would love for him to touch her. Stupid tropes.
Aug 8, 2015 5:17 AM

Jan 2011
JSDF too OP. And that battle music is such epicness.

Wouldn't Rory just get more orgasms from killing the bandits? Can't imagine fighting on the battlefield while having an orgasm at the same time. Pretty sure the killings have been toned down for that fight... Would've wanted to see slightly more gore though.

testamentKAISER said:
Well, another 2 beauties will be added to mc's unofficial harem. XD

Itami grabbing/touching the non-existent. :)

This. He wants to add all dem roses to his harem.
And was that a harpy there?
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Aug 8, 2015 5:27 AM

Feb 2014
The war-time music being played with the helicopters was purely epic!

"Why do you guys sit on your helmets?"
"So we don't get our balls blown off!" This has made my day. XD

Rory was pure awesome in this episode, from the intense orgasms(?) she was having, then inevitably joining in the battle and destroying the enemies left, right & centre. She also made a good pairing with the female SDF soldier who also was like a boss with her fighting skills.

Poor Youji, not realising that while holding Rory in his arms, he was accidently touching her breast. Then he got slapped in the face by the female knights when he tried to negotiate with them. So now he's being held captive by the female knights while the rest of his party heads back to Arnus Hill.

Hopefully he'll be fine........I hope. ^^;
Aug 8, 2015 6:58 AM
Jul 2015
Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries', Airstrikes, Apocalyse now references, a pair of badass girls, and finally, female knights. This almost give me orgasm! Damn, FEEL DA POWAAA!

However, they skipped some parts like Pina's wild imagination about kissing the Colonel's boot and when Tomita blushed when Bozes grab his collar, but it's not really important. But I found something strange, I see the corpses has holes on their bodies but they lack of bloods.

5/5, the best episode of the, it's the best episode of the season!
Aug 8, 2015 7:26 AM

Dec 2010
The red-haired girl was completely useless. Just watched the townspeople die lmao.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 8, 2015 7:49 AM

Sep 2014
Best episode yet. I actually enjoyed this episode. Rory going all PMS was hilarious tho lel.
Aug 8, 2015 9:22 AM
Aug 2012
hinore said:

Would you Leave your buddy with the VC or NVA during Vietnam?

The book on which Apocalypse Now is based, Heart of Darkness, had natives in the jungles of Congo instead of VC.

Maybe our man will go rogue to become their god or mingle with natives in the heart of their territory like Kurtz did. That'd be interesting to see
Aug 8, 2015 10:17 AM

Aug 2010
The military is on a whole different level.

Rory is batshit insane in a good way. That kind of craziness turns me on :)
Aug 8, 2015 10:20 AM

Jul 2011
Just waiting for that one awesome guy to make a gif for the scene at 8:09.
Aug 8, 2015 10:54 AM

Dec 2007
Takuan_Soho said:
Jonny_Mhl said:
My issue is the hypocrisy passed in some points of Gate and not with the series itself, this episode has 2 strong points in this: First they shoot at the soldiers inside the city even when they stopped fighting

They hadn't stopped fighting, they were a bit in shock because of the helicopter, but they hadn't stopped fighting (as the various scenes showing their leaders calling for regrouping). What they had done was to form a shield wall, those are not only used for defense but also for offense. That they were lining up showed that they were not going to surrender.

Jonny_Mhl said:
and the second is I still can't figure out why Kurebayashi rushed alone with a bayonet into the crowd when she picks on Itami about his behaviours even when he is a far superior not only in rank but also in experience.

Don't forget that the JSDF doesn't fight in the real world (being restricted to just Japan), so Itami doesn't have more combat experience than Kurebayshi, indeed she probably does have more (and her bayonet is attached to a machine gun), also remember that Itami ordered her to stay with Rori, so she is just obeying his order. But keep your points in mind because the writer WANTS you to think what you did because it becomes a great joke about two episodes from now.
Actually, at this point, Itami has more actual experience - Kurebayashi wasn't there when the gate appeared, and he was with her every time she fought. Her actual reason was that she's the gung ho type that actually joined the military to fight. She got carried away because it was her first chance to do so.

Molek123 said:
About helmets and guts: helikopters have not strong armor. The crossbow bolt can penetrate through it on close distance. And you never know what kind od weapon enenmy have.
Nothing of the sort. Any attack in this world that could injure someone by going through the floor of the helicopter is going to take out the whole cabin, if not the whole helicopter. It's just an additional part of the Apocalypse Now reference.

hinore said:
Genix said:

How is that a good thing?! Why do some people hate fansevice? Now I feel like reading the manga more lol

Also, @hinore:

Dude, it's called diplomacy. Building good relations with the locals would move more along their agenda. Didn't you see how the public reacted back home in Japan when news about the Fire Drake's slaughtering of the elf village? They pointed fingers at the Army for over use of force.

Soldiers don't practice diplomacy when someone is pointing a weapon at your throat.

Understand the situation:

They left their buddy, their superior officer with the enemy. An enemy that doesn't understand to treat their prisoners well, remember the treaty?

Now look at the real world.

Would you Leave your buddy with the VC or NVA during Vietnam?

How about in Iraq or Afghanistan?

How 'diplomatic' are you going to be?

How is this situation different?

And you can't say they aren't the enemy. Itami told everyone who they were, and given their treatment at swordpoint, it was obvious they didn't know about the treaty.

So would you leave your friend with an enemy who didn't know the war was over and hope they didn't torture or outright behead him?

As for the overuse of force. The soldier in the protected area won't know that because all news is censored in the battle theatre. One of the lessons learned from Vietnam.

You're misapplying principles.
1) The JSDF is NOT like other militaries. They've become something of a joke internationally with how quickly they drop and run. Many of their personnel even joined with the explicit belief they would never see actual combat.
2) Itami is not exactly your typical soldier material. He has his good points, but he's more misfit than military.
3) Your principle applies mainly to actual warfare and defense against raids, where if you leave someone behind, it's very probable that they'll never come back. It doesn't work the same way in peacetime (an agreement was in effect, so this qualifies). When a situation like this occurs, officers are expected to assess the situation, and recognize that they will cause all sorts of trouble for their superiors if they go off half-cocked, which will naturally get funneled to them. Yet, if they retreat, their comrade will almost certainly be repatriated at little to no cost to the military or country.
Itami's decision was the correct one for this situation. That wasn't his reasoning, but even military officers would admit that in the unique situation here, that was the right choice. And his subordinates only had the options of both disobeying an order and violating the agreement he was trying to protect, or trusting the other party wasn't stupid enough to do so themselves.
4) The rule does not say you never under any circumstances leave someone behind even if doing so automatically causes you to fail your mission. It's really about only doing so if there's no alternative within the framework of the mission/operation, and doing everything possible to get them back if you have to. It's hardly an absolute never ever, or every military would be violating it regularly.
ErwinJAAug 8, 2015 10:59 AM
Aug 8, 2015 10:55 AM

Jun 2014
Rory is a free massacre right there
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Aug 8, 2015 11:04 AM

Jun 2013
Primeval said:
Just waiting for that one awesome guy to make a gif for the scene at 8:09.

4 u

Aug 8, 2015 11:34 AM

Jan 2014
Hmm of course.. gimme em hell chopper, such killing spree :o. Now the poor lieutenant has been taken by knights... and it doesn't seem like he will be treated particularly nice.
Aug 8, 2015 11:55 AM

Aug 2013
Am I the only one that thinks one of the reasons Itami let himself get captured so easily is because he's trying to avoid having to speak to the Diet?
Aug 8, 2015 1:01 PM

Nov 2014
Quite boring ep despite intense fight well it wasn't a fight but just op characters running around killing everyone kind of thing. Dem Rory scenes tho.
Aug 8, 2015 1:57 PM
Nov 2012
ErwinJA said:
Itami is not exactly your typical soldier material. He has his good points, but he's more misfit than military.

He's doing pretty well as a leader. He hasn't made a bad tactical call yet.

Letting himself be captured is a good call. He doesn't want a massacre, and the knights don't realize they're way outgunned. He knows the knights are headed for Italica, where Pina will straighten things out.
Aug 8, 2015 3:34 PM

Apr 2010
Start the music!
Ahhhh... so fucking good. I thought that was code for something but he wasn't fucking around. They actually had speakers on the Hueys. What a splendid massacre.

Aug 8, 2015 3:46 PM

Apr 2015
I liked the use of the Ride of the Valkyries.
Aug 8, 2015 4:12 PM
Jul 2015
testamentKAISER said:
Well, another 2 beauties will be added to mc's unofficial harem. XD

Itami grabbing/touching the non-existent. :)

No, not Itami's
[spoiler] The blonde ringlet curl (Boozes) will be Tomita's (Itami's driver) wife.
Aug 8, 2015 5:24 PM

Jun 2010
Some peoples fetish for and obsessive need for battles to be bloody on this forum is really disturbing. Can you really not enjoy an action scene if blood isn't flying everywhere and covering the screen? Like jesus christ dude.

The choreography for the fight with Rory and Shino fighting the attackers was awesome, but the first few posts I read is just "Zomg they toned it down not enough blood!"
Aug 8, 2015 6:55 PM
Mar 2008
All that matters is.. Wagner, a sunrise, "Kilroy Was Here" reference, and an epic Vietnam style helicopter attack, and one of the most memorable helicopter gunship scenes in an Anime.. ever... and even Vietnam style helicopter tactics in an Japanese FANTASY HAREM Anime of all things in 2015 haha ;) 10/10 sorry, but even this Anime goes down in flames on ep 7, this episode single handedly made it a 10/10 ;)

essentially the Apocalypse Now episode... at first I couldn't believe they were actually doing that ;P

And hey, let's not talk about how sad this Anime is when you think about it. We would be so utterly superior to that civilization with drones, NVG's, Silencers, simple radio technology, MLRS and assorted it'd not even be a fight. And our economic drive to exploit everything would destroy that world too. Within 5 years corporations would mine and farm whatever they could. Alone the OIL we could find there could extend our own worlds dependency on it for many generations. So the political pressure on Japan to open the Gate for exploitation would be insane.... Itami likely wanted to stay in this world, knowing full well that after the meeting he might never be allowed back with the same freedom or agenda.
Aug 8, 2015 7:14 PM

Apr 2015
511423214989 said:
testamentKAISER said:
Well, another 2 beauties will be added to mc's unofficial harem. XD

Itami grabbing/touching the non-existent. :)

No, not Itami's
[spoiler] The blonde ringlet curl (Boozes) will be Tomita's (Itami's driver) wife.

They should have sent all "single" soldiers to the other side. ^_^

It'll solve the population problem.
Aug 8, 2015 7:56 PM

Jun 2014
The manga/ LN readers really hyped this episode up...

And it was kinda boring. The helicopters were cool when they rolled up, but i wanted to see more ground fighting with the JSDF backing up Rory.

That misunderstanding though...
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Aug 8, 2015 9:55 PM

Jul 2011
Rebelhero said:
The manga/ LN readers really hyped this episode up...

And it was kinda boring. The helicopters were cool when they rolled up, but i wanted to see more ground fighting with the JSDF backing up Rory.

That misunderstanding though...

iirc in the manga there is more fighting in general in that scene, but i might be wrong.
Aug 8, 2015 10:53 PM

Dec 2012
neonie said:
Some peoples fetish for and obsessive need for battles to be bloody on this forum is really disturbing. Can you really not enjoy an action scene if blood isn't flying everywhere and covering the screen? Like jesus christ dude.

But when that kind of massacre happened & almost no blood shown whatsoever, now that's a problem. It's too clean. Very unrealistic & illogical from a narrative standpoint.
I like anime.
Aug 8, 2015 11:02 PM
Nov 2014
This episode was the best so far. Loved the mayhem of the battle.
Also, I think I may be one of the only ones who dislikes Rory. She's kind of annoying so far. Hopefully, they expand on her more as the anime progresses.
Aug 8, 2015 11:10 PM

Jul 2009
raptor980 said:
This episode was the best so far. Loved the mayhem of the battle.
Also, I think I may be one of the only ones who dislikes Rory. She's kind of annoying so far. Hopefully, they expand on her more as the anime progresses.
I don't dislike her but I definitely don't like her. She feels like 2 archetypes smashed together with a handful of quirks; meaning she hasn't really shown a personality of her own thus far.
Aug 9, 2015 12:39 AM

May 2013
Pat_To_Do-List said:
But when that kind of massacre happened & almost no blood shown whatsoever, now that's a problem. It's too clean. Very unrealistic & illogical from a narrative standpoint.

The simple truth is that hollywood has made people believe that people ooze five or ten liters or blood in seconds when shot, just like people believe cars explode when they collide. The simple truth is that the human body does not have that much blood nor it gushes at high speed from any whole.
Aug 9, 2015 12:49 AM

Dec 2007
oldskoolpunk said:
ErwinJA said:
Itami is not exactly your typical soldier material. He has his good points, but he's more misfit than military.

He's doing pretty well as a leader. He hasn't made a bad tactical call yet.

Letting himself be captured is a good call. He doesn't want a massacre, and the knights don't realize they're way outgunned. He knows the knights are headed for Italica, where Pina will straighten things out.
He typically makes the morally and politically correct calls, but regularly throws military discipline out the window while doing so. While some of that is SOP, he takes it to a level that normally would see him punished regularly and severely. He's also a bit too lazy and unambitious, to the extent I'm still trying to figure out why he'd joined the army, of all possible careers. The only reason I can think of was that it was easy to get the job, seeing as the JSDF is has always had a relative shortage of personnel.
Aug 9, 2015 1:22 AM

Dec 2014
511423214989 said:
testamentKAISER said:
Well, another 2 beauties will be added to mc's unofficial harem. XD

Itami grabbing/touching the non-existent. :)

No, not Itami's

Seriously? :)

Is this in the LN or manga?
Aug 9, 2015 1:36 AM
Jul 2015
511423214989 said:
testamentKAISER said:
Well, another 2 beauties will be added to mc's unofficial harem. XD

Itami grabbing/touching the non-existent. :)

No, not Itami's
[spoiler] The blonde ringlet curl (Boozes) will be Tomita's (Itami's driver) wife.

ScoomKunAug 9, 2015 1:47 AM
Aug 9, 2015 1:51 AM

Apr 2012
mc is taking high risk to get a possible returns of more harems.
My Reviews and Rants:

Aug 9, 2015 4:42 AM

Dec 2012
mangamuscle said:
The simple truth is that hollywood has made people believe that people ooze five or ten liters or blood in seconds when shot, just like people believe cars explode when they collide. The simple truth is that the human body does not have that much blood nor it gushes at high speed from any whole.

Have you seen how there were so many corpses in this episode without any trace of blood whatsoever? And how the people shot by rotary cannons & not even bleeding? I am not asking for gushing blood like in Akame ga Kill or Code Geass, I am asking for at least a trace of blood. I have seen how people got injured many times & they're definitely not as clean as the ones in this episode.
I like anime.
Aug 9, 2015 5:24 AM

May 2013
Apart from the violence being toned down and yes, the lack of blood, this episode was just awful.

People, it's understandable that it's the Japanese Self Defense Force we're talking about, but you cannot be serious in this exact moment that you say "it was justified" or "it was the right choice". Not to mention that I have the STRONG feeling that the only reason it didn't end up with the knights getting killed, was because they didn't want to see the "poor and unarmed"(/s) women killed in TIMES OF WAR, where in the episode NOTHING (not even the treaty) explicitily stated "We are now at peace" or "We now have a truce" considering that our MC did NOT have such an authority to begin with.
To me it seems this is nothing more than a case of plot induced stupidity, pointing a sword at someone, especially against a military pesonnel will not result in a cheap attempt at a comedic turn towards the end.

Do you want to go more in depth about the history of one of the worst nations to deal with in war? The very same nation that has demonstrated that in times of war they were incapable of treating OTHER human beings that were NOT Japanese, and even themselves at times, with the respect commonly expected by hundreds of other nations around the world. Of course everyone has had their fair share of atrocities, but the Japanese military was especially cruel. It's possible that today it's a completely different thing, but I doubt it's that much different when there are still people that staunchly deny that the atrocities they committed were real. The part with the treaty was the most ironically hypocritical thing to show. For all we know they really have changed their ways, who knows, but I'm sorry I'm not going to believe that.
The suspension of disbelief required here was way too much, it made me doubt whether I should continue watching the show.

I just can't fathom how they could screw it up so much with one simple thing. It's pretty clear where this is going with this kind of main character and toned down plot. Let's say that our world would like to colonise the new one (in real life the likelihood that such thing would happen would be absurd) where it was even hinted in the anime, where do you think it's going to go? Of course it's going to be the PC choice of (just like Outbreak Company) saving those people. But what kind of retarded excuse is going to be used? It would have been fine if they came up with more realistic choices, especially with the themes they're handling and with the show's intent to be taken seriously. But no, I would have been ok if, while following the anime they would have given a GOOD reason or act more realistically, and we've seen it in the world, in real life information during war time is controlled (as others have stated) and fabricating information in gray areas is not too hard for the victor. But no, instead we need to go on because we can't see some pretty girls getting killed. The JSDF being competent is one thing, but ignoring the realities of war is just way too much.
JalleiaAug 9, 2015 5:35 AM
Aug 9, 2015 6:35 AM
Jul 2015
Jalleia said:
Apart from the violence being toned down and yes, the lack of blood, this episode was just awful.

People, it's understandable that it's the Japanese Self Defense Force we're talking about, but you cannot be serious in this exact moment that you say &quot;it was justified&quot; or &quot;it was the right choice&quot;. Not to mention that I have the STRONG feeling that the only reason it didn't end up with the knights getting killed, was because they didn't want to see the &quot;poor and unarmed&quot;(/s) women killed in TIMES OF WAR, where in the episode NOTHING (not even the treaty) explicitily stated &quot;We are now at peace&quot; or &quot;We now have a truce&quot; considering that our MC did NOT have such an authority to begin with.
To me it seems this is nothing more than a case of plot induced stupidity, pointing a sword at someone, especially against a military pesonnel will not result in a cheap attempt at a comedic turn towards the end.

Do you want to go more in depth about the history of one of the worst nations to deal with in war? The very same nation that has demonstrated that in times of war they were incapable of treating OTHER human beings that were NOT Japanese, and even themselves at times, with the respect commonly expected by hundreds of other nations around the world. Of course everyone has had their fair share of atrocities, but the Japanese military was especially cruel. It's possible that today it's a completely different thing, but I doubt it's that much different when there are still people that staunchly deny that the atrocities they committed were real. The part with the treaty was the most ironically hypocritical thing to show. For all we know they really have changed their ways, who knows, but I'm sorry I'm not going to believe that.
The suspension of disbelief required here was way too much, it made me doubt whether I should continue watching the show.

I just can't fathom how they could screw it up so much with one simple thing. It's pretty clear where this is going with this kind of main character and toned down plot. Let's say that our world would like to colonise the new one (in real life the likelihood that such thing would happen would be absurd) where it was even hinted in the anime, where do you think it's going to go? Of course it's going to be the PC choice of (just like Outbreak Company) saving those people. But what kind of retarded excuse is going to be used? It would have been fine if they came up with more realistic choices, especially with the themes they're handling and with the show's intent to be taken seriously. But no, I would have been ok if, while following the anime they would have given a GOOD reason or act more realistically, and we've seen it in the world, in real life information during war time is controlled (as others have stated) and fabricating information in gray areas is not too hard for the victor. But no, instead we need to go on because we can't see some pretty girls getting killed. The JSDF being competent is one thing, but ignoring the realities of war is just way too much.

Don't forget, the 3rd recon team mission are to make good relation with the locals and sell the dragon scale. The helicopter squadron is there to assist the 3rd recon team to complete those missions.

Itami is still following order from his superior. Not mentioning he is the officer who has the highest rank in the field. So, he has the authority and is cleared to do any necessary to complete his mission.

And I think it's not a stupidity on why he ordered his men to hold fire and leave him. He did that because it will break the treaty they've just signed and the knight order don't has radio or even comms, so it's just a 'simple' misunderstanding. He also know that the princess WILL return him after the show of force. But if it's not, he still has the plan B. Remember, he's an experienced and smart officer not a useless, stupid high-schooler.
Aug 9, 2015 7:29 AM
Oct 2014
This episode is the best of the series so far. However, that is not saying much.

The part with the helicopters and the song, I thought I was watching one of those movies about the Vietnam War. As a person from Vietnam, I am not too bothered by that. The atmosphere of that scene is great.

The actions are quite nice with the SDF just absolutely massacre the brigands like they were nothing. That's what you get for bringing swords and spears against heavy machine guns. And Rory helps too. She is awesome.

What I am concerned is that there are many female warriors in this anime, and so far, all the deaths are men. I don't want to raise some sexist discussion here, but I would like if there are females among the brigands just as there are females among the knights.

The brigands feel dumb. They already take out one of the Imperial commander, and they are still confined to the area around the gate until morning. And then that leader gives a big talk, which is cheesy and feels like some generic villainy quote. I have no idea why at least a few of them are not running amok around the town, killing and pillaging.

I still don't find myself too attached with either the elf or the mage. I hope they get more involved later on.

Overall, this episode gets 3.5 out of 5 from me. I don't like previous episodes which consist mostly of build-up and some rather tamed interactions. However, this episode renews my hope with the series. I truly hope it will continue down the right track.
Aug 9, 2015 7:31 AM

Nov 2014
Wathcing Rory having orgasms made my day <.<

Though why did they disappear ?

People were still dying so idk why all of a sudden she is fine to kill some sons of bitches xD.

Itami told his men to leave because he knew that even though those girls were hostile they wouldn´t kill him. Telling his men to leave proved that he didn´t want to harm them. He is totally fine.

About the episode itself was cool to watch. I liked it.

There are no girls in the armies because they are not allowed to. The special forces that appeared in this episode were "Amazons" and you should know Amazons stands for a military group only made by womens. The way it was created was stupid as fuck but who cares anyway ..
ViscerasAug 9, 2015 7:35 AM

Aug 9, 2015 7:46 AM

Sep 2014
Good chapter, it seems Itami it's not going to the press conference soon! The girls are going to treat him badly i think, poor Itami. Also, the power of the army is way too overpowered, i cannot think in some threat to them in the story.
Aug 9, 2015 8:04 AM

Nov 2014
You still have the gods. Emroy for instance.

And they almost died figthing one fire dragon. Imagine what would happen if a group of them attacked all of a sudden their base. We didn´t see yet any magician as well so we don´t know what they capable of.

There should me more races to find out as well as new monsters. So far they only met humans and that sexy elf.

But if the story will have some problem for sure it will the fight over the GATE. We saw in one episode that the USA was interested in it and according to the soldiers Japan doesn´t have enough money to supply them (they are using new vehicles but the weapons are old and weak compared to the new models).

So something will happen for sure, either inside of the new world or out.

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