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Shugo Chara!
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Aug 3, 2009 12:33 AM

Jun 2008
This chapter had a nice feeling to it. Just kinda slow, and peaceful.

When Ikuto went to Tadase's house. Tadase's mom is such a B*TCH! If I could, I would of slapped her across the country.

Lol, at the airport too. Ikuto being stopped at the metal detector because he had to many metal on him xD
And the KISS O__O...on the cheek, though it was very close to the lips. No a big fan of Amuto since all the fangirls kinda ruin it (like how fangirls ruin Twilight)
Aug 3, 2009 1:10 AM

Jul 2008

And yeah, that peacefull feeling was really nice. But now I'm REALLY sad 'cause there's only one chapter left :'<

Aug 3, 2009 2:40 AM

Sep 2008

Can't wait for the last chapter!
Aug 3, 2009 3:34 AM

Aug 2007
ohmygosh THAT WAS A HUGE JUMP, i mean amuto is always pretty ambiguous. well i thought ikuto was pretty sudden at confessing his feelings, but well it's all good. the kiss was sweet. c:

Aug 3, 2009 6:09 AM
Jul 2018
waah i love this chapter. and lol at the people in the airport, they were supporting ikuto XD
but i can't believe there's just 1 chapter left.
Aug 3, 2009 6:28 AM

May 2008
That's now one of my favorite chapters <3 The kiss was so kawaii!!

Wahhhhh! D: Why does it have to end?! *sad*

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Aug 3, 2009 6:35 AM

Nov 2007
Nice chapter.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Aug 3, 2009 7:23 AM

Jan 2009
Gyaaaaa!!!The kiss was so cute!!~
Aug 3, 2009 7:32 AM

Mar 2009
Ikuto and Amu love each other. ^^
Aug 3, 2009 8:02 AM

Dec 2007
perfect chapter, great development I just loved it!!
I was worried because I thought that Amu would end up with Tadase, because of the age difference ( lol Ikuto is one year away from going to jail ), but I kinda expected Ikuto to go away until Amu is older.
Aug 3, 2009 9:44 AM

Apr 2008
Cuteness *-*
Although I was like 'wth?!' when Amu didn't went 'I love you too', Ikuto's idea is better x3

Now let's see if we get and ending for everyone and not just Ikuto and Amu..
Aug 3, 2009 10:01 AM

Feb 2009
So cutee <3 XD I fangirled throughout and giggled at Ikuto having so much metal and the look on his face. Hehe I missed those eyes xDD Oh god, "I'll definitely make you fall in love with me so prepare yourself" made my heart skip a beat, he's such a talker <3
Aug 3, 2009 10:13 AM

Jun 2008
"How much metal do you have on you, sir?"

Though I'm not that big of an Amuto fan, during the kiss scene, I was so happy that I hugged/choked my 8-year-old sister mext to me.
Poor child.
Aug 3, 2009 11:50 AM

Dec 2007
@Gradation: Actually Twilight ruins itself, no need the fangirls for that

Very cute chapter, with the return of Amu's stubborn side and Ikuto sharppening his resolve at the worst time possible. Some insights at Ikuto's relationship with Tadase's family (what a cool violin it is if it let's souls go peacefully to the afterlife) and the best part: the Airport. Amu didn't say what most people where waiting, but Ikuto didn't dissapoint the fans, nor the audience present at the airport, and kisses her right NEAR her lips thanks to the fact that the security was too busy checking the iron he carried... just as planned XD

Now I really wonder what will Peach Pit do for the new development, and I wonder even more where did people get that 44 will be the last chapter.
Aug 3, 2009 11:52 AM

Apr 2009
I absolutely adored this chapter! The Ikuto and Amu development was so sweet and reminiscent of their interaction as a whole :) I only hope the whole thing can be wrapped up properly with only one chapter to go (?)... Still, one of my fav chapters, overall.
Aug 3, 2009 12:15 PM

Feb 2009
blopa said:

Now I really wonder what will Peach Pit do for the new development, and I wonder even more where did people get that 44 will be the last chapter.

Twas an official announcement...somewhere, I don't remember where o_0

But we can't be certain.
Aug 3, 2009 12:39 PM

Aug 2008
Nice chapter...but I still feel as if there was something off. It didn't give me fangirl spasms like usual. Maybe it's because it was way too rushed. And Ikuto used the oh-so-typical "I'll make you fall for me, so prepare yourself" line. >_> Whatever, as long as it's an Amuto ending.
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Aug 3, 2009 2:35 PM
May 2008
how do you ppl know there's only one chapter left? was there an announcement somewhere?
but OMG that was amazing! Ikuto is so amazing and teasing at the same time. and amu has that pride that won't let her show him her true feelings. i LOVE it! lol

but yeah imo there are still too many things to tie up! how long is this last chapter gonna be?
Aug 3, 2009 2:58 PM

May 2007
dsrgnreflwandawnmfd;ne Amutoooo <3333 YESS!! :DDD

Also I dont think this manga will be over soon, since they still have to find the embryo and all that, you know. :P Although I hope Ikuto won't be gone for long...

Aug 3, 2009 3:30 PM

May 2009
they're probly just do a time skip and when she's older they'll met up and bam kiss (on the lips) embryo shows up or after they talk a little unlock the key and then it shows up but ikuto doesn't need it does he?

the kiss was well...expected but not the cheek more like on the forehead but that kiss was really colse to the lips huh?

amu and her stuborness *sigh*
i think i heard somewhere on the internet that both the anime and manga is gona end in setember

here's the site

well the next chapter is something to see huh?

Aug 4, 2009 4:16 AM

Nov 2007
Ikuto... kissed almost at Amu's lip!
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Aug 4, 2009 7:19 AM

May 2009
Am I the only one who likes TadasexAmu? Eh whatever.

A pretty good chapter, I like how Ikuto is going to look for his father or something.
There`s only one chapter left? What about all the other boys that liked Amu? I wonder if Nagihiko is going to confess. And what about Kairi? I guess everyone just forgot about him. =S
Aug 4, 2009 7:45 AM

May 2009
sweetlollipop said:
amu and her stuborness *sigh*
i think i heard somewhere on the internet that both the anime and manga is gona end in setember

The only things I can find are:
1) The Shugo Chara musical of which the DVD will be included with the sale of volume 10
2) "This fall, the Shugo Chara anime powers up!"
3) Shugo Chara 2010 calendar.

All on the first page of the latest chapter.

This chapter pretty much ends the Easter arc, but that doesn't per se mean the manga will end too. I can't find any solid information about it actually ending by then, so I'll consider it speculation till it's actually confirmed. I guess we will know more next month.

The anime homepage gives a date of September 30, which could be the final airing date, but I can't really find anything that suggest the show actually ends there. It makes sense if it would, since we have 8 episodes left to go to make a total of 102 episodes.

Anyway, I liked this chapter. Ikuto finally confirms what we suspected all this time, but Amu still keeps up her 'tough girl' exterior and only slightly tells him what she thinks of him.
Firelord76Aug 4, 2009 7:51 AM
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Aug 4, 2009 8:27 AM
Oct 2008
I really don't see where people get that "the series is ending" thing from. I have searched so many sites, English as well as Japanese and I couldn't find it anywhere. Also, to sum up what still needs to be taken care of:

* Nagihiko still has to tell Amu that he and Nadeshiko are one and the same person, and Amu's reaction to that.
* Amu has to realize she really loves Ikuto and she has to tell Tadase (and Ikuto, of course!) -- that is, if that's how it's going to end.
* What about the Embryo? The other Egg wasn't the Embryo after all. Does it even exist?
* Ikuto has to return. Because how else can Amu tell her feelings to him? (See point 2.)
* Graduation. Yaya is the only Guardian left and how will the group divide? Or are they going to go to the same middle school?
* I think more stuff about Tsukasa has to be revealed...
* Maybe there will be something about the age difference too.

So how are they going to put that into one chapter? I hope it won't end, but we can just wait and see...

Aug 4, 2009 9:52 AM

Dec 2007
i knew it would happend the amuto moment, last chapter next month, manga has been a piece of awesome-ness

Sumeragi Kururu - Pledge Queen of Tool Toul To

Aug 4, 2009 2:36 PM

Nov 2008
The Amuto-ness <3 [ but I thought the security would arrest Ikuto ]

TwilightShiva said:
how do you ppl know there's only one chapter left? was there an announcement somewhere?

I want to know too D:
__veniAug 4, 2009 2:40 PM
Aug 5, 2009 1:01 AM

Mar 2009
I really love this chapter!!

Specially when Ikuto said "I will make you fall in love with me. So prepare your self"
Join our village, where we can have fun together.

Aug 5, 2009 6:39 AM

Apr 2008
great chappy : 3
i really hope next ch isnt the last.. someone please give the source of where it says that Dx
Aug 6, 2009 11:05 AM
Jan 2009
Th-that was just awesome. Liked this chapter a lot. The people on the airpot were funny.

Aaaah I can't believe it's just one chapter left! T_T There's still so much to do!!
Aug 7, 2009 2:41 AM

Feb 2009
Valerie said:
I really don't see where people get that "the series is ending" thing from. I have searched so many sites, English as well as Japanese and I couldn't find it anywhere. Also, to sum up what still needs to be taken care of:

* Nagihiko still has to tell Amu that he and Nadeshiko are one and the same person, and Amu's reaction to that.
* Amu has to realize she really loves Ikuto and she has to tell Tadase (and Ikuto, of course!) -- that is, if that's how it's going to end.
* What about the Embryo? The other Egg wasn't the Embryo after all. Does it even exist?
* Ikuto has to return. Because how else can Amu tell her feelings to him? (See point 2.)
* Graduation. Yaya is the only Guardian left and how will the group divide? Or are they going to go to the same middle school?
* I think more stuff about Tsukasa has to be revealed...
* Maybe there will be something about the age difference too.

So how are they going to put that into one chapter? I hope it won't end, but we can just wait and see...

I don't remember I think it was Futari who said it last month or something. :/ Or a Peach Pit announcement on their site.

In any case, I'll be glad and heartbroken when it ends. God knows I'll miss Amuto. :(
And all the fans scrapping over who will end up with Amu.
Aug 7, 2009 1:28 PM
Dec 2007
Gaaaah! So cute... xD
Kinda wondering how Ikuto will make Amu fall in love with him while he's away...

But yes...
Still a lot of unanswered issues, so hopefully the next chapter will either be extended or there will be an anouncment for a second season... =) a SEQUEL! With them being older, and Amu actually being of age... [so that the relationship between her and Ikuto doesn't seem pedophilic...]

Loved the kiss, <3 I just went -daawwwwh-

I think it is rather obvious she preffers Ikuto to Tadase right now, if you ask me...
It has always pointed that way... when you find out they have the humpty key and lock, [and knowing that it really does belong with Ikuto...] and him living with her... all the Tadase-cuteness kind of diminishes. Besides, Ikuto gave her a kiss. And she blushed like crazy... besides, if you look at the previous chapter- too... LOTS of blushyness... =3

I hope for some sort of "Card Captor Sakura" ending... if anyone read that one. =)=)
Aug 10, 2009 2:05 AM
Nov 2008
ANYTHING BUT A TIME SKIP CHAPTER!!! (I'd rather have... Tadamu *shudders*)

I hated the CCS and Ultra Maniac endings, so if Shugo chara has to end, please be a time skip ARC!!!
lazyladyAug 10, 2009 2:12 AM
Aug 14, 2009 11:56 PM

Aug 2008
Is there really just one chapter left?

Oh God, please not a CCS ending.

I can't wait 'till September T______T

Aug 17, 2009 9:05 AM

Feb 2008
Goodbye Shugo Chara. ;-;
Maybe sweet manga goddesses bring you to sweet slumber.
Aug 17, 2009 9:11 AM

Feb 2008
Cruncher said:
Am I the only one who likes TadasexAmu? Eh whatever.

A pretty good chapter, I like how Ikuto is going to look for his father or something.
There`s only one chapter left? What about all the other boys that liked Amu? I wonder if Nagihiko is going to confess. And what about Kairi? I guess everyone just forgot about him. =S

I like Tadase. It gave me chills when he acts so cute.
If I were 5 years younger....
Aug 24, 2009 5:59 AM

Jun 2008
this chapter was really Amuto <3 i really enjoy it ^^ i wonder how amu will end up .. with tadase or ikuto >.< i dont think there will be only 1 chapter left :S when i look at the other site they said : ongoing i think is just a rumor ... als dont you think is its weird to end the story like this....
v* G-Dragon with Butterfly :3* v
Aug 30, 2009 10:44 PM

Feb 2008
Lawl @ the poll.
Everyone seems to LOVE this chapter. xD

I highly doubt that the next chapter would be the last chapter.
I do however believe that the Ikuto arc has ended. -nods-

I love this chapter. I would've have died over hyperventilating and cardiac arrest both if I had heart or had problems breathing xDDD Hahaha~
(or I could've nosebled until I lose all my blood xDD LMFAO)

I heard however that the anime's about to end this month.
(oh wait, it's still Aug 31 right now.)
So like September. :'p
(is it a curse coz it's my birthmonth? D: why would they end it on my birthmonth!? lawl)

I used to dislike Tadase...I dun mind him anymore. :'3
Not like I was fangirling over him when he was a tad wee toddler >w<
(I swear, I wasn't!!! xDDD)
He was sooooo not ADORABLE that I would want to SQUEEZE the air out of him! >[]< -feels the urge to do so- lawl xDDD

OK, I couldn't help myself...I really was fangirling. v_v
lmfao xD

Sep 3, 2009 4:27 PM

May 2009
Lija-chan said:
Lawl @ the poll.
Everyone seems to LOVE this chapter. xD

I highly doubt that the next chapter would be the last chapter.
I do however believe that the Ikuto arc has ended. -nods-

I love this chapter. I would've have died over hyperventilating and cardiac arrest both if I had heart or had problems breathing xDDD Hahaha~
(or I could've nosebled until I lose all my blood xDD LMFAO)

I heard however that the anime's about to end this month.
(oh wait, it's still Aug 31 right now.)
So like September. :'p
(is it a curse coz it's my birthmonth? D: why would they end it on my birthmonth!? lawl)

I used to dislike Tadase...I dun mind him anymore. :'3
Not like I was fangirling over him when he was a tad wee toddler >w<
(I swear, I wasn't!!! xDDD)
He was sooooo not ADORABLE that I would want to SQUEEZE the air out of him! >[]< -feels the urge to do so- lawl xDDD

OK, I couldn't help myself...I really was fangirling. v_v
lmfao xD

Anime's third season has already been announced.

And according to the scanlators for the SC manga, chapter 44 will NOT end the series.
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Oct 4, 2009 12:31 AM

Feb 2008
AO968 said:
Anime's third season has already been announced.

And according to the scanlators for the SC manga, chapter 44 will NOT end the series.

If Peach-Pit ends it, I'll die. Lawl xD

Apr 30, 2011 12:30 AM

May 2008
tsubasalover said:
Ikuto... kissed almost at Amu's lip!

Feb 6, 2014 4:38 PM
Jun 2010
I've read this chapter before a while back, but it stiiiiiiiiiill made me cry.
Mar 23, 2014 11:42 AM
Mar 2013
TechDragon said:
tsubasalover said:
Ikuto... kissed almost at Amu's lip!

Amuto ❤

I loved Amu's reaction as well. "J-Just so you know, it's n-not as if you Ikuto!" Classic Classic tsundere right there ^_^

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