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Aug 1, 2015 2:56 PM

May 2015
hints of romance
nao getting bullied mc shouldve just helped her >.<
nao has some weird sharp senses

what are the chances XD

when your sunohara chara acts serious shit is about to go down
Aug 1, 2015 3:00 PM

Nov 2011
Yuu_vi_Britannia said:
DesuTronic said:
My new background image for the week

Hibiki - episode 8

Cant ever beat hibiki episode 8
Hate Keeps me warm
Aug 1, 2015 3:18 PM

Aug 2012
I want that ZHIEND song
Aug 1, 2015 3:24 PM

Oct 2012
Yuu_vi_Britannia said:
SoManyRainbows said:
The opening of this week's episode has some strange symbols. Are they the same from episode 3?

75 was replaced by 76

I still see 75.


I was laughing so hard at that reference.


I like how they're slowly transitioning from power retrievals to the bigger scope of things. This episode is merely the middle of the transition, and I think they're going a good job with that.
Aug 1, 2015 3:46 PM

Apr 2013
RIP kawaii Imouto and your glorious pizza sauce. It was nice knowing you.
Aug 1, 2015 3:54 PM
Jul 2015
That guy in the glasses remind me of someone in angel beats and tgeir character is way too lookalike, anyway good episode seens like the plot is slowly starting
Aug 1, 2015 3:57 PM
Feb 2014
By the way this episode ended, I have a feeling Ayu's ability is beginning to develop or something.
Aug 1, 2015 4:14 PM

Jul 2014
I'd be fine with this show so far if these 'power of the week' moments actually have some sort of significance by the end of the show. I can't see that happening somehow. It's been boring, with unfunny comedy and moments that should be sad that instead have zero impact.

We have achieved almost nothing in these episodes so far.
Aug 1, 2015 4:17 PM

Dec 2014
Show continues down the same pattern. Poor little Ayu could die though. They said "maybe a cold", but we all know that the undefined illnesses that resemble colds are deadly as fuck in anime. Could that be the start of the "feels", perhaps? If such is the case, very forced writing.
Aug 1, 2015 4:23 PM
Jul 2015
Bueno al parecer, como ya me lo había imaginado los poderes de la hermana de Yuu estaría por despertar o bien es el comienzo de una enfermedad que podría hacerla morir cosa que se me hace dificil de creer. Porque debería de morir la pobre? :c y canción de la banda esa que no recuerdo el nombre... ES HERMOSA
Aug 1, 2015 4:55 PM
Dec 2014
This had so much potential but it keeps doing the same thing each week... At least it has a bit of development this week, with the music, random romance and the sister's death flag popping up. Oh, and a dream with a girl he can't remember
My Top 5 Anime: (As of March 2020)
1. Fate/Zero
2. Gintama
3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
4. Shinsekai Yori
5. Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Aug 1, 2015 4:56 PM

Jul 2014
Is it wrong that I'm cheering for the little sister to die because of how infuriating she is?
Aug 1, 2015 4:59 PM

Apr 2013
Tozzy said:
Is it wrong that I'm cheering for the little sister to die because of how infuriating she is?

FUCK YOU. Pizza sauce 4 life.
Aug 1, 2015 5:39 PM

Oct 2012
A bit better than the last few episodes. There is finally some sorely needed character development and foreshadowing. The show still needs alot of work but some hope has been restored for me, and I don't think that this is necessarily the Imouto's death flag but it might be Ayumi finally getting her powers.
Memories may fade, but that doesn't mean there isn't any point in making them.
Aug 1, 2015 5:43 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
The little sister's gonna die, i guarantee it.
the super-power of the week is getting boring af.
I still have hope tho.
DatRandomDudeAug 1, 2015 5:46 PM
Aug 1, 2015 5:52 PM
Casual Flower

Mar 2015
So far enjoying this anime. It's adapted pretty well and always nice to watch.

Excited for next episode.
Aug 1, 2015 5:54 PM

Sep 2014
Actually I am more focused on why so much hate? If you don't like it, you should''ve dropped it by now. I mean IT'S THE FIFTH EPISODE, you should've dropped it by episode 3!
Aug 1, 2015 5:54 PM

Jan 2013
kurikinton said:
hints of romance
nao getting bullied mc shouldve just helped her >.<
nao has some weird sharp senses

what are the chances XD

when your sunohara chara acts serious shit is about to go down
Yes thats exactly who he reminded me of lol
Aug 1, 2015 5:58 PM

Mar 2015
Tozzy said:
Is it wrong that I'm cheering for the little sister to die because of how infuriating she is?
No. You are not the only one...
Aug 1, 2015 6:00 PM

Aug 2012
This is just getting ridiculous now. The whole bullying situation is so forced and badly presented. What guy is going to stand there and watch in hiding as a girl he knows and spends time with(or any girl for that matter) is getting jumped by several girls?

Well, still hoping it picks up in the second half since there's a lot of potential for the tragic end. I liked the foreshadowing that he needs to seriously think about the things he could use his power for, making the possibility that he'll use it for the sake of one or more of the 'guinea pig batteries' quite real.
Aug 1, 2015 6:02 PM

Jan 2009
ZHIEND is actually Marina right? Can't really tell.
Aug 1, 2015 6:12 PM

Aug 2011
I was thinking that maybe the security guard stopped her because she collapsed or something. She kept saying that everything will be okay and that she's fine and not sick, so she probably just doesn't want to worry her brother.

One of many possibilities though I guess.

Also @all of the people cheering at Nao getting beaten up by a group of bullies.... what the hell is wrong with you people?
Aug 1, 2015 6:19 PM

Jun 2013
I thought that this was an amazing episode, and I feel that people are hating on this way too damn much!!
Aug 1, 2015 6:30 PM
Mar 2014
SamuraiBlue19 said:
i really hope there isn't any crap that happens to the imouto
There was death flags for her
Aug 1, 2015 6:35 PM

Oct 2013
That beating was really satisfying for some reason.
Aug 1, 2015 6:39 PM

Feb 2013
Oh this going to be sad?

Death flags.....death flags everywhere for sister......
Aug 1, 2015 6:51 PM

Jan 2015
Lol the episode starts and then suddenly she's getting beaten up. Some sadistic shiet right there.

Great episode! This is the only anime this season that I actually feel like watching.
Aug 1, 2015 7:11 PM

Apr 2013
Nolri said:
Nice episode.
But I don't get why Nao said to that guy not to use his powers anymore, while she and other student council members use their powers all the time.

It's because if he uses it in public like that without knowing he could be subjected to being a guinea pig experiment, he will be vulnerable and at risk. At least now he knows and believes there are others like him with powers. Nao and the student council just usually use it as a deterrent and to capture others with the powers as well, they don't exploit it or misuse it in public.
Aug 1, 2015 7:26 PM
Jun 2015
I have a feeling that, Yuu's little sister is going to die :(
Aug 1, 2015 7:35 PM

Nov 2013
TheCorruptedWolf said:
Actually I am more focused on why so much hate? If you don't like it, you should''ve dropped it by now. I mean IT'S THE FIFTH EPISODE, you should've dropped it by episode 3!

Hating anime is cool.
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Aug 1, 2015 8:28 PM

Jun 2014
The opening is still so great, it's probably one of my favorite part at the moment...
Anyway this episode was quite better than the previous ones. The comedy was better and there was less forced scene(I am still bothered everytimes the person of the week confess everything like that, it feels so unnatural....). There is finally some decent interaction between the character and we finally get to hear Ziend, the song was so peaceful.

Now why did the security guard try to stop Ayu? It will probably be explained next episode... the episode where the plot will finally start.
Aug 1, 2015 8:35 PM

Oct 2011
Pizza sauce is what keeping her alive!!!! The momeent it ran out this happens. Without the pizza sauce she will die NOOOOOO T___T
Aug 1, 2015 8:41 PM

Apr 2015
IMO Nao is Kanade, Yurippe and Yuinyan rolled into one.

This was so-so again, but next week will be good 100%
Aug 1, 2015 9:29 PM

Dec 2013
AnimeFan500 said:
Pizza sauce is what keeping her alive!!!! The momeent it ran out this happens. Without the pizza sauce she will die NOOOOOO T___T

More like the pizza sauce was suppressing her development of special abilities. The moment the pizza sauce ran out, her powers will go full-blown out of control.

Seriously, most people going on about how annoying Ayumi was for the last 4 episodes are suddenly coming out in full force saying how they don't want her to die? WTF?

And why is nobody questioning why Nao is even allowing herself to get beaten up? She's the friggin' Student Council President for fucks sake. You'd think she would be the last one to get bullied, what with the ability that she has and the power she's suppose to wield with her position.

Then the flying dude part was dumb as well. First off, how could he not know the place he was practicing in secret was private property? Second, if he was able to fly around anyway, why bother confronting Nao's group when they took over his spot? Wasn't your aim to keep the power a "Secret"??? Third, you're already trespassing on private property anyway, whats the problem with finding another practice spot to avoid other people? Your ability is FLYING for gods sake. You can literally practice ANYWHERE. Heck you could even practice flying on some deserted island. Why again does it all have to be conveniently in THIS city???
Another illogical dumb idiot graces the scene for the "Power-of-the-week" plot convenience. And again, none of the jokes hit their mark. I don't give a shit about kids not eating veggies, nor do I find it amusing when Misa switches to Yusa just to gain favors from fangirl Joujirou. Those situations are so last week already.

The only parts I can really chalk down to plot development was Yuu's talk with Joujirou by the river about being prepared to use ones powers in excess of ones limits, and the images he received when listening to the song.

Other than that..... I'm still waiting for SOMETHING of value to happen...

Come on Key, come on P.A, almost half of the entire shows gone already. If there's something you're trying to present to entertain/show us, just DO IT already!
Aug 1, 2015 9:38 PM

Aug 2014
I hope nothing happens to Ayumi.
Nao is so cute omg. Good episode.

If Evangelion were Rokka no Yuusha the seventh would be Shinji.
Aug 1, 2015 9:43 PM

Dec 2012
Considerably better ep. than the last one IMO.

I had to repeat the part where Nao gets punched in the fucking face THREE times.

Comedy wasn't downright terrible this time, its starting to become more obvious that something is up when MC tries to use his powers on someone that has powers of his own (he has never used them on any of his student council buddies yet).

Also it seems like Nao has a secondary power that she and the glasses guy (because he obviously knows stuff) don't talk about. She can either notice people even out of her line of sight or predict the future.

Music might be the link that connects MC to his previous memories.

Idk I didn't find that many inconsistencies or conveniently places plot points this time, so 4/5 for me.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Aug 1, 2015 9:46 PM

Oct 2011
can something happen already?
Aug 1, 2015 9:54 PM

Dec 2009
DesuTronic said:
My new background image for the week

Thank you for that screenshot.

Deep down i think takajou has something he is hiding. Everyone has a story, I know we'll hear his.

And some development between Nao and Yuu. I like that they are getting along better than before. They certainly are cute together.
Aug 1, 2015 10:00 PM

Aug 2013
Infatuate said:

Also it seems like Nao has a secondary power that she and the glasses guy (because he obviously knows stuff) don't talk about. She can either notice people even out of her line of sight or predict the future.


Or she has some sort of time travel ability which might explain why she didn't react to the bullys, she already knew that Yu was going to talk to her and was certain that the flying guy was going to show up at that time and also how she has so much authority.
Aug 1, 2015 10:03 PM

Oct 2014
Where can I find the music Nao was listening to and gave the player to Otosaka? I can't find it anywhere, thank you
// J //
Aug 1, 2015 10:14 PM

Oct 2013
Prediction time: imouto will be caught by scientists. I think it's a logical theory. There is too much unnecessary focus on Nao if Nao were just truly a side character. Anyways, I'm not completely certain. We shall see
Aug 1, 2015 10:16 PM

Jul 2013
I'm not sure if Ayumi will die though; I feel like Jun is smarter than that. Then again, I won't be surprised if she does
Aug 1, 2015 10:39 PM

Oct 2014
Yuu_vi_Britannia said:
Charlotte, The Making Of

jejomarcariaga said:
Where can I find the music Nao was listening to and gave the player to Otosaka? I can't find it anywhere, thank you

posted to your profile

// J //
Aug 1, 2015 10:44 PM

Nov 2011
Plot twist: Imouto power is killing her and Yu have to find a way to get rid of it and resort to the scientist that know about these abilities which won't end well.

Aug 1, 2015 10:57 PM

May 2011
Paulo27 said:
Down the hill it goes, meh.
Random bullies for that obligatory melodrama, random shipping for "romance", random flashback of obvious older brother that the MC doesn't remember because lulz, random "woah, music so deep".
It's just fucking hilarious how they keep telling people to not use their powers but here we are, using our powers all the time and then throwing a random guy they don't know down a well, yep, nice example, and of course he just listens to what they have to say after they break a couple of his bones, no problem, totally understandeable.

Do we have a bingo yet?
Aug 1, 2015 11:06 PM

Jan 2015
Really entertaining episode. I enjoyed it.
The beginning of the episode was slightly disturbing though. Nao just gets dragged out of class and gets beaten up. Joujirou knows but doesn't bother to do anything. And what's worse is that it seems to come out of nowhere. Why did she get beaten up? I don't think it has anything to do with her Student Council work. They were just bullying her for the sake of it. And she's the Student Council President. It's okay for her to go on a camping trip for a few days and she won't get in trouble. So how can those girls get away with beating her up like that. Nao doesn't try to fight back either. The whole matter seemed a bit confusing to me.
The scene with Nao and Yu was great. I really liked the ZHIEND song too. Way to set the mood. They sure did jump into the romance this episode, didn't they? I'm happy. Nao's so cute at times. I'm not sure why she suddenly decided to give Yu her mp3 player but it was nice to see the two bond.
Wonder what's up with Ayumi. Hopefully we'll get some insight into this next episode.

On a completely unrelated note, every single episode is EXACTLY 24 minutes long. What's up with that?
MALoween 2017 Candy:
Aug 1, 2015 11:29 PM

Dec 2014
4/5 for this episode

Great art like always, i get 3 new background!!
Story are went well
The Ending song back to normal, it's better than previous episode
I enjoy watch this whatever i came back from collage
And the one that i hate is the character Nao, you look's like being masochist! get bullied by girl gank, why Yuu doesn't help her ==
Aug 1, 2015 11:33 PM

Apr 2015
L-Ryoshi said:

Second, if he was able to fly around anyway, why bother confronting Nao's group when they took over his spot? Wasn't your aim to keep the power a &quot;Secret&quot;??? Third, you're already trespassing on private property anyway, whats the problem with finding another practice spot to avoid other people? Your ability is FLYING for gods sake. You can literally practice ANYWHERE. Heck you could even practice flying on some deserted island. Why again does it all have to be conveniently in THIS city???

All of the powers are supposed to be imperfect so it may have something to do with that. Also he would have probably chosen private land, because normally people would not go by and learn of his 'practising'

...then again I don't think Jun would have put that much thought in this, but still.
LanzAug 1, 2015 11:48 PM
Aug 2, 2015 12:00 AM

Apr 2009
not going to watch this episode :P
The current game that i play: Azur Lane :3

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