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Jul 21, 2015 7:32 PM

Dec 2008
I knew that was Yuzu! With black hair, she looks a lot like Mei.
Mei finally said something nice to her too (Kinda, even though it was about her hair)! So proud ;-;
Best scene was literally the first page when they were sleeping. Dat cuddling was 2kawaii4me.

When Yuzu & Mei were talking about her conduct and the way she looked and that fan girl came around I had a gut feeling she was going to end up copying Yuzu when she started school there, so if last page girl is here, then I'm not surprised. Mei will prolly be super pissed off at that tho. Hopefully more drama between her & Yuzu doesn't start up because of this. I just want some goddamn fluff!

2 months is too long between chapters :( I'm eagerly awaiting Harumin's sister's appearance at the school, but I really hope there isn't any unnecessary drama. As much as I like the series, it's becoming a bit tiresome.
Jul 22, 2015 3:35 PM

May 2014
sarroush said:
Best scene was literally the first page when they were sleeping. Dat cuddling was 2kawaii4me.

My thoughts exactly ! The two of them cuddling in FULL COLOR (yeah I tend to like color pages of citrus it's always so beautiful ;-;), was so cute ...

I'm not really found of Yuzu's black hair but I will surely get use to it with next chapter (in two month *sobs sobs*).

They are dating now ... so please no more drama ! Please please just make them date kiss and flirt in numerous chapters ... I know Harumin's sister and that new "fan" will bring dramas but still ... give me a goddam real couple

Nice chapter though ! Still too short for my two months wait
Jul 26, 2015 5:21 AM

Jul 2010
2 Meis. Two. Like, they're twins now. It's a twincest. I'm dying to see more of their interactions.

That Mei's face "Who are you?" - priceless.

Also, drama cd is out. And it's great. Makes you want an anime adaptation even more.
Jul 26, 2015 6:58 AM
Anime Moderator
᠎ Master Öqvily᠎

Aug 2014
I kinda like her with darker hair but she looked better with blond.

Forum set made by my
secret santa, Nate!
Jul 26, 2015 8:53 AM

Oct 2009
Jicetus said:
I kinda like her with darker hair but she looked better with blond.

I think she looks beautiful either way ^^
Jul 26, 2015 8:56 PM

Aug 2013
I wish it would have been a chestnut instead of blackish looking that way it would have a nice closer to blond look in b&w.
Jul 27, 2015 4:36 AM

Dec 2008
Ooooooh, all I could think at the end......
Jul 27, 2015 4:46 PM

Jan 2014
The next chapter seems to be very interresting, this capture was a bit slow, but overall really nice :D The opening with Yuzu and Mei was perfect !!!
Jul 28, 2015 4:11 AM
Aug 2008
As usual I'm gonna 'calmly' start this off with my typical fanboy squealing,etc....SO MUCH TOUCHY-FEELY,VERY BRIEF LOVE-DOVEY MOMENTS BETWEEN MEI AND YUZU ...TOUCHY-FEELY!...LOVEY-DOVEY! Okay I'm done....*Fanboy squeals,gasms* THEY'RE DATING!...or if you wanna call how yuzu described it as 'dating' lol.

Okay NOW on to the point of I somewhat guessed that Yuzu would SLIGHTLY change her image for Mei' sake,BUT it was also cuz naturally she loves Mei so much and whatnot which is always nice and cute in my book.
Can we all appreciate the amount of cuteness with Mei that was briefly thrown at us and shown in this chapter? Plus the fact that Saburo Uta actually made 1 chapter so far shorter than what each one usually is? Now if Saburo Uta did that A LITTLE more often I honestly wouldn't mind.

Like always (and cuz you know,my desire to see my baes Mei and Yuzu happy together and CONTINUE to be happy together,my Mei x Yuzu ship,etc) I'm already getting bad vibes from Yuzu' "fan" as soon as she showed up,made her appearance and ESPECIALLY when she went as far as to dye her hair COINCIDENTALLY the very color Yuzu had hers before she recently changed it.

Knowing Saburo Uta this girl may appear harmless,innocent,etc,but could be either just as bad as Matsuri was,maybe a combination of Matsuri and Sara or WORSE for all we know.Plus we still don't know how bad or how bad at all Harumin' sister is just from how terrified,scared,etc she is of her own sister on top of that so I'm naturally and understandably getting worried here.

For now though I'm ABSOLUTELY enjoying all the intimacy,progress and whatnot Mei and Yuzu are making especially Mei she's now finally considering Yuzu' wants,needs,etc above her own.I IMMEDIATELY noticed Mei stopped before she continued any further during her usual fondling of yuzu AND she's now letting Yuzu in more in terms of her thoughts,etc.

I'm just hoping Saburo Uta lets us enjoy these wonderful moments between Mei and Yuzu a bit longer before he/she decides to THEN throw in the drama and such.Now let's all be honest the MAIN topic of discussion...can we ALL appreciate Yuzu dying her hair back to its natural color,BLACK as in,MEI black.Of course as soon as EVERYONE saw that they all,like myself,either don't mind it or immediately want,wish,demand,etc that Yuzu change it back soon.

Now I on the other hand while I DO love and have gotten used to seeing Yuzu with Blonde hair HOLY CRAP seeing Yuzu with black hair tho.So it's more 50/50 for me I love Yuzu with blonde hair,but again Yuzu with BLACK hair tho HHHHNNNNNNNG.

Now to end this off with one last fanboy squeal,fangasm moment...MEI...YUZU...TOUCHY-FEELY,DATING. Lol
DasFinsternis21Jul 28, 2015 4:29 AM
Jul 31, 2015 11:49 PM

Oct 2011
I think I have to get the manga off my favourites list soon. :(
The quality seems to drop the longer she writes. It feels like she sometimes just jumps from one panel to the next just to get over the current situation. Most scenes don't really go deep, like she only wants to push as much stuff as possible into a single chapter.

Back when it first came out, I instantly fell in love with the manga and felt the sweetness of a cute yuri romance and it felt like hell having to wait 2 months for a chapter. Right now I feel nothing like that and didn't even feel the need to read it the instant it came out. :/
Even though it's already been way over 2 years since the manga started, I don't think it was my taste that changed, so I can only hope the manga finds its way back into my heart. The spot is still open.
Aug 7, 2015 8:46 AM

Mar 2015
Now Yuzu's fan will be the one in trouble, the scene between Harumin's sister and her will be epic and I hope Yuzu gets the chance to protect her fellow fan xd
Aug 10, 2015 1:14 AM

Apr 2013
this chapter is great! that cuddling scene is da bom XD! can't wait for the next chapter even though i have my finals T_T
Sep 26, 2015 12:03 PM

Jul 2013
Nice chapter but when are they gonna scissor?
Apr 1, 2018 6:29 PM

Nov 2016
Lol,it's hard to recognize Yuzu with black hair.

And that end,tho. Yuzu 2.0 appeared.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 23, 2018 9:01 AM

Jan 2013
OK but can we talk Yuzu with black hair doesn't look that bad?

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."

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