As my profile suggests,I'm a anime fan and I watch anime ALOT.
Not a day goes by where I'm not watching anime on the internet and the ones I own.I also play video games and watch TV alot as well.I DO go out every once a while,to the mall,movie theaters,fast food restaurants,etc.
But I mostly spend my time at home watching anime,videos,listening to music since there aren't many places in Miami to hang out,unless you happen to know where to go.
All Comments (9) Comments
Oh I got that on-hold on ep 3, it's rlly funny :D
I know right, I totally saw myself in her especially at ep 2 ._."
Haven't even seen Black Lagoon yet so dunno if I should be happy or not haha...
I'm doing pretty good lately, just the same thing as usually, eat, live etc xP, you?:)
Come on and get Limited Edition Card!