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Aug 10, 2010 2:40 AM

Apr 2010
Do you guys think it's time for Psyren to get an anime adaption? (hope I'm not the only one)

Psyren is an anime of intense action, minor psychology, a super well-organized superpower system, likable/despicable characters, a bit of romance, and adventuring of a minor dystopia (wise being the military and totalitarian faction), which, in my opinion, could make a good Shounen. If the Scryed and Gantz mangas were adapted into animes, why not psyren; especially due to the similarities that psyren share with the others (in Gantz case, only the MANGA is similar to psyren).
A small request: If there is a post of mine that you dislike, or want to discuss with me, please do so on my profile's comment page. I know it defeats the purpose of forums, but, I usually don't revisit forum threads after a post (unless it's my own) due to extreme laziness, and confusion. I enjoy discussing/ flame warring with others XD.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 10, 2010 4:27 AM
Nov 2009
Awesome series...i'd love to see an anime adaption of it
Aug 10, 2010 4:32 AM

Apr 2009
Bad idea, we don't need more rushed adaptions of mediocre Shounen. If they make an adaption they should wait and pull out an OVA.
However, given the rushed pace of later volumes and certain developments, sales are not living up to the expectations. An anime is unloikely under those circumstances.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Aug 10, 2010 9:01 AM

Jan 2009
As much as I love Psyren, I also hope there won't be an anime. Yet! But once there's more chapters, I'd love for a filler-free anime adaptation =D
Aug 10, 2010 11:24 AM

Feb 2009
While I also want this to get an anime adaptation as much as the next guy, sadly reality bites. This manga is going in and out of the Bottom 5 of WSJ very frequently. I'm surprised myself that it's not getting the sack. Sales for this are normal but as far as popularity is going, it's not one of the top. Pity though, since I very much want this to be animated. Adaptations can do wonders to a series(or it goes wrong very badly XD). I'm still hoping though, since other WSJ mangas with lesser chapter counts than this have already gotten adaptations(Bakuman and Nurarihyon no Mago). An OVA would be a good idea too just like Beelzebub, just to test the waters ^^
Aug 12, 2010 10:53 AM

Nov 2008
I'd like a nice 24-episode anime if they put some effort into the ending. Cutting it off before it wanders too deep into generic shounen territory wouldn't be half bad.

But like belatkuro said, it's pretty unlikely.
Aug 30, 2010 11:23 AM

Oct 2009
OAV would be great.
In fact i think OAV would be perfect. But nowtime OAVs are.... short and a bit lacking the quantity (in comparison to earlier years).
Still if there would be anime adaptaion - i would watch it regardles of anything
Sep 18, 2010 8:04 PM

Nov 2007
Battle shounen series should NEVER be adapted into anime. They should stay as manga. And there is a reason for that (too lazy to elaborate though).

Psyren is a bit underrated in Jump because personally, I found it way more interesting than some other battle shounen series like Reborn.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Sep 19, 2010 1:50 AM

May 2010
i hope this manga become animeated just like other people already said i dont want it be animeted now maybe later or even after the manga is finished because if this will be animated it will become mediocre and will just be filled with filler episodes and a stupid ending if the anime ended before the manga i like this manga but a anime is just to soon as of the moment
Sep 19, 2010 2:02 PM

Apr 2010
wakka9ca said:
Battle shounen series should NEVER be adapted into anime. They should stay as manga. And there is a reason for that (too lazy to elaborate though).

Psyren is a bit underrated in Jump because personally, I found it way more interesting than some other battle shounen series like Reborn.

You do have a point there. Most Battle Shonens, as animes, are 98% dialogue, and 2% actual fighting, in which 75% percent of the fight is showboating or flashbacks. I enjoy psyren, but if adapted, it will literally become another Bleach/Naruto (more to list, but I'll focus on the popular ones). As a manga, there is no room for the silly stuff that the anime adaption usually adds on, such as fillers, and excessive fan service,which is the usual focus instead of the actual fighting. So If i had to change my answer, I would probably vote "unsure"

frozen_soul said:
i hope this manga become animeated just like other people already said i dont want it be animeted now maybe later or even after the manga is finished because if this will be animated it will become mediocre and will just be filled with filler episodes and a stupid ending if the anime ended before the manga i like this manga but a anime is just to soon as of the moment

Hehe, 100% agreed, no need for another "Full Metal Alchemist"(the anime) fail
A small request: If there is a post of mine that you dislike, or want to discuss with me, please do so on my profile's comment page. I know it defeats the purpose of forums, but, I usually don't revisit forum threads after a post (unless it's my own) due to extreme laziness, and confusion. I enjoy discussing/ flame warring with others XD.
Sep 20, 2010 6:41 AM

Sep 2009
I would like to see anime, for finding out what color WISE clothes are, or well just to see everything in color, because mostly there are Elmore kids, Ageha, Amamiya or some other main characters on manga covers :( . But anime only if there are going to be many episodes.
Thought I would hate fillers. And I think flashback episodes are only needed if there are 50+ episodes.
Sep 27, 2010 6:56 PM

Mar 2010
I agree they shouldn't animate Psyren so early. The anime will catch up to the manga in no time.
Nov 30, 2010 11:23 AM

Aug 2009
Well, Psyren ended. Now we're waoting for anime. How do you think how many eps will it have?
Dec 1, 2010 4:39 PM

Aug 2010
Just finish readin (well not the last chapter oni seen raw), and really enjoyed it, I would be glad to see a anime adaption ^_^

Dec 2, 2010 9:48 AM

Oct 2009
sovaca said:
Well, Psyren ended. Now we're waoting for anime. How do you think how many eps will it have?

i doubt there would be Adaptation. Since it's ended because of lack of "interest from readers" (read "Votes).

Personally i see what the problem is.
Setting is too mature to be shown as straight-shounen manga (like One Piece, Naruto, Bleach). And being just "another shounen manga" would not give Psyren votes (thus - canceling run of the series). I am glad that Mangaka managed to reach some conclusion in just 6-8 chapters since it became obvious that manga going to the End (read "going to be canceled")
Dec 5, 2010 9:28 PM

Apr 2010
sovaca said:
Well, Psyren ended. Now we're waoting for anime. How do you think how many eps will it have?

I think it'll have about 50-60 episodes because ever since chapter 80, the manga been moving extremely slow.

Cower said:
sovaca said:
Well, Psyren ended. Now we're waoting for anime. How do you think how many eps will it have?

i doubt there would be Adaptation. Since it's ended because of lack of "interest from readers" (read "Votes).

Personally i see what the problem is.
Setting is too mature to be shown as straight-shounen manga (like One Piece, Naruto, Bleach). And being just "another shounen manga" would not give Psyren votes (thus - canceling run of the series). I am glad that Mangaka managed to reach some conclusion in just 6-8 chapters since it became obvious that manga going to the End (read "going to be canceled")
Cower said:
sovaca said:
Well, Psyren ended. Now we're waoting for anime. How do you think how many eps will it have?

i doubt there would be Adaptation. Since it's ended because of lack of "interest from readers" (read "Votes).

Personally i see what the problem is.
Setting is too mature to be shown as straight-shounen manga (like One Piece, Naruto, Bleach). And being just "another shounen manga" would not give Psyren votes (thus - canceling run of the series). I am glad that Mangaka managed to reach some conclusion in just 6-8 chapters since it became obvious that manga going to the End (read "going to be canceled")

Dude, I totally agee with you

SJ ruined Psyren. Doubt there will be an anime...if there is, I really hope that it strays from the manga after the events of chapter 80. In terms of rushed manga to uber anime goes, I hope psyren follow the Code geass path.
A small request: If there is a post of mine that you dislike, or want to discuss with me, please do so on my profile's comment page. I know it defeats the purpose of forums, but, I usually don't revisit forum threads after a post (unless it's my own) due to extreme laziness, and confusion. I enjoy discussing/ flame warring with others XD.
May 24, 2011 5:51 AM
Mar 2010
Well, I find it weird that they wont do a Psyren anime adaption.

I mean, they can take some shitty manga's that you've barely heard of, that has like 20 chapters (just started), and make it into an anime adaption. And then have to cut it short or put horrible fillers in it, cause its getting too close to the manga already cause of the only 20 chapters published.

But they can't take an awesome manga such as Psyren with over 200 chapters, that has even ENDED, and make it an anime.
They would have all the material they need, and they wouldnt need to cut it short or spoil it with crappy fillers to let the manga progress along.

And it's not like the Psyren manga doesnt have followers, it was a great manga.
No, shame on animators.
More Psyren, and less crap.
May 31, 2011 8:45 AM
Dec 2010
b0sse said:
Well, I find it weird that they wont do a Psyren anime adaption.

I mean, they can take some shitty manga's that you've barely heard of, that has like 20 chapters (just started), and make it into an anime adaption. And then have to cut it short or put horrible fillers in it, cause its getting too close to the manga already cause of the only 20 chapters published.

But they can't take an awesome manga such as Psyren with over 200 chapters, that has even ENDED, and make it an anime.
They would have all the material they need, and they wouldnt need to cut it short or spoil it with crappy fillers to let the manga progress along.

And it's not like the Psyren manga doesnt have followers, it was a great manga.
No, shame on animators.
More Psyren, and less crap.

I have personally never agreed to a post more than this before in my life :D
Jun 4, 2011 4:56 AM

Jan 2011
They should really make Psyren into anime! The manga already ended.
Hope they will take this into consideration. If this became anime, it will be a hit.
Jun 19, 2011 12:28 AM

Jan 2010
What about manga mirai nikki ?
It also ended, but the anime will be in autumn 2011.

unfairly, I want anime Psyren T____T
Jun 28, 2011 7:52 AM
Sep 2008
I think its a good idea if it is done well.
Although the chances of it being well done are.....low.

If its to be done....personally,i think they should follow the manga. Things tend to get screwed up when they deviate from the manga.

That's my least till i finish the manga
Jan 31, 2012 10:51 PM

Jan 2012
Well, it's 2012 and still no Psyren anime. This sucks. Sucks so bad. Probably I should start making my own studio, ask permissions and create the 50-ish episodes psyren anime using my budget...IF i could.
Feb 25, 2012 12:10 AM
Apr 2009
Psyren is popular enough its being brought over to the U.S. so I don't think an anime is entirely out of the question yet. I mean it has only been 2 years or so since it ended and a large base of what becomes an anime is based on popularity. I mean maybe there will be a huge boost in ESP story fandom (or some genre Psyren fits in), or the author makes an extremely big hit like one of the big three (Currently "Naruto," "One Piece," and "Bleach") in the future in japan and that will spike its sales enough for an anime. I mean its mostly popularity based, look at the fact that they are doing another "Hunter X Hunter," anime after only OVAs for how many years. So I say who knows if it will or won't happen but just keep hoping and supporting the series.
Mar 14, 2012 4:56 PM

Jul 2010
Actually,Psyren has an advantage to becoming an anime at this moment,with the manga finished and all...well....what chance is there for fillers?And an anime's popularity hardly matters anymore,I mean,wasn't Psyren more popular than Toriko?If so,then look who's the one with an anime adaption.
MachoGooseMar 14, 2012 5:44 PM
Mar 27, 2012 3:24 PM

Jan 2009
Psyren is a canceled series, it will never get adaption, just like other canceled series. It doesn't matter how popular it was back than, there was no offer for anime, the ranks got lower and sales drooped so Jump canceled it. Never once I heard of canceled series that gets anime so it won't happed here. If you ask yourself way it's licensed even thought it canceled, the answer is simple, Viz licensed Psyren before it was decided to be canceled, after the first volume release in north America it was canceled in japan, viz stopped Psyren publication but after few months the returned it and the first volume re-released about a year after it first released, Viz did it since it's still bring them money, same thing happed in Muhyo and Roji, the finished it and it even sold a lot. The only thing you can do right now it to support the author by buying the volumes and to hope Iwashiro-sensei will be back with new series soon.

By the way don't expect "New Season" of Psyren in other magazine since it belonged to Shueisha right now, the only way of him to continue Psyren is to somehow remove the contract that says Psyren belongs to Shueisha (which is almost impossible only one mangaka in the history could do that) or he will do popular series and then Jump will give him the opportunity to do second season of Psyren like the creator of Shaman King did with Jumbor, of course it will take really long years.
Apr 18, 2012 11:44 AM

Apr 2012
Well the thing about Psyren is It'll never be another Naruto or Bleach and I mean that in a good way. Ichigo is one dimensional. All the stuff that Naruto spouts about forgiveness pisses me off. Ageha doesn't care about all of that. If you get in his way he kills you. No morality abt that. Which is why I absolutely loved the series. All the girls are badass as well. No damsels in distress that need saving by the great main character.
May 4, 2012 10:14 AM

Nov 2010
Ame_Sama said:
Psyren is a canceled series, it will never get adaption, just like other canceled series.

I agree with most of the things you said, just have to correct you there, there have been anime adaptations for mangas that were cancelled early in WSJ. Example of that is Hatsukoi Gentei which was cancelled ending up with only 4 volumes, yet it had an anime adaptation nearly 2 years after it ended.

(that doesn't mean I think Psyren will get an anime though)
May 4, 2012 10:17 AM

Jan 2012
I've always wanted an anime adaptation ever since I started the manga.
May 4, 2012 10:59 AM
Mar 2012
Cancelled or not, it has an ending and we all know the amount of animes with horrible endings is great. The sales just sucked, I have no idea how that happened because average JUMP series are still airing with some of them having at least 2 seasons. Well whatever, if you want to see something close to an anime adaptation of it then check out vomic.
May 7, 2012 6:11 AM

Jan 2012
Should it gets an adaption, it's possible that they might change the storyline where sensei has rushed off into one's that entirely different.
Aug 18, 2012 2:10 AM

Jun 2012
The manga is long finished and still waiting for the green light. This series is long over due for an anime..

*praying for an anime adaption*
Sep 20, 2012 1:27 AM
Aug 2009
The main char's ability is so OP mang
Feb 8, 2013 6:09 AM

Nov 2011
I wish that this would receive an anime adaption. It may not be plausible, but I still wish that it would happen. Despite the fact that ending was rushed, I still read the whole series in four days, which is kind of similar what happened with Code Geass, in my case. Neither of those series are perfect, but the enjoyment value is pretty high.

[Incredibly implausible theory time]

Two of the "big three" (Bleach and Naruto) are reaching the end of their series, with Bleach having already ended (at least for now..).

My theory is that in order to fill the shounen-void left by these two series, they will adapt some other shounen series. And Psyren might be one of them.

I'm not saying that this theory is within the bounds of reality. Just let me have my hopes, 'kay?
Apr 2, 2013 8:29 AM

Jun 2012
An anime with the real ending the mangaka had envisioned would be awesome.
Apr 10, 2013 12:34 AM
Feb 2009
Psyren was an amazing manga, it would have done better in Seinen category, instead of shounen and it probably wouldnt have been dropped and rushed.
May 14, 2013 6:10 PM

Jan 2013
Woah, how has it still not gotten an anime adaptation yet?
Jun 5, 2013 3:52 PM

Aug 2012
I'm up to 50 chapter and I love to see a adaption!
"Savage Pirate We Love You"
Jun 5, 2013 3:56 PM

Nov 2010
YuiDark said:
I'm up to 50 chapter and I love to see a adaption!
Wait until you see the end.

As long as they change the last what is it? 1/4 of the story then I'm fine with it.
Jun 5, 2013 4:04 PM

Aug 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
YuiDark said:
I'm up to 50 chapter and I love to see a adaption!
Wait until you see the end.

As long as they change the last what is it? 1/4 of the story then I'm fine with it.

Ahh I'll keep that in mind thanks.
"Savage Pirate We Love You"
Sep 28, 2013 3:18 PM

Feb 2011
i reallly want to see psyren as a anime adaptation
Dec 10, 2013 7:26 PM

Sep 2013
I definitely want to see a Anime adaption after reading chapters of Psyren in Shonen Jump magazines.
Feb 9, 2014 4:54 PM

Jun 2013
The manga is finished so can we have an anime adaptaion now?
Feb 12, 2014 9:01 AM
Feb 2011
BakaAniki said:
The manga is finished so can we have an anime adaptaion now?

It is a cancelled unsuccessful Manga. Those never get an Anime.
Feb 13, 2014 9:37 AM

Jun 2013
Josl said:
BakaAniki said:
The manga is finished so can we have an anime adaptaion now?

It is a cancelled unsuccessful Manga. Those never get an Anime.

Unsuccessful? but Wikipedia says that the volumes from Psyren have commonly appeared in Japan's best-selling lists of manga volumes.
BakaAnikiFeb 13, 2014 9:43 AM
Mar 31, 2014 3:39 PM

May 2012
BakaAniki said:
Josl said:
BakaAniki said:
The manga is finished so can we have an anime adaptaion now?

It is a cancelled unsuccessful Manga. Those never get an Anime.

Unsuccessful? but Wikipedia says that the volumes from Psyren have commonly appeared in Japan's best-selling lists of manga volumes.

At the end Psyren's rank is #24 on Manga Ranking of March 7-13, 2011 from #14 on Manga Ranking of January 6-12, 2009.

Cancelled because of unsuccessful? No, the manga is being rush by the Mangaka. If this manga gets anime adaptation why not add more scene to correct the mistake to rush the manga. There are some LN and Manga that being rush when it gets anime adaptation. For example Unbreakable Machine-Doll, even through it has 12 volumes, the anime only have 12 episodes. And the manga Highschool of the Dead gets anime adaptation even if the manga is like unfinished but it still ongoing.
bodlat25Mar 31, 2014 3:47 PM
Aug 12, 2014 7:27 AM
Mar 2013
Ame_Sama said:

By the way don't expect "New Season" of Psyren in other magazine since it belonged to Shueisha right now, the only way of him to continue Psyren is to somehow remove the contract that says Psyren belongs to Shueisha (which is almost impossible only one mangaka in the history could do that) or he will do popular series and then Jump will give him the opportunity to do second season of Psyren like the creator of Shaman King did with Jumbor, of course it will take really long years.

Yeah if it does then it will be considered the first independent comci bok series in japan made and self publsihed by the creator himself like how cerebrus and bone did.

Kousoku11 said:
I wish that this would receive an anime adaption. It may not be plausible, but I still wish that it would happen. Despite the fact that ending was rushed, I still read the whole series in four days, which is kind of similar what happened with Code Geass, in my case. Neither of those series are perfect, but the enjoyment value is pretty high.

Yep as the term goes nobodies perfect.

TheIMF said:
An anime with the real ending the mangaka had envisioned would be awesome.

johnknight648Aug 12, 2014 7:31 AM
Jul 2, 2015 1:39 PM
Dec 2014
Yes, absolutely ^_^
Jul 30, 2015 5:29 PM

Jun 2012
With all the MMO and alternate worlds anime Hype, I don't get it why a manga this good doesn't get an adaptation... It would be a perfect release.
Aug 8, 2015 2:06 PM

Feb 2013
No thanks this series was kind of bad
Oct 24, 2015 7:56 PM
Nov 2014
i wish that
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