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Mar 3, 2015 3:25 PM

May 2014
The entrance ceremony and other formal stuff will be done in this hall.


The student president was preparing to read his speech in front of all the new students.

"I hope you will leave all your rivalry and hate outside the city, since all people here will have to live together for the next few years. If you compete against each other, that's okay. But I won't tolerate any revenge just because your cities are enemies and have done damage to each other."

He pauses a moment to look through the hall.

"You will study here to reach your goals. The teaching is done by other students, since no one is allowed to stay after they finish studying. So don't expect to see old people here. Everything is run by students, even the administration."

Another short break, he reaches for a glass of water and takes a sip.

"Some of you might need to work to earn the money needed over the next years. The city is always in need of people who help out, be it in the administration or the mechanical section. Even the small shops and coffeehouses need students to help them in their bussiness."

He takes a look at one of the senior martial arts students at the side of the hall.

"Also please note that only members of a platoon and members of the police force are allowed to carry dites outside of the training area. The right will be revoked if someone missuses his rights."

A last short pause before the last part of the speech, as he looks around the mass of new students.

"Respect your senior students as they will have more experience, and let us all hope that the next years will be a time were we all reach our goals without much trouble. The courses will start in around one week, so rest up and get familiar with the city. Good luck."

As he ended his speech applause came from the new students.
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Mar 3, 2015 6:40 PM

Mar 2008
Drake was signing looking bored through the whole speech but still stood at attention, he was ready to get right into the action once he set foot on Zuellni but all these formalities were getting in the way "Is he going to keep us here all day?" he whispered over to his brother.

Lucas was standing by his brother right at the divide of normal and military students and couldn't be happier taking in all the student president had to say but looking over at his brother he laughed a little under his breath "It shouldn't take to long, the prez has a lot to do" he said whispering too.

After the speak was over Drake let out a sigh of relief "I thought I was going to die from the boredom" Lucas laugh while clapping "The Wolfang brawler killed with a short speech, now that would be great on a tombstone" Lucas teased as Drake shook his fist at him "I'll put you under a tombstone if you don't watch it!" he threatened Lucas teasingly.

As the applause settled down Drake wrapped his arm around Lucas "Now we just need to go find our Platoon and get to making the legend of the Wolfang brother something this Academy will never forget!"

Lucas laughed before pulling out a list of the requirements of a Platoon "We'll have to find the members first, then get it registered and select roles and.." he was soon cut off by Drake and tugged forward.

"Details like that can be worked out later!" he got up on a bench where most of the military students were pulling his brother halfway up with him "Attention all military students!" he said in a loud and proud tone "The Wolfang brothers are now recruiting for the best new Platoon of the Academy!" Lucas was stocked out how bold his brother was acting even though this was semi normal for him as Drake continued with a big grin and a pound to his chest "Only the strongest first years allowed! It'll be all the handicap I'm willing to give the other Platoons" he looked down at Lucas knowing that only the people who were up for a challenge would join an all first year Platoon and that meant they'd get the strongest people around.

Lucas looked up at him with a sigh knowing what his brother was thinking "You're crazy but it just might work" he said softly so only his brother could hear as he stood up straight next to his brother, he was a little embarrassed but couldn't just leave his brother up there but wasn't about to start talking out loud in front of so many people.

Drake chuckled before placing his hand on Lucas's shoulder "This is my brother Lucas Wolfang and he's the best Mechanic you could ask for!" Lucas gave out a slight chuckle and a little wave as Drake hit his chest "And I'm Drake Wolfang you'll be hearing it a lot as we raise through the ranks so I'd be getting used to it" he was cocky but only due to how sure of his ability.

They watched as a few people left thinking them weird but Drake was more interested in the few that stayed and couldn't wait to meet them.
Mar 3, 2015 9:16 PM

Jul 2012
"When is the speech gonna be over? Arghhh..."cried Zaidi Xellac as she stood there listening to the speech. "Who cares about other towns' rivalries? The one and only rival for me is Argall, right Brynn?" The girl asked outloud, supposedly directed to another girl. "Brynn? Brynn? Ack! Don't tell me I lost her already?!" she exclaimed in realization that she had gotten separated from her so-called rival Brynn Argall. Just a while ago the white-haired girl was definitely next to her when the speech started.

The speech now over she snarkly commented," Well I guess it's better this way after all. We can't be rivals if we're always together," she said as she walked around in the hall. As she strolled about and was about to leave the hall a boisterous man then made an cocky announcement,"Attention all military students!The Wolfang brothers are now recruiting for the best new Platoon of the Academy!" Storming right up to the booming voice she heard the man's last few words and then in a angry manner shouted, "Is this really the best platoon of the first years? If you make such announcements you're honestly either gonna get crazy looks or get people riled up buster!" And she then marched out of the halls in a fit of fury with a "hummph!"


Kendar Slaüwtz on the other hand was skipping out on the speech the man had no interest in listening into some pointless speech about peace and the like. After all, nothing is ever fully peaceful, but you can always make stuff as peaceful and quiet as you can. Besides where he was have him a perfect view of the main hall, the man was up on a decent tree watching the speech take place.

When the speech was finally over people were hustling and bustling about. Within a minute half of the people originally inside were already out. One other reason why Kendar didn't go in was just due to the many "people" in one area and him getting noticed and swarmed. Walking in he heard something along the lines of "best platoon" and "best mechanic" and then a girl's angry shout. As he headed towards that direction he then passed by what would be considered as a flaming angry girl going through a hissy fit, and was grateful that she was in a bad temper to notice him or that's just how she is typically. Going up to the two brothers he then stated,"I'm interested in joining, my role is that of a sniper." Since they are the best team after all I can be lazy no and not have to work that much...well so long as the team actually turns out to be that great..."
Mar 3, 2015 10:59 PM

Jan 2014
The speech lulled on but I stood at attention none the less. In the back of my mind I could still vividly replay the conversation between the elders of Argent's family. Train and become a tool or die to some pollutant beast. My stupor was shaken as a loud, vexatious voice. The source came from a first year. By the looks he was probably not the smartest tool in the box but probably one of the strongest...
"nothing you couldn't handle Argent" I grip my DITE in my pocket. Just saying the name pulls on my heart strings
"But if I happen to get put in his platoon i'll give him the benefit of the doubt"
I walked over to the soda machine as a red haired girl began storming out
"I guess as honey attracts bees so too does stupidity attract stupidity." I mumbled as I got a green tea can from the machine.
Mar 4, 2015 1:24 AM

May 2014
Takuma was standing at the side edge of the group of students. Rivalry, huh? for that you need a home... He quietly listened to the speech. To reach our goal... oh please.... that gets better every single minute.... But maybe I should take a job, since I don't know if I can find a job right after studying. While thinking about this possibility the president moved on to the next topic. Great so I have to story my Dite in the training area... Quite unhappy about leaving the Dite somewhere, he didn't really listen to the last part of the speech.

Takuma was still in thought, as the shouting of a young man and a bit later of a young woman brought his thoughts to an end. So they plan on creating a new platoon right now... interesting choice of timing. Still not the best choice of words... they must have pissed of the senior students in the hall... Anyway it has nothing to do with me for now. He quickly analysed the structure of the crowd moving out of the hall, to find a path which allows him to move quickly through the crowd. What a pain...
Mar 4, 2015 2:14 PM

Jun 2014
The speech left a lot of the new years bored and tired but none more so than a tall armored student, Moru, almost on the verge of sneaking away. After it was over he left the area as soon as possible. All the weak new years would try and get him and he'd be left with all the work.
As Moru was walking by a student jumped on a bench and screamed at people for recruiting. He didn't seem super strong but definitely not a pushover. As he was watching as people walked nearby, another mechanic of sorts seemed to approach him shortly after. He seemed to catch peoples attention well, he has guts atleast. Moru walked up and smacked the back of the older 'Wolfgang' with a hefty yet joking blow, and gave a little smile.
"If you say this is the strongest, sure, I'm in." Moru said with chukcle. "You better not disappoint me though, or I'll beat ya for having you waste my choice." The armored man said a bit more seriously, looking at the three whom already joined.
Mar 4, 2015 2:32 PM

Feb 2013
At some point after entering the ceremony hall Brynn had stopped. When the president had taken up his spot to begin his welcoming speech, she stopped moving forward. Zaidi, the girl she'd entered the room with went on ahead, as unaware of Brynn's stopping as Brynn was of her continuing. Some students who entered after she did were content to stop as well, though most pushed further ahead. Eventually they all settled down and even those in the further corners of the hall were able to hear to speech. Brynn listened wordlessly, but her thoughts were elsewhere.

This city, at least what she'd seen of it, felt much different from Yoltem. She could narrow the cause down to a few reasons off the top of her head, though she felt like she was missing something. But that was a thought better left to ponder later.

The president reviewed much of what Brynn had already assumed would be the case. Any students in the Military arts program that were without platoons were not to handle DITE beyond the training area, all services would be student-run, and a brief overview of the city and it's opportunities. By the time it had finished Brynn found herself paying less attention to the president than to those around her. She wasn't looking around for anything in particular, though she gave up the vague endeavour when many students began to clear out of the hall. She still didn't move just yet.

She heard a commotion up ahead, near the stage where the president had given his speech, and she looked toward it out of curiousity. But with many of the students walking past her to leave, a good deal of them her height or taller, it was difficult to discern what was going on. When the crowd began to thin she started forward and could see someone, a younger male, standing atop a bench. There was another standing beside and behind him. They looked a lot alike. Family, perhaps? Another face appeared up by the bench and this one Brynn recognized.

As lively as ever, Zaidi strode up to the bench and served up a flurry of words before turning and leaving. Brynn was left a little baffled as the girl walked straight past her. But curiousity won out and, still looking over her shoulder at the girl as she left, Brynn walked forward toward the bench. She stopped a few feet away and finally looked back to the male standing on the bench when the girl disappeared through the hall doors. Without a word, she looked over the small group. Three of the four were wearing the military arts uniform, same as she was. The boy standing behind his brother was not. His was the uniform for students in the liberal arts.
Mar 4, 2015 6:38 PM

Mar 2008
Lucas seemed a little discouraged seeing people walk away more then a few with negative comments and one girl making fun of them out loud but Drake was standing tall knowing this was the best way to get the people like him who wanted to get started and those who were looking for a serious group and he didn't have to wait long as Kendar was the first to show and although he didn't look like much Drakes eyes could see a Kei flow running through him that gave him good potential if given the right motivation and he had already picked a good class by the look of him "A good sniper is always welcome, hope you don't mind proving it too me late" he says with a grin looking forward to challenging his skills against someone who used a gun primarily.

Then an armored guy typed him on the back not much Kei in this one but judging by how freely he moved in that armor he made up for it with muscle though he'd need to focus on getting his Kei up to really maximize it "Though I'd be looking forward to the fight metal man I don't think it'd be over that reason" Drake knocked on Moru's armor with a little force in a male bonding manner.

Lucas ways nervously waving hi to Moru and Kendar introducing himself "um.. hello, my name is Lucas... I~it's nice to meet you both.." he was trying his best to not hide behind his brother as he spoke to them but then a white haired girl walked right up to them and he seemed to have froze in place Drake on the other hand grinned wide "So yet another is interested in the strongest new platoon?" he hooped down off the bench to Brynn's level giving her a once over his eyes glowing slightly from checking out her Kei but then he gave her an odd stare "I haven't seen seen kei like that before..." he stepped a little closer to her not really thinking about personal space as he was lost in his curiosity but was quickly yanked back by his brother "Bro! I'm sorry miss... he gets tunnel vision when-" Lucas was cut off by Drake pulling him down into a headlock "Look at mister shy man talking to a girl! I'm so proud!" he chuckled teasingly before looking back at the white haired girl then to the other two "recruits".

"Well then, if you all are interested in joining the best Platoon I'm going to need more then just a yes" he grinned to them all "Why do you think you belong in the soon to be legendary Platoon and can you prove it too me?" he let his brother go as he pulled out his DITE but doesn't open them "I'd be happy to test you out at the training grounds if you'd prefer" Drake gets a wide smile like a kid about to play his favorite game.

Lucas sighs before speaking up "I don't think they'd just let up start beating on each other the first day brother.. why don't we start with just talking to see if we would work while together as a team" the more logical of the two Lucas was trying to avoid a fight on the first day they met "So to start I am Lucas Wolfang, I'm learning to become a mechanic" he smiled as he pointed to Drake's DITE "I've already made a couple DITE and am looking forward to learning all I can with the Platoon, I'll be making sure to keep yours in the best of shape!" Drake was about to start again but Lucas continued "And this is my brother Drake Wolfang and he prefers to use two DITE as to have a ranged and close combat type" he exchanged looks with his brother as to say (now let them talk or you'll never learn anything about them) so with an annoyed look Drake took his brothers advice and awaited the others to introduce themselves.
Mar 4, 2015 8:26 PM

Jul 2012
Despite how angry she was she was still able to hear remarks pinned at her and turns to find a pretty boy, one that most girls would ogle over. Zaidi on the other hand has never been much for romance but can admit that he was decent looking. Strolling on over to the machine she pushed the button for an iced tea to cool herself down. "Oi, did you say something?" She asked with a hint of anger in her voice, moments later the machine gave her a can of hot coffee, as if it was mocking her. Her rage not the least settled down she then kicked the machine to show her displeasure and in a idiotic manner hopped around due to the pain she inflicted upon herself. "Argghhh! Goddamnit you piece of crap machine!"


Kendar was grateful that the girl who came up seemed to be the less energetic type. He honestly felt that things were gonna look good for him as he is in a team mainly made up of males and he won't have to do much work."Kendar, Nothing much I just sit behind and shoot stuff from afar... I also set up traps if people come by..." he explained in a short and simple manner.
Mar 5, 2015 1:09 AM

Jan 2014
I released a chuckle at the girl who couldn't help but make a fool of herself. I pressed the machine after inserting more coins and got the iced tea that eluded the girl. She was strange to say the least but her aura reminded me... of her. I held the girls hand and put the tea into it
"I have no recollection of what you are talking about" I said with a straight smile. "I was just thinking that that first year may have made a fool of himself and put a giant target on his back. i'm sure the upper class men will have bets on who best him in battle."
I walk over to the bench and take a seat before cracking open my beverage. I look at the girl and beckon to the empty space next to me
"Sit. it's best to stay off your feet after kicking a metal machine... Ah, excuse my manners. My name is Lyric"
Mar 5, 2015 2:24 AM

May 2014
Takuma moved quickly through the crowd without touching anyone in the process. Finally outside he noticed that he had no clue where to go from there. Hm... where should I go first? Take a look at the shops? Or maybe the training area.... or should I go back to the dorms... damnit maybe I should have made up my mind soner... He looked at the buildings nearby and found a small cafe. Better than just standing here.... Takuma moved over to the cafe and ordered a coffee as well as a small piece of cake. Well then... time to resupply... He started eating while looking at the students which pass through the street. Most of them don't seem to have a plan on where they want to go. How many of them will get lost in the city today? Not that it matters anyway...
Mar 5, 2015 12:12 PM

Jun 2014
The group couldnt of seemed any different and the new girl, who seemed somewhat interested in the group, was even more peculiar. But the cocky leader was talking his language. "Moru, Moru Blois, fighter of the Blois style." He said somewhat diligently. "And if you ever wanted to join me in the training grounds I'd be glad to any day." Moru added with a smile. If the others were to join, it looks like it'd be a team, and a good one to boot. "I can take a good hit and give an even better one back, so I'll be up in the front lines. Keep me covered and in the right direction and nothing will stop me." He said in a cocky yet serious fashion. "That's all I can say at the moment really, so I hope to fight with all of ya."
Mar 5, 2015 1:23 PM

Jul 2012
Accepting the iced tea she popped open it with one hand as she joined the boy on the bench and relaxed on it in a unladylike manner taking his suggestion to rest. Taking a large sip she then burped and excused herself, "pwu hah, that really hit the spot, ehh hmm... excuse me there. Oh and here," she said as she then handed some money to the boy. "I'm Zaidi, and you didn't have to do that I was gonna decide to keep the coffee for later when I need some caffeine. So what's a pretty boy like you doing here anyway? You look kinda scrawny to be fighting as a martial artist."


"This is practically a full team now right? Kendar asked with a yawn and a bored look on his face. "Training grounds now right?or should we register ourselves as a platoon?"
Mar 5, 2015 2:01 PM

Feb 2013
Footsteps to her immediate left drew Brynn's attention. She turned her head and found the boy from the bench less than a foot away. She didn't back up, and followed him with her eyes as he moved closer. The sudden invasion of her personal space didn't appear to even faze her as she went about making her own judgement of him.

He sported a powerfully built frame and Brynn could see the fabric of his uniform straining at the shoulders as he moved about. Though she couldn't see much muscle on him which led her to wonder about the honesty of his claim a couple of minutes prior. He didn't move about carelessly as he went about his examination of her but there was much room left for refinement.

She made another few silent judgments with regard to him and stopped only when he was stumbled back. A quick glance behind him showed it had been his brother who had pulled him back. She opened her mouth to brush off the apology. She hadn't been bothered at all. However, before she got the words out the other one, Drake, she'd heard him call himself, threw his brother into a headlock. Closing her mouth again she watched them quietly and tried to puzzle the two of them out. When she came to no answer that way she looked back toward the other few who had gathered.

She found no answer to her question with them either. But she did make a few more notes regarding them. The one male was lean... there was muscle there, yes, but it was different from how one would expect it to be on a fighter. A gun user? It was possible. The other was most certainly a fighter, as he stated as much in the following seconds. He had the build to back up that claim as well. While not as wide at the shoulder as the one brother, this boy, Moru, didn't betray her expectations.

They all went quiet a few seconds later. Brynn was still caught up in her own little thoughts and took a short moment to realize that something was expected from her. Turning her head she faced the two brothers and raised her hand, palm faced out in a stationary wave.

"Brynn Argall. I'm a Nen-I user."
Mar 5, 2015 2:18 PM

Jan 2014
The girls description of me was a little hilarious to say the least. I never considered myself a 'pretty boy' and I have no recollection of ever having someone pursue me, granted i sent the better part of 4 years in a jail cell.
"I may not look the strongest but a battle is never always decided by pure strength. I am a sniper and I would say my mind is a better weapon than most DITE." I took out Argent and started running my fingers over the smooth surface
"seems the young man over there has found a platoon, though I would never have expected someone as quiet as that white haired girl." I finished my tea and waited for the female to finish, my butler training coming in to clean up after the girl.
Mar 5, 2015 2:39 PM

Jul 2012
"Blehhhh I hate thinking, I'd just go in and bust them people," she said as she finished the iced tea, then crushing it and tossed it into the nearby trashcan. "You seem to like that gun of yours a lot.." she said with a slight empathetic face as she then pulled out her fan to cool herself off. A rough way of treating her dite but it seems like she still cared enough for it to still look usable. "Are you looking for a platoon by the way..." her question was then interrupted at his mention of "white haired girl" she then turned to look and shouted in surprise,"AAAHHH ARGALL!" She then charged right for Brynn, grabbing the girl and shaking her she loudly asked, "Where the heck have you been Brynn!?You're my damn rival for Christ's sake did you find a platoon yet!?"

***** wait, seconds after the white haired-girl introduced herself as Brynn Argall, the red haired girl who was in a hissy fit before came back and was now shaking the tiny girl. Kendar gave the red-haired girl a wry look as he witnessed her explosive and energetic outgoing personality, the temper was also just as bad as he had recalled earlier. Regardless, Kendar was a lazy man and so he just stood back and watched this antic caused by red-hair.
Mar 5, 2015 4:27 PM

Jan 2014
Seems i did something wrong. I walked over to the group and I put my hand on Zaidi's head. She stopped shaking the girl who's name seemed to be Brynn and she immediately released when she felt the immense pressure from my grip on her skull.
"I am sorry for my friend's outburst. She seems to have been looking for her rival and just couldn't hold it in. We are both sorry"
I bowed lightly and the sound of cracking started to fill the people's ears as I unconsciously started to grip harder. I released the girl but helped walk her away
"Sorry for interrupting your platoon's meeting." I crack my eyes open and with a fake smile I mumble something under my breath
"You'd better get stronger to save yourself the embarrassment of losing to people looking to put you in your place"

I smile back and help walk Zaidi away from the group. I sternly but calmly scold the girl as I arrive at a cafe close by
"You shouldn't have outbursted like that, especially when people are looking and making judgments about people. We can't get platoon members if we are known like that other group" I sit her down and as the server comes, I order a cake and two teas.
Mar 5, 2015 4:47 PM

Mar 2008
Drake was grinning to himself, a sniper, a front liner and a Nen-I user! how lucky to get the basic make of a group right from the start! he wasn't one to leave things up to destiny but it sure seemed to be in his corner, now all that was left was to test these guys out and get the Platoon started "Seems that way snips and i'd say training grounds, I need to make sure you're ready for the best Platoon" he said with a grin just before the loud girl from before showed up.

Lucas was glad to see how happy his brother was over how easy things were going but just then the girl from before came seemingly out of no where shaking Brynn and going on about rivals leaving him more then a little confused but his brother quickly stepped in.

Just as Drake placed his hand on Brynn's shoulder where the girls hand was and was about to come to her defense a boy came out after her, he didn't seem the military type but Drake could sense a lot of kei in him, he straightened up at the apology saying "Just don't make it common place and all if forgiven" he chuckled teasingly with a serious side to it, he never was the type to get aggressive with girls but already seemed to be getting protective of his new Platoon.

After they had left Lucas sighed and Drake started again "Now where were we?" his hand was still on Brynn's shoulder as he watched the two walk away tell which caused Lucas to cough and Drake to realize pulling it away almost embarrassed but quickly recovered "Training! Yes!" he held his fist up "to the training grounds we go!" and he started off.

Lucas sighed chuckling a little as he waited for the rest of them "He has a one track mind sometimes but I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun together" he said to them all with a smile looking over at Brynn hoping she didn't get scared off by how overbearing his brother could be sometimes but she seemed different then most military students, was it due to her being a psychokinetic? He shrugged it off and started following his brother.
Mar 5, 2015 5:32 PM

Jun 2014
As soon as the white haired girl introduced herself, a red haired girl popped out behind her and started shaking her. Things seemed spontaneous, and the red haired girl left with some Kei user shortly after. It was all confusing yet he didnt care all that much, the training grounds awaiting him. "If you want to test our skills, I'll be glad to show you." He said with an eager smile. He was waiting for a fight that could entertain him ever since he came into the academy(although it had not been long). Who he could fight against here was extremely limited it seems, but it was still exciting to him nonetheless. "I'll meet you at the training grounds then, catch up if you can." Moru finished before bolting off at great speeds towards the grounds.
Mar 5, 2015 6:05 PM

Feb 2013
Her introduction now done, Brynn lowered her hand and went quiet under the assumption that there was nothing else expected of her at the moment. And with her attention once again wandering, she noticed the fast-approaching steps. Just as she started to turn her head toward the source two hands clamped down over each of her arms and began to shake her rather violently. Though unable to focus her eyes on the culprit without hurting her neck she did recognize the voice.

The shaking was short-lived, as she soon felt Zaidi's grip loosen and drop as well as a steadying hand on her shoulder to keep her from stumbling by the sudden release. She took another couple of seconds in silence to let her head stop spinning. Once all was back in order she looked both at Zaidi and the boy standing behind her with his hand on her head. She didn't recognize him.

He was lean like the gun user behind her. Maybe this boy was the same or similar? He uttered an apology for the girl's actions and walked away with her. Brynn watched the two as they went. Something about the boy's face had struck her as odd but she couldn't quite figure out what it had been. It bothered her, but only minimally and was shortly forgotten.

The hand on her shoulder was pulled back in short order and after loudly declaring the destination Drake started off. Moru followed right behind and quickly overtook the jogging Drake. Brynn watched the two run off and then looked back at the exit where Zaidi had left with the other boy. She hadn't answered the girl's question before she'd been dragged away. Maybe if they saw each other later she could answer then. She looked back to Lucas then and pointed in the direction Drake and Moru had gone, as if to ask if they were going to follow. The answer was wordless as the question, and she walked casually behind him.
Mar 5, 2015 9:10 PM

Jul 2012
Moments after she started to shake Brynn, the boy Lyric from earlier then had a firm grip on her head and his whispers only agitated her even more so. Dragged away without even getting a proper response from Brynn nor a declaration to her, now left Zaidi in a very bitter sour mood. Now finding herself at a table with some cake and tea. She couldn't but be helped to follow in his calm pace even if she herself was energetic. "Muuuu~ but but... Ack! I can't take this anymore!!!I don't care where I end up all I want is to beat Argall! I could care less about a team so long as they don't drag me down and I don't drag them down which will probably happen cause I'm a baka!" She cried out in anger and angst at her own weaknesses. But then she took a sip of tea and then called down for a bit. "So why not just leave this idiot here, otherwise you'll get yourself hurt or I end up dragging you by the head next time, huh?!" she said with an irritated face.


Kendar just followed after the rest of his soon to be new platoon. Right off he bat he could tell the boy from earlier was extremely irritated for some reason. With a lazy face he followed after the others with a sigh as they headed towards the training area.
Mar 5, 2015 10:42 PM

Mar 2008
Drake notices Moru passing him so he picks up his speed and after finding he wasn't able to catch up he grinned widely as he started to have a slight aura, with DITE in hand he activated his favorite Technique Internal Kei - Uzukei giving him a boost of speed, using it in short burst he slowly catch back up to Moru "I'm not about to let you win that easy Metalman!" Drake said teasingly as he began running alongside Moru while trying his best not to run into anything but still greasing a few shop signs on turns leaving the others behind with Lucas.

Lucas chuckled and sighed as his brother went out of sight "He just can't back down from a challenge..." Drake was like this a lot so he was used to it but he didn't know how well showing everyone this side of him from the very beginning was going to work, he knew deep down how good of a friend and person his brother could be but he sometimes had an overpowering aura about him and when he was set on something he'd do all that it took to make it happen. Letting it go as he could do nothing to stop it he tried to enjoy the walk with Brynn and Kendar on the way to the training ground.

"So..." he wasn't normally the talkative type but the silence was bugging him "What brought you two to Zuellni?" he went through many questions and topics to bring up in his mind but ended up just asking the basic of the basic slightly nervous he continued "I'm hoping to learn more about building DITE, my Father says I should take some administrative classes while I'm here but that won't be my main focus..." he became more and more embarrassed having mentioned his father like some kid but he couldn't take the words back now "I-I won't let it get in the way of my mechanic duties so you don't have to worry!" he quickly said as if to cover it up.

Drake was getting cocky as he pulled ahead for a bit but it didn't last long as he plowed right through a packed outdoor cafe barley avoiding the students only to hit a wall with his foot and using it to bounce back and up over all the students outside catching up to Moru just in time to make it to the training area, breathing a little heavier Drake chuckled "You have some speed on you for a Metalman" he taps Moru on the shoulder before entering the training around "You pass the first test, let's see how you do on the second" Drake took a deep breath "Let's see if we can get this done before they get here, I still have to test the other two, though that girl is being tested right now" he looked up wondering if she was able to still see them and what his brother would be able to learn from those two.
Mar 6, 2015 2:28 AM

Jan 2014
"because" I sip my tea as the cake arrives "You remind me of a certain person I used to know. She was just like you, hot headed and very loud but very kind. I can tell deep down of your potential, just waiting to be released. With the proper training, even a 'dummy' can do amazing things." Zaidi was exactly like Argent, but I couldn't tell her that she looked just like her. Gods why do you hurt me so. I begin to eat some of the cake when my eyes spot more kei, following from a young man eating by himself a few tables down. It was incredible Kei to say the least.
"Hmm, if you want to beat your rival then you need a platoon, I shall help you in creating a group that would even take out the finest military unit. And I believe I found our next member."
I lift myself from the seat and head over to the man sitting by himself. I take a seat opposite him before holding out my hand.
"Hello sir, my name is Lyric D'Arc and I would like to recruit you to my platoon"
Mar 6, 2015 7:23 AM

May 2014
Takuma was eating his cake and drinking his coffee in a very slow manner, while he watched his surrounding. The air head who yelled loudly at the group earlier was brought to the cafe by a young man. He did not pay anymore attention to them while he looked at the people wandering around. Suddenly someone was taking a seat in front of him, holding out his hand and talking to him. Takuma looked at the hand. What the hell is wrong with that guy... his way of talking is well mannered but the rest is not... "Why?" Takuma slowly raised his cup of coffee to take a sip of it. As if he had lost interest he turned his head again to look at the street. Oh look the first person who got lost... As he was thinking this someone was running around asking people where he was. Takuma couldn't surpress a smirk at that sight. That's what you get from running around without a plan...
Mar 6, 2015 10:28 AM

Feb 2013
Within seconds, both males were gone, taken off down the street toward the training grounds. Brynn was in no rush and so she walked slowly. The gun user didn't appear to be very talkative, not unlike her. Between the two of them and Lucas there wasn't much in the way of conversation. She took to looking around at the buildings as they passed by, at the people, even at the cracks between the stones lining the streets.

Everywhere she looked were people dressed in blues and whites and obsessionally browns and oranges. There was a lot of green, too, with trees large and small lining the streets. The roads were well kept, with few signs of of degradation. She couldn't see any bundles of grass or weeds poking up between the cracks either.

"So... What brought you two to Zuellni?"

Brynn turned her head back to look at the boy that had asked the question. Her expression didn't change but she looked like she was trying to think of a response while he shared with them his own reasons for coming. Why had she come? She supposed it was obvious enough to her but it still took her a few moments to say anything.

"It seemed the best option."
Mar 6, 2015 10:44 AM

Jan 2014
"You know it is very impolite to look away at someone when they are talking to you" I retracted my hand as the man didn't look interested. I needed to get him interested.
"And as for your question, I can see the flow of Kei within you. You are very strong and I would love someone like you on my platoon. That is on pen and paper though. The real reason is I need strong kei users. I'm sure you've seen the group of the loud mouth first year. Someone needs to put them in their place if they hope to cooperate with the other platoons. Join me and we will teach them a crash course in humility. Or you could sit around and watch life pass you by with nothing to do. There are no freebies in life."
I get up and bow slightly before returning to Zaidi and sipping my tea
Mar 6, 2015 1:47 PM

Jul 2012
Zaidi was calmly enjoying her tea and cake as she watched Lyric's attempt to recruit someone. To say the least she was happy it was her favorite cake and the tea fits it very well. A fork in hand she was about to take a scoop of the cake when something or someone ran through the cafe the wind from their running somehow caused her cake to fall onto the ground. Enraged she was able to figure out who it was using her nen-I the boisterous guy from earlier who should be in the same platoon as Brynn. However she now found herself wailing and crying over her poor precious cake. "Nooooo! Not cakey!!!" When Lyric came back to the table to take a sip of tea, Zaidi had already dried off her tears and cleaned up the mess though slightly still sniffling. "So! What did he say?" she asked in a rough manner still cracked.


Kendar had nothing to say nor did he feel like making small talk as he enjoyed the peace and quiet. Somehow he was being ignored and no one took notice of him, it's like his past doesn't matter and he was grateful of the peace and quiet he finally deserved. At Lucas's question he responded frankly and haphazardly," Leave," which could be misunderstood.
Mar 6, 2015 1:50 PM

May 2014
"Well who is impolite? Just sitting down without asking if the seat was open... Also I don't have a reason to teach others something. And don't talk about freebies in life to me, you have no idea." Takumas kei vanished from one moment to the next and he was holding a dite in his hand. As if lost in thought he was staring at the dite for a moment before placing it back in his clothes. "Why should I be interested in joining a platoon?" Takuma was saying those things loud enough to reach Lyric who was leaving his table. Takumas kei was masked and not a single bit of it was leaving his body.
Mar 6, 2015 5:58 PM

Jul 2012
All Zaidi could tell was that Lyric failed and so she walked up to the man. As rude as ever she doesn't have much manners but she didn't take a seat and just stood there and asked "Oi, why don't you want to join a platoon? There's more benefits in being in a platoon so I don't see why you're not interested!" she somehow managed to seem smart with that statement. "If I'm right anyone would jump at the chance to be in a platoon cause then you get to carry your DITE with no restrictions I hate rules for the most part but if I could get something that I want by being a bit civil I'd take that opportunity. Otherwise you won't like what I'm gonna do to you next." She threatened.
Mar 6, 2015 6:20 PM

Jan 2014
I spit out the tea I was drinking at Zaidi's outburst to the man. I hadn't expected it nor did I expect her to threaten him. Maybe I should get her cake more often.
Still, I cleaned the place my tea splattered on and listened to Zaidi 'negotiate' with the man. This would be the weirdest form of negotiating and if it worked Zaidi would definitely be the leader
Mar 6, 2015 9:32 PM

Mar 2008
The best option and leave... The two seemed to be giving Lucas a lot to work with making him chuckle a little nervously "Well.. um.. it is a pretty good option to further your studies..." he said to Brynn still trying to keep the small talk going but feeling like he was fighting a losing battle "I think I missed a little bit of what you said though mister... Kendar?" he had thought the name a little strange but it was to be expected when meeting people from other Regios.

With all the uncomfortable silence at the start and the lack of really any communication the walk felt like it was taking forever but they finally made it to the training ground as Lucas gave off a sigh of relief "Looks like they already went inside so let's just head on in" he said with a happy smile now that he was going to be back with his brother and not trying to entertain strangers. (just post there next)
Mar 7, 2015 12:34 AM

May 2014
"Well how do I say it. I never saw an advantage in all those duties.... But to keep my DITE whould be nice...." He thought about it for a moment. While he was in thought she threatened him. "What a wonderful platoon... first someone who is half mannered half rude and now someone who threatens people in their first conversation... What else do you have? Someone who attacks random people just because they breath?" Takuma was looking slightly irritated. What's up with those people? But it is indeed an advantage to keep your DITE... Maybe I should join them... He slowly raised the cup of coffee to buy some time while thinking about the whole thing. "Oh by the way what did that guy give you? I mean your argueing has far more thought in it than the yelling earlier... Or are you really not an air head?" With that I can buy some more time...
Mar 7, 2015 5:15 PM

Jul 2012
"Ehhh? What the heck are you talking about?All I had was some cakey?"she asked with a tilt to her head. All of a sudden she then banged her fists on the table causing it to shake and then screamed in realization," Wait!!! Are you calling me an idiot?! Are you trying to piss me off!? No wait! I'm already pissed off cause I didn't even get to finish my cakey! That bastard is in for it the next time I run into him! And you really want me to drag you in half dead?" She finished in a very irritated evil tone as she then pulled out her fists and then cracked all her knuckles like a bully would.
Mar 8, 2015 3:19 AM

May 2014
"At least you realized what I said..." He still looked a bit bored but it seemed like she had at least a bit of his attention. "Still it could not harm if you think before acting... I can somehow see how this platoon will end up..." How can someone get this angry over a cake? He put his hands together in front of his mouth and looked at her. "So you are saying I should enter the platoon to carry around my DITE. I can also see that you have 2 people for now. Are there more people in your platoon? Can the platoon provide me with another reason to join? I wanted to search for work, if I would join the platoon I would not have that much time left to make money. How am I supposed to live after I finish studying here?" Somehow I doubt that she is able to answer my questions...
Mar 8, 2015 8:38 PM

Jul 2012
"With you that's five no wait I mean three, yah that's right it's just the two of us in this platoon that hasn't started up yet. We don't have any more members," she replied in her usual stupid manner. Another reason? The fun of being in a group then by yourself?" she asked with a finger on her chin and a tilt to her head. At his last question she just rudely stated," Hah? Obviously you just go and work then?!"
Mar 9, 2015 2:06 AM

May 2014
"Is that so... okay I will join." He looked quite unsatisfied by her answer. At least I'm gonna keep my DITE... "So what's on the agenda?" Takuma drank the last bit of his coffee after he finished the rest of his cake. The coffee and the cake are great here... I should make a note to come here more often... Still sitting he waits for an answer. The sun is shining neither too hot nor too cold, while there are less and less students running around on the street. A waitress comes to ask if Takuma wants another piece of cake or another coffee. "For now I'm good."
Mar 9, 2015 2:58 PM

Jul 2012
"Agenda? I know I have one, but I don't think our group itself has one???" she asked with a slight hum. She then yelled for Lyric,"Oiii! Lyric? Come over here I got him!" When Lyric joined them she then pulled out his hands and said with a cough,"First we should introduce everyone right? Zaidi Xellac." She then extended her hand out for a handshake with the man she just recruited and still hasn't heard his name. She then asked, "And so... what do we do? We have a platoon now right? Don't we have to do something or something?"
Mar 9, 2015 3:41 PM

Jan 2014
I finished paying for the meal and even got a cake to go. I couldn't believe she was able to recruit the man
"Sorry for my previous manner, my name is Lyric D'Arc" I held out my free hand while trying to keep the cake from Zaidi's hands
"i believe that we need to get officially registered with the student council. I think we should also focus on finding a mechanic to work with us, the proper tuning of our DITE would be a very high priority"
Mar 9, 2015 5:38 PM

May 2014
"Takuma Shingen." He looked for a moment at the hands, but then the handshaking got real... Takuma quickly paid for his cake and coffee. "Mechanic hm..." He pulled out a city map and looked up where the Alchemy Complex for the machanics is located. He put away the map and stood up waiting for the others to tell him what they want to do or rather where they want to go...
Mar 13, 2015 2:32 AM

Jul 2012
Zaidi had already noted the cake that Lyric had bought, eyeing it as he walked on over and joined them for the handshake. However Lyric was well guarded as he kept the cake from her grasp, taunting even as it was within her sight almost begging for her to take it. "Oi wasn't the cakey bought for me?!" she pouted as she attempted to grab the cake as they discussed their possible plans. Admitting defeat for now, the girl decided she'll steal the cake from him later with an evil grin she thought,.Don't worry cakey you'll soon be Zaidi's snack "So why does it look like I'm the one deciding huh???"she asked in disdain," you guys do know I'm an idiot right? Don't we need someone smart and uhhh char-char-charstmas to lead us? Arghhh!!! Lets just get our group signed up already!!!"
Mar 13, 2015 5:59 PM

Jan 2014
I chuckled at Zaidi's reactions, both to the cake and to being the leader
"I assume you mean charismatic. But while you aren't that, you are a wildcard, and an unconventional group such as ours needs an unconventional leader. But don't worry, If need be I assume takuma or I will help you. And maybe the more you do the more cake will appear in your future"

I turn to head towards the training area before looking back
"but first things first, I believe we should test each other out in the training area"
Mar 14, 2015 1:02 AM

May 2014
Takuma just had to smile at how easy she was to read. That stare at the cake and that evil smile, way to easy to understand what she was up to. charstmas... control yourself.... don't laugh... just don't... At Lyric's response to Zaidi he could only look as if someone said 'it's cold you can trust me' while pointing at a big fire. "Training area... hm..." He slowly starts to walk towards the training area, out of habit he did not make any sounds while doing so, as well as concealing his kei.
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