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Jun 10, 2011 3:59 PM

May 2009
Guardian978 said:
Now that I think about it, Rasengan isn't Wind-element until Rasenshuriken, so had Sasuke learned from Pervy Sage he could've made his own Lightning Rasengan ...

I don't think elecricity would work well with rasengan, it would just blow it up. The nature of rasengan is whirl, so it was natural to combine it with Wind element :P
Jun 10, 2011 5:52 PM
Jun 2011
Lol...I just joined this site just to comment...anywhooo...
The Re-Caps are just to Annoy yet Keep you in a tense mood...I'm probably guessing that at the end TOBI...will somehow gain the upper hand and pose the ULTIMATE threat to the Leaf Village and probably everyone will gather to defend it and Naruto gets in a Battle to the Death with him. TOBI obviously will manage to almost defeat Naruto and somehow right at the very LAST moment when he is about to finish Naruto off Sasuke will jump between them and sacrifice himself...with a whole I'm sorry for what I've done Naruto...(practically erasing all his crimes he committed and making him a Martir) Naruto will go into some kind of Rage-Mode and finish TOBI off...Anyone comes up with another idea pls do tell i'm curious of everyones thought (and also if anyone could hit it right and perfectly guess the last episodes/events )

(P.S. After these episodes Sasuke could somehow be affected by Naruto's words and go into a WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO state and lays low for a while...just to make sense on what I said above
Jun 10, 2011 6:11 PM

Jun 2009
fukushi said:
I wonder why do I still watch this?..

Because the canon is still superb? Also, at this point we are so attached to the characters we just want to see their outcome. It would take a particularly epic screw up from Kishimoto to blow Naruto completely at this point, and honestly, the chances of this happening are very slim thankfully, the guy knows his craft.


Really people... REALLY?! How can some of you miss such obvious cues?! People really HONESTLY didn't get why their jutsu's were swapped?! You didn't get that most of these flashbacks were NOT a recap and instead a flash on Naruto's thought process (a little overblown for "filler" purposes but still)?! Come ON! If you really lack such basic comprehension skills you should start reading grown up books asap and drop anime for a while. /rant
"There is no stupid questions, only stupid people."
Jun 10, 2011 11:00 PM

Jul 2010
I almost rather them have complete fillers than these mostly filler flash back episodes, they are making the main story painful to watch.
Jun 11, 2011 1:02 AM

Dec 2009
Yeah, gotta love how this entire episode took place during the last one, during the second where Sasuke and Naruto's attacks met...

Sigh, are they really so afraid that they'll catch up to the manga?
Jun 11, 2011 9:44 AM

Jul 2009
Good episode but would've been great without the flashbacks.
Jun 11, 2011 2:53 PM

Mar 2010
Hm to think naruto could of been weaker or perhaps stronger with vengeance

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 11, 2011 5:51 PM
Sep 2010
I have no idea why the hell people voted 5 or even 4 for this.

Glad you guys enjoy flashbacks, but most of us sure as hell don't. /skimmed 99%

I gave it a 1 for being completely uninteresting. :/
Jun 11, 2011 6:58 PM
Sep 2009
Another episode of recycled material and it looks like nothing will change next week.
Jun 11, 2011 7:00 PM
Jun 2011
This is just ridiculous... All that really happened in this ep was naruto held back Kakashi whilst Naruto and Sasuke ran at eachother... I'd rather they just give us a filler of young naruto racing frogs or something, i could skip it, wait for a real canon ep and not be disapointed.

Honestly, they could have replaced the overused flashbacks in the prev ep and fitted the entire canon parts of this ep into the last one. Their scripters must be goldfish seeing as around half of an average Naruto ep is flashback.
Jun 12, 2011 1:43 AM

May 2011
yea agree...

last time i was excited and can't wait for naruto shippudden episode to come out, but due to those previous episodes it slowly makes me think "how much flashback for this episodes..." whenever i am going to watch it. now i might stop watching for a month or 2(i know it's quite a short duration though) since i am totally uninterested already, and even the preview seems like it's going to have more and more flashback... :S
Jun 12, 2011 1:47 AM

Jun 2011
The Flash backs killed it for me...I was being completely generous by giving it a 3 out of 5. All i ask for are some epic battles between team 7!
Jun 12, 2011 8:23 AM

Jul 2009
Monad said:
Queen_Stars said:

I wonder is re-cycling is an alternative to fillers, if so, what's worst?

You mean you just realized that? Did you honestly think the manga had all those flashbacks you've been viewing the last few episodes?

Actually, no...
I read the manga and know it to be of good quality and doubt a manga would get away with this; the manga keeps the anime going.

I think that re-caps are a great way of saving cash, as fillers require a storyboard to invent a plot.
I wonder if they have caught on to people dissliking fillers, as many unfortunate people have bough anime boxsets, some of which avaliable are 95% filler (episodes split into separate DVD's); which dampen the overall quality of the original series; as they're hardly relivant - it seem the storyboard don't even follow the series at times.
Ultimatley, perhaps they think people are happy viewing relivant, past material?
Or maybe, they're in it for themselves; the above being an excuse? Marketing is key.

Jun 12, 2011 4:20 PM

Aug 2010
The flashbacks are torture!
Jun 12, 2011 6:19 PM

Aug 2009
it pains me to press the forward button to skip what needs to be skipped, and then i realise there's only 1 min of the show left before the ending hits in, just after pressing the forward button one more time again... *depressing shit*

3/5 just for that run and for Sasuke's shocked look when Naruto told him what he was least expecting, that he understands him.
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Jun 12, 2011 8:51 PM

Dec 2008
If fast-forwarding didn't exist I wouldn't have even bothered to watch this episode.
Jun 13, 2011 10:18 AM

Apr 2011
I tought that the beggining of the fight Between Naruto And Sasuke would be on this episode !
And Those Flashbacks SUCKS !
Jun 14, 2011 12:40 PM

Feb 2010
-Quite a short episode.

Nothing much to say except this episode is full of flashbacks o.O
Though I manage to somewhat enjoy the inner confrontation/conversation between Naruto and Sasuke.

Next episode doesnt look too promising though.
Jun 14, 2011 5:49 PM

Oct 2010
I think 90% of those flashbacks were really needed, especially the last one when Naruto explains why he wants to save him so badly and in the next episode he will probably tell him that he loves him as a brother, hehe.
I think we would be all satisfied if that ep was a bit longer, so then flashbacks wouldn't be stealing the real action.
20 minutes (real action) + additional time for flashbacks = 35 minutes :P

Damn, can't wait until next ep.

PS. I have a hunch that Naruto may actually convince Sasuke to become a good boy :P

top 3 anime: Code Geass | One Piece | Death Note
Jun 16, 2011 10:45 AM

Apr 2011
Lol the manga chapter in which this episode was based doesn't even have any flashbacks. There were way too many unnecessary flashbacks especially the one where Sasuke says "thank you" to Sakura, lol I think that one has been repeated like 3 times already.
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Jun 16, 2011 5:06 PM

Jan 2010
None of you would survive watching Gundam SEED?Destiny! that whole show is practically known for flashbacks! lol
Jun 16, 2011 8:28 PM

Dec 2009
you know i gotta admit, while the storyline right now is getting bit bland with all the flashbacks the animation is getter better especially the last couple of eps
Jun 17, 2011 9:30 PM

Feb 2009
711 said:
fukushi said:
I wonder why do I still watch this?..

Because the canon is still superb? Also, at this point we are so attached to the characters we just want to see their outcome. It would take a particularly epic screw up from Kishimoto to blow Naruto completely at this point, and honestly, the chances of this happening are very slim thankfully, the guy knows his craft.


Really people... REALLY?! How can some of you miss such obvious cues?! People really HONESTLY didn't get why their jutsu's were swapped?! You didn't get that most of these flashbacks were NOT a recap and instead a flash on Naruto's thought process (a little overblown for "filler" purposes but still)?! Come ON! If you really lack such basic comprehension skills you should start reading grown up books asap and drop anime for a while. /rant

Jun 17, 2011 10:26 PM

Jan 2009
This shit is getting ridiculous. Don't the animators realize that constant flashbacks are ruining this show. As I'm typing, episode 115 is playing in another tab cause it's pointless to watch something that I already know happened. This shit is totally unnecessary. I seriously want to know what will happen next but these animators or director is making it impossible to enjoy what can be considered a critical point in the storyline.
Jun 17, 2011 10:46 PM

May 2010
Nothing much happened.. just dialog.. They're starting to get a habit of showing flashbacks every so often.. flashbacks we've seen several times :-P

The ending was kinda creepy.. were they in an alternate universe? haha
Jun 19, 2011 4:44 AM

Apr 2011
I'm sick of the flashbacks. Just get to the action, but then again that's why the manga is better than the anime.
Jun 20, 2011 6:25 AM

Oct 2009

Also this confirmed Karin is definitely better than Sakura, she knows when to give up.
Jul 2, 2011 1:38 PM

Mar 2009

Jul 4, 2011 7:34 PM

Jan 2008
Reversed roles, huh?
Naruto looked cool with Chidori.
Though I can't say the same with Sasuke doing Rasengan. :D
Sep 28, 2011 6:56 PM

Sep 2008
shinki7 said:
azoth50 said:
since no one posted it i'll post it..Got a giggle out of this episode because when sasuke and naruto were running at eachother and were about to hit, naruto had chidori and sasuke had the rasengan..iunno made me laugh so i thought id share.
Yea! I thought they drew wrong!

I noticed that, too. XD Thought my eyes were failing me...

I liked the episode, but I really do wish they hadn't mixed in so many flashbacks with actual content. Either had a 100% flashback-y episode that we can skip over, or an episode with 100% original content. But not a mix. Makes it ever harder to even want to watch the episodes...
Dec 6, 2011 12:02 PM

Jun 2009
They both understand each other just with a punch
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Jun 28, 2013 1:47 AM

Aug 2012
they're in fairy world!
Jul 15, 2013 11:57 AM

Jan 2013
I'm waiting for Sasuke to say: "I don't care. STFU already."
Jan 4, 2014 4:15 PM

Aug 2013
Naruto's face at the start in slow motion...

"you tried to hurt her, huh.. yeah we're going to have words".

Not sure what it meant that she knows how she feels, i'm really hoping "she doesn't want to kill saskue" rather than "she's still in love with a killing psycho hate machine"

And for some reason she still yells out naruto's name instead of the i have evil red eyes guy...

i liked the animation of the reversal of powers, as role reversal where Naruto went down the hate path
deplorableJan 4, 2014 4:33 PM
May 23, 2014 6:39 PM
Mar 2014
no one has asked about the mizukage. wasn't she following danzo with her two lackeys? how come she hasn't come yet to beat the crap out of sasuke. how did kakashi and naruto make it to the danzo bridge before the mizukage? arghhh
Jun 7, 2014 9:06 AM

Jul 2013
fucking sasuke
Sep 14, 2014 4:27 PM
Jul 2018
That thing of reversed roles was just too epic; and it seems like Sasuke is hearing everything Naruto's saying so at least he seems to be understanding it.
Really awesome episode.
Nov 24, 2014 7:04 AM
May 2012
That's right, Karin, don't give a shit about Sasuke anymore.
That scene was shaping up to be pretty good, but the flashbacks kinda ruined it :/
I remember watching those scenes and some parts of Sasuke vs Danzou on Youtube back then ahahaha.

merle_noir said:
shinki7 said:
Yea! I thought they drew wrong!

I noticed that, too. XD Thought my eyes were failing me...

I liked the episode, but I really do wish they hadn't mixed in so many flashbacks with actual content. Either had a 100% flashback-y episode that we can skip over, or an episode with 100% original content. But not a mix. Makes it ever harder to even want to watch the episodes...

Naruto was saying what if their roles were reversed, that's why Sasuke had the Rasengan and Naruto had the Chidori ;)
Dec 27, 2014 1:23 PM

Jul 2012
Haha finally Karin has opened her eye :D
Good thing there is Iruka sensei who safe Naruto childhood from darkness~

Jul 28, 2015 1:11 PM

Oct 2013
The pacing is starting to suck again ;-;
"The world cannot be changed with pretty words alone." ~Lelouch Lamperouge
Apr 4, 2017 8:14 AM

Apr 2016
i understand Naruto .... I understand Sasuke ... i undestant this plot is the base of this anime... but this stupids confrotations with a lot of words, but nothing of fights, with ends forgiving the rival, begi to be to me tired....

The next time, the last fight, combat, Naruto Vs. Sasuke, both will die!!!
Accepts bets:::: xD
Jul 5, 2017 3:50 PM

Aug 2010
"Sasuke, you are my goal" Naruto is gay confirmed lol
Oct 15, 2017 10:00 AM

Dec 2016
It was cool to see Naruto and Sasuke clash again, but all the flashbacks made this episode pretty meh
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Dec 6, 2017 2:53 PM

Nov 2017
Come on Sakura, you are more badass than this! She came a long way from where she was before, but it's not really showing here and that's a shame. :/
Aug 21, 2018 7:21 PM

Jan 2009
One of my biggest pet peeves is when an antagonist has a very stupid reason for being an antagonist. And Sasuke's reasons are moronic. You already got your revenge by killing Danzou.
Aug 28, 2019 3:56 AM

Mar 2015
Flashbacks aside, was a good episode.
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Nov 24, 2019 8:55 AM

May 2018
So the limit is now 1 chidori, 1 rasengan and 1 spiritual speech per episode... at least we're making progress, I guess :(
May 2, 2020 3:32 PM

Mar 2019
Big plans Sasuke.Big plans
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Aug 4, 2020 1:26 PM

Jan 2020
i guess clone naruto is still in bed since yamato didnt show
Mar 15, 2021 5:44 PM

Dec 2007
from some reason the too much flashbacks at the end made the whole epic scenes in the ep not shining enough...

the only flashback that i liked though was showing naruto vs sasuke fight at the end of part I right before they clashed their chidori and rasengan, kinda what naruto targeted at the moment.

sasuke is living proof that hatred is blinding, literally.
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