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Oct 14, 2014 2:08 AM

Jan 2013
I don't see the first episode yet but is he really bad ?

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Oct 14, 2014 4:17 AM

Nov 2013
So far it's pretty bad imo
Oct 14, 2014 10:35 AM

Aug 2013
It's ooook not as bad as Gundam Build Fighters at least
Oct 14, 2014 10:47 AM

Nov 2012
Haytin said:
It's ooook not as bad as Gundam Build Fighters at least
GBF is best gundam series EVER
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Oct 14, 2014 10:50 AM

Nov 2012
same reason why turn a not getting high score (actually quite high 7.76)
because its slow pacing and the main plot of this series not clear yet
not every anime fans have enough patience, they want straight plot, kewl action, antagonist and instant plot twist.
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Oct 14, 2014 2:20 PM

Sep 2007
Also, people are watching the terrible sub from HS and thinking that's the actual script.
Oct 14, 2014 3:37 PM

Sep 2011
Its a pretty poor show so far sadly, dialogue is really bad regardless of the subs you use as its almost entirely lazy exposition and stating the obvious making way for absolutely no personality in the characters, that and there is a absurd lack of motivation in the characters to the point where its on the verge of breaking the show.

It could get better as were only just getting into things(it took 3 episodes to get passed the basic synopsis of the show given before airing), but yeah purely based off the first 3 episodes in compariosn to the other gundam i have seened (all UC and anything pre turn A) this has the worst start in the franchise save for ZZ

Though without even watching the other, i can guarentee you this would like like a masterpiece in comparison to cross anal ange

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 14, 2014 8:32 PM

Apr 2008
It's strange and not that strange when you're familiar with Tomino's work.

After dealing with Unicorn and BF, this is a switch. Of course, I thought we would get trained from the comedy of BF. Tomino had his ups of downs within comedy and serious-war.

Ideon and Xabungle, Zeta and Double Zeta. We return to "funny" with G-Reco; by ep 2, it gets a bit serious.

I think G-Recon is a little strange so far.
Oct 15, 2014 1:07 PM

Sep 2011
shakeyourpup45 said:
It's strange and not that strange when you're familiar with Tomino's work.

After dealing with Unicorn and BF, this is a switch. Of course, I thought we would get trained from the comedy of BF. Tomino had his ups of downs within comedy and serious-war.

Ideon and Xabungle, Zeta and Double Zeta. We return to "funny" with G-Reco; by ep 2, it gets a bit serious.

I think G-Recon is a little strange so far.
i think its safe to assume G reco will at least be somewhat serious series, theres still pretty much no conflict yet despite being almost entirely action so far so when that finally gets going i think the tone of the show may begin to shift like episode 2's did
JizzyHitlerOct 15, 2014 7:03 PM

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 15, 2014 11:09 PM

Dec 2013
Its not bad, you just have some people who never watched Gundam saying it was bad, I thought it was great, love the series, some just say its bad because it was goofy, and/or the characters weren't taking stuff seriously, its like waaaaaaaaaaay after the Universal Century and there in the Regild Century, thousands of years (I think) after the Universal Century, with peace, so why not not take anything seriously IMO
Signature removed.
Oct 16, 2014 5:01 AM

Sep 2012
can i please just have another serious gundam... getting a bit tired of this semi-serious teen orientated stuff sunrise has been pushing out lately
Oct 16, 2014 5:25 AM

Dec 2012
^ It only looks like a semi-serious teen oriented stuff, but it does have most of the serious Gundam themes. The rapid factionalism and the insane dialogues running is the hallmark of Turn A seen here. Turn A however was a bit different show to begin with. To be honest, even his first Gundams are not devoid of comic stunts.
Oct 16, 2014 9:50 AM
Apr 2013
so far, for some reason im getting a victory gundam vibe coming from G no reconguista, so i dont think it'll be that bad when it gets going
Oct 16, 2014 11:09 AM

Jul 2010
It's pretty good actually, a loyal fan of Tomino would only desires a show like this, but if you're not used to Tomino's slow starts and to his half comedic interactions in-between serious moments then it's understandable that you might not like it.
Oct 16, 2014 11:14 AM

Oct 2008
Akanezora said:
It's pretty good actually, a loyal fan of Tomino would only desires a show like this, but if you're not used to Tomino's slow starts and to his half comedic interactions in-between serious moments then it's understandable that you might not like it.

Slow start? What other title besides Turn A had a slow start ?

Almost all are instant get to the choppa-gundam in the very first episode(s) ,gundam that just happened to be in the peaceful/independent colony ofc.
amateurOct 16, 2014 11:17 AM
Oct 16, 2014 12:28 PM

Jul 2010
amateur said:
Akanezora said:
It's pretty good actually, a loyal fan of Tomino would only desires a show like this, but if you're not used to Tomino's slow starts and to his half comedic interactions in-between serious moments then it's understandable that you might not like it.

Slow start? What other title besides Turn A had a slow start ?

Almost all are instant get to the choppa-gundam in the very first episode(s) ,gundam that just happened to be in the peaceful/independent colony ofc.

Well maybe just slow wasn't the best word to express it, I meant it psichologically "slow", so not related to the story but to the characters, like you know Tomino's main characters often tend to be unappealing in the first episodes (with the exception of extraordinary special cases like Shiro in Gundam 08th, who was quite charismatic as far I remember), since there's need of time and events to develop their young minds. I know that basically in every fictional story works this way, but in Gundam especially if you're not used to the franchise, these characters might be a turn off for some people.
Oct 16, 2014 10:26 PM

Oct 2007
IzayoiSk said:
I don't see the first episode yet but is he really bad ?

No, it's just a mecha series on MAL without a Gen Urobuchi or the like involved. Once you start taking MAL rankings even remotely seriously you've already lost.
PeacingOutOct 16, 2014 10:30 PM
Oct 16, 2014 11:11 PM
Sep 2012
Kaioshin_Sama said:
IzayoiSk said:
I don't see the first episode yet but is he really bad ?

No, it's just a mecha series on MAL without a Gen Urobuchi or the like involved. Once you start taking MAL rankings even remotely seriously you've already lost.

^THIS. I remember when AOT made it's debut and it jumped directly to the #18 spot. All that matters is whether YOU like the show. I'll watch low rated shows like Scrapped Princess and come out mouch more satisfied than I was with "masterpieces" AOT, Grave of the Fireflies, and Zankyo no Terror. If you're still not sure whether or not you should pick this up, wait for a good review written by someone who's completed it..
Oct 17, 2014 2:05 AM

Jul 2011
I heard many people saying bad stuff about this anime, and i believed them, and chose not to watch this, but then i got a day off, and somehow i decide to watch this, and omg this series is sooo interesting.

So, im saying this for me and for all, we should not let the public's taste decide which series we enjoyed or not, I'm not ashamed of rating this 9 even if people saying i shouldn't.

Oct 17, 2014 9:20 AM

Oct 2007
bakuenjincamillo said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

No, it's just a mecha series on MAL without a Gen Urobuchi or the like involved. Once you start taking MAL rankings even remotely seriously you've already lost.

^THIS. I remember when AOT made it's debut and it jumped directly to the #18 spot. All that matters is whether YOU like the show. I'll watch low rated shows like Scrapped Princess and come out mouch more satisfied than I was with "masterpieces" AOT, Grave of the Fireflies, and Zankyo no Terror. If you're still not sure whether or not you should pick this up, wait for a good review written by someone who's completed it..

Well I mean considering how far removed my taste in anime is from most people popularity ratings and rankings really just can't be of much used to me. I mean for example one of my absolute favorite series from this season so far has been Garo: Honoo no Kokuin which I think has been spot on in every category so far and is on pace for an 8/10 or 9/10 kind of score. MAL's current stats read

Score: 7.211 (scored by 2342 users)
Ranked: #23512
Popularity: #1535
Members: 15,847
Favorites: 19

By comparison I had expected to like Parasyte but have largely found it completely underwhelming and blandly produced so far and on pace for a 5/10 or 6/10. MAL esteems it:

Score: 8.281 (scored by 6634 users)
Ranked: #2202
Popularity: #683
Members: 42,513
Favorites: 145

See the remarkable difference. Basically the general taste is too different for me for rankings and ratings of the general userbase to possibly be of any use to me. My stance is if there's a show out there I think I'll like I'm more likely to find it on my own than to have someone direct me too it.

millo said:
I heard many people saying bad stuff about this anime, and i believed them, and chose not to watch this, but then i got a day off, and somehow i decide to watch this, and omg this series is sooo interesting.

So, im saying this for me and for all, we should not let the public's taste decide which series we enjoyed or not, I'm not ashamed of rating this 9 even if people saying i shouldn't.


Most people just like whatever is popular or has popular names involved and rate based on irrelevant factors and preconceptions that dictate reception long before they actually watch the show. Frankly I'm increasingly skeptical of most peoples ability, particularly on MAL, to even comprehend a series that doesn't come pre-packaged in some LN/VN style of writing, format and typical appeal anymore. Sometimes that's not even an issue though, sometimes it literally just comes down to hype and brand recognition. For example I don't think Parasyte could have possibly gotten it's score based on simple execution, but rather got it because it's Madhouse and currently there's a lot of buzz surrounding the studio even though I personally think Hunter x Hunter aside the studio is at the lowest point in terms of respectability of content and effort level I've ever borne witness too. Maybe that says a lot right there though.
PeacingOutOct 17, 2014 9:28 AM
Oct 17, 2014 9:44 AM

Aug 2012
Haytin said:
It's ooook not as bad as Gundam Build Fighters at least

Oct 17, 2014 9:46 AM

Apr 2011
yep, so far this is terrible. I don't really mind all the stupidity so far cuz it's Gundam and Gundam was always stupid whether it's unintentional (UC timelime) or intentional (G Gundam) but they need to work on the pacing.
Oct 17, 2014 7:43 PM

Nov 2011
IzayoiSk said:
I don't see the first episode yet but is he really bad ?

No, it's actually the best series of the year, and possibly the decade. Most people who say it's bad haven't watched much anime besides SAO and SEED. Do not trust the plebeians!

Really, it is good though. It's just that most probably aren't used to Tomino's style of anime. I'm on a Tomino kick at the moment watching Dunbine, two other Tomino Gundam series and this, so I guess it just clicks with me. It's actually like Dunbine and Turn-A love child.
Oct 17, 2014 7:45 PM

May 2012
At least it's better than the horrible Gundam Age.
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Oct 17, 2014 9:21 PM

Oct 2007
Lot of really stupid fake sounding opinions in this thread. Then again MAL. I love how people continue to be completely incapable of just expressing a bloody opinion without resorting to over the top hyperbole like they think it makes their opinion that much stronger and more important somehow.

Nagato-sanAOD said:

No, it's actually the best series of the year, and possibly the decade. Most people who say it's bad haven't watched much anime besides SAO and SEED. Do not trust the plebeians!

I think your focus is off. I honestly think and am largely convinced that after years and seasons upon seasons of exposure to typical late night anime and it's emphasis on otaku culture that the lions share of todays anime fandom that you see on sites like Crunchyroll and MAL just can no longer comprehend or appreciate a series that doesn't come in some pre-packaged VN/LN style of format, content, writing and aesthetics and just have no idea what to make of one if it happens to come along if they even bother to watch them at all. I think that's why it's not even on Crunchyroll cause there's just no way, like absolutely no way that sites crowd is going to have any idea what to think when watching it. It's also unpretentious so people can't invoke the hipster angle with it either so it's just kind of DOA in North America outside of old school fans for sure.
PeacingOutOct 17, 2014 9:32 PM
Oct 17, 2014 11:02 PM
Feb 2010
4 episodes in and it's not trying to be anything "special".(The next big thing.)

Even though it's mostly Gundam shows, Tomino has a certain style to his anime. Funny, serious, and very random(MS Toilet Seats, a Gundam Laundry machine). So far I am just having fun with the show, and the Ending theme is catchy as heck.

MAL is basically an anime checklist for me anyway. If i finish a show I rate it, if I drop it it's never rated simple.
Oct 17, 2014 11:31 PM

Dec 2013
Nagato-sanAOD said:
IzayoiSk said:
I don't see the first episode yet but is he really bad ?

No, it's actually the best series of the year, and possibly the decade. Most people who say it's bad haven't watched much anime besides SAO and SEED. Do not trust the plebeians!

Really, it is good though. It's just that most probably aren't used to Tomino's style of anime. I'm on a Tomino kick at the moment watching Dunbine, two other Tomino Gundam series and this, so I guess it just clicks with me. It's actually like Dunbine and Turn-A love child.
Don't forget that some of the people who say its bad never touched much of Gundam, or mecha period..
Signature removed.
Oct 18, 2014 12:24 AM
Jul 2018
Kaioshin_Sama said:

By comparison I had expected to like Parasyte but have largely found it completely underwhelming and blandly produced so far and on pace for a 5/10 or 6/10. MAL esteems it:

Score: 8.281 (scored by 6634 users)
Ranked: #2202
Popularity: #683
Members: 42,513
Favorites: 145

It is nice to see that someone shares my opininon on Parasyte. First episode was nice and creepy,establishing interesting premise. But the second episode was generic and weak.
Oct 18, 2014 12:37 AM

Nov 2012
BlueyFox said:
Nagato-sanAOD said:

No, it's actually the best series of the year, and possibly the decade. Most people who say it's bad haven't watched much anime besides SAO and SEED. Do not trust the plebeians!

Really, it is good though. It's just that most probably aren't used to Tomino's style of anime. I'm on a Tomino kick at the moment watching Dunbine, two other Tomino Gundam series and this, so I guess it just clicks with me. It's actually like Dunbine and Turn-A love child.
Don't forget that some of the people who say its bad never touched much of Gundam, or mecha period..

or not enough patience
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Oct 18, 2014 6:45 AM

Feb 2013
millo said:

So, im saying this for me and for all, we should not let the public's taste decide which series we enjoyed or not, I'm not ashamed of rating this 9 even if people saying i shouldn't.


-Yes,cuz clearly liking something different from you makes someone stupid.

-You actually used to let the people decide what you enjoyed or not,and you call others Stupid??????
King_of_HereticsOct 18, 2014 6:50 AM
Oct 18, 2014 6:48 AM

Feb 2013
As far as the series goes,It was pretty Cringeworthy and hard to sit through (And trust me,I sat through 3 episodes of ZZ),I'll probably pick it back up When/If The Char Clone is Introduced

This series is exactly why we like Tomino As an EMO
Oct 18, 2014 7:06 AM

Sep 2011
vongola-undecimo said:
As far as the series goes,It was pretty Cringeworthy and hard to sit through (And trust me,I sat through 3 episodes of ZZ),I'll probably pick it back up When/If The Char Clone is Introduced

This series is exactly why we like Tomino As an EMO
I sat through of ALL of ZZ(2nd half actually has its moments), the first 3 episodes og
G reco are definetly way worse than the first 3 episodes of ZZ and by defaults every gundam start, but ep 4 finally had a solid execution at least which took ZZ 18 god damn episodes to do

Shirubaasouru said:
At least it's better than the horrible Gundam Age.
if this is better than age then i am terrified of when i actually get around to watching it

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 18, 2014 7:13 AM

Nov 2012
JizzyHitler said:
vongola-undecimo said:
As far as the series goes,It was pretty Cringeworthy and hard to sit through (And trust me,I sat through 3 episodes of ZZ),I'll probably pick it back up When/If The Char Clone is Introduced

This series is exactly why we like Tomino As an EMO
I sat through of ALL of ZZ(2nd half actually has its moments), the first 3 episodes og
G reco are definetly way worse than the first 3 episodes of ZZ and by defaults every gundam start, but ep 4 finally had a solid execution at least which took ZZ 18 god damn episodes to do

Shirubaasouru said:
At least it's better than the horrible Gundam Age.
if this is better than age then i am terrified of when i actually get around to watching it

fuk yu ZZ is always good from the start
beecha > all
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Oct 18, 2014 7:28 AM

Jun 2013
JizzyHitler said:
vongola-undecimo said:
As far as the series goes,It was pretty Cringeworthy and hard to sit through (And trust me,I sat through 3 episodes of ZZ),I'll probably pick it back up When/If The Char Clone is Introduced

This series is exactly why we like Tomino As an EMO
I sat through of ALL of ZZ(2nd half actually has its moments), the first 3 episodes og
G reco are definetly way worse than the first 3 episodes of ZZ and by defaults every gundam start, but ep 4 finally had a solid execution at least which took ZZ 18 god damn episodes to do

Shirubaasouru said:
At least it's better than the horrible Gundam Age.
if this is better than age then i am terrified of when i actually get around to watching it

Don't watch AGE. You probably know by now that I'm a big Gundam fan, and while I don't like to say any Gundam series sucks, AGE just simply sucks. There are a few good scenes and it has a nice OST, but it's just so bad I can't give it any positivity beyond that.

On the other hand, since it's not on your list, I'd definitely recommend Gundam 00. It is very very good.
Oct 18, 2014 7:47 AM

Feb 2013
JizzyHitler said:
I sat through of ALL of ZZ(2nd half actually has its moments), the first 3 episodes og
G reco are definetly way worse than the first 3 episodes of ZZ and by defaults every gundam start, but ep 4 finally had a solid execution at least which took ZZ 18 god damn episodes to do

I Dunno,ZZ as a whole (well the few episodes i watched at least) was just Ughh (Do'nt even Get me started with the Gay Rose Guy),Whereas in this it was just some the character behaviour and dialogue (Oh lord the Dialogue),that Came off as Cringeworthy (And that's saying alot considering the Gems Gundam has provided us with over the years)

As far as sitting through ZZ goes,I Gotta Applaude.I lost all hope when That Pouf Fanboy was introduced

JizzyHitler said:
if this is better than age then i am terrified of when i actually get around to watching it

The first 2 genertions were pretty okay actually (Though I hated the Fuck out of Gen.2)..........3rd Gen Can only be described as a Shitfest With a few Cool Mechs
Oct 18, 2014 7:50 AM

Jun 2013
vongola-undecimo said:
JizzyHitler said:
I sat through of ALL of ZZ(2nd half actually has its moments), the first 3 episodes og
G reco are definetly way worse than the first 3 episodes of ZZ and by defaults every gundam start, but ep 4 finally had a solid execution at least which took ZZ 18 god damn episodes to do

I Dunno,ZZ as a whole (well the few episodes i watched at least) was just Ughh (Do'nt even Get me started with the Gay Rose Guy),Whereas in this it was just some the character behaviour and dialogue (Oh lord the Dialogue),that Came off as Cringeworthy (And that's saying alot considering the Gems Gundam has provided us with over the years)

As far as sitting through ZZ goes,I Gotta Applaude.I lost all hope when That Pouf Fanboy was introduced

JizzyHitler said:
if this is better than age then i am terrified of when i actually get around to watching it

The first 2 genertions were pretty okay actually (Though I hated the Fuck out of Gen.2)..........3rd Gen Can only be described as a Shitfest With a few Cool Mechs

The only bearable arc/gen (and I use bearable as in relative to the rest of the series) was gen 2. First gen was garbage, third arc was garbage, 2nd arc was just bad but not quite garbage. Asemu was an ok guy I guess and ended up knocking up a qt, but he alone can't save the show. And his son was probably the worst character in any Gundam ever.
Oct 18, 2014 7:58 AM

Sep 2011
ex_necross said:
JizzyHitler said:
I sat through of ALL of ZZ(2nd half actually has its moments), the first 3 episodes og
G reco are definetly way worse than the first 3 episodes of ZZ and by defaults every gundam start, but ep 4 finally had a solid execution at least which took ZZ 18 god damn episodes to do

if this is better than age then i am terrified of when i actually get around to watching it

Don't watch AGE. You probably know by now that I'm a big Gundam fan, and while I don't like to say any Gundam series sucks, AGE just simply sucks. There are a few good scenes and it has a nice OST, but it's just so bad I can't give it any positivity beyond that.

On the other hand, since it's not on your list, I'd definitely recommend Gundam 00. It is very very good.
Im going to watch every gundam hence why i need to bight the bullet and watch age.....and seed destiny, iv been watching them in order of release save for ova's but i may break that order and watch age before seed and 00,, hell i may hate seed too but at least it sounds more promising than age

ex_necross said:
And his son was probably the worst character in any Gundam ever.
HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY! realize what you just said? when you put that into the list of shit characters such as hathaway, katz, wufei, nina, and fucking quess. your saying a mighty heavy statement my friend

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 18, 2014 8:03 AM

Jun 2013
JizzyHitler said:
ex_necross said:

Don't watch AGE. You probably know by now that I'm a big Gundam fan, and while I don't like to say any Gundam series sucks, AGE just simply sucks. There are a few good scenes and it has a nice OST, but it's just so bad I can't give it any positivity beyond that.

On the other hand, since it's not on your list, I'd definitely recommend Gundam 00. It is very very good.
Im going to watch every gundam hence why i need to bight the bullet and watch age.....and seed destiny, iv been watching them in order of release save for ova's but i may break that order and watch age before seed and 00,, hell i may hate seed too but at least it sounds more promising than age

SEED isn't really that bad. Gundam fans hate it for multiple reasons, for one it was the first Gundam to not be hand drawn, etc. Kira is an easy character to pick on. He's the perfect guy and also a self-insert. But in all honestly its not that bad. It's a bit dated, those early 2000 shows seemed to have aged the worst of any anime tbh. But it is definitely an above-average anime (although that's not saying much, so many shit anime out there).

There are a few good scenes in AGE. This is one of the few I'd call actually good. starting about 9:00 mark. It's a sort of spoiler, so yeah. Pretty cool though.
Oct 18, 2014 8:20 AM

Sep 2013
The show has interesting ideas to work with, however, its doing very little (good) with it. We don't know much about the Reguild Century; such as the key countries/players and such, the dialogue is often awkward and filled with exposition, and it's difficult watching something where you have to question every decision a character makes.

As JizzyHitler has said, I think ZZ (for all the hate it gets) had a better start than this. But I'm still hoping that Tomino will pull through.
Oct 18, 2014 8:23 AM

Jun 2013
NebulaC3I said:
The show has interesting ideas to work with, however, its doing very little (good) with it. We don't know much about the Reguild Century; such as the key countries/players and such, the dialogue is often awkward and filled with exposition, and it's difficult watching something where you have to question every decision a character makes.

As JizzyHitler has said, I think ZZ (for all the hate it gets) had a better start than this. But I'm still hoping that Tomino will pull through.

I know man, it's like they aren't spoonfeeding us everything. I hate thinking for myself and coming up with theories. Thinking is such a pain.
Oct 18, 2014 8:33 AM

Sep 2013
ex_necross said:
NebulaC3I said:
The show has interesting ideas to work with, however, its doing very little (good) with it. We don't know much about the Reguild Century; such as the key countries/players and such, the dialogue is often awkward and filled with exposition, and it's difficult watching something where you have to question every decision a character makes.

As JizzyHitler has said, I think ZZ (for all the hate it gets) had a better start than this. But I'm still hoping that Tomino will pull through.

I know man, it's like they aren't spoonfeeding us everything. I hate thinking for myself and coming up with theories. Thinking is such a pain.

So getting the audience at least a little familiar with a story's universe, with completely different countries and such, is spoon-feeding? Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
Oct 18, 2014 8:49 AM

Jun 2013
NebulaC3I said:
ex_necross said:

I know man, it's like they aren't spoonfeeding us everything. I hate thinking for myself and coming up with theories. Thinking is such a pain.

So getting the audience at least a little familiar with a story's universe, with completely different countries and such, is spoon-feeding? Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

But we are at least a little familiar with the universe. There are many questions to be answered but they are not spoonfeeding us. We know about as much as we should for just the 4th episode in all honesty. I don't want to know where the plot is headed this early. Leave stuff for the imagination. That's most of the fun.
Oct 18, 2014 8:57 AM

Feb 2013
JizzyHitler said:
ex_necross said:
And his son was probably the worst character in any Gundam ever.
HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY! realize what you just said? when you put that into the list of shit characters such as hathaway, katz, wufei, nina, and fucking quess. your saying a mighty heavy statement my friend

Nah,As far as worst characters go,Characters like Quess and Nina have him beat,though he's easily the Wost Protagonist alongside Shinn Asuka.And probably the worst Male Character

ex_necross said:
I know man, it's like they aren't spoonfeeding us everything. I hate thinking for myself and coming up with theories. Thinking is such a pain.

What?????......Since when did you have to come up with "theories" on stuff like that (Did'nt know this turned into a detective game)

ex_necross said:
The only bearable arc/gen (and I use bearable as in relative to the rest of the series) was gen 2. First gen was garbage, third arc was garbage, 2nd arc was just bad but not quite garbage. Asemu was an ok guy I guess and ended up knocking up a qt, but he alone can't save the show. And his son was probably the worst character in any Gundam ever.

I find the first Gen to be pretty average,not that bad....The second Gen (I know most people think is the best part) I found to be pretty annoying and Cringeworthy......The 3rd gen was just Crap
Oct 18, 2014 9:14 AM

Oct 2007
ex_necross said:
NebulaC3I said:

So getting the audience at least a little familiar with a story's universe, with completely different countries and such, is spoon-feeding? Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

But we are at least a little familiar with the universe. There are many questions to be answered but they are not spoonfeeding us. We know about as much as we should for just the 4th episode in all honesty. I don't want to know where the plot is headed this early. Leave stuff for the imagination. That's most of the fun.

It's not a matter of spoon feeding, it's a matter of just there's things we know and things we don't know and if it's important to the story they'll get around to it when the time is right. Super bloody simple. The fact that people insist on faulting a show for their own inability to comprehend basic storytelling and to follow a developing narrative that's not just shrouded in some hype bubble where people already know the source material and are just waiting to see their favorite scene animated anymore just shows what a waste of time all of this is on the current anime audience. It's a pretty damn sorry sight the way people are clearly just completely incapable of approaching a show like this anymore where everything doesn't come pre-packaged and hype-marketed like a Fate/Stay Night or Aldnoah.Zero. Like it's not following otakudoms overused cultural memes and plug-ins as I call them and actually requires an understanding and approach beyond just the basics of self-insert leads, harems, quasi-deepish narratives that really don't consider anything of relevance to reality at the bottom line but rather provide a sense of base level comfort and familiarity, and snappy memetic sounding in-joke dialogue so clearly it must be terrible in the areas of characters, dialogue, themes (I don't even think people pay attention to themes at all anymore really) and directing right?
Oct 18, 2014 9:25 AM

Jun 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
ex_necross said:

But we are at least a little familiar with the universe. There are many questions to be answered but they are not spoonfeeding us. We know about as much as we should for just the 4th episode in all honesty. I don't want to know where the plot is headed this early. Leave stuff for the imagination. That's most of the fun.

It's not a matter of spoon feeding, it's a matter of just there's things we know and things we don't know and if it's important to the story they'll get around to it when the time is right. Super bloody simple. The fact that people insist on faulting a show for their own inability to comprehend basic storytelling and to follow a developing narrative that's not just shrouded in some hype bubble where people already know the source material and are just waiting to see their favorite scene animated anymore just shows what a waste of time all of this is on the current anime audience. It's a pretty damn sorry sight the way people are clearly just completely incapable of approaching a show like this anymore where everything doesn't come pre-packaged and hype-marketed like a Fate/Stay Night or Aldnoah.Zero. Like it's not following otakudoms overused cultural memes and plug-ins as I call them and actually requires an understanding and approach beyond just the basics of self-insert leads, harems, quasi-deepish narratives that really don't consider anything of relevance to reality at the bottom line but rather provide a sense of base level comfort and familiarity, and snappy memetic sounding in-joke dialogue so clearly it must be terrible in the areas of characters, dialogue, themes (I don't even think people pay attention to themes at all anymore really) and directing right?

Well you basically said what I was saying, just in a more elaborate way. I tend to agree with what you're saying, but I still think your disdain towards certain directors is unwarranted.
Oct 18, 2014 11:13 AM

Nov 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Lot of really stupid fake sounding opinions in this thread. Then again MAL. I love how people continue to be completely incapable of just expressing a bloody opinion without resorting to over the top hyperbole like they think it makes their opinion that much stronger and more important somehow.

I think your focus is off.

Heh, I should have probably not been so hyperbolic, though I do personally feel that it will be my favorite of the decade. Maybe it's just where I'm on a Tomino kick at the moment. Maybe it's because I'm watching the final episodes of Victory and pretty much anything else he's done is much better in comparison. Either way, I'm just not seeing the flaws that others are seeing with the show.

I've been seeing criticism that it's got a very slow start, but compared to other popular shows, it's been rather fast paced. Terraformars, F/SN UBW, and Attack on Titan all took (or are taking) some time to get to the actual plot of their respective stories. Heck, I've never seen a Gundam TV series (ZZ doesn't count) where everything is laid out before us and we have instant mobile suit warfare. So I don't get the slow start thing.

Kaioshin_Sama said:
I honestly think and am largely convinced that after years and seasons upon seasons of exposure to typical late night anime and it's emphasis on otaku culture that the lions share of todays anime fandom that you see on sites like Crunchyroll and MAL just can no longer comprehend or appreciate a series that doesn't come in some pre-packaged VN/LN style of format, content, writing and aesthetics and just have no idea what to make of one if it happens to come along if they even bother to watch them at all. I think that's why it's not even on Crunchyroll cause there's just no way, like absolutely no way that sites crowd is going to have any idea what to think when watching it. It's also unpretentious so people can't invoke the hipster angle with it either so it's just kind of DOA in North America outside of old school fans for sure.

Very much agreed. The sad fact of the matter is that North American anime fandom is populated by alot more youngsters than when I first started in. Many of these folks either just don't have the maturity or attention span for older mech series, let alone a new mech show pretending to be old.

I'm not trying to broad brush or be hyperbolic with that assertion. Since the old forum I used to go to closed down, I've had trouble trying to find an anime site I actually fit in at. Sadly, most of the NA/ English language sites are just to full of folks who feel like they're ten-fifteen years younger than me. When your young and an newcomer, you just don't have the perspective to actually say something was crap or a masterpiece. There were anime that I thought sucked back when I first started seriously watching, and a decade+ later I revisited the show realizing that I was wrong. That's not to say kids shouldn't be able to share their opinions. I just find it ridiculous that I go around the net seeing folks with Naruto, Attack on Titan, and Sword Art Online avatars criticizing this show.
Oct 18, 2014 11:57 AM

Apr 2011
It's honestly a pretty crummy series. I doubt I'll watch it past this week's episode.
Oct 18, 2014 12:11 PM

May 2012
It is rated higher than Cross Ange even though Cross Ange is miles better in almost every aspect.
Oct 18, 2014 12:12 PM

Jul 2011
vongola-undecimo said:
millo said:

So, im saying this for me and for all, we should not let the public's taste decide which series we enjoyed or not, I'm not ashamed of rating this 9 even if people saying i shouldn't.


-Yes,cuz clearly liking something different from you makes someone stupid.

-You actually used to let the people decide what you enjoyed or not,and you call others Stupid??????

lol ♥
Oct 18, 2014 12:30 PM

Apr 2011
thepath said:
It is rated higher than Cross Ange even though Cross Ange is miles better in almost every aspect.

Definitely agree, I'm definitely sticking with Cross Ange this season. Even though I'm a mecha fan I haven't really enjoyed a Gundam series since Wing, so I think I should just give up the universe as not for me.
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